"J 4 I'- ft. ' (' t ' THE OREGON; DAILY, JOURNAi; PO&TLAITPt fATUnDAY EVENir,Ta MAY ft, fo7 a- mw i b Mg "tost ;holes : ' r c " ' V : US? - ItVtR TO FORCE. fP " I f ' ' - DcnrJTomTn7TWc'rc fcafldfrrg .round our pticcThe manraj.osmj a, vfcifgcr'tlig th post hole r . T r, ,.' It irwwch hard jrork that Igot'hW tobuildtmaine.Clw.thkj A V ' We were just cryiqptt when i l?apa'carac'ionff ; " V . ' ' J s c " . It went Into the grounds!! right xxntil Is strut t. tig rocfc, Then. th; auger just tpun around tndxhuraed.thejaoH Jnto.tnudi Ccorcapa.tod,th;inan could ct.ouff.dicjsay hcy both' got cojrtodj I i - Y PAyS WAIflBS UP TO A: .SAP RRAiimr I Ta 7 MUST BEAM OSTRICH J AROUND HcKti ASi HEAg ONE, MUSTN'T MAKE ANY NOISE FOR tWANTTDTOte A PEEP AT HIM! WHATS up I iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii"1iiiit If11 I 4. I . . T 11 III i ir-l ITI r i 'ii Ast HEAic 0N& I i;, ;-.;N:',r 1 1 fall si; Li : M" ' VTcrs i ... , .L --. . ' " a n " ' jj ' " " i111" ' ''M. i''''' .i-- . ' . I . n thought r f:r p- la I ssssJ- Iw wni6or ; f ioneiW ; . lt ' ' . rnfC! THERE MF 60F5i! WISH IQOULDQE MI3 rcAl HiRD .POft MY. WIFE 1! HE RUNS LIKE A HORSED llMOSfNT i