' v.. Tins OREGON DAILY JOURNAL . PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, . MAY ' 10, 1007. FyyiKES ii'iii : IIE17 PISTORATE I of the feerltave of this . church .sad J charged tha people to prsserve tt with fidelity . and loyalty. - n spoke or a I I church In eastern Oregon whara ha re feentljr preached when there waa In the I audience Klp-Kapalllkln, who waa the grandson of one of the Indiana who In I SEEK. AID DF 7R00PS (Continued from fs One.) 1811 made the memorable Journey to BLlcan only furnlah protection for a email TaiiIb a AwA Ih lhlt man1. Iwwtlr I - . . m . mi .AA Louis to find the "white man's book." There waa also preaent Old Sarah.- a wlcened old woman who had learned the gospel at the 11 pa of Mrs. Marcue Whit- nan, the martyr, and an Indian waa tbere whose anoeator . had been one of Joseph's band. . . . Dr. Holt spoke appreciatively of the mlaalonary work of the mother church and Ita far-reaching power. A pleasant liiUe touch waa given by Dr. Holt when hi 'said that he had attended school with the mother and father of Rev, Mr. CHARGE TO PASTOR I people something- that they did not now aooui now mey nappsnea u i ao good a man as their pastor, but aa the preabytery had not appointed him to give taat enarge ne eouia not ao iu Edgar E- Couraen at the organ ran dered In maaterly atyle the "St. CecllU Offertory Mo, I" and the "March Ke- llgleusr. by Gounod. . V r: .( " ImDressiv Ceremony at First 1 Presbyterian Church Dur ' J ! Ing Installation. . REV. SHARP DELIVERS ' M. HAGERMANN ConffrecaiJoa irnd Member of the rresbytery Prwent at , Berrlces pMKlded Over 1 KeT. liar v Sermon by Eev. Ely. With aa interesting and Impressive acrvloe Her. WUllam ( Hiram Poulkea waa last night InaUIled aa paator at the . First Preabyterian . . church. The moderator of presbytery. R David Henry Hare, presided. The sermon waa .-. .,, , . r- i r " ' '". y ' ',V" f f iniini i i.i. . !. ?. i ); . . J (': .. V 5 " - , ' J : ' - ".:. if f ' ? . r ? 4 . : ;.".' . ... ' , ) ' , : ' ' . .. . .' " 1 '.. f I , . EVERY MAN HAS A PROMIS ING FUTURE IV Sal Jrway Saooaed te OMonmi tf v -.lrttav jet,--,' ,. Brown had a promising future be fore eprtng really opened, but It haa not succeeded in catching up with It to quite the extant that waa expected. . Gray will again bo a popular ehade thla summer. Our showing of gray suitings is re markable for the beauty and variety of weaves . and ' pattern. -The gray fabrlo designers have surpaaaed their former best . afforta. , Until this seaaon's fab rics arrived, w did not realise that gray would bo combined with so many airrerent colore and still retain its soft elegance and oool appearance. ' J. C Bchaefer A Co.. rooms JO and 11. Ral eigh building, JJH elxtb street, number of cara. There are onlir (00 members of the, police force and yeatar day It "took nearly 100! to protect two cars running through outlying sectkms of the - olty. Even Chief Dlnan, who boaats of the ability of the police fores to protect the cera, was unwilling to attempt to tako th oars through the crowded pars of the olty or through the burned district'.. .'V-.. '..:. The United Railways will renew Us attempt to operate cars today and lust as many oars will bo sent out as Chief of Polios Dlnan will guarantee protec tion for. The .company announces that It 14 ready to send out cars on all lines at any moment, bun nntU adequate pro tection is given by ths municipal au thorities, eomplsts .resumption of ths streetcar trafflo la impossible, . i Military oxperts who have been con- suited declare that a force of several thousand men would bo required to In sure the safe Operation of cars over all lines of ths company. : v.-: .y.;; - .' Woo Bnongh Volloo,. Officials of ths-United Railways do not regard the developments In the situa tion yesterday as favorable, to ths re newal of normal traffic The fact that ths rioters hesitated to attaek two ears nndar polios protection Is not taken as any Indication that thsy will not attac unprotected cars, and ths else or tne police department makes it Impossible to furnish guards to all ths ears neces sary for the resumption of traffio. Tho schedule of ths cars is at pres ent dictated by Chief of Polios Dlnan and everything is in his hands. ' U is to notify President Calhoun what tuns today hs can guarantee ths safety of th, Mra nJ -.nn-nnlAf, Mi-man whlrh will be sent out Unless ths state or I forthcoming ths United Railways will f eedral v .authorities . intervene with I lay. the matter before much higher troops, ths present oondltlon of affarts t and mors powerful of flolals in demon. ALL iVOnEfJ ER from tho snme phyilonldlgtnrbnncoi, m.nA thsU tl at.t.n Vst 1 vVialwi Jnla. la . ' - w wuuit UUHin Ms) many cases, quickly drift them into the horrors or all kinds of female complaints, organic troubles, nloera- tion, falling and dlaplaoemonts, or pernaps irreeuiantjr or suppression canaintf . backache, nervousness, lr- , . i-jtaouiiy, ana sleeplessness. r f Women everywhere should member that the medicine that holds the record for the largest number of actus cures or xemaie uis is Lydia E. Plnkham'&Vegetable Compound made from simple satire roots and herbs. For more than thirty years It hag been helping women to be strong-, regulating- the functions per- jeewj ana overcoming- pain, it nas aiso provea iseu invaluable in pre- wnug ur ttiiuu uirwi ana ae vnairge oi juuo. :. , , .. :i . ;. Mrs. A, M. Ilagrermann, of Bay Shore, L. I., writes H-Dear Mrs. PlDkham "I suffered from a displaoement, excessive and painful functions so that I had to lie down or ait still moat of the tima. ' LydJa JS. Plnkham'S Ve&e table Compound has made me a well woman ao taat x am able to attend to my duties, i wish every suffering' woman would try Lydia B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound and see what relief n wui give them." Mrs. PinkhamV Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female illness art Invited to writs Mrs. Plnkham. at Cyna, Mass. for advice 8he Is the Mrs. Plnkham who has been advising slok women free of charge for more than twenty . at . m a a I a - a a a a aa , . . w yoara, ana oeiore tui ane assisxea ner mouer-in-iaw juyaia u. pink ham In advising-. Therefore she is especially well auallfled to g-alde sick women oaac to neaiu. ReTt -W.; H- Fbulkei,' by ; Rev." Ben-Ezra Stiles Ely, IX I, after which - the constitutional questions were asked the paator-eleot . and" the people by Rer. Mr. Hare. ' The v prayer of installation was given by Dr. J. R. Wilson. Rev. Edward If. Sharp delivered the t- . charge' to ths pastor. He apoka of the j . ,o.uallflcatIona and ths functions of tho ' - pastor's office, drawing the lesson from '"; the position which Joseph held as In terpreter to Pharoah. He said that the people would come to their pastor with . . their troubled dreams and It was his I high privilege ss the Interpreter of God I , to open to them the great atorehoueea "; of reoonclUatJon and Immortality. The t ' qualifications demanded were those I .which had been catalogued by Paul "Be 4 'thou an example of the ; believers In !word, tn-manner of Ufa. in love, In k fath. In purity." His final charge to the , r pastor was to guard carefully and joaU ouair the genuineness of bis work ? Interpreter of th,s King.' . ' ,i i "; , The eharge to the people was given . br Dr. W. & Holt, who spoke eloquently , Is likely to remain unchanged. Twelve affidavits of a sensational character were sworn to late last night la the offloee of the United Railways at ths ear house at Turk and Fillmore streets, by IS of ths strikebreakers who nnnrr imilinrc A-rtir-n fere arrosica aiier ie woooy wiutea nunOCf IliJUnCd UincniTurk street on Tuesday afternoon. xnese ainaaviM set ioru -mat. a aumuir of non-union prisoners . were beaten, knocked down and kicked by the polloe officers after they had been booked In detinue at Eddy street oentral station on Tuesday afternoon. That they were tormented and reviled by the polloe and oalled unprintable names, photographed for the rogues tallery and compelled to submit to vilification at the hands of Richard Cornelius, preatdent of the ear- men's union, who, they stated, was ad mltted to their cells by the polios. ; Prisoners XefaseA Pood. ' Bom of the affidavits also state that the men were given no beds or eots. that they took turns throughout Tues day night in sleeping on bare benches without blankets, some standing while their comrades reposed, and then chang ing - places with them,, and that they were refused food, and water by the police.. ,. ; v .... ; - One of the deponents declared in sis affidavit hat when he demanded to know on what charge ho waa detained ths police told him "murder," and that in : remonstrance he declared to them that be had not fired a single shot, and Showed them in substantiation, his two revolvers, fully loaded snd their barrels clean, .i .,,!. , ? y v,,. The men clal,inder. oath that" each andjsyeryaet of .violence and Indignity imposed upon them by polios was wholly without provocation. 1 i . r, -' These .'affidavits were Veoured ' br Freaident .Calhoun for the purpose of presentation to the board of polloe oom missioners, and that if no redress is Preferred Stock Canned (toe dm. Allen dtLswts Best Brsnd. t RUNAWAY KILLS ONE ; v An exciting runaway, resulting In the death of one horse and serious Injuries to another ocoured yesterday afternoon at Third and Couch streets. Two spir ited horses belonging to the Independ ent Baggage and Transfer company. were frightened by a switch engine. near the stoel bridge and despite the of forts of W. a Lynch, the driver, dashed down Third street . ... v: At Couch street ths animals collided With a lumber wagon, seriously Injuring both steeds. As one of ths horses sus tained a broken leg; Patrolman Oolts put tho animal out of misery with a well-directed shot . 1 v'. 1 stration of the real attitude of the po nce oeparunsat in the struts, COLORADO CATTLEMEN i KEEP -MONEY AT HOME . (Jonraal Btiedal Bervice.) v Denver, May 10. Colorado stockmen Intend to erect a 11 00,000 pavilion In this cltj; to be used for purposes of exhibiting Colorado stock. Just at this tims particular attention Is being paid to ths stock raising Industry in this state, and more especially to the hog raising. , At a recent dinner here, the fact was brought ut that Colorado is now spending tli.04u.000, on1 hog prod ucts to the east Local cattlemen claim that 'this moiwy oushtta"taji 'fa the state, and it was teaMeff that Urge im provements and additions to the present packing establishments of Colorado are planned, . . ' . ' . . , , ' - l One hot Plred, 1 But one shot was fired yesterday and this was not witnessed by the polloe. One of the strikebreakers declared that a shot had been fired at bis ear In the afternoon and showed a bullet hols in a ventilator window in substantiation. The morning trip of the non-unlolsts was a continual ovation, the trouble not coming unut axtarnoon. in tne morning the strikebreakers wsro greeted ' by pretty gins who pelted them with flow. ers, and while passing ons bekeshop stout old German woman cams out with a pan of hot small cakes which shs tendered to the crews of the oars. i Prom reputable oltlsens who wit nessed Tuesday's traglo affray. Preel. dent Calhoun, of the United Railways, declares ce nas learned that the atrl ice breakers were not the ones who fired the first shotSr A bartender Is said to hare,, emptied f lvs shots Into ons of the oars before a single bullet was fired from a gun in the hand of the non union men. . . ... , . GOVERNOR PARDONS (Continued from Page One.) Oldest MomanM the World ' ' y Mrs. Mary McGrath of Bran don;:V7is who is. 110 years of The; others wsro anei age and the oldest woman in conditions. thT world, says that when she thl thttiTO11and's42oUSat,S t4lr.rt..fl ry.." ngii nn-i- - Py 'the oierk of the supreme court. -fujr sfwc mail vvnia-l Anor condition U that he lead a law conducting the boarding bouse. ., Oovernor Chamberlain termsthe par don V "square deal' pardon. White hav ing agreed to pay a fine of f 2S0, as bis partners, Bmlth and White, did, and to pay the cost of the appeal.' He also Is said to. bays promised to conduct him self as a law-abiding cltlsen in the fu ture and not violate the state or federal law. At the time of his sentence White was admitted to ball In ths sum of !, 000, John 7.Xite, M. J Malley and fonn orant rum laning ths bond. Ootemo CHves OoeUUnoaal Vardoa, Chamberlain said this morning; "I have made out a conditional sardon for White and am trying to get in com munication with Ma friends now - to submit it to them. "White was the best one of the gang with whievge was connected and was tne- oniy one: wno received a sentence. I have mads out a pardon for White with several Ons condition is that hs Nevada will figure In the Haywood trial.' Among the prominent wltnsssss who will bs called here for the prose cution are ex-Governor Jamea Pea body of Colorado, Bulkley Wells, present ad- jutant-generai of tne state and c o. Hamllln. former secretary of the Col- orato Mlneowners association. r- ' The attorneys for the defense take a cheerful view of the situation, and as sert thsy antloipats no trouble in scour ing the acquittal of their client ' . . The court adjourned until Monday morning. ' - ;; BRAVE SEAS (Continued from Page One.) walk a rhilei key she feels so well !8ho can ffirS.tSSS without an order from any court. -yi-"I have from the best authority been mA ttk KlfV thmt WhlU hi, kun U.. Mrs. McGrath savs she tried ln B mpiry ufs stnee his convio. -'several other tnedicines, "...which don 1 ra tu,it,a seiy by desire to " QlQ her harm and finallv Used convinced that Whits was the squarest " tr rr i -W , . . - one of the bunch ho was oonnsctsd with, i JJUiiy S Pure Malt WhiskeV as They escaped with a mere fine and it .tr- ... , , . , . . didn't looav right that he should serve a ,.. prescribed SOlelV. WhlCh re- term VW1 the others esoaped with a . ' 1 . fine." . -. Stored her' to halth "anrt nm. t v'-y.J - m tfeMAV IA V ! longed her, life. AS TRIAL; LOOKS torneys on both sides reverted to vol uminous piles of papers wherein the man's history," religious, political and Mlta. HART McGRATH, 110 TEARS OUX BuWjf Pjiir "I take pleasure in writint? to VOtf l (Continued from Page One.J what a wonderful medicine your Malt the veniremen were farmers and Re- . Whiskey is. I am never. tired of otais- pu"oan;' - . ' .. 1 it u. J. Zr u The attorneys for the proeeoution . mg It, for it has done me Srnuch mads , sspsolal effort to ascertain ' good. Wmle I was taking jItrotlld whether ' or not any of the veniremen ' go out and walk a mile, ilave taken nJ. SO many Other; kinds of .medicines of airard, Kansas was. thrown Into smce i haye been sickand instead of . .i.. iifj , f lng aa the; namea of the veniremen improving me they (fid me harm.; J ware caned' and questioned by the at- . know;t;hat-; -uiiflj'9 -vvPnw Malt - Whiskey" does tofmel and I want no other medicmeJ', Yours. Mrs. MARY industrial, were inscribed, it is evi McGRATH Tfranrlnn Wis TWm a,nt tnt attorneye tor the prosscu- v o fh r8naon V"11?- tlon know pretty nearly -the bias and ; ber loth, 1906. character of virtually every possible Duffy's Jure Malt WhialtMr s. tc wot ln Ada county, and the attorneys juny s xurc ware wnisKey is rec- tor tn- Mtn$, prova(1 tnat knowi. Ogni?ed as the best tonic Stimulant edge of ths same possible jurors is by in the World for both VOUne and Old. no limited.:.-, The Questions were pected that next week will be con sumed before both sides wlU be satis- fled with the persons whom they will admit to Jury service. : , : .. Judge Wood Indicated his apparent willingness to be fair in bis rulings, and through no source - a point arose I V - .i .. ... ,x 'V ' I . . '. . - . ........ . : - is distilled wholly from malted grain by a most expensive method whicfc has never been made pabKd K5ant mrStook en tetrl S .1 .1. .. ... a .. ... .. I A . . .1 ..A I., A. AM M flit. l,W t AA. I . m M.. : ..'t . .... . ...... - I ana mis private process gives it gicai uicuiuua nuo uu uiaua (juui;,uiu iimui, ouimcss.i est in- tne prooeeaings, ana occasion paUtabihty and freedom fromthose injurious ubtances found in other whiskies makelt acceptable, tf'.-KSS -iff fmurywIth, court to the most Sensitive Stomach. . , - V- ; ... . " - j ':.;-;.f prMtioe, andWswords. were heeded by T . - . t . , . 1 ---- . i." ..T- i .mJ.,mIa...'T I kl. un.ul 111. IhmII, 4 . A . it is an ansnnitriv nnrr. irnii r ami lnvitoriiLinir 3Liiiiuitui.ctuvi , tviii.,. -i otu s aa innioxin u. . , . . . y r ,. . . --a-- . V. , - . daughters sat by his Bids, and .will continue to appear in court every day untu tne ena or uc trial. r Few" labor men have arrived ln Boise. Though ths detectives say that the town wilt be overflowing with them in side or a week.i:,:V::'''':ii;:'::,r";f'' " ' odallsa Writers... ' ' Among the Socialist writers are' Er neat Vntermann, Ida Crouch. Haslet. W. Parks, It F. Titus, Ryan Walker f ind. a. H. Shoaf. These persons, "'while they i are watched constantly , by the polloe and detectives and have been warned by jdaypr John M. Haines, are confining their activities purely to lit era, work. ' They firmly declare they are for peace and would deprtoate any Violent outbreak. ... From' the names of most of the wit nesses subpoenaed by the state, it la plain that all. the labor troubles of. the which destroys and drives out all disease germs; .-creates; new nerye luaucs, luuo U1U OUtiJgtilclia livaiij 6-. pvrrv, . and elasticity to the muscles, enriches the blood and 'soothes, and heals the mucous membranes. It brings into action all the vital forces. i-X it, makea digestion ' perfect, and enables you to get from the , .food you eat the nourishment it contains. It is invaluable forover-,; worked men, delickte women and. sickly children. It strengthens the system,' is a promoter of health and longevity, makes the old young. snd keeps the young , strong. Duffy's Pure Malt, Whiskey .is a form ot food already digested and is reeognlEed as a medicine everywhere. k ,cAUTION Sold by fcU dniggists, grocers and dealest W direct, Inaealed V,5?nly.; iever 1,1 bulk- Pric 1 InsUt on the genuine and aee that the Old Chemist" trade-mark is on the label and that the seal over the cork is ' broken. Beware ot refilled bottles and spurious malt whiskey substitutes c..ered lor sale by unreliable dealer. They are positively harmful and will C , "t cure. Uustrsted medical booklet and doctora advice free. Duffy Malt vuvASLtavs) As r f last la But for ths TtgUaneo of Iiookout Kelllher of the North Bead weather sta tion, th lightship would probably have drifted on the beach this morning again. Shs broke loose at 4 o clock and Mr, Kelliher immediately notified Dlstrlot Observer Basis of this olty. Mr. Seals ln turn called up Astoria by tslephone and asked the telephone operator to notify the tugs. A couple of hours later the tux WaUula and ths tender Heather were bound for the rescue. . . Anehot rrobably XVoaft, The lightship le in command of Cap tain 3, H. Barriman and carries a crew of 11 men all told. She is equipped with sails and would bs able to hold her own If she could get unasr neaaway De- fore getting too closs to shore. Can tain r. j. wenicn, ngntnonse in speetor, was immediately notified of the accident this morning but it will not bs known untir. the return of 1 ths Hsathsr whether a new anchor will have to be supplied or not. It Is supposed that the anchor was lost ' Captain Wsr Hen says that Captain Harriman In spected the anchor chains a few days ago and found them la one eotNflltion and' from this it is supposed ifcat the blow of last night must have, been un usually severe. . Storm ' warnings were 'erdered die played last evening all along the eoast py the, weather bureau. ye Metiger fits your eyes for St. 141 Washington street, corner Seventh, lormeny at ill sixth street.. If yon -have a horse "on your mind" not "a , nightmare ."read The Jour nal. ads.: . u j i I "Fine" needs emphasis when describing ' the Hanan Shoe Other shoes have borrowed the word and abused it. 1 Let's say "satisfaction" in stead satisfaction based on fit, opmfort, style and service. aV. ... , ' 7 vThat s twhat you get with every pair of Hanan Shoes. Low priced, we think, for what they offer. $5.00 and up. : For men and women. PORTLANDS BESTSH0EST0RE Seventh&Washington . IF VOXJ WANT TO SEE THE , NEWEST . IN WEARING APPAREL VISIT THE STYLE STORE $1.00 XwJ STYLE SNAP FIT AND WEAR The Standard of Superior! Distinguishes the garments we show in our Men's Clothing Section They are the product of the ' most celebrated makers of the age. '-.. W SCHLOSS BROS. CO: TSe. STEIN BLOCH CO. " BRADBURY SYSTEM A sufficient guaranty for the honesty of materials, ; the perfection of workmanship and the correctness of style. Yet in consistency with merit they are priced very moderately Besides we privilege you to select and wear vpur outfit while paying for same 1 ; . at themall rate of $1.00 a week. Eastern - Outfitting Co. Cor. Washington and Tenth .Vbe aUore Wnese TowtOMOltUaoea - COFFEE , ; The name that means what, you want, if you want it good: Schilling's Best - " Tow trsetr rtltitM yaer noMf If 4asl - aksitMaay-BiaC -"'. EVERYTHING 1 :;; FOR BOYS--1 , II " ' Except Shoes , 1 1 ,X ' 11 v . : la our elegant r ' , ; rf t j I JUVENILE I DEPARTMENT if Il.T h noit comfort a b 1 1 I IWJWt. i r, ihopping' place - 1 1 ...'In Portland, ' BEN SELLING I Leading ..:.;. IfmiMmBm