The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 11, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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I ft
Tovii Topics
....... . . . , "Salome"
ftiM(i 1U uowpof ena me
- Baker..
Empire,.,. .. "she band Do Riant"
, Grand ,, Vaudeville
I'""'9 "Brown's la Town"
' . Star r . . . Tha Ubu Vina"
...... " ! 1 .
Of all tha viiiim nf fraila nnw onen
vJiah nxloua money maker, thorn li
; none other .-Bo. ' certaln--so sure--So
' - ' faultless- so 'posltlv-as that of ; In'
vestments in timber land a. Thla baa
' been amply demonstrated by the North
j Coast Cooperatlva Lumber compan dur-
,. ing its business career in tma city, j w
management at flrat bought timber
traeta In t a small way, but bad not
long been In tha bualnesa until It wi
discove'ed that tha proflta were only
menu red by Its voluma 0 Ita trane-
actions. That thla may ' he expanaea
with all poselbla haste, so that the great
fir, larch, spruce, cedar, tamarack- and
hemlock for arte of tha etate may con
tribute their quota to tha amolumenta
of. Ita membership, tha company haa
ftaea selling aharea of Ita atock In blocks
-of lee. parable 14 -down and $4. per
month, , to hundreds of lilestors who
, have investigated Ita met ids ana ss-
certalned the extent of Ita pVf its. These
1 aharea are now advertised, I n Tha Jour
' naland are being freely picked up by
persons having a dealra .- to . Inoreaaa
.:. their tnoomes by auch lnreetmenta. Ex-
Sorlence haa ahown that there la scarce
r a limit to tha proflta, $100 having
lnereaaed to 11,000, in eome cases, with
in a year., The company will have an
advefttent In tomorrow's Journal
.at explalna tha plan, and It will pay
the reader to look It uo and read ev
ery aentence of It .t la accompanied
- with a picture of some of the forest
trees owned by the company,
Rev.' r, 8. White haa been selected to
' fill tha pulpits, of the Presbyterian
. cnurcnes at Montavuia ana isagie trees.
' Both theae churchea have recently been
organised and small chapels built Mr.
White will preach In tha mornlnir at
MonU villa and In the' afternoon at Eagle
Creek every Sunday.- Rev. Mr. White
came to Oregon from Ohio and la a grad
uata of the Rose City college of Penn-
sylvanla and of the Western Theological
seminary of Pennsylvania. Ho formerly
bad charge of a churoh at independence
In thla state before he cam to Monta
vllla. Mr. and Mrs. White will occupy
tha new parsonage at tit Hlbbard
street, Montavilla.
. At tha monthly meeting- of tha Mult
nomah chapter of the Daugbtara-of the
Confederacy, held- yeaterday at the resi
dence of Mrs. Jennie A. George, Twenty
first and Oliaan stfkets, a new disposi
tion of tha charity funds was decided
upon. While the chapter frequently baa
solicited funds to aid In erecting numer
. ous monuments In the south It deter
mined yesterday Instead to assist Mrs.
Ross," a daughter of the confederacy,
who has been a member of the Pattoo
home and who Is . entirely dependent
npon friends. The chapter will look,
alter ner weirare at mat institution. p
Thousand of womenyes. millions
In all stations of Ufa become martyrs
to Intense misery by feet afflictions
cauaed by shoes they have worn, and
as many have suffered ills of various
forms to death itself, occasioned by
wearing abates with Improperly con
structed soles soles that cause perspir
ation, that "do not exclude; cold and
Statement Is Made and Assist
ance Asked at Northwest v
' ' District Convention.
The convention of the Northwest Dis
trict Oregon Christian Missionary so
ciety held its sessions yesterday in the
German Evangelical church and the
First Christian churoh.- At the morning-
session the committee on future
work recommended that the- efforts of
tha society be hereafter eoncentrated on
Portland. .' - ';- v v .-i
A resolution was also adopted aaklng
that the state, convention assist In the
work in Portland. During the discus
sion on this resolution the statement
waaWrequently made that Portland af
forded the best field in Oregon for mis
sionary work, )'.: .:."'.-". .-
At tha afternoon session seyeral In
teresting addresses were delivered, deal
ing with the different phases of home
missionary work. Rev. r Elmo kodw
son spoke on "The Field and now to
Keen a District Evangelist In It All the
Time": Rev. M. B. Meacham told or we
"Money Conscience,"
Rev. C. P. 8 wander of McMlnnvills
spoke at tha night session on "An En
Urged Vision"; he told of tha recent
announcement that tha Presbyterian
church would raise IM00.000 annually
to support 1,000 missionaries. He also
ceiled attention to the fact that the
evangelism of the Christian church
ahowed tha greatest gain 04 per cent i
of any religious body in tha field last
rear. He aald that, the church bad aa
vanced from eighth place In . slsa six
rears ago to sixth place now.
The next convention will be held at
Newberg, October 10 and November X
tha nominees on the official ballot with
In tha time limit prescribed by law. It
Is tha Intention of the labor party to
have a full ticket In tha field for the
support of the union men of the city.
The two-hundredth anniversary of
Carl von Llnne wll be cerebrated at
Murlark hall Twenty-third and Wash
in g ton streets, May It, under the aus-
plcea . of the Swedish society unnea.
A fine literary and musical program has
been. arranged. .. :-:,-.y-rv
Prises of 110. til and 110 will be
given by the Portland Municipal asso
ciation fer three beat essays on Good
Citiaensbip. Competition open to young
men from II to II years or ago. For
terms apply to John Bain, 124 stark
street. x,,:x f.x.C '.ZS-.i-i V'.t. .
W. C. T. TJ. Ladles Please Take NoUca
The county W. C T. TJ. Institute at
8t Johns will be held on Tuesday. May
11. Instead of on the 14th. as flrat
planned. Mrs. Si Alice Hanson, county
president; SUaO. Hlmea, secretary.
Why pay more? Metsger fits your
ayes for It, 141 Wash. St, cor. 7th,
formerly at 111 Sixth atreet.
Try Washington lump coal, pries $7.10
per ton. It la clean and good. Ask
your dealers for It
Dr. M. Monte Bettmsn, dentist, has
returned. Office 401-4-1 Bwetlaad
building. ' . 1 ',' 1
Vm. Jaw , ImAav,Aa.m wttl ft.-
dampness, a most Important essential, commemorated Friday renins. May JT.
"Allen's Kushlon .Komf ort ; shoes;' ...for ' MlQa -fa . , ,yt.
women nnd men are the height of ahof
perfection. Bold only at Kusnion jtom
fort.pariors. o Morrison siree.v
Jeanetta D. Border was granted a di
vorce from Joseph D. Border by Judge
Bears In the circuit court yesterday af
ternoon on the groUnda of desertion be
ginning In March, 1905. The couple
were married at Vancouver, Washing-
ton. In October, 1897. Mrs. Border was
allowed ,to resume her maiden name,
Lamb, j
Adjutant and Mrs, Storey will con
duct special services at the Salvation
Army hall. 249 Madison street, this
evening, at I o'clock, and also 11 av m.
and I and I v. m. tomorrow, sunaay.
The adjutant Is a very pleasant speaker
and singer. A good time e expected.
All are Invited.
time is expecti
V Tha' Audubon socletwill hold a meet
7 Ing tonight at the oity hall at which the
subject will be "Spring Migration." New
and interesting' lantern slides' will b
presented br Mr, .Bohlman and an en
, joyable tbtfe Is expected. The society
has extended an invitation to all who
maydeslre to attend the meeting.
, Suit to collect a note for 1 1.010 with
, Interest and $100 . attorneys fees was
' begun in the circuit court yesterday
afternoon by W. X ArmiUge against
John Hamilton. - It Is alleged that the
note was drawn last September to B.
M. Armltag :who .assigned it to the
Tt la said a company is forming to
Ake over property on which there is a
lneral spring ana nuiia , inereon
lartfe sanitorlum. This property is
but an hour's ride from Portland.
Steamer Jesse Harklns, for Camae,
. Washougal and way landings, dally ex-
mt Sundar. Leaves Washington street
dock I P- m. .
Books ' for Decoration day programs
will be found on the shelf next the desk
in the circulating room of the library.
' A mass meeting of the labor unions
haa been called for Friday next for the
purpose of . nominating a complete la
bor ticket for the coming municipal
campaign, . It la necessary to hold the
meeting by that date in order to get
Eastm.-.n ' kodaks and " supplies. L
Lesser Cohen. Ill Ith. the Kodak store.
Dr. William Cavanaugh, dentist, has
moved his omce to e8- Buonanan bidg.
Woman's Exchange, lit Tenth street,
lunch, 11:10 toj. Jj business men's lunch.
. Acme Olf Ca sells the best safety coal
oil andrflne gasoline. Phone East Til.
Beautlfylnt creams. Hudson-Mcleary
Levy's Maslo House, 111 Fifth street
downs. Madame McClure company.
, ... i.V.1 ' t. ., :). " .T. '.. , eaMaa-aiaeaanMa --V ,-, w r.y
D. Chambers, optlolan, ltl Seventh. -Berger
Signs 1?4 TamhlMaajPhone.
Phop mounts, Woodworth, 14IH 1st
Oood $1.10 shoes.' Marks Shoe Co.
Klser scenlo photos. Imperial hotel
Kom til Lyttende Mai-feat. '
Hurrat for Lyttende Mai-fest -, :,
AA Commroatlu Cuitodian"
, ; PAYS
4 Per Cent
Fof the .conveniences of
1 its customers on Satur-.
day evenings from 6 to 8
1H Second St
Ccnitr .Wasfclaalba '.
! BArTIST. . ' '
ArMe Rev. Jobn Bentslao, pastor. : Buntr
scbool, 10 a. m.t Joolor Union, S p. ad. I B.
I. r. y., 7 p. 01. 1 addraas at IV t. m. oj
Harriman ' Crowding Construo
tion Work on Huntington-
Lewiston Line. .
Four Thousand Men Engaged fa Lay-
. Ing Rails Line , WilT Give Low
Grade Route Into Portland and
Handle Copjwr Ore. '
Tha railroad that Is being built by
the Oregon Short Line from Huntington
along tha Snake river to Lewiston will
reach Homestead. Oregon, within 90
days, and will be operating -that far
north br September 1. Thla read will
open to transportation . ores ' that rank
with tha rloheet copper ores In the
world," said William Trevor, vice-president
of, the National Copper ,Ulnea
eompany, which Is mlriTng at JZUprum,
seven miles from the Snake river.
The railroad company .Jias between
1.000 and 1.000 men at work on con
struction between Huntington and-Ballard's
landing. It has been apparent
for some time that Harriman Is oter
mlned upon, possessing a 6nake river
water aradar'and that he will aucceed
in pushing the Short 'Line through to
Lewlsten before another year passes.
Tha Union Paclflo system will thereby
gain a route of low gradients s from
Portland to American Falls, in south
eastern Idaho, where Ita aast-houna
trains make ,tUelr last crossing of the
Snake river." v-X'y-,:,
ravored Boat for Heavy Tonnage.
For heavr freight tonnage the Snake
river routs via Lewiston wm Become
Jamas Sdwarda: sermon at 4 p. m.
Tbird Vaoeonvar aranae and Knott street:
Rev. . y. Bllas, paator. Bunday arbool, 10
a. ra.; preaching at u m. tntj f:go p. at.
Highland Alberts and Blith atreaU. Bnaday
school 10 a. m.; B. t. P. U T p. m.l praaca
ln at 11 a. m. aadJI.'aS p. m. by, Bar. A. U
Jolmaoo. . . .;. . i, -i,..
Ball wood Taeosui and Bleventh straatat Bat.
Oaorga A. Laam. 8uodtr achaol. 10 a. a.)
praaciilDg at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. - '
Calvary Eaat Bit tath and Orant atreaUl Kav.
A. Lawranca Black. - Blbla .acnool. 10 a. sa.
preaching at 11 a. n. and T:80 p. m. ;
Immanaeltecond and Uaada straafa. Preeeh
Ing at 11 a. m. and T:80 p, m. br Kav. B. a
Uook; Bunday aebool, 10 a. m.; Junior meeting,
p. m.i a r, P. D 0.80 p. m, ;
m raea MontarUlai Oilman Parser, minister,
servloae at U a. m. and T:fp. m. s
Caetral Eaat Twantlatn and Askaar atraats:
Rev. W. T, Jordan. Attl0:0wa. m., "National
Raforma," Ear. C. WTuftal Tonng Paopla's
ntaating, 1.80 p. m.: Sunrta acbool, 12 m.l at
p. as., earmoa by Rev. U. W. Darla,
DalTaralt; Park Rav. A. B. Walts. . Bandar
school et 10 a. m. morning worablp, 11 a'clock,
J010. "Pole and Labor" f erenlng sanrloe,
"Poe Wagaa or tor a out Which r , i.
flrat The White Tampla, cornar Twelfth aad
Taylpf straaU Bar. J. Whltoomb Brenchar,
D. D., paator. Morning worahlp, 10:80 o'clock.
"BtaadHtlll," br Rav. John Bentalan; Blbla
SceooL 11.-10 D. m.. Inraraatlnr aaarclaca. luna
v vi, xvuog raopia a enioB,
Clarance True , Wllaon, D. ' D... Praaablns at
10:HO a. m, and 1.30 p .m. Anoda school,
12:19 p. m.l Epworth leaina, 6:80 p. . Mlaa
Kthel M. Iitla will alna at tbe morning service.
Male ehorna In tbe evening. , - -
Ht. John's P. L. Young, paster. Bandar
school, 10 e. m.: praaafalng, 11 a. sa. sad T:30
p, m. Kpwortb League, 6:80 p. m.
Rpwortb Irving and Twaatj-tUlrd, . H,
Brant, paator , Preaching tt U a, n. end
T:i p. m. - , '
- South lTHf Second itreet, 'rorasters hall:
Rev. B. P. Mowre, paator. . Bandar acbool, 10
a. m.j preaching at 11 a. m. end I v m.
Bpworth Icagua, T p. m. - X
Centenarr Ninth and Pine, W. B. Bappa,
paator. frearhlns II a. m. and T:80 p. m.
Trinity Oornar of Eaat Tantb end Orant,
Lewie r. Smith, paator. Bandar acbool, 10 a.
m. aarmoo at 11 a. m.j aarvlcea at f:80 p. sa.
claaa maatlng, 1:14 p. m.t Epworth ieagne,
6:80 p. ra. ,
Central Raaaell and Karby atraats; f, T. Ab
batt. paator. 8arvlcas br pastor at at e. as.
and T:30 p. m. . , .
, Cblnaaa Mlaalon Cbae Ring KaL ' paator.
Preaching, H a. m. and T:80 p. m. -"
UontaTllla Hlbhard aiul llohta atraatii Rav.
Harold Obarg, paator. Bunday acbool, 10 a. m,j
Baatat aarvtca, 11 e. m.l Junior leagoe, t
p. m. Kpwortb league, 6:M p. m. preaching
service et T:80 p. n. .
Lents W. . Ingalls. pastor.', Preaching et
U a. m. ana t:so p. m.
Uontsvllla Oragoa and Bobbard, H. Obarg,
paator. Praacblng 11 a. m. end T:80 p. m.
Moont Tabor Jamaa Moore, paator. Preeeh
tag at U a. m. end T:80 p. m. .
Patton Michigan svanoa and Oarpeatar,1 II.
T. Wire, paator. Preaching at 11 a. m and
1:80 p, m. . .
VanenoTcr Avenue Preaching et 11 a. ' sa.
and T:BO p. m. t-
VoodUwa 8. R. Dewart, paator. l.Praeeotog
ti 11 a. m. end T:80 p. m.
Woodatock W. T. Karr, . pastes. Praaehlag
St 11 e. m. end T. 80 p. m.
a Korwaeias-Danteh Thlrteantk end Devie, O.
I. Uracu, paator. Prsecbing et 11 a. sa. aad
1:80 p. m -
Bwadlab BoTtbwIck end Raaah. Sav. Inhn.
son, paator. Preaching at 11 a. sa. sad ?:
baa. iimui rMmifli , nnim. . H'i, r m
i..4 - a ..:;r- r '
jr. iurwuaiuoiii popular areiung v rlrat uarmas Flftaanth and Rnrt n.
i e clock. Rev. Benton win preach ) W..7i p.pii V 11 aV s
i aii ictTfj muj xi arm w Aanc- i i :bq p, m.
eaejDOnawe. HeTTainrH si HA KAareT M VltfaenW aaflaalfsir I laima u .au-
1 ejaa, usisjtami.i ,
B- BUntoe O. Lapham, paator. tarvlcea at
10:80 a. m. and T:80 p. m.t Bible acbool, 12 m.j
Xoung Paopla's anion. 6:80 p. m.
Twentr-aacond streata, Bonday achodl, 10 a. m.
' i ' a a as, oy imjt, x. 4, ciara.
Bt. Johns R. , A. Leoaard, paator. Bandar
acbool. 10 m. sarmoa, 11 e. m.; B. P. X.
V., 6:80 p. m.i aermoa, T:8 p. m.
Chlnaae Mlaalon 862 f Oak atreet ' Bandar
acbool. 7 p. m. preaching In Cbmaas, I p. m.
Plrat Oarman roartb and Mill atreeUi Rev.
, Aran, paator. oenaay school, e:eo s. m.
preaching, 11 a. m.l Young people's meeting,
P- m.j evaolng preaching, T:80 o'clock.
- Becond Oermaa Morrla street end Rodney
arenas; Rav. P. Bueermann, pastor. Bandar
acbool, 8:S e. m.f preaching, 11 e. m.l loong
People e meeUng, 7 p. m.i erenlng preaching,
, :ou p, ' m "
East ''rortv.oarth.MfMa Ml4nn At Mi
soma er r. U Bunting, 1310 Beat Yamhill
treat, at a. am. , MarvlMa Ud l R R. a.
Cook. , - ,
Mlseab Eaat Thirteenth and Powell atraata:
Rav. Jerome R. McOlada, O. D. Preaching
st 10:80 a. ra.. "Heart Troths" t eraachlns at
I p. a, "The Xlemeat la tbe Chrlatlaa BaU-
gion.". .
Calvary Eleventh ' and " Clay a tree tat Rav.
Ban-Bars Btltee El Jr., D, D. SerrlcM, 10:86
m. ana i:ov p. m. nunuay acnool, 14 m.
Poorth Plrat and Glbbe atreata. Praachlnc
st 10:80 a. m. br Rav. John D. Dntmlna: Sun
day acbooL 13 M'y. P. B. a ., 6:80 p. to.;
st 7) p. Breaching by Bev. V. A. Thorn p-
son... '
Hawthoraa-Park Twelfth and . Eaat Tarlor
atreata:. Ker. B. Nelaon Allan. Bandar school.
is m.t semcae at iu:u e. m. ana t:w p. m.i
, . m. v. m.t s.0u p. us.
Forbaa Bell wood street end OanteebalB eve
aoe; Rev. Harry B. Pratt. ' Preaching, 11
a. sa. and T:80 p. m.t Sunday acbool, u a. aa,
Cbrlatlam Badcavar, 6:80 p. m.
Piedmont Cleveland arenas ' end Jarrett
a treeti Rev. U Myroa Booaer. ' Praaehlns at
11 a. m. and 1:80 P m.1 bonday acbool, 13:18
p. m... .1.-
Weatmlnater Eaat Tenth and Weldlar streets;
Rev. Henry L. kUreotte. Bervlcee at 11 a. sa.
sad T:80 p. ra. j Bunday acbool, 13:80 p. aa,;
X. P. 8. C. B., 6:80 p. m,
Pint Twelfth and Alder streets: Rev. Wil
liam Hiram Foalkre. At 10:80 a. m., "The
Translatloa of EVjah"! Toong People's hour.
6:46 p. m.) Bunday school, 12:16 p. m.; preach
lng at T:a8 p. tu., . topic, . 'Toothing the Beta
et Bis Garment.",; ,
Pulton Bev. A. H. Bsrkholder. " ' Bmday
school at 11 a. m.l Christian Endeavor, T p. m.
service, 7:48 p. m. v
Marsball-Btreet Maranau ' sne Horta seven
teenth atreets; Rev, C. W. Baya.. 4. Bandar
Pteechlne at 11 a. so. aed T:86
p. m. . .-! ,- , .
Japanese Mlaslea 121 Mosth ' rifteenth.,
Prearhlna- at 11 a . anil V an at
Unlveralty park O.- A. Wa Mere,' pastor,
services et U a. m. and I'JO p. as.
' ",' 1 aaavaaaaavasM 1 . . "1,
:v-. ' j A '-' oovoxzoATioirAx,
Cnlverslty Park Artisans' temple; Rev. D.
B. Gray. Ssnday school, 10 a. m. sarmoa,
11 a, m, " . r.
Miaalaalppl-Avenae Mteetaelppt svenee sad
Premout street; Bev, William L Upahaw. Baa
day acbool, 10 e. m.t evening service, 7:80 p. m.
flunnyalde Corner of Bast Taylor and Beat
Thlrty-foorth streets; Rev. J. J. Stanb. paator.
Bervlcee at 11 a. m., topic, "At tbe Gate Called
uenuniui; evening servlca at 8 o'clock, topic.
"When Ltfe Spelto Opportunity"; Bunday
school, 10 a. m., B. C. Plar, superintendent;
Benlor Cbrlatlaa Endeavor, 7 p. aa-p -Junior
Chiiatlaa Endeavor, 8 p. m.
Haaaalo-Btreet Eaat Eleventh end Raaselei
Paul Bader, paator. Services st 10:80 e. et.
end 7:48 p. m. Bundsy school, 13 m4 Cbrlatlaa
Endeavor, 6:45 p. m.
Plrat Madlaon and Park; Rev. Daniel Btaver.
ssalatant paator. Morning sermon, "The Call
to Worablp,' by Rev. Edgar 8. Rotbreck, 10:30
o'clock; evening servlca with earmoa, "A Be
lated Recollection," by Rev. Edgar S. Roth,
rock, 7:48 o'clock; Sunday acbool, 12:) B
p. m., P, H. Whitfield, supermteDdeat; X. P.,
8. C. K., 6:48 p. m.
Highland Eaat Blith street north end Pres.
eott; Bev. B. 8. Bollinger. Booday acbool, 10
a. m., J. D. Ogden, snperlBtendent; Junior En
deavor. I p. in. I X. P. B. a E., 6:48 p. m.;
sermon, 11 ., "Pair Havens"; 7:48 p. p,
topic, ."The Renewed Pace of the Earth' ;
"' '' -;' . ItrXEZSAV,
Swedish Tmroanuel Nineteenth and .Irving
Streets, Bervlcee, 11 a. sa. and 6 p. m.)
Sundar school, 0:41 a. m.
Norwegian 8ynod-e-Baat Tenth and Orant
streeu; Bev. O. Bagoea. Stuulay school, S:S0;
services at 11 S. m. ead 8 p. m. X, P. 8.,
Thuraday, 8:18 p. to. .
Beta ola Panlah Union avenue and Marna
street; Rev. Qadmnnd GrlU. Services et 11
a, m. and S p. m. 1 Sunday school, 18:16" p. m.
St. Jamas' . Eagllab West Park and Jeffer
son streets; J. Allen Leas, paator. -Sunday
acnool, 10 a. m.i aervlces at U a. m.; lllaa
tra tad lecture, "Womea of the Bible,'' 7:30
St. Johns Penlneolat' avenne . end Kllperrlck
atreet; C. Buechen, .Toaator, Bervlcee et 10:40
e. as., eevmaatrdW- fa- a-BafUah( Bonder
acbool, 9:80
Norweprlai45 North Poarteeeth atreet; Rev.
J. M. Nlg, paator. Sunday aervlces at It.
a. mra4Ad 7:80. p, m.; Sunday school, 6:48
Bt. Paul' a oermaa Eaat xwairta end onaton
1 nn
p. m.; X. P.. 8. O. 6:48 p. m. . x'l a. m. na i:w p. .; sunasy eenooi, :oo
Moant Tabor Belmont and Prettymaa streets; I e. m. . ' '
Rev. Edward M. Sharp. Services, at 11 a. m.l Trinity Oermaa, Hlaaotrrl Synod Corner Wll-
and 7:80 p. m. . . y I llama avenuaand Sellwood atreet; J. A. Rim-
Anebel Kev. eo. w. arms. ir. snnesy I eacn, paaior. Berricee ai u a. m. mm i
p. as., jsunaay acoovi, . v.tu e. ofc- ,
Central Eait Twentieth v and East ' Balmoa
etreeta: Rev.. J. P. Obormley. 0. D. At 10:48
a. m Dreacblna-. tonic. "Why Am I What I
Ami"; Sundar acbool, 12 m. Senior Endeavor,
6:80 p. m.; evening, revival service and Ulna-
trated sermon; song service ty tt. A. Baston
01 Chicago. - - , - 1
Rodney-Avenue Roanry avenne eeo nnou
At e:eo a.
1. end
acbool. 10:80 a. a.; preaching, li-so e. m.
The Oaks Rink.
Third East Thtrteesrh and Pine etreeta: Rav.
Andrew J. Montgomery, paator. Services st
10:80 a. si. and :48 p. m.
Vernon-Eant.-aVentleth and Wygant. Preeeh- ;
na Bt a, i. ami iov p. m. . py oot. V. SV.
Blair; Sunday acnool,' 13 m. -
Monuvlllk Bev. i. A. P. afeOaw. acting
at W a. sna ijsd p. m. . ;4.
Mount eeoct services in naii at axera rara,
I p. m.; Sunday school. 1:80 p. av, '
artyr Weodlaws Sunday acbool, ie a. m.j preacV
.Bern- lag, 11 a, a.; Cbrlatlai Endeavor. 7 y. jat.;
Tf It rains tonight go to the Oaks
nnK: 11 u oon ram, go any way. una 1 . t-.- nn a,,,.
of the grandest times ever offered the . .-.;, im. n
skating public awaits those attendingi "IZlZl ha.i In warona 40
the favored route, as against the shorter j sa 11 wood Corner East SevrnVen'tb and Boo-
road through tnt Blue Mountain region, j ksne avenue; Kev. u. a. xnoeinaon. paator,
The Snake river road from Huntington . 8undayschool, 10 a. m.f preaching st,ll a. m.
1. v.i. h..ll kataiiu. ka Htll I end 7:80 p. m. -
,a mini ww,, . wvvu
oompaniea seoured ' possession of the
water grade from Portland to 8pOkane,
and, furthermore, because Mr. Harriman
now knows that Hill Is bent upon cut
ting several hundred miles off .of the
Northern Pacific's, time card by push
ing through Lola pass to Missoula.
To maintain an aquas footing with
the Northern Pacific It will be neces
sary for tha Union Pacific system $6
aelca tinon the eaav arades within lts
reach. Another reason for construction
of the Snake river Una is the-imense
ore tonnage that awaits tha ad In the
Seven Devils and Powder-Jketver moun
tain reerlon. This 1 whole country Is
heavily mineralised, and some anisslng
Values are being found in the rock that
Is brought In by prospectors. Portland
aasayers have reported on copper ores
that carry gold and silver and copper
In hitherto unheard of values. v:
Thousands sf Tons of Ore.
"When I vlalted Council, the northern
terminus of ths nresent ; Short- Line
branch out of Welaer. I found piles of.
ore stacked up along the route awaiting
cars to carry the totuff to tha smelter,"
said Mr. Trevor. 'There is an Immense
DM. . I. TTJITOB:, Ifataropatav
and want to get . well the
best thing for you to do is to
throw your' medicine' away;
and go to Dr. N. J. Fulton,
Naturopath, who treats all
diseases ' without medicine, .
' She cures many , patients
who have been treated for
months with medicine and
who have "about given up
hope of being cured. ; ' '
Such diseases as rheuma
tism, la grippe, stomach and
bowel complaints, ; goiter, ;
paralysis, female complaints,
nervous diseases, she treats
without medicine, and cures.
Examinations and triaT.
treatment free. V'
. ' x y ' :
Dr. N. J. Fullon
...6: . s;'S.t . ' .v,.'V'"V :''' v'.
Corner Clay, one block front K.
S, eatr one rreav Uth street ear, .
B from Jefferson oar. Telephone
" ''' " auta sua.
IAS rsAircisco'S rrxDrao covvrsca
TheSti Jame
r,X::,'X'l-.- SAV rBABCISCO. U .
' Vn0A& XOTZX. CO., trap.
. ,' Wa. P. Bagge, Mn.
fs sites ted la the heart of the boateaes ita
trtct. Modere and handaomely fernlahee. pri
vate baths, talepaones tm every room. Sample
rooms tor, traveling maa. Rates from 1.A0 te
64.00. Baropeaa plea. Aceeaalble te all depota.
Situated la the heart of tbe abopplng aad boat,
eeea dlatrlct. Cloae to the tbeatrae. .
"."4: '7 tmm bbaxtthttij nw
Hotel "Key Roote Inn"
22nd Street and Broadway
.. . ' ..'1 . . -i ' - X. ' .'..'
Sunny rooms, ' private baths, lonar-dls-tance
telephones, compressed sir clean
lng, large lobby, cafe a la carta with
culaine and service unsurpassed. Ifor
rates, etc, address . ....,.. !.:.."., ...
N. 8. MCLLAN, Manager. i
Formerly Assistant Manager Paiaee
noiei, can sranoiaco. -
Interseotlon Market, Polk U Pea Bta,
A modern hostelry containing lot
outside rooms, : IB private baths,
ateam heat, telephone la each room.
Nice light sample rooms. - ' .
ztrmoPBAjr tulx. batxs mxa
' . v .. ; SOBTABlaaL : ' . ;'. .
ronnerly Prop. Occidental HoteL
Heiuia Theatre
let and Washington. Phons Xaia la
' , Tonight 8:18 o'clock. i '
Lest Time Tomorrow Night A'-' '
-Prli-ee retire Lower rloor, ft,'' Balenay,
II, T6e, 60e. Gallery, 13c, SSe. Seats ealllag
at theatre bos office. .
:. .Pertlaad's Pamees Tbaatnv
, fbooe ataut 90
- Grand Opening
Oomla Opera Seasaw ,
' Wtdnesday, May 15
San Francisco Ooera Co.
ht the treat Vtulosl Seeeess '
' rive Jtle-bts Only. 4
. Battoeea Bator day aad laaaay.
f .! Boa Office Wow Opeas - ' -
Prices ttte. SOciBe. -..
the afmlsters ead Medrnma' Protective Sptrtf-
nallat aoclety. , All welcome. Her, Sophia 0,
tieip, prasiaenc. f- .
the Oaks rlnlc .tonight , Kfre regular
evening session win - oe extenaea uu
11, only one session and the usual price
prevail. Remember, now Is the time to
skate If you can, and If you can't skate
now Is ths time to learn. -. Thers'will
be a grand band ooncert tonight and all
day Sunday, v The big rink, will be open
all day Sunday. The big rink will be
open all day Bunday and the cars will
run over the Oregon City - line.- -Now,
once more, lest you forget, there'll be
a big time at the Oaks rink tonight
There's no pastime like skating, and
not skating like that to be had at the
Oaks rink. .xXXxxk xi .''V',,,a?,V";i' iv
Preferred Stock Canned rjooaa, -Allen
a Lewis' Best Brand.
Borne of today'a want ads coma from
your neighborhood. '
The average man will think twice before he breaks a dollar to pur
chase o cents worth of amusement or en
joyment, because he realises that the re
mains of the dollar take wings and quick"
ly fly away. Neither will a man write a
check for 5 cents it seems too small.
Therefore, the man who deposits all his
earnings in this strong bank and, pays his
bills by checking against , his account is in
a fair way- to cut off the. small extrava-
kjTgances that prevent so many of us from
achieving financial success. If it is hard
fof you to layA by a store for the "future
try this plan We will welcome your account, howeversmall and
assist you on the way to' success, . .
a. vyy?-. 05
mw r ., aw- -m I t 1 I
! nr'-n l"aiJtir.1ut
miles and then shipped by rail to east
ern smelters, and still yielded i largo
profits to .the minora;" '-J--;?4V';
Borne of the enthuslastio ones belfeve
the Beven Devils country will With rail
transportation become tha tlcHstcop
per producing region In the country.
The National company has been steadily
developing Its 20 copper claims for two
years, and has not yet aoia a pounu or
ore. It has hundreda of tons of ore
plied on the dumps, awaiting trie com
lng of tha railroad. ,
'XiX:Xx Kbrh la Copper, .'.r '
ft Oreenley ft Crawford, Portland assay
era, have Juat assayed rock from a big
strike mads In. tunnel No. I -;of this
company last week, and report values
per ton as ronows: oja, 4; suvor,
110.21c i copper. 11.86 per cent or 1,139
pounds of copper to the ton. At the
present market price of copper, 25 cents
per pound, the, total valua of tha ore la mil, . .I -. -. ..
i Tha National Is the copper mine that
two years ago took- the silver medal at
the Lewis "and Ctatrk f exposition for
highest, grade copper glance 'At that
time - the mine was a mere? prospect
that, had been discovered and worked
on a small seal by Mr. Trevor, arid Ita
atock was selling .at I centa a snare.
At the present time there is no stock
on the market The mine la owned al-
moat entirely by Portland people.
- 'Rnerlal rjlaoatob . to The Joornal.)
Hood Kiver, Or., May ll.Tired of
what the claim Is an inadequate ser
vice, residents of Hood Blver vUey
have petitioned tha : Hood Blver Com
mercial -club .and the ctty council to
grant a franchise to another telephone
company. The service here at present
Is owned by the Paclflo States company
and In proption to Its population Hood
Blver has mora phones than any dis
trict In Oregon. InauffJclent .help Is
said to be the cause of tha poor ser
vice., ' - , .
In compliance with tha petition the
city ' council has passed an ordinance
giving a franchise to the Northwestern
Telegraph & Telephone company whloh
has an automatic system. - It VI1I es
tablish connection with PorUand some
Urns during; Ui attaunar,
' Pro-Cathedral nf Bt 8tepnea ths Marty
rnlrteenth end cuy etreeta: Bev. a. af. Rem-I Inc. 11 a. a.t Obrlitlai Badaaver. I v.
ear. vicar. Holy communion, 7:80 a. m.l Ann- I aerrbaa at 8 s. m. ,
day school, 8:6 e. m.j morning servlos. 111 Birat Corner Park aad Colombia etreeta Bev.
o'clock; evening service, T-.80 o'clock. ' Tbe IB. B. Muck ley. minister. At 10:30 a. . m
Rt Rev. Charles Scaddlng, D. D will admlnla- preaching, topic, 'IA Receipt foe.' Weariness" (
er ma aacrmnjeni ea fwunuuen av tae H 1 BlDie scnooi, la m.; preacaina. bi i;ee p.
o'clock service. , 1 "a New Rlehteotianeaa." .-
Trinity Nineteenth end Everett streets. Holy ( Advent Becond street. 1etwen Ball sad
communion, 8 a. m.1 morning prayer and ae- I Lincoln. Bervlcee et 11. -BO a. m. and T p. a.
ice, ii ociocai e.cuinf iirayer ana aaareee. i praise meeiing; onnoar acnovi, au.ov a. n
""St '"naSlEart Tw.if';. Ja : Belmont TTBTrf D ITAKOEUOAl.
atreeta Rector, Rev. Oeorge B. Ven Water a, I ' Plrat Comer Baat Tenth end Sherman streets.
D. , I. Holy communion, s a. m.i' morn-1 Rev. A. A. Winter. Bandar scnooi.. io a. a.
Ing prayer, litany and sermon st 11 o'clock: services at 11 e. m. end T:30 p. m.
s ven lng prayer and sermon. 1:80 o'clock. I Second Fargo sad Kerby streets ! Rev. B.
All Salnta Twenty-eeeood and Reed streets 8. Uogbes, paator. Bonday school et 10 a, B.l
ennaay scnooi. iu a. m.revening aervice, tm I preaching at li a. a. ana e p. m.,-.
o'clock, aermoa br Rev, H. D. Cnambera. 1 St. John'a Ivanboe and John etreeta: Rev.
Bt. Andrew's University Psrk; Rev. W. R. I Cheater Paul Oates. - Bandar acbool. 10 a. m.
Powell, chaplain. Snnday school, 8:18 p. a. I preaching, 11' e.' m.; topre, ''Begmntng at Jem
service and eermoa st 7: JO p. m. laalem"; . K. O. B 2:30 p. m.; 8. K. L. O.
wooe snepnero eeuwooa aireex sna van I E.. 8:80 p. a.i preacnug, i;t p. m npw,
conver avenue, aiumat onn uawaon. I "Eternity, i
Bnnday school, 8:43 a. a.t holy communion, 111 Orkley . Green Gay ' street end Willamette
o'clock! evening aervice, T:15 o'olock.
8L John's Memorial Sellwood: Bev. W.
hnaieeardt Rev." 1. Boweramt,. paator. At
K. it m. and T:SO d. m aarvlcea: Buadav aehool
roweu in coarse, oonaay acoooi, J.V a. m.j I at 10 a. m.J aw 1m u n. si e;sv p. a.
eVTTJW BDU erruivH a, A a. - n. : ' : -r
r:' n " r"s:,?.,' iv ; svawoelicai assooutiob,
litany anfl holy communion at 11 a. m., Rov. I mum-
T.afrwilaon wlU officiate. - 1 8. A. Slewert. paator. Preaehmg et 11 a. a.8
n,Mth.H a,, i Hnniiav acnooi. iu a. m.i iirani reooie e ai-
, a.: evening service, f :afi 'clock.
yirat German Corner Tenth and Qlay streets
,wr Wilson WUl officiate. -IB. A. Biewen. paaior. n u . aa.,
8t," Matthew'e Flrat and Cant there streets; I Sunday arhoot, 10 e. m.j Toong People's si
bv W. A. M. Brack In charge. Holy com- llance, 8:48 p. a.2 eventag service. T:S 'clock.
m.l first vermao waw w
aer Theodore Bchaoer, paator.
8:30 e. m.i sermon at 10:
erv- p. m.i T. P A., T p. a.
xmL Memorial Kaat Qighteentl
Sunday school at
48 a. m. and T;e8
munlon, 7:80 a. m.; Bunday ecbool, 8:48 a. m.;
aervice ana sermon, ii a. m.i service ana
mon. T:80 B. m. ' '
Tha rtmni nf An, MavlAVWtB'
Ices every Bunday at 11 a. a.; Bunday acbool. Memorial Eaat Eighteenth end Tlbbettst h.
10 e. m. . C. Hoover, paator. Preaching at H e. a. and
8t Mark's Corner of Nineteenth and Qalmhy 8 p. m-i Bunday school, 10 e. a. Xooag Pao-
streets; .Rev. J. a). H. Blmpaon, rector. At pie's meeting, l p. m.
e a. m.. neiy communion; iv a. m., nunaay
aehool ; 11 al a. holy communion and sermon;
l;o p. m., evensong ana sermon.
' Tarlor -Street Dr. Prande Burgette- Snort.
Claasea. 8:80 a. m.; aermon. 10:80 a. m.. by
Mlaa Mary B. Wlulama, direct from Baroda,
Inn!.. Hnnn,, ahooL - lfi:15 a. .. m.f Rnworth
laaanaA e-80 m.: at 7:4S D. m.. "The Old 1 temule. Stark and Seventh streets. Bandar
Homestead and Its Destroyers." , . " I aervlces at 11 a. m. and 8 p. a. mors lng aub-
Sellwood Firteents ana xacoma etreeta; Rev, I tect, "Mortals sna immortals--; Sunday aehool.
l. wagner., eunaay coooi. ma,, m.j i n a. m. neaueaaay aseiing, a p. m.
i Hunaay i -
mretsD brethrxh nr oKmrsr.
lirat East fifteenth and Horrtaoa streets t
r rhnrch of Chrlat. Bclenttat Man4tlak
Rite eatliedral, Morrlaon and Lownadale streets.
Services St "a. m, and 8 p. a, subtoct,
f'Mortals and Immortals"! Bnnday school et
cloae of morning service,, neoueaoay evening,
S o'ctocs, -
Becona cnurca oi r vorwa,. scientist Bins'
aarntna at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 d. m. 1 Sundar
achool, 12:10 p. m. tpwonn league, i p. m.
Rnnnvalde Kaat Yamhill atreet, between JBaat
Thlrty-tifth mi I Thirty-sixth streets. T. B, B,T, & ghsffer, Bible school st 10 eVa.
Pord, paator.- Preaching. 10 a. a. and T:80 Kmog ,t n a.; eermoa et T:80 p. i
n. m.J Bunday school, U e. a. eUss meeting, p. aj. C. 7 p. m. ... r - 1 1,
13:15 p. m.t Junior league, 8 p. m. - - Radical Sixth end Mechanic Streets: Rev. O.
. Grace tenter or iweirm sna isyior streers; i p. Blanche rd. Btimlsy acbool, 10 a. a. eeraaea.
a aa, ww ir
The White Temple
Cor. Twelfth And Taylor Bta;-
Rew John Bentzieh
Bolo, "O Eyea That Ara Weary," 1
Miss Lawler. '
7 v.-- fM. . 7-1 '
"Is There Any Harm
in Dancing?' :
:. Mr. Bentslen will read Interest
ing letters pro and eon. Fine
rmtslo by Temple Choir and Quar
Cbereh ef Onr rather Corner ef Tamhlll aad
Seventh atreata: Rev. W. a. Clint im
ter: Rev. T. I.. Eliot. D. t) mlnlatar emaeitua.
Berrrcea et 11 S. m.. "Rellrlnn and TVaalfh 1
v:o a. m.j amuergarieu, n a. m. ; aauu
lM p. a.f p,. 0:30 p. a.
dharch of ths Strangere Waeco street aa4.l
Grand avenue; Kev. a. ban uuuuia. Morning
aervice, 11:45 o'clock, with aermoa for hoys:
Sunday school, 12? m.J sermon, .1:80 p. av "I
Am tor reace. . -.....-(.i.-,
Flrat Sixth and Montsomery a traeta: Rev.
A. W. Wilson. Mornlna aermon, 10:80 a. a.i
8unday school, 12 m. ; sermon, 1:90 p. a. .
Tbe Chrlatlaa and Missionary Alliance Sixth
and Main etreeta; Rev.yC. 1. Bawtelle, auper
Inteadent. Preaehlng.ot 10:30 a. m.s Bunday
acbool, 18:18. n, u.fxeuag Paople'e service et
e.p. sa. l
- , pnrruaU8T.
Rav. Barry J. Moore will lecture Snnday at
11 a. m. in W. it. W. hall. Eleventh and Alder
streets, subject, "All World Soul (spirit) Com
muiilou aaateted by Rev. John Slater.. -
Bev John Slater of San Franclece will hold
spiritual Bervlcee Snnday evening at 8:15 aharp,
ls new W, Q J, hall, nnder the auaplose ef
u. tiarner. eerroon at ju:Q" a. a.,
"Tbe Upllftlmg ef Men by the Uplifted
services-at 8 J. m., topley'Voeepe. a
Chrlat": T. P. 8. C sV, T p. a.t
"x ; ts. t -x xxmutzB. . IS
''flrat Oermaa Tenth and Blartt .streetai Rev,
G. Harher. Sermon et 10:45' 1. m., topic.
Type ef
i X. P. 8. (Jn T p. m.t Bundsy
whan D'aUl a. an. . . 4-."
A'X ' . T. K. tt''A. ? ?: 7.V'
fourth and Tamhlll At e meeftng for men
only to be held at 8 p. a. an eddrees will be Rev. Hiram V woman on "Becceaa" ;
orcbeatra and concert; solo by Cnarlea Cutter;
b& ratline tt Rene Hutchinson memorial tablet
fst 8 O'clock. -.' .v,. v.",'.'
' Hew Church Society Eleventh ; and Alder
streets; Bev. Hiram Vroomaa. . Berrloas at
11 a. a. Sunday acbool. 10 e. a.
Charch ef the Oood Tidings Baat Coach aed
Best Blgbtb streets; Rev. J. D. Corby, m In la
ter. Bunday achool, 18 m.; sermoa. 10.48
a. a., topic, "The Vane of Resources to Life
e Btady of the Parable ef the Wise end Poolleu
Vlrglna." Prayer meeting Thnraday evenltig
at I p.; a. y?, ,
: Hall 801, Allsky building; T. af. Mmard.
pastor.'- Bervlcee at 11 e. m. ( : .
Hall 400 AUaky building. Third ead Morrison.
Services st 11:00 a. m. aad T p. m.; Suaday
aitwol, 10 a. a..,:cv 'XX
aUUXBJriai, DAwl, . . '
O. A.' B. hall, northeast corner Second and
Morrlaon streets. Bervtcee et 8:80 p. a.
' Craw halL ltt8 Second atreet. Rav. .
Coan win lecture et 8 sad 7:80 p. a., subject,
"Obeession," followed by spirit messages . by
Mrs. L. M. Coon. t
Universal New Thoecht aaaemblr Hall No.
8, Mulkey building, Becond snd Morrlaon etreeta. i
Morulas lecture et 11 o clock, subject. "What
la the Best Time aad Ooadltloa for Soul Com
munion T"; lecture at 8 p. a., subject, "Tbe
Symbolla Meaning ef Adam and Bve and ths
Aarriea Af Kdan.1' Slatae Avahanila. anaakae.
- Preferred took Canned Oooda.
Allen at IawIT Best Brand.
Home ed the Jamona Baker Stock Company.
NaT" Goodwill's Immenae Snceeas, ' v
- . yrjAB cowbot axo thx iadj.
By Clyde Pttch.
Beautlfnl Production One ef the Best ef the
Bntlre Beaeon. Btage Direction Mr. Arthnr
Msckiey. - - -.;
Kvenlnr SSe, 88e. 80c. Matinee IB, SSe.
' Next Week," Beginning Tomorrow Matinee
"The Vew Dominion." . ... , ;
Empire Thtafrc m..
Milton w. Seaman, Manager.
The Home ef Melodrama.
Lest Time Tonlf ht The Seaman fkunnaae.
Best Melodramatic Organisation That Ever
Played Portland. In the Big Eaetern Bucoees,
'' ' Matmee Saturday.
Btage Direction of Mr. Herbert Aahtoa,
Hiffht Prices 100. 80c. SOe. 60c. Matinee
lOe. 20c. Next Week, Btertlng Tomorrow Msti-
TMa WalTB UAP8."
Week ef May 8.
K :-. " , - - Preeente '
In Plve Aeta. '
Matlneea Tuesday. Thnraday. Baterdars snd
Sundsys at 8:80. prices 10 snd 80 cents. Entry
evening st 8:15. Prices 10, 80 and 80. cents.
sieserve seats ey pnona. Main Sfee.
. . wees or nay is, "Devil's Isiaad."
The Gil AND x p
Weak ef Kay 8. Attmtloai
Vaadeville eeLaxa. - RAJf ZVOLXT0V a
The Harry La Rose CO. , ,
' PJZTi rTi
"TEB BAILOR AST) 8; Gilbert, Bouaa and
1 y .. THX H0&ST' ; Sloan, Xradrls XeV
Will ac'creaay. Oraadlsoepe. ,
PICN Wolise's Park
TJanelng and Oamea of .all kinds. -Taka
ear at second ana Morrison sup.
Week of Carnival at La Grande.
' : (Special Dispatch ' te Ths Jnonul) - -t,a
Grande. Or., May 11. The streets
of this eltv will be the scene of a
carnival beginning with Monday, May
IT nn.enntlnulnff throughout the Week..
This festival Is under the management
of the Eagles and Is taken up by the
bualnesa men, who are planning exten
slvs gala decorations. '
van vna tra TOTJAT. 4
s W7. k.M a aaai-Tthtne for this eltv- BOSSt-
ble to be done to make Itlmmaeulatsly clean
clean as e dewdroth-utlfu lovely. ,We
K.a aaw,nnaail aaarvthlnc In. Slsht end OUt Of
It. We are the people, end on stonuay we u j
m oliaan, at theae reformed prices.!
theraforetmake IWi the ofttesndry ef the
earthJ . . ... ; .
VriosTD. ?-:xx;- - btarcbxa
Sheeta- ............ teDreaaes ....,
Slips f,8't,r .. "40e
. a fctWaurJ ........... BC
Tablecloths , ....8 toOL 0oTtr-"? S?
Rollers ... r,, rl
Towels X . lPr.w:T- -" 2
"One Session Ona Prico
Skating 7:30 Till 1! p. m.
Hanb aa .........
n - ., i . lawMnnara. ........
ttauaeercnieie i . Su.
Handkarchlefs, Siia. ec . i """Ti;
Rase ............. P'U ',,2!
Stand Covsra........ SSWms rieoe-..,.,. m,
HOT IROaTlO. v : .
verebtrts , eenianaew, .vuw,
Ntabtehlrta ...... t. " ""I
UnderahirtS eesisnsexa, mnam,
Soeka fcQailts JWe
Hose ,........
Pajamas , '
Union 1a
taHlaa VeatS. ...... Be v 1
Clilld'a'Overalle...,, 8e - '
k .htrfa. eollare. nft. Vests, overalls or
Jnmpere done Is thla department. te.bun3ie
lees than 60c. v-
Seesad aad Oolanbla ttH SUi!ioaa llls t
Skating All Dsy Clt.l'
fT 14
U -. v . -