The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 11, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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A School Tor
Fashion Paragraphs from Hew York
aHERE la Mid to exist -In New
zone the oddest Kind or a scnooi
vat davlaari. whlnh haa for Its ob-
' Ject the ;. instruction of crown
women, heads or famines,- moth
ers who find themselves falling behind
their cultured children or their bus
bands whose chances of progress are
greater-than theirs.--Tathetlot- Indeed,
yes. But she is doing a valuable work
who started such a school., do you not
say so? And her pupils are many and
eager to learn.
. rorn Utile things, such as the using
' ain't," "done." ..lor "did" and "seen
for "sawr have arisen quarrels between
, the critical husband and his sensitive
wife that have caused a breach la the
. family circle. The husband, who la the
' days of courtship failed to perceive the
grammatical errors and the lack of
knowledge ef tils sweetheart la the ad
miration of her beauty, has come to rid
icule her. The daughter or the son.
T this time of yea'r there Is never
-. much attention given to evening
' gowns save, of course. In the
bridal trousseau, and yet It it
certainly just, as Important to
attractively .robed now as at any
other part of the year. Of course, from
now on for the next month or two.
there are not- , many formal evening
entertainments, and old dressts can be
made to serve, but the old costume
will never look 'quits right among an
the newx spring suits, and if It is a
possible thing there should be provided
at least one nrettr new dinner frock.
If one would look really springlike
the new French dinner gowns or finest
Ungerls and lace, worn . over a pale
colored silk slip will be exceptionally
pretty.: for the workmanship it so fine
and the lace so fcendsome that such a
dress is Quits appropriate for even a
formal dinner at this time of yeer; and
the frock can be worn right through the
summer.Jor it can be cleaned and fresh
ened to look always like new..' Pink
seems the favorite color for the silk
Xreah from the grammatical Instruo- I alln bnt there ara alaa Mace, blues snd I .v.... .im " . a.
tion in school, is iuick to notice the ar-
- rors and thinks it smart to make fun of
the mother.' - -
' From such trivial causes have arisen
quarrels which, have made - the wife
wretched. To send happiness Into such
homes this new school haa besn started
. by an alumna of Columbia University.
, 10 it go women .prominent la society,
wives of brokers and professors who
wish to learn the rudiments of gram
. war. .English history and tho best
things in art and music.
- . The majority of them are ashamed of
the fact -that they are going to school
and do their utmost to conceal it not
only , from their friends, but their hus
bands snd children. ' They, wrap .their
, text docks up in paper to prevent aa ac
quaintance whom they may meet la go
.log to or from the school-room from
nooing their books. , Several of. them
' 'five false names to the principal of the
school lest their real identity become
known. Ho fearful ars they when they
, chance to meet the principal in a thea
tre or at a social function they do not
recognise her, so that; the principal now
umy speajcs to those pupils who first
cow to ner.v' ; ;, v ;",
livery morning or afternoon those
. women can be seen entering and leav-
leg the school.' They are) -fashionably
ra.' wearing rurs and hars of tho
j: latest Paris styles, i Several of them
i, enve to central Park, In their carriages, uien, aismissingt tneir coachmen,
; tell them that they will walk in the park.
f; Instead, however," they go toHhs barren
( little school-room, -presided' over by a
' prim-looking yoking ; woman.' Black-
boards, chalk, maps and outlines aim-;
. liar to those found ; ln the grammar
.( schools. form the equipment of tho room.
? : "It is almost tragic, tho stories some
is of my pupils tell me," said the prln
! cipal the other day. v. . "Many of them
come to me with their hearts in their
hands. They tell me bow their hus
bands are harsh with, them because
they usa bad grammar or do. not know
anything about art and things like that.
fhey are eager to learn. They ask me
what, they, shall read, what the best plo
tures In the museum are. what theatre
they should go to in order to learn the
things Jhat, put then on the Sama in
tellectual level with their husbands or
rnuDie mem 10 avoid -the orltlclsms of
ineir .cauaren. . ra s -
pale greens that am ell exquisitely
pretty, and by having two or more silk
linings the robes may be made to look
quite new each time they ara worn. The
majority of these lingerie costumes ere
made in princess, with Just a suggestion
or empire in the hack but many of them
are mads tip with waist and skirt
separate, and these are worn with a
bright colored or fancy ribbon gird!
For warm weather capes sre to be
rather mors popular- than the cloaks,
but a coat with sleeves is alwsys more
stylish and more comfortable until well
on in tho spring. There are many wraps
or two or more long shoulder capes and
loose armholes,--the lower cape giving
good protection, and this model gar
ment has the added advantags that it
cannot possibly Injurs the most delloate
laoe or chiffon.- All evening costs are
mads to fasten well up to the throat
with a lace or chiffon collar and Jabot,
for even If a soft scarf is worn under
neath' there is danger of cold if ths
wrap is open at the neck. At this sea
son evening closks begin to grow some
what shorter than winter styles, but
they remain very full and loose, so as to
be altogether distinct front the after
noon and carriage garments. The em
pire model is still a popular one, and is
seen tin heavy textures., such, as Aoth
and satin, as well as la all the light
sujcs sua chiffons.. , " - r ;
Butterflies and ."rabats" are of the
greatest Interest to the up-to-date girl
who wears, the turn-down collar aa
faithfully as do her brothers. -cousins
and other masculines. .. The difference
Is that hers are embroidered and that
she wears with thsm all .sorts of chic
and dainty butterfly bows of a lingerie
order, as well as those made of silken
rosettes. ' Rabat, which are .ths lone-.
plaited and laoe-trlmmed lingerie neck
nxings mat : usea in be called Jabots,
ara shown in Innumerable styles, that
have the ball mark of their Parisian I
origin, snd thess are also things that
use up much of milady's -pin money
tneee flays. ,.
A fashion which Is making a great
headwsy is the big loose sleeve, or, to
describe it . differently, a big drapery
about ths armhole, which answers as
a sleeve. It Is a wonderfully graceful
fashion and seems almost . universally
becoming. This Idea Is simply a dsvel
opment of tue shoulder drapery which
has been In vogue all winter. . It has
now grown more voluminous . and Is
pushed further off the shoulders.
A sw Idea in feather fans has been
recently introduced. The feathers may
be coque's feathers, pheasants, birds of
gayer plumage, or the quiet pigeon, and
the sticks of tortolse.aheU. -When the
fan la' closed, the head of tho bird or
naments ths first stick and when open,
it Is on ons elds. Those who like such
nss of birds, consider this a charm
ing effect ' :.'r !'
(Several novel kinds of sashei have
appeared this spring upon fowns de
signed for - younger women. Ons ' of
Here and
V )
T.IS rumored that Mrs. Hetty Green
ls retiring from business. Her new,
bank building in New York makes
no provision for desk room for her.
he has not been In her office for
several months, and tho impression Is
growing that she Is retiring from active
i v One of tho ' Important Duties of Physicians t A
V and the Well-informed of the Vorld u
a 1 a.- i: ... ii.1. it. '1.-.J? a - j
. i i , 13 io ieam as 10 ' mo relative Bi&nuing ana reiiaouiiy ox me leaning manuiaciur-
i era of medicinal agents, m the most' eminent physicians are the most careful as to
11 the uniform quality and perfect purity, of remedies prescribed bj them, and it is well
1- 1 a l a il- - tTT.1I T J 11 1L.1 it. nli T7i: o
axtuwu w LiiiYiuciaiis Buu vile vvcu-xuxurmeu Kcueraujr uiai wte vituixuruia fig ojrup
Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of.
its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which
Is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the XMune of the
Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy. v,;: ;
opalsscent moire - with a narrow black
edge, had two fins black silk tassels
dangling from tho forked points of the
swallowtail effect into which tho ends
were divided."' Another sash mads for a
charming biscuit colored costume Was
likewise of moire ribbon. In this case
plain black, tied with a high bow at
the back, ths hemS being finished with
fringe Still another was. mads of del
icata chins ribbon, having an "exquis
itely variegated fringe harmonising
with the floral colors of tho sash, .
Moet attraotlvo among the new suit
materials are ths striped serges in both
fins and heavy weaves. . Ths whits
serge suit which enjoyed such a vogue
last summer will be mors than ever! white buds bloomlnjr upon web of
Word comes from Pennsylvania that
the bill prohibiting buying, selling or I
wearing for adornment any Pennsyl-I
vanla wild bird or part thereof has been
passed by the house. . This bill was. once
defeated and then reconsidered. ; The
Audubon societies are glad, of each step
lowara enugntenea pu duo opinion.
The prison van has received a word of
approval from Mrs. Rows (Manchester,
England) one of ths suffragists relessed
from Holloway because some ons haa
against their desire, paid their flnoa
Black Maria." she told a Journalist "Is
quits a comfortabls carriage to ,rtde In.
There were 14 of us in my van, and we
were all in good spirits. We mads
many attempts to sing our songs and to I
convert our very polite police escort.
MJsa Ethel Rockefeller, now Mrs. Mar
oellua Zodge, la a Judge of laces, and
Included many beautiful gowns In her I
trousseau in which rare laces baa a
prominent place.
Upon the bodlos of ths wedding gown
lace was caught to fall softly ovsr the
sleeves, which wars girlishly puffed and
finished with laoe caught close to thai
arm to meet the long gloves. Bo beau
tifully was the lace wrought that the
design appeared aa "though . of small
popular, and ' in addition many inter
esting stripes ars shown. One of these
which Is particularly cool-looking. Is of
a very heavy . white serge and has a
quarter of an inch broksn strips in
warm gray at intervals of half an Inch
apart Another very fine white serge
has alternate half-inch stripes of navy
blus and gray between white apacea of
equal width. Pin lines ln red . on a
whits ground ara in favor ones mora,
somstimes so closs as to look almost
like ths old-fashioned mint stick, again
a half inch and mors apart Often two
or three different colors ars harmon
iously combined, while black and whits
In svsry conceivable width' of strips
and spacing are ' much used.
Buttons used purely to give emphasis
to the design of ths goWn or its gar
nitures are in great vogue and simu
lated button-holes of narrow silk -folds
or cords are a usual accompaniment of
these. Crochet buttons of silk and
linen are extremely smart, and ara to
be had In colorings to harmonise with
all the newest shades of ths season.
They can also be made up to special
order, though this Is, of course, more
expensive..: . ,f,y...;,
mist Tho French artist who creaUd
the gown affectively-displayed its lace
embellishment upon the length of the
train. j
No bride of recent years haa had such
an elaborate and costly trousseau as
Miss Rockefeller, who hss brought from
abroad such fairy meshes of . almost
priceless lace that her friends sympa
thised .with her because she had no
opportunity to display, ths fronderful
wedding gown at a large public cere
mony..'. . J -
All the rare, fashionable laces ara
included In Miss Rockefeller's trous
seau. Those who know tell of gowns
of baby Irish lacs, of Irish I ace, of Car
rickr-across . mingled with contrasting
laces, of costly Flemish, combined with
transparent lace to set off Its beauty
tho better, and of real point lacs, that
precious possession of women.
Devonshire point too, of vhich ths
wadding veils of England's royalty ara
made,, holds an Important part in the
trousseau of this bride of fairy laces.
Appeal to the Well-informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc
cess and creditable standing; therefore we wish to cathe attention t all who would
: enjoy good health, with its blessings, to th.e fact that it involves the question of right
living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hourj
of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute
to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but
as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable' if taken at the .
proper time, the' California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present
truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won
the approval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-informed because
of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac
ture, which is known to the California Pig Syrup Co. only. - ;
' ' This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of-4
Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles,, obtained from Senna, are well I
known to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the best of natural 11
laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name efr-Syrup of Figs and Elixir of-Ha
n aii , i.; s ai n . . V. i.i i a ii . t. J
oeutiov s mors 1UU7 uascnpuvB u. tae rcmeay, vui aouuiiessij iv win always dq
called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always
note, when purchasing, the full name- of the Company California v Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the frontof every package, whether you simply eall for Syrun of
Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Sennaas Syrup of Figs and
TT1!: J Aa C!n. .v. 1 l 3 - 1 1 n. ri:s Tn: o
Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Svruo of Fiesi-which has riven sat
isfaction to millions. The genuine is for-sale by all leadinz drusrirists throucrhout the
C United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty
1 cents per Dotue, k:-;V::':''C:' '.'TT'a T-y' ';';-,f:':;vV'..R V' i';v:
:": Every bottle is sold tinder the general guarantee "of the Company, filed with the
Secretary ef Agriculture, .at Washington, D. O, that the remedy is not adulterated
or.niisbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. -
Louisville, Ky.
San Francisco, CaL
London, England. '
New Tork, 1SL X,
Iref erred Stock Canned OooOs.
Allen Lewis' Best Brand. .
t- - , . Kevivals. .
Glass doorknobs in all slses for doors
. . and bureaus, desks and stands ara again
. la vor, and those who have treasured
them la sJi ths years they have been
, ' "out," may feel 'that they are now Jn
the extreme of knob fashion. Besldss
- their beaity and what 'In the Una of
xnoDa u Handsomer , than a eat glass
. one glistening in the light they ara
more easily kept clean , than marble.
. crass.; or bronxe, ;;..;,,
i . . -The African Way. -
From the' New York ' Herald. " 1
The Kabyle woman of Africa baa a
way peculiarly her own of carrying her
uauy. one m axes a seat ror, it ar her
back by crossing her arms tinder its
body and. secures It there by jneaas of
a flimsy shawl passed under tier arms
ana uea tignuy neiow ner chin. The
stranger, seeing e the child held -in this
way. invariably Questions why it does
not fall over backward.' But Instinctive
ly the little one snuggles Into ths
hollow of ths mother's back, clutching
her robe, moreover, with its tiny hands.
Hsld so freely, the baby laughs, and
crows In unison with tho motion of bar
body, or, becoming weary It succumbs
to slumber. '..-'';- : ' - - -
This little - Africa baby has . Indeed
greatly the advantage of tha pappoose
of the North American Indian, to 'whom
freedom of movement Is prohibited. It'
is open-eyed and a participant in the
mother's active Ufa from tha day It la
born. She, being a creature of knag
her children charming and their homa
life ideal. J: - -
But aha never thinks of this point of
view. She regards herself as mlsraated,
as having made a terrible mistake by
marrying a man, who, la not, capable of
"understanding", fasr. . ; ',,:';;;
She thinks that Wlfh a man who un
derstood ner and helped her along she
could conquer worlds. At present shs
is hemmed in by husband and children,
Shs is not allowed the opportunities her
sour craves, and so on. She can talk
and moan on forever.
When you look at this woman's homo
then you begin to Ditr those who be
long to her. ' shs haa but a poor little
scrap or talent if she cannot rise above
tha level of tho most slovenly neasant
and keep her homo In .apple-pie order,
aays Woman's Life. Her thoughts can.
not be very great and noble If she Is
content to let her children run sbout In
a neglected condition. Her soul cannot
Another old fashion revived is the I nlncent muscles and strength, carries
"cottage ornament," as It used to be I It without apparent knowledge of its
called curious ' dogs,; red-spotted. ! weight It hampers her hardly at all,
chained and padlocked, made to alt on I In fact whsn she works she brings
either side of tha mantle or fireplace; her hands to the front leaving the
"boskles" figures with background of Child dependent on.1the shawl for sup.
.trees or flowers, rotund- Falstaffs sword port ; As these shawls, however, are
in hand, the Tlight Into Ea-ynf with I woven by tha Kabyle woman herself,
Joseph la Turkish t trousers, flowinr she has accurate knowledge . of their
beard and rreat tmhontmlnL mil ail I strensth.
f the pther china delights turned out by ; Sometimes tha baby is seen without
the early or Victorian potters of 6taf-1 ny other clothing than tha holding
fordshire. If vou hava an r,f haaa I shawl and a turban. The latter Is
quaint old pleoes stored away, bring never omitted "from the head of a boy
them ouWwash them up .yourself t to baby.j Indeed. ' to keep tho feet and
makes sore that now in their days of re- Umbs bare and the head covered is the
newed popularity no svff befalls them, keynote of Arabic costuming. Fdr long
and set them up in state, assured that distances the Kabyle, woman carries her
they and you , ara onc& . mora in tha I haby on her back many months after it
Hard "World for All Oom Pauls.
Spokane.; Wash May 11-Oom Paul
Kruger, who claims to bo a nephew of
Oom Paul Krnger, former president of
Transvaa Is held to appear before the
grand Jury to answer charge of fraud.
It is charged that ha triad to cheat the
Washington Nursery corona ay of Top
penlsh, Washington,,, and -Other compa
nies by sending fictitious orders tor
goods for tha purpose of getting the
c (remission.
Xs Teoght at Oettysburf .
David Parker of Fayette, N. T-
lost a foot at' laettvsbursr. writes: "Elec
tric flutters have dona me more good
than" any medicine I ever took. For
several, years l had stomach trouble, and
paid out much money for medicine to
nttie purpose, untu i oegan takini
Electrio Blttera. I would not take 160
for what they nave done for me." Grand
tonio for the aged and for female weak
"swim." .
' Thai our American forests abound In
plants which, possess ths moat valuable
medicinal virtue la abundantly attested
by, scores of tha most eminent medical
writers and teachers. Even tha untu
tored Indians had discovered tha useful
nsss of many native plants before the
aavenioi tha white race. TbU Informs
tion. Imparted freely to the whites, led
the latter to continue investigations until
to-day we have a rich assortment of most
TsJuable American medicinal roots.
r,; w-;?.v vj'ij,;? r.-u ;;,r. ;;-? -'. 'p
Dr. Pierce believes that onr American for
ests auoapd in most vsiusbie meatcmai roots
fet the cuNf most obstinate sad fatal dU
, csies. if we3sd properly laveatlgate them;
ami tnraaljrrwniin of this coavlctlon. be
oiirM'wtth pridVQi the. .alnvnt-iTurTslniif
r- rfflfUnt. stnm.rh ynlr Tt,r Inrlgnr-
u.r. heart tonic and regulator. "j hlot
CinT Knomi to memrti Sf lence. ustoav
sla. or UiUifestloa. torpid UferT Tunctlooal
and even valvular and otasr affections of
the heart yield to Its curative action, n The
reason ny it cures these sad many other
erections, is clearly shown la a little book
ef extracts from tbe standard medical works
which is mailed res to any address or Dr. &
V. Fierce, of Buffalo, N. y to eU sending
roQuest tor ins same, v:
'Not loss marvelous; In tbe an paralleled
cures It Is constantly making of woman
many peculiar- affsctionvweaknesses aac
JistiJng derinesmenta, is Dr. ,ilerce"f
I'aVortUvPwscriptiWBKSS is amply attestct
by thousands oujbllcjMteetisoonlals con
tributed brewntiui psuewes wnonivebeer
is able- to ; walk. In tbe breeae her
flowing balr crosses and reerosses its
f see, the child apparently unheeding.
Daily Menus. ;
. Breakfast. .
Sliced Bananas with Lamon Juice.
Liver and Bacon.
German Hashed Potatoea v
Virginia Corn Bread. v . . Coffee.
, Luncheon.
Kacalloped Salmon. " Saratoga Potatoes,
,. Popovers... , Macedolne Salad, i t-
: Pineapple Fitters. -Tea..
. Cocoa. ,
t ' t 1 ' Pinner. ,
,;! -,. " Vegetable Soup.. . ',.- -, ',
Lamb Chops, Frenched and Boiled
7, Oreen Peas. y New Potatoes.
Spinach with Egg. - ;
' Salad of Peppers and Tomatoes., "
Little Strawberry Puddings.
Coffee, i i Cheesa
, - ' ' BT7NDAT.
, ". v Breakfast ".
Strawberries and Cream.
"Broiled Bacon with Mushrooms.
Julienne Potatoes. -
Vfaffles, with Syrup.
Clear Consomme, with Croutons. , ;,,
Stuffed Veal. . v New PoUtoea.'
Asparagus on Toast Creamed Carrots
j - Oiitu-frutu toe cream.
Coffee, i .' . , Cheese.:..,
Supper., '
Brown Bread Sandwiches.
Shrimp Salad, with Lettuce,
Fruit Jelly.--- - Tea.
neases. Oreat alterative and body
... ..... t . a .ii . i t .
ha t- it ... a . ' ""i , vi mu iui uiaa umta ana
. ii ii , i .7 r v "o i weak . kidneys. Guaranteed by Rod Cross
ner nusoana ana aoes not make her
home attractive. And these are the du
ties she took upon herself. . ,
S M SI MHK S IfenergyandmWtlon:
wviiuvh . UIUULIIIU gaa ' , : a
are licking
If the mind Is dull, Inactive or de
preeaed aud trifling annoyances
Irritate and exasperate, then the ..
"T LIVER la In trouble. The system
Is clog (fed with undigested and
y 1 decaying food.
Astourvdiriff State of Affairs Ra-
. . . I Ba, ' aa a . aa bb aat '"'
ported at Tacoma From Q flOtm 03rrDi1 KflrlflOfl
wvvuuuvwvuvivH yuinivu
Crack-Loo to Poker.
(Scacial 'Dlsnatch tA Tha JTiairnal 1 .
Tacoma, kay 1L Gambling is going
on in the Tacoma high school. Revela
tions made .today .. indicate , that card
playing at the big building haa been
going on ; under the very nose of Pr.
Wegener, - the - principal, v though, t of
course, without his knowledge or con-1
Senf, .,,--.'.:-j:1V :
"They are gambling' there," said one
of the boys,, when asked concerning the
matter today. . 'They Pl7 hlaek jack
and poker. .
"At first the boys started pitching !
pennies ana nickoie and matching coins,
"ureck-ioo". was a favorite game for a I
time, and many a lad was strloned of
nis last cent oy the experts among the
BlUOeaiS. '-SKCTJ. C, JS.'
These games grew too tame, however.
as the young sramblsrs Drorressed In
the great game of . srettlns- somethina
ior noimng. Then little decks of cards,
Just large enough to go snugly In the
vst pocaei, appeared and the ..carnival
of gaming was placed on the higher i
scale or the regular areen cloth devotee.
In the basement' In the aaaemblv room.
In the various secluded and even in un-
seciuoea places in ths big building the
games, nave gone on. Boy g have lost
their last eent to ths smoother of the
Student - gamblers. One boy. named
Eaaton, Is tit ahead on one month's
playing. -. Other bors known to have
participated In numerous nmi : are
pury ea, Manley, Brokow and Hovey.
Ie the best remedy for LIVER ssj
troubles. It iacreeacs both energy
and ambition and induces health.
ful sleep. It is , .. .
ifi iirnmii'
apBM, $ Cents at AO Drag Stares,
aa. ' ' JBooklet sad fiample Free. -'
M"' w . ' ' ' BMrLAMB. Dl. ' 1
oa roarLAXD orbooic
htuttnfi mU CUrfnd aaaW '
bW Lam e tk4 Stf a Onf
I W, Iberar rnaidaat , a . .
' Wk R. kalth V.Pns. a. H. Onaa Osal Mga I
e. M.Obersscntafy Raf.Sl.alar OmIUb., )
(Leaf Jk tweak Oaaaral CaoaMf
' fasawaatTJBsW
IIIMBIt ! .'' J'
. VviUsad Oisiiar ef Cairil
. rerdsad Seetd ef Tnas
ktyiaiKcta -
Owtaa Tvssl an Sartnfa Bsak rartWoS ON,
. The BradsKaat Ceawear
It a Pes Ce.CB itclel Agesaa
Ws give i
as Sisalii ws de sat IU
se s steers ii Look M e
'Cm Watkhum md Slmk fwiknd O.
' -A
Dr. Morrow's Aoti-Leao
UMMxn La ax noru ta
Throngk tho ' nervosa sys-
, - ystens. It Is a purely
vegetable compound. ' ,
Contains no oils or fata or
any drug that is Injurious
or liable to produoe a habit
Eseh - bottle contains a
r r month's treatment and costs
r at any nrst-ciass drug
' . store, rreparea oy tno
Oregomlan Bldg Fortlaad. Oa
II - - O ' " v
To Jcnrnal Sctscrlkrs' '
'To all subscribers, aid or new,
to the Pally and Sunday Journal
paying It .cents for, a month's
- subscription, 'in advance, wllf Be
given a TTeddy Bear,1 as shown
in the accompanying cut
Oat The Journal the most pop
alar papsr published In The Ore
gon Country,"and a "Teddy Bear,"
the 'popular novelty to old, and
young. Call at or. address Ths
Journal office, aa agents will not
handle the Bears. ;.;,vi.H:i. ';'
, , npi jottkbtaXi, oTivurB.OBw
B"5s;;liSisII!IISSSS3SSS!tia5;a BtSSSSg5SSS5!SSSSSS5S5i'
cuxluf calarrtiai rciTic,iUiiiBLpwro
lea, and
ai.r iiiaiy cuicr auven
lihyslciansbtd failed. ,
-Cy '. 'O.
r -'h tV above mentioned mediclnaa sr
wl :y ma ' upirom tne r ycenc extracts o"
r," ni.i lclnal roots. The process m
, , ei in tuelr manufacture were origins,
h I. rir-e. and tbey are carried on b
skiiled chemiia and pharaacUU with
aid of -si'psratus and appliances spertsl!;
c,te.. 1 and btiiH for tuis purpose. Bot;
u tuii iiit s an entirely free from alcohol so;
ail o i harmful, hshlt-forrairg drufs. .
tu i -i. f !r increuieuts Is pxUitd o
each tvu.e-wrai)px.
Where the Ambitious Women Fail.'
Only the woman who can do the small
imiiKa ai noma, conquer eomwug an-
floultles and fight, shouldef to shoulder
with ber husband In ths days of advers
ity, can hope to do bigger or greater
things in' the outslde world.
Some women ret the Idea Into their
heads that they are cut out for some
great career for sorie sort of ideal ex
istence They are not always sura what
sort but something "far removed from
the petty little affairs, of everyday life.
xne woman -who suffers like this and
she doesn't forget to let mothers suffer;
at the same t!me-mav!,iosaiblv have
(Speeia)' Dispatch to The JanraaLt'.
Salem, Or., May 11. Salem will eel. I
brate tbe Fourth of July in grand style.
Arrangements were perfected at a msss
meeting last evening at which great In
terest was manifested. The foiiowin
committees were; cnoaen to make' nra.
iiminar Tmtiujcuui. .nance, R. U.I
jmsnop ana usre n, xentis: parada Del
Pinsmore; muslo, George F. rtodgers;
Goddess' of Liberty. Frank Dour la a;
baby show, Charles Parmenter; trans
portation, A. w. Hoierj sports and ath
letics. ' Watt Shlpp; comic parade. Hal
u, ratton; nreworxs ana pyrotechnics
nj. nut intent reany anyming rage; printing, sprees and advertising,
to talk about if it dpes not Include the j Henry W. Myers; f loata, Isadora Green-
. posBilflvoDy ; cnnir3 any case rtoi? COdiniQy
op (BDadldlep dlflstgase niibil: Crayoinidl P3acGii
oir oirBGiOOcDinie. , Tvlot inniediibSinio cauD dlo totpaa
1 ' '' ' ".,"." i " . '-i
strengthens the urinary organs,
builds iip the kidneys and invig
orates the whole system. .
: TVJO blZEO COo and 01.00
Pastsd $f:st tzi Cravt! fflih .Eisreslitbx Ms ,
T A. H. Tharnei, Mgr. VUls Creek Coal Co, Buffalo, O.; writest
! have been atflicted trtth kidney snd bladdar trouble for rears, pass
Ing gravel or atones with excruciating paint. Other medlclnea only
gave relief. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE tho result was
surprising. A few doses started til brick dost, like fine atones, etc.,
-. snd now I have so pais across mr kldaera tad I feel like a new man--FOLEY'S
KIDNEY CURB lias doas nt $1,000 wortn of good.';'
. l,;Ka idttir Ristdy Cxa Costptrt lYIIb It ,
; Thoa. V." Carter, of Aahboro, N. C.,- bad KldneT Trouble and
ene bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB effected a perfect cure, and '
ke aars there is no remedy fast will compart with It
U 4 power , of making ber, husband happy, I baum; program. T. & Kay.
" f i ; ALL' DRUOGISTS ,s