The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 11, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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hust nor talk
Reservation Superintendent Finds Too Much Trouble in Eastern
Oregon and Will Be Sent to Another Post of Duty by :
"." ' , . t " the Depa rtment. , ' , J -
Five Children in Miller Family Laura Cook Corey l's a Forbidden
Many Guests of Portland Were
New York Couple Wanted Miller Oi A. Durney in Jail Confessing
to Marry Daughter and Now, ,That He Committed Assault
Taken Down With Dread . Subject In Steel .King's
Not Disturbed by Fire ln
the Building. '
.Meningitis. , - Household.'
Want Money Back."
on Hope Yantis.
, IHTiihlnrtM Knmi of Tha lonraal.i
. Washington, May 11. Major O. C
Edward. superintendent of ' th Uma
tilla Incian reservation, haa resignea
and his resignation baa been accepted
bv the interior department. The office
refuaea to announce who bla successor
will be, though It Is understood that
the appointment baa been made. ? -
Major Edward wlU be sent to a dif
ferent station, it la understood, and
will not Iom br the change, aa hi a next
charfce is reported to be even more im
pertant than the one from which be has
Just ' resigned. The career of Major
Edwards at the Umatilla reservation has
been a stormy one. Acting: under In
structions of th department he -made
radical changes In the land leaalng ys
tem in vogue on the reservation and br
it gained the emnlty of the reservation
fanners, who before had had It all their
own war in their trafflolng with the
Indian allottees. , ..
or to Edwards' time the farmers
to ratify all leaaes made and to compel
an payments to be made to him per-1
sonally, as superintendent of the agency I
and guardian of the Indiana He inf orced
the orders and met with the bitter re
sentment.of farmers and bualneas men
Theodora Miller, aged 8 years, and
Visiting Association Receives
' Two Hundred Cases and
Makes Many Calls.
v (Joaraal Roeelil gerrtee,)'
ma1, thai awm tavtn. wttth th Florence Miller, aged 10 years, died of New York. May 11, Th nam of
and paid them as thev saw fit Charces I plnal meningitis at St. Vincent's aan- Laura Cook Corey, the divorced wife
were made that the Indians were not re-JlUrlum this morning. Testerday there I of W. E. Gorer, is not to be mentioned
ceivlng fair treatment and Edwards was were 10 cases of spinal meningitis at I In the presence of the head of th steel
ordered to Chang th system Of leasing, 1 tne sanitarium, inree or wnon navei or ms ib.uuu.uud actress oriae.
since aiea. none or me omers are -1 ian tune millionaire wno pui away
pee ted to recover. . I the drudge of Jiia youth to marry ' a
With the death of the two Miller chil-1 "tainted creature of the stage." aa bis
dren reported this moratng: practioally I own uncle pictured ber, today excluded
an entire family has been wiped out I the name of bis first wife from all eon
by the epidemic Wednesday the f lrat I versa t Ion. u .. .
at Pendleton as welt All manner of I child died. Marguerite, aged I years; In the course of an Interview the first
charges were made against the agent Thursday, waiter, aged 10 years, diet.; i Mrs. Corey's name was " suggested , to
but investigation by the department I last night, Pearce, . formerly eleotricianl Mlas Oilman. Her - attitude. t changed
exonerated him.' The result of the In-1 in the postof flee, aged 11. died at St I and the smile went out of her eyes. .-
vestigatlon was simply to draw the lines I Vincent's, while this morning comes the I ' .'That has all been thoroughly dls
tlghter. ' .t .,;( (report of th death of tha two children, cussed lona; ago," she said. "I don't
Major Edwards would nave' resigned I Theodore and Florence. Matilda, agea car to speak about the subjeot No
earlier. It Is said, as he had been of-111 Is In a dying condition at St. Vln- one seems to understand, so there would
fered the place to be filled by him, but I cent a Tha physicians expect her death I be no need for discussion."
hs refused to leave under fire. The I anv mcinent " ; I Later, .when Corev heard . of hi
newly appointed agent will continue the I 'Mrs. Js Miller, tha mother of the! fiance's embarrassment over tha refer-
children, Is prostrate with gner and baa I ance to ber predecessor, be said
temporarily. lost ber reason. The father.! "This must atop. I will not tolerate
who Is crippled with rheumatism, this la publlo or anywhere else reference to
morning was oniy waiting to near or tne such an objectionable subject"
death or his last cnua wnen ne snouia
arrange to bold the funeral of all six
at once. ' x- . ) , .
The condition of Edward 8temme who
baa been 111 four day at 681 Fourth
street, Is unchanged. ' Hla physician.
Dr. C H. Xammasch, aaya that he has
hopes for bla recovery- and that If he
survives another day hla chances will
be very good.- , . .. ; , -, . .-. , v,
At noon there had been one new
case reported, a boy aged IT years. He
was taken to the Bt Vincent's aanl
tartum. .. . ,,: ,: -'"..
policy followed by bis predeoessor.
Probationers Bring Reports on
Their Conduct From, Their
Teachers to Court.
Seventy-five . wards of the juvenile
court who are under probation In Charge
of the various officers, v ' reported to
Judge Fraser In the courtroom of de
partment No. 1 tbis morning with their
records for the past months, as certified
to by the teachers of the various school"
tnat the boys attend. These reports
from the teacher were brought by ach
or in ooys in reaiea envelopes, which
were cpened and read by 'the Judge in
the presence of all the boys. Thev ln-i
aicaieci a general improvement In the
conduct and studlousness of the pro-
pa Honors.
Many a small . chest swelled vlslblv
wun pnoe as us owner Heard tha judge I
reao woras or praise that his school
teacher had written In the report The
picnic that was to have occurred this
afternoon was postponed on account
At the annual meeting of the Visit
ing Nurse association held yesterday the
following officer were elected: Presi
dent, Mra Millie R. Trumbull; vice-
president, Mrs. Adolph Wolfe; secretary-
frea surer, Mr. A. F. Biles; correspond
ng secretary, Mra Mary Stearns; . di
rectors, Mra A.. Morrison. Mra George
W. McBrlde, .Mrs. Robert J. Marsh, Miss
Virginia Wilson, Mrs. P. J. Cronln, Mra
H, L. Corbett, Mra John Cran, Mra St
B. Gila, Mra Blanche Blumauer. Mra
James Reed, Mra Louis Goldsmith, Miss
. Clementine Hirsch.i"- j"':,'VVC;,.V-;
Reports were heard from the officers
and a paper was presented by Dr. E. A.
; Pierce of the Open Air sanatorium. The
report of the head nurse, Miss Florence
A, Baldwin, was In part as follows: -'
Over Thousaad Cases, . ,
"In the past 20 months the Visiting
Nurse association has received 120 new
cases and made 1.220 calls. This repre
sent people from all kinds of homes,
from the one or two-room or shack or
scow with a family of six .or seven, to
the comfortable home of v the, wage
earner... It Includes all ages, from the
new-born Infant to the aged and Infirm,
' all ailments that flesh Is heir to, often
times the result of neglect, or ignorance,
; or both, 1 t
"One of the flrat rases that came to
vm wish b poor woman it years oia .uy
lng of tubercular Jolnta She lived with
. her husband, ber 0-year-old child, and a
sister who cared for the patient. In one
room In the basement of a lodging-
house In the most fearful condition.
the air heavy with the poisonous odor,
.The patient occupied the only bed in the
confined for weeks. The husband slept I Rate Raise to Interstate Com-
on tne noor oy aay ana worxea at nignt.
when the same quilt was used for the
sister and the child.'
' Bad Case..
"Our first care was to do the dress-1
lng and disinfect the room,' our next I
care to find other quarters for the hus
band and child. Here we did dressings I
two and three times
! Federated Trades Council at Its
Meeting Refuses to Raise -T
' Boycott on Resort "
George Horseman,
and Pioneer, Shoots and Kills
Clarence McBroom.
The Oaks 1 still under boycott by
tha Federated Trades' Council, and will
remain so. until the striking carmen of
the city dempnatrat that they are un
able to make progress -toward winning
their strike, maintained by them to be
Stockman I "tuI ,n x'Btcnce nd alive. Laat night
i in. meiin OA m uvunoit vnti r"
quest of the Cooks' and Walters' Union
and of. the Muslclana' Union asking that
tha boycott be. lifted, was voted down
by a olose margin, and the resort la yet
on th unfair list -:T
The sltuauon at the Oaks Is a pe
culiar one. At tha reauest of the Car-
While flames were raalra In one side
of tha Portland hotel this morning.
driving guests . from -their room In
haste and fear, guest In other part of
the large hostelry slept unconscious f
th Impending. danger. Even, the clang
ing of the fir alarms In all parts of tha
hotel failed to rouse many of the sleep
ing guests and not until they rose at
their usual hour and entered the dining
room did they know that the hotel had1
been . threatened with ' destruction br
Th fire originated In tha kitchen and
shot rapidly up the flume to the roof
of the building. - For a time serious
apprehension was felt for the safety of
the guest and the structure, but owing
to tne splendid organisation of the hotel
employee acting under Manager H. -C
Bowers, and the quick response of the
fire department, the flamas were soon
under control and th danger averted.
Mr. Bower personally went to the
(Joarnal Bneclal BerTln.l ' '
Olympia, Wash., May J1.-C,' A. Dur-
Beoause a gold watch and chain that
waa presented to Dr. Solomon Miller by
JT (THt. r.lahllnlr mnA hla -Wlfa n Infill.
ence th doctor to marry .'- Llebllck' I '.- ye' old, who came to Olympia
daughter railed to have th desired ef- ' ' - "- " wun . a
feet, a warrant for MUler arrest for ?,oun w,' wltl be la still 11 v-
thf nt tha wanh in4 t.OA waa awnrn I lg. IS In the Thuraton COUntV iail nn a
to in New Tork, according to th story chargeo f assault, the victim being Miss
of th affair related by MUUr' attor- Hope Tantls, the 18-year-old daughter
ney. Isaao Swett - , , t one of the most prominent families
MUler waa arrested her on If le- ? mympia xne crime waa committed
graphlo instrucUons.from th Mew nortiy berore midnight laat night at
York colic. He waa lodaad In the city th oornar of Main and Eleventh atreata
Jail, and hi attorney Instituted habeas and at least two person passed within
corpus proceeding In th circuit court 'w 'et of the spot Durney choked
to secure hi release. Testerday after, his victim Into insensibility, ,
noon, however. Miller was released on Passersby who glanced at the out
$500 bail, and th habeas corpus pro- lined form of Durney believed It to be
ceedlng are being held In abeyance, that of a drunken man and hurriedly
Miller' story, as told .by Attorney passed on. At the same moment a wo
Swett, is: ,, man nearby who bad-heard the girl
v "Th warrant for Millr arrest was cram waa teleplioning to police bead
sworn to before th prosecuting attor- quarters. - Within ten minutes two po-'
ney la New York by Mra Rosa Llebllck. licemen arrived on th scene, dragged
Her husband had lent Miller ISO with th brut from tha side of hla victim
door of th room into which the amok which to go Into buslnesa The couple I carried th girl bom and landed Durney
was pouring and roused the accusants I wanted Miller to marrv their dauahter. in Jail. -
from their beda Although told that I and preaented him with a gold watch Ml Tantl. who 1 alight for her ae
there vis no Immediate danger, many I and chain, hoping to Influence him to I waa on ber way home from nlaht schoo'i
of th guests In th part of the hotel look' with favor uoon Mlsa Llebllck. I when accosted by Durney. who hrant.
affected bv th flame, lost no time In though there was no engagement - tshed a knife and threatened Ue-kll) her '
mrowing on their clothe and hurrying "Miner remained in New Tork for sigiir n maaon outcry. Th knife.
to safety. Many of them were decidedly I month after the date of the loan and blade - four Inches long, was later
neglige in their attire but non lost I the girt Then be cam to Oregon, and found by. th police at the seen of tha
ms neaa ana aanger or a panloxwaa not! naa oeen her more than a year, pre- crime.
"wvji . .
noticeable after th flrat fear of the
guesta were calmed. v
Th fir waa confined to th flume
in the northwest corner of th hotel
and did not apread to tha rooms al
though cloud of smoke filled th ball
and room In th north wing. Th
sight, of th smoke caused many to be
lieve at first sight that th hotel waa
doomed, but with th ' opening of the
winaow th amok drifted out and
many of the guest close to th fir did
not know where It waa
Th damage 1 estimated by Mr. Bow-
era at about $600. and he considers It further stens win ha fakan In tha hahaaa
xoriunate tnat th fir was not mora a-1 corpu proceedings, but the matter will
rloua H explained the cause aa due to I b fought out before Governor Chum her.
aumably tha Llebllcks thought he was Durney 1 ready to plead guilty. On
going to return to marry their daughter, j th advice of the phyalclan. however
oui eventually wer convinced that be om neta open until Mon-
would not. Ever s,ino Millar cam to MT. ther being a possibility that Miss
roniHw mey nav Known b waa here.1 uwmcQTer irom ui snocK.
-hn - the warrant wa aworn to
charging Millar with the theft of the
gold watch and $600, though the amount
of th loan waa only $!00. - Th pro
ceeding I either a piece of ssite work
to avenge frustrated matchmaking plan
or Is an effort to ua th nolle to col
lect th loan.";"'"'?'.;, ..'.
Attorney swett said that probably no
(gpeelal Dispatch to The ffoeraal.)
Pendleton, Or.. May 1 l.r-Oeorge I men's Union the place wa put on th
Horseman, a Umatilla county pioneer, I unfair list some time ago and fine
shot and Uled Clarence McBroom, aged levied upon any union men Who might
ttt tha ni. i. , , 7 I , vruiunuu 4.11 ia .ueiuuuh m a iir Tim or oi erapioyea mere, - 1 lie uiucr-
June whe 'the nroWTar. ui T 'm 01 n old feuL McBroom 1 a na- ent Union observed th boycott, and It
June when the probationer will report of umaUlla. Horseman 1 a nroml-1 la .till in .xiatenca. Rnti. h..vr.
nent stockman. Ourdan I In an lso- the cook and waiter and th musicians
la ted locality and particulars ar hence asked that th embargo be lifted, argu
meagre. Deputy Sheriff Jo Blakeley lng that th carmen bad lost their
and E. L. McBroom, proprietor of the strike, that It wa Inconsistent to tiro
Golden Rule hotel, a brother of the dead hlblt union men to rid to th Oak
man, left for the seen 'of th killing .without making Ilk . prohibition for
After th report wer read. Dr. Paul
Rader, editor of the Christian Advocate,
talked to the boys, and Miss Gray gave
each of them a card bearing the picture
of Sir Galahad, whoa story bad been
told to them on the day of th last re
this afternoon.
mission and to Supreme
Court if Necessary. ,
' (Ipeeiat Dtepatcft to The JoereeL)
Cottage Grove, Or., May U. A larae
dav for mora I nd well attended meetlnr of the Weat-
than two weeks, when death mercifully j er Oregon Lumber Manufacturers' as
released the Door- little woman. ,' So I soclatlon was held her yea tarda v. Lum.
death take the srlfe. and nearly the bermen were present from all over the
last cent gone for medicine. The nurse I "alley and from Portland. -A commie
is exoected to be not onlv reneral in-1 tee waa appointed to interview alllhe
formation bureau, but counselor, friend, I miu affected by the raise In ratea to
elder sister and often almost a mother. California bay point with a view of
"A short time sine we caUed to aee carrying in xignt to tn ; intersUte
a small v boy 1 . 'year olt-Either r""""" commission ana -ir necessary
pneumonia : or scarlet feveiy w don't J " tederal supreme court In the
know which tha mother tt nmvaH i evening tha t vjaitlng lumbermen wers
to be the former. When the nurse ar-th aruests of th Commercial club of the mountains.
mis city, wnicn organization was the 1 are:
Eugene A Eastern Company Is
. Incorporated to Tap the
Irrigation Belt.'
first to take th field In active combat
rived the little fellow wa bolstered up
in hla rrlh hla llftl fana aparlat with
the fever. Mb eye heavy, but In on ,n,t the railroad rata raising.
Jlttle chubby band be held a piece of
bread, in the other a piece of sausage.
"The mother explained v that be
wouldn't drink milk, so she 'gave him
this for lunch. Can you Imagine ltT
and yet we find such things constantly.
Xmarganoy Xorpital ITedd. j
. "I wish to acknowledge the generous
'gift of Mra- H. D. Jreen, which, made
it possible to, place a. child of 14 at the
Open Air sanatorium for five month,
giving her a new chance for health and
usefulness. -It Is difficult to persuade
:our people ,to'go to the county hospital,
even wer 4hey not too HI already to
stand the long, bard trip. Two patients
placed there last , rear cam bom ' to
Article of incorporation of th Eu
gen Eastern Railway company have
been filed In the office of County Clerk
Field by A. Welch, B. W. HalL F. W,
Water, James R. Thompson and Charles
A. Hardy, The object are to build lines
of ralroad from Eugene to Prlnevllle,
In Crook county, and from Eugene to
Corvallis. . Capital stock, ' f 1,000,000.
It 1 proposed to buJd an electric Una
from Eugene to Springfield, and up the
McKeniie, crossing the Cascades to
Prlnevllle, and the- Deschutes country.
The . company has acquired extensive
water rights for the generating of pow
er.-: it road will pass through a region
ncn in timber and mineral resources,
and would tap the large Irrigation belt
Th officer
President, A. 1 Welch; ; vlce-presi-
Mrs. Albert N. Stanton Gets i
Divorce From Wealthy Manu
, facturer Who Left Her. ; r
Uoaraal Special Serrlot.)
BridireDort - Conn.. . Mar : 1 1 Murw
Vincent' hospital i our other (Eaton Stanton today obtained a divorce
hope, and i here many time one must 1 from Albert N. Stanton, a wealthy man
wait for a, bed. Our greatest need i for I ufacturer. ' whoae eloDment with hla
an emergency hospital here In the city. I nurse caused a big scandal hera
Vhere oir unfortunate poor can. go and j . MrsI Stanton was formerly a stenog-
receive, th car they so sorely need. I ranher in the nlant of the Amartnan
but ar so slow, many times fatally Tub 4 Stamping company, where Stan.
slow, to ask for. To do our ever-lncreas- J ton was secretary and treasurer. Mra
lng work we need an emergency hospital
ana anotner nurse.
The new laws enacted by tha recent
legislature have . been published la a
'volume of 00 pages. Judge Sears of
th circuit' court this morning received
a copy of the 1907 session laws, which
are now being distributed.' The book
contains all the law enacted by the
legislature, as well aa Joint resolutions
and -wemorlftl. The number r.r wL-
statutes Is tit.
(Journal Special Serviea.) i
Madrid. May ll.Th queen
today personally nursed the
prince upsetting all precedent
ana disregarding the protests of
the court The royal nurs wa
ready, but the queen would hav '
none of her, and insists that she
a ion will nurse hef offprinv
Every one, seeing the determi-
nation of the proud mother, c-
quleaeea, fcnd really love ber
more for exerting her will.
Stanton testified that she lived hap
pily with her husband on their country
estate in irumnuu until a trained nurse.
Carrie Fuller, appeared on, the scene to
take car of Stanton during an illness.
Stanton became infatuated with the
' In 1901 after recovering, b took
trip to California- , He informed his
wife that bis sister would accompany
mm, out n took mis Fuller with him.
He wrote to his wife, saying- that all tha
affection he had waa for Ml Puller.
in J90S he again wrote toil wife, say-
lng he did not wish her to get a divorce.
aimougn n was living with Miss Ful
lr. Btanton la now In the wt on P"un ovr th whee, -Passing over -his
hii,i... .. . . 'T . I rlarht . lea- between tha i.u .j it..
business trip.
members of Ooldenrnd i.t1 17.
'U' .aed
lodge, having lnatitnt. l-.TZ er
Ut winter. Invited the VrMi?
Visit it and hav an tnatL-.....1??" 10
ioyabla tim. The Ooldiwoi me be?;
wer met on their arrival and taken f
a drive about th city and. w f t
nally entertained In tha h...;
er members durlnr tha a.- . r.
evenlng by th lodge, with U nearly" 100
members present to lk.h. i- .u.
work, program aad banquU , " j
dent, F. W. Water: secretary and trees
urer, E. ,W, Hall; engineer, James R.
xnompson; attorney, Charles A. Hardy,
'Their inspection of Oregon products
and resource as shown by th Portland
cnamDor or commerce sikhibit was a
revelation to the Dunkards." said Col
onel A. W. Miller, custodian of th ex
hibit "They wer , powerfully Im
pressed by th great variety of prod
uct and the high grade of everything
shown. . They expressed the intention
of coming back to Oregon and making
extended Investigations aa soon as their
convention In California adjourns,"
i The Dunkard delegation arrived from
Chicago yesterday afternoon and spent,
half ' a - day looking . about Portland.
There wer about 40 In .th party. . Lo
cal ' members of the denomination ae-
cured a special car and gave them t
trip over the line of th Portland Rail
way. Light A Power comDanv. Thev
aepanea last night over the - Southern
nemo for J-o Angeles. f--4
V."''.'.".' 1 ' ..' ;
, " : ("iMMhl fibpatek to Tha JoaraaLI
:, Pendleton, Or- May 11. j. E. John
son, aged 2t years, a brakeman -an tha
Washington Columbia River railroad
lies dead in thla city as the result of
injuries receivea near , HUldal station
eariy yesteraay: morning. Ha fell be
tween two moving freight cars and wa
other line and that it wa a hardship
to bar members of the protesting unions
out of lucrative employment there when
no good end was being attained.
The question was brought up at the
meeting last night "Th carmen argued
that th strike was still on, that th in
ternatlonal union bad promised them
financial - aid to ' maintain working
picket during th aummer, and that
they nee"ded the support of the other
uniona - f . v f x y
Upon " this showing th - council
fused (o lift the boycott until th ab
solute failure of the strik had been
demonstrated or the International 'un
ion back of th carmen decided that the
strike had been lost.
Officers of th Cooks' and Walters'
union - atat that no member of th
union will be sent to the Oak from
headquarter until th boycott la Off,
or until th failure of th etrlke la cer
tain. They will demand that the car
men make weekly report showlns prog
ress, and It is Intimated that should
such a showing not be mad . th
strike will be considered over and the
boycott at an end.
xne Musicians' union will have no
meeting for a month, and can therefor
take no official action! Union musi
cian ar now employed at tha skating
rink at the oaka, but It Is contended
that these are working for private par
ties. No additional musicians will be
ent to the Oaka, however, until th set
tlement of th question.
ha grass and combustible formations
tn th flum becoming heated to a de
gree where combustion set In. In order
to prevent such fires in th flum it la
necessary to clean it thoroughly every
monm or two. . Mr. Bower aald this
morning that . this had been done but
that even th greatest precaution some
time fail to prevent fire such a th
hotel suffered today. ' .
lain when requisition paper ar pre-
semea to mm to nonor. -. -
Miller has been working for several
months for Joseph Rlcen. a druggist, on
w sireei. tie na also oeen attend.
In th North Pacific dental collere.
and hi fellow student each contributed
15 to bis ball bond aa a token of their
confidence in him.
Shocks Sharp Enough to Break
Water Pipes--Some Say It
.. Was Dynamite.
rignt- leg- oeiween tne ankle and ha
knee. He waa also Internally Injured.
He wa brought to th hospital in this
city, wners ne aiea. - ,-;.:,;...,
Johnson was a new man on the
road. Up to thre week ago ih waa
In th regular army and hla company
waa stationed at Fort. Walla Walla.
His term of enlistment expired three
week ago. - Berore death hi mind wa
clear and ha . talked freely res-ardlna-
bimaelf. He cam from Wisconsin.
wner ni larauy jivb. . . jtie was engaged
to ne married 10 juisa naie McKnnhin
of WalU Walla, who ha been notified.
Not Mnchr Doing; on C. & E. '
. (Special Dinpaten to The JnoraaL)
Salem, Or., May 11. The Corvallis A
Eastern Railway ' company . yeaterday
turned over to' th state treasurer the
rim of $15.49 as its per centace of Its
gross earning on It telegraph Unea.
1 (Special Dispatch to The Joornl)
Klamath Falla. Or., May 11. What
appeared to be an earthquake occurred
here Tuesday morning about. 4 o'clock.
If seemed to be felt principally along
tna river, something caused a break In
the water pip at that tim and Mana
ger Oates can account for th accident
in ho ; Other way than . an earthquake,
Again on Wednesday morning a shock
wa felt more perceptible than on Tuesday,-
and several people testify to th
quake. Th disturbance seam tq have
been purely local, and various causes ar
attributed, some saying it was -caused
by the continued blasting for the. tun
nel and th quarrying of stone for th
rock crusher. , ji:..1:v-;vi.,.;....:?".: -V.-.'. - -ye,-
Following a lecture at the Mlsslcslonl
Avenu - Congregational church last
night on Work among th Indian In
Indian territory by Revt J. E. Wolfe, a
meeting waa held to arrange for a ape-
eial evangellstlo oamDUan under' th
leadership of Evangelist. , Wolfa ' a
business committee wa formed with A.
Wlsburg aa chairman, E. N. Welch o
retary and M. B.- Thompson treasurer.
Subcommittees wer appointed and th
work 1 to begin at one. '
Th meetings will be held in a tent
that will hold 800 or 1,000 people and
at present will be located - near some
central point on th east side. Th
tent will b raised next week and Just
aa soon as seats can be installed the
ervicea Will commence, - Tbey ar to
d unaenommationai. : -k
' (Hneetsl Din-tea to The 7earsaL) '
Salem, Or., May 11. The Eugen A
Eastern Railway company today filed
article of Incorporation with the secre-
Nevv : York Republicans Turrr
Down Resolution Indorsing
; Governor for President.
. (Joonul special "arrire.) ,.-,
New Tork, May 11. Former Governor -
Odeii introduced a resolution at th
meeting of Oi Republican state cen- . .
tral committee today Indorsing Gov "
rnor Hughe as th next Republican
candidate for president Th resolution
waa Ubled by a vote. of It to 4. Those
opposing Odell's resolution gave only .
on reason, that being "too soon."
Ther 1 Hughe talk on verv side. -
Th consensu of speculation Is filling ;
the air at headquarters. -.
"Nothing can stop Hushes' boom, it :
has com to bim. without effort on hi
u. n til. .1 ... wmi
. .w. . ,11, .ncuiuumur. u. ... . .i . ... ..
A. Welch jr . w Han n w w.-.- ,ru pwpii viu not mow m
Th predominance of Hughes'
" I , v. .','
';,;( MssBhsBBaSsMs y T'"i' r - ''
Portland Capital Developing and
Equipping Property In the r
- . Mineral 'Region. ;
. - mmmA
(Jooraal gptelal 8ervlea.i .'
Boston, May 1 1. Columbia won tha
annual boat-rac from Harvard today.
iim, woiumDia, sao; s xiarvard, 9:it. .
.Shore? and Borland Give Boiidsv
J. F. -Shorey, manager of the 1 Citv
Messenger company, ana Nelson Bor.
land, an employe, were-arrested toda
In pursuance to th indictment recently
reiurnea oy ma reaerai grand Jury on,
th charge of withholding a letter con
taining a draft for $50 for J. W. Hayea.
Both men furnished S250 cash bonds
and were released.
- (Jonroal Special Berriea.) .
Chicago, May 11. A youth of 20, of
military bearing;, feet 1 inches In
height, claiming to be. Harold Knissen.
son of a general In th German army,
waa arrested todav charred with for.
ery of a tt check on the Marsh Bridge
company of Peoria, lllinol.- " -,
(Special Dtapntefc to Tb Jonraai.)
Mineral. Or May 11. CV H. Thomn-
on of Portland, the steamship man, ac
companied by Dr. Black of Vancouver,
Washington, and Mr. Perkins, a mlnlna
expert of Portland, have been at the
Star mine aeverai day and mad a thor
ough examination of this fin property,
which la owned by Portland and other
capitalists. ';''iv---' .-,-,-. . . v
Mr. Thompson stated ther would ha
something doing at the Star from now
on.,; Men ar steadily at work driving
th cross-cut which will cut the Star
ledge at about 500 feet depth. Something
1iK.e-1.ouQ ton or nign-grad free mill
ing ore. Is on the dump and manv thou
sand of tons ar blocked out in the tun-
neis and stops of th mine. When th
lower : tunnel or cross-cut reachea th
vein It will Up It at a point where th
or ' hoot 1 very strong and - quite
rich and it will tlll be in the free ore
one. -
- There 1 a five-stamp "mill ! on the
property and this will be rigged up and
ready to operate by fall If present plan
v uie management carry, ; . t-
- 'iSlMClal DISDateh to Tha Jnnrn.l 1
Pendleton, Or., May 11 James Rrnwn
and Terrlll Pope, railroad laborer, who
confessed the robbing- of a bunkhouaa at
Meacnim, taking clothing- and other per
aonal effects, wer today sentenced tn
one year acn in the penitentiary, the of-
sense oemg larceny from a dwelling -
- Judge Bean also sentenced
in xn pen i nomas jerrerson, who bari
vummafru iik vuui vi a nors rrom a
hitching rack at Echo., , He , afterward
tied the animal to a bush on an island in
th Umatilla river in such a manner It
became entangled and choked to death.
Hardy. Th company propose to main-
rata . , . . 1
rinaviii. r L-! .: . rewiunono inoorsing practically-every
Corvalli-v and atreet- railway In Eugane. ' "; ' 'v- '"' ,
ino c&piuti stoca or the company is
a.ouo.vvu, ana tn main business office
win , p at Portland.
' ':,'"'.. ... . ""V ; ;-i"$x;:.
Laborer on the Brooklyn sewer hav
truck quicksand at a depth of IS feet
on Clinton street near Fortv-flrst. and
treat Inconvenience ha resulted. Sand
and water run Into th four-foot ditch
faater than it can be taken out, and
no mean have yet been discovered to
siop in now. a perfectly tight pro
tection resembling , a caisson will be
necessary to ' carry th aewer at , this
point. ,;
City Engineer - Taylor will inveatl,
gat tha conditions today. Bt is not
known bow extensive la th Jed 1 of
mm-Azz ymfif
Youngest Son of Late Jay Could
Refuses Admittance Mrs.
, ' . ( Edward Kelly.
quicksand at this point
"' " ' (Jonraai 8paelal Strvlee.T ...
New ;Yorky May 11 A tory printed
In Town Topic that Frank J. Gould,
th youngest son of the lata Jay Gould,
bad barred hla mother-in-law, Mrs. Ed
ward Kelly, from hi house, caused a
stormy scan at Gould's Fifth avenu
mansion, when Mra Kelly went there
and demanded that Gould hav a denial
of the atatement published. He refused,
D nil jtmm , VaIIw. kM K Jt- . - -
MUNICIPAL OFFICERS I J,eav the h0UM w,th hw' but Mra-
band. ; . u
It's a case Of too much Inother-ln-
law, and I am tired of it." Gould aald.
He stated that while h had never ac
tually barred Mrs. Kelly out of his
house, b and hi wife would prefer to
hav her remln away..- ..
Gould is 27 and his wife 2. They
wer married fly year ago. i ; 7
1 I I . ll ,:l J:
rSpeelal Dlopatck to Tb Journal.)
Enterprise, Or., May 11. At the an
nual city election of. Enterprise Daniel
Boyd waa elected mayor; J. C, Reavla,
u. Borland and B. E. uorabes, council
men; . W. E. Taggart, city recorder; C.
M. Lockwood, , city treasurer, and
Thomas M. Dili, city attorney. -
Boy Drowned at Walla Walla,
' (Special Dlspitcb to The Joornail
Walla Walla, Wash., May 11,- While
playing with companion .below the city
n lUllan gardener," fell Into Garrison! BV.PauV' May 11. Whether or not
creek and wa drowned, v The boy'J"r""n ln" cino coast extension or;
companion saw nim fall into the! V ",v;Rs". amwauaeo at ou raui rau
tream, but being vry young did not T0?. i1 b stopped for th present will
raise an alarm and only told of the . " " regular Doara meet-
accident when asked where the bov waa I i" 01 ln roa1 -the last Tuesday in
" Mima Morrla, the 19-year-old daugh
ter vi .arry juorris or luuama, Wash
ington, ' died at St., Vincent' hospital
thia morning after an lllaes of two
month. Th remains will be shinned
this afternoon to Kalama, where inter
ment, will occur tomorrow. . Miss Morris
was a cousin of Mrs. J. M. Myers and a
niece of Mr. . Lincoln Morris of this
' Goshen. . N. Y, May i 11. Charles H.
Roger, accused of the murder of four
persons for robbery . today 'pleaded
s-uiltv. 4 . .
The body was found in a small pool.
; . I IT I I I I II -A t
Building Permits. , ' n" , t
G. T. Ham, ' frame building, store,
$100, East Sherman, between Eaat Thirty-fourth
and Marguerite avenue; Perry
Bmitn, rrame dwelling,, university
street between East Fourteenth and
East Fifteenths V. J. Ostln. dwelling.
$K00, Dwlght between Hunt and Hough
ton streets; A. I . Helman. shed. 150.
May. , It Is understood that President
Earllng favor the noatnnnnment nt tha
building of tha line if it can be done
I without too rouoh loss - ... ,
- (Sperlel Dispatch . to The Journal.) ' ; " i
Olympia. May 11. While - ratnrntna-
Commerclal street ; between Beech f and I bom last night, Hope, Yentls, aged 18,
rawing'; js is., arown, awaiiins.,', I wa" lu,B' mu inaonsiDiniy and as-
Drew; I MUUCU-T - uurpney , nas Deen. ar
Flsk between Willis and
Pekka Kurklnerr: dwell inn-. ,Z; ii sno- J rested and claims he waa intoxicated a
East Tenth. between KarJ and Rhine; double guard ha been placed about the .
Mrs. Mary Avery, dwelling, 11.800. East If."' ,B rearea an attempt to lynch
Madison botwean East JrnrtlAth and 1 """ mane.
Forty-first; Jujia B. Hoffman, garage,
izqu,- lFvuig ami Twenty-third streets:
Mrs. N. K. Miller, dwelling, 9300, East
Bixth between Multnomah and Wasco:
Smith, dwelling, I32S, Vancouver, be
tween Tillamook and Page; Multnomah
Buiiding-ttr Trust "company; dwelling.
11,200, East Lincoln . between . East
Thirty-seventh and East Thirty-eighth;
Multnomah Building at Trust company.
dwelling, 11.109. East Twsnty-slxth,
soutn or poweii; m. U Thompson, dwell-
iria-. IS 00. Sherritt bntwean Raat fl.v.n.
teenth and East Nineteenth; Chris 8ten-
bach, dwelling, 11.000. on Wolseley be
tween Hunt and Houghton! F.I Filler.
dwelling. 13,000, Spring between Lown.
dale and East Sixteenth; G. W. Dickson,
aweuing, ii.zoo, icaat Forty-fourth be
tween Belmont and East lamhlllr Jay
rotts, aweinng, u,&ou, East Twenty
fifth between Mildred and. Surman: J.
F. Griffith, dwelling. I1.JU0. Kingman
between East Thirteenth and Eaat Fif
teerthf T. A. Roberts, dwelling, $1,000,
Greeley, between Holmaa and Portland
boulevard; K. IL-Inglemarv five dwell
ings, 200 each, on Pag between Borth
wlck and Starr; Wnlter Gregory, office.
29, on wiuiam aveni Detween Going (
and Maegly. v I
- CtonrnR' mnntrln
Rat ond Roach Pasto
It (uanuitaad o rid tha boom, bara or Mora ot
"S'h V'.1 !". Sold
ot prioa. a aa. fcaa, as lo aa. kz, Buii.
Stearns' Eleotrlo Pa at Co.,
jr. Y.,r.s. a. (r.irmriTrhiM m