V THET OREGON DAILY JOURNALV PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, . MAY 9, 1907; 17 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. b. - '35 Acres tvi In Pleasant Valley, g Bile from Sycamore: IS acrea la cultivation, balance timber and paaturei new oroora bonus, good new burn: op a good road, B. V. !).$ prlca 3,O00, balf .go Acres -" t4 In Washington eounty; rood house, fine barnt f: i" m' balance pasture! 1 miles w aiauon; graded tcnooi; mug routa. "". gooa mane: una dairy farm: run terj prlca o.000, half cash, v ; - JT7s2 ftnt dairy ranch In the at ate, 1H from 3 a. mm -a k. . . .!,a 0 orchard, both In bearlngi (rood windmill; 7S acres of thla ranch ara la a blah stats of cultivation! baa mall root and """. pnca ms par acre;' term to uit, i iosTactcs -i' ? :rS: : 5 On Galea creek, in a flna atata of cultivation, ?R fil ,n ka fine! flna now bouae, very food barns; running waters haa irood orchard; , . . F. D., milk route, telephone; with' thla Place foee t bead of irood horses.. 40 i head v i .J c w- "ut bead of bort, '. r"0" with all farmlnf implements of alii . , , --"I vrica m fiu.uuvi ttroia to auit. !':260 Acres ' i'm!,ra oonty; 100 aerea m crop, balance . a timber! rood bouae, (ood ban and , Jw outbulldinira: 3 mllee from railroad at. " :r, lo";v ij mllea from Portland; thla la a farm V : 1S,K; prlca bow. 30 per aerej owner c' omj voile i tif. t " ( ,,j"' ' j r EF.Ball v;-r' '.i.-' v I ' - '' Room tS Raleigh bldg., 3 w Blith and Washington aU. ; t v . For Sale by Owner One lot SflrTO. one SOiTO and on-80x100 , on Kaat. 11th and Paris sta.t also one kit on S4th and Beat Ankeny eta. I . n .A . . i. . vr iu mvrwm usi near roaa in -; i, tha county, lays up fine and 1 exceptional! lei or frultt tor a hoie specula- not be beat: It can be cot to 3 I ' it tna purchaaer, allowlnr a tare fronta ca on road If deelred. All of the above eaa be cold ea any term. ror price and terms phone Untoa 44. or ad dresa B. T, D. No. 1, Lenta, Or., box 168. , . : MODERN T-roon boose for aala bv owner: I choice location! $3,100; balf cash, balance to ' aaala T.I B7- 4, 4a - . I ' I X Je JMIH WW siiivr 0 p. n WII.LAMBTTB HEI0HTS residence, T rooma, full basement electric and aa fixtnrea. shades, large closets! roses! tatn-bouae; nc. block to cart fine view; (4,000. , Owner.' Ad- arses s ill, cars journal. ' CORNER lot with two new cottages la center or romance aiamct. vancnover, waan. ; In come to per cent net! price 3,opo. . u., u. . Perclral, owner, 408 Commercial blk. - HEW ADDITION Fine lot SOxlOO. afreets no I feet, near car station at Lenta, Be far, only IllSf- tarme. Take Mt. Boott car. O. B. I ' Addlton. Lenta, Or. mt iran f ai or ninnHia in I miles east of city, 1 mil from streetcar 1 lines -new building, well, erream of water, fruit and berrlea; oa good county road, Ohio : Realty Co., 408 OommerdaJ bldg. IIODERM o-room boose oa Raat 28th st S000! . can arrange for balance on pay men ta of $M I , per month. H. B. Dickinson, 40$ Commer cial bldg. C. R. Dcnnell & Co. HAL ESTATE. . Boom .18. S68 Stark at. I HAVE a feod T-roota modern horn, comet lot. East I4tb at., B blorka of Bawthorre are.. S blorka W-R carl $300 caah. balance : eaay. ! star at. IP yoa want to boy. cell or eidianr your I - pronerty, can on or addreaa ueo. w, turner, 803 Waahlngtoa at. PortUnd. Or. FAXON PARK Iota 100x2M, la enlUvatloa, ' level and algbtlyi prices (.100 to (STB. O. Addlton. Lenta. Or.! Mt. Sett car. Sc. 100x100. CARTJTBBRS St.. Bear Front! aome Incomer oaly $4,600. , Poatofilo Bps 687, St jonaa. T-nOOaf bouae, almoat new, flna betweea Hawtborn and W, R. . $.1,000; $500 cash. S4$ Stark at tot. only A r i.o new cwiit wiwu'iiiip., ,u .in-, pigeon aed furniture; lot STxlOOt graded streets, water: owner lives In the bouse; S btocka eoutn ot uawxDornc ava, oa eaio su FOR BALE T-roont hooee. 4ns Broadway St., oa ear line, inquire aaa vrasoingion w. ONE modern T-room boose, beautiful location. Mount Tabor; half cash, balaac ,trma, Pbon ANOTHER BARGAIN 11 acrea, mostly cleared, good house and barn, fin oll, muat . go enesn.- The Title eV Abstract Co., rooaa 4 Mulkey bldg. Second snd Morrison t. FOR SALE New (-room honea. good location. . Owner. 1553 Farreu at. vtooaiawn. FOR SALE -room modern house, lot 82x100. By owner, 837 East 26th at., comer Tsggart I QUARTER block, besntlful new bom. 8 rooms, extrs well built, double floors, full basement laundry, hot and cold water on S , floors, kb. electricity, furnace, fireplace, 100 ros.s. 10 bearing rrnit trees, nernes, sewer, 1 block from ear Use; no agenta. Inguir . 400 prcacott st ? -.. i, (.ROOM cottsge. famished, $1,600. 208 Fourth It. Tel. Pacific 81X0 or jaau ew. (-ROOM boas, electric lights, cement walk, on earllne, $2,200; by owner! eaay terme. Phon Union 2763. : - . ' - SOUTH PORTLAND SNAP, rtne comer, nnohstructed view, sis SRxllO. only $1,800. 208 Fourth t. , TL Pacific I 2123 Main 8000.. . trWST RIDB BARGAIN. (7,000 0-room bouea, modern In all detail. ! and a fraetkmal lot. located on Seventh t., ! lesa than S blocks from th Hotsl Portland. This I nap and good for a quick, torn at a big increase. JAMES 3. FLYNN, ' 612 Chamber of Commerce. - NEW 8-room np-to-dat bouae. full lot $3.260 caah, a monuu... l uvss uio, A l.lJiaSL BUY 0-rtmm monern ; collage. - nti Johns, close to car; tor-few daa, $1,680; term. Boom JW, oimr m. ,. BRAND new 8-room . cottsge. on lot 80x100; nrlc $2,400. B. Swan, lioo union ava., cor-; per KllUngswortb av., k ZJ&!li?&$& won't Ust long. - Rdbm 29, 268 Stork St. . Z.. wrrra . ... T.ertom hons. ..d lf ut. ion Menefee Real Estate Co., 88 Third st. ... j ' 11 1 ' e 1 1 1 ' CHOICB modern bom in Irvington Fin T-room bona, everything , up to date; owner going i.t: if cold before leaving. (S.OOOl half caah. 1 Room- SV B wrs i. :.; .'--,.; ,: nrirwiw most sell at' once T-roora modern house! beat location On Eaat 10th st; $2,200 if taken this week;, term, . inquire room 39, 2S8 8tr t- ( roR SALE CHEAPt 80x100, South St Johns; good location. Inquire T. A. Shoe ' maker, 1084 Cnloa ve. ,. !. SEASIDE Cflttage. Tsear Locksley Hall, -A corn w.l fnrnlahed. cooking utenalla and all. X good bur. Charlc M. Hemphill, 66T Sherlock bldg. - - t NO MATTER where yotf rive we will bny or build bom or pay off mortgage for yon; Interest Btt Pr cent; wnie oecuniy jiuua ing Co., box 1ST Portland. Or. . : i i xVlevfTaell or rent at a reasonable offer, large dark - vreen houseboat, root uar at: slan " soove aoor, -ror oaie.- -,--. . .-..- A PRRTTY 8-room bonae, -nicely rranged, all go modern conveniences: xas and electric Uxht: close In: $2,500; terms. - Inquire of ownef, 7 852 Fremont, or telephone Woodlawn TOO. . , i 180 FOR SALE FARMS. FOR - SALE 106 ' ctb rich bottom land, SO I i acre In cultivation, balance timber and pas ture; good bouse and barn; fine orchard; no eonntv road and R. F. D. route, onlv IU . ' mllee from Bnena Vlata, H mile from (ood FOR scnooi; price w per acre. , . . .- i JL z Also 28 4 acre, all under cuptlvattoa; aod I (-room bouse, good barn: fine young orchard and email fruits; on county road. 44 mile I from railroad depot, 24 miles from Bucna. Vlata; 'fine local fon; price only $1,800, For further - inrormstion anaresa . J.J. WINN. Th Land Man, '' '(..i v 1 Beaa lstaOr.,., ..-v''s $3 000 A SNAP 6 acrea, Arlington Height, nlatted. S mllee 'out 4 west side), ton of fan- yon road, neat CouncU CreiL ABulf at SST I 1 I . .... . I Moxnson ax. -a FOR SALEFARMS. i run HAI.W. A FARMS AM) ACliKAUK TRACTS.. - i - A Half Ikiun U.l Karealna. ! 8T50 10 acrM 2i mllee south weaf ' of ' Hlllsboro, T acres grubbed, balance In tlro- . ber; enough . timber standing . to pay 'i clearing balance; U-room bouae, food well, - barn, and on ennnfv road. 1 ' W0 33 acre land altuated south ot ITlHa- Boroj n acre in meadow; balance in umner, gl.llo 78-84-ino acrea I mllea rrom uien eoe, Or.. 10 or 12 acrea fn cultivation: anrln , branch of running water, aome heavy, timber, some milt treee, no none nor oaxni ierm. $2,00018 acrea mile from Ccntervllle, IS acrea In enltlntlnn: balance In brnah land lcrel; few fruit treca of aU klnda. alao ; berrlea; good well water; o-room bouse; amau ' barn; t mlla froin school and railroad sta tion ; f l,om down; balance to anlt. 12 aon24 irnii lsn1. attnatrd about ' mllea northeast of lllllnboro. all under cul tlratlon; composed of rood black kam;sII ood( well water placa ana some new fruit treea; 8-mom bouse; barn, ' abed and ' few email bullnlnea! arood Tlnerard. $2,7o SB acrea situated S mile west of Rlllslioroi 20 acres In cultivation, 1 acre rich . hnT(dtn land, 'balancni In food pasture land! aome . heavy , timber! place wen ' fenced: runnlnf water on south and w placa, fio Duiioinfe. '. ,. ,. U CATR. '., - Phone Ex. TO. Stark Bt. rok 8 ILK Flna farm, eonalsttna of SS0 acre. , only $ miles from rood valley town and - railroad, fronta on county road ana B. r. u, routa: . S7A acrea In hlffh atata of cultlva tlon. balance timber and naatnrer ' Soil dark loam , up-to-date Improvements, In heart of - Willamette valleyt prlca only tl4,00; alao (114 acrea. 3 mllea from town. 108 acres n : der cultivation, balance oak a-rob timber, 14 'acrea hona. fmnta on ennntv road and B. F. D. route, axmd school at corner of farm, flna 1 location, rood improvemenu: pnca n.uui ' part caah. balance on easy term. Call or ddreaa I. D, Wlna.-Bnena Vista, Or. BKrORH you locate call oa or write Warren Btater, toe leading real estate dealers la Tamhlll county, Oreroo, located at Mcafloor vllle; the beat county In the state. FOR SALE 100 acrea near the Oolnmhl, SO acre ready to plow and 40 acres fine heavy ' timber, olenty of rood water: this la bar- T .ta prlo 2.B00. at J7V East Sth Phone Scott S320. , (K . r . . , . FARM FOR RALE. 100 sere, 60 la cultivation. 100 acrea- Meal fruit and farm land, family orchard and berrlea. rood bulldlnre. dally malL near rail road and town; nice country bom., la toe moat healthrul and deiigatrai climate . on Pacific coast. 'Address T. H. B, Box IT, vYoodvuie, urcfon. i BAROlllf. " " 40-acre farm, the beat ta Clarke county, Waahlnrton, 10 mile from Vancouver; M . acrea clear, tna real in paatarc, an fenced: 100 a ood assorted fruit trees, all bearing. shrubbery, etc. thla year' crop alone will brine Sw: close to acnooi. store, naa K. r. v., telephone!' oa mala traveled jviedi boy thlg mi ore une i ana r n tor i,buu, , SMITH ALGAR,. 1S3H Flrat at., room 1. : BT OWftRR 200-scre Improved farm la heart . of Willamette valley; very cheap on account of poor health. X. Jackson, 475 Hoyt at . Main U. 160 DOWN buy 10 fine acrea, close ta, near Estacad line. 10c fare: will make solendld poultry and fruit farm; price $2,200, Home Land Co., USH Flrat at. TTMBE1L ' ' " , ': ' SAWMILL. ' ." . 88,000,000 ta 80.000,000 feet of At fir tim ber and aawmlll la flrst-elsaa condition! now la operation, near Columbia river, Ka clllHoa handy for shipping by rail or water! wlthla 50 Bailee of PortUnd.. For particular CU . - .. , -. ' THH VETEKAaT LA I'D CO., loo )a antra Bt, room a. I HAVE few large timber tracts thst sre bargain; well located and splendid timber; bsve on or two mill propositions and tie and piling; If interested, would be pleased to besr from yon. Thoma P. Thornton. 810 I WANT from 8,000 to 50,000 scree of choice timber. Immediately from owners or direct representative: will pay caah anon a cruised If satisfactory; give full particulars In first letter; referencea. Thomas p. Thornton, 819 Chamber of Commerce. . Pbon Mala 4261. TO OWNERS of timber clalme and timber I We will bny for cash any good timber trib utary to the Kenaiem river, will aval wltb . owner only; write, giving full particular. Nehaleu Investment ' Co., 113 Chamber ef Commerce building, Portland, Or. CERTIFIED scrip, any else, lowest price. G , Howell. (38 Chamber ef Commerce. , . TIMBER estimated between 10.000,000 and 12.. 000,000 feat, flrat claea. Addreaa K 18T, carp 12.000.000 FEET of fin fir timber, tributary to Columbia -river In Columbia county. Call ' lflBH Third at, room a.- Th Veteran Land company. TWO good relinquishments for sale; food tim- bar. Address S 186, car Journal, TIMRER claim, southern Oregon, will cruise o.ouu.uuu. AQdress w in, care Journal. HORSES, TEniCLES, , HABNESS. DORSES and baggies for rent by dep. week and rnontn; special rate to business bonass. - mxtn and Hawtnorne, Kast IS. BEST work and light harnesa, price lowest; we isae your via namese in exenange ror new. Keller Harness Co. 49 North Sixth at ESTIMATES given on excavating and team wora.v rnona Bast 78. 4o Hawthorn ava. COVERED WAGON, ultable for grocer, $55. "" .Call 835 Frler. ; n". ( ' -, CU T42 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. VICTOR Talking Machine and record: Stew way (or other) piano. : Sbermsa, Clay eV Co., dixui ana saomson bib., opp. r. u, BARTER AND EXCHANGE. fob balb or exebaege - for; cord wood, ; etty property, one v-Boraepower . stationary, ene 10-borsepower portable engine Call, pbooe Mi er at sb Aintna ava. I WILL- exchange aereag bordering on beat iowu in wot county, . vame about gro.uuii, - for' Income Portland property; Coast railroad surveyed through this land; 260 acre, level, , good soil,., underlaid with coal. . Address . car journal. " v 'I n Kli i. OLD bonk bought and aold at 168 Fifth t .. ana 211 second St. . Hyland Bros. 13 -LOTS In Los Angeles to exchange for Ore. v gon --property, p. C. Lateen Co.k 874 X 1TBX . ACRES near Champoeg, Oregon (will make fin chirkivD Peinchk... to a-TPhAitM fn . In Pmtlnft mnA n. l.lff.MnM m . msrigage, eie s irsx ac, rortiana, , .. I ACRES alfalfa land Bear Los Angele to exchange for property In Portland or vicinity, f 18T4 First at, Portland. FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS. SALE Second-band two-ton express wagon. m ocimonc av. i--- ' 1 "m" '" 1 . t . ... FOR SALE Nearly new wagon and. barneee. Cheap. 164 N. 14th at. wagon ror ai or irane ror a good cow; a good tme-borse farm wagon. C A, ' Lewis, vsntruie lyxsui. -vii van we. , . FOR P A LB A $30 steel range, good e nw, . i or fov. ruone n-ast oivo. . -.7.r ' w-. CHITTIM bark for sale: bright 1805 peeL n 1 n. T c,. dwsdisi, et. iwh) vs. BaaBBBBBBBaHaHa. FOR 8AU3 -MISCELLANEOUS. To Hon a It eepe reThe Ohio Steam Cooker cooks everything to perfection and paya for Iteelf ta from one to three montlie by saving . SS per cent In groceries, meat and fuel bill; nothing to burn, dry np or boll overt fits ' ass. oil, wood or cos! stores i all over one r burner. it ton want it you can buy onsy with : one duller down and one dollar a week, Call ; at 8T4 First St., or ring no Pacific 2501. W will bring you one.. - , ,; BIN0BR and Wheeler and Wtlaoa eewtng ma- - chine office. We sell, lease or rent new aia Chinee: old machines taken la Dart payment: - aecond-hsnd msrhlnca Sfl snd 0P! other mskee ' of KI machines $2S and npt aeedlea for all : miks of mschlneei sll Binds of mschlnes repaired and gaaranteed. S. B. Blogel, agent, a Morruon st I'bjns Mala 1183. $ $ $ PHONE MAIN SST4. $ $ $ $ Kxtra apeclHl mrnlture and stovee; largest assortment, cheapest prices tn new and aee-ond-band goods of every description : give new us wrc- I'll! us a esii and ne convinced. Ml I ( THE DOLLAR. tS2 First St., Near Main, BILLIARD AND POOL table for rant r for . aale on eesy psyments. 1 i TUB BEDNSWfOK BALrTECOU.BNDEBOO, i , 4S Third at. PortlMd. FREE FOR EVERTRODT Ring ap Msto 4290 or can xi rront at wc my ana eeu ror allure, clothing or aar old thing. - ; 0ASOLINR launch, coat $J. COO. for sale for leaa than Halt, e 183, car Journal, :. .' , HOLDERS RHEDMAT10 CURE Sara cor tot rheumatism. Sold by all dragglat. ' OLD BOOK STORI removed les Fifth and Sll Second eta. . POtTLTRT ranch, cheap, on S acre rented oven era land; Big rrnlt crop; a pare ox weauty. Wlfeteln. 22T Front. FOR BALD One 10-horaepower Stillwater trac tion engine, in good condition, t- ii. tvunxman, a F. D. No, MUwaukl. Or. . - SHOWCASES and fixtures, new and second hand. Carlson m Kallatrom, 888 Coach at. ' rr PERSONAL. Russian Baths riT THIRD ' ST.. BFTWEEN TATTjOR AND SALMON; SWIMMINO POOL. STEAM AND HOT AIR BATH: FROM S Aw kL TO It P. M. PRICE 28 CENTS. - - : LADIES! Ask your druggist for Cblcbeater I'llia, tna uienwna urana. mr jo years known as beat eafeet, alway reliable. Bur of your drugrlal . Take no other. Chi cheater Diamond Brand . Pill are told by dragglat everywhere. NOTICH OF REMOVAL. ' A. Reiner, the farrier, will Lewi bldg. March It looking foe rattablc location; for present may be found' at reel, denca, tftS North 10th at. Phone Pacific 24V7. WU1 can and glvs ae time tee a BanaL 8EXINB PILLS COT U form of -muscular ' weakneaa. - For teen or women. Price $1 a box, 8 boxe SO, wltb fun guar ante. Addreaa or call J. A. Clemeneoa, drug (iat Second and Tamhlll at. Portland, Or. PILES Itcblng. bleeding, protruding, fissures. fistula, constipation and ail rectal aissaee eared In 10 to 80 days, without the knife or ligature. Call or writ Dr. T. i. Pierce, 181 First L. Portland.. Or. LADIES Dr. Ketcbam. gTSdnste and registered pnyslctsn. treat any ana an your complaint wltb (kill and success.' 1T0H Third at, cor ner Yamhill. Pacific 2228. GERMAN book, tnagaslne. aovala, etc. Oer- man, Bnrnan, rrencn, Bpanisn, Kwsoisn ana Italian dlcttoearles! foreign book f . all klnda. Scbmal Co., 22S Pint at SUITS pressed while yon wait, BOe. Led lee akirt preeeea, poc. ui inert. ,in"t cixia at. next to Quell. ; Pbon Main Sofia, . MANLT visor restored by Dr. Koberts New eiotinis. on aumtB' treatment, ni s months, 88; sent securely sealed by man. Agents, Woodard. Clark A Co., Portland, Or. HOLD ON Thar I one thing that will cava rheumatlam. Asa your aroggiax ror bari tonic or addreaa r call J. A, Clemanaw. drurgtat-.Portland. Of.., . . MOLES, wrinkles, saperflnoo hair reoMived. No ebarr to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 836 Fleldner bldg. Pbooe Pacific 185. DR. BINS CHOONO. tm Dorter Chinese medicines: sella Chinese tea, certain cum for, all disease. IB! 3d. bet Tamhlll and Taylor. MISS RAYMOND Msesense. 268)4 Morrlaoa at., room 14. Pbon Main Wii. BALM OF FIGS for all female dlseasee. 26 Baat Belmont Phone Eaat 4084. - MRS. POTTER Masseuse, acalp. facial ma a-, care, chiropody. , 824H Wsahlngton t. Boor in sV . 1 . -- , - TUifrisn BATHS, SOO Oreronlan bldg.t Mdlec nay, gentlemen nigbta. Mam ibos. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sur core for r xuvuoiaiieui. 1 ami oa u orvaaasie. BB ATTRACTIVE! Pimple blotehe, freckle. blackheads, red veins, coarse pore, ccaema and falling hair cored or no charge: trial treatment free. Address Dr. T. I. Pier, 181 rirst t, portuna or. MISS LB BOY, accomplished meeecuse. 2&1H Aiaer at,, suites -. upon evenings. T0UNO scientific maaaeaa . gtve electrical. alcoholic and medicated treatment, alao rob bathe. 41 Raleigh bldf.. Sixth and Wash ington t. .,.( TOUNO' lady gives treatments. 833 Yamhill room o, . .f . MI'S GIBSON give acalp treatment; dandruff. zostt Morrison st, room 02. MANICURING, faje massage and acalp treat ment. ' xry rooqr J, nua waanington at RECENTLY opened manicuring parlor removed mo boih to bum Morrison at, room a. CHARLIE Why-did you not en t Mamma ead Arflmore uorree" from Bora Te oo 80 Frret st., for lunch. . Just see What you missed. Anna. - rJl MRS. OBROCK. i gradnat masseuse! cabinet bath, salt glow, alcohol rub, cream masaagei references, isy oevenm sc. mam awoe. . i ir n i I, n l ' i VAPOR and tub baths, alcohol rubbing: bis- age. 20 1H Third at, corner Taylor. BATH parlor at 20TU Third at; ladle and gentlemen treated; npstair. room l. , DR. J. O. MACKIB. osteopath and electropath! ladlea treated fn the forenoon, gentlemen la I me afternoon. Boom SB, 143ft Bixto, st. BACK date of msgaajne at. 6 cent. Jone nook etore, 281 Alder at DR. T. J.- riEHCH. specialist, disease ot . women; 11 Irregularities corrected; no ex posal-; medicine by mail. Office 181 First at, corner Yamhill, Portland. Or.. DR. FLORENCR MARION returned from abroad to her old efflcee in th Falling bldg. I LADIES: - Dr. La Frahco'a Compound: aafe, speedy regulator; 25 cents, druggists or mall; booklet Tree. Dr. ta franco, f blladeipbia. rt. MIDDLE-AGED widower ( worklngman) , atrlctly temperate, never uses tobacco, doea not awear, wants -to form th acquaintance of some worklnr widow or unfortunate maid: no ob jection to children; object, matrimony; please answer ir yon mean uinM. Address F 10, .ear Journal, . a.v 4 ' ;v-'v" MIDDLE-AGED worklngman, widower, strictly temperate,' never use tobacco, never swears, mild dleDoeltlon. would like to form the ae-1 qnaintance of maid or working widow: answer I ir yoa mean Business. Address tk iso. cars 1 jonrnai. ... v -v. 1 . MI.S.8 LE ROY. 201 H Aldr t, aulto and 4- Maasag and scalp treatment. . BUSINESS ' PERSONALS.' St JXBINA ' CREAMERY CO.. Matoertsed I milk and cream delivered la bnttlea; tnanu-1 facturers of quality ice cream, Alblna cream ery butter. 800 Russell at. Pbon Eaat 6362. INVENTIONS boucht aad solaV Covens st i tract juo, vfi meaner niag, main xnwi. 8KKLLY CO., 14th and Flanders: fKrnr, feed. nay, (rain. - roenee A lull, rscine oil. ATTORNETS. H. TANNER: attorar. . Room 000, Com ..ui.l m. . a h4 , .a .ar..ku..,. i raoae aiain 1440. . - PIOOOTT, FINCH BIGGER., attorney at la-w, Mnlkey bldg, cornet Second and aloe- ASS AVERS.. 0ARVIN CYAMDH EXTRACTION CO j Montana Aaaay Offloe. 188 Morrlsoa t. PATHS MASSAGE. MANICURING, fsce and acalp treatment; bath and massage. IWV, Fourth at. AUTOMOUILES. a4eea' HOWARD M. COVET, ": - ' Agent Pierce Great Arrow. Locomobile, Cad Iliac and Knox. Temporary location Club Oarage, 18th aud Alder ate. ARCHITECTS. . ERNST KRONER, architect Plena and specifi cations; alao building anperintendenca, .. , i H. 0. DITTRICH, architect. 831 Will ! me ava corner McMlllea at. Phono Kaat 8331. art. ; FRER LESSONS IN Rmhroldery Every Dev. THE NEEDLFJCRAFT SHOP. SST Waahlngtoa at B. n. MOORRROD8I CO. Artists materials, picture molding, picture framing, tcreoptl eons. lantern elides. 81S Alder at. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWR, DAVIS At KILHAM. I0M11 Second at. Blank book manufnetnred! agents for JnneC , Improved Loose-Le if ledgersi see tha new Eureia leer, the beet oa the marxet BtTCHERS STJPrLIES BUTCHERS' . SUPPLIES S. BirkeawaM Oa.. , 804-808 Everett at.; largest batcher supply boos oa in coast, write 'tor catalogue. BUTCHER"' SUPPLIES Adolpb A. Dekum. 181-188 First at., carrlee a full line and plot assortment at lowest market prices. T1 CLEANINQ AND prEINO. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed, $1 per month. unique tailoring uo auw otara eu H. W. TURNER, dyer) carpet deed apeclsl- boo efferaon at, Mem wia, , 00 AL AND WOOD. pnRTT.awn nawnnnT a atanwrton cct 8A5 , Front, anceeaaora to Foltoa Wooo Oo. ' fir. oak. uabwood. coal. Tat Mam lHSQ.' FOR prompt .Sail vat F of ilabwood call Mala , 7D. os a. aaa. nr ana enni. rortiana Wood at Coal Co 10th and Ssrier at. WESTERN FEED A: FUEL CO. House end blacksmith oosla. ' coke. char oal. kindling. Pbon Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST T. f. a jonhs oa; ' Wood and Coal. 181 Bast Wat- st. ORE06N FUEL CO. I now taking order for wood snd coal for future delivery. 884 Alder at. Main 88. - CALL Steel Bridge Fuel Co.. phone Eaat 424, for choice No. 1 fir eordwnod, dry or green lahwood: prompt delivery; both side river, Office and dock foot Randolph at- ' SUMMER WOOD. Try our dean kiln dried cutting at $4 the . load, within reasonable distance from onr factory; good measure guaranteed. North ' weat Door Co. Pbon East 113. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. .'s it-. Always Consnlt the Best ' . ' r ' PROFESSOR KHIMO, Greateat living astral dead-tranca clairvoyant . of the age: adviser -6a husfneee and all af faire of life: toll your full name and what yon called for, whom you will marry, bow . to control the one yon love, even though miles - away: reunites the separated: gives secret power to control; doe all othera advertise to do. - Hour 10 to S, daily and Sunday. ... Office, No. 8 and 4, Grand Theatre bldg., 862 Waah., near Park it Pbon Main 128T. MISS MAT ANnRKWf4 Card reading, SSe. 338 Sixth at,, corner Msln. . PROFERSOB WALLACE. ' Portland' favorite clalrvoant palmist and medium; readinga aoe. ssit nor., cor. 7uu MRS. 8. B. SHIP, teat medium. Ctrclea Tuea day. Wednesday, Thuradsy. Friday, 8 p. m. Readings daily, buz Aiiaxy oiag, CAFES. THE OFFICE 2S5 Waahlngtoa st, phone Main 771. Bsmuel vigneux. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON. 204 Fourth St. Office aad etore fixture but it and remodeled; showcase aad eounura. roone Mala itst. . B. MELTON Office, Store fixtures; general Jobbing, or arret ax. mono aisia eiuu. CARPET CLEANING. THE Pacific Coast Carpet Ren va tore clean your carpet ea th floor without removing vfnrntturi from rooms. W raise no dust, remove all dirt and grease spots. - Phone Paclfl- 418. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO Largeet plant on coast; Lorlnrsnd Harding eta.; phone , Eaat wo; carpers cleaned, rentreo, eewea ana laid: ateam and compressed air process; re- - aovating mattreaeea ana reauere a specially, JOVCB BROS., proprietor of tb Electric Clean ing worae; carpeta Cleaned aaa una, ooia arv and romnreesed-alr clesnlnc: carpet reflttlni enr apeelalty t work ' gnaranteed. Phone Main S6T2 aad A 26T2. ST0 Grant at. CHIROPODISTS. WM. DEVENY ESTEI.LB DBVBNY, TH . only eclentlflc ehlropodlats, parlors 20$ Drew ; bldg., 16S Sd at . Pbooe Mala law. CHIROPODY and Pedlcnrtng. Mm. M. D. HI It Room 880 Fleldner Bldg. Pbooe Pacific 1(8. ; DENTISTS. DR. EARL C. McFARLAND dentist. Suite T10-TU-712 Swetland bldg. Phone avaln liJl. DR. W. B. KNAPP baa returned from east. Office 10 Hamilton bldg. DRESSMAKING. MRS. - TAUOHAN, experienced dressmaker. . 888ft Eaat Bumaide at i none sat zvit. MAUAMB ANGELES 249 Fifth. Pacific 88X itm.WU" WfTf'ii flT".TrTiysaisVsVMi DANCING. DANCING lessons 2Cc, classes and private, dally. Prof. Wal.WIIlson, kali 804J Allsky ' bldg. Third aad Morrison sts. Social 'dancing r waits, two-step, three-step, etc; stsge danc ing, bock and wins 'clog, reel. Jig, Highland 1 fling, Bpanisn, etc. WOODWARD DANCING BCHOOf-Class Men.. 1 . Tna re. and Bat. eve.; social, fancy and tep ' a.ln ..Mirk.i - K .l..nt tMcheMI, .1. .. and private lessons dstly. Western Academy ball. Second and Morrison ts. Pacific 163a EDUCATIONAL. OREGON EXPERT COLLEGE. Commonwealth building. 8th- and Ankeny, pbooe Main 8001. Telegraphy, abortband, typrewritlng, peamanablp, English branches. Individual Inatructlona, special scholarship. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Washington snd 10th eta. Fliedner bldg. ' Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and sll English branches tangbt both day aad night. ROSE CITT , BUSINES8 t COLLEGR. Pitman Shorthand by Court Reporter, Boat. Coarse. Special itcnAiareblpe; Poaitmne Be Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. E-ECTRIOAL SUPPLIES. V M. J. WAMiH CO.. 811 Stark at Electric and Gas' - Fixture and Snppllee, Maotal. Tiling. Gratea aad Dogfrooa. .,: PACIFIC. BLBCTRIO CO Engineers, contrac- tora, repairere, electric wiring, suppiwe. 4 First or. 8tsrk, Main 658. B. H. Tat, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. 61 Sixth St. Contractors, electric supplies, motors and dy hamoa; we Install light and power plants. ' kfORRIBON ELECTRIC CO. (Br Bast Horrtma at, Fixtures, wiring, repairing. Eaat SUS. FENCfl AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE IRON WORKS Seooad and Brerett sts. Phone Msln 2000. ' GASOLINE ENGINES. OABOI.INB ENGINES. 'Stationary - and marine; electric equlp meuts;. launchpe; ' acceeeorlea; wholesale and retail; engine repairing.. Ueleraoa uscuinary SHEFFIELD marine engines. Any propellers. Falrbaoka, Morse Co, Flrat and Stark ate. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO, sollclte eppttun ity to quote prlrea. T4 Sixth at Pacific 4M. HOTELS. HOTKL Portland. American plaa, $3, $S per day, BELVEtiERB; European plan; 4th and Alder at. INSrRANCE. ISAAC L WHITE, fire lnauranca. 844 Sbev W. L. PAOB. Insurance! mDlnyera ItaMlltv, - surety bonds, borglsr and accident Insurance. roone aiain oaa. w riuiag oiog. $AS. Mcl, WOOD, empJoyera' liability and hv dlvldoal accident eecnrlty bond or all kino. Pbon 4T. 808 McKay bldg. : LEATHER AND FINDINGS.; CHARLES L. MASTICK CO., Front snd Osk sts., leather and skins of every deeeriptlo for all purpoaca; . sol and . tap altera! finding. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for aato All klnda. tarred log approved forest reserve scrip ror surveyed, en surveyed, timber snd prairie government land, H. M. Hamilton, "The Portland," Portland. MONET TO LOAN. M -r U OOOO N N EEEJCB T T MM MM O O NN N . T J MMMM-O'O NN N E M M M O O N N N EEB . , TT M M M O ; 0 N N N .iUs I M MHO O N N N E T OOOO N NN EEEEB I , - SALARY LOANS ' ' 'I ON PLAIN NOTES. $10, $20, $30, $40, $50, $60, (TO. $80, $100 . Cheape't and best plc to BORROW MONEY. "ABSOLCTELT NO SECrjRITT." REBATE Klrta If paid before dun. ' Ererytbing strictly confidential. " . REMEMBER v. IF YOU WORK ' J WB WILL LOAN YOU MONET. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASKt 8TATB RECURITY CO. - T04 Dekum Bldg. Tth floor; take elevator. , HOURS; S . m. to 0 p. m, ! v '. And Saturday UU S p. m. . MONEY TO LOAN : - -On improved city property or for building pnrpooea. for from 8 to 10 year time, with privilege to repay all or part of loaa after ' two years. Loan approved from plan and money advanced a building Brugroacn; mort gagee taken ap and replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent. , 24S Stark at CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on aalarle. ahsuraaea pollcles, pianos, furniture, ware boose receipts, etc.; any deeervlng person may. secure a lib eral advance, repaying by easy weekly r monthly Installments. . ' NEW ERA LOAN TRUST COMPANY, . 208 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY loaned to salaried people Juat an yoor wn name; don't borrow nntn yon see me; my system Is the beat for railroad men. Clarke, bookkeepers, streetcar men ad all ether eia nlovee: business strlctlv cnpfldentisL F, A. Newton, Sll Buchanan hMg., Waahlngtoa at, between Fourth and Fifth. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLB and othera npon their own name witnout eecnr lty; cheapest rate, easiest payments: offices la SO principal Httea: aav yourself money bv getting onr term nret. " TOLMAN, 223 Ablngton bldg., 108H Third at WANTRDo-Norea. moTta-Bses eirejontracta any kind of real estate In rrn and Waah- Ington: second mortragee purchased ir wail secured. H. H. Noble. Bis commrciai ma DON'T boreosv econer on aatee smfll yea see Hntton Credit Co. 812 Dekum bldg. ' MONEY to loan; large loan specialty i abu building loans: loweet rate: nr lnauranca. William G. Beck, 812 Falling bldg; CRESCENT LOAN CO..t 428 Mohawk .bldg. Mnneg to lend on easy-pavrnent plan to wage- earners; strictly confidential. .- MORTGAGB loana at current rates; n mission. Columbia Life at Trust Company, ' Lumber Exchange bldg. MONEY to loan on all kinds ef security, ' 11am HolL room 9 Washington bldg. , Wil. TO LOAN Rums to salt on chattel eecurlty. B A. sts me, oi me marqosm. QUICK loan on all aecuiitle. S. W. King, 45 Waahlngtoa bldg. Main 6100. ON mortgage. $200 to $3.00O; cost paper only. Ward, lawyer. Allsky bldg. WILL loan (1.000 er lees on real estate, 8 per - cent.. . Farringtoa. SIS Fen ton bldg. A LOAN for the caking Salary or chattel. Tb Loaa Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. EASY payment loan to eaiarled people. Em ploye'. Loan Co., T16 Dekum bldg., Main 224, $1,000 ON real estate; : private party. Tele- pnone cast ot.ib. MUSICAL. THE WEBBER - STUDIO Mandolin, banjo, gultsr Instruct looa. 488) Washington at PIANO, violin, cornet trombone, clarinet' Pro- feasor I. A. Bmltb. 254 12th St. Mstn tos. NEU 4 KINGRLBY, 268 First St. PorUsnd leading marble and granite worfca... a... . MONUMENTAL BRONZE CO. Most durable grave headstones. Room 12. 268 Btark St. , KIACHINERT. B. TRENKMAN CO. Mining, aawmlll, log ging machinery; hydraulic pipe, casting; an kinds, repaired. .104 North; Fourth at THE H. ft ALBEB - CO. Second-band ma chinery, savrmllla, etc X48 Grand av. ssBsss'fssasf .jsjij ii nuiii s'n s isisssSailBBaamaj OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR LILLEBBLLB PATTERSON, specialist ea oervooa, acute and chronic dlseaaee. Office 21T Fvaton bldg. .Phone Pacific 1180. 4 i . ' ... . DRS. ADLX NORTH Rt'P. 418-16-11 Dekum bldg. Third and Washington ate. Phone Mala 849. . Examination tree. PAINTING AND PAPERING. FOR tellable' work, 'reasonable prlcee, Sheehy Bro 28 H xamblll, near th. Main 8072, I" " ! .'I'lieU n J mii n . DOANB will give yon th best eatimate ror satiaraciory . wors. zso lamhtu at. . PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTERT Artlstl printing. zu Kussei niagv roarta and Momsoa, roooe raoiiic loan. . BVERTTHINQ IN PRINTING From "Circulars to Catalogue and newspapers. Metropolitan Printing Co., 147 Front st OGILBEE BROS . - printers Tsrds. billheads. etc. Phone Main 18S8. 14SH Flrat at - PLPMBER8.J FOX CO, Sanltar- plumbera. 2S1 Second, het ...... . . w, . . , . i enAt jusjq and BaiUKHs. . ureoa pnone as.ie ."v.. DONNBRRERG R A DEM ACHE R removed to No, BOS Burnslde at : . BTREET PAVtNQ.; WARREN Cooktroctlon Co.i street paving. 1de walka and crossings. 814 Lumber Bxchang. THE Barber Aspbalr Psvlng Ce. ef ParUaaa, Office tiS Worcester blk. ... BANKS f Y KITED atTatTY tf AWTAtlAS ai A narnP S J - ;. Northwest Corner Third snd Oak , "treeta. .h- r-... Tr,n"CtS a General Banking Baslnese. URAF1H ISHUKD Available 1u ",L,!?. i..MlV'4 out o Europe. Honskong sad Manila. Collections made Favorat- vIS p!m": J. C. AINHWORTH Ifaahler.i. W V lloL.3 Vlee-Praaldcnt,. R. LEA BARNES Asslstsnt Csahler. . ....,......s..W. A. UULg ' ; ' Assistant Cashier ....A. M. WRIOHT I TOOir. BAKKJPIS-Portiaaa, Oregon. f L. v -v,,r W. M. LADD. ; ( , C. B. LADD. . . ! W. 1-ADD. TranMct a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Bvtnf book iseneq on savings aeposits. . vnnrawiMt J. FRANK WAT80NM...Prea1dent B. W. DOYT J..:.!.Ceabler ' a S. 0. CATCHINO Transaeta a General Banking Rualness. ah Parte or the worm.' TBI BAffK or CAIITORiriA TataMlshed Capital paid ap $4,000,ono ' General Banking and Exchange Bostness V'... SAVING8 DEPARTMENT Account ' " t Portland Brsncb Cbsmner WW. R. M ACREA. ..Manager -v- 9 jNi&xiun aa. jiaflA ronisna, vrr;ron .. Fast NATIONAL BANE Portland. Oregon. Oldest National Bank oa tb PaetfH Caat,r . : " t CAPrXAt AND SURPLUS, $1,800.528,00. . DEPOSITS, $14.000.00. A. L, MTM.S ... ....... ....... ...President I W 0. ALVORD..,.,. :.l .J Aaalatant OaakW J.-W. NEWKIRK .Cashier '. TRU8T COMPANIES AtJiivr strn mvrmm mwvawv aw Ativn ' aT tAAX U AaVVDl VVSfnn Vat VeTkAJtr RESOURCES OVER $2,000,000. General counts (even hundreds! on dally balancee M ett Hart. th. U S..ln.. nnnta SDeclsl certlflcstea. 8800 or ever. 2 to 4 oer Boutheaat Corner Third nU Oak 3treeta. Phone Private Exchange T2. - . COHEN... ,,..4?;wtarv.Prejldent J H. L, PITTOCK..,,.""'-; Vf!ft3. PAGET. ..,'....vlT.....j,r!Secretary ( J. 0. OOLTBA..,,..T,Y.vAss1stant Secretsr BENT. I. B. LKB ZCURITT SA VINOS TRUST OOMPANT-wOt Merrben Street, Portland, Oregon, - Transacts a General Bsnklng Business. RAVING". DEPARTMENT. Intereet ljwrte) ' Time and Savings Accouate. Act aa Trnatee for Estate. Draftt and Lettsrs of Credit . ... - Aveilablc on All Part of th World. A ' . P. ADAMS........,..'. Preeldent I U A. LEWIS. , Plrat Vice-Preside L.. MILLS .Second Vice-President I B, 0. JUB1TZ. ......Secwtorp - GEO. B. KUSHELL i. . . ,. Aeelstsnt Bectctsry - iITU GUARANTEE TRUST COatPANY (40 Wsahlngton Street, : MORTGAGB LOANS on Portland Real Estate at Lowest Sat. i v ' -i . - . Tltl Insured, Abstracts Furnished. . . 4 J. THORBURN ROSS......... .....President GEORGE H. HILL............ Vice-President BONDS AND M ORRIS BROTHERS Chamber of Cemmaro Building. , , I ' Municipd. Railroad and Public Service Corporation Bond. DOWBTNO-H0PKINS COXPAJTT EsUblUhsd loW-ROKM. ' , ' STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. ; ' trrlvste Wires. , BOOM 4 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. Pbon Msln 8T, Overbeds Starr & Cooke Co.l OKA Ilf, FBOYISIDnTS, euiiua. aiwaa nnv avmum, ' -wti DO A SIR1CTLT COMMISSION BUSINX.8. ' , Contlnuou Market by Private Wire. Quick i - ana united ntatee hbih"" PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. P. B. BEACH CO. The Pioneer Pa hit Oe. window glaaa and gassing, uu run su Pbon 1884. PHOTOGRAPH MOUNTS B. L. WOODWOBTH, Mfgr, complt 11 n or photo mount board. 148 First st. REAL ESTATE. PARRISB. WATKINS CO., 880 ALDER ST. Real aetata, rental, snane aaa insurance. Wc make a apeelalty of baadllng ran tale and property for residents and non-residents. BsUbUsbed 18TS. Pboaa Mala 1044. .. , I. W. OOII.BEB. real estat and loans eaUD- TlalMd 188a. 140H rust ex.. room i. SPHl-K AOBN0Y, dealer tn reel estate and renuia. booh stark at siaia uioa. - FOR FARM) OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. - W. W. ESPEY. 818 Commercial bldg. RUBBER STAJLTS. . 0. STAMP WORKS. 249 Alder at.! phone Main T10. Rubber stamp, seals, stencils: bag gage, trade ebecka: braaa algn and plates. ROOFING. nN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and general tobbtna. J. LoalL 312 Jeffersoa si. rse. sue ' , SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS.; BVMrrER A KLBISBR SIGNS. - We have built op the largest algn business fn tb city by nrst-cissa worn ana aevpins n oram tees. Oar nrlcee ere right. . Fifth and Everett at. Pbon Exchangi 64. fSIGNS THAT ATTRACT'' Portland Sign Co 88T Btork t. , Pbons mcine lose. . . - "CARDS THAT CATCH THE BYE" Beet work 1b tb city. Betta, ouo ueanm aiag. nsisww, SEWING MACHINES. PHONB Pacific STS and I personally will can and repair your sewing maenine;- vex fsu- an teed. s. Hams, aajusrer. ssi m SAFES. PORTLAND SAFB CO., oI sgente for Her- Hn..u.ii.HsrviB ssrea ana saanaanvsw piwi i Safe Co.' bank eafeet 20 second-hand fire proof safes aad tan sates, very eneapt eve tnem or write as. vj smsu DIEBOID Msranese Safeel large line csrrled: Lock-Onta Opened; Jacks, jsusv aieiai semi tore; honest prices and good. Both phones. J. B, Da via, ea Xhira t STENOGRAPHERS. WANTED StMoeraPhlc work t reeaonanle price. Mis lounge, bub i-or. aix. mam ene. PUBLIC tenograpbernd tvpswrtter. Pbon Main 1371. i uexam ,oia. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES. - plane and furniture moved, packed ene aninejine ana anronee: aii-wura guaranteed; Urge 8-story brick fireproof warehouse fog storage. Office 208 Oat st I Olsen as Roe. Phone Main 047. : a O. PICK, office 88. First t., between Stark and una eta.; pnone ova raws ana rami ture moved an, packed for shipping; commo dious brick warehouse with separate lroa Front and Cisy am. NATIONAL TBAN8FEB 8T0BA0R CO. 80S Oak St.; teiepnon a-au ov. -xTansnrrmg aad . storing. OREGON TRAN8FER CO. 184 North Sixth etf pbon Mala 89. Heavy aanling snd storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAOB A TRANSFER CO. Btorag. 824 Btark at Main. 4UT. TXPEWRITERS. . BJEADQUARTERS for new and rebuilt type writer or ail maaea; ase our wmoows it 7-" are going to buy a new typewriter eee ae be fore baying; we can save-ye money; we have parts for repairing all maebtnas; star agtots ror ine iieinie w oy iuii. of typewriters. , The Typewrtter Excnaoa-e, inc.. at r. aiuison, .u.s- o u ... a i i M i -i , i ii BLICKENSDERFER Typewriter Agencyreup. allea: repairs. Baieian oma., ma aau news. ' PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. WB U Remingtons, SoiltB-rremiers. uene- moree, etc tower roan ear oiuvr mmpanri Investigate, unaerwooa i-ypewnier v.. w WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE OREGON CHEESB CO. (INC.) CHEEHH. BUTTER, EGGS, etc., dairy products hooght er bandied on eommlssloB. 126 Fifth at ' Swetland bldg.,. PortlaiHl. Or. M. A. OCNST Ca, ' DISTRIBUTORS OF FINB CIGARS.. , PORTLAND. OREGON. - EVERDINO 'FARRBLL, produce and com' mission merchants. 140 Front st, Portland. Or. Pbon Msln ITS. , 4 OREGON FURNITCRB MANUFACTURING CO. aiannraciurare an ui,.,. nsr we era tie Portland. Ores. A-Av-ci,-i WADHAMS eOsr-wbolesale erocera. - mane- racturere. ana eommiaawn anercnaaia, roort and Oak eta.,.-.- v ' " FCRN1TTJRB manufacturing aad special orders. L. Ruvenaay a rurniture factory, s07 Front at ALLEN Ai LEWIS, eohimlsxlon and produce mer chant. Front and lavta at... rortiana. Or. , WHOI.KRALPl crocvery snd alsssware. PraeU 1 Begele 4t to., Portland. Orefoo. . W, . STM VSoy, ;oi WssMnetoa St. V, bole- I deait-r la graia e.l Uu. Sal aAttean ivn ATI VAfllf interest pam on lime ... K. L. DURHAM. , it r'rrT.r.Jhu; I GE0R0B W. HOYT. , ....... Aaalatant Caable Second Assistant (ashler v ; . fc. Drafts and Lettere of Credit Jasned Avauaoi roiicrtxme a npectaiiy. 1864. - Bead Office. San TYinoiaoe, 5'VJ,l Surpln and undivided proflta. .. ,..(10,163,818 Trans acted. Intereet on Time Depoalta, ; . may be opened of (10 and Upward. ef Commerce Building. - - J, T. BERTCHAELL. . , .. Assistsat Manage B. F. STEVENS .Second Aaalatant Cashier aat ibv- Pana4 femsaiitv im Orfft V W W-Uwj r 0 - - J ; Banking. Two Per cent luteree. en check to- . of $S0Q or ovcrw Lettern of credit nd eicbanx ; Time eertlf testes BS Tier Cent! CHon-eeil cent . Call for Book of '"ILLUfiT RATIONS." I JNO. B. AITCHIH0N;.........w-'er"T I T. T. BURaHAKT a. .Treasurer INVESTMENTS m(ZJrz..S&a&. Service. R E r E R K N C E ft Lada m niton, uanxera. " rwimuu. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. 8n0WCASE8 ef every descriptioai bank, bar and (tore fixtures made to order. Th Lata Manufscturlng Cav, Portland. B. H BIRDSALL. deafgner; a rent M Wlnrer Lumber Co, T Hamilton bldg. Main BMO. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brum. soap. . $1 per month. Portland Laandry At Towel apply Co.. Ninth sad Coach. Pbooe 410. TRANSPORTATION. - n i ni i hJ Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 5 TRIPS 4 SL Bj. sTpoknm, fma IV 1 BS) Jnly IS, aSi'AVac. S. QMBVsTUljr At. ' xoxa moTTTB. , ' I. B. Bnot, ,....,. 7oa X B. B. PTldnt .....Jnnn 4 : :'i&AMXJi BOTJTB. , , Skn$rwF, BHtkn, Jnnaan and. was porta. . BallliisT p. an. SC.' B. B. Oa's Jsrtuaboiat. . .Iter B, IS, 1 Cottavr City, Vi Sitk...JkT7 , 19, St Citj ot atonttl... ........ .BCaj 8, 18, SB ; ' ' SAW TaAJrCIBCO BOTJTB. ' r ttelliaaT 8V SB. aTTOSB MttltX . City ef PntlA. ............ .Kay S, BO ' Benazir..... ...Kay 10. S3 " UmatlU. ................ ...Buy 18, SO City ClBo, 949 - VMUartos St. Ho! For Astoria ao OBT FastSteamerTelegrapIi Daily (except Thursday a). Leave Aides street dock 7 a. m.' .. - : . . . PKOBB XAXsf B65. Columbia River Scenery SMBOTJIATOB UBTB BTBAMTfBS. Da llv ' service betweea Portland and The Dallea. axeent flnndae. . leavine - Portt.nA .a . f a. n. arriving about 8 p. m earrytng freight and passenger. Splendid acoomnKxlw tlons for eutflis and livestock. -Dock foot of Alder et.. Portland: foot ef Court at. The Dalles. Phone Mala 814, Portland. Sir. Chas. R. Spencer vuwrns-itrsn zwem, . naflv. except Bunday. for The Dallaa and way landings, at 1 . m., returning 10 p. m. Fast time, beat; eervion, rioneei acaia. S184!. Bomev. A, 11, 84, MOMTH TACTtia STBABUBZP CO. Steamships EOANOKE ..and CEO. W ELDE2 Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and lorn Angela; direct every Thurday at p. m. iicket offlce IIS Third, near Alder. , Phcne M. Ult. H, YOUNO. Aent AtXAMf XIKB OCBABT STBAMSHTFS, trvERPoot. oiAsaow, London, havrb. New steaoiers VICXORLUI and VIRGINIAN. triple-screw turbine euglnes, sod XUNlaUAM, C0R8ICAN and IONIAN, twln-acrewe. Hemes. ber. our selUnga are Weekly from MONTKKAL, passing down the pictureeqne St Lawrence river by daylight. , Accom mods tfoua anenr. naaaed. Rates: Saloon 800-00 aad apwarda; second cabin 440.00 and upwarda. One alas Cehln Steamer. IO.00 and apwsrds. ALLAN COMPANY. 1T4 Jaaksea eoul., Chloage NAVALf OFFICERS ARE:. INTERESTED 1N VESSEL (Journal Special Service Washlnston. - May . Naval officera hereabout are manifesting a lively Interest in the blK Japanese armore 1 cruiser Tsukuga, which is due to rencn Hampton Roads today on a visit to the Jamestown exposition. The Tufci.: . was turned out from a. Japuneae !,.; -yard by - Japanese . workman, rn.i : ; . i j and perfect in every detail, v.! v , t , , years after her, keel a lahl. ,v over the ship Id gatd to iiftvej a on natural draft of about 5 2 watch -: exceeds tiiat of any n,1 : the American navy. Parrot t eiul A" -n (Special ienatch to : Balcra, Mav I. C. v. C. Alksn. both rf i; appointed t? t' I Der or t 1 X V w f