The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 10, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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PaMMMl every anc ttB. Soadar) ' eM
fwr; Snnd.y mornlnc, t Th Jooraal Bo"
In;, rift d4 Yamhill (tracts. Port Una. Of.
Entered at tha poatoffl it FortUnd. Or., ft
tninnnlNloa through Ui, nails a MOoDd-lM
Dxttw. . , ............ ... ' - -' -
trouble, lest if; their; candidate be erate the dives, low saloons and
not assuredly a Bryanlc man be will vlclons and criminal elements," but
be defeated.; And the further trou- the election would "stand as a pow
ble is tbat aside from Roosevelt and erful Invitation to homeseekers and
La Pollette tb e masses of Republi- Investor! to come to a city " tbat is
can Wotera,; may not be , willing : to going t6b clean and decent," ls
trust to any Republican rather than I sumlng that the Spokane paper's rep- J beard," the English sailor, Vho, after
Ti " , t? i ; ' r 1
ine end - or paiior
, Blaclcteard .
... -..'...I . ' ' ' " ... ;.',.:,- "... iy . f
By Rev. Thomas B. Gregory.' -
Ml the world ' has heard of ''Black-
AO prtanta reh V thla samba.
lh Ofwitnr tb dcptrtniMt yoa want.
Vrllnl-ltitaml Knarial AAvMttotnS AA0T
Brotwwlrb BnlMlna. 32S fifth stms, .
ori Trlhnna Uotldlnf. unicafo. -
i Sohaerlntloa 1rmf ttr nail to anr add real
ta lb l'sltvd Stat, Canada a Mailco.
.in v . .
On ar....r...10O I On Maot. JW
... -.. snsnAt., '.'
On . ...I2.r0 I On BMmrl. SB
mir.v ik'h KiinniT. ' t
On mr..: .ST.60 i On ooatt). .,...!
: ( We! are a little too 'much
disposed to " glorify the past
and prophesy concerning the '
future,' forgetful of the fact-'
that ' the ' only ; golden age
about which we need really
concern ourselves la at our
; doors. Elmo.
to 'Bryan. V. v';,-;'"i
Letters From tne
Answers Referendum Worker..
Portland. Or.. May 1 To the Editor
of The Journal In reply to the com
munication Of Mr. Fred E. Harrison,
a relentless press and branded a "ca
lamity-howler" becauiie they thamselvoa
have either suffered from panlos In the
phat or else have known others to Suf
fer and ma are fearful for the future
and have not the acumen necessary to
enable them to see that the conditions
that brought about previous panics do
not exist to bring about another panic.
why our plethorlo capitalists nave
not aeen the Immense advantages of
rr HE SUGGESTION in a Portland
( I ' newspaper by a' Eugene corre-
X spohdent that the ' referendum
H ? v be invoked on the 'Willamette
locks i appropriation because of ef"
raaantatirtn' of facts ta correct.' the I having been a hlsrhlr reanected ' officer
n i- tAA . M bis majesty's navy, turned Dlrate and published In today's Issue of your val- iuch a poncy lgJ a pule t0 th. writer.
.r va..aa. ""lfmjMd tn, bUek flat a,anst ;wythln PaD'r that many gross under such a policy the -prosperity of
thing for that City, and the politics j C " T' and malicious mierepresentaUone have tne country great as It is would be
pf Daggett, or , Moore U a matter Th, notorlou. ,eA Vobbe whoM ra LTd the member J?;
oeiioya. iook , ntn the present referendum campaign. other
pseudonym from the fact that he wore misrepresentations have been made by
a very heavy black beard, which he was men who are thoroughly honest and sln-
- Small Cliango
Peary needs an "angel." - V
.Nobody has lost the north pole.
.' Vv. i... .: ,e ' V;V" ...'.v't';..'
' The JamJ(town fair needs a real Po
cahontaa. .. . -
Seattle last year also elected . a
mayor named Moore, this one a Dem
ocratthough Seattle, like Portland,
greater because It would act in
both ways and draw out the latent m"- certaln temperature,
v Tea, if we celebrate at all, make It
a sjood one. i . - , ,
The silly season doesn't wait for any
In the habit Of ilnlna- nn In AllrM
urmB ana iymg them up behind bis
, xie was man of srisrantie nrormr.
Is overwhelmingly Republican be-j tions and of
fortg against the , University bill, ic&Uie the decent people of Seattle TM cruel as that of a tiger.
ill-advised and nntimely. There are k ad bomi, tired and disgusted with IZtZZ ""1. ' "e": en .WR!
cere, but who have been misinformed.
As examples of the first class of mis
representations, I cite the dally attacks
of the Salem Journal upon the univer
sity and the member of Its faculty.
Also the fraudulent methods by which
signatures were obtained In John Day
(Orant'county), where several promi
nent men who signed the petition hur
riedly and without reading It through,
were told that it was a measure ae-
. ... , t , i - . ." .J """"" is signi, o wouia, snoot
friends who hava been falthfullyl thtt rulo o Ticiou$ elements 1 one or two .of hU own menjust to keep
supporting the university appropria-i thert)
tion who would be Quickly alienated drlTen 'ont .ambling and suppressed BUckWnS thSSS
were tha attempt made to Carry thiiJajjg worit o tne dives, hut ha also ?' unpe, but it finally bacaijietoo hoi signed to help ;the univeraity. ? Five
uggoetion into effect.. . ,, . . . LlftMd .aWn.'i flundays.1 Verily.
Th welfare Of every region U,de-. wnett these thing! are done Id Seat- Pd his trade In the new field la evl- tltion without reading Jt, while others
pendent cn Its transportation facili- ... -.v. m.v nnt he done for de- r.-i" 2.7 lP rct that ,rom Nov Bco" that cl thought that by signing the
. , - v. u ui uwmuni iu oiaaing i peuiion mey were pumsnmg mi eaiem
Cency ant gooa oruer ui runiauu usui morm xerror.
ties. -; The ultimate in ' development
cannot be attained without adequate
transportatlbn facilities. r The Wil
lamette country has been held hack.
whirling all along the line. The money
would' flow easily and freely, enriching
all yet Impoverishing none.
Portland. May 4, To the Editor of
The Journal A letter signed Fred C
Denton, which appears in this , even
ing's Journal and which Indorses "sev
eral editorials In your columns" con
cerning the present jury system, is open
to criticism. .We should not forget that
the Intention of the present unanimous
consent is to.. prevent conviction of the
innocent, the belter being that unani
mous consent denies the existence of a
reasonable doubt , Thla la a wise and
valuable, precaution. It Is better that
the guilty go unpunished than that the
': v,'.'-t ,,... e;;e;
Wheat Instead of h is now being
raised in Manchuria.
The people of Portland . don't want
any turn In the Lane, , ; ; , , ,
.-. . u ,-...'...
Strikes are .undesirable, but ' an oQ '
strike in Oregon would be weloome.
The Spanish stork seeme to be act
ing on the Spanish motto "Manana."
' , - . k
"The spring begins to eryaUlllae," A
oays an eastern paper, "rroxen up again, '
Oil I .
rifla. . irniTlni forward and no- in captured ship of 40 guns he en-
- i Loreju ufiariAirnn ri a rhne anri rtaM eh i ni.lAi. .HtkiHM .mM
M ; . m AVjs l(ne4alAAala " 9mrvm. sw 4VI tueigUIUWT IllVI-tl BUU W1U I CV UJWU
wara morsuj, ur vuv """" I 'own up tior -a. large ransom. From their cause when the election Is held In
are only two Of many Within the past Charleston he passed Into the waters of I Juae, 1808. Many other mtsrepreaenta-
hog.", Such misrepresentations as those
.. h. ..r.r.nH.ln. n,v. .k. Innocent be injured.
inn are iwo purposes - unaeriying
the proposal to reduce the number of
A PORTLAND merchant who has (ree(j fcni improved' river would1 he
spent, ten weekg In southern an (ggency for- the development of
California saya he aaw no Port- tns Willamette region, Eugene and
. land or Oregon literature ane county Included, that would be
there, while there waa abundance of 0f incomputable value. The money
it everywhere about Seattle, Tacoma Bpent in the purchase of the locks
and Salt Laki .; Thla waa also the WOuid n0t 1 be lost," but every few
case formerly lit eaBtern cities; one years would return to theVoducers
could read and hear of Seattle any 0 the region . in " freight ; charges
where, of PorUand nowhere. . we saved. It would add to the value of
In crowth for SO Team bv the freight L. " t,i i i. .'i:i0rl.a Carolina, plundering and elaylng tions, some of which X have called at
Z. l."l .CI ::,,7" .:lBW yeBr" ru"',ttuu - " - and left, and In their dlatress the tention to la these columns and la the
eiacuous wmcu u iuii-iaiiiK h , tnrlav than It I "Tar Heela." htna khi. nA aM U.inm.a ti
Oregon City hag made possible. A -as veara aco with a far lew nan !lom rovernor, Eden, appealed made during the campaign. These mis-
a a -Li Wa" 'ear o.WKI1 w "U1r ltd Governor Spotswood of .Virginia. te 'representation have doubtless been the hUMtLon. of. moment than the
ber Of inhabitants, tnougn mere is i relieve thereof the terrible pirate, who cause of many algnatures which could ro.ow jmut who our reuowe
."American Indians never laugh," ays'
the London News. . But didn't Minn'
ha-ha? . ''.. .. ,
...... -'h;' - ".':":'-'...'
' Fairbanks has one advantage: he ean
opinions necessary to a verdict, namely, straddle the fence without Injuring his
saving of time and saving of expense.
But the intention of unanimous con
sent, justice, Is neglected and the 1m-
room for .improvement yet'
Many of those in Portland con
duct a strictly lawful business,
and are as decent as 'saloons
was making their Uvea a living bell. I not have been obtained by honorable
Bpoiswooa eia not listen to the appetl methods. v v
HI Vain. LiOOklng about for some on lol 1r TTa.rrlann'a . atatamant fhat tha
.! , l put a quietus upon Blackboard he found university and tha Arricultural eollere
the , person he .wanted Jn one . Robert J are doing the same grade of work Is
na.fv.j3. aiju aiwua a"i . jesijra snip i'eari, wbiah happened to I college is based upon the completion of
u lying 11 mo urn in unesapeaue nay. the common school branches, together
Manning a couple of small craft' with with algebra as far as quadratics. , En-some-
CO . resolute men, Maynard set out trance to the. university is based upon
early In November, ITU, In search of the completion of ajfour f years' high
Blackboard, and on the list of tiie same school - course. The entrance requlre
monttx found, him at Ooraooka InloC ments of the university ( are equal to
North Carolina. , Blackbeard v did v not those of Stanford, Berkeley and Wash
know what fear was, young Maynard ington. The course of study of- Ore
gon's two state Institutions cannot be
compared, for they are different In near
ly every respect. Although there are
some slight duplications of work, the
general scope of the two schools is al
together different, and they serve a dif
ferent .purpose. For further particu
lars X refer Mr. Harrison to the cata
logues 'of the university and the Agri
cultural college. Mr. Harrison makes
nor Will I grant you any 'Quarter." I students at ' the state university, but
1lrliiii.H fli, Innnf lntrati I roared back MavRinl. . . - i. - ... , I tha official Venort nf President Pfl.trmhflll
southern California point should Eugene correspondent.' would have a LU. Mi hv. in h- In tn hiiow waters of the Carolina shows an enrollment of 40. exciuaive
not be neglected.- Thousands of east- reactionary effect ' that would most ' 7 . 'a t.ul n ?'! ' ' SfJI" ""Z" "'iSfT
. J I lieui vi m liauuiunivf m ym, a.viw.;uim uauv ior nvr, xncenoing : .iqi tmuu w uuw at amauv iwomvw wuww
otii h. - Ae-ninat such no warfare is
suppose this condition has been eTery bu,nei of wheat, oats and bar- kln, J.a bv the eltv admlnistra-
changed somewhat as to eastern cen- le, eTer. bile'of hoes and hay and v wr that ha a-nneraiiv.
t6n; 'p VWIa nd ''n eVerr mk otPotatoe"'vottlddd But the people canno
made PorUand and Oregon known indeed to the price of every product irtn. th lienor interest. nc- ing was t the tune. of "No Quarter!"
extensively and our commercial or- .nd reduce the cost of every article CM8fttr ,cUve la municipal politics. T0Unugh? as!
ganiiatlons and. the railroads have, 6f consumption shipped talnXH-Z Just as soon as they join to get a socute. " th pirate and hi so as
certainly been sending out a good i:;.Q attack ao eaultable and so im- ..," .'.. thmm: A BUckbeard sprang to the rail of his
deal of matter about this state ud . ...: .nv wt ."lr.T Vr.i , :i.-.'iv.- !h,P.nd seisins- a bottle of whiskey.
gv vajaiaa w shvmvm w ,i Via wmj wa V vxa l I rner WV I wn I l W T nl V II ll'l at I Kill. L II B? II A1 a 1 naa I aaJ a. V. a... a - J . arTT al .
city; but there seems to be need ofJWOuld he grlivously wrong. Tr at J ah ai nn-ht to. eomblne to ! my soul If i give you any quarter
a great deal more of continued and tack it in a D!rIt of , retaliation or U.., v. ffio 1 Sr uk "T. frotn y?IM "I neither aak the statement that here are but
i iv). i.i , . .-. ... i r " , 1 lor
!. i una aiuu. vindicuveneas. as la oroposed by tne
Such an idea prevailing w might run
to the extreme (already advocated) of
leaving the fate of the accused to the
questionable decision of one man. Why
should the number necessary to a ver
dict be a majority of two thirds! Why
not a majority of onat .:.;'
'. The reason for reduction of "necessary
eonaent Is equally applicable In either
case. Manifestly the scheme I an
arbitrary one and devoid of the purpose
of jury trial to secure justice to the
accused. . If any change Is to be made
better ttfat it be an Increase. We are
trousers...- v..- " .
e . - .
Children would far better rive ten
nles to feed starving people thamatp a
pole hunter.. - v.. .-."aw
Don't blame Judge Gray; heTe not
such a fool as to encourage the talk
of his nomination. ' v
K. L. Smith, Oregon's representative
at Jamestown, will of eours claim to
be a descendant of John Smith. . ; v
. 'ev ' ' ,
: Corey and Mabelle are to be married
on the ISth. The divorce cannot fol
low as soon as the tSrd of this month.
Considering the great number of UnfeS
seemingly forgetting that "reputation 1 7. l.7"r.vl i. . " oourl' "
dear, my lord, is the immediate jewel M'" .um"cm P
of our soul." A majority might ruin
it, unanimous consent save It The end
sought (saving of time and expense)
eould be more fairly seeured by making
disagreement equivalent to acquittal,
for disagreement shows the existence of
a "reasonable doubt"-. .? -k
Men are-such fallible things that all
-. e - , . 1 -
The Oregonlan ha discovered that
sunshine Is unhealthy. , An old writer
told why some people preferred dark
ness to light.
Boston Globe: There's One good thing
possible precaution 1 not too much for hout turned-down hats the girl
. Z. . I IM WAfl wtrtm Thaw StAMi't fihatauaA ika
likely be disastrous.
em tourists go there annually, and
many who have located there tire j
of the boasted climate Information
about Oregon and Portland ought to
be distributed freely 1n Los Angeles
and other southern '; California A KOTHER Important decision re-
will reaniro that candidate to do
their bidding, and this will not be
for. the best Interests of the rest "of
the' people, who therefore, also re-
board her.ln the final death-grapple, but I any regular student now In the unlver-
as the two vessels earn together Black. I auy nas entered without having com
beard anticipated his Intended move-1 pietea the work of the twelfth grade or I
ment and jumped aboard of him with I "a equivalent
II of his followers. Maynard . had I - The , statement that tha tuition at
but 11 men left by this Otoa but with Eugene, under the proposed approprla-
safety. Think of being accused and at
the mercy of a majority, of our legis
lators, yet they are fair samples of our
"brainy men." I cannot . resist .the
temptation to affirm that the adoption
of the "single tax", would render all
such efforts unnecessary and that It 1
are wearing. They won't obstruct the
view at the ball games as much ae the
flower gardens do. -:
A Kansas editor in an Irrigated dis
trict has reformed an old rhyme thus:
Little drops of ' water on little grain
; resorts. '"'.': " ... t,' .'' :'c - V"',-r' ,'.'' . .,'
- What this Portland merchant, Mr.
R. M. Gray, observed there about the
paucity , of Associated Press news
from Portland, In comparison with
lating to the relations of rail
roads to . the public is that of
the supreme courts ot tM
that f fdm' Seattle, may also be no- j Carolina -ratlroid . that, though 'ef
tlced in' eastern papers." Air. Gray quired to do so by the state railroad
says: " I commission, ' refused to ran a train
"X never picked up a Tjdb Angeles orjtO connect with another train SO tfiat
San Francisco paper that I did not see
gardless Of . party, should combine j these be tackled the II pirates and their I tion, will coat the state $111 per stu-
against that candidate,--: ri oecferd. with Blackbeard,
i The liquor traffic, as everybody Maynard succeeded in dealing him y a
recognizes, la i a : peculiar business., death thrust In the throat, and in the
. i. ., ' . i , M'.-.v,;m meantime hi men had killed or wounded
ana, wnue.u .w .. v puvuw ot Biackbeard's f ollowers, ;'.'-.
i sea robber's head swinging
black hair from the bowsprit
of his little craft, Maynard sailed back
. States, rendered about two """" " "" " 7 ,71 -with
''iiini'''..i.''' - s op out off politics. And or b with the
ago, in the case of a North r j byUSlongt
- ;'4...' it. Nous reason the man whont all the A hl;
dent Is Incorrect The cost -to the
slate will be a little mors than half
that sum per student The statement
that Linn ' county will pay $1,400 per
year for each student at the university
is unworthy of serious consideration.
Linn county may have a large num
ber of students at the university dur
ing the next few year, but even If
more reasonable, In my opinion, to strive sand make a mighty difference la
for liberty , (which will-eUminate the the rtce of land." -
difficulty complained of), by enlighten
ment of the masses on the universally Ambassador Bryce say America need
favorable effect that, would result from fewer battleships end more poet. W
the adoption of the single tax, than to fear he ha not had the opportunity and
waste valuable time to the advocacy of token time to read all our poet. There
questionable expedient. : seems to be plenty of them such a
1 . LOUIS B0WKRMANV i they are.
'' A Coming ToWB.' Jv.'-4' A Kansas man. saw ti angel flying
Hemlock, Or., May f. To the Editor Over -that atat last week. There are
of The JournalI am a reader of your different kinds of angels, ant It I sua-
vaiuable paper and fully Indorse Its fair v"a mat ui waa on xrom me low
and Independent manner of expression I ep regions looking to see If Kansag was
liauof dealers favor, however good I te Virginia to receive the oonrratnia. I ah haa only a f w, -even If she nasi, .tronar ilefenaa of th n rhi. r . thai yet hotter than the other Dlace.
" . " . I . a .1 . , . . ... . , I nniu . , All ' f Vi aumAn' A , . rti I . . . . ., 1 1
a man should bfl keDt Out Of ornce. I """" "wm irnor a ma iovins;i .---. i qommon peopi. - wnom, according to
f. man 'noqia pg aept uy " , thanks of all dwellers along- h Amerl- ch county 1 weak and shallow, j Abraham Uncoln. God? love, else he
' - '' ' J can seaboard. , , ; ,. I Multnomafc county ha few, If. any, j would not have made o many of them.
According to thlast school cen-
i rrsncisco paper xna i am not see . .-,,. , mhre ConvnienMv
a Portland date line , in any of tffese contended that it could maintain this ette . talley : and . southern v Oregon MareiiUise." ; bom.
paperii. The new bureaus seemed to q . . ne-C01irt towns have lost In population during 'r - '
find Tacoma,, Spokane and Salt ; Lake train oniy at a jobs, out ne court . .... k 1774-rlxuls XV of France died,
much better new eenter than Portland, held that it tnuBt maintain it never- the past yean notwithstanding ine pehruary 1S jj0. . . .h
f This Date in History.
' 1790 Rouget de Lisle; author of the
Died June 26,
Now, In my opinion, thla 1 all our own
Seattle has no doubt "scare-head
ed" a good many things that were
not altogether true or were compara
tively unimportant, but it does seem
tbat Portland ' has . been too much
overlooked In this" particular.
does no have the recognition in the
date lines that it deserves.
theless not holding: if general large Immigration to Oregon. One
mas-irvs0lf t- fiat - Bfl Ilca A t AAimAaia I exnlanation i is i that ; so , many have
fivyvantvu vaacss - iiuuvhu vviyuid w
come to Portland to sweu tne Doom
If 10 First agricultural .exhibition in
the United State opened at George
town, U. V, (-. '
1S11 Montgomery Blair, postmaster-
Ai ' A. A A . A
Er.T. there U1 he sSSl. W jKka.
cannot he withheld from the public reaction In favor of those towns. .- 114a Astor Place f Hot 5 made : by
because it is not of it -If productive But W 5SS2. StS' S, i.rS
profit, ' The court will take the popuiauua su;.iuvi,.ir. houae. . .
situation into consideration, by inducing the divielon of large ad-
rendering, the decision. Justice Jacent farms into snail ones, and by J
Ite said: 5 " ' - huilding MoU elect1? . lines Into 4857 Outbreak ef the Indian" mutiny
iHAT MEN . experienced and
prominent in public life should
The mere incurring f a lose from the nearby, wU settled communities, H
performance or. aucn a auty aoe not in
conclusion- of unreasonableness, as The anti-ad ministration . Jlepubll
would be the case where the : whole fiftnl Gf Ohio have capitulated at the
at Meerut
' ...i . . . v . . ' . . . . . I
iobb utfiwra os a eueraon . xiavia ail mem.
1 ' . 1 , scneme or rates wa unreasonaDie. as . . .,
,be SO ignorant' Of the scope; the duty fh furnish necessary facilities tlfBt motion of the big stick, and Will
volume and force of public co-terminou with the power of the harmonize on Taft for president ''and
sentiment as those, who talk, seri- Poraker for the senate again-or so
, ously of the Democrats, nominating nection with, the nature end productive- it , Is announced.,- Perhaps this .was
a Parkerlsh candidate for : president !LV",0:;r? ' fJr.".a the)' 'game Foraker was playing from 1 v, I A Suggestion for Henewl-
.... I w uuia, wiq v-MMiw jv uurvivw r)- . . ' . il 1.1 . . 1 ... ziw .
is astonlsning. -Tnat men wnose eyes quired and the public need for it per-1 tne first, lesistJurxou ei, ui wf tob ma nwino ouuoeit (Wi : in-
irwinvwie, uorgia. . -s
187 Opening of the Centennial exhl-
bitlon at Philadelphia.
C 1879t-Asa Packer, founder of Lehigh
university, died. Born December 29,
1806.' 'iV j: ' W KK:' J'..;. '''' '- -i
1897 TJnited States suoreme court
decided the . Berliner patent case . in
favor of the Bell Telephone company.
student at tb Weston, Drain and Ash-
land ' nonnp.l schools, yet Multnomah
pay i one-third of the taxes of the
state. Southern Oregon reap no ben
efits from the portvse - railway .above
The. Dallas, yet soutnern Oregon paid
a good round sum toward the construc
tion of this road. This alleged argu
ment about $1,400 per student eon
firms me In the belief that this refer
endum movement wa Inspired by sec
tional Jealousies '-' .
As to the normal schools, I assure
Mr, Harrison that I also . believe that
there are too many of them and that
I shall vote to abolish at least two of
them if the normal school question Is
ever brought up pnder the. Initiative.
The university Is not responsible for
the normals, any more than, the agri
cultural college is. or any more than
the asylum or . the reform school or
the . penitentiary ' Is responsible . for
The tact that we nave tour
According to Boss Cox the great need
now Is for Republicans to "stand annul.
Presuming you, as well as your readers, der to shoulder.", He assumes that they
are Interested In the material progress must first "fall In line." -Next they
of all part) of thla state, I take the should "put : their shoulder, to - the
liberty to address you, relative to the wheel" of the machine, of course. Sam
and ears are almost solely occupied
with Wall street, who know no more
than they care about the oommon
people, considering ' them only as
dumb, driven' cattle to be worked
' for the trusts, should entertain the
fnrmanea.. ... I.... ' i. .i Tt la ha I '''''; ','geles)
. r .. -i t . irnfl RHnuLH utsaL wiaw. . w m i : .
This is the decision of the highest ZZ a -a.i nni extend nUiVi:JVZ"."
, 1 aiiyiJCU LUC - H v I a a w a vvav v svu allllj B SB wan 1UI1K UAVU I a AA. aaa alaa & Alt aaaaaA I a.W TV AAA AWIMieil A Alias LUUII L W WIL11 1 . .
court of, the land, from which-there Inclnde the reelection In 1811 hUev4 Mm to be. and If. as l. com- ."osedo progress cmo P"t
iii mnniv miinrnmm: it a MaAavtvaiaa . a . a. -arai --. - i aneaiv ia4JAj .. -- tt a m I t f . . m F .
llevs that a majority of tne grangers .....;,5x-,,nf, a. ,t, -t , ,
normal school 1 no argument against
maintaining a sute university. . Mr.
Harrison and his fellow workers seem
to hold the university; responsible for
everything that falls to meet with their
approbation. - If newspaper ; reports
are correct all the granges in the
state are not in accord with the Linn
county Idea. If my memory serves me
correctly, - the ; granges at Loralne,
Pleasant Hill. ' Oswego, Scappoose.
Lent; East Portland, Milwaukle, For
est Grove, Hood River and La Grande
refused to join In the referendum
movement The executive committee of,
the state grange also went, on record
affairs of this rural district.
Hemlock Is situated 14 miles south
of Tillamook, the county seat, on the
main traveled road between that town
and : Beaver. . Cloverdale, Dotph ' and
Sheridan.' It is also on the surveyed
line of the Astoria A Columbia River
railroad south. At present It' has a
postof flee, stage of flee, cheese factory
and a most excellent natural townslte,
with a water power which, when de
veloped, will set the wheels of Industry
whlzslng throughout this section of big
timber. But It requires no great strain
ing of the imagination to see here in
the not distant future a thriving little
town. ... , '
. At this point the Sand Lake road Con
nects with the Tillamook . road, and
right at the point of Intersection a
large hotel Is being erected for the ac
commodation of , the heavy : summer
travel. It being only a few miles to sev
eral sea beaches,
I old boss rot.
The builder's inten
tion 1 to provide an attraotlv public fanning compat
resort, with connection ; by 'bus with uea at Qr&nt"
tha Sand lake beach. ' mora daiio'htftii I - . ' .
man wmcn mere, are none, , whore the
.Oregon Sidelights ?
. Wheat islooking fine around Weston,
A spaa of MerrUl mules sold for
l00. r 1 s
j..-.. . ,rni; . ';. - ; s' t-1''-"' "
"Klamath Fall "will ' soon hav-t"
first streetcar, ,
, . - s t'
Medford will help Jacksonville oele
brato the Fourth. - ;
Pendleton .will pave II blocks more.
Good paving pay. c
f- ''t ; ..,'". "- ' V, - "':.'
Man new building are being started
In Klamath rail. ,
A canning company ha been organ-
The. Eugan Register 1 calling for
careworn cltisen of populous cities can I water on- the streets. ,
go down to the sea and listen to what! ('.- " t M t .
the wild waves are saying. - Brownsville is to have a flrst-daa
To those having money to Invest. in brick and til factory., ,
constructive enterprises I would say, , ( 1 . '
come and erect an elactrlo lighting plant b,i,u' k.. .
that will furnish this county with t,J,n.!!!" hM flf"? B,,ful
la nn ftr.nal R t all tha w. I : . . i. I """ur auppoaeo, ne uesire- to necom
- - ,v vuu,, n. mtt.ia ij r.E. i uraur u iu iw imvh aa ha Jiuni.
oi ine-unnea mates must be gov mi brains.
erned. Besides the important par-1 '.
of . the Paclfloi
coast, why has he not dipped Into the
Mernn ena or pontic in Ban Francis
co leaving the state Itself out pf con-
Ueve that a majority of the grangers
of the state are opposed to the refer
endum and I am certain that the bill
will be approved by the people. . -
If the appropriation should be voted
1 t.i . - ... ".
t''.;!.y iTf .;v;i",v,. . f y .'7-i'.. j'y.iva; ;,.c."--":.:. ' "u mm uu originated, a jfMW
Place flM Honor .Wre, It Belongs, p1"' of Put b " tnaTSend. -Vancouver.
- Wash- Mav 7. To thai fc-'i:';ir'l t?. 'Vi's-'-:''-;;;'i:'
idea of the nomination of acon- "cular point decided, the . proposi-h last tne j,ew york , world ha. f h-f
servative- or' reactionary candidate, "on that a railroad to public rather L lTean.- an8wer to' it. query pS.dhtt.u tJL
by one or .oom parties, is no ....,.- r.vrv.Vk,..v...i,jn, 4What is a DemocratT" wai every
strange. Outside of their sphere of t0 tate regulation through a com- body can understand and agree to at
thought and action such men are as mission, is necessarily reaffirmed. once u lB fbiiows: :
Evidently the era of control of the . -L .i . nn hA l.T folloW ft
.i. But that men: who have been American ; railroads .hy the people political thesi. to a logical and honor- any other .m99
In contact With the people and gained through their duly constituted agents LeStUSto th - power, set to forci Heney 'h. been pieced n .ueh im-
has already begum" Ci 1 . ' , T. .titutlen created by hi own mat relauona with Herria in the past
UJKU . . - 'i ... I 1 .. . . .V..
rln is the California manager to handle
I some matter connected with ; the no-
torlou Spring valley ' Water comDanv
or Ban UTanciseo. a corporation which
has done mere .to bleed that city than
not be any better and our "good road
fund!' will be no .larger. ? The money
willi lie In the state treasury until the
next legislature has a chance to spend
H for feed for the "8alem hog," for
increased alarie-for some of our tub
t auuvuvvr, ww osu. majr - I u ingi ' n ' -
Editor of Th Journal-It 1 mptint':--" 01 Ln ,
that the honorable mavor and honorahii Bna. Harbor. ,1 writing, a BoclalUtI
council of Vancouver did not know of I
the .existence of a tenderloin In the
town, until apprised-of it, at the point
or the bayonet, in a recent article In
The Journal appears a resolution and
congratulatory letter to 'the honorable
mayor and . honorable common council i
A drunk Is seen oocaslonalyl In Eu
genenot Just arrived ,trom Independ
ence, either. ' , , s .
A large delegation - of : Immlarrantai
JLa V V'JX h!tcne'ori for their prompt action in drfvlng out ".f.fV1 lMt ZM n U
the Calapoola river, Harney. vaUey. . .
posed to have had their, ears to the
ground kshpuld :, suppose that the
- democrats are going to nominate a
colorless man whom the trusts would
approve Is not easily explained.
But,' they may;1 say, what can be
said against ; Judge Gray, or Wood
row Wilson,- or Richard Olney, or
ii.r Wiav avan venture to niiE-emit
. i. j . I voter
1 tJrOVer Vieveiauui jtouius, cxKeyi.
that neither of them would do at
all. They are not in sympathy or
touch with; the great heart of the
common people. Gray is an honor
able figure as in their Spheres they
all are but ho is old and technical,
and fossilized. Nor will the masses
of voters have any candidate that
is approved by such pretended Dem
ocrats as McCarren 'and Belmont and
Baer and J. P. Morgan, j The party
tried such a man in ;1904.SThat
losson ehould suffice for a long time.
We apprehend that if he Is will
ing to accept the nomination again.
William J. Bryan will be. theV nom
inee. The Republican leaders ex
j ect this to be the caso, and are In
nl,oiniaa tnr- hi suoerlorlty over the
UtMlviyava - - - - .
tnaturtai and mechanical resource j ui
Aherica, H other political principle te
ha -raitrrarw nnTwiuiviBiiuiiiHi wwiwmi
alUH iJAUUaX I .01 Spokane I between two extremes in uib
was' beaten Tuesday for re
election : by 1,874 majority,
and not because Daggett is a
Democrat and Moore, who was elect
ed, a
Social' man-monarchy and- anarchy.
that he cannot fall to have learned
many of the secrets connected with !
this local corporation and Herrin's part
in me graxung processes py which the
Spring Valley Water company has se-1
cured, for practically nothing .except
tne bribes wmcn it ha handed out to
the Insufferable supervisors of ' fian
Francisco city and county, -'franchises
and right of almost Inestimable val-
l lArlnln ,
. The public knew and the honorable
mayors and common council preceding
the present one all were cognisant of
the fact that this evil ha existed for
years almost In the heart of the town,
and would have continued to exist had
not the of fleers of th United State
army stepped In and demanded It re
moval, it is untimely now ror a re-
A Novel , Proposition. .
Portland, May t.. To the Editor of
The Journal As editor of '- the' most
progressive as well aa aggressive pub
lication of Oregon, if not of the Pacific
coast, why not bring about the utilisa
tion :f the millions and , million of j
dollar that are now -lying idle in our
numerous banks and . treasuries bv tha llgious body to congratulate 'those who
ue, and by which It has successfully I corporate; establishment of a panic in-1 nave; auowea tni cure to exist, and
fought all competition. Heney may still 1 surance company f The company to In- j only, agreed to it removal when, they
I The lnaulry of a. t Lebanon . sub
scriber about cabinet officers and
Republican, but because the uregon ineiuuei ui perform the greatest servlee of all for I sure panicky people and all other who w that a considerable part of t
hflllpvpd annnrentlv with answered recently in replies W Otner j San rranolsco - by directing his guns,! would wish such Insurance from loss onjrevenue of the city would be cut-off.
spirator of them aU. !And It seems to
be . up to Heney. - , "
of the cabinet receive
araDle reason, that the admlnlstra
fi.iI ; haan l laaffna with tha I memoen
lower class of saloons, gambler, and M00 Tear. The senators and
it.-. -it- reoresentatives in congress, since
lub Titiuua cicuicuv icucimi;, iur ..... . . . . . .
the Spokane Spokesman-Review al
March 4 last, receive $7,B00 a year, j
leged before. the election..
last; Monday: - , j .
i "If all "the voters who condemn th
existing alliance between tb city ad
ministration and the vicious and crim
inal elements, and believe in the clean-
cut reform policies of Herbert Moore
and the Republican platform, will vote
tomorrow, Mr,- Moor ' will be elected
by th - largest majority ever "given a
mayoralty candidate in Spokane. " .
.'.The Spokesman-Review:; said that
a decisive victory for. Moore would
be notice' to the "country- not that
the Republican party had won a vic
tory, hut that Spokane ''will not tol-
It' saidln8tead of $6,000 as heretofore.
-- Those three Rhode' Island multi
millionaire candidates tor the senate
did the country a considerable serv
ice" In their V recent contest;" they
killed one anotheroff, for two years
at least. , - 1 '
'-' Mmm '.-;'j'.:'-a'.1
'The Noisy City.
W. Bomalne Patterson in "Tbs Xemesls
. of Nations.- r r j i
It was deeply significant that al
though. Rom raised a statu to Quiet
she placed It outside the walls, , - Iter. husband.
- Beat Him One Way. "
From the Success Magasine. - '
As Mark Twain and a friend were
ehattingftt the eummer horn of the
humorist,. Quarry 'Fara-naae Elmlra,
New Tork,1 the . conversation turned to
th wealth Of John D. Rockefeller,
.. rjurt think of It, Sam." said ; th
guest, "he has more dollars than there
are hairs in that vigorous old thatch of
your a - ,
"Ihaf ' nothing," replied Mr. Clem
ens, "I have more dollar than he ha
balrsjn his head." ' i
Their Deepest Pity.
(From the Chicago Record-Herald.)
Women always feel the deepest pity
for the happy woman who would "be
unhappy If she knew the truth about
At the last municipal election there
during, say, the .next .10 year. :,- I an opportunity to oust the present
The financier and - economist can councu ana eieci men wno wer pledged
clearly ee In the develdpment from re- clean out thes resorts and diminish
ource and th "trend pt empire" that the number of saloons, but there war
urh a nanta aa that of -flx la nt nn ot enough votes In the Interest of good
oosslble: that. such a calamity a thattovr,,ment .'to evercom the rotten ele-
of "IS cannot occur; that such a that
of 63 Is entirely out of the question,
i Yet there are scores of thousand - Of
people who are living in constant dread
of another panlo.,": m
- The weat haa pAaed front under the'
domlnancy of Wall street a wa- evi
denced by the three hundred million
dollar drop - there recently and It
ha also , passed from perceptible
effect.- of - Oriental: disasters as
wa .- tvldenced by - boycott, . threat
and famine of recent eastern oc
currence. And a for local, calamities
Oregon thank God ha never ;, known
any. - - u:-:'----J'-.r;,f!
Hence why thi panic nlghtmar that
ao Incessantly disturbs - th business
slumber of ao many or our people?
Tet they should not b "Jumped on" by ,
ment that controls the, city.' The clti
sen of thl city, have cause to rejoice
that this plague spot has been cleaned
by the fefoed action of the- common
council, but ar under .double obligations
to 'the officer of the garrison who had
me backbone to force the issue. '
: ' v P-'Jy v - rj MORALITT,
1 Never Satisfied.
;vt: From the Chicago Newa ,
And atlll th pur food law doe not
protect the consumer who consumes on
faith at a restaurant All the Ingredi
ent may be printed on the can or the
bottle, but If no on except th chef
sees them where does tb ha-mble eater
get off? What we need is a bllLUf far
with the Ingredient of each article
printed below it In large typ .'''.. .
The Haines Record crlnts
of H. M. , CAke,- "who is promfnently
mentioned a successor to fianatn d. -
W. Fulton." i
- Much building win be don thi um-r
mer in uoid,Hlil. Th first t concrete '
building in southern Oregon will be
erected ther.- , V.'ew-'fi .
iS Myrtle Creek is not. booming, but Is
witnessing' a healthy, steady, perma
nent growth, say the Mail Prospects -
long au. une ar Dngnt,.ij-?..
" " " '' . - f'r I
' Tale Casette: The Ortano asks u ,
to correct their bad spelling wnm we
copy their locals, why dont you oath-
them yourself? you ' have our type
"setter, he 1 the on that A did the
copying. When we copy w copy from
papers ..which are spelled right. , '
Toledo Leader: " It " is " reported that
somebody, or several pf him, brok into "
Guat Olson's health ' emporium ' one '
night recently and confiscated 10 gal
lons of whiskey. ' Thl can hardly b
true. " Didn't Gust promise a few weeks '
Ago to be good and not keep boose in
his establishment? .
a l'' ''.-"; - " ' ' '' i;.;v '.'i'..-'
A man from another state who had
received a sample copy of the Lake
view Examiner writes to the editor: r
note tbat application will be made by
a party to sell liquor, and that his peti
tion has been numerously signed. I
will await the outcome with interest i
as I very much prefer, to live and in-' '
vest where liquor is not sold."