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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 11.1507. .'T: JUKI J. Marhoffer Starts on Trial Trip on the Willamette and ' Columbia Rivers. ' GENEROUS CONTRACTORS '!" INVITE MANY GUESTS Third Vessel Equipped With Ma ' chlnerjr by the Willamette Iron 8t ' Steel Works Daring the Past Few Months and Several More to Come. 1 With the ; Olsbn-Mahonsy house flag flying at her masthead and a large "crowd of guests Pf the Willamette Iron eV Steel - company on board, the new steam schooner X Marhoffer started out this morning on a long trial trip down the Willamette and Columbia rivers. Pi lot W. H. Patterson was on the bridge "with Captain A. a. Nygren, who will be master. Chief Engineer F. S, Cook- son and a crew from the Iron works had charge of the engine room. ' The trial trip will be the . longest evrjnade out of here excepting wnen torpedo boat destroyers Fox and Davis were tested some years ago. It will Jast all day. Captain Nygren said he expected to return to the iron works wharf at or i o clock this evening. large .cases of lunch and thirst quench ing beverages were sent on board so : none of the guests will need go r hun gry - while enjoying the ride on the river. Among them irefe a number of 'Women. 'Including Mrs. . Nygren who came all the way from Oakland, ' Cali fornia to attend the trial trip. ' President W. H, Corbett of wthe- Iron . works was unable to go, as he wished m witness the launching of the . stern wheel river steamer J. N.( Teal from . Bupple's ;trd this afternoon. " The Teal. ; too. Is being' equipped , with machinery built by the Willamette Iron A Steel . works. . -'- : - 7.:,' The Marhoffer Is practically a copy - ef the steam schooners Jim Butler and ' Helene that were recently supplied with , . machinery by the Portland concern, al though the hulls were -constructed in Washington porta 8 be will be engaged In the coast lumber trade and will prob ably carry much lumber out of this ..port as her owners, the Olson-Mahoney .Lumber company, are doing' a-olg buel . .neas With the mills of this district Like the - Jim Butler, she has capacity for 600.000 feet of lumber. , , Thfee more steam Schooners will ' be ' equipped withrtnachlnsry by the Wllla r mette Iron ec Steel works In the ne-r . future, and others are expected to fol low. '! The three boats wlU be known -aa the Bee, Grays Harbor and El Ca ' prstrano, the first: named Being built for Llnderman and the two others for Beadle Bros. . . INSPECTORS APPOINTED, Wash Infrton State Labor VCommls 'WofirT,,1JIaicei Announcements. , . ISperial TMapatrn- te The Joartnl.) f . .' 01mpla.?WashjMay ll.-StAte Labor '. Commissioner - C. F.- Hubbard ha an Vnounced the appointment of Captain A.' 'S.v Hoyt as deputy state inspector of ,, hulls' and equipment, end E. B. Stone sr deputy state inspector of boilers and machinery, under . the new - navigation ' law effective June It. Both are resl - dents of Seattle. ..v.;-' .Captain Hoyt is secretary 1 of. the ! American Association of Masters and .Mate and .pilots. ; and for many years 'was .a captain of ocean-going steamers. Mr. Stone was' for a, number of years Buy Where You Can Do the lonight ' ' ".Over thirty specially priced pianos, for people who love music, but don't mind ; - playing a, second-hand piano. .,' ' ' We only handle new the pianos made by ouf own stockholders such as the Reed- f; "French, the Lagonda, the Hallet & Davis,' Steinloch & Dreyher," the Sohmer and Cable -' Nelson. When we get any other piano we sell it at the very first opportunity because , we, don't want it to comflict with our own trade. " 1 Pianos at Half Price -"We have over thirty excellent secondhand instruments in thi9 lit we are talking -about. Ihcluded you will find some of the very finest and most reputable makes, such 11 as Decker, Schubert, Duffiano, Ivers & Pond, 'Kimball, Lester, 'Jacob DolL '' - These pianos may be had for less than fifty per cent of what,, they cost in the first '7. place," "and pay $6 a month." " - - 7 " Store Open Till 10 o'Clock v r Any make Piano-Player for $160 (on installments), the retail price'in all the stores . As $250. We give a. dojfen pieces of music freer". Splendid assortment to select from. : "1? All the very latest music. t. t Reed-French Piano MJg. Ca . G. W. Kennedy, Warcroom Manager SIXTH AND BURNSIDE a Northern Pacific boiler Inspector. For three years he has been engineer on the Fuget sound teamr Flyer. . Deputy in spectors receive 7 per day each and traveling expenses. ... ... , LOGS FOR SAN DIEGO Benson Logging Company Will Send '';';.... Three Rafts. .' '.';, '.' : The, Benson Logging company of this city will tow three log rafts from the mouth of Beaver creek at Clatskanie to the company's sawmill at Ban Diego dur ing the months of July and. August. The three rafts will contain an sggre gate of over JB.000,000 feet of logs and piling. r' "" !,'" t; ' ' -.; One raft has already been completed and the second is well under way, while the third will be completed In time to send south before the end of August This particular time of the year is se lected for towing lumber in raft form because the weather Is most propitious, there being less danger from sudden and severe coast storms, : . , j TOTTeTjHAM RETURNS WeU Known British Steamer Again ' ! the TImrbor.?f-;S''S'i The British steamer Tottenham, ar rived up at the Eastern A Western Lum ber company's mill last night to com plete her lumber cargo for the orient. Just prior to coming here the Totten ham sailed from Vancouver, British Co lumbia, to Mexico and among her cargo was a steam tug for a, mining firm in Acapulco. ' 5 The tug, .which measured (0 feet in length, was carried on the after deck. where It took up nearly all the available rpaoe. It weighed 40 tons but was nan died without much difficulty although the Chinese crew had to assist In letting It overboard at the destination. The Tottenham Is still In command of Captain Mann, who has sn host., of friends here. These friends will be pleased to learn that the captain's Japa nese spaniel, Nippon, got away with the first prise at the victoria dog show when the steamer was Jhere a few days QUITS THE LIGHTSHIP Captain Ilarrlman Will Pilot Vessel fj&' Over the Bar. i;yy (Special Dispatch' te Tbe- JoaraaH -Astoria, Or, May 1L Captain Harrl man, master of lightship No. 60, which parted her moorings during the storm yesterday morning, has tendered bis resignation to the lighthouse inspector, to take effeot Immediately. . Captain Harrlman has commanded the lightship for over nine years. Hs will now turn his attention to piloting, on the Columbia river bar, for which hs holds a government branch. WAR JUNK AT ASTORIA Chinese "Craft . Will Be Placed on . . ' ! v Exhibition .' ' (Special Dlanatctrte The Jnarnel.) ... Astoria, Or., .May 11. The Chinese war junk Wang Ho is now crossing In over the bar In tow of - the steam schooner South Bay. - On arriving here this , afternoon she will . be-docked at Callender's wharf, where she will be placed on exhibition for three days. Twenty-live cents Is charged to visit the Junk. ' . , ' . r, bhe will probably ,M sent to Portland later. Thaeouth Bay left for Ban Fran cisco three days agov , ; NEEDS NEW ANCHOR Lightship Which" Went Adrift - Now at Astoria. :; 4 (Rpeelal tmteb to Tb . Joenal) Astoria. Or., ,Ma 11. -The Columbia river 'lightship which broke- loose from her moorings -during the storm yester day, was towed to the buoy station at Tongue Point yesterday afternoon.; A new anchor will be placed on her and is TOMORROW And "TQMORRO VT ' is Sunday, ,the ' day we ; throw "Terrace Park," 'Port land's most beautiful. and best addition, ! on thVmarket' ,Sce Sunday's Journal ' for particulars. '. . THE SPANTON COMPANY Phone Main 2823 ; f.j 27Q Stark St , Best Don't Let Sentiment or Pride Have Anything to Do at Reed-rrench's SIXTH her cable repaired, when . she . will be towed to her station agnln. . The narrow escape of the lightship from going ashore yesterday again Illus trates the advantage of having the light ship equipped with steam propelling power. Columbia lightship No. (0 is the only one in service on the coast not equipped with steam propelling power. TO LOAD FOR CHINA Norwegian Steamer 1 Titan la ) Will 7 Come Here Soon. : ; A report from San Francisco this morning states that the Norwegian steamer Tltanla has been chartered to load wheat at this port for China. The Tltanla has been' engaged as collier be tween , .analmo and San Francisco for some time and registers 2,116' tons net The Norwegian steamer Norman Isles finished loading wheat for the orient at Montgomery dock' No. S this morn ing and shifted across the river this sfternoon to fill her bunkers with coat. She will probably aail Monday morning. The Portland & Aslatlo company yes terday chartered the Japanese steamer Manshu Maru to load wheat snd flour hers tor ths orient. - NOTICE TO MARINERS , The following sffects the list of lights and fog signals. Pacific ooast, 180: - Oregon Colombia river light vessel Vd KO nam II Kn II lUmt n llcrh buoys and daymarks, Pacflo coast, 1907, pages 41 and ID Stationed In 21 feet of water, off the entrance to the Colum bia river, about T T-1X Miles ssw i w, southerly, from Cape disappointment light station, , X This vessel parted her moorings to day, was tewed Inside the Columbia river, and will be replaced on her station as soon as the weather permits. By order of the lighthouse board. P, 3.' Werlich Commander, U. 8. N.. light house inspector. Office of inspector fifteenth light house district, Portland, Oregon, May 10, 107.' - " . v v., ...... ALONG THE WATERFRONT Back water from the Columbia river Is causing a slight rise In the William ette. The Columbia Is rising 'at the rate of half & foot a day. , . Tha gasoline schooner Berwick, Cap tain Jacobsen, ' brought 288 cases of frosen salmon, S2C pounds of mohair and t sacks of black sand from Rogue River. She Is at Couch street dock this afternoon, : . - '; - The Harrlman liner Costa Rica, Cap tain Mason, sailed for San Francisco this morning. The North Pacific Steam ship compsnys liner Roanoke, Captain Dunham, sailed for San Pedro last night The steamer Alliance, Captain Oiaon, is due to arrive from Coos Bay tomor row. She will go on the -dry dock to have a blade replaced on her propeller. The Biitlah- bark ; JordanhlU com menced loading lumber at the mills of the Eastern A Western Lumber com pany this morning, ,; ; The steam schooner Qulnault which arrived . In the harbor last night from San Francisco, crossed in over the Co lumbia river bar yesterday morning at tne neignt or me storm, cnier officer Koffold - says the waves ran so high that he did not believe It possible for a vessel to venture out, yet the tender Heather and the tug Walulla rushed to the rescue of the drifting - Columbia river lightship. " The breakers were less dangerous for an Inward bound vessel. MARINE NOTES '"Astorja, Msy UfArrlveo; down at 5 a. nu, steamer Roanoke? arrived down at 1:30 a. m., steamer Asuncion;, out side at 10 a. m.. steamer South Bay, with Chinese Junk Wane? Ho, from San Francisco; outside nt 10:10 a. m- bark- entlne John Palmer, from San Fran cisco. ; -. A : j Port Harford, May 11. Sailed, steam er Argyll, for Portland. v r .. - Astoria, May 10. Arrived, at 4:45 p. m., ship Bintramrrom Rsdonda Limerick. ? May 10. Arrived. French bark Marehcal de Castries, from Portland.--;. ; ' . .r'i':,vyV';,.r-).-':.;,.;. Sydney, Aus., May 10. Arrived. French bark Marehcal de VUlars, from Portland. - . Muroran, May 11. Passed April 11, Norwegian steamer Jdathllda. from Portland. Astoria, May. 1L Condition of the bar at 8 a. m., rough; wind southeast. 15 miles;- weather raining. , ' Snn Francisco, May 11. Sailed at 11 noon, steamer Columbia, for Portland. ' Tlflsa at Astoria Today. High water 6 a. m., s.t feet; 6:47 p. m., 7.6 feet....;, .'vv....--f ?.. 'X--rj-' Low water 6:48 a. nw 0.1 feetj 8:48 p. m., J.l feet - ;i,nr ..VsV.ivS,; MARINE INTELLIGENCE ' Xanlar Llnara Dua te Arrirs, Atllaniw, (ron Oooa bay..: ...Hay 12 uoiumDia, rrom aa tTanciaee .May IS O. W. Elder, from Baa Pedro aad war.. Ma 14 Casta Rica, from 'San Princiaeo ....Mar 18 r. a. luwnro, rrom Han mi. ana way. Mar V KoaBoae, from Ban reero ana war. .....Mar In Nomantla, from orient...,. .May 98 Arabia, from orient. . ............ ....Jnoa M ; 5 AND BURNSIDE j. ACT QUICKLY - .. '! . I III. 11.1. I III I j S).. . '' Delay Has Been Dangerous in Portland Do the right thing st the. right tlma Act quickly In times of danger. Backache Is kidney dsnger. ' ";. Doan's Kidney PlUs act aulckly. ' Curs all distressing, dangerous kid ney ilia . , Plenty of evidence to prove this. ' It. B. McCarver of 201 Cherry street Portland, Oregon, inspector Of . freight for the Trans-Continental company, a man who is very ewll known among the railroaders of ths coast, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills are among the few proprie tary remedies which. do sll that' Is claimed for them, and they . have my thorough confidence. I used them for backache and other very, marked symp toms of kidney trouble which had an noyed me for months. I think a cold was . responsible for the whole trouble. It seemed to settle in my kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills rooted It out It Is several months since I used them snd up to date there has been no recurrence of the trouble, - I have reeemmended them to a numberof the boys about the Xrelghthouse and I know If they gave them a fair trial they certainly must have been pleasedr.wltb the re sults." . . jS- ' Tor sale by all dealers. Price 50 centa Foster-MUbum Co, Buffalo, New York, sols agents for the United Statea . Remember the name DOAN'S and take no other. .'....-:'."'!.'''",:; ' "' V Alula, from orient.... .................Jnly IS ' v Earular Llaara te Saparl .. ' F. A. Klltmrn, for Sao JTrau. and way.May II Alhanre. for Coos bay .......May U McomnlU, for orient .........Uajr IS O. W. Elder, for San Tadre aad way. ...May 1 ColamMa, for aaa ITaaetaeo..,....,..,A.Mar 14 CoaU Klce, for San rranctxw. .'.........Mar 21 Roanoka, tor San Pedro and way .May Zl Mumaalla, tor orient.,., ...............June S Arabia, .for orltnt. .....June IS Aleala, lor orient........... July zT - ' Veaaala in Tort . I. Marhoffer, Am. atr at Willamette 1. Wis. Hayoona. Fr. ah., at Irrlng dock. -. . Plmadale, Br, bk, at Aalorla. -Mlcbelet. Ft. bk., at Aatorla. " YoU, Br. ah., at Iterator dork. t . JordanhlU. Br. bk., at E. W. mllla Helensa. Raaa. atr at Aatorla. '. Norman lalea. Nor. atr., at Montgomery Ma. J. Era. Cier. atr at Montgomery dock. RriipM, Am. atr., at St. Helens, r.lnlfa, Br. bk, at Oraenwlch dock.' ' Telloa, Or. bk, t Columbia No. L r . - Annie Lanes, orb.., at Aatorla. . -ielroee. Am. acb., at Kalama. . I. it. Orlfflth, Am. bktn., at Ltastos. ' Tottenbam, Br. atr, at I. A W. mills. , ' Polarle, Am. seh., at Vaneoarer. . , Roanoke, Am. atr., at Martin's doek. X , P. A. KUbura, Am. atr., at Oak street. ' Nleomedla. Oer. sir., at Montanmery No. I. Rtratbelyde. Br. atr, at Rainier. - - Berwick Am. gas atr., at Coach street.: . , Cascade, Am.' atr at Qoble. , . . ; Columbia, . Am. ab, at Aatorla. tVaahlngton. Am. barre, at Aatorla. ' Qnlnault, Am. atr., at B. A W. mllla 81ntram, Am. ah., at Aatorla. . Xamber OatrUrs Xa Boote. Diamond Head, Am. bk., Saa Pedro. B. F. Whitney., Am. bk, MakawaU. ; ' r - Elwell, Am. ah., Saa Pedro. , , Lillehonne, Am. arh. Manila. I.ncllle, Am. ah, Saa rranclaee, Mabel Gala. Am. sen., San franclsee. V John Palmer, Am. bktn., San Franeleee. . ' Retrlerer, Am. bktn, San Frinclaco. Aurora. Am. bktn., Saa Fraacleco. Jamea Rnlpb, Am. sen., Saa Pedre.' ' John Smith, Am. bktn.. Baa Pedro. ' ' Makawell,. Am.; bktn., Saa rranclaee. ' Santa Ana, Am. atr., Saa Frnclaoo. AWena, Am. ech., . Saa Pedro, t' EmUr Reed, Am. atr.,' San Pedre. ' ' ' ' W. ft.' Hnme, Am. ech., Saa Pedro, lttltta, an. aeh.,8aa Franeiaeo. ' - : Mnrlal, Am. eek, Saa Franrtaeo.--' a -i. B. Stetaoo, Am. atr.. Sua Frenches. - Tlrerton, Am. atr., San Franetoao. ' . Wm. Olaea, ech, Saa Franeiaeo. -;, Delay Freeman, Am. atr., Saa Frasciace. .. Irene, Am. ech. Baa Franeiaeo. , 7 V Vlralnla, Am. sch., San Franelaee. i - Churchill, Am. sen., Saa Fraaciaco. , ' Excelsior, Am. atrV San Franelaee. Expanalon, Am. an., saa redro. u Sonth Bay, Am. atr., Saa Fraaetaea. , Arate. Am. bk., San Franeiaeo. Kins Crrne, Am. ach, Saa Pedre. ' Redoodo, Am. str4 San Pedre, , Abble, Am. ech. Ban Franeiaeo. , Ea Route With Cement. aad OeaaraL , Bnccleuch, ' Br. ah, Hambur(. Brenn, Fr. bk., HulL ; Conway Castle, Br. bk, Antwerp. Dalfonar, Br. shn Bamburf. , V Europe, Fr. bk., Antwerp. GenoTlere Mollnos, Fr. bk., teaooa. Bene Kerrller, Fr.-ah,UIambnrs . Laennee, Fr. ab., Swanaea,' La PlUer. Fr. bk.; London. - , ; Martha Roox. rr. bk, Hambarg. " Moaambiqne, Br, ah, NeweaaUe, I. Samoa, Br. bk., Sblelda. Blam, Oer. ah, London. ' , Socoa, Fr. ah., Newcaatle. B. ' Vlncennea, Ft. bk., Olaaaow. . . Mareebaal Tnrrene, Ft. bk., Bamberg . ' Villa de Mulbonae, Fr. bk, Antwerp. ,i Guethary, Fr. bk, Antwerp. ' Pierrl Loti, Fr. bk., Antwerp, . Walden Abbey, Br. ah., Antwerp. ' t Oieneealln, Br. ah, Antwerp. . Versalllee, Fr. bk, Leith. ' General de Boladef fre. - Fr. bk., London. ' General de Nesrier, Fr. bk, London, . Coal Shine Xa Route. BefeB.FT. bk, Neweaatle. A. ' ' Col. de VUlebola Marenll, Fr. bk, Hewesetle.i. : Clarerdon, Br. ab, Neweaatle, A. WllbMott, Am. bk, Neweaatle, A. j , Traap teamara Ea Bewts. 4 Aacot. Br. atr, Boenos Arres. . Bradford. Br. atr. Baa Franelaee. TJraaaa Mara. Jap. atr, Japan. . African Monarch, Br. atr, Saa Francisco, " -Hereulea, Nor.- atr,, Muroran Btratbyre, Br. atr., San Franelaee. Tellua, Nor. atr. Baa Franeiaeo. Bark, Nor. atr, San Francisco. Maori Kin, Br, atr., ShansbaL Knlcht TeniDlar. Br. atr.. orient. . HAirik Ibaen.Nor atr.. Saa Franc! Qneen Alexandra, Br. atr, Madras. , -Kallbla, Br. str., Saa Franeiaea. ' Manaba Mara, Jap. Jtr, Sallnaa Cfta. . , . OQ Carrlara Xa Route. -Marerkk. Am. str., ,Saa Franelaee. . W. S. Porter, Am. atr, San Franelaee PERSONAL ,-. M. A. Feeney ct Blitte, assistant engt- neer of the Anaconda 'Copper Mlnlns; company, is at the Portland in company with . EZ. T. Davlaoa pt Helena, , : John Kallsena large eanneryman of Seattle, i li at the ; Oregon" hotoU ' Mr. Kallsen Is In Portland on buslnesa , V. O. Cosad, a well-known attorney of Canyon Citywis at the Imperial hotel. . Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Commlnga of San Francisco- are at. ths , Imperial, hotel. Mr Commings la a prominent manufac turer of the Bay City and is la Portland on business. -.';!r-w-;:'-V!ri-'it i A. , W. J. Olbbs of San Francisco, see retary.of the Pacific Coast Maater Bak ers association ana editor or the Pa cific Coast Qasette,' wUi talk to : the master bakers of the city In the hall In Allskjr f buildlns; tonight ; in the In terest; of the !r association, f He Is on a visit of the northwest, and Intends to establish branches in Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver. - The Portland branch was established In February. B. Pomeroy, an associate of the guild of ohurch musicians of London, England, baa been secured as organist at 8L David's church and will begin his work here tomorrow. Mr. Pomeroy was formerly In charjre of the cathedra; mu sic at Fond da Lac, Wisconsin, being 17 years of age at the time, the, young est choir master in. the United States. He will give i an organ : recital at St. David's at the evening servloe. -r , Bishop Scaddlng, who has been on a two weeks' tour visiting eastern Oregon parishes, Is expected to return to Port land on the 6:S0 O. R. ft N train this afternoon. Mrs. Scaddlng left yester day-morning for The Dalles, where she f. I Joins the bishop- on his return home, Charles R." Paul, representing Hart, Schaffner & Marx. Chicago, is at the TIVO TRU'ilT GIRLS OF TACOLTA HAVE VAHISIIED Phyllis Powell and Florence Me- chart Have Been for a Week . v i ;-: y, .'y Sought In Vain. ; (Mpaelal Dispatch 'to The Journal! ' Tacoma, May 1 1. Florence . Mecham, a 11-year-old high school giri, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mecham of 8308 North Twenty-ninth street, and Phyllis Powell, sged 18, a student at a business college, daughter of , Mra .Mlna Powell of (01 ft South Ninth street, are missing from their horaea ' The girls disap peared Saturday after leaving home, presumably to go to school,. As the girls had been companions for some time the psrents soon discovered they hsd isft the city together and after sn Investigation .for '' two days Mr. Mecham found they had left for Port-r land .on the 4 o'clock .train Saturday afternoon. Descriptions of the girls were sent to Portlsnd, : but so fsr no trace of the runaways has been found and it Is believed they , did not stop In ths Oregon eity,,, '" Mre. Powell, mother of the eldest girl, is a, widow and is unable to make any search for her daughter, ' but Mr. Mecham In desperation , left Thursday for ths south in the hope of finding the girls. - . - . .v. Miss Powell bed.' until a few weeks ago, alao been a student at the high school, and since her disappearance an investlsation hss- shown thst she was often absent from school, yet her moth er declares this fact was never reported to her by the teschers. 1 f t The Mecham girl . slso played truant freauently an 17 'absent- days ere msrked agalnat her for the laat few months. Her parents, however, declare that the girl was supposed, to be In school every day. :.. ., SPINAL MENINGITIS ' : - DEATH ATtTHE DALLES i eaawaBaaxeaaaaSBaaaBBBaJ - (Special Dlanatcb to The Journal.) ' The Dalles, Or, May 11. -Bert Pruyne sged , son of Mr. and Mrs. a. M.i Pruyne of this city, is oeaa or oereDro- splnsl menlngitla This is the first eaae of this disease In the city and the doctors in charge of the patient have used every known precaution to keep this terrible malady, rrom spreaaing. it Is eonsldered Infectious, but not con tagtoua -, ' r' , , A Blgnlncaat yrayer. ay the Lord help you make Buck- len'e Arnica Salve known to ail," writes J. O. Jenkins of Chapel HIU, N. a "It ?ulckiy took the pain out of a felon or me and cured it In a wonderfully ehort time." Best on earth for sores, hums ' and wounds, SSo at Red Croas Pharmacy, TEA Don't you know our, tea yet? . . :,,'..;'. : You have missed a g;ood deal of conif ort and. lost' some money.-k ;;ivsj, Yoer trocar rararna year wioaey U Tea deal like Schilling's Best: ws par hist - f ' ' y ffflTwKrtH9Bllir - aaaai mp ' 1 '.-.: !. . ; .. ." ;( ,-.'," ViV.' j,. L ;s ..;. , fjai f0( iiifi m nAVr- Cut Bhowing the Reliable Gai Water HeatrconntctdT la the proper way. ' . TTT - n LLMMJO , 4 AiA.unuii x PERCENT. AgetabIelparaibnErA$. stmllarlnfi teFbcifamfRpniifj tingtlifStomdisaiiiBowii' IVomotesDitottonllimfi ness and Restonialn$ ndotr Opiimiorphlne narKtoai NOT NARCOTIC. ; );l AasVaViwf-. . Awaiww" - anen ' ; M 'lb . 'ii; - Anerfecf Braie dV forCawflpi- Hon . Sour Stoir.Dlarrtm V(HTMjCorrraIstonsJevirist " asaaaaaBSBaaBBeesaasaaaBW ' IsxSimuf St(nsntftof , NEW YOBK. harAitUeJ under il rood a -t Exact Copy of Wrapper. BS5szsz:ssz:::ssszzsssssssz: Br 71 1 1 ; 111 5F M ' 1 rrr-js-TVJT' a. rvrr ys -x.x-a a. , -a, a- -. ' t ' . ' rlO Complete the gas equipment of your home Only TEItf OFF By having a circulating gas water heater, in stalled in Connection with 1 ;your ; gas range it will : doubly, assure you of, the : success . of gas for fuel Tpurposes.r7"y " . mi FffTD AND YAtam STOEJIG ran i 1 i hi Li uLu : For Infants and Chil.!rrn. Tho Kind You llnva Always Doughl ; .Bears the Signature of In Use For Ovor ThirtyYears Jil Is not a difficult matte when yot '....;. ;;.v, .;.v;t ' USS ' t .'-t''-.. ' IlOR-lt-LAC THE 0EIENTAL WOSD FINISH A combination of most durable "Var nish and Stains for Interior Wood Work, Floors, Furniture, etc." THS C1C PAlflT STQ3E Fishcrjhorscn & Co. s 4 I! MnDDiftON STR jk..-- 'm .... . 1...LJ i 7. - PER CENT FORcASD ..j tws esajrawa eeemiar nomeDecoraunn fetes Uotei .Portland, ;