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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1907)
' - " THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENlNGMAYll. ' aa ' 1 13 il, , : .. . , . . .... , ......... -. , v. -,- ,.-.,,'..,:";...:: . i WILL TELL OF PURE FOOD. AND OTHER : KINDS Consumed League to Throw Limelight on Inside History of the t Battle Which Still Wage's Between ;HonesV Legislation for Wholesome Edibles and Dishonest Product's..,, , " v 'h - By K. B.W. " It behooves "all housewives -ana in telligent mother of thle community to tear in wind that we a.reto have an open meeting at the Unitarian chapel next Monday afternoon In the Interest : ot pur food, . . .. t ' j. ... It would seem acarcely necessary at this lste day to urge a more-general 1 enlightenment ' on thla ever Important ' matter: but, though we all dimly per ' celve that w ought to know more than we do, we are apt to overtook the mean at hand for edification. ;-- ... ' . Thla la precisely the need which the ; Consumer's league la attempting to fill. t h tin which la to be hmd on i xnA.. ttMYurn la in the nature of a general educstlv dUcusslon. Mem . vr. k. tt and of the city hoard v of health will give sddresses and It la expected that Dr. Matson will exmo and explain aome of "hie culture enow Wg , in growm mo . uwwh .' germ. '. - ' ' .- . , vifht Waa Zrfnar On. ' ' Probably no other measure which has Dfjiura ' ilia iia,iua " - , called It. so completely the' iooidbji oi . . . . . - tb. IaaiI MMramtDt legiaisuon. s f"' : In It various bill, f r ' For twenty years the game has gone ' intDHiit sometlmea wsxlng, some- ...i. hut awai rvtvlna." Pedl' cated to Ha progree In the Interest or health." of Justice and morals. many strong and earnest men; andagalpst it, . i. . r. nt mnnaved Interest as the ugar Industry, with It million of ready cash, the great body of canner of oi th end distiller with their trade eeeret. and the l..r,but,mo .baleful nflu- ence of tn auuii-r.- . . .,. fA V ..... ' - .. ... . Mir anhnmlnff. aucn eucti ; . blackest and neiariou- -"'""" - ." "T - ,,.- nod a. i l a rnrm ttaa liiw w wpnorter. hM to flfM .-,. beeff paralleled. m. veVbnr&'a'BlU nwngwreo. - . a .... - ui . tn tha for 0: une oi . " fight In the lnteri oi vhiirn of Idaho, and the win -ki.v. h Ma . nam 1 tn on Ul" . V...h' thrmisrh th n wmcn .iiiw7 " - B .teln et aift cam out vlotorlou. Bo trip ped " it parte.. o lopped and contort badly frayed. n .It. P"' 7". .. ttniut for dlaown lng the ahabby victor of th u uch a It la, th pur food bill finally , mA atuna UBOn til taUUe in th light of It hl.tory. behoove MM honor it and to mak. it lnit; r ni. that but th only way in wMch w aball ever, aohlevo a better one la by the support ox puuuy v. whlfih demand. It. ,WUI Biow Wffn . rwr'Js kmkU fnot intending 9 V - In the vernacular) ana jj ON RULES H ; GUV OF BUTTE i ...... ... v,." ... Two Thousand Enraged Men At- V tempt to Lynch Officer for Killing Prisoner. - piioiie mm TO SOUTHEAST TRAIN ROBBER IS SHOT - WHILE RUNNING AWAY narry Cole Oonleae Tht II Knowa AU About noldup of ,Hortn uw Limited and Then Make Break for Liberty. ' s . It V (Joaraal Bpeelal gerrtoe.) - n..tta Mnnt. May 11. After .deft 4..i.rinr that ha knew all about th holdup of th North .Coaet Lfmlted and ' th murder of Engineer , , Frank Clow, Harry Col, a well-known charac ter of Butte, mad a dah for th door or th. nmina attion wher h wa being ..tai - anil wu shot to death by t-.,i niv rhariaa Jackson last night rM.tit atnriAa of the affair got .i. . Mh nf 1.000 oeople aasem bled and attempted to lynch IoujJJ Charlea , McOarvey. , who they e t.. MHtnniv i murdered a narmiea Col, waa arrtd yesterday h"gea with, forgery and placed In th .wat v m tha tuiiiar tnax am T.TTJ.Vlaa .nrt that W j"" .TJ " kkI;- -hloh held UD must uuto" .fitn gsng ox hmii ivu. .V throw ur Influence upon th "Id of limited a few day ago. It la atated - moraJitr in thi matter. I .i-iiM thit he knew all . v.. . nnra I ' 7 ia- . How snaii we mow . about th; robbery ana ww - fooda, and where ahaU w get themT fof d)or of tne police t- That 1 what tn consumer. tlon McQrvey foUowed mm dui iw ska th privueg 05, n ns "."" fl0wn and another officer who wm vinndav. Mar IS. at 4 o'clock, at th , ,hl body. - Jackson. Unitarian chapel. .V .", ' 'IL-jb. that th prisoner wacaplng "... . i k..iTat t aii ar n ROSS BARBER FORMS HAIR CUT CLUB WHICH HAS MANY MEMBERS . All th heartache earn becau Henry Griffin love hi iok. and th barbr la a oreduloua creature. . ' t - Mr. Griffin waa tandlng In front jf a long polished plec of cherry wood gaalng fondly at glass of jmarkllng beverage. ; With him wa a frlendV . A they tod a man cam in who hold, official position with th barber union. ot , lsviA-aV finnni Llltl WMvavsa thl 8I-oent haircut bumess,- Griffin to hi friend. 'TCveryon 1 af ' fectlng .horter hair JSSf' "Not for mine." ald the trton. intend to let mln grtw long Uk Buf- tin. hunt join the club and get a t V.iM.t at i vmiv bom. , aaisn I you heard of th.VclttbT' .. Th. barber Mm ar. Th friend pro- "Well thl. 1. the way It . IsedV- explained ir. Orllfla : I bosa barber her. In town who ?doe; ! !rtl. Tn the raise.' XI haa formad ' a club, which already b e Sar.hlp, and which J i grtrnt. f' tonce a wll being econom cal - It ii known , as th ."Haircut ,club.'' member ar arranged In .chedul form. - mmberhlD Ut 1 larg. and 1 composed of th regular patron of this ttartlrnilar ahOD. Th haat hairouttar In th. shoo take hi kit of tool and vilt th place of that m man they were hunting wa not hnt at him. nutting a hl back and auainlnatant death. , - - Mttnas Teens moo. a wk a CAle and a eousln. named Sullivan, atarted a hue .ana cry wn-n .i t...4, n th ahootlng and soon nthered a mob under th Prten. that McOarvey bad killed a rnnk. Believ ing that the detectlv wa hiding In th county Jau it was iurrenu a. . a. --1 aVaf d aa - AnaVd'i held the- mob at bay nut imauy ou sented to a search of tb place, tatlng business of the members of th club, there A haaty hunt convlnoed the mad rdlng to th chdul. ,,Ih.r ara denea tnr0Btr 0f this and they returned enouah membera ao that th. man makes t. tttit hiulrt of th city where they th. circuit Just about ono. every two Dfoke tnt0 a gun .tore and armed them mtkL thus everv member of the duo ... i a v" haa a haircut twice a month and it Timothy Cola, brother of . th dead costs him just 10 cents a cut. I belong. tne leader of the mob through- ami ft la a areat thing.. I'll put your hn he waa finally name In If you want me to. f or th. bo placad under arrest, by the officers, in la making up a aecond circuit" Lw,..., ,uh Sullivan and one or two -Sure," W the fena.;i m ii jjoii mofi mob wa dlspered. rineville Center and Headquar ters of Up-to-Date Long- . v Distance System. SMALL INTERESTS MERGE AND WILL REINCORPORATE . i')"'' paaiaaaasaBvavBaaM Line to Burn and One Prom Bend Through Sliver Lake to Califor nia Connection PrinevUlo City System to Be Perfected. (ipeelal Dispatch wmiL-aa, Madras, Or., May U-Th f" Telephone & Teiegnapn wmv-ui ieen oraanJsed at FrlnevlUe and will In- corporat. with 4 capital .tod. 000. Tn new oomii' :,"Ii:v,a th merging of the De.chut. Telephon company of Bend and the . J" 1a h. Jack Bummera of Prlnevllla Th tockholder of th Bend, oomDany. Jack Bummera ana ' men or tTineviue ouwiiv r--- - of the new company, wnicn w blnatlon Juat effected haa at fcP""n about S0O mUea of line in Crook county Including th ervtc 'om PrinevUl to n-A rMiaw and Lester, aa well as Tines up tha Ochoco aat of PrinavlUa :-:;- : ; v ; to Btuu and to California. . Th nw company propo i to build ., anuthaaetward to Burns, n n4i.. an. aiaa to extend a line from "r t,,..h Silver Lake to at California oonnectlon. W. E. Guerln Jr, one of th -heavy atoekholdera la the old Pchute Talephon company, aaia t0ur Plan la to build a flrt-claa lln from Prlnevni to Burn and thus con nect southeastern VI . .,, u V-m Portland by way of friMV "V rlm alio build a long-dlstanc lln from Bend outh through Silvr Lak to a California connection. , Better rvlo at rtavill. , rTh-V Prlnevlll city rvlc wlU b reoonsTructed. doing awar with aU par ii... -a inatjLiilna- an automatic cen tral awltohboard. The farmer lln. to u.joaa win be rebuUt. a local exchange v. a.t.Kianii in Madras and a rural line extended north of that point on to th Agency Plalna. ' "W wlU for th. present glv a r- . i r.lnavl11a frnm t a. m. tO IV p; m, aeven daya a week, holiday in cluded, and expect to shortly this to a full all-day and alji-nlght aer- nfh formal tranafer of tbofopoZ Is arranged for next jqonuay. way The "Progress" humace BUILT LIKE A BOILER, OF BOILER STEEL. LARGE FEED DOORS FOR WOOD. LARGE COMBUSTION CHAMBER. NO PIT REQUIRED. J A, "McPHERSON", PRODUCT. MANUFACTURED AND SOLD ONLY BY J j The-W. G. HEATING ENGINEERS. McPherson lomp lany 328 GLISAN ST. I S-a--a-a-a-nSeaWaW----" . L0IIGSH0IIE1II OUST nut ma in Une for a blackball" plea.' Pardon ma." Interrupted the barber, "but', who did you aa was getting. up tha clubr ' . "t am varr sorry, air." anologtaed Mr. o'riffin.'but the rulea of the club pro hibit any .member tipping tb thing off unless hm know the tory - will not reach th barber's union." ? Blnce thatitlm Mr. Griffin haa re- eaivad official calls from various offl oera of the .harber'a' organisation and from confidential stranger who desire Later th. prisoners were released upon promises of good behavior, r BI6 GATHERINGS ARE . SCHEDULED NEXT WEEK -i. y -u .. ..... " . :. .: ' : from eoofldentlat stranger wno aesire Cunt. in Clmir to join , the ciub, (jBomm barber . nv J fany Important Events to uccur been Interviewed concerning- their pro pensity for haircut clubs. But th identity of th. offender U still a mys tery. - . ; . ...,.,,v..,, I K Throughout the United , States. LOWER RATE Oil VJOOD 1 COHO L v Druggists Complain Shipping Al- most, Do'ublesXost Referred . to interstate Commission. (Special Mipateh te J-irsal.) , SalemTor., May ll.-L. Levlnger of i.v.. f it has Informed th tat. rail way commlaslon that ort t tena tured alcohol at Chicago ia 8B cent per saUon and that ; tha transportation charge, from Chicago t f f er City ar li cent per gallon, which the BaKer City drugglat'assert la a unreaaonabl : PmvIoub to th presenting of th. case : to th tat commission Leylngerhad Pw- T,-, CT ;& transcontinental ln ?!!".."Tau that denatured alcohol .. the same rating aa any kind of aicono, tlnenUl provision wr p.vv - ' o . f ratal Of thl OTt th State commlaalon haa the recornmendlng , Sower onir th. complaln't of the Baker M.n . has ; been -forwarded to . the tnteratata commerce .commission. MISS METCALF IS BEST W. C. T. U. ELOCUTIUNISI Max BalemTor., May 11. Miss Tlorere V vetcalf. a member of the eophomore olass of th Balem High achool won the in the W. C. T. U. elocution ary oonteat at th. hlfh achool building last1 .venlng. Th. .contest waa doe but Mlsa Metcaltwon th. unanlmotv de clsioa ot th five Judges. He election rh. TTncia- Ttie other cOntesUnts : Hnwnrd Zimmermen, Dorothea , w..i,. mathar Miles and Gladys Cart- wright. Each conteatant waa presented Ifth a souvenir pin. -At the close of the ..' ...... e atudents signed the temper ance nledge.; Th Judgeawere Profea- sor Katherln Kauf f man. Froressor A.n . , t .waahhurm of the Kim' oerauii, - - --- --- i college or meoioajy, ui. v.. ley and Mrs. Alice poaa.. .. -. v-- (Joaraal Special semes., . a n an tag la of MonUnegro, divorce (Washington,. May Une of th. big mm Astasia or m GRAND DUKE HI will mm- PRINCESS Fair Divorcee Captures'r.eart and Hand of Commander of AH " Russian Armed Forces. - (7onrnal Special Service.) t-. ,.. Mar 11. It la an --- th.t tha wedding of Grand Klpholalevltch. ' secc a- Niaholaa. and Prln OOUPin - AInrAA TALIANS Police Come to Aid of Strike- breakers and Disperse Angry Crowd of Union Men. STRIKERS BELIEVE THEY WILL BE VICTORIOUS SOON Officials of Steamsliip tympanies Are Stubborn and Announco That The Will Hire New Men at the End ot the Week. GILT IT FOR H1LR AN ELECTRIC FLAT-IRON IRIX ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL IS DEAD III ASHEVILLE Svdnev Lascelles. Alias Lord f mf . Beresford, of International ' 1 . Reputation. ; (Joanal Bpcdal Secvlee.) al I S" " -- . " w ,,, wa HLtherlng or tne comma the annual convention of the American Cotton. Manufacturera association In Philadelphia, it win. do au representatives of the cotton Industry not only In thla oountry, but through out Europe. ; ' . . Ambaasador Bryc. i. wm ao w -Jamestown expoaltlon Monday to de liver the principal address at exercises to fee held In commemoration of th flrat permanent aettlement of Knglleh- speaklng jjeopi on im. w'"i 7 cirit at Railway Conductor will Aihevllle, N. C, May . IL eyaney -..embi, i blennUl convenUon in Mem- Lascellea, a swindler wltn aa inter- nU Tueadaye. and remain in aeasion naUonal repuUtlon, la dead In thle city, throughout the week. , j his hndv Una in a undertaking estab- aanata eommltte on military af- liahmnt awalUng th claim of relative. fMifm nas fixed Tuesday as the date Tanaiiaa -was ina won w kmut- MMmbi n( in mis cut w keeper 'on th stat of the Duke of th. lnVaaUgatloa of th. Brownavlll Devonshire. : m naa exceu-m mf aXfray. : a- i'- and dlstlnigulshed appearance. Air , Tna annual general aasem u-j vi v England ot too hot for mm, n cam preabyteriaa -churcn, tne ai w to this country. In .KM. He usually hdd before th. merger of th denomln operated aa Lord Beresford." - aUon. wi oonven sjjext Thursday, -He elopeo in xbsj.; wim mm the Nortnern rreaojrii"" LllllenthaV daughter of a wealthy to- Columhu Ohio, and the Bouthe rn P res baoco dealer of .Tonkera : She got a byterlans at Birmingham. Blmultsne-dlvorc- In 1S9T he married Mlas Clara ougiy two great bod ea of BapUsts Pelky, daughter of a rich Rhode Island wU1 meet in. annual aesslon, th Nortn mershant. He served terms aa a con- m Baptist at Washington and th vlct In Georgia and Arkansaa V Southern Baptlats at Richmond, ya. Miss ' May . Buiion. " CHARLES P. DUKE IS - A FORGER AT ASTORIA lm-" The World' ntth Bunaay oco4 ..tin., will assemble to Rom Bat- r I UVXa V VSJiMwad , a . ... a . v..,ia, v n.ilra lala- a aaaaton Of I1V. cays. - 1110 AStpria, way "rr"".; - ' JT" Va U"' t"l'J,T Ka af t.nrt. bv R school Isadora pf renberg. ' will take plac. In tn. Crimea The Grand Duk Nlchola just now 1 one of the leading men of Russia. He li commander-in-chief of all the armed foroea comprised within the military diatrlct of St. Petersburg, and. aa auch, is responsible for the safety of the csar and his family. He Is recognised as the foremost cavalry leader of Russia, If not of Europe, and has for many Tjwj held the office of Inspector general ot the cavalry of Russia, On several oc casions during th war .with Japan -th csar was urged to appoint him to th supreme command of the.troopa in Manchuria, lnrthe place of Kuropatkln. The grand duke l ;th eldest son of nvofiiarata and ' sTOsaly, dishonest nrtnc ot th am nam who command ed the Russian forces In the Balkans in th last war with Turkey. . Dismissed and 'vanished from court, on tha acces sion to the tnrone ojc -nis nopnew ander II L h died In obscurity and neg lect, leaving nothing but debta. all the money that had passed through , his fingers having been lavished upon bin favorites. '" m 4 :l (Sneeial trtapateh to The Joemat) . . . - a 1 ataak-tlaaai V . Tltll nf Dan Moore ox me oa ivv i nunarea oii to a check for $S7. ? Th.r check wa America. cached by Jack Anderaon. Mna atartaA nn A BBreA, Mated be had MS.BO In hla possession. He admitted hla guilt and der directing that the money Tha, had ... over to Anderaon. H will be arraigned In JuaUca court. LOWELL EXPEDITION SAILS FROM NEW YORK To Jail tn Default of Ball. X' th. ilium 1 V r (Joorsal Bpactal "JJ1": j-i' New Tork, May ltyfTh Lowen .wrv aarfWiintaln for peaiuon w 7h-- nnnsltlon of ' (Special DUpetch to The 'raaL La?aTnd th ellpss Of th. un In July storla. Or, May 11.--H. r. Hmaliaw. Mar ana- Colon. Th exp.- ditlonT in charge t Proff J; Todd, head of the astronomical .depart ment of Amherst college. ' " me,m Colon the party will proved by rail aoroaa th Isthmus and "JJ"-.TL- Mut of South America. Severar point, will beislt-d In order to ascertain wuku i W plac for making observation a.; Th eclipse wlU occur on July 12. while the W. Mar. will occupy o'veral XET.- Wdle of July. Asslstanc v.i mi, t Professor Todd In fa cilitating hi arrangementa r tary Taft and the ministers to th United Stataa from Bolivia, Peru and Chile. a afrtvla r . ,,a-t.rt it Warren ton a few hared with atealin 1180 m v t ' p(nrc railroad agent wi. Sraigned ! ...... aMHmin and commuted . to tne t tri default of $18 ball to appear" for preliminary bearing Monday morning. 111 IE 1 ii JL ftJZ Sna.Mll Btftle.! '.'work, mu 11. Svn hundred trlklng longshoremea drove a crowd of non-union mn from th dock whr war loading th Campania n- mornlng. Many were Injured before the police drove the etrtkera away and ea- oorted th Italian oaca. i Whll th longshoremen preaic in they wUl win their strike here within St hour," th lieada, of .Jth , ateemahlp Aomnanie stand firm in their declalon not to meet th demand of th mn ..m .tata thit lianles th trlkr r: turn to work within a wee their pUce will be filled, "v- ' . " ' ' Th. difference In opinion between tne companle and th men n Tha officials declare that the longshoremen make from f 28 to , III i a w i .nrkinar overtime, while the union officer. Say that th men ar not allowed to work teadlly t they cannot average more than $11 Th bllef of the union men that they will win la based on th fact that a larg. numheY. of ; vessel. . jcheuUjd to arrive or leave u fv neIt t6 hours and that ther. la no one to handle their coal and cargoes for them,,. v" .u .-' . ' ' '' '' ' -' ' - - v, -. EQUITABLE LIFE Will SELL ITS OFFICE LOT One of Most VTaluable Pieces of Property In the World to Be Disposed of. flay. He Tlal 'TV. Save Her Healtav save Her Weary aTtP av Tot Money -Save Ton Clothe av Mer Temper av Xar Complexion DO TOtr X.OTB j vv i'Xnn wonder why he criea feuy a beta of White'. CreamtVermi fue and h will never cry. Most babies have worms, and the mothers don't know ltT White s Cream Vermifuge rid the child of worms and cleans out its irStem in a pleasant way. Every moth 11 should keep a bottle of this medi cine In the bouse. With It. fear need rJl a-Yer her mind. Price 250, Sold by all druggist ' FARMERS OF HARRISBURG SECTION WELCOME HAIN flimlal D!T!ateB (a Tha JocrgaU uQlshnrar. Or.. MSV 11. rtttra has COMPANY . . ' TUB POUCVHOUDERS' B&ST FOR AN OREQONIAN V HOME OFFICE SIXTH AND ANKENY STREETS, PORTLAND ' been falling here alnce Thursday night, the first in about two week, and it w gladly, welcomed .oy in hav hope of ltf continuance tor a few day, la Which case it wlU do untold good for th growing crops. . Many In this aectlon had to suspend .-aina- nn amount of the condition of the soil. Many acra had been, plowed v., v. niinii would becom entirely .Inexpensive:. : v Interior Decorations ,"Jellit r COLD WATER Kaisomme Cari ie appUed by!ny.-one': at a very slight cost. Made in 24 colors. Ask to see our ' color combinations," at"r Rasmusscin&Co. SECOND & TAYLOR STS. New aenroal Bpadal Serrlee.) TorkMiy 11. The Eflultable . anniatv ha practically dlcTded to .ell iti block on Broadway fOT 111.000,000 and buy a cheaper p ot lor "'lw' ,t a building for It on wniwu - - . ... BOi-B..i..Kia-a holding la on. pt th i? ln'"r.T. TsTien U inch.. SrNMsau Vtreet 182 feet I Uiche; on . i a feet .1 Inch, and on Pin. street Ju xeei a. . . ""TZ v.. l.. alarht StOrlOS Wgh( J-.7-m Broadway, cover part of iirKVir. and thr ar .mallar build- . ha Atrtur niirt. r1 ' ,?Thi "dttStoi to All wa. wachl by a MmmittM of three director appointed J2" tai Morton. Th plan la ?T zI"a AAn aoo for a nw horn. In the nelgHborhood nnron . - - x . n niara inn iiiiwwv.vv !--TrV- traaaurv. Th new lt. haa not yet been definitely .elected. - FAIRBANKS REACHES IP , , .. . ...v,inu AGE FOR rntdlutNUT Rarta.1 - ....Sf. Mit " 11. Vice- inaiaiiaiw.41", - oreldnt Fairbanks, who plana to apend a urg part of th. aummer In aulat at tTiVLl tn thla city, w 85 year old today. While Mr. Fairbanks has ac cepted lnltetlca to deliver PUbUad dresses In several parte of 'th country a ' A V ta an Vat . nn OUT. waMgaignl. a far to worda ac tion ; ara concerned, xnai platea .ntrlng i th Pr"10"11" J ixt year. It h doe he will hav the solid support of hi bom " "lr. ha- WBuer or in come a canaiaat. it is . , terest t note that his ag - hia favor. "Tlo fewer tnan 11 dldate wno hav been IV h. highest offlc within tne " "V people were, at' the time of their .lec tion; within two or three r? Fairbanks' V age. President toir wa. 6T t Vli!oMow tlon. Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe anoVJlhn Qulncy Adama werejtfich 88. Martin .Van Buren and Benjamin Har rison war 88. James Madison was M. Andraw Johnson was Vt, J land wa 68. and Rutherford B. Hayea and William McKlnley wer. a, v Till in coupon and niail to ust The iron will be delivered, with all necessary equipment, abso lutely free of charge CUT OUT COUPON AND MAIL TO US TODAY PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT ft POWER" CO. ; First and Alder Streets, Portland, Oregon. -..- Gentlemen-Yott may deliver to me one EJectri; Iron. which I agree to try, and if yZJrVfi return to you withirv 30 days from date of delivery, at i ' do not return it at that time you may charw same to my SccSunt it $4.00. It is understood that no charge wiU be made for the iron if I return it withm 30 days. ' , Name DEPT. J. Address . . THE, 30 DAYS' TRIAL OrrLRAP PLILS ONLY TO CONSUMERS OF OUR CURRENT Metiger fit your eyes tor Waahlngton atreet, . corner , tormerly at XU Blxtto "towt " L 141 : Seventh, EJKCOJOSSOdDW To Astoria, Sunday, May 12 PAST SJVL ; TELEGRAPH ROUND TIUP SI. 00 Meals served, 50c Tickets on sate AWer-st dock. Thone Main S fi i . ' 111 - " " I - - ; tnsw " , Rtnrted 1887-StIll Mr 1907 Painless Extraction 50c, Plates $5 From this date Drs. W. A. and T. r. vv isc y. as many patients as they can inemsc.y. "others employed here, except Vt. U. A. tura has. chartre oi the laboratory work.; Open ev Sundays by appointment only. to nervous people. . -'Rooms 211 to 216 FailiRg Eldj., Third zr I lhcre are .it, evT.::- -. Farticular attention ' A. t MILLS. ... : Prsstden? t. SAMUEL. CLAKUWS f" Qsueral Manager.