The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 09, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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' C7 ' ' ' ' ' "' I " r'LI'" ' ' ' : TIIE 0REG0N ' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,' THURSDAY EVENING, MAY' 9, 1907.; . )'yp'f; ' ' 'K'k' ' y
F-iTW' TVnmon Vontod BCEPl - 7 , -r J
i , lovn i epics women wanted niiQi-'iee ihT""' ,, uc "uuu mm-Mf 2vv , , .... .(-: .-
tl L,.,J To work in hundrr. - Steniy ST. JOH J S - B US L ES S LOT MITPIP tf L, i ' W''
"m" "7. 'mp''rm"" ! invest Fpurtp.nTj.ou.and in;. 'kttt. v vfS J&feM Know I '
LKte...!,!!"!r."X!I!',BKmB'i hT'Twa- able to the sex. Only team- Suburban ProDertv. Diamond Company Secures Cat- -ww'.; 'v.; v;-1';; I .;yi w..'-. r - . ! r . , t(
. y.'p,,.!.., j heated non-scorchabl polishers ' y , . ' ifornla Tract of Ninety- 1 - 'y' ;'$,$r " UOV tO liny 1 I
. . Three Thousand O , J .'''i - v-r II 1 W '
r7s-ffii afflwssac - KKBm r rami : !
Ill ,....'. llIMi 1 it i-! w ult&9Sttww , , I'll ,
It was erroneouily atated In jretUr
dar'a paper that aharea of the North
Coast CooDerktlva Lumbar oomoany ara
3190 Mc,: Th aharaa ara tl each, art
( netotlabla -and payers of jenrroua dlvl-
aenda m addition "to their Intaraat in
large bodiaa 4X the finest timber lands
on the face of the globe.""' All money
received from the sale of atoclc ara In
vested In Oregon's matchless pine, fir,
larch, cedar, tamarack and spruce tim
ber lands, the company buying the quar
ter, sections of, individual owners of
.timber claims, thus acquiring large
tracts In one body.' This, makes every
tree marketable and often doubles, five
times over, the value of the nurchaaes.
If a suitable market la not at once avail
able the tracts are held until an oppor
tune time for selling, or the company
erects Its own sawmill and cuts the Um
ber Into merchantable, lumber itself.
With the great scramble for timber that
naa been going on for the. last two or
three years, however, It Is not often that
the company "will find It. necessary to
hold Its land for any time at all, and
the most generous nroflts aura to be re
turned to every shareholder will doubt
teaa extend the business of this enter
prise to every section f the country
wuare i meinoas are made known.
f Frank "White, who was arrested on
thefijnplalnt of hla dlvoreail wife. Mra.
nle White, and ehared with in.
aanlty, waa declared sane by Dr. John-
eon after an examination la the county
Jail yesterday , afternoon. "White ; de
elarea that be will now proceed at onoe
w nave ma former , wife arrested, en
enargea of perjury and wrongful Im
prisonment. .White said that bis wife
brought the Insanity charge, against
Union Laundry
, . Tel Main 398.-
1 fnl
Portland when aha was taken, sick. He
was to be treated for heart trouble.' She
hss several grandchildren In thia city
and many friends. It la feared that she
will not aurvive.
Observation Car DatJy, Trlpa Hose
City , sightseeing .cars leave fiecond and
Morrison streets at 10 a. m. and 1 p. m..
taking In the beat scenlo beauties, . Take
In Council Crest, the greatest panermmlo
ride in America. Stopovera on' Crest
and "Forestry building. - Competent lec
turer accompanying car and tells story
of trip. Time of trip. 1 Mi hours; fare,
SO centa, ., ... y . V;'- . v
.'Evangelist J. K. Wolfe will speak to
night at the , Mississippi Avenue Con
gregational churoh on 'The Judgment
of the Living Nations." r This lecture
will be given In response to the many
requests that have come to blm since
the revival meetings closed. A special
mutical program will precede the leo-
?f. - V;..-;r V . ) : i '
The May dancing party to be given
by the Order of Washington In Alisky
hall. Thlnfajirt Morrl inn itrMt. nn Urn t .
aim to prevent him from swearing Ao alurday evenbg. May 11, promises to be
warrant-for her'amst on a charge of I the most popular attraction for that
evening.; Good music, free lunch, grand
good time for alL- Ton are Invited to
attend, . Admission it eentav -
" Hong Chong, a Chinese, was adjudged
Insane by County Judge Webster yes
terday 'afternoon after an examination
by Dr. Johnson. . Cbong la the owner of
a tea store on Second street When ap
prehended by Deputy' Sheriffs Beatty
and Kelly he had a revolver .tied Ho a
atrlng about his neck.',
O. . Hoff. state labo commissioner,
and J. H. Ackerman, stats school sup
erlntendent, this week purchased bust.
ness property In St. .Johns from K. O.
Ogden at the highest price ever paid
for property in -Bt Johns. The deal
waa olosed Monday and the price paid
waa 114,000. N .;, y-:
, The property Is a lot on Jersey street
in tne cocbran block, centrally located
and now occupied by an ice cream, con-
xecuonery and drug store. It rents for
tltt a month. Mr. Ogden. a real es
tate dealer, bojught this property three
monins ago zor ,, -
Another sale of I Importance - was
closed this week by H. L. Holbrook
for a lot near the school building on
jersey street which sold for
Real estate In , Bt. Jobne ' la rapidly
"The excavation for a two-story brick
building waa started today on the prop
erty adjoining the McChesney block in
which the St Johns poetofflce la locat
ed.- Petersen Noce are the owners.
The building will have a It-foot front
age on Jersey street ... ; .
Excellent progress Is being made In
the erection of H. W. King's skating
rink. It will be a large structure and
built according to the latest approved
plana for skating rinks.
The Portland Woolen Mills have sig
nified their Intention to build a sewer
and have asked the city for a permit
Work on thia Improvement will begin
at onoe.. , . v -,:
Cruise of a tract of It, 000 aorss of
timber lands near Chioo, In Plumaa
county, California, has, Just been com
pleted by J. D. Laoey Y Co. of Port
land for the Diamond Match company,
and aa a result, the match trust has
purchased the property for approxl
maieiy '11,400,000. . xne lands , were
partly oovered with sugar pine and yet
low fir. m, -ij r '-Xy . '.Vi-.1' ;:'-.-.
The lands adjoin other similar hold
ings of the match-company, i Inoluded
In the purchase are real estate, logging
rauroaas ana , equipment and nxtures.
In addition, a large amount of lumber
on mercnaoamv are purcnasea at an
inventoried price. The match company's
anneal statement Juat aubmltted by the
president, O. C Barber, shows that dur
ing the last year the company's net
profits from sale of matches, lumber.
and from rentals,' royalties, foreign In'
vestments and California operations
amounted to ;,: , An annual
dividend of 10 per cent la paid on its
enure capital stock, s. ,
.perjury for falsely swearing to the affi
davit by which William F. '--White, the
11-year-old son of the couple, procured
a license to-: marry Mary .Walker on
t February it.,', v . x,r. ?V
- The funeral of Pr. James Harvey
Pleesanta,who died at hla home, 161
Falling street Tuesday, waa held yes
terday from the Zeller-Byraes chapel
under the auspices of the I. O." O. F.
A Urge number of friends and relatives
attended the last rites over the de
ceased, who had been a soldier in the
civil war. . Dr. Pleasants waa born-in
Kentucky in lilt and was 7J years
e age at the time of hla fleatft. lie
enlisted In the Union army ana alter
&fatthleii Building - at Front and
Harrison WW Soon Be Under
; 5 ' Way Grading on Belghta. -'
Bernl's Witch Hasel Cream la the
ideal lotion for chapped hands, face and
Upe. Healing and soothing without
being aUcky or greasy, it is a srreat
favorite with the ladles, -s a ' toilet
WV eTwed from- the St xut cream, tie a bottle f Albert Bernl, the
aruggist, in Washington street
Articles of Incorporation of the Ivey
ruDiisning company, nave been Hied In
the office Of County Clerk Fields bv C
James Ivey, Olive F. Ivey, Carrie L.
Ivey, - William H. . Heppe, Charles A.
Prlesing and Charles J. Barnard. Capl-
Medical college. He came to Oregon
In ltOI. "-Mrs. Pleasants survives, ber
husband, as do his daughters. Mrs. H.
U Brown of Hoqulam, - Washington,
and Miss Stella Pleasants of this city.
-Mi. tt. Ackerman will address a mass
meeting In Oreshsm Saturday afternoon
explaining the workings of the new law
that goes into effect May SB for uniting
school -dlstrlota in order to - establish
high schools, . Ores ham has been con
sidered the point for building a high
school and about too pupils will derive
benefit from the establishment of - a
school there. : It Is proposed to unite
districts 17. t, 10. It, IS and II to the
Oreaham district la forming the central
high school.
' Penny "Broa . Friday Bpeclal-l-Our
11. tO grade of Bed or White Port
Tokay, Muscatel and Sherry wines at
tl.tO per gallon: ' Our 11.00 grade of
Port, Sherry and Zlnfandel winea at
Tto per gallon.' - Our 11.00 grade of
J. A. McBrayer whlakey (spring of ')
at 14.00 per gallon. Friday only. 179-ttl-l
Morrison street, phone East 1ST.
Free delivery. 1 -,
Members of Al Kader temple held a
special meeting last night to arrange
for an entertainment for the Mystlo
Shiiners and their families returning
from the Los Angeles imperial ses
sion. Headquarters will be established
and another special meeting will be
held tomorrow night when all commit
tees will be named that will have
charge of the special f eaturea of i the
. entertainment, -
Thejury In Judge Sears' department
of the state circuit " court yesterday
afternoon returned a verdict for-tS20
for Simon Bros, against Leach Bros,
for a carload of scrap Iron. Leach
Broa. had refused to pay for the iron.
alleging that it waa jiot of the quality
represented. . Before finding their ver
dict the Jurors ' visited Leach Bros.'
foundry and inspected the acrap Iron
complained of. j. . , - ,V
- Excavating for ' the foundation . of
John Matthlesen's new four-story hotel
at Front and Harrison streets has be
gun.-. The building will occupy the en
tire quarter-block and will require about
five months for Its completion. The
walls . will be ' of brick and with a
thickness sufficient ; to support addi
tional stories. 1 V .
. Willamette Heights Is to be the
scene of extensive . grading Improve
ments Ihls summer . and ' fall. The
"Scotch Nubbin,' one of the slghtllest
building spots on the hills back of
Portland "is to be terraced. It will
rise In three easy steps, giving a splen
did view of the city and harbor.
Russell ' and Blythe, who own the
property - have let a contract with
George McCabe to remove about 100,
000 cublo yards of earth, with a pro
visional contract for the removal of
100,000 additional yards.
tne end or tne
. Prises of fSO, tit and tit will be
given by the Portland Municipal asso
ciation for three best essays on Good
CItlsenshlp. , Competition open to young
men from IS to St yeara of age. For
terms apply to John Bain. 114 Stark
A dramatio recital, assisted by local
end Instrumental . numbers, - was given
by Marion Warde Farnham at Haw
thorne Park Presbytsrian church last I Wt I I IMCDCPT A I I
night It waa decided success and "-- ' -w I
From demurrers filed In the cases of
Patsy MeCann and John Crocker, north
end saloonkeepers, who were arrested
on primary election day for keeping
open meir establishments contrary to
tne provisions of the ordinance. It Is
thought that the attorneys for the de
fense intend to rals the point that in
asmuch aa the law only designates that
places where liquor is sold shall remain
closed on "election day - aurlner vot
Ing hours, the primary election is not
covered by the legislation.. The de
murrers will be argued In the police
court tomorrow ana if Judge Cameron
ruies againai ins aerenaants an ao-
peai may os taaen to the upper court
ttenry Hoirman, proprietor of a sa
loon on Hawthorne . avenue, who waa
arrested by Detectives Jones and Tick-
enor for selling liquor during voting
hours, v was found guilty and ths
case continued for sentence. 'Hoff
man '.conducts a restaurant In con
nection with his resort and Introduced
a novel defense. He alleges that his
daughter, had asked him for three empty
glasses to place en the dinner Uble
and he Inferred that she wanted three
glasses of bser.
The liquor was placed on the safe and
after finding he waa mistaken Hoffman
says he asked three young men who
were waiting- for seats at the table to
drink the beverage. The police appeared
at this Juncture and arrested the aa-
loonman. -
Know It by This Label
r Every Hat Guaranteed to give entire satisfaction .
: ; or a new hat tree of charge
Complete line of fine Straws
and Panamas for summer
.? It's easy now, be
canaa the best kinds of
paint, enamels, stains.
yarnlshea, are sold
ander th Mm of, '
a mark that signifies
the Perfect Paint
for Every Parpoee,'
If ronr nearest
dealer cannot snpplv
jon with the "Acme
Aak for a copy of
the sew textbook.
Tbe leleetteai art Dm
ef filaii ami ITnUsa.-
Free on request. :
, '!- y",, ...1- -j
; IT! Tint ttrt, artUa,
Thurman atrwt oar lino 1, , to be to- LOGAN AWARDED MONEY
proved, piauea mna put a in rar-
ket by the same firm. It will be on
sale within the next few days.
An effort is being made to secure a
street ear line along the hillside that
will serve the residents of the die
trlet - - ?
was attended by a large audience.
To prepare for . the grocers annua
plcnlo a meeting of committeemen baa
been called for this evening at -110
Alisky building. - -
Steamer Jesse Harklna. for Camaa.
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. ; Leaves Washington street
dock a p. m. ,. . . a,
Reliable hot water bags and fountain
syringes at moderate prices at Bernl's
drug store, SSI Washington street
Why pay more T Metsger fits your
eyes for tL wash. Bt, cor. 7th,
formerly at ill Sixth atreet
The following were last : night ap
pointed a committee to prepare plans
for thself -support of the churches ef
the Portland - presbytery , and present
there later for the approval of the gen
eral committee: Rev. William Hiram
Foulkes, Rev. B. BJ. 8. Ely Jr., D. D.,
Rev. E. M. Sharp. Rev. W. & Holt M.
D., Rev. A. J. Montgomery -and Elders
. William M. Ladd, W. B Honeyman, Sara
Jackwood and Earl C, Bronaugh.
Try Washington lump coal, price 7.f 0
per ton. It is clean and good. Ask
your dealers for it . ;
Dr. M. Monte Bettman, denrlst, has
returned.4 Office 40t-4-t Swetland
building, l
Dr. G. F. Koehler, removed to 403-4-1
Swetland ;bldg. ,; Diseases : of stomach,
-H, W. Moore- expert photographer.
Elks' building. Seventh and Stark Sts.
Vs, William a
Rev.' William Hiram Foulkes will be
Installed pasto of the - First , Presby
terian church by the Portland presby
tery this evening at the church.' Rev.
B. E. 8. Ely will deliver ' the sermon
and other members of the presbytery
will take part ;; j
Mrs. Emily Baughman, widow of the
late Samuej Baughman, became sud
denly ill while on the train yesterday
en route to Portland from PleHsant Hill.
Her husband died two yeara ago of old
age. She waa accompanying her son to
Eastm.-.n ..kodaks and supplies. X.
Leeser Cohen. Ill tth, the Kodak atore.
Dr. William Cavanaugh. dentist has
moved hla office to 001-4 Buchanan bldg.
Woman's Exchange, US, Tenth street,
lunch 11:10 to 1; bualness men's lunch,
Aome Oil Co. sells the best safety coal
oil and fine gasoline. . . Phone East Tit.
. Z. Chambers, optician, 111 Seventh,'
,v Berger Signs iti TamhUlPhona!
i O. E. Dobson, who has been employed
as a civil engineer in , the city engi
neer's ? department was yesterday
transferred to the building Inspector's
department by the civil service commis
sion.. - i .-.'- -
Mr. Dobson. who belongs to a well-
known Iowa family, Is a reenforced
concrete epeclallst and Inspector Spen
cer needed his services In his depart
ment, aa a great deal of concrete con
struction la under way, ana men who
are- expert in that branch of construc
tion are acarcev He will check over the
plana for buildings of every type filed
with the building Inspector. This gives
Inspector Spencer and Deputy Benvle
more time for field work,
Suit for divorce from Crinthe V. Rich
ardson was filed In ; the circuit court
yesterday afternoon by Gilbert X Rich
ardson. ' Mrs. Richardson la charged
with infidelity, and Frank B. Irons,
alias Frank B. Oberg, is named aa co
ressondent v Richardson charges that
hla wife left him and went to Tacoma
last October, taking- with her their
t-year-old.aon Oliver, and Joined Irons
there. 'yVyy ' y . .rv,.
Richardson asks a divorce, and the
oustody of his son,: whom-ehe saya hs
recovered In April when Mrs. Richard
son and Irons were arrested.
John C. Logan waa vindicated In the
eyes of the colored population yesterday
afternoon, when-the Jury In Judge Gan
tenbeln'a department of the state circuit
court found a verdict awarding Logan
tlOO damages from the advocate for
libel. The suit was brought against E.
D. Cannady and F. E. Sproull, alleged to
be the editors of the Advocate, In which
appeared various denouncements of Lo
gan. Logan ' asked 15,000 damages.
Cannady and Sproull sought to defend
by alleging that what they had said of
Logan was true, and the Jury negatived
this defense by awarding Logan 1100
damages. The Jury deliberated about
an hour. ; v- ;
f A Hard Debt to Fay.
1 owe a debt of gratitude that can
never be paid off," writes G. S. Clark of
westneia. iowa. -Tor my - rescue rrom
death, by Dr. King's New Discovery.
Both lungs were so seriously affected
that death - seemea imminent when
commenoed taking New Discovery. The
ominous . dry, hacking oough quits be
fore the first bottle was used, and two
more bottles made a complete cure.'
Nothing has ever eaualed New Discov
ery for coughs, colds and all- throat and
lung complaints. Guaranteed by Red
Cross Pharmacy. 60o and 11.00. Trial
bottle free. . . -
Gel the Oaks Habit 1
Butter-Writ Bread
fivery ingredient the choicest
5 cents
per loaf
L cn& i
Insist upon having "Butter-Nut" and look for the
' blue star label on every loaf
Mew .MMBfcw
NEW Imported Milan Dress Shapes, 50 rery latest -
models .f3.50 to $5.50
NEW Straw and Chip Shapes, blacks and all '
colors .fl.OO to $3.00
NEW Plain Band Sailors, smooth and rough. 75 to $4.00
NEW Neapolitan Flats, blacks, whites and light - - 4 '
colors. . . , . . . . , ......... .. ; . (fl.50 to. $5.00
NEW Flowers . NEW Foliages t NEW Ball Pins
Iti Tailored Street Hats and Modish Dress Hats. All one
ginal Pattern HaU One Fourth to One Half Off
214 Third
' Cor. Salmon
IE fO A IT 1P2xJr
Like Finding Honey
ymr gpxoxixs to orar rovm
, BAY SAXB. . ;;,..v;i-
Shmana Ripe Olives, pta,
Xhmann Ripe Olives, qta,
glass .......SO
. Bayles Preserved Sweet Mixed
y,. Turn Turn Pickles, pts., . -
glass 20e
Bayles1 Preserved Sweet, Midget
Gherkins, ptav glass... ...20e
Bayles' Preserved Sweet Midget
; Gherkins, lOroa. glass..... 15
Bayles' Preserved Sweet Mixed,
10-os. class ..15
Helns Standard Currant Jelly,
JO-lb. pall ........... .2.25
Helns Extra Family Apple Butter,
10-lb, crock ....i...... .3.25
Iensa Assorted Preserves and
'Jams, lt-os. glass........ 20e
Imported Orange Marmalade,
'f lt-os. Jars .... ....20f
SIS Third St. none Mala SXS
Heiliq Theatre
lUt and WaaUngtom. : nona Main l.
IrL, Sat., gna. Vlrats, stay 10, 11, u,
Prtees Entire L r ' rinn- ei ' s.t
!h .IVJL- Ull"'' Me. . ts Miiii
at theatre kos office.
Utk and
,. T.n.T.taw atrtszix .
la the Delightful Comedy
Prleee tower Floor, 12. . tlJSO. BalmiT
Pertlsnd's ramoss Theatre. .-,
. , PUont Mala 202iX
Qrand Opening
a Oomie Opera Imw
Wednesday, May 13
San Francisco Opera Co.
the SiMt Xoaioal int
' give Yirfcts Only.
statiBM Betarday and Bnaday. -
Seat Sale Opeas sataraay, stay U, t . su
Prices ZSe.BOt.76e. ,
Klser scenlo photos. Imperial hotel
Pay your west side aaa bills before
Friday, p.m. Positively no discount
after that day.
Preferred Stock Canned Goods.
Allen ft Lewis' Best Brand.
Today while Bell tt Co, were unload
ing the morning's receipts of strawber-1
ties from the valley they came across
a very flne box shipped from J. F.
Barker A Co. Several buyers stood
around j waiting for the crate to be
opened and, this being done, out Jumped
mouse that Immediately made tracks
for the office of Mr. Bell. While Bell
A Co. report many curious arrivals at I
divers times, this Is the first Instance
when the stock clerk had to, check up a
mouse. '
A. M. Crawford attorney-general of
And we will give it just the same attention that we give the Unrest Crawford is in Portland on omoiai bust-
.rnnnt w have. , - 5 . V - I ness.
,v, v ' ' - -J W. ' Wbitmore, a large atockreieer
. . , , ... . ' . ...of Pomeroy, Washington, is at the lm-
v It IS the Small beginnings that produce the Dig results. It Will periol hotel attending his mother, Mrs.
work for us as well as you. That is the reason we. want the small 5f- v,Jhltmor f 0akJand' ?"gon:
jJl . v , " - . , , j Mra Whitmore Is dangerously 111 and
aCCeXHK. ,.. , , ' - v s .V. -vv-t '.', ."' 1 relatives1 have ."been summoned to 'her
" , . t ? 1 L - ' -. - j bedside.. 1 .
and we wilTdo everything we can to assist them in their first bankiSot-S thVr!gon
(. 4 , t i ,h , , I J. M. Stevenson, a merchant and rail-
roaa contractor of Cascades, . Washing-
If you are not earning money, start a little account with roarf
of tne weekly, allowance tnat tatner gives you- When he sees you Eagie, canyon city, Oregon. ia recov-
Minnino- a bank account, iust watch that allowance increase. ; , - rln m . operation at the -.North
" - a - T- ; . . .... .. y- t " " : ..: ' 1 factne sanatorium. Mr. ward has been
at the sanatorium about a week. ,
Charles Sweeney, the Spokane million
aire, is at the Portland hotel.' .. f
Colonel and Mre,.K, A. Godwin of
Fort Walla Walla are at the Portland
hotel.". They are In Portland on a shop
ping and pleasure trip.
"from Maker to Player.''
ing transactions,
- Savings deposited in this strong bank earn 4 per cent compound
; interest '.forouftl
! j " Pay y
' ... . ! .
four west side gas bills before
Reed-French, Sixth and Burnsidc, Have a Lot
of Excellent Used Pianos Which They Are Offer
ing at Especially Low Prices This Veek. Phone
Main 1252 If You Can't Come in Through the Day
Decker, Schubert, Packard. I vera 4 Pond, Fischer, Kohler A Campbell any '
ot these for less than halt retail pay tt a month. ' '
'M f v.- :--iiV''-iv:;";'-':'- 'v:;..ri1::;.,:.: ' r'i -jvS
! y Take choice of a splendid assortment of Piano Players, Pianola, Ceolllaa.
Apollo, Angelua, Ideal for tlto pay tl e, month eil the music you .want - v
thrown In. 1 . . . . ....... ...,.
. . ; ' ' , ,
This is clean-up week piano bargains all over the house. Write if'
you can't come in. ' ' i',-. , '
G. W. KENNEDY, Wareroora Manager
The plane faotory hmise
In a wholesale district. ,
Boom of the raaoiia Baker gtoek Oomnaav. in
Nat OoodwlS'e Immenee Snrcr...
By CUtfe Fitch. '
BeaatifBl Productloe On. at tha t ..
Entire Bewo. Stare IHreetioa Mr. Arth,,.
eckiev. Mataiee Satord.r.
Jireninf snc, soe, boo.
InsKnc, BOS, BOo. Hat1na 111. 9k.
Vest Waai "The Saw Dealsiaa
iS Empire Ttealre k.M.
... MUtoa w. Beainaa, Hanaser.
. The Home of Melodrama.
Toolrbt All Waak-Th. .RMm.n rv
Baat Melodramatla Ornntaatkw n... 1
PUgrad Portland, ia the Big Eaatera Soc:
l ' Matlaee Saturday. ,.
' Btara DtraetloB aft Mr nu , .u.
-loe. JVe. soe. iuv. u..inu .
Net Week "TM ill WHITH CAV. t.
. rhone Main 4688.
This Week the AUea Stock Con paar Present In
. r -m .ww-vua.u, ... . .
smowamt tar towbt.
lfatTiiaaal - Tnsails Tl l o j a .
8:16. .Prleee 10c, 3Qe and tOe. ""10g
Beaerred seats h shone. Main atuui. ami..
pea from 10 a. ea. to 10 p. m.
Week ef Way t. '
' r . - Pre.nta
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Wnk ef Hay U, "hoid't l.ial
Weak ef Kay .
Tauonvtlle ea u
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