The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 10, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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W.-Mli ihMi
Roseburg and Coos Bay Electric
Una Project Enlists Every
,; Business Man. , t
Great Mass Meeting Collect City's
J2nergv and Capital la Determined j
yf Effort Cooa Cowntjr Towns Actfre I
, in Support IUch Region to Open. I
i '" Special Dlipateh to Tbe Journal.)
Roseburg, Or., May 10. Not a place
(at fcuelnesa win te opened to Roseburt, j
-, this afternoon. Almost every man in
t ths city and surroundlair country who
r, can train admittance to the building Is
. In the Roseburf opera nouse forming a
part of aa Immense ftiass meetint that
. 1 being held to discuss ways and meant
of building the proposed deotrlo line
from Boaeburjr to Coos bay. When the
meeting waa called by, the Merchants
ProtectlTe association the request waa
made that the stores remala closed to
day from 1 o'clock until o'clock and
' there was a universal compliance with
V the request Even the saloons are closed
''and the entire city is In gala attire and
' the town haa a holiday aspect '
Hon. A. C Masters la presiding Orer
'the meeting. Speeches will be made
,"t,by liOuls Barsee, O. P. Coahow, George
M. Brown and other prominent citizens.
.'..'-..T- jji Home Honey Build Xfc'fV1
The whole town Is fairly aflame with
'the enthualastlo determination to build
. the road. Prominent and wealthy eltl-
" ' sens are promising on the street to take
stock In the company to the amount of
18 per cent of the assessed valuation of
their property and It la the avowed pur
pose of the people of Douglaa and Coos
to build the road without asking tor a
, dollar of outaide capital.
I At the meeting this afternoon a com
.'mlttee will be appointed to meet with
" the committee from the five Coos eoun
'.ty towns at aa early date and at this
general - conference It Is expected the
' , company will be organised that wlU
. ouua. m roaa. j
" Wonderful Bectoa'xt WlU Opea.
' The propoaed line 'will o through
Camas valley to Myrtle Point and will
.Teddy Webb, Comedian.
Teddy; Webb, the little comedian of
the San Francisco opera company, who
returns to Portland with the comcanv
for the reopening of the Marquam thea
tre. Wednesday night May 15r is one of
the most popular fuimakers In ' the
country, before -going in for comedy
Webb was a tenor and? has the distinc
tion of being the leadins tenor with LIU j
parallel the SO miles of. Southern PaelfiolUan Bttseel,-Dorothy Morton and "other
roaa irons aayrae roini to a&aranneki.
famous prima donnas. 'Mr. Webb' may
not remain with- the Ean Francisco opera
oompany during its entire stay In Port
land, for he has peen secured by John
yon ox Beatue.anct will be starred la
-ine Aiasican," the new comic opera
Dy iJietnen and Glrara.- As Hawkins,
ths cockney valet In Tatlma," Mr. Webb
haa one of the beat comedy parts of bis
career. -
It will tap seven-eighths of the arrlcul-
turat and dairy lands of Coos county,
, will go through the finest body of ttm
. ber on the Pacific slope and will reach
- 'the Immense eoat beds and gold fields of
Coos county. Besides It will come In
touch with a magnificent stretch of the
. best of the farming and fruit lands of
. Douglas county, whloh are aeoond to
none In the world. , . . .
; Costs and Yvoflts Estimated.' '
tt has been estimated by careful ten
, glneera that , It will-cost $1,700,000 to
; construct a good road and equip tt .wltQ
the beat of -modern rolling stock. 'The
same estimates show that tue? stock
holders, will be gven 10 per cent dhrU
dend even n-the first year's operation
after tha cost of operation and Interest
ion the. stock and borrowed money, la
.provided. for. Of course the population
of the terminal towns and the tributary
I country is expected to grow very rap-
-Jdly after the completion Of the 'road
and the profits' will correspondingly In
crease. ..S;'y ''''''-'':'r J '-r J
S la a certain sense the building of this
line Is a kind of life struggle for Rose
burg to maintain her position as the me-
. tropolls , of southern Oregon. There ' Is
no longer any; doubt that the Southern
' Pacific will build the line from Drain, to
Coos bay and that will divert travel and
, .trade from - Roseburg and necessitate
. the construction of this or Other .lines.
, ' Coos bay also needs this connection and
j feels the want of It perhaps more than
(, Roseburg.
- , . .i . ,. ,
(Special Dispatch to The Journal ) .
Albany, Or, , May 10. Ths Albany
school board has selected teachers for
the ensuing year. , The list shows many
changes. , Among those, retiring and
not candidates for reelection are Misses
Baltmarsh .Francis, Norwood Garrett,
Baltimore and t Pratt 'v Some ' of these
have announced their, intention of as
suming Uie matrimonial relation, while
others have, resolved to - rest for the
year. Among the teachers selected, the
new one are Misses Oraoe- Campbell
and - Nellie; Kerrigan of the 'Ashland
Normal school,. Frances French; of Bay
City "Irottis 'Morgan of Brownsville,
Maude Kelly of Grants Pass, Ella Black
of Roseburg and Naomi Cowan of BU-
Professor A. M, Sanders was elected
city superintendent and it Is expected
that under his leadership the schools
will vastly Increase m efficiency, tt. 1m
Bauer was elected' principal ol the
Madison street school, Mrs. FV M. Pow
ell of the high school and Mrs. Thrall
of the Maple street school. . , ,
yr ' i i I m : "
1 Doan . Resrulets cure constloation.
tone the stomach, stimulate the liver,
"Salome' at Belllg Tonight. ,
Beglanlng tonight at the HeUlf tbrarte, Fopp.
tetata and Wuhlnf toa atreeta, Oaear Wilde's
ilTZuZr: lr"0?Z mm sttraetkn
Wf three nichta. Tba elem ymmg actor, Wil-
lT,.d X"l..,,m u " K'"f "trod and
aa naiotna, aopportad hr
it ,h k p r " "au are seillng
" ' ' j v " '
i . ' . Seats fo 'Fiuatana.N ,y
. V ?tlr theatre-fotof eopolatkm" of port.
m uumiN is ue reopening e the at
2sm Owed theatre, which will occur next
-rcuucwir .Train, nay 10. Tne Baa yran-
-.-WF vyvru raimpuny naa oeea ensaaed tar a
ions seaaon and will open Its eotragsment with
Tantana." the Wlrhtest and beat of recent
uuni-a, Riunm aaia or mmtm mm
.' Marflnam- flraad box efflce Saturday
-. - v in nopemng of tns
Marqnam Grand will be an event of importance
' " wm wn w aa present., The
Marqnam Grand la to be the borne of nnalcal
uu ij(oi opvra ana will be aa InstltV'
wu oi wnicn me ty eae well be prad.
mil tin w, vt aeaia oeguis tomor
row aftenwon. . : , . ..
promote digestion and appetite and easy
passages or tn
gist for them..
the bowels. Ask your drug-
zs cents a box.
Crowded House, at Baker.
-me uowDoy and the Lady" at the Baker
thla weak is making a great hit It la a weet
vmr, mm mm name mnicatea, and western
plare are decidedly the vogne at this time.
There Is soma excellent individual acting la
the play and It Is pleasing large audiences at
every performance. . , ,
' . New BlU at Baker. , ,
"TbevNew Dominion' vM h eh kin ..
Baker next week. It is the play wbiell Clar
Clement wrote and In which lie starred fn
many aeaeana. Incidentally It Is the play with
Which ha made ht fnrtttn T. . .
.j;: .rr. . " "
i w mi curt company , ana will likely
m vmv u. vum Kmieii aixracuana or tna
n mm j.uua atreei noma. ' . j
"White Caps' at Empire.
' Every one la Interested In the .atnrina e h.
1 Kantncky fends. , for there are few inMi.
wumv wuivu av uioj poieu ano piaya nave
I been written. It is on this anblert thmt "Tk
wuiie vapa - waa written, it Is tbe play which
Is to be prodnced at the Bmnlre b the
aiwa. company next wees ana is ID re to be!
winner. lt is as tbrlllinr as the meat exectm
i isvisssja) wuiauu ' . -" ' '
' Excellent Play at Empire. :;
At the Empire the fieamaa stock eomnanv la
I appearing to very pleasing advantaee In tha
melodrama, I'She Dared Do Right." It fa a
play replete 'with heart Intereat. ahnnniltn In
thrllla and sensations snd aroaaes a ahvm t
applanae. The Seaman company, bee sot only
"made good" bat Is drawing large crowds this
week, - j " ..-
"'. "Devil's Wand."
,.iJeit week; beglnnlny Monday sight, the Sew
siock company at tne Star theatre will present
for the first time In Portland the thrilling
melodrama. "Devil's Island." Thla nlav i
nasea on tbe trial of Captain Dreyfns, and the
ramoni courtroom scene and tbe prison on the
Island are depleted.. The trial of Dreyfns at
tracted anch world-wide attentlnn that "neell'a
isiaaa-- snoaia oe a strong drawing card.,. Seats
sre now oa sale. .. , ,
Special Offer.
New Colombia Graphophont (type BN) and
Complete Uotnt $28.60 including ; yoor
choice of six 10-Inch Colombia Disc llecords '
j7 v n
I Ti'n'iilJ '"umun1 ranasaaaasw
This handsome new Graphophone has a large
quartered, oak Cabinet, a noiseless Motor that can -:
be wound while running, and a beautifully decorated ;
flower Horn black or red.' x It is "equipped with "
' the same patent aluminum Tone-Arm and the same ':.
, Reproducer, that have made ithe'a Graphophone
famous for mellow resonance and sweetness of tone.
The six records are regular 10-inch Columbia disc
records,-beyond comparison for pureness of tone,
'faithful reproductions and absence of foreign noise. -;
That's the outfit that xosts you $28.60 and is sold
under cur tmtttn ' guarantee which accompanies
each machine. Come in and let us thow you. . , ., :
4 Columbia Phonograph Co.
A Word to Thpso Vho Have Not
Yet Bought Their New Spring Suit4
We are offering you some of the most exceptional values In
this line, values that cannot be duplicated anywhere in town,
and especially in our ; y- ' . , , ,
was Won' snd the Btrrr La Boss eomnanv
In "The Sailor and the Horse" are two of the
most comical playlets that Portland vaudeville
aoaiencee nave seen in montba. Ail baseball
fans will be delighted with the Jokea which
OU Brows tells on the Portland Beavers, and
there are several other tarns on tbe bill which
will be found pleasing. Sams bill an til Bnadax
f irvvsaie a'lntraiivej " SJW SVWIIHU.' ' ' I aSW oa,BS IUSUQ IVUwsl
Olympia, Wash., May 10. Albert A. 'been a Republican.
Phillips, a leading oitlsen and pioneer
of Olympia, has been appointed deputy!
State bank examiner, .under the law
passed" by the last legislature, which
takes effect June 11. The position car
ries a salary of f 1.400 a year. Mr. Phil
lips located In Olympia In JT and has
resided here since that ' time.' ' He was
for, 14 years auditor of Thurston coun
ty, and four years county treasurer.
Be was connected with the Plrt Na
tional bank of Olympia some years
ago. - and when ths . Institution failed
he Was made receiver. He has always
' These suits are the nobbiest that we have seen in a long
time, and youH certainly say so, too, ' when you have looked
at them; They are very rich in appearance, made for comfort ,
to fit perfectly, and are the most durable and reliable gar.
ments that we could find tesell at this price. The quality
and workmanship is of the highest character, and we guaran- ' ,
tee that they will give you absolute satisfaction. ; :
Our Boy
Are the kind that will wear through these rough seasons.
Stand up and look well, and at prices that will pay you to',
investigate." , , ' . " ' j,V , f-;' , v :
Qur Gents' Furnishings
We are showing the newest effects in all our Neckwear,
Shirts and Hose, besides a host of other good and up-to-date
articles of wearing apparel. '
Eittra Special for Saturday j
New Effects in Men's Hosiery
25c Values 10c
i R4 Wrmit
--, - r ' , ' , - v , ... - . v 4
Men's $2.00 White lVIohair Neg
ligee Shirts of Extra Fine Quality
Special , '
$ a 0(S(D
Smart Effects in New Star and Cluett
Shirts '
$1.50 to $3.00
Come to Our Toggery Department for Tour
Summer Underwear
Cor. Flrtt tod Taylor Streets
Tis a Womanly Accomplishment
Stamped Corset Cover, like cut, stamped on extra
quality French Cambric, complete with A tZn
floss to embroider, all for; TevW
I OT We will start the embroidery ran fov oar man erdst customers.
4 ' t sClSSalaes , V t
The Needlecraft Shopil
oo wasmngion street, rortiand, Or. -
Iho Sflver King."
"The demand for high class goods has never been so
jpjeat"-Clothier and Furnisher.
Ves, the man today is no longer contented
I with cheap stuff t is QUALITY he is after,
and our store is the head center for the best in
, wearables, for, men " and boys not necessarily
t high priced, but high values.
Suits from $10 to $25.'
, Youths Suits, $7.50 to $20. , ,
Boys' Suits, $2.35 to $10.
..' , Men's and Boys'. Outfitter v
At the Btar theatre the near atnrk mnnun
to playing that ever-pepnlar drama, 'Tha Stiver
iwua, ana roe performance is more tbaa aatla
factory to tba thoaaanda of patrons Of tbs
, oonae. ivt company la well balanced and capa
ble and tbere are no tnri liferent mittnm n h
iibi. -xne surer King" la ably presented and
the scenery and DroDertlee are new. Thta nlav
I Mtll t. - " . ..." '
" rniea up o Bunaay meat, vltn.inatl
laeea Baturday and Sanday. Seats can be re
aarTsu 117 teiepnone ir convenient.
"Brown's in Tuwn."
bj rar tne neat Tare rtmmAm
rwu.uu .109 oreaenv aeaenn te "Hmm's .
rtSr ."'J ,nu WM l e Lyrle by tbe
Allen stock company, wltb Hlas Verna Felton,
1 Forrest Seabory and tbe other favorite, in the
I caar. A.a any one who baa had the food lack
very Tehlnf at 8:15. Reierred teU mf b
- "Behlna the Mask."
One of tbe melodramatic ancceeaea nf Kkw
York dartnr tba present seaeon m "Rehinii
tne M08K, - a aiorr or tne golden vert la a
pretty setting and with a tmlnne nine: ,. at
. rreet exsenae Director Alien baa secured thla
I bill for tbe Allea stock company, and tt will
1 be tivea at the Lyric neat week, beelnnlna
Monday evenins, with matlneea.TneailaT. Thnra.
day, Satnrday and BoBdayr-Baarred aeit sale
opens Sanday. ,' . ( " . -
. , ' , . Kcadllne Features. , ' ' r
neadllners are pienflrui thla week oa the
i vandevtlle proirram. of tbe Grand theatre. The
Maa KnletoB company la "Sow the Widow
Pay a small amount down upon purchasing, then $1.00PER
WEEK. You riot only save money in buying from us, but we also
give you the, privilege of wearing the WATCH while paying
tor same. U v : GEVURTZ ffl. SONS
. r V $ ' 5": "X'-; r ; ' : ij FiratslOocond1 and .YamHlll Streets
.,..4 1 v - I; . ! I
j ' '
7 -'', ---- ;
. .. 0 n 'X