The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 09, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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Takilma plant Being Overhauled
and Made Ready, for .Its
Busiest Period.
Socialists r from - everr section ef the
country. The court proceedings were
I entirely devoid of excitement today. Tbe
examination of talesmen was monot
onous and tiresome.. v ' ;',
sragent Criticises Xoosevel. . '
John F. NurenL one of the attorneys
for the defense In the Haywood case,
when asked' his opinion regarding the
letter of President Roosevelt, and the
action of the Nw York Federation of
! Labor thereb. replied: ., f.t ; "
"From a local atandoolnt the whole
thing- was grotesquely humorous. Mote
than a year ago the attorneys for the
defendants had prepared . petitions In
habeas corpus, which were afterward
reviewed by the supreme court of, the
United 8tatea. .These petitions set forth
in minute detail all of the evidence
which existed with respect to the, kid
Democratic City ..Central Com
mittee Elected to Carry the TV
Mayor's Fight to Polls.: "?
Delay Has Been Dangerous
- t in Portland?
,. Do the right thing at the right time.
. Act quickly In times of danger.
Backache la kidney- danger..".
Doan's Kidney Pills act aulckly.
Cure , all distressing, dangerous kid
ney i His. i; 3 ;', -;. ' . !; j'-. , v
Plenty of evidence to prove this.
- . . Jim mI.ii. j..n ' - a ..... , ..Um.. I ' tit-at mtmnm Af f hi TMmanntlA eltv I ' i . . - M .
TROUBLE IN SECURING - rrZ "7. Ln Ilght In .the I : H B. MoCarves ef 01 Cherry street.
TFIMC mD irtMr.'MAlll I naDlna- of the defendants throurh the organisation of the dtjr , central com- Portland, Oregon, Inspector of freight
iw wi i: ::::;- ;r. ( ni. ..h. tt,. .mn.lit.. for the Trn-f!nnt)ntl nnmnanv. a
coiinwr di iae prosecuting oniovra i iuii. u.w ... -v.-..,...--... . - . . '
and the governors of the states of Idaho met In headquarters In (he Canterbury man who la very ewll known among the
n rvinr,4 ,- ti,. .,,., . a. J hutidtn and selected Geore-e H. Thomas I railroaders of the coast, says: 'Doan's
Three Thousand Tons of Pare Copper murred to, these petitions, thereby ad- and J. T.-Mllner, chairman and.secre-j Kidney Pills are among the few proprle-
tnlttinv all nf th. ar,m th.Mln llltM. Ur Of IDS OOUUIT COHIOIIUH. I T I11UW1IM WUlUIl UU .l IW m
The supreme court, therefore, had allras ex-offldo chairman and secretary of claimed for them, and they have my
of the evidence before It when tt da- the city central committee. - The cam thorough confidence. I used them for
elded as it did. by the majority opinion, f palgn committee to conduct the . cam-1 backache and other very marked symp-
that it was Immaterial how or by what 1 palgn of Mayor Lane was selected by) torn s of kidney trouble which had an
raeans the defendants Were got within the city committee and will consist of noyed me for months. I think a cold
the state of Idaho; . the fact waa that me louowing: . w. uonugue, cnair-1 rveponsiiMe ior ui wnoie irouui
they were there and held under an in- man; John Van . Zante, A. F. Flea-el, It seemed to settle In my kidney a
dlotment regularly found by a grand Isaao Swett, Oglesby xoung, 7. T. Berry j Doan's Kidney pills rooted it out It Is
pwTvrsi uiuuiaa since a ana unm win
Matte, Carrying Gold and Silver,
WW Be . Output More Than I
Enough Blocked Out for Season.
' e.
(SmcM Otapatcb te Tbe JowaaL)
. . . - Sk ieWt
urancs ws. ur, My - - - - - . . Oron.n B.
smelter at'Takllma, eoutnern i oee-.w ... k,fAn k. v.v . ,v. nm. dd to data there has been no recurrence
f II. w.w .uu mil mMM WV I A . uiu uv n VM MV " W MW . - '
phlne county, and the copper mines ox i CTCaaU)g the boundary ofi the state of palgn will be vigorously proseouted. of the trouble. I have reoommended
Idaho, it w too Ute to invoke Its aid I The Lane headquarters will t in rooms 10 jumper oi ine ooys arout
Xsrae I Mostraeked.
r Tutt of the Takilma ompany filed, wherein it was declared that the , n". J
to operas Tthe smeUer TloWeV constitution stood for the protecUon of on
thismer th?n It ha. ever the defendant in Idaho as elsewhere, "5.
the Takilma Smelting company and the
Waldo Smelting Mining company after they had crossed that boundary.
surrounding 11 are Doing wihhum,
repaired and put la shape for an exten
sive summer's business. Manager
wnr. tuMfi'ntuMtiui- mjtA to this end I and If. as suted In the majority opln
is preparing to 'have the plant blown I Ion, they would have been set a liberty
in at an carl data. The 4t miles of I before passing over the Idaho boundary,
wagon road between Grants Pass and and they had' bad no v opportunity of
Takilma. over which matte and coke I earlier Invoking its aid, they should not
must be hauled, are now in fair con-1 be precluded by reason of that fact from
dltion and will remain so till fall. Ill doing so. " - : v
the smelter Is blown In the latter parti "It is tny opinion r that President
of this month or the first of June, as I Roosevelt . very diplomatically side-
is contemoiatea IX wiu nave a aeaawn
of four or five months' work.,
1;,;i;'; MarA a Oet Teams..; ,
The company experiences the great
est difficulty In getting teams for
freighting coke and matte. A train
11 and la In -the Canterbury building,
on Washington street, sear Third. The
fhe . f reighthouse and I know if they
gave them -a fair trial they certainly
I -. a a a ..ill V.l J sm I ntllalt . Yi m haaa v1 aa mA varlrlk . K .
rigorous dissenting' opinion was "T,. -TT T" v . . T
its work from tbe I
The campaign committee held Its first
meeting . this . afternoon
plans for the next four weeks and the
active work for the reelection of Or.
Iane will be at onoe carried into every
ward and precinct of the city. ' Already
the sun is shining upon the Lane ban
ner and bis friends have dally added
encouragement The Independent "Yot-
... - .V. .1,. ... h.,l..l. u. 1
-nlrul Ik. K7. Vn.k v.v " I
i;;rr-.aV7.;:"-;,: iship .d strong ne
- . - 1 a. nAnnlnai Alt In luar n...
rr. ..v-.r v. . rr cinot.
For sale by all dealers. Prloe 10 cents.
Foster-Milburn Co Buffalo, New York,
to outline its sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name DO AW 8 and
take no other. '".-.'rr.';''X.V... ,'
us to submit evidence to him upon, for
he has no more . power of jurisdiction
Those who favor a'free and Impartial
administration of the city's affairs, tr
over the matter, even if evidence were IZrZr
of lit horsee and mules Is required 'or I ubmltUd to him, than has the humblest lnttnat; M ..urlng Mayor Lane
this purpose, and to simplify the work elt.sen of the United StaUa
It is desired to have the train operat
ed under the direction of one man.
Captain Mclntyre, an experienced Pa
cific coast freighter, has been, doing
this work for the company, but as the
season is 'short he has s removed his
teams and wagons to the Klamath re
gion and may remain over there. The
company expects,' however; to have all
the horses and mules necessary for
Continued from Page One.)
and his campaign managers of their
support and cooperation. The trend of
political sentiment seems everywhere to
be Indicative of 4 desire on the part of
the thinking x voter to continue an. ad
ministration which has been tried and
Organize to Protect and Promote
Interests of the Trade ', .'v
v , In This State. , !
The Retail Jewelerr association of
- ..a. .... v.. . I Oregon was organised from about is
-T. pu.rehM4 tv.1WB.f'Unttlo rather than to switch til representative Jewelers from all parjs
V TT ll.l UCM, U.t..i.. I . ,-.-.fl... nnllflv .hlnh V tint Af Ih. .t.t. -, ah.M.Ka.M mm
. , ...ail. , . ... . a I mu .UlUJIU.U.HT. J.l Tl I.IVU . MW- I . " . .1-1. - , w v.iw ll.aa. v wiu'
UUVIUHHIVU ".iVW KitW UrVUVICU ... A V. a I m.m. ...... al.H f -W a a . -
xne repons maae Dy i-ne woraers tect the trade In this Stau as la being
route of , the road . and. Its Increased
ireiKnung roiunita oy i" utf.r pwiinuua aepenaa 10 a great exiem upon . . ...o-.i. .. .v.. .,,. i. . .,. I . 7 :
of this month. U ; ( the ultlmaU completion of -the- WM&r:,Z;ZZiV aon ia therjautea and" to work to-
W. a Keith, who had charge of the Councilman Beldlng was apparently :':'""'tZ't th Jnr . ni getlier for the henefit of the retail Jew n nlv..... v I in the sympathy of those voters etand-i , . , . ,,. . ...
tng for a sound and decent city admin
istration - than at any. period ainoe his
smelter last summer will not return to
the plant this year, as he has accepted
a similar position , with the ' flumpter
smelter. Just, who will have charge
of the Takilma plant this season is
not yet ' known. , .
. Output f gmelter. -.. ' ,
If tHe smelter Is operated an Sum-'
better informed than these former own-
to what action the - council
would, take upon the company's ap
plication for a franchise.
The franchise for the. Hlllsboro line.
extending along Front street from- tbe
terminal grounds In North Portland
through 8outh Portland and also along
Inauguration two - years ago. '
tner It will turn out at least 1,000 tons I Seventh street -from Johnson to Hall
of pure matte, a product that Is not I streets expires by limitation set for the
A . lnt-AHtln titnttnrv tit ' ttidk Mrl
only very rich in copper, but , which completion of the road within a short McdnBlon 0l Mount Hood is the leading
carries good values la gold and stiver I time. The represenUtives of the com- artici, iB the third numttr of" Bteel
This matte Is shipped to Taooma and I pany have asked for a three years' ex- r.i,. .v.. n,n. n.,iawia..i Ki..h
Belby for refining. ; The Takilma smel- I tension of time for the completion of I William aiadatona Steal la editor There
ter has a maximum' capacity1 of ZOO I the line. It ; has only partially con- .,, .-veral other artlclea on the -noun-tons
dally, though an averag. of.only ktrocted the Front st
100 tons are treated daUy. It could Question of whether the r resent fran-1 . u...... -
be operated to 1U maximum capacity chise shall be extended, allowed to lapse I Hii whon it L Plttwk W lavman
were n possioie to seep an ample sup- or a w franchise granted will be fori trfcl.i1uia: Jam.U,. iiardrff. wiu
ihinnM i tfm mYMtrirt- " counnwunm Uam Buckley and Professor U J. "Pow
ahlpped in , from outside, points and la short time. , .., Umh.,i t th. .,,mmit , -
elers. , In this way it will be allied with
the national association branches In
10 states of the union.
. Tbe officers elected yesterday are as
follows: L. A. Lewis, of Klamath Falls,
president; Charles H. Williams, Con
don, first vice president; L E. SUples,
Portland,- second vice president: L. H.
i Hoyt, Hlllsboro, third vice presldeht:
H. M. Leffert, PorUand, secreUry; E.
J. - Jaeger. , Portland, . treasurer., : These
officers together with F. M. French of
Albany, M. O. Rose, lone, and A. H.
Harris of Dallas constitute the execu
tive committee.
, . hauled to the mines from here, making
it very expensive by the time It reaches
the smelter. .;.'?''',::,'
. As to the ore supply. It Is stated by
. the management that there Is more
than enough ore blocked out and In the
bins on the Queen of Bronte mine alone
to Keep the smelter busy day-: and
night all this season. ' Besides '. the
Queen of Bronca there are five or six
other deeply developed copper mines at
Waldo, all of which contain big bodies
of amemng ore.
'"Continued from Page One.)
, witnesses has stirred the defense to re
newed activity. , ,,
droamstaatial Evidence.
- It developed during the examination
of prospective Jurymen that the prose
cution . has . considerable . circumstantial
evidence on which . it will depend - to
-win the case.' Also that all parsons who
are likely to be called as jurors have
been during the last two months del
uged with eoclallstlo literature. Includ
ing the "Appeal to Reason," '"Wlllshire's
Magaslne," The Miners Journal," etc.
' The questions of Attorney Hawley for
the prosecution Indicated that this mat
ter was a serious one, and an attempt
on the part of friends Of the accused
to sway the opinion of veniremen. It
is plain also from the examination of
veniremen that most of the people. here
have opinions regarding the guilt of the
accused. : As a result, two were quickly
excused In the first hour and a half.
. Among the ' spectators at ' todays
proceedings are many residents of Cald
well and a number of yery prominent
.freight oa teveath grtreet."
f The present franchise contains r. ho
provision requiring the construction of
the Hlllsboro line. It allows the com'
pany operating the road, to haul heavy
freight over the Seventh street line,
thus raising the same objection as now
holds against the Fourth-, street fran
chise held by the Southern' Pacific,
A, rerMdy for-theae objections is de
manded by. the people of the city, while
the company seeks to have its fran
chise extended without alteration. Coun
cilman Beldlng s private and : personal
Interest seems to be Identical with that
of the corporation. .
ell climbed to the summit.
A. number of tinted ' half tones of early
mountaineers and officers of the Mana
ma and enowsnoe club are included lo j state . Convention of Rural Men In
uiib numoer ui oieet jroinie.
K. Kangaa was sentenced to three
months In the county jail this morning
by Presiding Judge Cleland of the cir
cuit court Kangaa pleaded guilty to
the; charge of simple assault. He had
been accused Of assault with a danger
ous weapon by striking at E. Tomlla
with a pocket-knife in a north-end sa
(Continued from Page Ona) . -
Portland in June Nearly Three
Hundred Win Attend. .
W.'H.' Boyil vln-iriiMnt tit tha
Principal interest Is centered In the D.,ni r... r...ii
expected movement of the oars from the " , TSZ JZZiZ 71
ot .tr. ham. .nH thr th r'?n' " In "e city arranging for the
portant matters will come ' un and a
large attendance la expected. There
wilt be 60 regular delegates to the con
crowd has gathered. The tense feeling fonvenUon which will be held
of Wednesday has considerably relaxed. tbi ,un, .!. .nd ' Many 1
of Wednesday has considerably relaxed,
the atrlkers and sympathisers seeing in
the meeting of the committee of 50 the
possibility of ar settlement of the strike.
Given Indeterminate Sentence.
The union pickets were on hand early gr", n? JL0 .th 109 ?r moriruraJ
tend. :;.i:..:-f:-'t
Special attention . will ' this year be
given to tne problem of good roads. An
inorease of salary was voted at the last
session of congress so that Question.
prominent last year, will give way to
others. Ther"blg stick", already is used
enectuaiiy for good roads. Inasmuch as
ail routes over roads that are reported
Impassable, are declared discontinued
by the .. postal department until r they
have been restored to condition. How
ever, the letter carriers are anxious for
tne best road. ... i v
There are now 17,811 rural routes in
the United States and they are steadily
Increasing. In this - state there are
about 100. K. P. Loop of McMlnnville
Is president of the Oregon body of
rural carriers..
at all the barns when the crowds came
and. cautioned them as they had since
the strike began to refrain from vio
. Cars will he run again over the zfria-
clpal lines of the United Railroads some
time today and. if there is no recurrence
of the rioting which attended the pre
vious efforts of the company to oper
ate the cars there will be an attempt
to reestablish the car service over the
loon. He pleaded not guilty to . thisl8nt,r -. 'V ; - ' , : -
charge yesterday morning, but when the President Patrick Calhoun of flclally
less serious, charge of simple assault announced last night that he was well
was preferred Kangas chanced his nlea isausiioo w.m me suuauon ana con-
to guilty and was sentenoed. .' I sldered that the backbone of the strike
y its broxen. we says mat lie is convinced
.a. w. u a. v w wuua kiuvu. . tt a aa .
fnrd th Mmnanv -a amfill ,'amnnnh tt
J, DIDltn in me CU-CUII COUrt tniS I nrnfutlAn In Itm -ftnrt tn nn.rn. ....
murama- pmutfl ;uui IO ins Cnargeilt will be sufficient in .nnhl. th. nm.
Of Stealing ISO and a gOld watch from lnin nt thm ran inln -.lhn.n h..
a friend Fred Johnson, and was sen arrived at this conclusion as a result DISALLOW CLAIM OF
tenoed bv Judae Cleland tn n.rv. .n L, .. . . ii ii wkniui. ui
indeterminate period In the .- seers' t
Try one of
I ears yesterday under police protection
has been cowed by the stand taken bv i . X. .IT. ZlStl
the munlctoal authorlUea. : 7 UT- w.h."JI" v"
The United Railroads is prepared to .nn.inn ;tth th. ...iw.. i r
resume operations on all lines as soon lw.h.t., v. , ..
as the , situation permits. For the pres. UtorrBrandes this morninr r Auditor
.Vl !;4r "IV . Brandeasaid that the boiler inspectors
have 4the opportunity of fulfllllng their had considered the incident so tHvlal
promise thapey wm inalBtaJn law that ty had made no official report
I . aava va udi . vuiviua. .. v& r. iitj .m.rucu I nf ir
company nave iuai connaence in tne in'
I A a.1 .TV. a . . 1 1 wa . -
wouvni ox vium ox . ruuci xinan xo 1 j 1711. D..ii.t.. n 1: .
ston the rioting and keen oeace. If. w .Mmrupvcj.
however, it should he demonstrated that r Muller ft Rass company filed a petl
Tastes much like Pumpkin Pic.
Savory r-'Vfrv,
Winning ;
i 4t
the police department is unable to cope
1 with the situation and secure the safety
of the non-union men on .the oars and
the property . of the company an ap
peal will be made to Governor Oillett
to send ' the National Quart here . to
give the company the protection neces
sary to resume traffic Up to this time
I Calhoun has not asked for the militia
or United States troops and he says
that he will not do so unless forced
by a continuance of the rioting.
A , . a e it .ainia iariwuin
iSaThoun, ''Chief Dinan - and Mayor
Schmttt yesterday the right of men to
! carry arms, in view or attacks wmcn
have1 been made ori' them, for the pro
tection of their Uvea and the property
of , the. company, was conceded by both
Mayor Schmiti and the chief of police.
I'Presldent Calhoun told Chief Dinan that
he would send cars out manned by men
without arms provided Dinan would
guarantee to protect them, and on this
understanding . the cars were operated
yesterday? ' ' -
.wiu bi no compromise. -
Prospects of a Compromise between
the' strikers and the company seem r-
tion in the United States district court
thla morning- asking that Ida M. Jullen
be declared a bankrupt The petition
states that the petitioner baa a claim
of 1,120 -for millinery goods sold to
jai duiien.
positively beneficial de-
RLCIPLi. , .
. Pour boiling1 water over one-half cup of Grape-Nuts, let stand
ten minutes, add two eees. four taSlesnnnnfnie
.w,f mJIV nn--tr.;r th.l -J- f. 7 1 1 f ' , ' .7- K the strixers ana tne company seem re-
...ivv.,..., jne leaspcKJmui mixeu mote as sver.s Munoun iraruciy states - "
spices, stir over slow fire until thoroughly boiled Baka nie doiii?-h tht he win not eonMderany comprom- IfClOtlSlV irCTHIlL CfVl?
tian when doni- nut in 'vt.rnl r 7 a P aouKn iBi proposition which involves any reo- "WVIWIJ liagiaUl glVCJ
in aeep pan, wnen . ao, put, in. prepared Gro c t
jvci tu uiuu.-viMauM uuu , ' ".i ..i. v ,;s. v- i union, ana tnis xaci is surncient to TlPTTPrT v3TTvTLlfFffin-
" - ' f, preclude any possible hope of adjust- rH. a 1 V vile
ims pie is aigcstiDie and wonderfully nourishini? for it is mostly -t,; of tae ainerences Between tne
ft . XT:.. .1,. ::r7..ii-. 17.1. """nng.ior u is mosuY . ana tht) Btriklng ex-employea
T JL . . k 'V "uc uuu m existence.
; Read "Jhe Road to Wellville"in pkgs. .
: - 'There's a Reason" . v
I The fact that the company already has
on hand nearly enough men to operate
'Its cars -and-severai trainioads of
ditional carmen are on the way here In
dicates that all hope of a compromise
has been given up by 'the officials Of
Ask your dentists
I ' t 4 i -i , 1 lV f ' I .e i 1 ' " i ' y
i .. - . - . . ; . .. ' 1 , 1 ,
Lawn Waists handsomely trimmed :with embroidery
and lace, values up to $1.75. A Friday only...... .96c
Ladies' BlacItSilkAutoCoats $14.95
We are off erine" this week, alons: with other specials,
beautiful Black Taffeta Silk Auto Coats of extra good "
valuereally worth; $20.00 for. . .. . . . . . . . .01495
' Ladies Suits, latest spring styles, just received ' from
New York, at prices ranging from. . 513 to ;
Here's another bargain in BrUliantine Skirts, new and up-to-date,
extra well made; colors are brown, blue and black. , ijJ Qf ,
We sell cheaper for' credit than others do for cash. . See window "
I-. s ; display. 'j . . , ,
, . , - , Pay a Little Down,' Then $1.00 a Week.
ft UrJ '
Pit J
.r m i SaBafHlSI!Sw psr
- We are always glad to serve you by our easy payment
plan: Pick your suit, make a small cash payment,' then
- ' . V ' 1 r
You re welcome to credit. Do not hesitate to accept
: " ' our easy terms. '-'.
a- Jf. '
IS ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL to be Portland's most.beauti
fdl and, most desirable residence section. . Our grand' "opening
day" is Sunday, May ,12.; . Watch Saturday's and Sunday's papers
". for particulars. You want the best possible for your money and ;
- you will get it in;TERRACEPA17tvk'""r"""
; : the, spanton Company
Opposite Chamber, of Commerce.
270 Stark Street.
$5 Up
Started 1887-6tlll Hetres 1907
Painless Extraction 50c. Plates
r ' From this date Drs. W,. Aand T. P. Wise will wait on
as many patients as thej can themselves. There are no
others employed hereexcept Dir. H. ::yAi Sftirdevant, jwho J
has charge of the laboratory- .work. Open evenings and
t Sundays by ; appointment.' only. Particular attention given "
- to nervOus! fcwplef-et
. Rooms 211 to 218 Failing Bldg, Third and Washington Sts.-
FpRipiEN OfiLY
Dr. Sudenoe's Compoua " Savla
and -Oottoa Boot PUta. Tb tml
and only rmdr tor un.
, LATEO PBRlOUa. Cwe the moit
obfltiBAta MM lm si tm lA
aI5riv, rim
mm k
the company. . 1