The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 10, 1907, Page 17, Image 17

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O r? A HP . O r? D A ICS A -1? I rTb I 1 .
; First and
Yamhill Sis.
TT A .
First and;
ii Yamhill Sts.
f !
-AMIGHTYMOIIN-TAIN-'OFMERGHA'NDISE- on Forced Sacrifice and Must be Moved
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f wrth of Men's and1 Youths' fine Spring Suits,
k )iX )) Topcoats, Pants,. Hats and Furnishings and
QXzy xXzy Men's, Boy&', VVomen's and Misses' Shoes; A
r carnival of bargains -that surpass any and all attempts at bargain-giving in
-r Oregon memory. We :- are pushing things with all possible haste to allow
1 the workmen possession of this building so that the wrecking pay begin, as
xnis store is jo dc repmu ana emargea 10, anrec umcs us picsciii aic, m umc
for fall trade; We are compelled to unload our great fine stock before the
walls begin 'to come down and the dust, and dirt, begin to fly in clouds;'
You can save 'more moncv than you ever saved in all your life on good and
j select wearing apparel. Therp are no disappointments at this store. ' Any;
I person will teli you, Deliar does what he promises to : do. Below we show
you Bargains Dy tne tnousanas wortny ot ine name. , w c u snow wnai ueiiar
; means when he says REBUILDING SALJ3 CUT PRICES.
wiwCofai 'to tetffcun Cellar Store
f m, , iii ft ' M ' - . ,
DeHar'i Is a ClothlngStore. Ttts estibllshirieBt wm nevff neS to ,hw npty
boxet or cart walla, urery noox ana cgmeriia uuea orowiAYUij
chandis. Our Tariety of tultt, alwayf on of the JaYgeat and moat select to De
found in ths city, on account of going to commence reouuowG, w must ""i"9"
of these goods, ana we are ciosmz weo om wwp uw : ;
TViU w rnnf caraa ol stvlea. alzea to 44 bust
There are not all sixes in every ttyle. Theji are
mostly suits from one to sue ot a Jana, len irora
-' our best selling t3.00 to $10.00 lines, and it mat
ters not which one you select you are sure1 to get
, I bargain such as yon never oougnx oezore. . ,
Pure wool or worsted fast color tailor-made suits,'
. Most of these lines are complete In sixes from 84
to 4 bust. JJOuwe ana amgie Dreasxea nun m
Mack. blue, nlalda. rrav effecta and mixtures. The
- materials - and ' w3ananship are of - the Dejlar
I standard $10.00 and $12.00 qualities. J . The best to
- be had at that price,' and on account of rebuilding
. that is soon to begin;; we are giving you some bar-
- galna that will make you remember DeQarls store.
mhA nn Ytl lot of select $18.60 and
$15.00 guiti.! The kind that are worth that price
m;materi41-and workmanship. Then you know
what to expect at this rebuilding sale. The ele
gance of this assortment is a strong ' appeal to
careful buyers The colore and fabrics are prac
tically endless in variety.1 They are bargains more
than worthy of the name, . ' ; r
Oattin Into our choicest and moist complete lines
of $19.00 to $18.00 Suits, but we do 'not reserve
anything' In i the shape of merchandise in . this
house. Dirt and duft la a mortal enemy to fine
fabrics. Weae .. going : to . sacrifice .them,
for we know that every suit we send out at these
'slaughtered prices will bring back a harvest of
new patrons that will stand by the big, new and
greater John Dellar store : that is about to rise
from the ruins of this establishment. , - ,
Here is where you strike a paradise of beautiful
Suits. The kinds 1 that hustle the best custom
tailors' to equal.: Select : imported and domestic
materials made mostly specially to' our order for
fine trade. - There is not one in the lot. worth less
than $20.00 to $22.60. :! Dressy suits, . business
suits.' All hand-tailored, select custom tailor pat
terns and materials, s .
The kind that stand at the4op of fine clothes. The
'. very choicest of foreign fabrics. ' Full journeyman
tailored in exclusive limited styles and patterns;
$23.00 values in blue, black and fancy, pure long
yarn worsteds, tweeds and Thibets.
j $13.95 ; ;:.
A mile of them everything
from the substantial Work
ing Pants to the finest and
best that the looms of the
world produce or tailoring
Skill can ' supply. Dellars
always was a great pants
store? variety, quality' and
big values made It so.
(MIC This win buy
dlld dark and Sght
colored Pants up to $2.00
values. i .They , are good or
-they would not be found at
Just the kmds
that vou nay
$2.60 and $3.00 for, but re
building is rebuilding here,
and we are going to sell
them ht a hurry., v. .
IO 1 C Better quallttea, better makes, worth $3.00 to $100 splen
!Z1D did Plants for street or business wear elegant shapes;
thousand of them. : ' , '
The finest and most select Une you ever saw, worth up to
$9.00 and even $3.00, custom finished and domestic and fan
ported fabrics ; choice spring patterns J also black, blue and
other solid colors.-. May be several kinds that will be your
Ideals. -
ft A O I? Some of the best, up to $7.60, merchant Uilored materials
ajD nl styles. Gentlemen that want the beat and latest , for
nice wear wQ find thia lot a bargain mecca. ;t t
This Rebuilding Sale compels us to put the Price Knife to the Wit In
Tnn ("Via fa an A rrsvMitttM. lltrht. : medium ' and heavy.
There are enough overgarments here ot stock two stores, but we are go-
Ing to seu them ana ao it qui ex. ix wiu mw wm v7 y v
Overcoat now, If you don't use It for months. . .
For choice of 800 up to $10.00
Art For choice of 400 up to $10.OU
2 garments.'
For choice of fully 350 best
up to $23X0 qualities.'
See them. Nothing like It ever
occurred before, and It will be
years before history repeats It
self. ' MVV.'
Our Hat Stock Is so eom-
plete for spring and sum
mer ' trade that fully 6,000
are in sight. Every fash-
ion. color and desirable and
fine quality in the Hat
world is congregated under
this roof. They take up an
Immense space.
and room
is more precious to ua than
hats, so we have shut our
eves to everything but sell.
..,r . ' . 1 " 1 .
r ' And there are hun
ODC dreds of them,
' ;' mostly light ' and medium
colors, worth to a.uu, out
the lines are broken and
out they go.
-i ... t . "
kf Regular and com
ijC plete lines in black,
brown,; tan, . pearl, steel,
ochre, etc.; all best $2.00
values. '. - -'iv ,
, j DellarSi high
MjD standard1 $2.50
soft and stiff Hats; a para
dise of nice headwear ; a
royal lot of bargains. ,
'i. ' m m aoa .':.'' 41. " . JSMB. ... .. t ..I
A' OF1 JSxactly $3.00 worth ot ixat, u son or stux. Ane vanery is
Jj)1.0D almost unlimited. Hata for the thousand. v'
aa ah Dellars best values, witnoux tne raaxera name;
thZiJl with the maker'e name $3.00 the world over, Dellar never
" w " ... . ..... .tl. S A i i a&aaA
did sell name; it's quauty ana siyir i ui w..-
end we're just - cutting
prices to smithereens.
Hundreds of the nobby Suits you see on the streets worn by the young men
come from this Rebuilding" Sale.' We just went In and cut the very life out of
the prices once 'more. 'We must fell this slock, and there Is no department in
the store that bristles with so many tempting and wonderful bargains as the
Young Men's Suit Section. - - ' 1
They must go. Just think of a suit for what the
pants alone are worth. Dont wear old clothes
when new ones can be had at such prices as
these, for they sold before this Rebuilding Sale
at $5.00, $3.00 and $7.60. . ' 1
This lot contains Suits that sell regularly up to
$10.00 and $12.00. There are hundreds to pick
from in single and double-breasted, black, blue.
plaids, checks and mixtures; sixes from 31 to 33
bust. ' ': ' ' .' : c " ' "" K "
. , t 4 i 1 I
The tailor mades, nobby and fine, up to $12.63
and $15.00 Suite. Serges, days, Thibets, worsteds,
tweeds, cheviots, etc Materials and patterns se
lected with care to please the young man and
careful dresser: ' y - , 1
There are suits in this lot fit for a king, and you
can be the king. The beautiful coloring and de
thm nnlenAlA materials In- serrea, Thibets.
unfinished and 'fancy worsteds, checks, etc-, will
appeal to your good taste. They sell regular at
$10.60 to $18.00. ' 1
When you come juit look around and see if you think we have 10,000 pairs.; We hare tad
more. too. Every pair of them of the good, fins, and select styles and qualities. Evry
nnr nf thm tnuat ha aoid. Keaa CDSN Doni uo cue pneca man rcuicuivvr ujsib ub
....j-.. A .ira nf Aif nr hmlttn lota betas- sold at hall or-lest, that ws don even
lUUUlalM WA lBU F W va www . - aa, - (
mention in our ads. ' - , ,
1 . I -i - ' ' 5
V J . . .
,zzizrziinz!".rzi--...-i. 1
Ounrsntesf Cntiro ' Satisfaction on Everything It Cellji. or You
.. .lay Exchange or Qet Your Money Pack. .
Men's Shoes
S1.4KPlenty of the $2.00 and $25 qualWes.
f 1.851.000 pairs calf and relour $2J0, and 13 Shoes.
82.35Too notch, best style $3.00 sad $3J0 Shoes.
Women's Shoes
- n. tir .. SKua Prleea Cut to Pieces.
lioOu-Tbe very latest and best $1.73; Shoes, an sixes.
. BkAAtmni. mn 1 hcxblk maju uuuk
ll.OV-A mvil w,v. - i i- T V :
L-r.S.VMiii? bSvts suits ALL SOLD OUT
Butre have about 500 odd Kaee Pants selling at the
price of the clom in tnem.
PDiCRun Oimrfor Qhnwn te Anvthlnz In thd Store. Mcas, '
Beys', Women and Misses' Shots; Men's Hats, Ceps, Shirts,
Ucierrreari" Sox, Suipenders, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Umbrtl-
'v las. Trunks, Sultcages, Etc.
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