OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, -THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 9, 1907. LILLIAN RUSSELL I'M STICK III FEl'J ilOEIIIGllllS REALIZE IlEEp T5 SHEEP DESERT COUIITIiY Of PIEffilT Many Go "AbroadTTjut Few T6f Ar: D: Charlton ; Returns From Chief i Executive Learns sThat Flocks. of the Neighboring "' States Are Infected. Governor Toole Offers Thousand Captain Moore Baffled In Efforts Dollars Reward for Arrest : of . Train Robbeni. V swear "Allegiance to, the i i ,.: Stars and Stripes. ' ' to Make Ownert Clean Seattle, Where Thousands if'?.: '.'? Up- Property. . - V Co '"to Streets. it' L. 1 PLAGES PRICE Oil THUG'S HEAD OFFICER'S IIP ,'"."?'. , jiBBMsSsaa(asjsBJsawBaaBBBSsBa . v H- ' V HEAVY FINE IS PENALTY OF VIOLATION OF ORDER Sheepmen Prohibited From Bringing Animal Prom Washington, Call fond or Nevada Into Oregon :: ,. Without Restriction. (Special tttapateta to Tna Journal.) ' Salem, Or., May .After consult tion with th board of sheep commie wtoner. the state sheep . Inspector and ! eUte veterinarian of the etate of Wash ington And veterlnarjane connected with the federal bureau of animal industry, and after hearing on Mar 7 on the pro ; teat of the Wenaba Wool ito were' , as sociation' of Washington, ' - Governor '" Chamberlain aald today; ' I have reaaon to believe that ondl- tlon exist In Washington. Nevada and , California which may f render any f - the sheep coming front aald states, or any of than likely to convey the ais eaee commonly called and known - aa 'scabies.' now, therefore, I. George E. Chamberlain, aa governor of the etate of Oregon, by thle proclamation,' desig nate and declare the atatea of Wash ington, Nevada and California aa pre 'aum ably Infected, and do prohibit Im portation from ach and all of said ; states of any sheep Into thla state ex cept nnder such restrictions as the board of sheen commissioner ahall deem proper." The proclamation impose a fins of 91,000 and not less than $2( for viola- ' tlon. . - - - The proclamation will bo formally Is sued today and, goes into effect Imme diately. - J :, . .. . (DeetilniiMtcfe to Jowail.t - Holena. Mont.. May . Governor Toole today In behalf of the state of-I fered a reward of 11,000. for the ar rest and conviction .of the men who on May 7 held op the North Coaat limited, killing Engineer Frank Clow and wound ing Fireman Thomas Sullivan. No further arreats have been made and It is feared the murderers have escaped to Butte and are safe from ap prehension. . Should they be captured summary vengeance will be taken be yond question, ao unprovoked and un warranted wns the assassination of En gineer Clow.. LOGGER AnEMPTS TO . Kill WIFE WITH KNIFE Only the Fact That. Blade Was Dull Saved the Life of the Woman. u7 & tiUi m FRANCISCO CITIZENS : ARE IVORKING FOR PEACE 4 Committee ; of Fifty Appoints Executives to Formulate ' Plan of Actioh. v ; T ' (Joaraal Spscial Berries.) - ' . San Francisco, May 8. The commit tee of (0 met at the mayor's office this morning to consider ways -and means of bringing about Industrial peace. The result of the meeting was an appointed executive committee -to prepare a plan of action. Thla committee will prob ably work in conjunction with the spa clal committee of the labor council -; - j t it developed this afternoon that at ' '"'"the meeting -last night, between Prosi ' dent Calhoun and the. members of the Joint conciliation comjnlttee, Calhoun Intimated he "would not oppose the at tempts to aettle the strike by tha cm ; se'ns' committee. ' it is the general opinion that there . will be no more violence and the strike ' win be settled or completely broken ; In a few days. IVinO. MLIUC wMWfOUIi. IO - CONVICTED OF MURDER llrmmml Sueclsl Berrlce.) i Lafayette, Init, May Mrs. Alice Cooper Lawson was found guilty this morning of murder In the second de v Kree for shooting her husband Beptem- 1 ber 21 In his saloon. ? . ' EVELYN THAW VISITS HER MOTHER-IN-LAW '. (Journal Special Gerries.) ' Pittsburg, May . Evelyn Thaw ar- rived today and is - the guest of Mrs. ' William Thaw , at X-yndhurst. Evelyn t will try to effect a reconciliation with i, her mother while here. fftMrtal DImmMi to Tha Joornil.t Vanoouver. Wash May . erased ty tha alleged wrongolngs of bis wife and daughter, Frank Rabie, employed at a logging camn near Lewlsville, a short distance north of Vanoouver. last night attempted to' take the life of bis wift by Stabbing ber with a butcher-knife. Bat for the fact that the knife was dull, he would, it is believed, have ac complished his object. Mrs. Rable's wounds are not considered dangeroui, aiinougn painrui. For soma time there lias been trou ble between Rabie and his wife. It started vblle the family resided on America's Most Beautiful Actress, Who Is Presenting the Comedy, The ; v :h Butterflr," at tbe Heillg ( Theatre Tonight. PATROLMEN'S NAGS FASTER THAN RIDER OF BICYCLE Iver Elde, -alias Oscar Peterson, showed a wonderful burst of spaed thla morning while attempting to make his escape from Mounted Patrolmen Keller and Parker after having been placed nn der arrest for riding his wheel on the sidewalk In violation of tha city ordln- Vancouver Heights in this city. A short I gnca. time ago they moved to Lewlsville, where Rabie secured a position in a logging camp. Yesterday, It is said, Rabie accused bis wife of misconduct A wordy argument took place, during which Rabie became angry. Last even ing, aocuslng his wlfs of not only im proper relatione with other men, but also of allowing their daughter to pur sue a wayward manner, he grabbed a butcher-knif j In the family home and began stabbing his wife.' Ua succeeded in inflicting two sever 'wounds upon tha arms, and light scratches upon tha forehead and breast - Rabie made no effort to escape the authorities, and of his ownaocord car-e to the county Jail ber thla morning and gave himself up. He bad little to aay about the affair, merely remarking that h had done- something very bad, and that probably be should -not have don it He will probebly be arraigned be fore the supri r court this afternoon. RAN AWAY TO PERISH . IN DEEP SNOW DRIFT 8pecisl Ditpstrn to The Joarnsl.) ' Vancouver, B. C, May s. William Oaw, Slavonian, who was living at Michel with relatives and bad been act ing atrangely of lata, a few evenings ago got out of bed and ran In the direc tion of the mountains. He was bare footed and only partly dressed. Rela tlvea gave the alarm at one and after searching for three days bis body was found in the deep snow of the hills. The unfortunate man had died from ex posure, his torn and bleeding feet and uiusr aisiia puiniva tu uia juci iaat ne bad suffered intensely. - Paul Mannarino, prisoner en route from Nelson to New Westminster In charge of a constable. Jumped through the ear window of a train traveling 40 miles an hour. He landed head first on the rocks 40 feet below and bis death was Instantaneous. Ths two policemen took Peterson into custody near Sixteenth and . Irving streets and escorted their prisoner to the patrol box at the intersection of the two streets named. Parker turned his horse over to Keller while telephon ing for the patrol wagon and Peter son, making the best of tha opportun ity, mounted bis bicycle and raoed away. It did not require more than a moment for -'both Officers to swing on their steeds and start in pursuit - Bending low over the. handle bars and straining every muscle, Peterson sent bis bicycle over the sidewalk at press train speed. Urging their horse onward as a faster clip than the nags ever traveled before, the two bluecoat tore down the street in close pursuit At Twelfth and Hoyt Keller's nag head ed the unlawful rtder. In bringing his horse to a gton in front of Peterson, on of the stirrups broke and Keller's pretty bride of two months came near becoming a widow. Peterson was taken to headauarters and fined J10. GIVE QUICKLY TO AID JGEO FEDERAL BAILIFF Postoffice Employes and Mem bers of Court Subscribe Fund for George Egbert. SEVEN DEAD AND SIX MISSING FROM P0IT0U ' (Joonul Special Berrlce.) , Montevideo, Hay . The government officials report that seven persons were drowned and six are missing on the steamer Poltou. ?i , . . GAS STOVE IS GUILTY OF DOUBLE MURDER (JonrntI Special Berrice.) Denver. Colo., Mar . Benjamin C Wright was speedily acquitted of the charge of murdering his wife and child yeaterday when Professor Engle of Denver university, testified that an autopsy showed that the woman and babe had died from the fumes of a gas stove. - " - When arrested Wright confessed that he killed his family but persisted that he could not remember how It was done. mm Km fi ir MIKE M'CARTY HELD AT NORTH YAKIMA (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) North Yakima, wash.. May 9. Mike McCarty was arrested here laat night ana win be returned to Pendleton to answer the charge of grand larceny.. McCarty Is the man accused of rob bing Editor John P. McManus of Pilot Rock and whom McManus is believed to have thought he shot when be killed i Bob Estes. .. ' Attaches of ' the federal courts and friends about the postoffice building; raised a fund of $4S this morning for Captain George Egbert the aged court bailiff, who is seriously lit. captain Egbert Is lylngat his home and said to be In financial straits. He well liked by all of his fellow-officers who responded generously when It was learned that he was In need of money. Captain Egbert Is 88 years of age and haa suffered several strokes oi paraiy is. He -cam to Portland from North Dakota, where he .was the first mayor of Fargo. Captain Egbert Is also .one of the oldest Masons in the country and founded the first Blue lodge in Dakota. . MARION COUNTY YOUTH ARRESTED FOR ASSAULT iSnxdil PiiDatch tft The Journal.) Salem. Or- May 9. Robert Bateson, aged 1 years and son of Jfame Bate son. a. farmer residing 10 muea norm east of Salem, waa placed under arreat yesterday by Constable J. C. Johnaon and will be arraigned in Justice Web ster court this afternoon on a charge of assault upon Louise Mouuet, agea IS years. The complaint was sworn out by the girl's mother. BARLOW SAWMILL IS DESTROYED BY FIRE (HMelal Dtanateh to The Joaraal.) Barlow, Or., May . Bollard & Co.'s sawmill was destroyed" by fire about t o'clock this morning. Tbe mill is a total loss and waa not covered by in surance. , Th origin of the fir la a. mystery."-'.' . ''.',; ! OFFICIALS SAY BALTIC WILL BE SAVED TODAY ijooraal Special Berries.) Washington, May 8. General Kurokl. accompanied by General , McArthur and staff, arrived today and' was escorted by General Bell and staff, the Japan-1 l cse ambassador and staff and a squad I ron of the Thirteenth cavalry to the Willard hotel, ANOTHER GREAT MUTINY THREATENED AT LAHORE (Journal Special Berrlce.) , ' Lahore. May 9. Troops In all the branches of th army are being rushed to this city in anticipation of grave up risings of the natives. Th situation Is graver than at any time since the great mutiny. ' , V i STEAMER BALTIC IS SINKING DEEP IN MUD (Journal Special Service.) New York, May 9. The position of the steamer Baltic, which ia ashore in the lower bay. Is hourly growing worse V. la settling deeper Into the mud. and efforts to float it at high tide tma morning failed. - "''. m . I SPINAL MENINGITIS ATTACKS WHOLE FAMILY All members of th family of less Miller, 72 1 Eaat Twentieth street have been stricken with spinal - meningitis. Since the death of a young daughter Tuesday laat Pearc R. Miller, th elec trician in th postoffice, Matilda, aged to years, a telephone operator, Theo dore; aged five and Walter and Florence, younger children," have all, been atrlcken with th disease. Theodore and Matilda kre now at St Vincent's hospital Pearce and Walter art t th family horn, while Florence Is at the home of an aunt The father, an invalid, has so far escaped. . Edward Stem me, S81 Fourth, an em ploye of a down town shoe store, is the last one to ha stricken with the disease. A young man on the Macadam road will be brought to on of th hospitals this afternoon, r ' ! (Joaraal Special terriee.1 : London,, May 8. Patriotic Americans will make, satisfactory deductions from the list Just Issued by the British gov ernment of persona to whom certifi cate of naturalisation were issued dur ing 180. : .V ,?.: , Of the vast army of Americans who for one reason or another spend several years In foreign countries, .a very small proportion renounce their allegiance to me jana or ineir-oinn. .-in uermany the American has no difficulty In adapt. (ng himself to th beer and in growing an "Imperial" moustache; In France h delights In th gay life of Paris; and In London he aoon learna to wear at tall hat but in any land the American' seldom chooses to exchange th stars and stripes for another flag. ' , Of th 141 aliens who became British subjects last Vear through naturalisa tion, only a dosen were from the' United States. Two of them were women, at tracted perhaps, by th somewhat en couraging prospects at that time of fe male enfranchisement in England.. On American In swearing allegiance to tbe crown, deserts his American name, Ros nplanter, for, th Scottish-sounding McKeever..-. .. j ; ,? ; .. . Th names of th new ex-American Britisher are George F. Blake; Julia Cowan Brown, George Grant Elisabeth Parker Haatlngs, Humphrey Thomas Jones, Julia Jones, Frederick Adolph Konlg, Frederick Leopard McKeever (formely Roaenplanter), John Clark Palmer, Oswald Sanderson, August Joseph Smerlng and John Nichols. In th whole number of newly nat urallsed cltlaens, Russia naturally leads owing to the great exodus from that turbulent nation of people seeking new country. Her record Is til. Ger many, despite the bard feelings which are imagined to exist with England, contributes,: generously- 106 eltlena while France, despite the "entente cor dial," Is represented by only 11. Nine applicants for naturalisation registered themselves as men "without a oeintry." DEMANDS VOTE 0 FREE WATER Determined to submit his free-water amendment to a vote of th people at th Jun election, H. D. Wagnon filed a petition In th circuit court yesterday afternoon aaklng that the court order City Auditor Devlin to plac th amend ment on th city, ballota. . . .. .. Judge Cleland ordered an alternative writ of mandamus to lssuav wbloh di rects Auditor Devlin either to plac the amendmento.n th ballot or to appear tomorrow morning at :80 o'olock and show cause why he should not do so. , The plaintiffs In the petition for the writ ar Wsgnon, F.i W. Burnett, Fred Johnson, William McKlnsie. C. ,B g. Wood and P. McDonnell. ' They take exception to the resolution passed -by tbe city council on April 17, directing Devlin not to plac the Wsgnon amend ment on th ballot and expressing the opinion that many of the signatures to The police department . ends th city authorities generally are up against i wall of thlsU down.. There is an ordi nance which provides r that --property owners or their , agents must keep all weeds and vines to s length of four Inches after June 1. The police tried to enforce this last year. In hie report to the police committee Contain Moore of th dav relief says: Last year we found that considerabi property waa owned by nonresidents but in most Instances had som On her in th city who was, their agent and paid their taxes for them. When a policeman would , notify such agent that , ha ' would have to Clean up such property he would claim he had nothing to do with, that part-of it. . if arter th 10 days war up w would go to th deputy city attorney and ask for a war rant for ; an agent for som piece of property the warrant would b rerusea on the ground that we would have to prove that there was written agreement between the agent and th owner of th property before we could do anything. Bo th weeds would not be cut on that piece of property. . - "Perhaps the ewner of th property next to It had his plac cleaned up and would complain bitterly because th po lice had notified him to clean up his property and he had don so and the police did not have th property next to him cleaned up, A the thistles and weeds were going to seed and blowing all over his property. Ther were sev eral such oases as I hav mentioned last year. It Is not fair to make one property owner clean up and not be able to make throne adjoining. him eiean up. But I am at a loas to suggest remedy for if . .,'.;. rt . ;.-- - : PROPERTY VALUES .-rt C 1 INCREASE AS RESULT V Paget Bound City Stops t Nothing to Improve Thoroughfares 4Jnfav. Torable Comparison With Ill-Kept Portland nigh ways. ,V , ? ' m day I as at Seattle this week ng thatfso easesFlsjsw J, f ig. Hardw' a banking jV SPEND HALF MILLION IH Crooked River fcompany Decides to Make Second Tread well Producer. (Special IHtpatch to Tbe Journal) Iwlston, Idaho, May, I. That $800,- 000 will be expended by th Crooked River Mining V Milling company in making a producer out of th famous Hogan mine became known in connec tion With the visit her yesterday of President George W. McCall of Chip pewa, Falls, Wisconsin. Nearly as much has already been expended in the big property, but mismanagement and pur chase of worthless machinery is said to be responsible for-lta present condition. Development work will start in 80 days and tha Initial expenditure of .the company, will be -160.000. The Hogan heretofore has "beeri worked ( on the' Glory Hoi system' at a small eost. but a new method may be adopted to Work I they let a single contract amounting to t50,000 for bard-surfao street-paving," said-A. Dt Charlton, assistant general passenger agent Otth Northern Psolflo, who has Just returned from a trip of In spection over -the lines of tn company In western Washington. '.: Asked as to the sUt..of ths realty market in th Puget sound cities, h said; they have pushed prices up vary high and there Is not so much speculat ive buying as formerly, but ther la, a vast amount of building going, on, and permanent street Improvements ar th order of th day. J There Is nf other on thing that rapidly builds a city and Increase erty . values aa street-paving. surface pavements ar like Inveatment for th property-owner, and bear large Interest ' It is generally oon- eeded throughout th country that hard surfac pavement add more than their cost to th aetoal market value of th abutting property, y .; -, Ther 1 a rapldiy-growlne- feeling in Portland that this, city must put forth extraordinary activity in , permanent street Improvement or be left far tn the rear of Paclflo coast progress. Th streets of Portland ar beginning to be a by-word , for neglect, Visitors who com her for a few days to look about make harsh comments about the up paved and ill-kept streets. . Then they go over-to Seattle end ar astonished to find miles of hard surfac pavements for every rod that exists in Portland. A. Portland business man who has been .an eloquent booster for the beau ties and advantages of his home city went over to Seattle last week snd was astonished and chagrined when a friend took- him out in. an automobile and rode four hours without one leaving hard surfaced and well cleaned pavements. Seattle ia using a vast amount of as phalt in its residence atreet paving. Blthullthlor .pavement is also gaining great popularity. Both pavements are admitted to. be almost Ideal for resi dence streets. . : . . There Is a rapidly growing sentiment in Portland in favor of the district paving plan, modification of the ordi nances to allow 34-foot width' of pav ing on residence street and-' parking along ' th sidewalks snd for paving 100 miles of streets with hard Surface pavement within th next. It months. DEVLIN HUSTLING i : ,for MAyoLiy to low-grade '-or.v Whwi. lt become producer the stockholders believe the Hogan will rival Homestak or Tread- well mines CARS RUN UNMOLESTED IN SUN FRANCISCO TODAY After, Two Bricks Are Thrown Strikebreakers Are Allowed ; to Proceed. San Francisco, May 9. Two cara started out of th Oak atreet barn at 1:80 o'clock. As they emerged from tha barn two bricks war thrown, but tbe offenders were not found. The cars proceeded over the rout taken yester day, without further demonstrations. A picket tried to Induce the strike breakers to desert, but no attention waa paid to th overtures. , PHI DELTA' PHI WILL k .HOLD ANNUAL BANQUET th petitions were secured through mis- SSSS'SSL.V-'r " "" OPIUM SMOKER PAWNS SHREVE LOSES CLAIM FOR JUSTICE FEES Suit Will Probably Follow to ' ..Determine if Applicant Is Entitled to Salary. Fifty members of th legal fraternity of Phi Delta Phi will be present at th annual banquet at th Commercial club's dining rooms tonight, Thla fraternity is confined to law students and alumni and Its membership includes many of the most prominent Jurists in th city. Judge W. M. Cake and Judg C U. Oaa tenbeln will be among th speakers. Phi Delta Phi is th oldest legal fra ternlty. It was organised In 1S6 and now has chapters In all th prominent law schools in th country. Th chap ter of th university - of Oregon law school waa granted a charter In 1891. 5, Here's the most becoming outfit for boys from 8 to 15. The double (breasted coat ; and knee pants with Eton cap to match, ' . We have it in a great va I riety ofpatterns the" fash ionable gray, new ' browns ' and the fancy mixtures. For young boys here are all the new styles in blouse suits, also wash, suits from 50 to $5.00. ' ; ?LI0N ClothinqCo CsSKuhnPicp.- Men's and Boys' Outfitters. 163 and 168 Third St, Ns. Xlohawk Building. - An. OFFICE FORCES HANDLE CARGOES AT SEATTLE ffeMvUl Dlsoatdi to The Joaraal.) Seattle. - Wash.. May . The long. shoremen's lockout continues without disturbance. There , is apparently- no settlement in prospect and cargoes are being handled by th office forces of the different lines, . Ri noiciCD iirTnD IM v ua.viiirii.li v iv i wi i us ' . - METROPOLITAN HANDICAP It. '.J,":' , . ' :?. ..- New Tork. May - . Glorifier won tha Metropolitan handicap (today. Oken- tq.was second and Roseben third. . PRESS RECITAL WILL- BE GIVEN BY EILERS Invitations have been' extended by the Ellerg Piano House , to a private press recital to be given in EUers re cital IraU, Park and Washington streets. at 4:15 o'cleok Friday afternoon. At the recital the marvelous Welte-Mlrn on piano wUl be Introduced for It first ex elusive public appearance in thla city. Th Welte-Mignon is said to be the most remarkable musical invention of th age. ' , OCCUUST APPLICANTS , TAKE EXAMINATION Dr K. O. Mattem, president and Dr. .Hermann 'W. Barr,-, secretary of the state board of optometry, are conduct ing an Examination for oooullsts at th Imperial hotel, which will continue over tomorrow. Eight candidate ar taking the examinations, as follows: F. J, Hayes, Marshfield; E . W. Hutchinson, Portland; Mrs. M. Veal, Pendleton; J. H. ' Olsen .Portland; Mrs. Florence Cooper, Prlnevlller C H. Trulllngor, Hubbard; Marshall O. Rose, lone, and Robert H. Robinson, Condon. . .? j FIFTY WOULD LIKE TO . PRACTICE MEDICINE BogtU Checks Circulating. Will Coina 'In Private Car. O. H. Roth, of Rohhester. New Tork. I beware of them.' laeoompanied by a party-of friends tour-lis forging checks on the account of OV ing ui jr-aeino coast, will arrive in t i Taooma, May . Numerous bogus checks, ar Jloating around over th state, and P, u. tcauirman, secreUry of the v Washington , Bankers' association. has sent out notices warning people to He says that some on I Portland May 1! in a private car'from Ban Francisco. They will proceed east from thla point over th Union Paclflo I . F. Turner, of IA Crosse, Wisconsin. A man who given his name as Charles Benton,; and is wanted in. Walla Walla for forger. i also floating bogus cbecka 1 i - , Fifty applicants for permission v to practice medicine in this state ar . tak ing the" regulsr examinations ; for cer tificates. , The examination ar be ing held under th, auspices of th Ore gon etate-medical board at th North Pacific Dental college, ; They will b completed tomorrow. t ii ,. Mn.ii i. i i m .--',, I. . ' ;, v! I ' Held on Assault Charge. j Frank Williams, arrested Saturday afternoon on a charge of criminal as sault was this morning In th munici pal cdtirt bound over .to the grand Jury in th sum of 1760.. It 1 alleged that Williams enticed th 11-year-old daugh ter 4t Mrs. Bastlne of Mllwaukl and Brooklyn streets Into a vacant house. . County Auditor Brandes this morning disallowed ' thtf claim of T. C. Shreve, justice of th peace for Mount Tabor district for f 1,600 salary from July 2, 1901, to April 1, 1907. Bhreve applied to th county for th same salary as Is paid the Justice in Portland district on th ground that sine Mount Tabor .was annexed to th city he has been a Jus- JEWELS TO PAY HIS FINE Ed Groves, arrested yesterday "after noon on a- raid on an -opium .Joint1 at Pin and Fifth streets, entered plea of guilty in' the pollc court this morning and was fined 140 by Judg Cameron. Hue Fong, the keeper of th resort likewise pleaded guilty, and fine of 1100 was lmposld. . on. Grove at th time of his arrest was found a magnificent marquise ring, set with zs stones, valued at 11,200 Chief Gritsmacher allowed Groves' at torney to pawn the ring in order to se cure sufficient money to ball Out his client . ; . NEW ROCK CRUSHER WILL BE OPERATING IN JUNE The new gyratory ' rock' crusher to be installed at th Kelly-Butt quarry tic in th city, and therefor entitled I arrived -In Portland this morning from to . th same compensation from the county that the other city justices t celve. In his voucher Shreve sets forth that since July t he has collected in fees $92.60, and askw-the auditor to deduct that sum from the claim of $1,800. Au ditor Brandes disposed of the whole claim by disallowing it. the east and will bs Installed at th quarry as soon as possible, Th coun ty commissioners expect 'to hav? the new crusher in operation by June and estimate that it will Increase the capacity of th plant front 80 to about 250 yards of rock daily, commission era Llghtner. and Barnes said this momlng that'-th work of Installing It is believed that suit will b4 lnsti- the new machine frill 1e hurried Just as tutea in tn circuit court to compel the I last as u can n aon, county to pay th salary, and tha ques tion whether a Justice of the peaoe in a district annexed to the city become entitled to a salary from th County by th annexation to Portland will be determined. ;' ,T-;-.r.j-"'..-i DR. JOHNSON IS BOUND OVER TO GRAND JURY i i IRON M0LDERS WARNED 'v: Dr. ' Samuel . Wesley Johnson, who abused his wife In the dining room of the Bar rent 'hotel May S. and aubae- NOT TO STARTTROIIR! P huflnUy is alleged to hava. assaulted. her W I I V v 1 MH I v I nUUBLC .u ty,ai- ,.,,. waa found milt on the profane - language charge and bound over to. await the action 'ef th grand Jury for assault and battery. Sentence was, deferred on the city fflixelal Dfonatch to Tbe joaraal.) Seattle, Wash- May John Albert- son,' In superior court Issued a restrain ing order this morning ' against the ..-, n,-,in. ',. -..,, t from Interfering In any. way with the property or employee of the Moran company or. of th Variety Iron works. Th order is sweeping in its effect , Baltic Floated." , (Joaraal Special, : Service.) New Tork, May . With tha high tide thl afternoon the Whit Star steamer Baltic was floated uninjured. h4; Got the ."Wrong Babies. Paris correspondence London Dally Mall. A curious mistake occurred yesterday at the hospital at Amiens. Two young women nsa recently oeen auenaea there. One bad given birth to ajooy and the other had given birth to a girl heater day their babies were taken from them to be vaccinated After the vaccination, the babies, in , their swaddling clothes, wer , returned to their mothers, who went away, with them. -; -..--a i' Soon afterward one of th mothers re turned v to the hospital in tears. Her child was a boy but on returning bom ah discovered that the nurse had hand ed her a girL ' She Insisted on her bov being returned, to her.. -:,Arj. :.:v,v.-i,;' , A seene of great confusion occurred. as no on knew the address of th other mother. At laat toward nightfall, ths other- mother arrived, -greatly excited, claiming that she had been given a boy in mistake . for her girl baby. " Th change was duly executed and th two mothers went a wax happy, , . . th upper court for wife beating. Bonds were fixed at 1160 by Judge Cameron, which wer furnished by friends of the defendant , ' v. ' ' -v.":1," " ."".i"!irT'ts'f ' Bnllding Permits. Building permits have 'been issued as follows: Rosah Mondy, repairs, Dover between Vaughn and Upshur, $500; P, B. Golden, dwelling, Kerby, comer Jessup, S100: G. C. Tale, dwelling. Park avenue. between East Thirteenth and East Fffr teentb, $700; M. K. Austen, dwelling, Al Mna avenue, cornSr Webster IS.tOS; N. P. Terminal company, steel tank. Third, corner Hoyt iz.ooo; Free Bretnren church. Mallory between-Fremont and Beech, $2,000;' Gum Dip ' company, ' re pairs, ' Sixth ' between Alder" and Morri son, $100; Peter'Vengelln, East Sherman near Eaat Thirty-third, $S00; McHolland Bros., East Everett between East Nine teenth and East Twentieth, $2,000; Mrs. Dt Magoon, Seventh, corner Jefferson. $1150: C. V ' Beckstad.. East Nineteenth between l ast Stark- and East Washing ton, $2,000? Dan Miller, dwelling, -East Seventh, between Failing ana enaver. $1,600: p. J. - Malarkey, flats and store, $10.000t C. H. Everett repairs, Burmcn between Union and Grand avenues, $100; Lyman , Smith, repairs. Water between Arthur and Meade, $200: John. F. Mur phy, dwelling, East Thirty-third be tween East Market and . Eaat Mill, $1,200: C. J. Quinn,. dwelling. Mechanic between Eaat Seventh and East Eighth, . Th headquarters of the Republican city oentral committee in the -Mallory building wer locked up for th greater part of th time today, the. party ma chine evidently having been oiled and wound with such precision that it was capable of running Itself for th time being. Across th hall, however, in th prlvat offlc of Thomas' C. Devlin hi secretary and factotum Ferdinand E. Reed was a living . Illustration of unceasing effort and activity. " No grass is growing under the feet of the Republican candidate for mayor. While th city i central commute i attending to th larger matters Of the contest his secretary -is not overlook ing th detail of organisation. ' v The city committee, under th gnd- ance of Chairman W. M. Cake and Sec retary J. W. Sherwood, is perfecting an elaborate machine covering every pre- einet in the city. Precinct commit tee en ar scouring their precincts for every available vote and working hard to Una , up every man - registered as a Republican for the pledged support of straight ticket June s. ' Mr. Devlin on hi part Is not relying solely on the efforts of th central committee, but is pushing hi personal organisation out over as much of tne city as is possible. He also Is preach, ing th doctrine of a straight ticket PORTLAND LUMBER MAY 1 GO TO PANAMA CANAL annltAatlnna for bids' Snd CODV Of specifications hav been received by th ....o.. .f h Portland ' ohamhejbM commeroe for approximately-sjWvO.000 feet of lumber for us In construction of th Panama eanat Th assortment asked for Includes flooring, siding, cell ing and timbers of various slses. Th in mr) trmV.- two or three shiploads and is an axcellent opportunity, for Port land lumber mills to' seur larg gov ernment orders for lmmediat delivery. Th lumber will t purcnasea inrougn th mirohaaina- denartment ox . ui Tama. canal commission.' Snd must be delivered under th terms of th bid at Colon or La Boca. ; : DUNKARDS WILL ARRIVE - IN PORTLAND TONIGHT N''vf ZSz, I ."r " '."T-A AS. At l A ' t : '' On train No. I over th O. R, N. this evening will arrive from the east special oar carrying about to weaitny Dunkards from Iowa and Illinois n route to th convention of the Ger man Baptist Brethren at Loa Angeles. number win get orr at Asniana -ana Weed and examine th country ' in southern Oregon and northern Califor nia with a vlw . to futur . operations - hr by 1 a colony. : They will ! leav Portland for th south tomorw, over . th Southern Pacific , ' Irrigation Company Incorporates. Articles of Incorporation of th Lewlston Sweetwater Irrigation com pany were filed In the offlc of th county clerk this morning by . EL I Thompson, Tom Richardson, W. F. Kettenback, A. VTr Chance and C, E. Greele. Capital stock, $160,000. " COFFEE f One can spoil good cof fee in ; making, but can't , make good of bad. V V . Tear grecer relerss year sieaey tf ya laat