14 ' TUB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. FRIDAV EVENING, MAT1 10, 1W7 TODAY'S MARKETS Columbia; River Packers Open Salmon Values Sharply Advanced Over Last Year Pack Is Already - Sold Several -Times, ; Say Canners. SflLHOH PRICE WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS By Bverdlng A AutcIL Eggs" are not nearly as firm they have been, and the trade la selling at out of at least lit cent par do-sen. - Wo ara of the opinion that' there . will be no material advance la the price In Sales Being Made by Packers at J a toxoid it. oW Advance of Fifteen Cents for Pound Flats. "'' .4. ' Aalmoa prices are opened, i V , HtTawberriee are aearee. , New potato by 'an 10. . Egg market I ateadler. ' s- Oraat trengtb hi batter, i , Klpa banana U11 very scare. Txa anions are Quoted lower. - Potato market 1 rather raized. ' No trading reported la bop. . 1 very, wall, - and fancy creamery I e la In. demand at im to SI scents, with "dairy or "store" e food selling at 17 H cent 4" There has been aome change In' e. the poultry altuatlon, for hena are selling for at leaat a cent. &nii In inmi cases more, un than they were aome daya ago,'.) I Today ',V."r..l.iii.i.k'..5o" A SHEEP Llffiff DOl'll TODAY SI FLOOR RISE IS 10 TO 15 CENTS Sheared Stock Now Arriving and Value 'Takes Accustomed ' I; SlumpCattle Firm-. T i ;4 0OLCMBIA SALMON FatlCES. V i , -' MOT.''-. -Moa. Oae-ponnd tall ............... ..$1.60 f $1.80 . One-pound flat ui e.TS ' 1.00 luir pouud fiat ........4....... IjOS . l.oo v ' !v Balnea Mesa Opea Hlgbsr. . ' ' i .. At excluelrtly predicted by Tbe Journal an ma time ago tbe 1907 open tag price (or aalmoa ' ahow an advance orer the (ImrM of a year ago. While no fcw-iiul announcement of tbe opening values bat been-made by peckers, they arc, nevertheless, quoting oat their product at ' the new figure, this la itself making the open Ing value. All pecker celling good recently bare added 10c te tnetr la it year' figure, oa tall, lfc, oa one-pound flat and Be on half . pound flat. Thl I exactly, tbe price pre . dieted la til report everl week ago. - Tbe ealnon market baa been Tory firm for tbe paat acaeoa and packer expect ne diffi culty la maintaining th, opening values. Id ' fact some coaalder opening vain a trifle toe low. roc a boot eight montb tbe aalmoa Bur feet ha bee practically cleaned up ea all a-radee and eepeclally tbe Colombia river flak. For the Boyal Chinook pack there t alwar a demand larger tbaa tbe aopplr, and ef late gear every packer baa oreraold bl pack before the 1 ftahmg aeaaoa onenad. Tiila rear 1 no exceptloa te tbe - aelllng power for Columbia ; ' river bloook end ' the demand ha beea a boat twice a beary a the park will be. ' At thl time the ran of aalmoa la tbe Colom bia la eeryitniall and paekera are aonwwhat dlMooraged. - Bom of tbe more optlmlatlc, bowever. are of tbe opinion that wbea tbe rna really start la earneat tbe pack will be anfft ' eiently . heavy to make ap for the slack seaaon. . ItrawWrrl Are Boaro. ' Owmg te tbe late arrival ef California train today there waa. a scarcity of strawberrta along tbe street-thl morning sad la eonse qnence the price I artffer and in some In stance higher. Some eld etork was moved eft at a fractional decline, bat for fresh trait the price Is maintained. Orecoa berrlea are ratlwr scares and what fro It arrived was of poor qual ity. The rain will atop tbe arrival of Oregon berries for awhile. . : Vow Yotatee ay Jane lei' " There Is every indication at thl Urn that the market will be supplied with aew Oregon e Broiler and fryer are still in . demand at record prloe and It e aeema aa If this wag the case Overy aeaeon. .'.i ..' - .j , Veal, -where fat and email, is ' e 'still la very wood demand and at : very flattering prices. Pork, If small or mealum, and prime. Is , still In demand at top prioa. ' e " rotatoea ara dragging along at praotleally unchng3 price, and e whll a good many pastors, have . beea Imported,' there I a rood, demand for rood local. Onions ., - ara dull and much lower, ' Portland ' TJnloa atock receipt. Btockyardi, Hog. May 10-Ltve. rmttim. too r Sheep. I860 $00 baa I Week (go ............. 41 Tear ago .............168 Prevloua year .......... T5 . v The run of beared abeea te market tarted. todaj' arrival being aalte heavy, tn yaraa aneareo an oaur are onotea toaar wltb value tl ander tboe that ruled reetcr- day ea wool abp. Tbe aame drop la made la lamha. Today' valnea ea lamb I H37c and oa abeared mixed cheep DWe. Tbe run of abeep today totaled 1,600 bead aa agalnat 821 d a rear aao todar and 1160 bead fee tbe aame period la 1B06. Br thl. time laat real aaa tbe prertoua year to rna ef abeerea ane wat about ended nd tbe arrival were Juat about aormaL ; , -1 . .. cattle Karaet U rum. ' ' - : Tbe ttrat cattle to be reported In the rarda for aeveral day rem la today. Tbe total run waa small, bat B0 bead.- Tbla compared with am vale of go bead laat Friday. . a year ag today there were ae arrivahi la the cattli market. Today'a price stand at 88.J6 for Beat steer,, moat aale being at tn tatter nr nre. Tbla oractlcallr amounts to aa advance ef an. -- B are la libera arr val today, with la lurote r price anrnangca out eaaier. a year age toaay au lines were weal aat an . ti.. it . . - . fw.HH. ev M. era and feeders. IT. 00: Chios fata. II.O0. Cattle Beet eaatera Oregon ateer. gg.OOfl B.zo: beat cow d belfera. M.00U4.W: stock' era and feeder. 4.00a.2fl: bulla .tXN). BhD abeared mixed, to.60: Umba. Sd.S0a i.w, I'JIEE'S OATHS CAUSE DIVORCE Small Millers Put Up Values- Sharp 'Advance in Chicago , ' ' Wheat Market H0CS ARE FIVE HIGHER dlniB lo nrlm, 6HC7c; Bidlvm, wvm. awuwuc; nimioin wool. OUOI 0C - MCii! l-u.. gL.jat bf .B. ww.-r t) vTwa, a wi iff, aa a av eywy. . T.llow Prime, per lb, autteat Ke. t grean. f02M. CHJTT1M. JBABI-li89e for ear lot; email wnm, PC, . - UIDES Dry. HO. L It 11a and an. 1T 18c per ttj dry kip. No. 1, S to 15 Iba, 1B lHc: dry calf. No. 1. under B lha. 20c: eeltad bldea, ateera, sonnd. 00 lb and over. tWitHHp; cow, iac; and ball, aoasd. a7ct kip, 18 to 10 lbs. e; calf, aouad. ander 18 lla, lie; grew, ansalted, 1 les; culla. 1 per lb leee: bora hldee. aeltad. each, tl D0A2 00.' dry, each. 81.00til.SOi colt bldea. lnfiSOc: coat wuinem, earn, iwrrior: Aacora. ca, neWlMi abeep akma, 35ci81.60. .' Irulta aad Tagetablea. ' - POTATOB Bnrlnc nrlce. eaarera Malta. man and Clackamas. ti anftrt oji. ii. ing, fancy, ga. 00; ordtmry. lobbing, fl.flflg ""; eaeiera uregoo, fi.sOOTI.OO; Minnesota. 11.7032.00; sweets, be per lb; new potato, 8c, per lb. v . .( OKIONS-JobMng price rto. 1 Oregon; ll.TB e2.25;No. t, 81.00 1.2B: Tex and Aus tralian. HlSe par lb; garlic, c per lb. - Af Taney Road Rrver. 2.60 fancy Willamette valley and souther Oregon. M.oO 62.60. , rRESH rBDITS Oraneea. t SO awaeta, f2.28tii.ft0; tan-1 Bid PtIcm Obrrent Today on the San Eastern ' Harkcta Advanced With Better CallOther; Hold. Chicago, May 10. Mveetock receipt: ' Itoea. ' ... Cet tie. ghees. Cblcago ,.,...16,000' : 1,800 P . 8.000 Haneea City ......10.00 ' - exw 8,000 Omaha 8,800 1.800 t.000 Hon are etrorur Been, with l nno left .... Receipt a Tear am were 10.000. Mixed. 8.2S t.8; rosgb. 89 20.ao; heavy, 88.8868.88; ii "i. n.uo.iMt, . g ante nirong. . . , eneep oteaay. NEVADA MINING STOCKS 1-Sfi: banaaaa. Be p-r lb; teraona. TTi""'""" per oox; nmee, Mexican, 81.26 per poutoM by 10 Un, trrow. wne planted s irSawoirleV rcVltoaTt. TlSaS , , T ' . L I'. . . . . 10 e; Oregon, 83.008.00 per crate pile tjy ibat time, om of them being of the I of 24 box; cbarrie, 1.T8 per 10-lb box.? umi uicr ww u- iiwen i vaiuari ABLEB Turnip, new. VOcCIl sack; ucnei.i'" per saca; neeta, 11.73 per sack; parsnips, ai.Mgl.2S cabhags. 13: torn. tone, Mexican. 81.16aix.2fi; vwm ti an. fi'BSJ'?''?'!' trla' bwlM' ,a" ,b! eaullfWwir, flJt5ai.60 dot; peaa. 8Jc; horaeradlab. HC per lb; artichokes, IScCll.OO per do;,Hnbbrd aquaah. c per lb; cranberries, JO.00 11.00 J!TL,Jf,r1Lprw,u' P lbt ssparama. l''12He; rhubarb, 8HQ4e per af green onlona. T "IT'-r ou pepper, zae per lb; (pin- ch, 128 per box; need lettuce, 40e do: hot house. 81.7B6i2.00 bra: cnenmhara 11 toirtl A do; radKhee, 16c doe buuehea; eggplaat, ltlc DBIBDi fBTj ITS Apples, evaporated. 8W1 ;,'7S.,'", "P" H per lb; peaches, l?iilSW tier l: urk. u. ik SO to 40, 6&Gc; He drop on each 1-10 sraUr. . waiirornia oiaea, eaxeue per ibL laijrornia waite. eigeuc per lb; data. aoM eplnloa .June 1. C. VT. Oaaaedy, a potato grower of licit Creek, eay that the ereage la bla netghbor Iwod 1 not aa great aa a year age. Be eay: "The tilth price of potato recently eaused , ' many grower to sell more of their etuck tbaa they should. Hsuy who '' Intended to put la . Increased acreage thl aeaeon put off tbe buying ef eeed for toe long a period and tbe present firlcea are ae high that few of tbem will pay t." Mr. Caaaedy eta tea that bla eax)y pota toes are aearly a foot above ground. In geaeral the potato market 1 quite food locally. sew arrivals of eaatera stock are noted and local supplies are not any too heavy .'at this time. Best Oregon r today selling firm at 82, and even eome fsncy sastora la bringing that figure. However, there la a mixed tone tn California on acooant of the -labor - troeblee la flan rrandsco. la tbe Bay City . condition are aald to be dull, while fa Oakland aome demand Is again being made for Oregoas. Texaa oulont are lower...- VAi-Waf Wetet ef the Trade. , . 1 XI trading 'la bop, reported during the peat ,.- s hoora. , - . Butter market eontmoe very firm with sold ' . storage operations bearier. ' ; Cbeeee I easier wltb better enpplle both from Tillamook and California. Price tloog .the atreet Is Me tor flats. .; .;;.?, v , Blpe banaaaa continue very scarce." '. Aeparagua la rather alow tale tbe day awing to tbe poor quality.- '.- : - . - Pieplant both from loos ' aetnt . and from ; Waablngtoa In bettor supply. Price at ec for "beet. - , V- ' i i- : y . r Trad la eggt It steadier and aele are being made a fraction his her la aome metance. Price . : along the street ruling between 18tye and 19c today. Most alee at former. BetaQera pay following prices to Front atreet. " price paid ahlppera are lea regular eommls " elont: - .;' ' Braia, sToar aad Feed. ' ORATK BAGS Calcutta, 8c, large lotai tmaD : Iota, - 10c. . - .' ' ', WHEAT Club. 7c: red Baaalaa TSc: blae Stem, SOc; valley, TTtTSc. r CORN Whole, , 26XM; cracked, 820.00 tier ' trolled, ti1.00it24.00j brewing, I22.00Q23.00. " -. KVB-i-81.65 -per ewt. ;'- - -. - OAT8 New Producers? price No. l"wtlto, .' 12N.S0ffi29.00 per ton;- gray., 827.60g28.00. at nftrj r..t.M - . . . . . , a.- . an a ttai v. Stralilita, ' 3.76i--export. ' $J.M3.6; valley, S f3.WKg3.00; grabam. Us, 83.60; whole wheat, ' Ja.75;' rye. SOv $.O0; balea. 82.T8. . ",. MirXBTUrrS Braa.f 817.00 per ' toe; mld ' dllnp. 8200; hortaL coansry, $20.60; eity, $l.f0; chop. fln.WnSr.eepr .t . HAS" Producer' price Timothy, Willamette valley fancy, gl4.oo-tfl0.Kt ordinary, B12.00(f - 14. oo; eaatera uregoa, . $10.O0i!Sl0.60; clover, AS. ' U 10.00; cheat, 88.. r Butter, Zgga and foultry. BtrrTBB FAT f.. e. b. Portland Sweet ' cream, 21c; oar, Me. ' ' BUTTER City creamery, S2Hc; aeeond. te: entalde. . fancy, 22c; second, SOc; store, 10W 17C. ' f.Witt Extra fancy, cradled, 18218Hc. , CUEESB New Full cream, flata, 16c per lb; ' "Xonng America. !-17e per lb." ' ' - POL'LTRX Mixed cblckena. 14Hc per IB; " fancy hena, 16 per lb; rooeters, old, 12c r" cr lb; old stage, 12rl2Ho per lb; frysra. OOtiO.OO pervdos; broilers, 84)0(8.00 . per dos; old docke, Ulee pvr lb; spring dacks, c per lb; geese. 8J10e per lb;, turkeys, 17c per lb for out; aquaoe, tx.uu per aoa; pigeon, gl.OO per dot. . Uresaed poultry laiHc per lb blgber, w ' ' . Hop i Wool aad Hldee. . 1 1006 crop Prime to choice. 8c; me- :r . Iranctseo Exchange. ? Saa Preaclaort, Way 10. Official btd prices: Bbdatorm Ale. Red Tim 84 Bit ealreil Jtfnkek IIS, Columbia Mt. 72c, Jumbo 4.8 aaked. Jumbo Ext 1.82H. Vernal 21c, Ptnnaylvanla II. Gold field M. Co. 11.60 BakedKendall 86c, Booth oOe, Bine Bull 86c, Adama 16c flilver Plc.,87e. May Queen 18c asked. Nevada Boy Uc. B. B. Ext 10c, Blue Bell 21 e. Dixie c, O. Colombia 50e, Rlbernta' 10c, Rt. Ire 81.12',. Conqueror 14c, Blk. Rock Sc. Lone 8tir 24c, O. Wonder 8e, Pot latch 40e, Oro 83c, Kendad Ext 8c, Bandst Kkt 8e, Mayne 9c, Atlanta 70e, Great Bend 7e, Slmerene 2M aaked. Em pire 15c, Red.Vop Ext. 84c. Florence 8&-S7I4, tllam'f. B. R.'Cnn. 81c. O. Dale 1.6S, Leenna 11.00 aakeit: Commonwealth 80c, Comb, tract. 18.90, r- Bend Ext. ,17c. Or, Bend Anx, tee, MUlatcrm 40e -aaked, B. B. Bonanca Be, Ke- wano f l.oo, uameraioat we, f ortland Znc, Crstlcer Jack 20c, Praocle Mohawk 96c. Red Hill 40c, Mobawk Ext lfle, Urn Dillon 13d, T. Titer 19c, Grandma SOe. 8. Pick Ext. Tc HM per ox; art, $1.40iai.6O per la-lb box. ( 17-26. Diam'f. Trlaagle 89e. ., ( , l i Mexican B8e. Gould, tc Cnrrv-lTc Cast. Tie. glnla 78c, Savage Mc, Hale Norcroaa 60. Yellow Jacket 76c. BelcheV 86e. Confidence 8L Sierra NaT. 82c, Exchequer 40c, TJnloa 89c , , BULLPROO DISTRICT. l Original 18c. Ballf. M. a 17c Mont. BuHf. Be. Nat. Bank 24c. U Harrl Sc. Amathvat 80c Gold Bar SOe, Btetnway 9c aaked, Denver Bnf. Anx. Hie, Bonnie Clare 46e asked, Mayfl. Oona. 44c, Monty. Ohio JExt. 10c, O. rVeptreloo, Monty. Mt 16e, B. Daley 9c, Homeatake Con. 82c, Yank Girl 8c, Nngget Tc, Tramp Con. TV. Victor 12c. North Star Bt aaked. San- let 10c . ( .. , . . . ; i ,. TOnOPAH DISTRICT. Mont. Ton. ISTH. Ton. Ext. 88 aaked. Mae- Namara 80c Midway $1.40. Ton. Belmont 84. Ton. .No. Star Sc. Ohio- Ton. 4c, West End Cone.' 1.02tt. Rescue 16c, Ton. A Calif. 9c. Golden Anchor 84c, Jim Butler 97c, Ton. Cans Boy 10e arked, Ton. Home 10c asked,. Boat Con. lftc aaked, Monarch Pitts. Ex. 18c aaked, Mont Mid. Ext. .Tc Golden Crown 11c N. X. Ton. Cons.. 10a aaked. - kCsNHATTAN DISTBICT, " " 4 ' Menh. Oona. 6c Manh. M. Co. Be aaked. U. weoge ec, aeyier Mump.: Be, Dexter 13c, - . - Small Xina Advaao. t - The Information recently ra 4 ealved by local representatives - of small outstde mill not to sell ' any more flour than oompelled to has .bean , followed In some : Instancea today by the announce- 4 ' ment of an advance of, 10 to IS - , canta a barrel. . This advance, e however, la not a general ona ? and waa tnada only by . small mllla. ' Local mills report no e change as rat, " although tha ' market Is very firm. . . . Mm Rudell Marital Relations Damp enecl by Physical Culture Pro-1 fessor Who ; Gave Divorcee Free Tub Plunges. - ' ' ' CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. ' t ,. -. May 10, Mar t. Gain. .......$ ,Mli $ .MiB$ .Oltt .SM1 . . .02 .RTt,A' .08 .91 H .88 r .08 The Chicago wheat market It about May t..i- Bpt Dee 1808. , -Ml 8e a neabu higher today ea account of tbe govern ment report ahowing a larg dacreaa la the by Overbeck, Btatr s - :; Mar July Dee. ,..,.M., nose. 86 88 80' 1 expected production. The report ahow 88,000,- ouu acre. Th coodltloa or tba stop la girea i ez. per rent , i-oia weather at coettnnea tb tbe wneat belts eaat ef tbe Rockies. Poreita market also firm with Budapest, ahowtna aa advaace of le ea continued dry weather. - Liverpool a xraciioa uown to 140 op. Official anotatlona Cooke company : - . , '" WHEAT. ... y ' . Open. High. . U 83t4 M 81 8.1 Ti 8S4 8f 8Tt4 : 8014 81 B8 l ,. 8f CORN. '.' BOU ,--4t 60 WAS fMI ti Botf ,60 OATS. 48 . 4SK 40 4814 : 43V - 43 88i M 80 MESS PORK. 1848 r 1A4S 1070 1870' 1670 , 1605 LARD. Hay ......... aos 910 . soa July' ......... 917 - 923 012 Sept 8.S0 . 9.16 92a , f SHORT RIBS. Hay 803 - 898 808 July .........910' 910 902 Bept 920 922 911 ...,.... May July Mar ....... July Sept 80 80U ......... May July flept ...,fe.,jno ...IOCS . 48' 48 1 86 1848' 1670, 1667' 10. , 922 988 898 910 920 ' trmtpoot oRAnr xaxxet. ' i , - 1 . Uvtrpool, May 10. Official prices: ' ; , ;' WHEAT. . Onen. Tloea. Vara. Oetn. 1 Mar ........ .8 8Ud 6a H.d iiiul ila 1 . r . - - . I -.'FT -T I mjuj ,,,.....oe iaa v u i a a ea ua Bept Tied Oa 8Ud 6s $ d " Mil July ........4 T4d 4a Td 4 Tt4d aept ........4 T9d 4 THd sTTfid ;;A I lie, X free course of physical culture dis rupted we noma of Clyde A, KudelL 1 according to bis testimony before Judge j Soars In tha circuit court this morning at tha trial of his suit for a divorce from his wife. Mra XL m. Rudell - Rudell aald his wife waa riven a free course 01 physical culture by Profes sor K. p.. Bodle. , Tha course Included a course ox bathe, which aJao were ad ministered by tha professor, according to tha husband. Mra. Rudell'a unfalth-I xuinets waa we ground on which Ru dell waa granted a divorce, and ha tes tified that Prof easor Bodley, with his pnysicAx, cunure, waa me cauaa or 11 an. liodiey, a wrestler named Sloan and man named Whltaker ware named by nuneu as ooraspondents. o. A. John son appeared aa Rudell attorney. nve otnar divorces were ara n ted by juage Heara tnia morning, three of thm 10 wives ana two to deaerted husbshda Mra. Louisa C Madsen testified ' that Niels C. Madsen, to whom "she waa mar-! rled in Denmark la ApriL 1871. deaert ed her in Iowa 19 years later and want back to Denmark with thalr housemaid. Mra Madsen, who Is a oripple, than I came to Oregon, leaving a sum of money deposited in an Iowa bank. Bhe aald that tiaw. bnehan'1 p.tn.n.il ' Cwm. ru. mark long enbugh to try toget her money from tha fowa bank, but -went back again wbanha failed to ret It and ' haa amoa aUyed there with . i aervant girl., Mra Madsen was granted a divorce, '(.. v, : Charlotte M. Harvey waa aranted- a divorce from Henry a Harvey oa tha rroirnd of cruelty. . Mrs. Haxverr teatl- flad that her husband treated hef like a dog, swore at her and nourished a pistol about when speaking to her. He- alio abused their son, aald Mra. Harvey, ao that he left borne and went to eastern Oregon to work. Tha lltlrsnta wire married In Jlareb l8M.r.,-. . . - .... D. I wills waa allowed a decree of divorce from Kate WUls on the around of desertion In November, 1106. ; They were married in February, 1104. Margaret C Rowland waa aranted a divorce because, her husband, William Q. Rowland, , deserted her - on ' Easter morning, not. They wore married at Great Fails, Montana,' In October, ISO 4. John A. Confer testified that Jennie Confer deserted him at Rainier, Oregon, four months after thalr marriage, and waa granted a divorce from her.V The marriage occurred In September. 1105. at Kalama, Washington, and Confer aald that one morning In January of the next year ne arose and round a note from his wife saying she bad gone back to her parenta at Woodland, Washing ton. , ' 'V, , - ! Am .Never in Dcubt I am never In doubt' aa to what the results from my treatment win oe, rt rr Av tnr sixteen . years I have been curing case after case of the several diseases peculiar to men. No case cornea to me now, the like of which I have not treated aoores of times In the past, and I can al waye say definitely whether I will be -able lo effect a permanent eure I never hold out false hopes or make promises that I oannot fulfill, and you can rely absolutely upon any encouragement I may be able to offer you. If I promise you a cure, a euro will follow. ' McahnessM; I euro functional weakness IS men, I know of no other physician cur ing this ailment Most doctors treat wrongly. They give stimulants and xonica xneae ' ininga can 1 cure. "Weakness" la a symptom of pros- tatio disorder, ana trie ' treatment must be local. This Is a truth that I myself revealed. I have perfeoted the only, system of local treatment that cures "Weaknees." A row 000 tora over the country claim to cure by the same method, but their treat ment Is only an imitation of the genuine "Joalen" method. - The gen uine is here and Is administered by Its originator. Don't hope to Una tt eisewnere. " . :. y? . h , r; Specific Blood Poison ; No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the Interior, but harmless, blood olea islng remedies that , re move the , last poisonous taint Dm. TA-rxom, . The readlag sTpeotsiaat, : I Never Guess Kxperlraait or take chances of any tort,- I attempt to cure onlv those diseases that I have been curing tor the paat sixteen years, and I believe I am Justified In serine1 that I have learned all Oout .them. Were I lacking la knowledge pertalnlnr to my specialty 1 would never have at. attained my present suecees.. nor would I todav be reeoamlserl tha ieadingspecia.net treating man rsa eaaea. If afflicted, you eaa denen upon it-that the eorvfoe I oiler you Is the service you need, and Is aervio ucn aa oaa oa rendered by no other Mstr. nn. zs osrxiT i CAM My practice la the larewat necanaa a invariaoiy ruimi my promisee. Varicocele XV AJTT UVCOKPXZCATSD Y011 Pay mm COiKSlHTAHON FREE BUS Under my treatment the moat aav rravated cases of varicocele are cured In a few daya time. There Is no pain, and It la seldom necessary that the patient be detained from bis occupation. Normal circulation Is at once restored throughout all the Or am n a, and the . natural prooeases of ' waste and repair are again estab lished. If you are afflicted with va ricocele, eonault ma at once. . De lay can but brine on as-rravated condition and nervous complications ana involve tne general health. Contracted Disorders In the treatment of disorders I of fer a servloe such as no other phy sician can render. The remedlee I employ have a moat thorouah and positive action in cleansing the mem branee of all Infection and subduing all Inflammation. My manner ef ap plication insures absolute thorough ness, and removes every possibility of relapse or. ohronlo stare.. My cures ere not only thorough, but are accomplished In the briefest Ume possible. . . . , - , Offloe V4d PACIFIC STATES IS 1? r nrr iu nmnc mniv urr hi rniuc iuuai : t : , wroesriae,. Vats, Zte. V O1,fornl Hawalltjf-Oob. 5.87HJ Powdered, $5.T2Hj berry $5.67H dry lv"'"Jr'i "tar,, eo.uuji conr. A, h5f.L ,;??o,?' 4"- atldrc, $4.92541 JL7 '' granaiatiea, fa.tzu., 'eetem Cnbe, $9.8Ti,; pywdered. $3.71H; dry granelated. $8.62M; : BT 0t$5.42H; St. Franele, $S.42Vi; confectfonera' A, 15.82H; j.r u, ,u.vin; somen u. at.BZu; D ysunw, J4.82V4: beet granulated, $5.42",: berreia, 10c; half barrels, sac; boxea, DOt advance on sack baala. ..r . ; . (Above rcea. bra '80 daya Bt eaab quota. 8,aVIla( ' ' " fj ,r i HONET-$8.80 par crate. " S?rEP,ck,'t brand, 1B.681.8. SALT Ooaree Half pound, 100, $11.00 !!lJi' .'!iJ?'.,?-5?: 'mTrted Liverpool, 60a. $18.00: 100. $17.O0( 224a, $18.00; extra fine, nnia, - a, Oa and 10a, $4.608.SO; Liverpool ih In w' w, oo-io rocx. sii.00; luua,- $10.50. - " , .... (Above prteea aoDlr to sales of Umm th.n S?r J?; ' C?r P1l price subject to Kic imperial Japan,' No. 1, 6c No.' Z, . ON MANY CASES a hours-- a, m, to 8 p. m- Kvealnge r to S aTundays IS le 1 only.,. tis DOCTOR TAYLOR cp. Morrlsoa Ct.J Cor. Second ! , Portland. Ore. BWe; New Orleana, bd, 7ej AJaa, Bet Creole. l- 'oe 2c, Creeeeat 6c, Combination Be, Granny .. : : .y. -k .. le. Moataeg 22c, Little Grey 20c, Cowboy ae, IiKAKSBman white, $8.80: targe white. Oris. Manh. Ifte, Broncho 10c, Plnennt JOe, $3.25; pink. $8.28j bayou, $8.T8i Lima SUr; Buffalo 4c,- 8. Dog Ific, T. Horae fic. , w'r"" c. i . x : t TARIOUa DISTRICTS. f : N DTK Pssnuts. JnmlM. tu, , n,. -vi-. - - n. 1, n .. mm a. ' KrtL.'t-,lae ',"', tp- Nev.d. HIU $4.20.': Ne. Star Wonffer Jl.78 f.7'llt?!-I?, Tf7,e Jbi cocoa. I Buby Winder $ttc, Nev. H. Florence 23c aaked. note, 8580c per do-, walnuts. California. 16o I , . NEW YORK STOCK MARKET per lb; French, 16c per lb; pine nut. 14(3 15c per id; nirxory nnta, loe per Ibl . ebestnnta. fjnu 16 lfie per - lb; Bmxll not. 18c per u, iiinerui, joe per m, lancy pecans, lSSZiUc: a 1 mm.a lfitf ,11. " v'Ksats, Flah and IVstIbIobi.' ' 0BtttCSTt tin irna .. . o,. aroni atreet Moga, fancy, 8t4e per lb real, extra. 8fl? pr ih- , f" ptT "! poor, oe per in; matton Beading Loses Three Polnta on De ,v5;;,V elded . Weak Trading. Tradlns In ih. Kw Tork attock tnarkt toAtv $20.00a21J00; "aUxed, 'BC' P U8 spring tambtTiaaW wltb I oeelded bearish aature. The weaknea. SegM 00: grVln. 88 00 1 "sit, per Ihv " , T Tt " " I Bdlng retailed In a fce of S polaU. Prac- uv'"'"'w' e, eo.KVIr r, . w t),vw w-nci o ,,. 1. j. ... leieallv aerv etnok elnaait Inmir. , , i. . . . Official eaotatlons by Overbeck. ' Cooke company! - 'v--- DisoRrpnow. WO CROP INJURY . IN INLAND EMPIRE! e , apeclal Dlapatch to The Journal. 4 Pendleton,-Or., May 10. That 4 the fruit, crops of Umatilla county were, not Injured by the 4 recent f roats aa badly aa waa at : 4 first reported ia now- eonflrmed, e especially f In n the 1 Free water- Milton countryVfij There will be , e an ' excellent ; crop or yi , tree ey fruita in that section, and tha ; 4 strawberry rop will not be far ' abort, while late berrlea have not 4 been Injured In the leaat i V -e Within a radius of two miles e of Freewater and jmuon tne e berrlea were Injured scarcely at 4 all.5 most Of the damage .being 4 done toward the etate line, where : the ground is low and wet and more euspeetible to froste.- e An lxnmenao peach and cherry ' e crop is expected this year and In e many instances the growera will have to ttiin tne trees. in many ; ey localities the frosts have helped 4 rather than hurt the fruit, crops. 4 . Tne rarmers ere puiuoa an heroic effort this year In the e way of apraylng for cod Un moth,4 and the work Is going on in all . 4 directiona, , :.i v, .?i.' . ""5-,;T "'v-mnuno paca (local) .,, .v w . ", Jowii par u: i to 18 lha, 16V.0 per lb: 18 to 20 lha. ia., h.kr.. '"" "Tf"."1 Pr "i picnics, lie per. lb; cottars roll. 11 Vie per u regular abort eleara, unamoked. 13e par lb; a rooked. 12e per lb: bck,i nnajnoked, 12c; amoked. 18c. per lb; ITnlon butt. 10 te IS lb, unamoked, e per ipi amoaeo.- ve ner in: eiaae h-iii 5"' L taoked. 1814 per lb; rav.,.uis, ui pw.., ut pica tea , longue, each. ... , , wvu Mw--sniR ier, 10 uue ner lb: Be, 18 per lb; 60-lb tin, 12 e per lb: ateam rendered. 10a, 12V.C per lb; . &, 12HC ;CAHK,B .8A,LMl?Nn,0inmb" rtver.-i-Ib tall. .w, mriu ,v, saner x-lD liar, H-Ib fancy flata. 81.15: fancy 1-lh ovale. Alaakt talla, ptak, 861880c; red. $1.60; nominal. , FISH Rock cod, Te per lb; flounder. 8c per lb; faallbut. Te per lb;, atrlned bane. 12c ftw lh? catflab, lOe; per. lb; aalmon. freah Columbia '.J'ennBylvanla Railway.,. .I.lu.b ham .... . 11. . r, I Tl 1 . vuuiwk, w auieuieaua, ac per in; ner-1 - w a v. vq. ... ring, Be per lb; .aol, c per lb; ahiimpa, lOe R111ng, com MMri laiano. com. ...... Oouthern Paclfle. anm . . mackerel, fle per lb; crawflab, 200 per dot; atur-1 To,, St. t. A W., com., ereoa. 10c Dr lb: black baaa. 20c nee lh rvia. I t'nlon Paplftc. mm bla river emelt, ee pr lb; hd. 8c per lb; roe I tl. 8. Steel Co., com., .. SUrr Amalaamated Copper Am. ixxxmiouve. com. . Am. Smelter, com..... Atchlaoa. com. ..... ... Baltimore Ohiov eoouJ985i unwiw napia xraniit. i anaainn faciac, com Cht Mil, as St. Paul., Uolo. Fuel Iron, com Loulevllle & Naahvllle.. Miaaouri I'aclflc . New York Central do preferred. urn a - e ,. : , : e f'- ., 98 944, 93 934 . 02 6114 61 .JlS0 131 18018fH4 .1 91tkl 921.1 90i BOTZ 18 97H 7Ai ioai OB 68 68 ,17614 178 174 174 , 138H 184 M132i4 132 84 86U I 84W.I 84U I 11T14 J1T14 ueto 118 1224 122. 122 12214 90 81 90 V 91 4 110 11014 108 107 21 21 214 21 84 694 83 K3 20 80 148 144 144 144 87 37 ,88 8 ltt I100U I M)4C 100 Pacific Btatet Teleohoae ahew hat tnta of $2 lo tb aakad price with no bid oa tb local exchange. Paclfle State 1 being of fared here at $98, but la $1 lower tbaa that m Saa iTanelaca. Tb labor trouble there aad ether trouble her are eatd to account tor the de moralised valnea. Home Telephone waa aulet ana uncnangea at former Blgh figure. Oregon Trust waa advanced $10 la tha atked price with no bid. Other bank ebaret ' nn- cnangea. - 1 ,- - .. . : Anoclated OH waa firm at $37 with S Bale or lx snares at that figure. Manhattan Crows Point sdvanesd He. 'Alaska Petroleum lost le In tbe bid. bat gained tb tarn amount In tb aaked price. It Waa held firmer wltb soma of the "clique" trying; to best WWII. .... s - BrIHih Columbia Amalgamated lost 140 and Cascadla o. Mammoth galqed o and Morn ing e. ... ' .. , , . In the Ooeur d' A lane list Happy Day lost c, O. K. Oonaolldated gained 14 c, Snowaboe oat ae ana onowatorm oc Official price: '',: -' BANK . STOCKS. . '' Bank of California............ $350. 00 Banker' V Lnmbermen' -...,, 104.00 Merchants' National v.. ..... Oregon Trnat A Savings r.,.,.'. ..... Portland Trnat Co. . ... . United State National ....... 200.00 - LISTED SECURITIES (BONDS.) American Biscuit Co. 8....,.. 98.60 100.00 city a suburban 4a ..... Home Telephone 8 ' ..'., O. R. A N. Ry. 4 ............ 97.00 O, W, P. Ry. 8 ............. 100.00 Pacific Coaat Blscatt 8s ...... 97.00 Portland Ry. 6a MIRCKLLAKEOUS STOCKS. Aasoclated Oil ................ 87.00 Home Telephone 88.00 Pacific BUta Tal. ....i,,..,. Puget Sound Tel. ..... .i-UNINO JTO0KS..3 fcv, Iwikeview Manhattan Crowa Point .19 Potlcle Mining .......,;....,.; .19 Wasbougal Ext, ,2S ' ' UNLISTED STOCKS. ' j Taquina Bay Tel .......TS.BO - Oregon city Mill a) Lumber,, . ..... Alaaka Petroleum ... .ft, British Columbia AmaL ...... Caecadle -,.. i Mammoth ''.', J . . .1 . , , Morning . . .. . Standard Con. Tacoma Steel , Circuit Judges Tomorrow !: . Clear. Up Trial Court Docket.' Will 'Decisions will . be rendered by the vaxloua judges la the circuit court to morrow morning. Presiding Jadae viciuna wiu aeciae me xonowing; Annie At, uiayson vs. William Clay- son;' motion to, make the complaint more aennite and certain. c j . , , ifiimer Wallace va Mary is. MoDaalel at. aL; motion to strike : out parte of I cross complaint. tiouthern- Oregon Mining, Develon- ment company vs. Rlchton: motion to strike out parts Of complaint. u ;i v MCFartand Bros. vs. Frank Boleni de-1 murrer to answer; - - . Malvlna Taylor vs. Robert A. Tavlori Reet unchanged. demurrer to amended complaint r vnariew- w. uooamaa vs. Fortland Railway, Light dt Power company; mo-1 uon to striae out part of complaint ituaoipn xieoKer vs. o. R. dt N. Oo.t motion to strike out parts of answer. ' El rL truBtenahln ne tha i juewu .iJDffi ynouon to dissolve lnjuno- uoa. . - ' . T. T. Struble and PhllO Holhroak. iruBieen, v. ureen tj. iA)ve; demurrer to oompiamt . - - '.v. .(.:.,, -:w & a Judge Seara will decide: t m a R. R. Duniway va. the citw ef Vart. i iana; oemurrer to amended anawer, . - Qoodman Bros.' Shoe ' eomtuutr John Rometsch; rehearing on demurrer to complaint. . - ' . . . i Judge Gtuttenbein wfll decide tha naaa of the Modern Brotherhood of America vs. aianin jrieitt on its mertta MEM CONSULTATION . , FREE . . . ALL CURES GUARANTEED No Pay Unless Cared 0 W'tY ' Atkd. 188.001 ' 160.00 93.00 ' 87.60 JOO. 00 108.60 100; 00 " 99.28 In claiming that we treat our ' patients unlike,' and more . eatla- faotorlly than . many , phyaiciana 'and speolallsta, we oompare the reealts ' we usually , aooompllah .within, a short period of time with what others have failed to do after treating the iame '1anAa fne ini,li, a., OUR FEfB $Q(D la Most Caseit VAT TJS A -PEmSOVAZi OSJUk At ?-our earnest convenience, for It la Ikely that the sooner you do so the better it will be for you. "Look us over,', hear what we have to eay about your trouble, and you will not oe urgea to oeein treatment with us, but will be aaked to consider If we have told you the truth, and whether you can matt up your mind that we are the specialists who will do the ngni uung oyyen. n . . 87.23 t -42.60 ' 88.00 40.00 .11 , .2 ' .21 : .28 ' ; !00 I 4.00 V14 .21 ' .02 S ; .06 .10 .26 .10 : fV.M ; .08 ;.08 '' .09 J .11 .10 ' .14 tZ We have been suooessful In trutin , t..,.L. . - ,v(Vo zZm '..' . .. ana originate rrom varioua causes hhhtoe bjr Pallet " to know how t?Jth6lLtr" 'KlJSSf nl... thTcourM 1. known. "the f POg'T WAi-aro sensible man should wait, Ha ahould reallae that the longer he delays the more the parte affeoted trill watte TatreyTnon't xnVwrthtSphBy.. I I I . .4lna ' run, fit Ana wlol, W J.I,.- tt vui. Wllliuui OUW I 'aVtae Vaii " - - r ww'r'y 4 invite v oonsuitauon, : we cure FINED FOR SELLING - . . LIQUOR TO YOUTH! COBTJR D'AXBNS DISTRICT. Bullion ......... , , a ......... ti, .08 - ,09 Copper King ,, 14 . .16 Ha npy Day ,.. , ,, ,,,, , .04 :&.v!.0BV 0. K. OoB.v.i.irt. ,0414 '' Ms, E91K1WHOUV ...,....,....,...... Snowttorn ................... 2 1.85 .95 45 8.10 per 10 $i.; Total aalea for the day, TBT8Q0 hare. - American LocomotiTe. ,1 . -"H ."T,". VI , Atchlaon, common, ex-dividend of 8 per cent. . Ateh aon, preferred, ex-dlvldend of 8 per cent. People' Oaa. Llaht a r,k rv, ., m-Iai-li. V. 7. UT7. WUf. abad. 8c per P: bad roe, 16o -per lb. OYSTERS Shoelwater bay, per gallon. $2.80 w-in aaca, 4.oo: Olrmpla, per gallon. CIAMrWHeaTdtibelV psr box, ' 12.40; ; nm Kiaiuei fav.w per ooi. ' Vfilnfa Afiml ill tPAs. g.0P't--'r MaalU. I6c; standard, I8! COAL OIL Pearl or lafrnl ,s, gal: water white.- iron - bhla ia." -.V. w.n' 17 P J: headlight. 170 d e.W JP first 6.. . , - lilMMl l f Baft Aav - - .taja. f a ...... ai i uilC "" per gsi; I no secona M.ri.. uwu iM.iv, ioc per jrai, ... I r do 4 ., . . BENZINE- 63 deg case. 25e per sal; Iron IV. P. tint lt,2iS.lSZ.'J!!lh . IN. F. Prla. Ilea 4. aw TST -it i 909 "'' wooden I Atcbloa Conr. 4 WHITS) l IT A nlP i- '-torn, .. . - - to tepVi nTfc; lr BWW T0K COTTOH KARKT. WIRB NAIL8 Present ha.ia ae t'ax 1 ' LINSEED OIL-Jnra raw, in B.bbj w.. a. j' v ;- Open. High y' Wi.: Sterling bohaage Rate. ' New Tork, May 10, Sterling: Demand 486 U. ,80 day 486. , , ' 5 . ' - ' :f STew Tork-tondoa Sltver. New Tork, May 10. Bar allver 84, Loa- OU - ' - i' Kw Tork Bond Market. . New- Tork, Mt 10. Official price: Bid. v . 98 V . 92 . 81 , 84 101' 101 97 plain l-bbi lots. 83o; esses. 68c me a.l-. I Janasry 1082 ......1078 kettle-boiled, esses, 6uc per gait 5-bbl lota Mc- (February V.,.. ... l-bb lata. 63c ner ssi'Trna!i- ,' ( (aroh V)6 10R7 m-00 per ton;. tbaa ear lot. $30 M ner M' .1065 1066 tons."-. . ! .. . I June .. .,.,.,10W ; 1066 . PORTUISS BARK WATKKEKT. 4 (Satrlage'-aMlay f;.-vrZU$Um.tm'.ri a rt ago., ....... A. y,,....,. 874,4S.76 $ 603.808.01 1 ; jrv.849.84 I aa r.i no Jety '., Auguat . . September lOinber ..... November - December ...1082 . K73 1046 . 1061' ..1060 10ft2 ..1064 l069 Low. 107 mi 1062 1IWJ 1O02 1046 1046 1081 - 1067" 1070 loif 10 1078 WW 10)4 1068 1067 1070 lOftO 1060 looe 1088 1087 lba-l"'t'T'ly e-WB-Jt v Aak. v-'-' a a wi-? I l JQ I! Oriental Limited " it Crossing the Cascade and Rocky Moun- 'i'i' I tains hv riavllo-hr ,,.' ' . av ; . Y... 1 . , Compartment r Observation Cars , Standard and Tourist Bleepere, DINING CAR SERVICE UNEXCELLED " -K Connecting train leaves Portland 98 8 10S 1083 1091 -1067 1067 1089 1049 1061 1008 1068 1069 -' Cala -todaf.'. Balances today ,,,.,..,.,,;, .w f sv..,..,.....,...,,.. - i . r: " Liverpool Cotton Higher." "1 LIveroool. klav 10 Cotton rntnr 69,666.28 tjuiet, i ooiaU towet to point ap. SlOMdj dally 11:46 p. m.j twO other good trains daily at 8:80 a. m. and 7 n m w further information regarding rate, berths and tickets, eal! on or address H, PICK80N. C. I. A T.. A.. . TT 122 Third Street.- Port- ' . . land.Orejfon won jbTaxbj S80. - : i When he appeared in the circuit court this morning; to be tried on the nhare-a of selling liquor to a minor, Henry Hoffman changed the plea of not guilty that had previously been made tn mi of guilty, and he was not tried. Hoff man waa fined, $100 end coata. He was charged with selling a half . pint Oth anu iJinvsuBrrv . Drana v to . it ynr-via v;iarenoe tjornas on January SO. rCLAIMS' INNOCENCE OF COPPER WIRE THEFT J. Smith appeared before Judge Cle land In the circuit, court this nnni.. and pleaded not guUty td the charge of stealing 100 pounds of copper wire from the Pacific Telephone A Telegraph com pany in Wasco county and bringing it to wuuuuwu Tsuuiity.'ii iot wire is valued . IVVV,.. :' .:'..........-'' ; r , OLD SOBS With chronte Kldnavan tamAA. ie..i.u rvi...i. ..' ickrgAiit "r w1", OZBOWZO DZtrjBAraS and Skin Disa.sa, Bcsema. Diaoharma xjtrt Painful awelllna-a Pllea fnntiattnti!X.i KT'ir,"0iliB L7r"r" II Stomach,- Catarrh; fRhwnUUsnvi OBSTmVOTTOsT It is usually due to stronr iniieetlona 1ntiir1aa ' tn. etruments Improperly aed.eto.' If nnJfiSt'VStnttUw tlnrUhS- r ' Undln- 0Mfult u" nd cuid rtght' No iuW t00:D DIBHAB1IS TJlcera la mouth, sore' gums, falling hair, awen lnrs. ooDDer-colored artota. aruntinna tiniia ri,T- .... .' '."l L i 1 . . Hot Springs. Call and lnveatigate, 'free. r"--r"' " asi The Scientific Treatment of Weakness lsing the system with powerfurstlmuUnts arid tonics la an effort' . v t.-.-.m.. , K,.B IB mereuy an inaioatlon of a case we treat r. rgravatedby stlmulatlna; remedies that eacite temporary Vi vuifiuy -w-onij suionwno ana ruw effective treatment for i," which effecta a permanent cure by restoring the prostate In 17JJ&IZIj?! n thl nammatlo5 V V w (ABB S& V WV - M ity, we "weakness. gand to a sound and healthy state. We obtain complete results every Wa WAJfT BTWT MAR TSt TaTB COTsTTXT WHO ZS ATniOTZO TO WXIIH TJS ABOTJTT BIS AuiMCBsTT, W Hourai I a. m. to I p. m.f evenings, 7 to $ :80; Sunday, a,, m. to H noon. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL cosanas sboostb ahtj TAStsnij. snrsaiBTS, 9omrtMMx ommqo ST, LOUIS DISPENSARY, DESPONDENT MOTHER ;! KILLS LITTLE: BABE , . 'i; 4ali-aBasassBBatatsBt - ' '"'' " .Pittsburg, May 10v--Despondent and in iu neann, , : tan. carrie Singleton, aged SI, killed her 18-months-old child and committed suicide bv ehootlna- ha. v,a ma. HlwrwiHBj. - v-:A ; '.'f-- ;-;:. xnrrrED statxs ooTsairsriHT bostss. v New. York,,. May 10. Oovrnment hondafi' -t. .... ....;;...-;.:-,.' rjata... - aaf.a Two, regtotered ,.;. M,;...,' 1905 104 , 104 do eouDoa ........i...... luio . ;f Three, regiatered 1918 ' 102 ' 108 WM WHTJVB 11,19 Tliree. email bond..,....: 1918 Fours, registered, new...... 1928 , o coupon 1025 yours, reglatered. old. ..... 1907 do coupon . . . . , ,. 190T Ponra,. Philippine . ... ..... 191$ Two, Panama, regletered. . .... 189 102? ioa de eoupea 105 10$ BARBERS SATISFIED : WITH PRESENT WAGES Denial Is Made- That Employes Are Preparing to Demand ' an Increase. ' ' 1 The report that the barbers' union was preparing to demand an Increase In the wage scale now hi foroe is de nied by a number of the barbers In the more prominent down-town ahopa. The present scale ia a, VIS weekly guarantee with 10 per cent of all earnings above $24 for the flrst-olase shops. ForV those shops in a cheaper rental distriot the scale caligfor a' lis weekly '. rfltV' with 60 per cent of earnlhs -t? The reason for the renor a...t Is supposed to be the reoont laoreaae in oharge for cutting hair from SS to -S5 cents. The barbers say! that they are practically working's on X a peroentaae basis anyway, and that they will get their proportion of the lncreaee as well ae the master barbers. v The barbers In the large shops seem to be entirely satisfied v with the scale irow ir?orc; fn1-"if,lher- 'T.8' l"atisfaetlon It ia with the workmen In the smaller shops, , . , : .s" '8,,''8"'aaBaaaBasaBsea Henry M. whltnev haa ana candidacy for the bemrmratia i... tion for governor of Massachusetts. He Btatesrhis desire to make .the campaign -on '"business issues nsrint..t. tariff and Canadian reciprocity, , , Hurrying to "oatch a mi 1 in.tifl.i U ou are answering s Journal want ad.' i f PSbi 4 ' Sv.,-.i' -. ? i