THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAIV PORTLAND. . THURSDAY EVENING, MAY B, 1C07. rrsr Demonstration of tho "Gossard" Lace Front Corset by an Expert Fitter from tho Factory Miss Fcriseo Awaits Yonr Phasuro 2d Floor Meier (ES Franks 902d Friday Surprise Sole ; The Meier & Frank Store's 902d Friday Surprise Salo O0PagfmenVHdsi ,onn rtrt ot 11 50 vl II 1 SJ.00 Is. 36 c Pair . ,-i-i We have planned the greatest Hosiery bargain of the,: year for tomorrow 802d Friday Surprise Sale Thousands of pairs of fine, new, high-grade hosiery to be sold at a ridiculously low ; price-pAn immense importation Just received from our own man ufacturer in Chemnitz, Germany, at prices far and away the low est ever known on hosiery of equal quality Gauze lisles, gauze cottons, lace lisles and fancy embroidered hose in white, . black, gray, tan, blue, brown, green and redAll sizes- Attractive pat terns in endless assortmentAbsolutely fast colors Hosiery that finds ready sale at prices up to $1.00 a pair to be sold tomorrow at. this exceptionally low price Buy all you want of them The econom ical shopper will anticipate her needs for months See Fifth "Street Window Display Mail and - Phone Orders v'",:; ... . : . Promptly and Carefully Filled :fv; .f 3c v:::U jlr : MEIER Q, FRANK'S 903 4 FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 100 BiMn Mdiwrsfatl$2;9d Each Two exceptional Surprise Sale offerings in the Basement y. Store tomorrow. Special lot, of '90 JVVhite Mountain Refrigerators4-1907 models; , made "Of pine, with golden oak finish; site 26x19x40 inches; 45 pounds ice capacity; well built; handsomest refrigerators end the best values ever Of fered ! C9 'Qa' at the price. Regular price $1150. J Your choice tomorrow only at the low price'of.....r..iV.'V 100 high-grade Lawn Mowers; easy running; 14 and 16-inch sixe; one of .the best makes M (JQ market; wonderful value at" W. price "of $2.98 each, ; They are on salcvfa the basement.. Vvf' Meier Q Frank's 902d;Fnday Smfprise Solo Best $300 Ineat Pef Pair r. . . ' . . . ' . ''''"". --'t women on auppiy uieir summer lootwear nceoa tomorrow at a big saving 2000 pairs of this season's latest style Oxfords in black and tan to be sold at a mice that falls short of mverlnor thm mann. rut U2 . r . Til" . ,. T yyl factunnS cost Included in the great assortment will be found pat f j ent leather, gunmetal and vici kid In light weight or extension wen, wicj uiuuiB iiu siyica wuoan, mmiary ana low nceiav lan, Kussla calt and chocolate vici tad Oxfords Light or heavy soiesiacc anq mucnet; styles new snort vamp styles, Cuban or military heels 20 models to select from iq the various lines All sizes and widths. Footwear of standard style and quality At the very low price o'f $1.98 per pair See Fifth St window display Mail and phone orders will receive prompt and careful attention ? ,V-ffV7W: I mm f . mm . 58 , . v MEIER (S, FRANK'S 902d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 56c tinti 15c Values 29c Per Pair ; In jthe Men's Furnishing Goods Section for tomorroVa 902d Friday Surprise Sale, 3,000 pairs of men's fine Hosiery, to be sold at half and less than half regular prices; plain and fancy colorings in, grays, tans helio: green and black; also black gauze lisle: figures, stripes and mixtures: all sizes: creat hosiery selling regularly, at from 50c to 75c per pair. Buy all you want of them tomorrow )A at mis special tow. price, pair -raxe advantage pi ibis saie .................................... .V Meier Eb Frank's 903d Friday Surprise Sale lOiOOO faM Women's Silk Gloves I V. . vffi-. Great Surprise Sale of Short Silk Gloves foAornorrow 1000 ' 'VJSH v i '' dozen'1 beat styIes tnd goring .no the grandest silk glove value y. 1 .SJyJ f .,i a " vnii have ever had the onnorunitv tr char Jnr.i.i .-iu- ,.v-i,-i.ii-,':-.-J -ft V - " " Tvr.iiaif uuu- V " ble-tipped fingers, Paris "point embroidered backs Every pair Tton : nm rirft crwvl an1 riiarantVl alt eillr Ts .J I. '. "v"i yv . tciuBt iiiuuca, wowns, champagne, navy blue and white, also few - c- - i i , 4 ss : : . ; s grays -Siaes 5 to 7 Silk gloves selling regu- vx J "Tj J W UT larly at prices from 85c to $1.25 a pair Your , choice (see 5th St. window display) tomorrow ; No mail' or phone orders filled Anticipate your summer needs , We take great pleasure in announcing for tomorrow'a 902d Friday Surprise one of our famous Sales of Women's Fine Lace, Silk and Net Waists Dress ' Waists, Evening Waists, Waists for Theatre and Party Wear A great special purchase tm?H of 500 of them from one of our best New York manufacturers Beautiful styles. Large assortment Phenomenal values A waist bargain that will attract the usual throng of early buyers, so if you want to share in this grand offering arrange your dotted and figured Net Waists, handsome Lace Waists, Messaline and Taffeta Silk Waists Yokes trimmed in round mesh and Plat Val, laces, French knots and ww mm . Heavy . ciuui uiuci cu ii will" "iv, cream, tan, gray, red, brown, navy and black Beautiful Dress Waists of the latest fashion Values ranging up to $12.50' each Take youf pick tomorrow at, each Ail i n it See Big Fifth Street Window Display No Mail or Phone Orders Will Be Filled ' Remember, if you want the best bargains you want, to be here as early as possible Grand special values in SHk Pettlcoa luuo y Grand Special Values in Walking Skirts Today Take Advantage. ; 1 TOMORROWS 903d SURPRISE SALE 5000 Yards Fancy Ribbons Beautiful Styles Regular SOcuesIc! Yard For tomorrow's 902d Friday Surprise Sale we place on sale 5,000 yards of Fine All-Silk Fancy Ribbons, full 5 inches wide, in handsome floral and Persian designs; exquisite designs and combinations, suitable for sashes, girdles, hair ties, fancy work, etc, etc.; grarftf rariety and the best 50c values. Bay all you want of it tomorrow at this re markably low price, the yard take advantage OsC TOMORROW'S 903d SURPRISE SALE Lisle Union Suits ' 2000 of Them Sale extraordinary of .000 Women's Summer-Weiarht Lisle-Thread Union Suits. A great special purchase from a well-known large east ern mm enables us to offer values up to each tor f. Made low neck and sleeveless; knee-length lace-trimmed "umbrella pants; nicely finished and oerfect fittinsr: sizes 4. 5. 6 and outsizes JO I 7t-8, 9. They are great values. On sale tomorrow at....... 4f JC Tomorrow'! SptciaJs Drug Sundries Notions, Etc, Etc Eagle Fountain Syringes, 2- great special value at only &vt Homestead Water Bottles, ot white rubber; 2-quart size; ab solutely, guaranteed; at, each . ........ .;.794 Women's Premium Spray Syr inge; the only perfect syringe on the v, market, special - at only .. : w. i .. ....i . . , . 1.49 Kirk's Witch Hazel 1 Soao..4 Jap Kose ooap; the best glycer ine soap tor tne : toilet . ana bath: special at 8 Vegatine Toilet Soap; great special value at per dozen cakes . ...,,25t Fairbank's Glycerine Tar Soap;' special once, oer cake, onlv at White and mottled .' Castile Soaps;. , 1-pound ' bars; special at ...... .i....xae Okayed .Toilet Paper," in rolls; special , price, per aozen rolls . S5 Knickerbocker package iToilet raper; Dest aualitv: 10c value . ..74 Whisk Brooms; r double sewed; uci ; quamYi . special, at only . . . . . . . . . .1&4A tar bathtub tnamel j iulf-pint cans: ereat soecial val. at 28 Wire Coat Hangers, only,. .4e fnvui(s. a-yi, ill new snapes; emoosse in gold, blue. green . and red : ., 6Sc . values i DOX t' t. ki i . i .43v MEIER Q FRANK'S 903d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE a $0 Wrtge$SgJIMlK: l Mil KfeXVVffl . .. .. ' ,' i . i ii ..I ii -jp i i ii i i 1 1 in r i mm & &.98 Each ; Two grand bargains in Robes for tomorrow's 902d Friday Sur prise Salo-Special values of the greatest importance to the oest dressers in town--Note the following .Lot 140 beauti -w-w ..w iv wwauu ful batiste embroiderv. demi-made) Robes Flnnnrj nf m- broidery on the skirt and trimmings of em-y broidery and ace. insertion and material for V O M waistsReg, $12.00 values on sale tomorrow T , Lot 230 handsome White Net RobesFlounced skirt trim- mcd with tucks and insertion of Valenci ennes lace AH this season ruon ot vaiencKy 's best styles selVX jO M omorrow only at ing reg. at $10 Choice tomorrow only7 See Fifth St. window display No mail or phone orders filled White Envelopes; good quality) 2 packages for only.. ...... 5 Pencil .Tablets, ruled or unruled. . r v.v., ......... T wire Jficture Kacks, eac.h,.8e Men's Wietf. 100 dozen men's new Spring - wii .onirts, v witn pleated bosoms; white grounds . with black dots, stripes and figures; anacnea or oetacned cuffs;: all : sizes," Dest , OI 1 PZ values, at, .each . .. V' 100 - dozen men's Negligee' . onirts; son ? attacBed. i collar made to button down; plain Colored and ' 8trint . mntrrisla in great variety; all sizes; rep sale at low orice of.. Q7C 200 Acir.m I Ctt men'. hicrh.o-raAm okh. i-uui-in-nana lies; maae I inn ' irMirn Trtirtt.i r9iftifi -patterns and qualities, in great assorrment;. oest' values. 'Buy all , you want at !AQ this low price, each. , r C 100 dozen - men's fine Equality; duck; cotton malt H6se; me dium or V heavy weight; ? all sizes; . 20c values ' ljH! on sale, pair 4. .... ,14 2C Lace Embroidery Remnants V2 Price TxilKSX of remnants of Laces and Embroideries-desirable merchandise in all lengths and styles at hathe regular selling pr" Ven ae Laces, Irish Crochet Laces ValencfennM eanTff?aflCeAJl0Vef Ut broidery ings, Insertion. Shatfar the remarkableduction $8-50 Walking Sldrts $4l85Eaclr 1 flench Undetv V ; High-Grade Walking Skirts at a marvelously low price. All new - I tv .' ' . spring styles arid materials; not.a'aingle undesirable skirt in the lot - VCQV' 4 Oil -Fancy worsted serges, Panamaclcloths; plaids, stripes, checks and ' I 1 : : ; " " 1 fancy fixtures in lightand dark colorings; pleated and kilt effects; CliWm PKftmiCaV , strapped and button-trimmed,; Welf made and perfect-fitting gar- ' wPWIWDenilSOi v;ments:.thtt- seU'res'dily 'st $S.Sdyour'.choice-- while A O C iv"" ' v ' ' I : they Jast-Secpnd Floorit,' each kM:: DraWCrSnder r ' . . sIdrts--$L50to Vudor" Porch Shades;3d Floor IS90igs ' If you want 'to., enjojrrthe full comfort of your porch on the hottest ! - : j f Sfnfta fiber.- For one week take your pick roll? ' "VZ Si'LEi lU"yi fUtel With Pu,Ievs nd " from c ntire ' nificeht E A. fft " v e madc to kiep out the 8urt ,nd 8tin 8tock of French ' Undermuslins of f the list price if you hang them yourself . 1 r ,.". ing , prices G owns: Skirts, .. 4 FEET WIDE, 8 FEET LONG, $3.00 EACH. Drawers. Chemise. Beautiful 0 FEET. WIDE, 8 FEET' LONG, f 3.75 EACH ' hand-made .and hand-emjroid-! ' 8 FEET WIDE, 8 FEET LOJNG.f 4.50 EACH. ' &tl'!i 10 FEET WlDg ? FEETONO: f 0.50 EACH! MfaOU " . -: . ' . ' " . " " ' : ' ' YOUTHS HELD TO 6RAKD : JURY FOR LARCENY .Patrolmen Fpund Packages They Carried Contained Tobacco ; Stolen From Store. -. ' tL i. FilMlmmons and Charles Mil ler, two youtM ureiua yeaterday aX- tarnooa on ' th ast aid by' Mounted Patrolman CroxroM . -on aueplclon and who ubsequantly confessed 4io hftvlng stolen 25 pound of tobacco from atora of w. 3. Funk Co., til " Union avenue, were before Judge Cameron thia morning on cbarrea of. larcenr. Botn defendants waived sa, preliminary hear Ing- and were bound over, to the grand Jury. Bonda were - fixed at ' 509 each. In default of which the prisoner were remanded to the custody o the ehertfC. At. the time of the arrest Detectives Jonee and Tichenor-were lnveatlgating the burglary in Funk's, store and aver that' they, had secured; a clue"' to tlie Identity : ' of the "thieves. Patrolman Croxford noticed Filuimmona and Mil- ler at East . First ani mi... actlnff in' a suspicious manner. One " .--" e Mi(.Aa(Q and .upon Interrogation by the police man stated that It contained tools. CT oxford J waa not satisfied with - the rnlanatlon. however, and r wfvaa weMiii open , ths wrapper 5fcovere4 a doson MONEY FOUND ON BODIES- GIVEN TO TREASURER Twenty-three- dollars which baa been found upon the bodies of persona turned over to Coroner,. Slnlejr was reoelved from-the coroner by County Treasurer Lewis yesterday afternoon. .Jew of the bodies found during' the last year I had more- than a fewv oenta in the clothing; and In a number of Instances the names of the unfortuna tee. were never learned. In other oases nicknames were the best the coroner could, do. ."Johnny on the Spot" is credited with 'll cent. Where the county has been to an expense equal to or greater than the' amount of monev found, the coins will go to the benefit of the general fund, . , V - - '; " '. " " 1,1 1 . 1 1 1 5C Pay your west side a-aa bllla before Friday, 4 n. m.,; Positively no discount, after that da ': , y-", i ; ?: , j BISHOP SCADDING IN .; FAVOR OF SCHOOL FUND "The field is the world n nMw i.' the jrarden spot,"- Is -the , theme of the aaareas now Deing aenvered In different cities of Oregon on "From Jamestown to 'Oreaon."-bT the Rt'e-ht m Bcaddlng. The evening of May S a large and attentive audience listened to the bishop at Baker City, where his address was well received. ; -'. v , 'The hlahnn'ltluntrataa Yiarl.fn.. i.k a large, number of lantern slides, show- ln .the' fruit . Ytrnhnrla U7A River and Bogus River valleys' and the i Other great resources , of Oregon.. He dwelt In Baker City on. the advantages or,, our educational Institutions and closed his .address .with an appeal for support in enlarging these advantages.; He told of tha work -done at the University of .Oregon and said that this state could not- afford to deprive the achooi of the funds voted at the last legislature. He said that It would Im pair the reputation of Oregon as well as cripple the "school: the university Should hays 1250,000 Instead Of 186,000. 'v sssSsaessiasBsssBaBSWMsaMSasjsMSWMS j ' Royal Nelgbbprs Camp.' (Bpeelal Dlp(eh 'te He Jearaal.t " ' . Harrlsburg, Or, May A camp of . ' . the Roval ' Kelahhnrs nf m.rf.' organised In the Modern Woodman hall Tuesday evening .by. District,- ieputy, R. ,r N. A., Mrs. Carrie . A. Waison of Grants Pass i Twentyne were present and instructed in the mysteries of, the order... After . tha pleted a refreshing luncheon was, dis patched, and all wended their way. horn ; in Jths early, hours of ths hew . day. - ' ' The Modern Woodmen iH k. tj Neighbors mre going to arrange for a celebration . here , July , 4th.. and 1 they will be assisted bv mumhM. . h,ir orders frera .the. neighboring townsr 1 It Will be their, aim ta maw, .kj Ana . VM. 1 to be long remembered by those' who are here at that time. . , - A- i - . t- - '- T vi- -il it s'; ;;