The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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7?.-y t.Vjv--1! !. !ir i
s (Continued from Par On,) ' " y
. believed profoundly that men who
differed from him were wrong. Their
views night be innocent of vtclousnesa
but they were wrong-, and therefore he
waa convinced that v these .three men
could not be guilty because they repre
sented an Ideal that waa just and up
bright and' perfect, .'; v
wo Kay Be Oallty.
Harry Orchard, of course, he admitted.
might . have killed Bteunenberg. Even
Jim Blmpkln waa not free from suspl-
cion. But Bteunenberg had driven Or-1
; chard out of Idaho and thereby Orchard I
had been forced to sacrifice hie holding j
in a mine that la now worth million.' Or
chard might have 'fed hi heart on a
deadly hatred of Bteunenberg. And the
body of Blmpkin wa marred by the
healed wounda made by the bayonet of
: eoldters. Slmpklns, too, might have been
bitter enough to kill. But never tboe
three men. H could plainly, never con
vince himself of their guilt, and If they
were found guilty, he Just a plainly
s felt ' that, the verdict would be unjust.
-And then, a he said, there would be
'. "hell a popphV." He wa not quite clear
' a to how It would "pop." but th federa-
:, tlon had 10,000 members and he left th
rest to my Imagination.., , . , T ;
I pointed out 4o him that the United
,- 8tate of America wa on of the sover
eign nation of th world and that if
i th federation sent "hell poppin "
within Us frontiers, that th federation
. would, find itself in serious trouble. ,- .
But he gave no thought to what are
called "nation." He wa for mankind,
Sola reopl Prepared. - '
It 1 very sure, though, that if the
verdict does g against the merT and
"heir tart "a-popplnV it will not be-
gin in Boia, or at least, it won't "pop"
long. Every -car ha been taken of
-that Th people are all Tory silent
about It, and very steady in their, atti
tude to the accused men. Insisting that
they shall have a fair trial: but When1
they ay there shall be "no trouble In
Boise" their word 1 based upon careful
preparations. A week ago it wa sug-
: rested that Orchard might be killed in
the courtroom; but that wa only specu
lation. Every precaution will be taken
. against such a thing. And Orchard ha
' mad no tgn of retracting hi confes
sion. There are now no fear of that
Ala It 1 possible that Btev Adams,
who repudiated hi confession, ha suf-
fered a change of mind and maynext
time affirm it Even hi wife, whp la
here on terms of friendship with th
defense, may prove a valuable witness
tor th prosecution. . -Vt,? y
Th factor of th case are changing
vividly from day to day, and it 1 note
worthy that day by day th attitude of
th prosecution grow more confident
Th numberless loose string of a vast
amount of detective work are being
v drawn closer and on man, who know,
told m today that th case for th
prosecution Is now "tied fast and hog
tied." v.--.'. --.-
i Prosecution Confident
Counsel on both sides ar saylnr that
a-full Jury should b got before next;
Saturday, although It seems doubtful
whether any of th 11 men now in I
charge' of th sheriff will be Included. I
. It is qutt clear, that th Federation
and the Socialist bodies have been pour
ing xut money in the cause of th de
fense. The statement la made very pos
itively that agents of the defense hav
been working in Ada county for months
and as men in . this tt can serve- as
Jurymen after i i months' resldenc,th
herirrvlW"using-"gTeat car ln.,Selectlng
th nil venire of 100 'men. " But the
sheriff , has the" reputation of 'being a
very honest man and p. work under no
taint of. partisanship. " It is significant
toov that the reuort that Mover had once I in m forced into alanine- the "con
tracted little attention here. The full
story pf .that accusation cam to the
paper i- preBS dispatches on Friday.
Th owners of those papers called' In
Clarence Darr6w of the counsel for th
: defense, and when . Mr. Darrow said
thtrport was untrue did not publish it
Blr Only Fair TriaL
Ti seemed to m," Mr. Cobb, editor
of th Statesman, told me this morning,
that the publication of that ftory in
Boise woultt b prejudicial to th de
fense, and '-we all want, these men to
have an absolutely fair trial." ' , i:
And that trial will -be based on the
accusation that Nth defendant had
knowledge of overt acts of violence, be
fore they were committed, and had made
nrenaratlon before the trrest of offend
er for their defense or concealment, and
the assassination of Steunenberg was one
of those act of which, It will be alleged.
they had prior knowledge.
..(Continued from Fag Ona) 1
JY.Uil : LSI :
.'.il7 t-i
i W-Vi''-:-'
C f T C: A splendid collection of reproductions
V ."t J of the classic ; period styles correct
examples by the recognized leaders
in the making of fine furniture: in V
America; including; a! number of an- ;' ;
: , ' - ' ' , . ; , r ,.r . , . tique pieces and reproductions from, .w
' ' -V iS: - -:'f:J U --v'"'".- .. -! -v- ': '4 Europe in the designs that character :'
Ize the various nerloda in the historv of furniture construction and which todav are conceded bv authorities to be perfects' This extensive, showing,:;
is unequaled in its broadness of variety in any city in the west and represents our efforts oUnany months in selectmgf and ringingt
ductiona from the famous Grand Ranids. Mich manufacturers of hih-erade furniture Berkev & Gav. Royal Furniture Co., Onel, Cabinet Co r' t
vir a r i -r-; . i vtr t r r "l; t P. ai,-Aa 13 Hr TTmVirvr N
win. t. ocrttcy, xvciung r uiiuiurc
. New York, L. N. Brunswig of Paris,
- - m ttm . '' m
sive iratherinff ot iurniture ot character ana auaiitv" Parlor suites and odd nieces
and Louis XVI and the popular English designs of Hepplewhite, Sheraton and Chippendale, in mahogany, walnut,' violet hrdlu fwyp rdlu fwyp sdlup v
uriously upholstered and massive pieces for the library and living-room in the solid mahogany. Handsome bedroom suites in me stately.cdonial; r
Dining-room suites in the Italian,' Flemish and Spanish Renaissance and in the colonial and Sheraton. Hundreds of odd and hovel pieces for all rooms
Colonial hall clocks, massive and lighter Colonial designs in
writing desks,' Martha Washington sewing tables; reception
room pieces in the richly carved Queen Anne and Elizabethan
period designs; solid mahogany pedestals and jardiniere stands;
piano benches and music cabinets, the latter in beautifully fig
ured walnut parlor and; curio cabinets richly carved and plain
designs. Through the completeness of our stock' of decorative
materials-wall papers, wall fabrics, etc., and our .modern facili
ties we are enabled to carry out correct ideas in interior decora
tion to conform with any selection of furniture. "
: youi
t Harr
pettbone to the gallows and that when
he conclude hi . personal testimony
America and the world will stand aghast
at th federation crimes ne nas ais
Orchard Star Wiwess.
Harrv Orchard is- the one man who
ises to be the star witness lor ine
side from M cPariand. IT is and
hue been detained Jn the Idaho state
penitentiary, Bear Boiae. Quartered in
the hospital ward of the penitentiary
he ha been hospitably entertained by
the warden and shown every considers
tlon. From a recently released convict
it Is learned that Ore rd has been
treated more like a distinguished guest
than a prisoner who' is a self -confessed
Two' weeks ago extra precautions wer
taken by the authorities In guarding the
penltentlaryr Armed men on horseback
patrol the hills behinU the penitentiary
for the 'purpose of preventing persons
Intruding on penitentiary ground. Orders
were even given that no picture should
be taken of the walls or buildings.
-It is new said that the guards will
henceforth Uv in the penitentiary and
will not be allowed to visit outside until
' atfer, the trial. " These precaution ar
taken to prevent any federation man or
gent of the defense from communicat
ing with Harry Orchard.,
( Haywood Makes Garden,
" ""ah sorts of stories relative to
Orchard's breaking down and repudiat
ing his famous "confession" are in the
air. " Many person declare that h will
foil? the lead of Btev Adam when
jurappears on the witness stand by say
of food :
Th rat way to get well
and kp wU.
Thre't a Rtaton
hes stories com from federation men
who knew Orchard when he lived in the
CrlDDle Creek dlatrict in Colorado.: be
fore the outbreak of the. 1804 strike.
Detective McParland, l however, says
that Orchard will stick to hi "confes
sion" and that it will be corroborated
by additional evidence.
Defendant yr. V. Haywood was. nut
bright and arly In . his garden. By
permission of the sheriff he planted
quite a space of : ground , back of , th
courthouse In garden seed several weeks
ago, and now that vegetation 1 mak
ing it appearance, he 1 occupied aany,
when not in court, with keeping it free
from weed,- -- j ,-t,,- :
Accompanied ,by a cartoonist,": who
sketched as talked, X chatted perhaps
half an hour with th prisoner. , He Is
in excellent health and said that thia
time next year he would be working in
his own garden back horn In -Colorado,
H said h entertained no fears as to
the result and believed that an Impar
tial Jury was going to acquit him at
the end of a fair trial. Only one guard
witnessed our conversation and he stood
quit a distance away( languidly watch
ing the scene, ' f-v .?: '
Monday afternoon at t o'clock th ef
fort to aecure a Jury will recommence.
' (Continued front Page On.)
American . private, yacht . afloat, Th
story goe that he will be accompanied
by ex-senator John M. uearin or fort
land and other friend. Senator Oearln,
when questioned last night, observed
that th atory .had been started as a
Joke, but" when pressed to confirm or
deny it he confessed with a naive smile
tnat - au tnings were possiDie,--.
Jbong Activity Xer.
Th departure of William HHurlburt
from Portland will b regretted by a
large 'circle of friend here." He cam
to Portland in 1891, and was for sum
year general passenger agent of the
O. RV N. company. When th Morris
Bros, of Philadelphia, acquired and re
organized the Oregon Water Power A
Railway properties he associated . him
self with Fred 8. Morris, and as presi
dent of the company handled Its traffic
and operating departments with notable
success .until th road was soldJast
fear to the, syndicate that acquired" the
street railway, and electrio 'light .and
power properties In and about this city.
Since his retirement Mr. Huriburt has
taken" a well-earned ;-. rest , and visited
New fork and other eastern cities. His
preference for Portland as a place of
residence brought him back a week ago,
with th Intention of remaining her
permanently and undertaking an Impor
tant development enterprise. It Is said
that when the offer first cam from Mr.
Sweeny to take charge of hia New
York business Mr. - Huriburt declined.
but was induced to reconsider. '' ' , -
weeny's Xmarkabl Btandiag. '
Charles Sweeny is one of the strong
financial figure in the lead mining in
dustry. He Is a heavy owner of Federal
Lead company stock, and is associated
In this corporation with the Ouggen
helms, Rockefellers and others. His
wealth is estimated at $1S,000.000. He
I a resident of Spokane, but spends
much of bis time In Portland and New
York. -. '-'7:;vv-rVy -'.;.
Mr. Sweeny is Said to be th largest
non-resident owner of Portland's Inside
j Third and Morrison streets are , valued
at 11,500,000. He, l a prominent x-
ampl of .the numerous western.' men
who came practically penniless to th
Pacific northwest within th last dosen
years and acquired million of .dollar
through exploitation of th , mineral
wealth of thl region..'
Young Tacoman Fairly Swallows
Gas From Jet Till Ha Sinks
Down Insensible. :
(SiwelsJ Dltpttcfe t The lonratl.l
i Tacoma, Wash., May 11. Subject to
severe cramping pains In th stomach
which physicians could not relieve.
Clyde- Wilson, IB years of age, last
night went to th office of hi father,
Frank P. Wllaon, a prominent real
estate man, and committed sulcld by
inhaling gas. - av,. ,
Wilson, according to Coroner Stewart,
showed great determination in ridding
himself of life. He turned on a Jet
after locking himself In th office and
then, placing hia month over the Jet,
Inhaled the poisonous fume until he
sank to the floor insensible. ' -:
He was an only child and hi parents
are prostrated, Thursday nlghV'h suf
fered a . sever attack of . f stomach
cramps and then made threats- to his
father and mother that , he .would com
mit suicide unless he could get well.
They could not believe . he waa in
arneat, , - '
(Continued from Page One.) '
It is no secret that President "Roose
velt Is much more perplexed over th
situation rn New York state than- in
Ohio. Serious complications may artae
in the latter state if he insists upon his
desire to have Foraker eliminated as a
senatorial factor. ' But he la convinced
that the leaders there will adjust their
differences satisfactorily and give
united support to Taft.
i It ia dlffernt wlI) . th 'Empire
state. It ' holds fWall street and the
vast financial and( railroad interests
which do not ' want four years more
of the Roosevelt policies. It also has
many bitter political enemies ; of the
president. He does not fear them, but
he realises that In th great struggle
for the presidency these Interests can
do' him a great deal of harm not only
In New York, but in New England, New
Jersey and Pennsylvania.
The president held several con
ferences today over the' Ohio and New
York situations with Henry W, Taft
of New York, before the cabinet meet
ing and, with the New Yorker and his
brother. Secretary Taft, later., -
Secretary Cortelyou, : until , recently
chairman of th national committee and
the closest of the president's personal
and political friends, then went- over
th whole matter with the president.
A bill giving the voter of the state
an opportunity to expres their, choice
for United State senator at th uni
form primary elections waa killed in
the Pennsylvania senate, after It had
passed the bouse. : ' Th measure was
opposed by th Republican organisa
Biiter Words Awake Wrath That
Has Slumbered Through, &
, Hand-to-Hand Battle.
Then Calls TJp Sheriff, Confesses His
' Deed and Starts in to Snrrender
' Fatal Affray at a business Meet-
. tag of b'.ockmen. , '
' (Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Pendleton. Or.. May U-Details of
th killing of Clarence ' McBroom by
Oeorge Horseman reached here tonight
In a telephone message from Nye, sent
by .District Attorney Phillips. The fol
lowing version Is regarded as presum
ably correct in a general way, . though
'fActina" a Scientific. Appliance.
for Relieving. Defective Eye
' sight-fHas .'Achieved ; s
' Wonderful Results
If vour evestght Is defective. or you
have any form of eye trouble that might
endanger your tyesight, you should lose
no time in Investigating "Actlna." It Is
applied oirectiy
over the eye and
its potent action
stimulate and
maintains the cir
culation of th
blood, thereby - re
moving congestion
and assisting ; na
ture to repair the
defects and restore the eyesight, to nor
mal condition. ' Hundreds of people owe
the restoration or their : eyesight to
"Actine," Among them ar the follow
ing: -f,-;. '.-' .:,;V,
Fror. x,, B. sugn, saansneia, x,. .
Bev. J. at. roster. Barton, Wash.
Her, W, O. Goodwin, Kolia. Xas.
Osn. Alx. Hamilton, Tarrytown, JT. T.
Kiv. O. Brnnner. Bridrevort. Coin.
Xv. Cbas. S. Carter, as BprlaxneldJ
g, T. ' ,
Mr. S. A. Sonnella, Agt. XT. S. Secret
garvloe, iouisviU, Ky, . -
Many persons wearing -v spectacles
mlaht better be without them. Strength
en the eye by improving the circulation
and it wilt not require an artificial Jens.
If you ar Interested and dealre to know
what the "Actina" is and what it is sc.
compllshlng. writ today for our FREE
containa moat valuable information. A
postal card will onng it to you. Ad
dress Actlna Appliance Co.,. Dept. fSH,
it wamui v A.aasas uty, ata,
Its sources are said to b principally
in sympathy witn Horseman:
Th two men met, with a dosen other
stockmen, at Potts school house, near
Ourdan nostofflce. this 'morning to
spend the day discussing the terms of
a protest to be made to the Interior de
partment regarding . paruauiy auegea
to hv been shown sheepmen in th
division of th . forst reserve range.
Potts' school hoTrte ls sbout 7 mile
southwest - of .Pendleton. About II
o'clock Horseman and McBroom who
had been quarreling for years, renewed
the discussion, of a private grievance.
which in this instance was "the dlsposl
tlon of a wire fence, which it is alleged
McBroom had to tear dwiHy order of
th county Judge and the wire of which
h left where they interfered with
Horseman's use of a certain highway.
TTsad ana Alter irh Was Over.
The men came to blows; it appearing
that McBroom, 24 years of age and eon-
slderably'the better man physically,
was aggressor. He gave Horseman
sever beating before they wer epar-
ated. -.. ' 'S
Horseman, th tory goes, was en
gaged In washing his bloody face, both
men meanwhile upbraiding and wear
ing at each other, when Horseman eud
denlv drew a revolver, which - h had
mad no attempt to use Derore, ana
from a dlstancs of about IS feet shot
McBroom, the bullet striking immedl
atelv below his Tight a.v4vK''
McBroom. uvea out a lew mmuie.
Horseman made no attempt to escape
and no attempt was made by the wit
nesses of the affray to restrain him,
He'at one went to Ourdan postoffle.
half a mile away, and phoned th
Sheriff's office at Pendleton; telling
what he had done and that he would im
mediately start to deliver himself up.
, Mat lontau Comlnff la..
Sheriff Taylor Immediately left for
Ourdane. He met Horseman about half
way to Pilot Rock, It miles from Pen
dleton. I The roads . ar rough and - the
sheriff .and Horseman are, not expected
to arrive before midnight. 1
Th men quarreled a, few weeks ago
and Horseman ' struck 'McBroom, but
without hurting him seriously. . No ae
tlon was taken. Both wer wealthy
stockmen and both single, though
Horseman has been married twice, be
ing divorced from both wives. Horse
man la about 60 years old. McBroom
was born in this county and Horseman
has lived here over 80 years, coming
from' Kansas. He is a brother of. (Clar
ence and Albert Horseman, th former
deceased, v McBroom had - . numerous
influential friends a so, being a cousin
of Marshal Ourdane of Pendleton and
Marshal Ourdane of Heppner, who are
brothers. - Both Horseman and McBroom
were decidedly , temperate, onlv occaa
lonaiiy taxing a drink. Neither was
ever known to be drunk. .
' ' '- "' - 4-.i , ,,-,,.. i
- (Speeial Dispatch to The Jrmrnal.)
Spokanv Wash-. May 11. Judge Mile
Poindexter ordered today that Bobert
McDole be confined at the asj-lum at
Medical Lake. McDole thinks little
devil ar after him. He sy h IS
held back because he is the niggest
devil in th bunch. - He also elaima
there are a great many lltUe devil that,
take the form of bird and flower and'
dogs. , Th big red devil, he .clalnja, 4
th one that causes all th trouble, :J
. flp :-:j'--i
Ston cavlns- for th poorest eervie
advents for new.mploy in th Jour
nal '
TS hard to entertain & mixed com
pany of , people people who do not
know one another very well a.
Company not; large; enough to. form
crhsh, nor small enough to make, a group v
77-just a roomful, the kind of neighbor
hood gatherings we all have often. It.
isrit .hard - with an - Edison Phonograph.
Even that superior chap who has a musical ear and does not think much .
of mechanical music, U Irresistibly drawn oat at himself by th remarkable
distinctness and clearness of th Edison Fboaograpn in reproducing vacat ' :
and instrumental sounds. " . ;
' It is a lively circle of which th Edit fhoaof raph is th center. . ,, .
National Pbonoorapa Company
7f Ikal4 Av, Oruav N. X v, ,
Dealers with established store wanted to sell Edison Phonographs la
very town not covered. , ' r
A few slightly' saarvea tu,.-it,
Davis, Vaelr a Wllsoa, gtan I.- . - i
and Walt Mewing klachlaes.