THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. .THURSDAY - EVENING,' MAY 0, 1907. 'DUtTr WIFE-ARRESTEO Mrs. E. Harrison Ruffner In Cus 1' tody on Charge of Having Swindled Merchants. . lists of Roseburg. Each of these meet ings was largely attended. Mr. Barsee said tha'hebftlleved hi met every busi ness man In Coos county and every one I of them pledged hie support to the proposition. vv . . , i if . s Y Xooal Capital Only.: ' This plan ha teen In embryo for a umwuu,. out nereiorore it naa been tne plan , to Invite forelm caDital to ttfke hold of. the scheme. . Tble time It la proposed to build the road without ask 7hat Do They Cnre T : The abovo Question la often asked con cerning Dr. nerce's two leading meai elnee, "Golden Medical Discover " and "Favorite- Prescription." The answer U that Golden Medical Discovery " to a most potent alterative or blood-purifier, and tonlo or Invlgorator and acta esDeclallr favorably In a cur , tlve way npon all the mucous lining sur laces, as oi in nasar passages, uiroat 1U.UJ 1 , . . "'" vj conawrvauve Business men I iS- j -a j that every dollar of money needed for xo rceqoraetr OT ueeas the construction at tha mm A ran ha tiro I . . ... . by Mistake. CLAIMED TO BE SPOUSE Kr-V J?" "T Rev. D. Cnrnnntar Sanria ! nva broShUl .tabes, stomach. , bowels an "" T" ""'" ""u 1 ' I M.JA i . r .... rbal cakes vhelherthe disease affects thr nasal pansfe. the Irfioat, larynx, bron chla, atomacnNf as cata?NuYl dyspepsia) oo wen at as muiOTn&MHvrJiPaa. oiauaei uterus or other pelvic orgTasi Evpn i ff thai. the construction of the road can be pro cured In the counties of Douglas and COOS. . When the company is ora-anlsed It will take on the nature of an "every- ooay give" campaign, and ao far rs BAD MW. flEXT Oil LIST Joani.1 SpoetaJ Service.) 'H TTa rpfmrinn ra Wk y.. T . r wi rvukiini wrriwmi. " " i warpwnier, aged es, who haa been mar- buslnes man In the two counties srho will .not ake a block of stock In the enterprise. ." Roseburg feels that It must have this road or Its growth will atop, snd Coos bay needs the connection for a 'dosen Shipped to Her Address at Lot I different reasons. One of these Is that me roan wui place the nay towns in better condition to demand national aid Bought targe Bills of Merchandise M Sa Bernardino and Had Them Angeles. for , harbor Improvement. ; . ' rJosrai! Special Berries.) ' San Bernardino, Cl., May . Mrs. E. tlamson JRulTner, wife of a well known mining man, waa arrested last evening In Loa Angeles aa she waa leaving tbe Ban Bernardino train. She Is charged by Secretary Baker of the San Fran clsoo Merchants' Protective association with obtaining merchandise under mis representations, claiming to be the wife tr J. IX Thomas, who la connected with the Santa, re railway. ONE MAN KILLED IN ried 10 yeara and haa one son, baa re signed the pastorate of tbe Holiness church and left tbe town, eonfesslna bis love for Delia Goodrich, aged J. The Infatuation waa discovered by a letter intended for Delia which tte preacher sent to the recorder of deeds by ' mistake. The recorder gave the letter to tha officers of Carpenter's oongregatlon. . . Evidence Against Alleged Cotm- v terfeiters Being Presented : to Grand, jury.1 ;i; ' ' EX GL US I V E READY-TO-WEAR ' V Iff kansar' riTY ri 7P PLAN IMPROVEMENTS Mniivnw via Bar Mar mm mm I t'A fft Va A saaapsi a i sa I run rurtiAUt kailkuau feUleged to have made large purchases ', of merchandise f stm numerous mer chanta, bvlng the bills charged to (Thomas. la each Instance ahe had her purchases delivered to her town home : and this afternoon shipped them all to gxa Angeiea - '' ''- . Thomas was ' astounded when con fronted with the bills. He Is unmar ried and refused to stand for the twoman'a actions. Her husband la . sb ent on a mining trtp. Her .friends are amased and attrlbuta her conduct. to temporary insanity., , , 1 BURNS-O'BRIEN FIGHT ; '' 'l -asaSMssssMasBasaMeaM T"." ' V ' (Continued from Pag One) (Joarbil Roedal Servteei ' Kansas City, May . One person waa killed. It badly Injured and alx are missing as the result of a Are which destroyed the building here yesterday afternoon. The Mrs. Ruffner Is I property loss Is estimated at 1380,000 f cgiia r , wealnp fraTgnrfflts am is ft powerful yet gently Acting Invigijrat lng tonlo and nervine. For weak worn out, over-worked women no matter what has caused the break-down, "Favorite Prescription' will be found most effective fa building op the strength, regulating the womanly functions, subduing pain and bringing about a healthy, vigorout condition oi tna wnoie system. A book of particulars wraps each bottlt anvin the formula of both medicines ana Quoting what scores of eminent medi leal authors, whose works are consulted bv DhTslclans of all the aohoola of practice as gnidos In prescribing, say oi eacn in-a-redleni anterina- Into these medicines. '.ine wows or praise Destowea.oa nc Thomas B. Foster, who ran down ths a Immediately ; finishing"-' the i office cases 'yesterday, . Assistant . United States Attorney James Cole commenced to present the evidence before the fed eral grand Jury la the Coon counter- felting- case.1' Part of yeaterday after noon and all of this morning waa taken up by the Jurors In hearing evidence! against the counterfeiter It ' s bo-1 lleved theV will not finish their Inves tigation of the gang before tomorrow morning. Coon and his confederates, were ar-l rested near Huntington, Oregon, and in Idaho Just before they were ready t manufacture spurious colns They erf BKia 10 naye oraerea a press rrom new Tork and when discovered, threw it Into Snake liver. Other evidence was gathered against the men. however, and Mr. vole and Secret Service Operative Chesterfield Make (Speetal Dlatwteh tjrhe oeraaL) Salem. Or Mar i S -irh hnanl esult of a fire which I . V . T V " " i y iut . . . ""v inomii u. r osier, wno ran oown flve-atory University t0 b PP,ntd by Gtovemor Chamber- several IngredlenU entering Into Doctor I counterfeiters, believe they have ' ' I lat. 4n m... ... M I DUnu'l mtitlnM k. .link witjire annllM I .... . . The Finest in A m e r i c a The building waa occupied by the of fices of Montgomery, Ward ft Co. and a number of artists and musicianswho had their atudloa tn the upper stories. Tbe list of dead and missing follows; Dead: George De Mare, ager IS, an art in structor. Injured: ' . ' Miss Alexandria Bluraberg, a Rusflan countess; skull fractured, may die. ' Maud Speyer, fell from ladder, , serl oua -; - Mrs. E1U Boyle, . Sheridan, Missouri; fell from ladder, aevere. ' , 3, H. Kramchfleld, fireman; leg broken. William Karagard, violin teacher; fell from Are escape; serious. L. A. Lewis of Portland, W. 3, Mariner of Blalock and 3. T. Peters ef The Dallea ' will have ' charge of - the new tmprovemepts to be made by the board of portage railway commissioners at Big Eddy. . They will confer with Sup erintendent c. K. Bteelsmlth. The pres lain in the near future consisting of I Pierce's medicines bv such writers should I complete caae against the men. nave more weigni inau any iuvuu wi non proiessionai testimonials, oecause such men are writing for the guidance of their medical brethren and know whereof they speak. , ; . Both medicines are non-alcoholle, non secret, and contain no harmful habit S!"A-.tor? fra ''? iKrtSUofr.rSof nlm'e'rloar n.uim, i me'rreigm at mac piace w ,R,Ytmi r& ThV ara both anoruy arter tney naa been t According to V" .1 , ,1 'Yftn can't y the United States commissioner. afford to accept as a substitute tor one oi these medicines oi Known, composiuoE any secret nostrum. . Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sns-ar-coated easy to take as candy, reiulate and la Tigorate sr-acn, uver ana ooweia., nay that the light bad been fixed and that be had promised to give O'Brien the decision a furor waa ralaed in sport ' lng circles and" there Is talk of a boy cott of ; both ' McCarthy and O'Brien. ,!Flght fans are indignant and tbe sports 'who had their money up on Bums are ' , looking for blood. California climate Woes not look very healthy for the men ,iwho were the prime movers In the "skin game" today and they are not irery much in evidence around the head quarters of the sporting fraternity. From start to finish last night's fight was a farce. Neither one of the fighters landed many heavy blows and neither of . them received : any punishment O'Brien, In his mad race around, the ropes, landed a great many 'love taps" :on Burns' head and face when the latter would set tired of sprinting and wait ' for his opponent to alow down, but they ' counted for nothing and Burns did not appear disposed to hurt the badly scared Philadelphia!). ' ' f HESIDENTS TO BUILD (Continued" from Page One.) penaes, but will assist in flnanclna the . line,? "- ' ' v v ,-, W1U Doable and Talnea. ' ' " ; . Marshfleld, North Bend add Roseburg and Intervening tnwn wllLk. nii o coniriDute uoeraiiy ror terminal erronnda, and every farmer in the ter ritory to be opened will probably help wun aonauons ox ngnts or way and construction work. The great need of . a railway to open up the rich country . traversed by the survey la generally recognized. The road would more than I, double the market value of the land. '. At a meeting" last night of the bust- I n ess men of Roseburg a committee of five men was appointed to confer with a like committee from each of the five Coos bay towna on ways and means of building the road. Marshfleld, North Bond, Bandon, Coqullle and Myrtle Point have already held meetlnga and have appointed committees to confer ; with Roseburg and to organise a com pany to construct the road. This con f erence will be held at one. of the Coos bay cities at an early date, when It Is proposed to formally launch the plan to build the line. The meetlnga In the five Coos bay county towns were called , In order that the business men and capi talists of these places might meet Ioufs Barsee representing the capital-' PIONEER MERCHANT - OF WASCO SELLS OUT ' (Speetal Obnttek te Tbe 7nnraaLt The Dalles, Or., May . William Bar bette, the 'pioneer merchant and banker of .Wasco, Sherman county, baa sold out his interests to a syndicate composed of T. J. Sorogglns, a banker of La Grande; W. R. Hamilton, capitalist of Waaoo, and Dr. Hugh Logan, a prominent physi cian and capitalist of The Dallea. The purchase price la aald to be $60,000. The Bale Includes flour mill and ware- Of the gang arrested. Coon. John H. I Williams and John Johansen are in Jail. Coon and Williams have both served time for counterfeiting and are coneld- ered two or tbe most dangeroua men of their craft. In the country. Earner I Turner and his brother, J. T. Turner, were released on ball In the sum of 12,000 shortly after they bad been held an ii per cent grade. According to Mr. Steelsmlth's report the earnings of tne .road ror the past 'month were and the expenses connected with Its operation and maintenance amounted to 1800.71. Among other thing the report says: As per request ef the state board, the matter of improvement at Big Eddy waa taken up with the members of the new noard. Judge Mariner and Mr. J. T. Peterji visited the Big Eddy and looked over the situation. The expense I of this improvement was taken up at a meeting of the Open River aaaocla tlon, when it was s greed that the koclatlon pay - one-half the expense of I the improvement, but not to exceed IJ.000, I am of the opinion that the crowd of curlous-mlnded persons, Titus HooVei. knew or th. wm. M.lrl. JSs He Msa I a MAAtM ta m i al fhahla a eksa ltif Kail I : T ' " ea--F e sr-- I $2000 TO fc c a ha VDUeTK KNEW OF DANGER SO V i .; T SUIT IS DISMISSED Judge Trsser in the circuit court this morning ended the trial of the Ferman Polios Francis stepped up to H. F, IB. Hoover suit for $1,500 damages from Titus, editor of the Socialist, Seattle, j Wadbams A Co. by granUng the non- Washragton, who had Just arrived in oveo ror dt . w. wiiour. tne Boise to report the Haywood trial for S!n5rA Z1?'. .' "'" a box of canned goods that fell npon presence was desired by. the , mayor, hi, v.ii. h. ... . I tnhva l Tit tnakss , I t nae i4UiuifV4 m AtVlfUv wvasea aa aiMMsj I AIsIVkI ttV , 'I I MyeUfled. and followed by a large I ,T. .hftw w h. Q U A R A.N,TE E It the front of coat of a Chesterfield Suit breaks back or otherwise loses its shape In one year's wear we will give customer a new suit free. plan of making; a IS per cent grade accompanied thechlef to the city hall, .jy b9t1) on the foot by a " " '"" r" v.. T " f . I can , that fell down the elevator abaft ZZY ? """?fJ"'"""iy. " and. having knocked a box down the .'rJ.'Z.Z" "i-..0" haft once himself. The Judge held that .... - ; " the fact that Hoover continued to work lngfrom street speaking during- the ther with kn0Wledae of the danger T: tt.i... ....v.. ...x .u-. prevented the recovery of damages and .u,ui . mu urn ui I .n hM h. .... MiMuun vk muj Kintf wouia m tol erated in Boise until after the federa tion cases were disposed Of. Titus de clared his mission in Boise waa a peace ful one and that as far aa he .waa con cerned there would be no trouble pre cipitated. . . The incident created considerable ex- en t Incline and using- the donkey en glne to lower and ' hoist cars would be most economical and satisfactory." The Open River Transportation com pany's steamer J. N. . Teal la expected to be ready for service May 15. R. M. G RAY 269-271 MORRISON STREET auMeiaoM KbIaIk . atk 1 1 AAA.' .f ..I. utua?t viiua.Btuiv wine " ' ' riff" I j. i ii il l seat sjsjt a t a a as. s of good, and Mr. Barnett s -wsldenoa SEATTLE Ml LLI 0NAIR ES disposed of all his other Interests in I ACT AS LONGSHOREMEN Wasco, where he haa resided for 28 rSW." " rB. ln" ; fBDeclal Dltnatch te The Joomat) wui anempi xo get eiecino power rrom e..,i. m. i a Th,. fi.otti. mil. MT. HOOD ROAD WANTS FRANCHISE FROM CITYI the Desrhntes. ' fi tnii .hn. .. ' me mciaeni ereaiea consiaeraoie ex-1 company will soon I SheraTs bridge and by ectricM trana! Xoa?rtM ,Me .nur.',n5h ."Z 00 th,r 'or a tlm but at a late hour for a franchise fo mltsion operate the , 'mllT aiil sunly h,nd he" ? their backs as a re- qulet prevailed and the police have the across a part of th electricity and Vwtr Tn St "Ituation well in hand. Bull Run river. C. niNirrair aun power in wasco, aioro MTitllv thev a.ra walklnv around with , ! and other towns In Sherman county. WOODMEN WILL MEET cidentally they are walking around with bulging chests for they have demon strated that striking longshoremen can't Interfere with their business. - 1 ' ft "V 9 kt J ! i sBBfssjs m sea m mm I UV va av sa-a v aaavs saai a nuiuaa aa voa- AT BAKER NEXT YFAR dent of the Centennial Mill company! .- W. D. Hofius. president of W. D. Hoflus ! i iei.i Dimetei 1 Co, and Captain J. 8. Oihson, general ASK SUESL- kee The Mount Hood Railway aV : Power company will soon ask the water board for a franchise for an eleetrto road the city's property on W. Miller, one of the promoters ef the company, told the board yesterday afternoon that the com pany Intended to supply Its power plant with water taken from below the city's intake and that the water supply of Portland would not be affected. He was given permission to string telephone wires on the water department's poles along the pipe line, v . . AH' petitions for extensions were laid ever nnttl the next meeting. Two hun dred hydrants wsre ordered advertised for. , , gteferied Stock Oanaed flood Allen m Lewis Best Brand. . attendance- upon . the Seventh annual convention of the fifth district of the woodmen or the World, held at Pen dleton, chose Marion T. Davis of Union, J. . It. Harper of The Dalles and A. J. Gibson of Pendleton to represent the district at the Seattle convention in July, and Baker City was chosen as the meeting place for next year. There was a large attendance and the convention waa a success In every particular. Pay your west side gas "bills before Friday, 4 p. m. Poaltixely no discount i ainr inai aajr. known capitalists of the city. On ac- count of the strike they found them selves without men to load the steam ship Tolosan, lying at the Centennial Mill. - So. with Captain Jepson, First Of fleer Adler, and Second Officer Berg,-of the ship, they pitched In snd loaded her themselves. Incidentally they broke all records by placing aboard 1,28$ sacks Of flour, weighing 184 tons. In an hour and a half. It Is said that they worked for the regular 40-eentan hour longshore man's wage, v yr'i MELVIN IS RELEASED BY PRINEVILLE JUDGE LINN TIMBER LANDS . IN GREAT DEMAND 4. (ffpeelal Dispatch to Tbe Joemal.) Albany, Or., May . Timber lands In Linn county are In great demand and sales are frequent The great timber (SperU! DbDtteh to The Journal t Prinevllle. Or- Mmr S Aff.r h.a !... the testimony of a number of witnesses companies and lumbering concerns of tne grand Jury returned a not true bill ' uur ir western r I The Store Noted for Best Goods at Lowest Prices., 1 White Parasols 500 White Linen-Finish Parasols' on sale Friday and Saturday at this special low ?rice. Regular $1.50 quality. 07ie ake. advantage ........... e7IC V 25c Wash Belts -. 50 dozen White Wash Belts, several very pretty embroidered design", and a stand ard 25c quality. SpeciaFIof Friday 10, and Saturday ....leC Children's Sweaters A' great Friday and Saturday special Chil dren's Ribbed Worsted Sweaters, blue and white and red and white mixtures.; A Q Regular $1.0Q grade.. Special.;...,. rn o n mam a In the case of H. X. Melvln, who killed b. 1. Durance In self-defense last fall. limner lands. yesterday there was filed in the office of the county re- An order was made by Judge Bradshaw c2rdr ".T1 ca,Un for th tnsfer last nigh releasing Melvln. mm- 0 AMU of over 1,480 acres of timber lands from private parties to Field-Carter A I Co., the consideration being very near io tne iiu.uou mark. Oregon, according to the late reoorts of the department of the Interior, ranks second In the .amount of standing tlm- oer wumn us Doundaries of all the states of the union. :. Of this smount Linn county possesses thousands of acres ana this is being eagerly sought after by the speculators and dealers. Lands that a few yeara ago were eon-I siaerea worthless are selllna- for imi I heard of prices and the hlarheat nnlnt iho marei aaa Dy no mean been reacnea. $2.25 $1.19 Women's Fine Cambric Skirts, deep full flounce with dust ruffle. Every skirt made regulation width of good quality material. Twenty seven different embroidery and lace trimmed styles. The Best Scouring Soap Made ASconring Soap ' A Metal Polish A Glass Cleaner THEY'VE A NEW POUGH DIVIDER AT fe : THE ROYAL BAKERY FOR MOULDING v Table Queen Bread he only one on the Pacific Coast Instead of moulding bread by hand the comman way at the ' ' Royal Bakery it is weighed and divided into even : 'loaves by this clever machine, thus eliminating the , necessity of contact with human hands. You Can ' -h . heartily relish bread made in this way. J, . '.Ki v tw-,$-i'! '- Table Queen Bread is the most nutritious, most ' J healthful, the purest and" best . v All Grocers v Look for the word "fioyal'5 Impressed on the bottom of each Highest OaALmrBriAo' loaf ! SALEM IS TAKING UP CELEBRATION OF FOURTH Special Dispatch to The Jonroal.1 Baiem, Or., May .The Balem Busl-i ness Men's league has called for meeting of the citizens ' to be held at the . city, hall neat Friday for begin- mna; arrangements ror a Fourth Of July celebration worthy of tha eanltal icltrl A-numuer oi committees will be ap-1 It is probable that the celebration will be the only one held In tha countv una mai it wm oe largely attended by residents of Linn. Polk and Marlon counties. The celebration last vear waa I nugo success. MEN'S SHIRTS 73c Mount Hood ' Brand. Softfront" styles in all sizes and standard $1.25 grade. Two to a cus tomer. ' , ' Men's Pongee Silk Shirts, negligee styles and regular '$3.00 d0 FA grade.; Special .M,7btuU Hosiery and Underwear I .. ii I dots, figures and e I I signs, in blacks, br r? i v tans. Only, a limit f Hi W Va ber at this pecial p S 5 The famous Black Extraordinary value-giving in these two departments Fri day and Saturday. Profit by these extremely low prices: ' fV t women s ic rancy nose, in poixa j .. . r dots,, figures and embroidered, de- browns, blues and limited num- t C price. Pr. .lJl Cat Hosiery; for men, women and . children. The best-wearing hose oft the market Warranted fast colors.: Friday and Saturday; special, the : fO pair ...... ................ .liiaC ViirtTIfirfl fi-Ori.Pir-Ks4 .lsar1ssi . . mmA.wn i " " w w ' v f vivas wce car aa- y , . . . . new patterns and all are regular 25c Qfuahtiei. For a great two-day special we . place this entire lot on 1 c sale at, each ........ 1 DC less, knee length, lace trimmed, fine elastic ribbed and oQr regular 5Uc quality, for a great Friday and fr? Saturday special, each-...,. ................. ...... OdC All sizes, including extra large. ; GLOVES !;-;,.l$1.38f 16-Button ; Extrg-Quality . Silk Gloves,, in colors tan, gray, reseda, pink, blue, navy, champagne, pon gee, garnet and ' brown. Double tipped fingers and a standard $175 grade. All sizes to start . LISLE GLOVES 97c Pr. 16-Button Length French Lisle Gloves, double-tipped fingers, and in colors black, whiter tan, garnet, gray, navy and green. 12-Button Length Silk Gloves, in black, white and colors. M 1A Special, pair ............ ,P 1 e 1 57 'DECISION KEEPS , (Continued from Page One.) his associates. It waa to get light on the nature of this evidence that tha attorneys for the defense made applica tion for a bill of particulars. The granting of the bill Jay wholly within the discretion of the court Judge. Wood -la not a new man In handling caaea In which the Western Federation of Miners were Interested. Several years ago he was the federal prosecuting attorney who waa instru mental in sending a half dozen man ti the i penitentiary for participating in iu wur a Aiene strika. Apparently a fair-minded man tn ordinary proiesaionai practice, It Is well-known that hla friendliness, Yo oraanisea laDor is aaaumed and not real. His ruling yeaterday haa provoked re newed criticism on the part of union and Soclaliata of the community. ' Both Attorneya. Borah and Hawlev have been engaged by the state on for mer occasions to prosecute members of the miners union for talcina- oart In Strike troubles. ' The denial of the ap plication removoa every oDStacie to- an Immediate trlal...'.'''-?- - -,-, "-w . a. ,. Late ie terday aftsraoon Chief ef -'-''mryi oarq ains , FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. v Women's and .Misses' Washable Jumper Suits, made of fancy corded Chambray and neatly trimmed with small pearl buttons and straps. $6.50 values. Come in several styles. Fri- AO day and Saturday , .......'. ......? '0 Women's and Misses' Crearrt Mohair Skirts', extra quality mate rial. Every skirt strictly' hand-tailored in the latest plaited styles and standard $6.00 values. ; Special for Friday and Sat- t fJ NOTE.- We have just received another large shiament of Black Voile and Panama Skirts. A great range of styles and prices. Great Corset Values Thomson's Self-Reducing Corsets in a new model for stout women. Made of best gride French Coutille, lace and ribbon a g trimmed.' Reg. $2.50. Special, ea. Jj) I e4D Extra sizes in this model. .fl.75 Warner Self-Reducing Corset, with triple) set of hose-supporters attached. Come in drab and white, and in sizes 20 to an tft 30. Regular $3.50 grade; e3Ut Summer, Corsets In French Empire Venti lating Cable Net and Batiste. A great" range of models to pick from, all 75c nt and $1.00 values ...,.DUC Corset Covers Best quality cambric, with 2. rows Val. lace insertion, lace edge and ribbon, 40c ap- ' grade. Each' ...tLl C CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS, j Mail Orders ; Send your mail orders to us and you are- sure of getting what you pay fpr, Samples sent on request -; ' '.y - v.