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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1907)
THE JOURNAL AM INDEPENDENT NKWSPAPXa. C I. JACKSON...,. PsblUhtr perfect satisfaction cf his owner and wltlt credit to himself, 1 Meantime, the farmer 1 turning an honest pen- ny, by plowing his fields, not with Pnwih4 vnrf trainc fMtrt ,emia.) a "$400 horse, but a $50 steer, and w flnodir mnnilnr. at The. IWnal fBll-Lft , . . . ,,,, , : inK, nnb at Y.mbiu mww, Portund. or. It Is inferred that the difference In Kntm tt tb otofn at pwthuMi. Price Is snugly deposited in the bank.' l":,1 ,u"ong' " r0" As illustrating the remarkable ; de--TELEPBONmMAiN tits. - mand fr horses, and their value, the At! aViMrrmanta h. thla amber.. Ml Incident ahowa that to ' hnat ' it iha V.r.tor tb. department ? wat -v.,1,...' , strong enough, as many women have been, to become the real ruler, may through, " this ;. little, ? weak, ; puling atom change the character and des tiny of Spaing.-- v.y klyxXl FOEKION ADVEBTISJNO BEPBESENTATITI Vrarland-Rantamla Rnarlal aiWartlalnC Anner. Bronnrlri Bnlldtac. 2S Fifth arease, New j gome." or; iriDcna Bonding, cmcaga. Suhacrtptloo Term bf mall to an? address to iha lolttd Sutaa, Canada ar Mailoo. , . -AILY.. ' On Xar......::'.$8 00 I On Month.......! M ..v. RtTNDAT.ii On 11.60 I On month.......! JS DAILY AND SUNDAY. -..., Ona year.,.,. .bo I On moata. $ JSS I .BOTH RASCALS AND FOOLS N the New York state senate most t percentage, ;, in. Its growth, as com pared i with 1 last year'. People all over the country are watching , Port land grow.u.iy;. -,:A-: Ne wsies Make Good Tke Latin Quarter : Small , Change Senator Piatt says that he hes al- The Golden Oats leads to trouble, Beaver are Intelligent snlmalaj but By John Anderaon Jayn. 1 By Ella Wheeler Wilcox. It you ara a man 40 yeara old or over 'There are nearly three thousand stu- and win atop to think of your friends dent (American etudents) in Paris who have "mad good" In life, you wlUlThey liv In1 th famou Latin', quar-1 they can't play ball .. I. a...,, a.. h I Know that the tn.lnrltv ah. "mik. I ter. ' - .; ......... . ...... i . , ,. e best. For - the best for Piatt, he I - ' ( :.: . :, looaoure and humble bcrlnnlna-a. v' I wuarwr- rocgesta a wnony xsjm iuo vi uuyuiuiii. W n iemocrais, lea Dy rat taken. - A dishonorable life is not boy' noma, has counted up the number X It brings up the ptotura of 'Trilby" ' A president whoae initials are T, it Missouri; brand, wlll have to "go ; McCarren. Joined, with the . Re bwt fo 8nV man. v oncan - anu-nugnes macnine forces, led by Senator Raines, in de- Tf lAr.V mm a nA rAtrA Ilk A 'a Meantime, in seven years, horses bating the governor's removal of ....n,,- rmttthAt i. for the In , the country have increased in vu" n insurance commissioner. nomInation." value about 100 per cent, rising from "0l on1' irom wnat we nave learnea $44.61 to $93.61. In numbers they .Governor Hughes, but from what have increased from" 13,517,000 to know of McCarren, Grady, and 19,747,000; and in total value from Rles, we may safely assume that $978,000,000 in"i1900 ,to $1,848: commissioner ougnt to be re- of his 'oya" who have made good, and land the Ufe described In that book. me reeuu la aurprialng to thoae whol But , that life . no longer exists r ,,ra,H-i v u veasiuviu villi ; VUiy 1 "AriS The Play for thoae who are academy taught or college orea. h tella ua that 1 1 of hl boys have become, mlnlatera of the gos pel, aa teachers and high sohool super intendents, 15 have developed Into ilrat- claas, Journallata, one has become gov- ahould bs for Tariff Reform. Now the weather bureau man has re- , The t world is in the twi light, doubtless but it Is the. twilight i of the ' breaflng dawnVnbt the falling tight." Despair of the world's future ' is' disloyalty to God. Q. B.- 578.000 in 1907. I BEGGING FROM CHILDREN There Is not much that is good to bsK,,. Theae boys did a: i moved and that th rnrorr ... saw aoout tne prooucuon o. oaiome acting !n the in removing ease, not onlv the rlatit hut thm nnU I degeneracy of its author. NfJTTTirn .tltmnt in rarh tha 1 If lA thin Inr tfiA.namnrata tn h, can DO truthruny aaia. , noweTer, r- - i , T " I that It ! nrobahlv the moat unworthy North Pole is no proper sub- done was to vote for removal and vehicle that could have been selected for Ject upon which to. arouse the to sustain the governor. They would the uienu of Mr wufrid Roger, the .... . . .1 t, , . . - . . ambitious young actor who la starring especial IntereU of children, or thus not only have served the in- i tba piece. Mr Roger, who haa the DroDer ; oblect for which to solicit I terests of the neonle. but have gained part of Herod Antlpas. Is really a high- small change from them. ? Numerous their good will and future support fitLTij! oTrt attempts have been made to reach But most of them were tarred withlmembored as connected with the produo- ?fLe: nd.l, n0t0nh"Ce Lh8 same stick that t blackened Mc-J ..gen wa5 written by Oscar Wilde. in av,vuv mai. mis one ? wui sue i warren ana uraay. iney are m-1 in opera tlo form It was produced at ceed. If it should; the success would chine men and the Democratic ma- JtheMetropoiiun opera house in New k- . .L. ... .. A, a A,u.y.or and was suppreaaed.( It Is said. i j .v.. ,i- I" v'.ou.o ucunut w iu vmua however, to have been a tremendous suo- ireigni cars ana Otner equip-I Wrtrl(. n1Ail ft T..v I thm Pnnllrn machlna. " ' The eaa tn Parla. It .la1 the biblical atorv at - , -M"w- wa v v w vaaaWaV V ava aV W 1 mm"W mtwmr mm . , i .. - . w The students' Quarter known as the cuperatea little In public favor. Latin quarter is not a lawless and 1m-1 moral location.' , . : , Snator Wetmore's seat 1n the senate It Is a moat orderliC and welf-behaed " urao s skiuoo lor him. neighborhood, where charming Amerl-1 ' a e . emor nf a t. ... I can and Enallah f ml Ilea reside, and! There will be neonla with tha m.l of congreaa. There are a large number wh' fully two thousand of the three Pole microbe when children are old, , of, attorneye. merchants. salesmen, thousand student dwell. , ' Judges, bankers . and good ' all-around lut flftn"""" "r " . many pr as .poor gan rranclacol The earthnnak.' ..... .i.w ,u t I was OniT tba bnrfnnlna h. u... Ita ahotia do not contain aa many In- T" " "uujaw not have the beat H ! I , the Heilig last night To some it Is optunl li Mf. for making go, bit c.nt picture. cr po.tal. aS are found . ; r interesta of the people r.volting, to others it Is degrading, they mad.'i g"nuZ cc.." n spite on .the principal boulevards or , thor- to"j?tZ him. : That , being the aid to the eallous It" merely reflect the or adverae clrcumatances. , : " .S. I i... danaer- tton ' ott' RAILROADS TO SPEND A BILLION. T 13 GOOD news if true that the , railroads are making every, pos sible effort ' to : provide : more Have you ever thourht of the real meaning of the word aueoeaaT Accord ing to one of our beat etymologists It means "a coming out from under.' Theaa boys have "com out from under" In a remarkable way. Now, atop and think for a while of the number of boys that you knew when you were a boy who were' "newsies" on the street : - There was a mother who bad four sons. This Is a true story. Her hus band at that Urn was a ne'er-do-well. Now, however, he Is a redeemed man. To these boy wa given the work of providing the living of the family. And they did It by carrying and selling paper on tb street They arose early xnent and will tpend this year, or as .iwl.T. min ia .m nw York World In leetnrinr tha tatrarch of Judea, who, after taking I In the morning, finished their route with j him, whom he helped with hi sympa- ry patriot! ranldlv aa noaKlh1' 11 000 000 000 P liry Tady and Willing to aid New York Worm, in lecturing U4 unW ttmMl hi, 0.,., wlttl become their paper, then went to school. They thy and trong, manly .. personality, dldat wid rapiaiy as poswoie, i,vvv,vv,vvv ln uy important geographical or I voters for electing such men at the enamored of her daughter, Salome., I did chore and varlou work, they could J Every Sunday evening a manyi, a "1v : ia vuia way. oariy uau o mis 8Centino regearch. 7 If none of them sam0 time as Hughes, and - thus I coroni attention ana u r ."M?0UBrv?tc th..good he tries aVTC'joK thrtist ToVvVngVr.r: I self upon the prophet she listen to the get and did not have a lasy bone 'n their bodlsr The habits of Industry they formed in their youth have con tinued with them. : Today on of those 0 0 0.000. will be expended for freight th.t , thttrm , tn An va. cars, $250,000,000 for new roads and! I m.Jl. . ,ki know monarch and on his promise to grant boys is president of a well-known or- r.vl. tiiA AAA Ana t , I qnWU " 0overnmentS have repeated-r J10-d2:r.tnl anything she may ask. even the half of poration. with business extending into tracks, $110,000,000 for . Jocomo- ,y &lde(J 01 wjj0Hy or i part . M''"" fuica? rAiptiom hl . she danoas the -dance of every state In the union. Another Is lives, nearly $100,000,000 for new ' I .v,. tra,m.en J2. Siui. "rT'- the seven veUs." The dance was exe- a . p. a ... ... ' uu " V"'-1 vr " 1 011 ted bv Mlaa Kllaabath Rtnarf whn coaches. rails and $70,000,000 for passenger LntftPnr,fla ftPfh ftf that Murphy and Tammany Hall repre- r... ZXT.Z"" , r.., -w - -, th- .iiiu,.. between oolitlcal cor- "-- -"-.'-- - what has been extended Ho it. our . , in I very graoeim aanoer. renaermg ine n sent out from railroad headquarters LMramM,M .w. J hi. c it i . Rainas and hi. crowd reo- 0?' ?an. ' r.W uAno.p . a, vnii-l "w"" mv - .,4 Mn,. I prpoaoiy imaginea hiowio oe aone. In return for the favor ah demand upon a silver charger. . . In vain the tet- Ithe boss so ordera Tet Republicans "'"u l.I ...11 -I'i !l ah..,. H..m,.l. .,.., .1f I nor I uuiwiuui ncyuviiwu (mwu .j uviji avu- minlster - the publlo buslnesa name any other wish. It la while TV..IX- beseeching thla obdurate- and . vengeful lcnio I ,M ut.... u ... chief clerk ln a wholesale house. -An other ha ths reputation of being thei nest aaleaman m hi Un on the roaa. The fourth, youngest Is a man In busi ness In a quiet way for himself. , All of them own their own homes. All Of them are wideawake, up-to-date bust. ness men. All of them have good, strong sons and daughters save one. to whom there have come no children. All of them are honored and respected In the community ln which they live. All girl to release him from his rash vow J of. them are mem bare of a church and in Chicago be true, that the railroads Barr , ,,.. f But the fact Is. there "P. 0 "a have been able t-, find, or know na rAnpra, lnt,rMt ln .vJ .'Bittw. .ln.t thi nubl o InTtS whenever tl'h!,d. tn,.pro?he! b they need, despite the late pfotesta-Uv.-. nMocf,nn Ma irt tioifs that hostile legislation ,and ad-,lt,A vin Prv if I ha chooses, but there is certainly -nn Z''.;. that the real beauty of the piece, though erve on it offlotai board. , They have lmDosslble for them to get money for .' ' ..?r":r:r.i:v that ltposesse beauty, Is literally and truly mad a , success of "aa... , . ..a V , tor vrmg vo ,wor up an - - .v'..- revealed. It 1 ln thellne read by Mr. their llve.v They have t'com out from anil il iiiiiaai ii bib as aaviiu nu uii) iai c u t. , isa a a a a . a . a a arwa"wa i . . . . f w w a tn. a .a . u . imerest m u among, me scnooi cnu- .J, , . , " .. .. uer aa in. uis aesenpuons or In their own as well as in the pub- A to th Bnrnoi. ft -rtraotinr " In thU dIiRTcef'" Proceeding the the jewel he will give her. of the pea Ho Interest the railroads are bonnd , . . . vuv w omoa.uius Democratic senators are more cul- cocks and . other present he will be Iio interest ine raiiroaas are oouna Bmalj frt)m thenv xhey . will ""U"B"" . T,. stow If ah will relent poesess wonder- to enlarge their transportation facil- ttlM..hv tiatnVati h. tr, Pable ttnd aeserving of public con- ftu literary and artistic merit and Mr. Itles greatly. 4 They cannot afford th.t p..-- m tt,A Jn1a demnation and detesUtion than the Roger display great dramatie, ability hands-ln-the-pocket gin-ogling, beer- either to let a large percentage of g!S moant JnlSat 11! '. Tirodncts that they mleht haul with , ... ...u ,. themselves to be-, led by each po- lome 1 called upon to revile and gloat iuat nolnt to the men you know who r.mfit - a W waara nr to fnrthpr . . . litical scoundrels as McCarren. With over th hldeou forfeit which I finally had but little ehance; you teU these profit go to waste, ,or to further flue, only be disappointed, i A COl- ,,Cai W0UnW Miss Stuart ha a task that young men of what others have don thoae young men this: j a success ln life it's your own fault Tou can be a success if you wilL It's up to you and up to Its entertainments are 'less danger- ntiai A fft.. ainl .lfa rM thm arnrM. i . e ,. . v i -an .a. uates aiso praises th presta Viirh .ahla Vtiinr. fmm th. 'old dent;. Mayb J. W. didn't lnaa mn MH.v day of Trilby ha been brought about after all. . . ..,,.. ..T. by 'The Studenu Atelier Reunions." 1 . . A young American clergyman, Sir Having married., her, Ellen Terry nest Warburton Shurtleff, is conduct- leading man 1 so no longer Meant nm. Ing theae reunion . J had a pleasant Wsslonally. ' talk ' with him recently and learned I : , how the idea originated. - ? ' .'t 1 supposed that Secretary TafV wa. a. rmuaaipaia PMior, mi mmhw a. uocapone lmbadilajt n hi. n. -.k. . -1 ... l ai-. ...tfnaaa a tf1..U i 1. . . ai. v.iiarivi nuvui . who ai.ab a i about trylna Xa solve th problem of i - , entertaining homeless and friendless! - The North Pole' would not be worth ' tuaenta In JPari. - : ,,t , mucn to atop a fuel famine In th. hZ" During a residence of six months In perboreen regiona " - Pari several year ago. he gathered a I .a considerable company of student about The "North End" I still rather .'aim. ' aaaaa taliaa I .a. At a. a w .V. . . 1 Ioyw to the can. Me vougn. ' , . could crowd Into a large studio camel ria ..., . : . . . V...- - to see and hear him. , S 1 w,.r':" f ""Ll The Rev; Dr. Wood was oulck to per- i, . .u.r:T".- . tn- may celvearreat noaaibilitlea In such . move- - r'?' "v mnnt ., n. tAAlc Mr'tn "atnilanfa' I Wisoonsln will ha h.,,.. delphla. Since that day ther has al-j1 Follette tn th senate than with waya Deen someone in xnetiaiin quar- i aw wouia oppos him. ter to push the work he so well started. ;. -,i ; 't,. e a , - , "i ; Sylvester rw.' Beach .pent -ia year st.nd1BlhM!fm.!,t. i" " " here, m his-little circular b said: O. a P. In aom. Aa.-.II- "J"r "Our ohlMt la tn nraiMa a nnnular I . . "" "win, place of resort under positive Christian influencea, at the psychological ' mo ment when academies and studios are closed and the Baj Rouge, concert hail wide open. . Th students are likely to Bora day torn of thoa latin Amsrl loan republic may have a r.-niurin Bal Bullie, Moulin serlou aa th Saa alls and theatres are ciaeo etrtke, . , ,. ( y, : .r,. : s , student are likely to . x - go somewhere Sunday evening.; When U, rf? P" rat of procedure th Shall It bet ' . ,UP7 "T selected with under.' This family of bdys can be matohed by countlea other families that you can call by name. . . " -' when . you , hear cigarette-smoamg. in a week or two. - Thaf ..i v. . crushing disgrace to th lawyer on both sides. - - 014 Senator Tom Piatt say h haa al- arouse public t ssntiment against! tftP thA ,,,.. .n-iotv ! "ne arcasm the Baltimore" News few actresses could secompllsh aucces- and you aay to th thetn by negligent and contemptuous ,, ,. avi.i. a... I rtmarkstri Yrr-'-"-??"-J ""f " ' surely have been a re-i if you are not a ?7 ? ... . . would carry with it the acUve desire 1 t ' r VI. volting to her a it wa to th audi- Uoown r.uit r methods ot dealing with their pat- to tPt Mlrn.1(l . k!Bdlv . wonM htl J'." tLT.0" .y enc.,' . ; i It !, ... I . ' ' ' " . . 1 V miBfa 4u ana aw: .r .eawia-1 ,,, Th, 1UUB.- . UU Aa .fc Oi'fCBi Mia. "Wa have provided a plac at Boule-: vara Montparnaas. ."Mention th greatest American sing ers ln Paris Charles Clark. Bessie ParWIna Tan. NnriaJ JuUa liillla. Oscar Beagle and a boat I w, what U seemed best for him . of othara and voti will know' whatl 00. What a terrlblv tiarva. i-a sort of music the students are hearing tn old rascal muat Jiav had all hi de al these reunion, v violin and 'cello and Pved life. -sometime tb orchestra lend their ad- ' J " '- . f dlUonal fascination M Seattle, decrease tt per cant; Port When Charles . Wagner, . author of "!. Increas 117 per cent In bulldln Th Simple Life." wa ln Pari he parmlt for April, I7. a compared visited thla - atelier. , Afterward he with AprU, lo. Net difference In wrote of It as follow: , - .V- PorUand favor, lit per cnt Com " . K)n plao where X shall see Amert- vr, Seattle boomer, and see Portland aaemem aaa.a. ul.L W J..i.a a ..1.11 - . .. . . j' vau uuuii ua waiuii a uitflua in viai" i Th play l in ont tot and wm prft no oni iIh onc-tcc, comay nutia I be." . IwAAtMnaMKIw mm.A t4aV.1A M.ia4 rnra All Kiif twa. tba 14 TVaawrvysi4iVi 1 " " du laiLUUiuiaiauiT uiuin e u a (.aa inn uiui'i mw 1 4f vu vnv we. w w avviuwviBMu i ..aa , . mi. doing andwm. eontrnne to do U t to;wUdl- interest the school "?n IPiih!! .Tearfed Demo! 'au-wWcTwU"; they can ;to remedy tb. chMt , . .;.;s.., fr? aid t? Vou will b what you will : often, la th Student Atelier Reunion, Boulevard . Montparnaaae. dress grievances, and provide suffi cient transportation facilities, and handle ; the .i country's ' products promptly at reasonable rates, their past offenses " will te . forgiven and me&surablv forgotten. I Plenty of money will no doubt be forthcoming! for money lenders know publicans, mad ; the against the governor. vota at -to St, There must be a IT HAS ARRIVED, AND IT IS A delightful feeling of victory In the clr- - BOY I cles of peofesBional politics at Albany. night and tomorrow night Trouble. By James I. Montagu. S They have knocked out Governor j when I was born my lucky star war nun hVV mmtA . ... """" uu ure Ttij nam upua wnica l ail revolving wrung. vt,J- - h was elected; they have shown that I'm alway getting tn th way whan that a human life was extin- tne? ar not on'y bigger than Hughes. I . . Trouble come along. . . but bigger than public sentiment; and! when motor cars go whirring by, that : Horace Greeley was th poorest boy who ever entered New Tork. Tou anow what he did. , Thomaa A. Edison made a poor ap pearance wearing hi linen duster Jn the cold winter, in Boston. Tou know what he did. Abraham Lincoln had - tremendously poor opportunities. You know what he did. -. - , :- vv -. ::a i v Here Is th truth: A "newsie" or any other boy can i"mak good" If h 1 g -?JLP?U ,tt 8e"l r urprised Which strikes m rather odd. I never seem to get the pac ln Life's i exhilarating race. It Trouble were a thunder storm, rd be lightning rod. termined. With these qualification and characteristic he is bound to succeed. The man who 1 40 years old knows this. i The man under 20 had better learn th lesson that the man of 40 know. of e-nf.h.rf aw mnr,A n ""'W lnan Put sentiment; and - a I a aa avast siui 4VlBr SJ in- I -va WniDintT VUlalM lUU Bfrfl I , " - If this is anywhere near cor- ciple, that when the professional Tget upon the highway their wak ' U ?0Mf ?n ?"ti?u'' c?u.!Ji".r? . .. . . . . . ... ' .... I 17.m.Kll..M . : T .J I - ... .. . . . . S: I IflrminM. WILD LIIO.O UUliXlUblVli I1U tnat tne ' American peopie are noiireci, an imam muBi ne oorn even I z, ,Tr. ; ,T; " . naeiy xo p. m. , . ' , . a . , I -' . ... . .. I machine politician uniting against the! going to cripple the railroad bust-j oftener, for the population of the common enemy amateur have got to Oh It'a Trouble Trouble, Troubl. ness or render I it unprofitable, world continues , to Jncrease. This I Btna rom nnuer. And my share is always double, thnnch Inalnttnr nn tha nnwer 1 to would mn tha tilWh nt r.n bhiQ I X - Aside from the rltcht or wrong of The luck I've had waa always bad. regulate and control it. The New every minute 3,600 every hour, and lt which is tho main Question-will Tork; New liaven & Hartford rail- 86,400 every day. And with few lt Pay tor DemocraU to beat tern road recently borrowed about $2,- exceptions each baby is just the dear- Portly a man like Hughes, when he 000.000 In Paris. The French are est. sweetest little thing on earth to "tands for the right thing and every- thrlfty and shrewd and know that its"mother. f Birth, except as to ex-PoiT knows M J These fool Demh- lunaOp one day walked in the house their; money is safe. .Much French ternals, is a democratic affair; the crais, msteaa or putting the Repub- h bad a wicked-looking box, which said money has also been obtained by the baby bora in an humble cottage may llcan &0Yrnor "in a hole," have only 'tick-tick- inside.. e f- , ,v v. ii a-a -v ..!. .il helned to kick htm w., 1 . not i'k your looks." I cried, "pray i. euasjnauia luuuau.' - auu , vuoi o i u w net wuuirgv uu uraluB, ftuu I tell me Who you are. are, hundreds of millions to be ob- as pretty, and as happyas soon as j OI uown-rwnicn may oe a good I He said: "I am a Nthi tmr,aA in f hi, cmintrT hm tth at nor. Ilta uanan hmnm rtlvAoa" ihi nn. 1 thing, but if SO they are entitled to I .tn" ittl Caarl" haps a higher rate of interests This born in a palace, vlndeed, Hhe baby noredit for it. .Ndw, if The Journal res, if Troiibl. Trouble, Troubl. movement on the part of tha rail- of the woman who is in poorqr mod- were Democratic oran of the kind f. "har,hlBfJw'h'". d,ubu- roads will be a powerful factor in erate Vcircumstances i has tar more a People, would like it to be, it 1 Afnieio7Mver "ease 7 the presertatloa of the country's chancek of happiness during life than 'woold applaud these Democrats and if I should find a pocketbook, Td beheld .. J- i a . . - . . fa. mm a a aa m a, aV aaaala a "Great good la don la, this loft at dlacovartna ev-Cnnrii.- V?t " Young people are happy to meet each I candidal for Mayor Rlnllnm tA. .. ' other among children of the aam coun embeiiler, yet th Post-InteiHna-ar ..JT! , try. They f eta tha ouvnlr of th Vhn Rlpllnger got drunk. awtI'v fatherland at Thankaglving, Christmas. gamWsd. trained with th Pln.iia-nl!!i r eta, and oreate a corner of America In outfit In politic, had had annwr' th heart of Parish , r - , - money scandal which waa ...7 Mr. ShurUeff tells me th atelier, at factortly ; xplalnd. ? i,- Na 4S Boulevard Montparnaas will not aport"V lrtunately. thoual. hm J.. rZ;?",:u,:inn for beaten. " 1 W'CUOn' h contain ' the gathering which centers there each ' Sunday evening. - Often a hundred students ar turned away. waa . Oregon SiJeKglits A Unn count man Awn. nu. aaa ... acre of land. v s , . . ; ; " Dinky's Eppygrams. . - , B Oeorg V. Hobart -Invitation la der slncereet form f .tuning. Light literature 1 chenerally egg- Thla 1 a work our American million aire who are interested tn education and art and humanity ought to be aid ing, .pari l rich In temptation. v Mr. Shurtleff predecessor said . be fore leaving Pari: "Were there nothing mora done than iuive. rendezvous aunoay evening zor I ' Daiiaa. aha ru k me tuaent. counteracting by pur and bulldin " T"r' a99ttB Wholeaom. influent., th. n,,r.Xln anH Pu""ng Inspector. v t : dominant spirit of a thousand pitfalls wv. . V - ' ' then m,ost alluring-r-were that all. lt .n k!. Ii printing plants have would b nough. ii Amuaement and own eonaolidated. companionships as attractlv as they ' - ' ar degrading ar enticing our young L Crops around Helix never looked bet- sag-.-era ted, mora especially mlt der ga I men .and women at the very hour of ter at thla time of year, bill. ' , lour meeUnga . Shall w not in God' ,t . Tf It va. Imnoaalbla to sneak anydlnc "I am a Nihilist, and you're I but der truth in dls .vorld how many time a day vould v b insulted T . t'r man dot has so much money he doan'd know vot to do mlt It chenerally does lt 1 - ; Tha Inmma . if .... . ir rL Mo-h la.t year n.XF' prosperity. VALUES ; OF i MULES AND Hm? HORSES if; i v.;'.'''v" sv' v D i ' i " j'; ;'-5."v-:'t"' the baby torn In a royaliedchamber. j invent some Justification or excuse But the birth of the'flrst child of m won't. They are a young king and queen, especially botl1 rascals and fools. Alas, such if it be a son, is a comparatively rare Democrats. Bryan can't drive them If deir servant girls dlt not leave dem up by some bright crook; (so often soma vlmmen vould lose der ! If Trouble were the conference, rd be pleasure of vorrying abould It tne uov or reaee., I event, and A Slight Hitch. . ? ' From Llf. ..-. Stranger Sir, do you remember giv- name, create a counter Current t ' "But ther ar results. . Many case might be cited ta .hnw'ith.t If 1. mm, a. lt.,1. .... I pose that ln a sea of darkness there . torvallla man is going to manu. is shining forth a beaoon light of "lure a sajaa aressing that h haa In- guidance and hope to bewildered and v'ao-, .V , Imperilled oula -' 14 . . ' . "Seeking the support of no board or .Th late editor of th Monument En- cclealastical. organisation,-thl work la tePM ha sold it in order to go to dependant upon voluntary gift. The ,ehooL ,.;.. -:.. ,,.; ,. , , committee must look to those who re- J . ' .'.",' allza America's . reaoonalbllltv to . bar . Some Lan county farmer, ar. a,. Der man mlt der loudest prayer may atudents ln -foreign land to provide oefully, grafting black .walnuts on haf der stillest chance of getting to heafen. , If v all recelfed vot v dink ve de- 12.? 5!rln.a,-!,t.?,,np 80 ,ent"j serf dare vould be nuddlng left for der udder fellow. I perhaps' a really import I out ' tno Prt7 too fast to suit us, yHOUGH. socially ostracised and tant' event, and so' the world sIU up They. need driving with, ft whip of i with only an abbreviated pedl-J and takes noticeof lt, and is on the corpions. I ... arrsao . mnlA ( i Aria rail hii a s l ,i .11 a. ' ' '- a . I , e - "v. ' .v.a M t-.. ... v . , aa"""r.,vl 7 l.-J. Dertrouble mlt der man mlt too iuo 6ucumoui. .u mo ujyro Ttti-gyjnpatnize at least a little With the u" ""hwb luemDers or in vu.,.,..B-yui,n ,u mr imuch "go" in him 1 dot he nefer atops itnhU tlisn rhA hnrna Tha Vvar.ra i. t . .i. v ,.... Nov Ynrlr lanafa hn finally .o.. ... Career; With U 1 got a Shave, a Shine, a hm a... - - - - v- D - I imuuiM Wiiu HI D 11 VHLHI-ICHIIT 1 11 1)1 IHI1T 1 - - " . " mm v .luai.J c&, CQU I ... ..a . 4.K T b.DAiV mw . w I " - ' 1 .... - - v.i. . I. " I BUM jww. . vv. . .4 . iiivilVl one cold night last wlnterT - Jones I do. Stranger Sir, I am that tramp: that me means neearui. .. Funds are ' ' re quired for rent muslo, receptions, print Ins;, students' aid and the other ex penses Incidental to such work. "It remains to be said that the re unions have no denominational blaa ! They are Interdenominational and evan gelical.. , . I English walnut trees. f In 1 th Klamath Fa.ll. nit mSmMmJUf' - Ml. Vote Were cast nnlv raa-lafarafv!!..- ' er being allowed to vote. . t , Within a : sar a Coos hv rt hMm cost of tne norse in me country is over lt:,s Even we Americans, who 10 PPort Governor Hughes' public went to Alaska, mad a million dollar, t Necessity I der Mamma of Inven placed: at $93.61 and ;jthe mule at have doW in our political system utilities bill Those who held , out JJ f&fi NButTSnk t,on den d,r Pai,a mU8t UCB nen JU2.12. ,' If the figures are based for royalty feel like hurrahing a agalnrt the governor are entitled to fortunately. I struck Wall street before Pj us his name Isnefer men I lime credit for nrrAnd.rtnr ftntv nn I airuca jou-anu nave you anouier 01) 1 III 1 . "- - . - W. . of Christ these are Hla brethren and ours." . prince Tiule" costs the country or on the! Madrid and rejoicing with the Span-J 11 "Pecies of compulsion, Jbut even sir? if f ectionate qualities , of the ."Mis- J lards intheir Joy and wishing health j V modicum of approval muBt j ; iduri mule,'S the, higher figures for 1 and happiness to the young Queen be denied to the asinine, machine, he mongrel are easily understand- j mother, and even-though we sub- trust-owned Democrats who stood ible. Likewise, 7 the figures . might pect he is a light, unworthy fellow- 0' Kalna the governor's reform e more oenevea ir announced a lew j drinking a toast to Alfonso himself. i""ur ears ago, when horses that are now j Anheir was needed to the Spanish elllng at $4D0 were being slaugh- j thone since the " Spaniards must Senator Piatt acknqwledges that ared for food at $50.- rs ; 1 (have a throne and it' Is, well that ne lia8 Deea sorry ever since Presi HowcTany; valuable the horse has the baby is a boy. That was what! flent Mciuniey'g death that he. cents that you could conveniently spare, Looks Like Lane. ,u . From ' the irrlgon Irrigator. -And now who is to be mayor of FortianOT Tnat la th burning que holds jth key to the situation. It looks I yet aa ix ii wouia aucovua oimaeii, to an outsider; h.. a u. ,.,.k i, iiJt "w " apoiogyo oner ror Der man dot hits his tumb mlt darlth. nannn.i ..... k..i . hammer und aya Much obliged!" mlt- 0r Intellectual nudity of any , man or ould svearlng Is a goot choke on der group of men of the Unfortunate class recording angel, ..;,'., to Which these four rallrnart nniMant, oeiong. "It la the appeal of patriotism these ' years old has traveled to Main and are our compatriot. It is the appeal I00 twice, over 15,000 miles. ',: ' . A logway will be constructed through Link river, Klamath county to pay half the coatj not exceeding ISTOOO. , ; The late editor cf the Merrill Record has sold It and bidden his .patron "adue." He 1s lucky If it Is only a due. -' , .'" :' iil .'.";,'" ,i , Rather than spray hi trees', 'a Bu- ' gen man cut them down and grubbed Morgan's Quartet of Railroaders, From th New Tork Sun. Now, wa have no apology 4o offer for .11 tha aama w,.... Chenerally you vW find der. man dot ourselves to observa that they are not up the stumps, getting nine corda of vakea up to find himself a famousness Morr, that Wa,,. .. ... i. n...u..a I wi , ... . V . T. cora" tion in th Ros aty.r;Ierhap Lan ha been sleeping mlt, vun, eye open, of a. railroad he doe not necessarily L- . V .i ; mov sinuously and viciously upoa his r Coos Bay Harbor Tuesday nur bejly. like a chastened anrnnnt- nnlth.r IchaaeilV .! W.n... : !,a.i. TUtm ra tT!.. ' 1unli.i.l.... ..II... J ... "1 I -Th....;.- ' . "a . ."B'r"" 1168 Death of David I, king of the 1 f Inevitably lila quality as a matt and Prf Saturday, out on time, - SCOtS,' at Carlisle, v- - -- tV. r - I ' a.uiiy . ui .on-reapeci. . -jj-, I ;5 r ..'-". ?"f i!;t A AVheelmao'a Protest. Portland. VnT ID Tn tha Mlfn, n IIKUMr PnrMvil Tlrlll.h nnnl I VVI HEK (ne extremities Of Sbeech. I . Bllvartn.. ...i .... . .. ecome Is faintly reflected by the Everybody wanted a girl first-born Piatt, helped force ' Roosevelt into The Journal: ! think lt would be a good assassinated by BeUlngham. .; . ; - th xca of rhetoric, and w will not right along and a haa already evan enton county farmer who was of-baby l.ran unwelcome arrival in a the presidency. But the people 'inZ arKM 50,. an. m,tK . av.a'1 , ' a j ... a ' a not onlv arlftd that ha 14 -a .w 'a .a. . T..-..! ....a ..u , . man. .. th. : Ar.iM.nt nt - tha, Trni.a 7. ." 1" . "a,7 vancea and th ,.vm v u.uvu ivi a i"un muido ruj HI lo(Uli; uu - IUB Blum w l r" - .T-.7 ' : " -v uiu gv, vuk I uui vu , v, oui uaiui airatfa iu sicycM I poinwu nri - jugii i; vviuuuiaittngr . . IOT I ir? " " - . h. ' " t h I wn ' ""jOying . a ' ' thorough ., hO' e sold mm and put a steer to work kind to the Spanish .royal pair and m ,ta.. " IS: TV.rZLZLTX: a,1a renort of thV victaairninV'th "g-vW i the teanv-Aav told Mn a Corvallis j to the Spanish people. - It Is a boy! -. ; - V T- j sidewalk after May 1. but continu tofcr settlement In th Sandwich Islands, four men Is that theyare persons of , Work ha begun on the Adams t-..t Perhaps the exposure- made by corcb npand down Union avenue, ring-1 19 J Earl of Aberdeen became gov- .!r:"r " w " ofner near Merrill, and 12,600 acres will h.' .. . ".to , vj i . .,!,.. a ,.m.. ,. 7. I ..........i r... . . I aense: of anroner but unoat.nt.ttnu. I . . ... ... .. ." w,u oe , v : . i Tiirrigia wn, Laraa tract, win v. aper, this unusual team is . daily field, the steer in the middle with horse on each aide; and all walking iong with the. plow as circumspectly though .all Jthree :;anlmafs were Btly: horses. The steer wearsnot le ancient yoke, but 'a harness so langed as to fit the different con Utons under which a bovine pulls lofld. The collar; is upside down! r 1 eo are the hames, while the back 1 and an under band occupy each ' r'a place; Thus ' rigged, the -r aroblos along wlthAls share of - 5 l.aJ, fljiEg tlmo and fiuty to tha " May the new heir apparent witness a great advancement and enlighten ment in his country, and if he should come to rule, rule more wisely than any of his ancestors did -and he has had 4 greats ones, ij but ; times are changed. Spain is no longer ground forrth reign' .of Ji Philip or even a Ferdinand and Isabella. " It is a de generate yet a lovely land, contain ing wtthin itself, if they were given a proper; chance and suitable nour ishment, the elements of true modern greatness. ; Teuceja isa; young, healthy, sensible womanraad if nAvl anrf T.hnnh.r In M.( ""5 fnB P0" 0 araw-generai Bi-.vanaoa. " " aauoiji i get . out or tneir way if a wheelman lM.M...a w u . issT'inenowers intervenes in tha " iuuui aun .nt. tn aifi caae win renuiv iu ueprirmg Jpdge8woula a senaioie view.or tn caae) war oetween luraey ana . ureece. in that country . of exercising . the functions of prosecuting attorney and Jury, as well as Judge, in crimi nal trials. The Saa Francisco courts , will soon take a vacation.; During the fall another juror or two may be se cured i'r the Rue? trial. Portland outstrips every city in tha United States, by ft very large h -would rifle th. . treat.: In PortlaiSAiCthe city council allow u to use the sidewalk In the muddy aeason, wnen we can't un the Street We ahould appreciate the courtesy y obeying the law In the summer. Many cities proniDit it at all tlmea If the officers mentioned will hide behind the rence- near the Sullivan gulch bridge, they can fill .several waaons with bi cycles every morning and evening. - I am not a sore-head. I am a wheelman myself and rid every day but I don't like to see the wheelmen abuse a good thing and . they will never know how good a thing It is until . the council prohibit it altogether. - WHEELMAN. 1 i 1905 Tornado at Snyder. Oklahoma. killed 100 people, and Injured, many --Activity Continuous." From the Indianapolis . Star. " ' Those i Washington correspondents wno tnougnt. news nad petered out there when, congress adjourned had an other think coming. -- - , V : ... . " "' ',' v s'V' : ;S r pf$'0rt Chilling :pean ' i '5 ; p: Prom the New Tork Sun. With a terrible dread I hold my breath, ' I am .sad as anything - Lest the dear old winter freeze to death ine jap 91 tnis icy spring. . , j Large tracts win ha r. - a . . indeed of repute and even honor, amona .Y" "oia . 11,100 their fellows. - , . I 80 e' "d an. .no., av.iun. , , 'other raised S.OflO huaha a . Talks Much, But Heart's Right , San . Francisco Dispatch : ln ; the New TorX Sun. United State Senator Perkins created a sensation last night at the annual ban quet of the Oakland Merchants' ex change by declaring that . President Rooseveltetalk too much. - "It Is th history of the human race." h said, "that some people talk 'too much, and this Is the fault of our presi dent He wanted to naturalise th Jan- aneae, tand on' thl'. point,, as you , all know, he' talked too much, but the people forgive him because he is ln earnest an hi heart Is for th right" - - y other , raised 2,000 bushel of barley on v acres. .; ' School teacher ar scarce In Klam ath county and aeveral . can ' secure achOolSLhrouglL.thacmnier-at-IS -month. Living expenses ar not heavy' and opportunities for Investment of' smair savings ar exceptionally good. Two horses and lusty steer ba. nesaed- together and doin labor a. . plow tam Is an everyday seen on m" i.rni id nonwn county tnese daya Th steer works in the middle, and .-performs his part ln the ceremonv i,k credit to himself and satisfaction to hi owner and equine team mates.