THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY , 0, 1007. f synoiciTE 111 FIX RATES III 1'JilSIIIIIGTOI TITLED LOTTERY Oriental Tapestry : M5c Kind at 34. V . ..' 50-inch Roman And Oriental Tap estry , in 10 different : styles and color : combinations; bright ' new foods, falljf worths 4Sc S jrsfd. pecially priced for one day only. Bargain Friday, at 34a Curtain Hods . ., . " 'lie End at2 Brass Extension Curtain Rods, ex tending from 30 to 54 inchev fin ished with large silr4 ends; good, strong quality, sold every where at 25c each.. Specially priced for 'Bargain Friday at. 12 AGENT ARRESTED American', Passports ; Rented to Evergreen State Spends Twenty Baron Franx Ecjdl Cautrht at i,y ; undesirable Uttle Brown . , Men by Schemers. ' ,. Five Thousand Dollars In ' Preparation. ,t Cincinnati With Half Million ' Blank Tickets. EXCLUSION PLAN PROVES COST OF EVERY MILE TOOK MIUIONS OF EASY TO BE OF UTTLE USE ; OF TRACK, IS LEARNED t MOMEY FROM AMERICANS SOTS UUULIt la Ways That Art Dark Mikado's v Subject Appear, to Be. Xtyaal to Their Oriental Chlneae. ?: , Neighbors,.'; the i Bf : tltmmml MtMMt J is slna 8n Francisco, May . The "Heathen Chlneee" has no Monopoly on "ways that ara dark." aa tha Immigration ot- Solala at this 'port have (llscovered , slaoe President Roosevelt's plan for temmlnf tha tlda of Japanese lmmlsra- tto haa been put Into- force. Two Japaaaae eoollea who arrived on tha liner China from Honolulu and . three woe eama from tha island port on tha Alameda will bo refused landing on tha rrouna that tholr paaaporta ara fraudu lent, t , 4" . .-" . ". ' Under tha . new , arraneement only ihoae Japanese laborers provided with psttKTtt . from 4paa to tha mainland l tha United States will , ba allowed laadinf here, and tha Japaneae govern mant naa agreed to leaue no mora auoh paper to eoollea, Roosevelfs exclusion plan being theoretical! eerfeet Free! lent Roosevelt, however, overlooked hia little ' brown , friend's conning. . A Japanese syndicate la. believed to have collected, either by buying or borrowing a large number of theaa precious tickets or admlsalon to the land of promise. Theaa paaaporta have been aent to Honolulu and there aold or leased to Japaneae who want to oomeNto the Onlted Btatea.- . , - ' 1 I Prisoners paroled . V ' BY GOVERNOR MEAD (Special Dtopatcb te The SoaraiLI - .Olympla, waeh., May I. Governor - Uaad today paroled S. A. BurwelL sen traced from King county March 10, 1106, to one yeas and six months for larceny by ambeialement; John Haley V sentenced from Okanogan county Octo ber JS, -.ISO to eight years for home stealing, and Frank Thompedn, ' sen- . tenoid In King county October 7, 1905, to two years for burglary. - , SHRINERS WILL SPEND -V TIME FOR PLEASURE 7. (Jovaal Special Berries.) Los Angeiea, Cel., May . The re mainder of the week will ba devoted by the Bhrlners to tha enjoyment of tha varlou entertalnmenta provided by the local members. Thla morning a large number made a pilgrimage to Catalina Island. s o ,' . Pay your weat'. aide gas billa before Friday, 4 p. m. ; Positively no. discount tfter that day. -r' Z'-f Attorney Goners! Will Be Guided by General Rule Laid Down by tha ; ' " United States Sapremo Court ' In ' . Nebraska Case.' '' iBoeelal Dtnatca t The JooraaU i Olympia, v May I. Attorney General 3. D. Atkinaon today completed tha preparation of the complaint and atta tion for the propoaed hearing' at which the railroad . commlaalon of Washing-' toa is to fla railroad valuaUona In this atate for the purpoaa of tate making. Tha date of the commencement of the hearing is not definitely determined, but will be about June IS, and is HKeiy to contains several - weeks, , Tha bearing will be In Olympla. probably In the atata aanate chamber., - s This heart!) la tha final outcome of tha work of Engineer n. , f. uuieuo and bis corpe of aaalatanta, who for tha pa at, six months have been la tha em ploy or xna eommiaeion in .uriKin inr the coat of eonatruction of every mile of railway -In the aUte. coat of aauiDment. permanent improvemanta, eoat of reproduction, value of terminala and other, properuea, aenaity or iraiuo and population, ana generally ui quae tlona touching railroad inveatments on behalf of linea actually In operation. Tha attorney general win he guidea In thla hearing by tha general rules laid down by the United States euprome court In tha Nebraska case of Smith Ames In -which It was declared that railroad rates can only ba fixed by a railroad commission, on such a basis aa will give tha railway .oorporatlona rea- aonable returns on tha amount invest ed In railway mileage, value of tha lines, terminal properties, etc Following that caae, tha recant legislature enacted a. aectlon of tha rauroaa commission law Which specifically authorlaes the hear ing now set by the oommlealon. Tha state tax commlaalon' Is expected to give considerable attention to this hearing, although It 1 admitted by both ' the railroad commlaalon and ' the tax com mission that valuations fixed for pur posoa of taxation will ba radically dif ferent from those fixed for-purpoaes of rate maklne;. The Information now In hand haa been obtained by the railroad commis sion at an expense to the atata of about $16.000.. TWENTY THOUSAND CLUB ' OFFICERS ELECTED (Bpesisl Dispatch te TJ Jooral.) Pendleton, Or., May l.Pendleton's 20,000 club meeting laat evening elect ed tha following . officers; President, V. K Crank; aecretaryj Jack Huston; and tfeaau'rer, W. U. .urford.' U ,.ih Ui .a. . -i I I' M. V ;kl(, V Al' 'T it-:- -: i Was . Bepreaentatlre , :' of Enropean Gambling Concerns Which Offered Annnal Prlta of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. ' , n. a ' ' (Hearst ffsws Ssrvlc.) " e uinoinnaii, May uaron rni BgtdL who not long ago operated a gr,at foreign lottery, waa arreeted here yesterday, in a aearcn or nia rooms today the police found half a million blank lottery tickets, t The numbers may ba filled In with Bgldl's printing device, which was also confiscated. , Hundreds of lottery prise Hats sent through' tha malls from abroad were found lb Sgldl'a possession. They bore a heading atyling EgldI aa general dis tributer. Egldl's lottery paraphernalia aatounded tha police. Mot until his ar reat ware they aware that European lot terlea maintained an agent in Cincinnati. Correspondence ahowed that Egldl haa operated aa lottery agent in Cincinnati for nearly threa years. ' Refarenoe to his record booka of lottery sales ahowa his receipts to have been enormous. ho repreaentea ' rottmes wnica ad vgrtlsed a single grand prlae of $100,000 a an annual drawing. ,. - PORTLAND I'JILL CELEBRATE DAY First Definite Arrangements for Fourth of July Will Be . Made Tuesday. Portland la to have a sane Fourth of July celebration this year which will at tha aama time be a celebration of tha t fiftieth annlveraary , of tha first election held to: thla city. A prelim In ary meeting of cttlaena was held laat night at the olty ball,, at- which tha propoaed oelebration was dlsouaaed. The character -of the propoaed demonstra tion waa dlsouaaed at aome length, but no.deflnlta plan was agreed upon. All agreed, however,' that i Portland muat arrange a celebration for tha . enter tainment of Ita people and thoae of the aurroundlng towna. . ;'s It was- unanimoualy agreed tnat tne stereotyped celebration of former yeara muat ba departed from. It haa been a number i of year ' sine '' Portland cele brated the naUOA'ac. birthday. Four years ago ;tha. money, was la hand and tha celebration alf Arranged when Hepp- ner waa well- nigh destroyed by a flood. Tha demonstration' was promptly aban doned ' and the-funda ; that bad been gathered -were cent tOvrel!ere the dis tress ' at Heppner. Last year tha Ban FrasrcTsce- disaster Dracluded the possl blllty of a celebration. But there seems no k reason. V why Fortlandere ahouldnt enjor an old-time "Fourth' this year. - . :-y Lee M. Clark, who acted as temporary secretary of tha meeting, waa instruct ed to extend invitations to all of tha commercial bodies and other organisa tions of the city to cooperate in mak ing tha demonstration a grand succeas. Next Tuesday night another meeting will ba held .when permanent organ! nation will bo effected, and oommlttees named to arrange the' detalla of the celebration,' which will' ba mapped out at that time. JAMESTOWN RATE IS AGREED UPON Railroads Reduce Fare About One Half to Eastern Points on Ac-, .count of Exposition. " Worcester Building Northeast Comer Third and r ! V Oak Streets Showing; corner storerooms, where will take place the Great Sale of the S. Marcus'. Bankrupt Department StoreStock. of fine Wearing Apparel, consisting- of over $17,500 worth Men's, Boys' and Chil- J'J !..'. Panf. TTata Cli1 . TV flnruli rt . all VirtA fiillra Corsets and Notions. -A full and complete stock pf Ladies' Suits, a Coats, ;Jackets, Skirts Silk, and other; fine Waists; Ladies' and -y Misses' fine Shoes, etc This splendid storeroom and location will' soon be occupied by the W. U. Tel. Co.' and could only be had : X short, time v The Sale will begin Saturday, at . 9 a. m. and last : riur oniyjapQit seven aays, m wniQn,. time tne. enure, tine atoca win do, ;spiq. i in oraer to oo mis in seven to -ten aays, ine gopas win " be' sold t -most; merciless "iacrifice. ? iln many instances goods wiQf . , peliteraily given away, as theprices they will go at is really only, a - mocker at their; value; .v The .reputation 'of ihfs stock" N too well - knowrt ' to Veed any "'comment.4' Morris had ' only been iri business ' abou . two ; months s'when-the courts adjudged him Jankrupt and. . i 'orderedhis stock; to be.Soltby the-creditors. Watch for it, &. Wait ' for it Be there with the first crowd, Saturday, at 9 a.' m. Owing - to gre'at' Crowds that ; will. visit 5sale, the entrance to the sale will be: on Thrdstreet and the exit on Oak street This ,1s done to avoid the dangel of jamming the doorway;on account of people going out having . tof oassr the Incomine customers. ? Special officers' will be i stationed at the doors to assist in regulating the crowd and' prevent ) shoving ' sfld I Crowding of iadies, v and ' children; See f tomorrow's papers for full particulars and price list ; '.,.t.. Tha Hill railway lines have coma into tha arrangement promoted by the Trans continental Passenger association for reduced rates to the east on account of the Jameatown expoaltloa, after a long delay during i which many people had given up hops of lower rates and paid the full rate for, the trip. , .The special rate will be one first class fare plus $10 for the round trip, from ail Paclfto coast points to eastern trans continental terminals. Tha fare f or the round trip from ' Portland to Chicago will ba $71.50; 'to Kansas City,: Omaha and St. Paul, $60: to St. Louis. $47.60. An additional $13.60 will be charged for the return trip .via California. Dates of sal will be as follows: May to, Si; .JunsT,r. r July, S, 4, 5r August," 8, 9, 10; September 11, . 13, 13. Tickets will have a -10-day limit going and a final return limit of "SO days from date of sale. :.iy:.;:sw;-;v y'i . ' Travelers desiring to continue the journey eastward beyond Chicago ter ritory can buy, at those points, tickets at reduced, fare to Atlantlo seaboard polntifSmd retuny ; ' . - - , f GETTING THE OAKS HABIT XT early One Thousand Feople skated .. Wednesday a tha Oaka. As tha pleaaant spring days have coma the attenOanca at the big Oaks rink, has shown an Increase rather than a decrease. : Wednesday afternoon there Were St : beginners In tha o different classes and last night nearly a thousand people occupied the large floor. , The opening of the summer season Is not far off, and that longing tor the pretty park with Its fresh air and pretty sights ; is causing the . people to get the Oaka habit atronger every day. , The big racea . laat , night ware good and brought muph applause. - Remember, general lnatruption la free at all tlmea. Special lessons ara EOo each or six les sons for $3.(0 including skates. HARVESTER TRUST TO ' . BE PUNCTURED NEXT The one Great Bargain Sale which all Portland recogniiea as the greatest Value-Giving Sale of the week, and to which the women of this, city and vicinity turn out each week. The intense Interest of these weekly sales is due to the great amount and extensive variety of rnrchandise we have on sale at prices so liay reduced that , the savings' are instantly noticeable. Those who have not attended any of our previous Bargain Sales will be astonished at the exceedingly low prices. , Following we print t few price I r ; ! ; Z ; ;':;' quotations, as w can merely hint-at the thousands of bargains here: , , 1 - , . " Waahington, May . -The government wUl begin action in a few days against I the harvester trust. - Tha inquiry is complete, and Bonaparte announces that suits will be started aa soon as he goes ever the papera mora oarefully. S3 Wdolen ' Bress Goools and Bilk MOST EXCELLENT QUALITIES At VERY LITTLE PRICES. No greater attractions were ever offered before in these departments, r If you have been delayed In your dressmaking, here's consolation. Tomorrow we offer a splendid collection of fine Novelty Dress Goods and good dependable Silks in the best of this season's styles, specially reduced to two thirds and even to one 1 ; :half previous prices, but the sale is for one day only Bargain' Friday. THE PRINCIPAL ITEMS ARE THESE: .; LOT NO. L v 60b and 76o Values 80o : In this lot we offer an nnequaled ssortment of Novelty ' Dress Goods, comprising black r 'and white broken check mohairs, novelty Pan-; amas. nobby block checks, in all sites and col ors, full range of, popular shades and weaves, all of the newest 'designs found her.' These goods sell at other stores for 50c, 60c, 75c For this sale only. Bargain Friday, per LOT NO. 2, 85o and 05o Values 50o This k?t comprises . great values la "44-inch. Novelty French Panamas in si th newest ef fects in smoke grsy and tan, beautiful assort ment of designs; 50-inch Novelty Panamas In grays and browns, in plain checks, small' broken checks, broken plaids, PckJo stripes: beauitful, durable, firm worsted fabric; regular 95c values. On special sale for one day CO only. Bargain Friday, per yard.......... aJJC LOT NO. 1. : and Q1.50 Values 70o This assortment contains a line' of beautiful 'Novelty Suitings, all tha popular shades and. designs, neat broken checks and ' plaids, in grsys, tans, bines and other new colorings; also a line of 50-fnch Ombre Plaid Coatings in the fashionable shades, good weight, excel lent for separata coats, skirts or Jackets!, These goods ara good $1.25 and L50 values. Special Bargain Friday, yard...! 57 C TAFFETA SILKS ; ; 75c Quality 0. . i 19-inch Highly Lustred Taffeta, warranted every thread pure silk, beautiful Swiss finish, full range of desirable .colors, excellent qual ity, called a bargain ground town at 75c Our special Bargain Friday price, pef . . -. 59c JAP WASH SILKS i ' ;: Quality 48a. 27-inch Extra Heavy Jap Silks, fast colors, washes like linen, made of purest silk fibre, very highly finished, over 60, shades to choose from, sold everywhere in the city at 65c ' Our special Bargain Friday price, per .:,-: POLKA DOT SULKS : i 7&c Quality 40 r 23-inch New Polka Dot Foulards, all sixe dots sod rings, black and navy blue grounds, very stylish and durable for summer wear, light and cool, good 75c values. Special Bargain 'jqv Friday . . t .,.... ,..,,.. ..Sar More 1 STOGKEKTGS ' andOTDERWEAR AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ' . '.' ' , This tale means opportunity for those who look to tha future as well as those who wish to provide for immediate needs. The goods themselves are the most up-to-date obtainable, and kinds that will wear themselves threadbare in your service. For Bargain Friday three spa. dal attractions are: ' -' - , ... y : . WOMEN'S STJHIB UNDERWEAR Vests and Pants. 65o Quality, at 39o ' - SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. ' We beffin ' FridaVs bargain list with a special offering of Women Summer Underwear fine White Lisle-Thread Vests and Pants in all sizes; vests made with long and short sleeves and nicely trimmed yokes; pants made with Frenchwaistband to both knee and ankle length; genu ine Swiss Ribbed Underwear of fine white lisle thread, soft and elastic, well made and carefully finished garments, well worth 65c aah. OQ Specially priced for Bargain Friday at. ..................... ..'L GREAT SALE of BOXED HOSIERY Women's Stockingrs, Best 25c Valncs, 8 Prs. for 48o SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. , Z-, We've been selling an unusually fine grade of Women's Stockings at the unusually, low pnee 01 mc a pair. umgrruw ihui huik a iui ui iuc only about 90 doxenwUl go on sale at 3 pairs for 48f. .The stock ings are of fast black cotton, soft and fine, seasonable weight, with high spliced heel and toe, excellent values at 25c a pair. Sold only in three-pair lots, and specially priced for Bargain Friday at three AQ pairs for ........ . .....; . ."OL v For the Children There's Also a Rare Opportunity. ! . ,6 Cents a Pair lor Children's. Stocking's JFulJy Worth 25c Pair. A Great Underpriced Purchase of 500 Dosan. . Our New York buyer came across a prominent stocking manufacturer Who was oversiocaea on mis particular nuraucr anu was uuuous io uis nose of the entire lot at a ridiculously low price. Here they are offered I to you tomorrow at the same extraordinary saving. Five hundred dozen Children's Fine Black Lace Stockings, in a large assortment tof pretty patterns; bright, new-goods, placed on sale tomorrow tor tne first time, made to sell in the regular way at25c a pair. All sizes at one re price. As long as they last, Bargain Friday, pair. . . . ...... . . , . . . . .vt 'imWZZ:''Z FRIDAY'S' SPECIAL: ATTRACTIONS ZZZBZ&Z: IN OUR MEN'S SECTION JUST INSIDE THE THIRD-STREET ENTRANCE. ' Following wo list the principal attractions-of our weekly Bargain Friday Salea in our popular Men's Section. Step In tomorrow and see what wonderful values we are giving. Plenty of salespeople, special wrappers and cashiers in fact, all arrangements have been made to en- able you to cnoose quicaiy ana satuiactoruy. ' . :. y ' MEN'S 50c UNDERWEAR 30a. ' iAYYf. New line of Men's Elastic Shirts and Drawers, made form-fitting; shirts have elastic-ribbed neck; come in good spring and summer weight; color blue, regular selling price 50c. Special Bargain Friday..,.....,., 80s i Z"Z MEN'S 15c FANCY SOCKS 10e. . , ' . Men's Fancy SilkEmbroidered Socks, in tan, blue and black, our regu- lar lie values, special mrgain rnaay, per pair ...vt . Z-Z"'-i Yf? 'f MEN'S 25c NECKWEAR 15a. Men's Qub Ties and Men's and Boys Four-in-Hand Ties, in full range of up-to-date patterns and colors, large assortment of Scotch plaids, regular 25c values. Special Bargain Friday, each ....... ...15e NEW $7J0 SUITCASES f5.00. , , f. (l - Sole-Leather Suitcases; 24-inch size, made on steel frame; have heavy leather: corners, brass bolts and lock; extra well made leather handle, inside straps and shirt-fold, .regular $7.50 values; Special Bargain Fri- ' lty .-' a a V 'f ''' '' ' '' a a a s 4 V'a a V a5e)00 All-Orer Embroideries Half-Price and Less Another lot of the great underpriced purchase to hand and placed on sale tomorrow r for; the first time. Allover Embroideries of Fine Swiss and, Chiffon Cloth, in a large assortment of pretty "new patterns, open iwork, scroll ' and blind effects, made with buttonhole-stitched edges, twidths from 20 to 24' inches, regular H and $1.50 values Spe-1 CQ cially. priced, for Bargain Friday at ,.,.,,............ ... M , .UC 1 FRIDAY'S SPECIAL OFFERINGS, , f In the Domestic Section Here are aome lots of staple goods that admirably Illustrate the ad vantages enjoyed by those who buy at Roberts Bros.' Every article sold at the prices made for this tale will be found up to our usual stand ard of quality. . Owing to the crowds, that invariably attend these Fri day sales in the afternoon, we advise early gnopplng. LONG CLOTH - 2tfc Kind at 10s). . English Long Cloth, full 36 inches wide, fine soft finish, just the thing . for dainty undergarments and chil dren's dresses, extra good quality at Uyic yard. .Specially priced for Bargain Friday at. ....... 10e i i - - LINEN SCARFS 21o Momie . Linen - Bureau Scarfs, 17 inches wide and 50 inches long, a number of pretty patterns to choose from, fringed all around and finished with neat openwork borders, all linen, well worth 35c Specially priced for Bargain Friday at .....aiai , Hohoir Lustre; 15o Grade; at lOe About 2,000 yards New Mohair Lustre, in an unlimited assortment of patterns checks, plaids, stripes also figured and mottled effects in light, medium and dark cobra, excellent value at 15c a yard. Specially priced for Bargain ' Friday at ,,..,..10 Notions antf Art Goods SURPRISING VALUES, ' These are only a few of the many surprises which youH find her tomorrow. Items that will interest every thrifty nerson. Oualitv con. siaxea, tnese values cannot ne oupucaiea oy any otner store in the city. Xlmmfm .k. Umt. VwtA-mt . . ,IW, I UJ. Mb .W. Tapestry Cushion Slip Good as sortment of patterns, regular 35c values, cpeciai oargain rnaay t,..i ....v........JSJee Pillow Ruffling 4fi yards in piece, all good designs, usually sold at 75c. Special Bargain Friday, 48e) Silk Cushion Cord Three-yard lengths, all colors, 75c .values. Special Bargain Friday.. ....49t Cotton Cushion Cord Three-yard lengths, 35c values. Bargain Fri day . ,aaa Printed Cushion SDns New de signs, usually sold at 35c . Bar gain Friday, each ....... ;.,'.Sle Toilet Soap .Pure Glycerine Toilet Soap for the bath, regular 15c kind. Special Bargain Friday . .....8f Silver Hatpins Variety of pretty Ivsaatjl alavJl fUaiaa A Ami at ' aamila 35c values, v Special Bargain Fri day.; .21a1 Stamped. Pillow Shams Pretty floraU designs, stamped on best graac musun, joc graac, bargain riaay, per pair ....... ... . . .xf Toilet Paper Best aualitv Ab sorbent Tissue Toilet Paper. 16-os. rous, tun , i.uuu sheets, regular 15c values. . Special " Bargain Friday $y a saaaV a'. Dressing Omba Genuine Rubber Dressing Combs, extra heavy, reg ular 75c values. ' Special Bargain Fridayeach .........4e Hsirplna 10 Doaen Special sale on Shell Hairpins, 25c values, re traced 10, per dosen.... ,.,;..!) Magic Thread-Cutter and Thimble Always before sold at 15ci Spe cial Bargain Friday ;..,.. ...v.8e Wash Belts New Embroidered snd Tsllored Wash Belts, well worth 5c. special Bargain Fri day ..14e A SENSATIONAL SALE OF WOMEN'S COLLARS. . 5c For Women's Collaro Best 10c, 12c and 15c Value, , - See Morrison-Street Window Display. ' ' . Y 900 . DOZEN ENTIRE FACTORY CLEANUP 800 DOZEN We buy in enormous quantities. It pays both for you and us. This iris-antic collar ourchase is not an'exceotion. Ira an lmm,nu int Kn, we doubt not that our own judgment will be quickly and heartily in dorsed. Nine hundred dozen Swiss Embroidered Turnovera and Rtnrir Couars. in an tne latest snspes ana patterns, neatly embroidered, finely finished, excellent values at 10c, 124c and 15c each.- One should far buy a liberal supply at this extraordinary low price. . Your choice Sf7 while they last, Bargain Friday MJW i. 35o Eibbons at 10o These ribbons were never intended to sell at anything like this price.' ntn ciuaiiLr uiuuic v. wusucu iucvasimi luieii. itinnnni. an mnrn in rimand mat now xor miiunerv nursosea. tnu s infh.4firt n aiiir. soft lustrous finish, best 35c grade. Specially priced for Bargain 10 Friday at j.... . MEN'S 15c KERCHIEFS 10. Men's White Cambric Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, neat embroidered in itial oft finish, ready to use, our regular 15c values. Special Bargain Friday . , .... u, ..,.,......." Bargaiidiri Bros.'. Shoe- Sal Everybody not already provided needs the identical ahoea offered in this sale, either today or in the. near future.' Never did spring and summer bring the need of new shoes when it cost- so little to buy themr And this sale offers tha best shoes that can be bought anywhere. Styles srethe latest, leathers andWes are right, for spring and tummer wear in fact, they are exactly what you would buy in best stores and pay a dollar or ijA ' ,.:' , ' - ; several, dollars a pair more for. , . - THATS WHY , THOUSANDS I ARE ; BUYING WHILE THIS ? CHANCE LASTS, v LISTEN TO THE NEWS FOR T01I0KK0V: $2.85 a Pair for Ilea's Ghoc3 and Orfcri $3J5 to $5.00 Vahies In the Followt-! Well-Known Makes J.'.Spence fhee Company's $4.00 Oxfords, Rice f: ilutchins' . OO Shoes, the Chnrc i:l $3.50 Shoes, Macey Bros.' $3.50 Shoes. About 20.CCJ pairs all to! 1, t' 1 season's most popular styles, in all the fashionable leather--vici V i !, I calf, patent colt, etcin both plain lace and Bluclier t!ij; 1 . lij;ht and heavy soles. Not a pair in the lnt sold for (' (- less than $3.50; most all are ?.00 and $5.00. values. . t All go at one price your choice . 02,37 a Pair for Women's Shoes and Oxfords $3.50 and $4.00 Values in All the Best Makes, Styles and Lesthers The celebrsted $3.50 "Walk-Over" Shoes and Oxfords, in patent leather and black vici kid, lace and button', with light and heavy1 soles; Cuban, con cave and military heels; as well as Lady Churchill $3,00 Shoes and Ox fdrds; 2iegler Bros. $30 Shoes-and Oxfords, the t C ':. 0 1 W Sherwood $3.50 Shoes and Oxfords, Hannah McCar- Vtitflat t ST thy $3.50 Shoes and Oxfords all at one price, choice v V', v,: