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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1907)
- -V - - ,. . ' .: ,. . . . r A A .y-" - s A tittle Ad a Erinls Rcsu HIE JOURNAL Journal Circulation Erfr4 Results. One Cent a Wcrd. . The WeatherOccasional rain to- 9 . night and Sunday; southerly winds. - PORTLAND, OREGON," SATURDAY EVENING,. ''."mAY: .Vli," 1 W7.TWO r.SECTION's-is,' ' PAGgSl'. J i ' PRICE TWjDV"! CENTS.';' .'. ' ?jAlblf1'maa ; VOL. VI. , O. 57. M0! n I 11 M Ilk ;u"? 1 i www U i.J . k k... ' i its 7 . . r a j av A .A M a. - m mm. , r-T. r a III' C ' -.v-: ' i (till si' . Pit V I ' f '. k ' M 11 mm S OFF SHERIFFS " BLDV7S Willi 111 STOPS nioin nnnv jjuu uuui r r .. i Mrs. Taylor Victor in an Unequal Xontest VVithT Druriken Long shoremen - One Hundred People Watch the ' Maddened Assailants of White : But ; Brave Woman, Covered With Blood, Pulls Victim Away - After a Long Struggle. 57- . " To th bravery and pluck of pretty Wfrm. Richard Taylor, Motormaa AT I White probably owe hla life from the heela and' flaw of alx - drunken long shoremen,! who bold him to the eldewallc -at Halsey and Larrabee streets jubi im- fore tha noon hour- tday and battered hltn unmercifully In nnelrage. ; While two of the men were holding .White down the otnera,aicKea mmiu the hd and body ,untll bystanders thought that ne" would aurely be mur dered. .Time and again the men re aald i. to hav Uken White and beaten hie head on the hard cement aldewallc and against the. aide f ue Duiiaing. . ; t ' ' '., : Woman to the ese. ? '"-'-Whll the unequal Struggle waa going 'on. Mrs. Taylor ' rushed between the men and dragged White away wf rom hla aesallants. She pulled and tugged at the bleeding man and unto ana got mm to a nlaca of 'safety. , As she strove to get ' White away from his assailants, they kept beating and striking him and at one timo pulled him from hla Plucky female rescuer., .,;. y'i'-i.'K " v'";-" They; threw him to the ground and once mora' the horrifying spectacle 6f beating his head againat the aidewalk and building was repeated while a crowd of more UianI00, persons stood watch in terro at tha efforts of tha longshoremen.-v"-" 's y . :p-' .- SragaZsto Hallway.' -" Covered with blood and nearly worn ' out. Mra. Taylor dragged tha half-un-consclous form of White Into the hall way of tha building In which aba Uvea and i aided him mto her rooma, where he tended to hla wounds. In this Mrs. Taylor waa aided by Mra. C. O Mark Strom, proprietress of the building. . , v. Tnnliiimin.' :.-.,',.. The atory of tha assault on Whlta , and his conductor. -V.--U Hamilton, ta aangulnary.ln the extreme. airtoU by e-wltnesses to the affair The long- - shoremen were six In . ' whom were arrested and ' gaje thel ' namea aa a " McLennon. ThomaS v o Lean. E. U Weaver and Ihomaa Kee lan., Two of the enran down Hal ' sey street and escaped when; at the - approach of the police.. - -' Tha men boarded tha car on which White and Hamilton acted. u.v.otor" T 1 1 .AH HMVM Ul.i W mi r " in mi 1 nnui"'" - ------ v farea and necame ..MAtaioat In an instant ; tha men com . ... ..a.n tr Hamilton.' and - then '".-u-j? th. front ot the car and at- " tacked White, who seised the troUer bar and struck Keelan a terrific blow over the head, causing large wound. The ear stopped and the? men got off V: .ntn th Street. "-i i.'t--tii:' i' APPOINTED DEPUTY DIS TRICT ATTORNEY OF THE JUVENILE COURT ItfOi Oregon Traction Com pany Attaches Prop erty, of United Rail- ,wa3ior Debt Claim Is for Fojrty-Six Thousand v. Dollars for Stock Sold ; Year Ago Track Layers Taken Off Streets Until ; the Bond Is Signed at Noon.' . When the workmen on tha United Railways company's lines came Opon the acene ' this morning J they i were stopped by an attachment proceeding brought by I T. Keady and atockhold era of the old Oregon Traction company in a suit to recover upwards of $46,- 000 the amount of claims arising from tha United Railway' company'a purchase of tha Oregon Traction company lines about a year ago. Plies "of ties, rails and other materiala were marked with notices of the attachment. - - A meeting of the united Railway people waa hurriedly" called by,. PresW dent W. L. Benham at the office of the company'a attarney, s C Emmons, and arrangements ' were made to furnish a bond and releaaa1 tha attachment; This waa done about 'noon. A bond for the full amount of the claim waa signed by the United Rallwayexoorporatlon and Herman .Wittenberg and Walte H. Moore aa principals. The rterlff released the attachment and this afternoon construc tion work proceeded. ' v .' : , Claim Is fot Stoak, ...! .The company has Its track completed from tha southerly terminus ,st Ham ilton avenue on Macadam road to Wood street, and on Water street from Moody to Columbia street. At the ' norther.y terminal on " Front atreea. the llna Is completed from ' the Steal bridge to a point near Ash street, and tha pavV- ment la torn .'up to -wax . street await ing the, laying of track. All necessary rails and ties sra .nn tne ground ami ready to be laid. The Jines are also laid on Twtlf th from Stark to Petty grove, and on Pettygrova from Twelfth to Twentieth, thla trackage having been completed by the ' old Oregon Traction company under direction of Ita former officera, . , "The claims represented , In my suit againat ' tha United : Railways company are. for the purchase ' of stock "of the (Continued on Page Two.) mra pit mm Attorney JB. 8. McAlllBter. OFFICE OIUElr TOra'ALLISTER Portland -Lawyer Is' .Appointed Deputy" District"; Attorney .of ' juvenile ourt to rm ,inswiv Created Position. f . r r JURORS IN THE HAYWOOD TRIAL AT BOISE Anothejr: Thri Cents Advance IriteQtll Brokers in Country in Grain Crop : i Freely Predicted That the Price . Would Be Dollar and a Quarter ' . Before the Close,' but All Were Satisfied With Ninety-Five for 1 High Water Mark. District Attorney Manning : yesterday afternoon wrote to Judge Fraxer of tha Juvenile court, informing .him that At torney . E. S. J. McAllister . will be ap pointed aa deputy district 'attorney to ba attached to tha Juvenile court. Thla appointment was provided by tha : law enacted by inn last legislature wnen ine jurisdiction:' and "work of tho Juvenile court waa extended. ' V . " ' ; ' Attorned, McAllister la at Lakeview, Oregon, and it la not known yet whether he will accept the appointment. judge Fraser. when seen this morning, said he had received letter from District At torney MannlngTegarding the appoint ment oi. the deputy,-out wouia not ais-cuss'-4ta "contents. ":.v v "'4;'.v.; ; ',;; 'J, The Juvenile court, bill provided Also for a chief - probation orricer. .. and a clerk of the Juvenile court to ba an notated bv Judge Fraaeri, but . he naa not yet enounced whom he will appoint. It la understood that tha Judge has se lected t thaf clerk,- who mast also be . a atenographer, but tha chief probation officer, has not yet been- decided upon. Judge Praser said , he ' expecta to an nounce the appointments aoon. . ' into the street. ; (Continued 6ii Page Two.) HAD FIIIE TIME Oil OTHERS' CASH Youth Under Arrest-in Denver 7 Writes Letter to Mother Tell ing of Seeing Country at the xpense of Others. . ! V . -t (Jonrnsl fipeelil-wrle.) -r Denver. CoL, May 11. "Dear Mother: I am now lu Denver, after traveling a good deal. -1 have been having a fine time apenClng other people's money, but now I am bursted flat and must cash an- other bogua check to get out of here; ' I JiaTe got $350 la that way so far. , It Ja great tr: ellng around tha eoun , try this way, doing nothing, stopping at the best hotels and eating in resUurants and dining. It haa cost me on an average of $60 a week to live, but i. Jt la great to tour the country in tnia way. I wli.- close now, with love to all, from your crazy son." This litter, ready for mall, waa found In the room of A. M. Rrunner at the Brown Palace ' hotel today by detectlvea when they ar- ; rtBtd him for n'sinjaworthlesa$100 check on the hotel cashier. Papers in - Ms pockets indicated that he has had similar trouble in other cities. " : f-'ic ii in iii i ,r: ,' ',. Some Bricks Hurled - at Non-Union ! Crews, but imperious uutoreaK:uccurs. rouce, r Quickly Scatter the ;GiWd - (Joaratl Special Serrlev.) , -San Francisco, May 11. What Presi dent Calhoun characterised aa- tha crista In , tha car . atrlke waa reached at- 10 o'clock --thla morning, when cara, were run simultaneously from .the Oak and Turk street bams to the burned district down town.- President Calhoun Inti mated that on tha results of the efforts or not he would ask for troops. - The cars from the Turk street barns made the trip down town without acci dent 'There waa no brick throwing and no obstructions were- placed : on the tracks. Crowds at various points along tha route hissed the strikebreakers, but no overt act waa attempted. ' All Turk street cars carried passen gers, one ear at one time having 12 aboard. All brick plies are being clone ly guarded by the police In tha burned district .'.' -. Tha cars from tha Oak atreet barn did not fare so WelV rocks being thrown 'at a; number" of points.' v Several tarrests were made., A brick waa hurled through tha window of a carbon, which ,Asslstant President Mullally was riding.'narrow- iy missing Jils head.:;?:'":; 'i. 1 . Instead of making the run Into Mar. ket .street. K. was decided to end tha trip at Kearny. While tha turn waa being made workmen on a building threw pieces of brick onto tha' car and. thla was followed by a fusillade by a Crowd which waa- Quickly scattered by tha po lice. ' . , . 1 . .All cara from the Oak 'barn carried passengers among them being a young woman. ,-A number: of teamsters drove teams' onto tha tracks but tha police quickly forced them to drive ahead. - At (Continued on Page Two.i BEAUTIFUL WOMEN -' Over a thousand photographs have been received by The Journal -, of Oreeon women.. It is impossible to publish them alL but- for some weeks yet The Journal will continue to publish cuts of betu- v Uiui women in i ounoajr hiuc , ; ,(- , - j ..v. As soon as the art commission has passed upon the' photographs to select the most beautiful woman in Oregon, the pictures will be returned. It may be a month Or six weeks before your picture ap pears in print, but good care will be taken of the photograph. - Each week The Journal will also print winners of 'prizes in eastern contests. ; Tomorrow The Journal prints its weekly install ment as well aa the winners of the New York ,Worlf contest, the three most beautiful women in the metropolis. . .,--,' GET Ihc SUNDAY JOURNAL Jooraal Special Serrlee.) ;: Chicago. May U. Today's wheat market Was the moat sensational for a rear. There were frequent predictions during tha dar of wheat going to $1.16, but tha closest the market came to It at tha and of the session was when De cember option struck 9$ ft centa. It closed Just a fraction under thla amount shdwlng a gain ror tha day or it, centa a buaheL All otner options oi .wneai gained $ or mora centa a bushel dur ing tha dav;,;r-'''.?: -rrr-r ;..X.... Today's - sharp, advance in the wneat nrice waa dua to continuation of the severe damage wnion. nas neen reportea In the various wheatbelta for aeveral weeks.,. According to today's news there is scarcely wheat section in tha world outside of the Pacific coast states that la showing up aS.well aa year ago and that section does not produce a very large per cent of tha world's supply. . : , .. . ' -. Kaoord Braakaa, S'-'?.'.: ;'! . Tbe most wonderful feature In regard to today's sharp advance in tha price of wheat was the fact that prices went up about I cents a bushel yesterday. In tha lata trading the advance' in wheat amounts to fully ,16 cents a bushel, the largest advance seen at this time of the season for many , years. A year ago during the entire month of May the prlca of wheat advanoed about 10 centa ajmshel but tha trade here expects tha pries to show an advance" of fully 25 centa a bushel for the month of May In 1007.- . v ;,.. ;,, The report, of the government yea terday showing the large loss In tha con dition of wheat aa -compared with nor mal seasons caused tha market to open this morning, at a Very sharp advance; At the start of tha session May option went swiftly to 87 centa July went to 88 Mi. September to 90 Mi centa and De cember to Sl cents. - In every Instance the opening values were the extreme low marka for the day, the trade being most bullish from the start . Those who missed getting into the market yester day before the great rlsa, gave- their brokers, orders thla morning to put them at the market, no matter where It stood. This accounted In a measure for tha sharp advance In values right after the session started. A .;v Kxt-V't - Never,, were . conservativa. traders known to be so wild In their bidding aa during today's session. Some of tha big traders freely predicted that tha market would reach $1.26 a bushel be fore long. Everyone was buying wheat and few wanted to aelL Everyone maJe money, those selling : securing a profit and those buying likewise coming In for their share. .The .riotous' scenes re- ..r.3.-S.M-T-,.-,,- : ' . ' ' . ' ' ' . .'!.' " ' "' " . : , . .:' ": . " v.1 :' .1. , ' :.(...... y ' t v f ...: .. ... ' :.'. :.. 1 ....(....'. . - ' A ' . . . n , .' . : ' ' ' ' " ' . ' '- " ' ..' - : 1 x - , . ... .... . , .' ;."iy i i ... I: ' - " S ' .' -; ' " : ,4."" ' ''i ' ' ; pi First twelve Jurors called, several. of whom'have since been challenged and excused From right to left: ; A.' L. Ewlng, James L. Ayers, John a Breckenridge,' J.. Yates, Henry ,W. Baker," George Walker, Georg H. Mclntyre, W.' A. Simpson, Sylvester Giunt. W, W. Blsby, Samuel Wlngate, Samuel F; Russell. SEES 110 MUD OH M'S HID From Distance Na - Scar Is" No tlced , Upon -Accused Federa- vvtion Prisoner to Prove Identity With That of Chicago' Crook. ("mcUT DtaMtea ts Tbs temntxVi ' Boise, Idaho, May 11. The attorneys for the defense continue to deny that Charles f II. : Moyer served a term In Joliet prison for burglary, but In dis cussing the matter today Darrow aald: 'Even if It were so, and I believe It la not ao, aa I have Moyer" s positive de nial. It would have no effect in discred iting him. Tha people will hardly bold up against a man the slight errors of his boyhood." ..' : r j,-. The statement that tha chief mark of Identification fiat Mover waa eonvicted In Chicago la a marked gunshot wound In his right hand. - Moyer himself la in By Oeorga H. Bhoaf, Staff Correspond ;''- ent Appeal to Reason. v ; Solas. Ida.. Mar ' ll.-Relatlva ta a atory published yesterday In a .Chicago naner saying that Charles H. MoVer, president of the Westsrn Federation of Miners. In 188$, had been sentenced to a term in the Illinois state penitentiary from Chicago on a burglary charge, Moyer' today aald: ' v1 "At the time the Chicago paper al leged I; was In the penitentiary I was working for the Castle Gate Mining company at Kockrord, Boutn uaxota. After leaving South Dakota I went to accessible so far, but took usual exer- Carribou. Colorado, where I worked for else with hla sister-in-law on tha Jail lawn. From a distance no scar on his right hand waa noticeable, but tha little finger of his left hand Is missing. Ha is cheerful, and If the publication of the report that he served time for burglary worries him he does not show It . He told James Kerwln. acting secre tary of the federation, that he had bean (Continued on Page Two.) a time ror the carribou Mining com pany. I was never In Chicago; but onca In my Ufa and that waa when X attended a labor convention there about two yeara ago. I have been an. Odd Fellow 17 yeara. I could ' never have Joined this society had I been an ex-conviot.- for every person Initiated into , the order must first pass his life in review before an examining - committee, before ha ; la permitted, to become a member." . L r mam oostbued (Continued on Page Two.) 1 DOCTOR US 110 LIUEISBESI rd-t-i i-T'foV 1 1, .ii-!, miiin mi ii. in "'' ' ,: ' Osier Says That There Are Only -v- Four Drugs of . Inestimable Value Province, of Physician v Prevention as Well as Cure.' . , (Jotmul Special Serrlce.) Philadelphia, May 11. "Ha Is the best physician who knowa tha wortb- lessness of most medicine quoted Pro fessor William Osier of Oxford univer sity, England, In hla .lecture to the Pathological society today at Pennsyl vania hospital .He said he would admit that there were four drugs of ines timable value In the. practice of medi cine. When he added that ha would de cline. to, name them sTroa of daughter went up from mora than 200 physicians. ' Professor - Osier aald the world had mora to hope for from, the work of the Pathological society than ' from medi cines., Since the society's first meeting (0 yeara .aio, discoveries of tha path ologist had revolutionised. the practice or medicine, Thanka to the patholo gists, whose duty It la to know tha rea son for every disease,' and who, know ing Its cause, remove - the : cause, the province Of the physician has becomte of j prevention quite aa much or more than Attorney-General ; Facilitates , Expression voP v; Popular1 Will by i n i rri izi ng Qu i bbles. ; ; 0pini6n;Cuts Some-Petitions Filed V: . Salem, Or., May 11, In' an - opinion rendered' thla morning Attorney-General Crawford gives a liberal Interpretation of the Initiative and referendum' act In answer to Inquiries' from Secretary' of State benson. 'v In part, the attorney general holds '.that tha ' warning pre scribed In section- one of the 'act does not necessarylly have to follow any out lined form of law; that clerical and Ira material errors shonld' not be held to nullify petitions If the main - require meats are met; -that -the addresses of petitioners1 ahould be such-'aa to permit tha" tracing of .the signers, alvln the posiofflce and residence of each; that. In cltiea .more, cara should be shown? and stricter Interpretations demanded; that petitions In which affldavlta of the genu ineness or signatures omit- tha namea os the signers should, not be Hied a that the! act confers the right to file pe tition in sections ana not. in one book or volume, but provides that- each seo- "-When asked concerning tha statements In the Chicago paper, . C. S. . Darrow, Moyers attorney, aald: 1 "The Chicago atory la from the whole cloth. I have Mover's complete life be fore ma and Z unhesitatingly denounce, this latest yarn as a fabrication pure and. simple. Tcu cannot make your de nial of It any too Vigorous." Friends of tha defense In Boise regard the Chicago-storr as a species of tac tics employed by tha prosecution to turn publio sentiment against the federation loader about to be tried for his life. They further declare that all sorts of stories will be manufactured or pub lished broadcast to weaken the defense and strengthen tha position of tha state) In the publio mind. , ; t v The attorneys for the prosecution. when questioned about tha atory con necting Moyer with a . burglary charge aald that th first, they knew of it waa when they read about It In the papers. t Attempts have been made to perauada the man who claimed that he waa In formed that tha Mine Owners' associa tion had deposited 8120.000 in a Boise bank with which to buy the, Jury and thereby secure the- conviction of Hay wood,, to divulge the name of bis in former and the name of the bank im which the funds are alleged to be de posited, but tha efforte were unavailing. He haa Closed up like a clam and re fuses to talk for publication, neither denying nor affirming hla original Story. i''j. -; '"' '.;'.'-' '.' ";-:,:' '" S,.V V' ," .' " ' .. Attorney Richardson, of the defense, la Inclined to regard the atory as on a par- with, the Moyer burglary ehurra preferred, by . the Chicago paper. Ha says that . were the prosecution de termined to buy the Jury they would . not 'send agents through the community apprising the people pf the fact. (Continued on Par Two.V ' (Continued. on . Page Two.), ,i, wvwvwvvvv w 1 ;; rar Over Whiter Elephants ; - f ,Tody Hamilton; 1 Barnum's s press agent, tells about fa- ' mniic r?riie fotrs ! 'flu, Citrrl'iv TrtfirTiaf , i :.f a ISIIeS , Where Child Labor Is Em-.' "i "ployed. --7-1 - -N vt Reckless ' .Wives-v Made by' ' High Salaries; t ; " : Portland Home ' for. Friend-, less Old Ladies.- , -How ..Portland Girls" Make Paper Boxesf - Haobv ' Finds an Old Catch Cold. Bunk. Work' of England's 'Rural Edison - ----Uncle 1 Sam's ;; New Ward the1 Maltese Goat" ' , Plants . With All the Human Senses. ' V- ' " ?What the 400 Are , Wearing.', Where Tr a i n n g-Levels ; Ranks. .. ; . ; .. Friend. Jimmy He Doesn't i i No -Wedding - Bells for , Hira.V Dear Little .Aii-nuS'AND Mew nor.z n I JijEjmiuojn suupp.v'! .fttitfltt :?: 7 President Adjourns .the Regular v yiyieeting ' While'Artists Catch ' His Likeness as He Leaps Ovc r Hurdles on Horseback in Par!:, (Journal Special Serte.) New York, May 11. A special to i Sun .from Washington eay s : Th i. la i meeting of tha cabinet yes was postponed and was held tod : v body, remembers when a regular r meeting waa postponed before account of tha abtience of the i - irom wasnington or tacau ' r extraordinary celert-ation in ton. It waa aald at the V. : that tha meeting waa r-nt,' the president thought t i i invited him to a hoi! ., . tnere was no imiirt to be tranctO'i. The rre:.M. i. tenor t l it-.1 t I rct , r s !.:::!. t 1 MOYER CLAIMS THAT HE IS NOT AN EX-CONVICT Federatlbrt "Officials Allege That Publication of Chicago Journal Story Is Part of an Attempt 'o); InfluenceV Publio f Opinion ; V Against the Defendant-Shoaf vyrite$ of the Trial From -' ' the Standpoint of thipefe TOfc