The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 09, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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car shortage
Curtiss Lumber Company ' Has
Leased Steam Schooner
for Business.
. . -
Shipments for California Will Be
'' Handled by Concern Itself,; Inde
pendently of RailroadsHoped
Others Will Follow Example, .
- (Sped) IMiMteh' to The Joonul.)
Albany.. QrH May. -fhe Curtiss
Lumber company of MiU City have per
fected arrangement to lease the ateam
"schooner Llaaett with a carrylnr ca
pacity of 1,600,000 feet, and la one of
the largest achoonera In the coaat trade.
They plan to have the ateamar In op
eration from Taqula Bay potnta.aoutn
By tha flrat day of Juno, 1007. '
- Tha Curtiss Lumber Mill company
haa learned that the inability to obtain
care and tha hlah rates for transports
tlon srVualr hampers the operation of
ill! and have decided to be inae
pondent of thla condition. . Tha achooner
chartered will have a carrying; capacity
. . of 10 carloads of lumber. . The demands
of tha trade In California and aouthern
polnta will be supplied in thla manner.
The capacity of the rnllle have been In
creased and the output dally reachea
the total of 125,000 feet. ,
The bar at Taaulna haa always been
passable and now haa a depth of S3 feet
at high tide. This la mora than re
quired for the genera! draught of the
coast vessels,. It la hoped by tha peo
ple of the valley that thla will revive
that 3 bualneaa . at this point that naa
lain dormant for over 10 years. At one
time practically all' the freight and
wheat shipments of .tha valley west via
Taqulna. Tha Willamette Valley-and
the Farrallon and other steamers had
their regular schedule from thla port
and found that tha buslnesa warranted
. the venture and tha maintenance of thla
service. The arrival and departure of
vessels at ' thla famous seaside resort
was tha center of Interest for thousand
of .pleasure seekers who were accus
tomed to spend their summers .at this
place. ' f ....-.--.!. .
The retnstl'ution of tha Service by
the Curtiss people may have .4tte effect
of bringing other veasels to this port
. and again draw the attention to the
people of the atate to the value of Ita
harbors lying between the mouth of the
Columbia and the port of SanFraaoleco.
Eugene Is promised three miles of
-street- railway by October.,; u
Breathe II yomei's Healing Air and
All Irritation Will Be Quickly Cored.
The most Irritating and annoying
form of cough la that termed bronchial.
People subject to bronchial troubles
whenever . there Is . a . . change in the
weather or they are exposed to a draft
will -"catch" a bronchial cough, which
la very disagreeable, Irritating and aa
noylng. . . .
Bronchial troubles' cannot be cured
by stomach dosing.- The medicated air
of jry-o-mel la the only, treatment that
reaches tha Jaffected parts and givea re
lief and cure. It destroys all tha dis
ease germs - that are present In the
nose, throat and lungs, soothes and re
lieves tha Irritated mucous membrane
WEBSTER'S STATEMENTS Mn all parts of the bronchial tubes and
quicaiy overcomes xne irruauon.
Bronchitis Is really an inflammation
h . .. r-jt m.i 1 I ... ....... "
iTom ana woii.fBrum vangm m passages and la purely a local disease,
t?i.- iin iwiumhM that It needs a local treatment like
JtlcKenzte River Not PevouiersW t tfrrirArt. h H--mri. ,
we do not want anyone's money un
less Hy-o-mel gives relief and cure, and
we absolutely' agree that money will
be refunded , unless the remedy , gives
satisfaction. ... . , . - '
All druggists should b able to sup
ply you with Hyomel or we will send it
by mall on receipt or. price, ii.oo, ana
every package, la sold with the distinct I
understanding that It costs nothing tin-
less It cures. Booth's Hyomel Com
pany, Buffalo, N. T. . -T:'. V
' - . - ; -- r' '- - ' --- l ..
, . I I I II I I -.
Fish Plant to Be Erected Upon
. McKenzie River Despite
Protest. ,
lire Fry as Alleged Quarrel Be-
: tween Wardens Aired. l"'!p ,
(PmHiI rHin.trfa te The JoartuL)
Salem. Or.. May . Master Fish War'
den Van Dusen In his report presented
to the atsta board of fish commission
era treats at length relative to certain
"statements about the salmon fry raised
at the McKenzie river being devoured
bv trout and-other native. fish of that
stream." made in a newspaper article by commissioner of British Columbia, en
ex-Peputy Fish Warden H. A. Webster the subject of "Salmon' Fry Destruo-1
or ciacaamaa wno waa recenuy ai-1 tion," and without his knowledge.
missea zrom me service ai in. request i
of Van Dusen and suoceeded by Frank
Brown who waa Jn charge of the .On
tario hatchery.
Thua la disclosed tha trouble that has
been brewing for some, time between
the two fish wardens. Webster waa
after the scalp of Van Dusen and waa
aToft Eaten fey Trout.
"I have made a careful research Into
the affair and from what I have been
able to find out, X am more convlnoed
than ever, that with a careful hatchery
superintendent, who will conscientious
ly exert himself at all times to keep
the hatchery offal (that is, dead eggs
!Sf5? sat vzr us saw z 7
:.'K.,r"l-;" .:VT uraupenntendents are always In
friction between the two for some time.
Dead Try Devoured.
Mr. Van Dusen states ' that he has
made a thorough Investigation and has
established the fact that-the fry to
which the articles made reference were
dead ' fry-that bad smothered In the
hatchery trougha the night of Mr, Web-
etruoted to do; and will be particular
not to liberate any of tha fry until af
ter the yolk-sac has entirely disap
peared, and then; be particular when and
where he ltberatea the fry, we - will
never have any of " them devoured by
trout and other fish native tc. the Mo
Kenale and Willamette rivers, nor in
steia arrival at the station or the next fact any of the other Columbia river
night following, and that there were at I tributaries. . .,
tha very leaat 100,000 of these dead and I ln his report Mr. Van Dusen also com
smothered fry dumped v out together bated energetically the Idea that young
into tne water supply ereeg oeiow tne salmon - are killed In passing through
hatchery trougha, a short distance from the big power wheela at Oreaon City
above Its confluence with the McKen-jand sags that he has been watching
sie nver. , - . v .-,. .. 'Tii trt matter for many years. He alao
The Incident alluded to Is supposed to I loins several affidavits to substantiate
have taken place between the trd and! his deductions.: ,
Ith of January, 1007. On the Ith of the
asms month Superintendent Talbert who j
had charge of the hatchery, reported
catching two Dolly Varden trout' and
three white fish ln a pool at the mouth
of this creek that were full of salmon
"1 have always had these matters be
fore me and have watched their work
ings for years and have made a great
deal of Inquiry relative thereto and I
have never seen, nor have I ever heard
Of any one that has seen, a dead or in-
fry and which Mr. Webeter in his ar- jured fish eauaed by passing through
tide states were devoured after being I them. , '
liberated from the hatchery In the usual . - V, sroS Hurl fey Wheels. - Y'
. fJf- X " to "PJ l'hey are large and massive affairs
If.y"l. ,b lfurr w" V'lt br d conaeqnenUy have large apertures
Mr. Webster for the -apparent purpose throuxh WhiCK fi.h six or aieht inches
of confuting the "published reports re
cently received from the united-Bureau
of Fisheries and John Pease . Babcock,
The importance of coda crackers
, as an article of daily consumption,
can hardly be overestimated. No
; other wheat food contains such
nutritive values in correct pro
portions This is only true of
OJneeda Biscuit
the ideal soda cracker As fresh
on your table as from the oven.
. Crisp, clean and appetizing;
In moUturt proof paekazBU
It means the
hottest and cleanest
flame produced by
anv stove. This is
the flame the few
Perfection" Oil Stove
gives the, instant a :
lighted match is ap- '
fmed no delay; no ;
trouble, no soot, no
dirt Forcooking, the
is uhequaled. It gives quick results because its
heat is highly concentrated. Cuts fuel-expense
lOforln in three) 'sizes. ' EveiY ' . - . ,
stove warranted. If not at your dial
er's write to our nearest agency.
alWoimd .tousehold use.
Mideof bras throughout and beautifully nickeled.
Parfeodv constructed; absolutely afe; unexcelled
in light-pvina; powen an ornament to any room.
Every lamp warranwa. at i
daaler'a, write to our nearest agency.
long shottid. .so without ever belnc in-I
jured in the leaat manner, whereas, so
cording to reports of the United Btatea
bureau of . fisheries, published after
making a careful and thorough Investi
gation of the matter, the young sal
mon would only be from three to five
inchea long when they pass this point.
which according to said reports, they
should do during tha time that ' the I
spring freshets are on and at which
tlmo they ahould have no trouble what
ever passing over tne . wails , at- any
point; ana ir iney oo not tnea tner he-1
come what Is termed "summer residents' i
and do not go to the sea, nor attempt to j
go, until the following. fall and winter!
when the fall and winter freshets arei
OH. ' :r'.'. '"'v...:' .f. v.'.
'In addition to the Investigation
made of the Oregon City wheels, I have
had opportunity to watch and make in
quiry about other wheels not one-third
the else of these Oregon City wheela
and never have I aeen, nor have Z ever
heard of any one that haa seen, a dead
or injured nah caused by passing
inrougn tnem. ; to confirm this matter.
j nave naa state water Bailiff Ole J.
Settem make a careful examination of
the Oregon City wheela and a general
investigation relative thereto."
The 4oard accepted tha bid Of C X
Buley of Eugene for 12,600 for the erec
tion of the hatchery building - on the
McKensle. Other bids were as follows:
John R. Cheaen of Springfield, IS.126;
M. L. Buley. of Kugene, 12,869; Chap
man at itnoaarnei. or ciackamaa. S2.
The total recelsts from licenses is
sued in both districts was 115,618; from 1
penalties, 854.50; while the accounts
against the department were $1,402.47.
- : rSoeeUl .Dlsostch to The JocrnL)
Echo, Or., May 9. -The Butter Creek
Telephone company, which haa installed
phones ln the main offlcea of the re
clamation service along theaat Uma
tilla project.' has the distinction of
being among the very first, if not the
first, to put in telephones for the gov
eminent ' on auch a project. -
The government 1 haa in use six or
seven Instruments, one at the headgate,
one at the reservoir site, at the main
office in Hermlaton, . and sub-stations
are being placed along the ditches five
and. alx mllea apart. The instruments
along the ditch will be placed in a
weatherproof casing, and ' In this way
the workers will be able to keep ln
touch with the head offices, and com
munication can .ba kept, up along all
lines of the project.
The Butter Creek Telephone com
pany,, which was started a rew years
ago among a few. of the Butter creek
farmers In order that tney might- he in
communication with Echo. Pendleton
and other surrounding towns. Is making
a record for itself, having a franchise
for all of the country between Echo and
Heppner, Echo toward Pendleton, Her
mlaton and Umatilla, and nmny farmers
run out from the main office at Echo,
with from five to twenty subscribers
on each. . -V ,
ii.ME mam mmmm
Makings the effort of our career to pack and jam the store with buyers. Never before and probably never again
such reckless and sensational price cutting. No matter if prices are so ridiculously low as to be almost beyond
belief. Remember,veverythirig is exactly as advertised, forthis is the one store that . prides , itself on keeping
e ,.a f'-ZPi-
(Jeurnal flpedal Serriee.) ,' :
OtUwa. OnC May I. Earl Orey, gov
ernor-general of the. Dominion, will aall
for England tomorrow on the. steamship
Virginian. . ; Hla excellency will spend
the early part of the summer " abroad.
During hla absence-from Ottawa Chief
Justice Fltspatrlck wiu be .adminis
trator. , . ' , . '
LaV Graduates at Salem.
Salem, Or May I. The graduating
exerclsea of the law department of Wil
lamette nnlveralty wUl occur May 18,
The membera of the .class are i. U,
Parcel of Vancouver, Washington;. A.
R. Marker of Boise, Idaho; James O.
Heltsel of Sunnyaide, Washington; M. .
H. Oehlhar of Salem. W. .A. Wood of
Medford and Oeorge B. Simpson of
Tekoa," Oregon. - An invitation has
been extended to Judge A.. I Fraser
of Portland to deliver the address of
the occasion.
Grand Free
All day tomorrow In the
Phonograph Parlors.
Seat-for alL Drop In
tomorrow ' finfl l
and bear v H f f 4 li
the music ,1 kililj
mpatxai clock ci YAKKiu.rr.c:i zv.s loiiop
'it 6 PHOTO
They are . the same ' all
regular studios ask you
$1-00 for. , civ f f
Our ape. - f
clal price .:FC2UUi
Hero's tho First of the Exdting Friday Saloi and It's a !
5000 bolts in all and if tliere ever-was a Lace bargain worth coming, after
this is the one. . All real 50c to 65c bolts at 25c. " All the genuine Fren
Val Lace Edgings a
dainty elegant patterns, many matched sets included, full 1 2 yards in each
bolt. Hardly a single one m the lot i but what is
to 65c values. For Bargain Friday, one day only
;; 5 to 8-Inch Swiss Nainsook
Embroidery Hounciiigs
One fiidusand yards only, and values up to 25c all
go, at 12 f yard; elegant openwork pat- t A A.
terns ; all wide 5 to 8-incb widths and :i I L
most all 20c and 25c values. Choice ... . . . . . JLaU j
Anolber Lot of S Bzles
Mill End
AH color, food
lengths; worth Be
and 7c the, vard.
apecuu .
Crat Friday Senutioasl Slo of 5000 Ytrds .
Silks worii every penny of 69c to 75c at 39c, all new
this season's styles, rich, elegant plaids for TK a
suits and waists, all color combinations. Not; 4C VLjI-V
a yirdwortH less than 69c and up to 75c. Yd Xi
A 5C30 Yd Dargdn Lot oi
15c Yard-Wide Percales
The best and finest of 15c Percales at Oe yard; all
the . full yard wide ones ; close weve ele
gant quality ; light colors, good lengths, ,
the best 10c grade. ' Bargain Friday
ft av jruu, u
JSJand )C
Jrut From ths Uzvr York Acctlca 1000 ...Ycrds
Just think of itl h Only 69c for $1J25 to $1.75 grades; all
sample pieces and but one of a kind; newest O yfKp
of patterns; all full width: Buy all yfu want f H vLJ v
tomorrow and choose $1.25 to $1.75 grades at yJ.J U
. Three Terrific Store-Croivding Bargains in
Three sensational underselling events that should bring thousands, and remember,, these are but hints of "the many
great bargains in this, Portland's Leading Cloak Room.
$3.98 9Sq
$10 Jackets
$15 Suits
And the maldna: alone Is
worth more; . natty Pony
iped with
Suits of fancy checked nov
elties and mixtures: jackets
- silk lined and pi:
cord ana trimmed with braid
and buttons; full pleated
skirts. Every one made of
new fashionable - materials
and in the latest colorings;
....... Vl ili
And when we say they are
worth up to $10.00 we mean
it Every one tha newest of
this season's styles, made of
light and dark plaids, checks,
stripes, mizturea, and alao
solid black; the new nobby
short lengths: braid and but
ton trimmed, and some with
velvet collars; all sixes and
$2.50 Wais$s
None worth leas than $2.00
and ' moat all - SZS0 , values
sheer t white lawns, mulls,
crossbar and imported mad
ras, some all-over embroid
ery, others lace yokes, fancy
tucked and lace ' insertion
trimming; lone and short
sleeves; over 100 styles to
pick from and
. . . . .
every one wxa 1 1 1 V F V
UOOand pUM Slid
to i tuu, - ar
. .
9 Htilk:ft SEifeus
All $9.00 values, and Uoat'a what they were made to sell for. : Just 40 in all, and every one knows that White Skirts art all the rage.
Made of beautiful materials, new full pleated models, strap and button trimmed. Skirts worth $7.50 wholesale, retails at $9.0(X Only
40 and while they last, one to a customer at .94.08 each. , ' . 4 , , , , ; ; , , (; v4 .
25c Linings
Mercerised sateen, nearsilk and
percaline, all yard wide f f
mill ends of best 25c II fr
grade; yard ..;.. Vv
10c Wash Goods
All mill ends, 27-inch Figured
Batiste; good lengths aL
nd a regular: 10c',
grade; yard (...ImWV
15c India Linons
Wide r 27-inch sheer and fine,
500 yards only and
all 12c and 15c
kinds; yard
65c Panamns
38-inch fine black, and colored
Panama, silk - finish; J'"
real imported , 65c I (
goods; yard";;: . . . . TtS U
Fancy figured silk finish white
, Waistings, 27 inches - 4 f .
wide ; mill ends of H f (
35c goods ...... lyC
10 c
Regular 2 for 5c ,
Wash .
eacn . ......avv
Regular 25c can
Powder, ,;0
can aaaV
25c Cake ,
only . ... 17c
Large Cake
,10c Tar
The kmdwhh the double tips; 50 dosen pairs of them and a
JBlove that all agency stores sell at $1.25, here at bargain head
quarters for 08; gemxinei Milanese silk, 2-clasp, one Ap
row embroidery back. Only one pair to a customer, llJjW
and all a $1.25 grade ; ....CU
Save ca Tear Iivbg Eipecses tzi fruit laCsr
Cut Price Grocery
10 lbs Granulated Sugar..
S-lb pail PursLard..........2f
10 lbs .Eastern Kouea
Pint jar Strained Honey.....
10-lb sack Flour ..;-;;
10c bottle Ammonia ..
Gold Dust. pkg. Jf
10c pkg. Arm and Hammer C
Baking Soda .,..............'
aapolio, bar v
Pink or White Beans, 7 Ib,25g
20c Shredded Cocoanut, Ib...l5
15c bottle Catsup ..........4.8
40c M. and J. Coffs,.lb.,.,..2!!
2 cans Corn or Peat
Best Oder .Vines sr, bct'Je.....f
Force, 2 pkss. for t "
Half guon best I
11. O. Lreakf-t ,. r
AU.yaxd wide, fancy fignres
and all colors; 'mill 4 1
1, ' hem- gyl
heap at P
ends of ' best , 8.1-3c
Refnlzr 6c Tor;
60 dozen only, good size, Huck
aback Towels,
med ends; cheap
. Curldn Dci3
5,000 Brass Extension Curt:'
Rods, 54 inches long, t 1
large knobs; regular
loc value .............. L
; ISc CI::!: n':n
For children, all f.- 2 rl '
seamless, all ilzzi;
Never sell ur.:r
15c; pair
.mi r.
7 t