The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 07, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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lovn ionics
The Meier Q, Frank Store
fier. ,
.'."The Rntterflr"
'The Cowboy and the Ladr"
"She Pared IM Blatat"
...... ......... ."Brovrn'f In Town"
..'"X'h 8Urr Ktnc"
'The Civic society of Srflwood will
bold a meeting In the Sellwood Pres.
bvterlnn rhnrrh tnmnrriM nleht ia lav
"Vjfs plane for the coming campaign. The
society was organised :, to -conduct a
.. local option campaign during the com
ing month and to eo that no Illegal
, voting was done on - election day' - In
June. 'Watchers wiUrbe appointed to
, be at the polls on June 4 and see that
no colonization scheme Is worked as
was done a 'year ago. Plans will also
be formulated for beginning active
work In the looal option campaign.
.Fifteen drinking . fountains will be
tnaeed about the city for'the accommo
dation of man and beast. -They have
. been Ordered by the , Oregon Humane
' Society and are expected to reach here
, by the middle of June. The National
Humane alliance Is paying for one to
. coat 11.000, while the expense of the
others is borne by private subscriptions
of Portland people. 'The locating of the
fountains is in the hands of Ion Lewis
of the park board and W. T. Shanahan,
corresponding secretary of, the humane
society. v, ;.y, y,,-. y;. y
C. V. Crawford, colored, Was awarded
a verdict for MOO from the - Oregon
Electrlo Railway company by a Jury In
Judge Fraser's department of the cir
cuit ..court, veaterdav afternoon, after
ut . 20 minutes' ; deliberation. , Ttw
suit grew out of aa effort of the rail
way company to purchase , a 17-foot
strip of Crawford's land on'Corbett
" street to be used aa part of the right of
. way of the Portland-Salem trolley line.
The company wanted to pay $250 for It,
wnue crawrord held it at 1 1,000,
Royal Cakes for Boys end Girls
Jimmy and Johnny are two little boys
who have great fun together. At first
they didn't look much alike.-but after
awhile their own mothers can hardly
tell them apart For the children who
keep the "Jimmy and Johnny" ads till
the close of the series and can tell the
two boys apart la their last pictures,
there'll be a treat of delicious . Royal
Refuses ' Position- With Jamestown
Exposition to Promote Attrac
A tlons ut Amusement Bosort.
D. C. Freeman has been made.' man
ager of the Oaks and will have per
sonal charge of the big river resort of
the season. The Oaks this season will
be conducted by the Portland Railway;
Light 4 Powr company, -which has
promoted Mr. Freeman to the manage
ment. . ;! t .j "
The new manager will assume charge
of the resort at once. Arrangements
are being made by him to Introduce
many innovations for the entertainment
' . F
; ' ' D. C. Freemaft, , V v-
Brick Company Must Operate Its
Own Tracks to Secure Ma
terial for Manufacture,
Concern Ships Over Seven Cars Dally
. But Southern Pacific Would Not
Build Seven-Mile Extension to De
velop the Industry. ' :
To secure transportation facilities
for carrying on the pressed brick bust
neas,'the Paclflo Face Brick company
has been compelled to- construct a rail
road from the Southern Paclflo at Sherf-
dan to clay banks.' owned by the brick
company at Willamlna, seven ; miles
from Sheridan. ' The brick company has
been operating a plant for years under
tire name of the Newberg Pressed Brick
company; and has been hauling clay by
wagon from Willamlna, Repeated re
quests to the Southern Paclflo company
to extend Its tracks to Willamlna were
" The Newberg Pressed Brlok company
was established a dosen years ago by
he Edwards family. , Recently $100,000
of -new i capital was -Invested in the
works, and W. F. Edwards and Miss
Edwards sold their Interests. ' C. K.
Fuller, formerly of the Title Guarantee
A Trust company, and eastern parties.
Invested the additional capital in , the
ooncern, and Mr. Fuller - became the
secretary and treasurer ..,,-.'- .
The company was reorganised under
its new name, with $1(0,000 capital
stock, and Jesse Edwards .was made
president' O. K. Edwards remains gen
eral manager., -The enormous demand
for clay brick In the Paclflo northwest
has forced the company to enlarge its
capacity and Improve the transportation
cake Turn Quickly, now. and find the of the public and the most successful M" .V",'
"Jimmy" ad. Roval Rakerr A Confeo.
nonery Ofc o.j i-:r;.fs
, ' The wlU of Mrs. Lillian B. Dixon was
admitted to probate In the county court
this morning. The estate Is valued at
tt.OOO. To Mrs. Dixon's mother, Mrs.
M. O. Dunham, is bequeathed a house
at I0S Eugene street and the Income
. from property In Piedmont The Pled-
I'mont property Is to be held and sold
only at such a time as - Mrs. Dunham
may need money. Aft' Mrs. Dunham's
death, all the property is to pass to
Pearl Jackson, a friend of Mrs. Dixon.
'At theannual meeting of the Woman's
, union held yesterday afternoon the fol
lowing officers were elected; 'President
Mrs. P. J. Mann; first vice-preaident.
Mrs. W. P. Olds; second vloe-presldent
Mrs. C A. Coburn; recording secretary,
Mrs. & T. Hamilton; corresponding sec
retary, Miss HVF. Spalding; treasurer,
Mrs. William MacMaster. . Three CI
season of the resort is expected.
. In order to take charge of the Oaks
Mr. Freeman .refused . a position with
the management of the Jamestown ex
position, ' which is now.' in progress.
Though the announcement .Of his pro
motion has not been made before, he
product Portland is the principal mar
ket but large orders are constantly re
ceived from the sound cities and other
The clay for red brick Is secured from
a . large deposit owned - by the com
pany . at Willamlna. seven miles from
has been practically In charga of 'the """""v Th IT?!
resort for several months and has been
busy with the. work preliminary to the
Opening. "' -.-' ' ''-' '
The new manager is said to be popu
lar with the concessionaires and .they
have arranged with him for the produc
tion of amusement and attraction (fea
tures on a large scale. , Those Interested
in the various concessions are deeply
Interested - In his appointment , to the
management .-:-.. , ---y r
The Vaks last year was leased by an
amusement company - which : recently
decided to retire from business. . S. H.
Frledlander was manager of the amuse
ment company and had charge of the
resort for that ooncern. At that time
to Sheridan, and reshlpped by . rail to
Newberg. It is now proposed to build
a railroad to Willamlna and there es
tablish' a large brickmaking plant for
the manufacture of the red pressed
brick, which is , rapidly -growing Jn
popularity. ."; ,- "
The Willamlna railroad project Is
cited ; as another Instance where the
Harrlman lines have for years failed to
aid even by small extensions of their
tracks to develop the state's natural re
sources. The Newberg Brick company,
operating at Its present capacity; ships
five carloads of brick daily, besides
l&re-e amount Of raw materials. .
The proposed railroad to willamlna
White. Mrs. Leon Hlrsch and Mrs. M. A.
M. Ashley.
company's interests at the resort
The formal opening of the Oaks this
1 VM. r la scheduled to take Dlace Mar XS.
Thursday evening the Rev. William I a laree amount of lmnrovements have
Hiram Foulkes will be installed as P-j been added during- the winter and pro-1
tor of the First ' Presbyterian church, j Ject- are nnjer . WAy f or some of the I
The. presbytery nas appointea 10 presiae liarrest and lateat v musical : feature
Rev. XX.' H. Hare, : moderator of preby- prominent among the features that are
rectors were , also elected, Mrs. Levi Mr. Freeman was representative of the wl" Important link in the travel
I UUIV UOh W WU V kiBUV wa&w w w
Ronde region. At present this trip Is
made by wagon from Sheridan to Wil
lamlna, the Orand Ronde Indian reser
vation, Dolph, and all points in soutn
era Tillamook county.
Pleasing Program Given Last Night
, In ShermanClaf Hall t Begu
v : lar Bleeting of Organization.
being arranged
musical one. ,
for - the season Is . the
terr: to preach the sermon. Rev. B. a.
B. Kir. D. V.; to give the charga to the
pastor, ' Rev. E. M. Sharp; to give the
charga to the? people. Rev. W. S. Holt
D. D. - The service ts a publlo one and
all ar invited, to bt present
An Important meeting will be held
tonight by the East Side Improvement
association at the bureau of inronna
tlon, East Third and East Morrison
atreeta. It la aroected that a huare nro-
test win be made against the location Health Board Officials and Other I
or a garoaga piant in me resiaence , . , , ,
section" of the central east side, ue-i opeaKerv uie uniiauau
sides this quesuon were are otner mat- , Chanftl IMftYt Mondav
ters to be disoussed, among which u unapei next wionaay..
the east side branch library.
The Woman's Press club of Oregon
held Its regular meeting last night In
the Sherman-Clay hall. ' A large number
oflub members and their friends were
present and. an Interesting program was
listened to. Several of the numbers
were given by non-members, among
whom wera Profc t Jessa Parker, Mrs.
Alice juston
rWaa Glasi
I meeun,
Observation Car' Dally Trips Rose I , . m-H ni ,.m
City sightseeing cars leave Second and ' Mondav afternoon. May 13. at
oiorriauu mri - ju - v- o'clock, at the Unitarian chapel, in the I Walter w. Bruce, miss ah
taking In the best seenio beauties. Take .v. nM mn'.m.n uiu vtviann MarahalL
In Council Crest the i greatest panoramw rm u In the line of an educational - The original poem descripUve of the
MAf!!!nAV!!l campaign, supporting, the .work of the early history of Dakota, according to
and Forestry building. Competent lec- NMonpi Pra Food commission and Indian mythology and the unpublished
the State ' Pure Food law. , " - short story, "In the Cravaase." by Miss
Among those who will epesk at this Anne Shannon Monroe, were especially
meeting are Miss Tingle of the domes-1 well received. Following Is ! the pro-
". t. T- D r. Vammaw Tt. I n 1111..--: j..y.:
An estate valued at I1B.00O 4s be- -"""T.A1---.'i - r.T' A L7X r.v 'V t;n,n.,w.; -
queathel to Maurice B. Wakeman by f guu Heaitn board , M(. Dr G Ipn Parker; recitation, The Red
the will orMrs. JJ-' t' H. Wheeler, city, health officer? It is Fan Unanlmated Miss Alice Juston;
. v . 7hi. fTexpected that Dr. MaUon will exhibit original story, -in we uravasse.- juiss
nm r hl cultures ahowmr , the aa-1 Anne Bhannon Monroe: song, a voon
veionment of baclll&e.- . I SongJapanese Maiden,' Miss Vlvlenne
This meetina cromlses to be of mora Marshall: original poem. Miss Clara Be-
than ordinary interest to every house-1 wick Colby; "What tha American Sea-
keeoer who is Interested in pure foods man's InsUtute Is Doing for the sailor,"
In the' home. v- Mrs. E. H. Roper; original paper. "Shop
v ... i re i xaiK the Best i'laoe io Maraet Man
.fc..". -e. . I uacrlpta.- Mrs. R. A. Marshall; reclta-
waiter w. jpruw.
turer accompanying car and tells story
of trip. Time of trip, J ft hours; fare,
(0 cents, . . ' "
Webster in the county ourt this morn
ins. The will directs that all of Mrs.
Wakeman's property be given to the
husband and that h he appointed exec
utor of her sstate. i
Glass manufacturing and other topics
e discussed at a regular mommy
meeting or tne roruma iw
at 85 o'clock tonignu une secretary
has been in correspondence with east
ern owners of a factory that may be
removed to Oregon should suitable
glass sands be found ' In sufficiently
large quantity. '
First Presbvterian church.
usual monthly business . will be trans
acted. - ' ' '
Steamef 'Jesse Harklns, 'for Camas,
Washougaf and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock S p. m.
At the close of the program the meet
ing adjourned until the first Monday
In June.: . ..
Albert Welch, the clothier at the cor
ner of Morrison and Fourth streets, has
onmnieted his invoice and thrown open
the doors again for business. The spe- eyes for 11. 34J Wash. St,; cor. , 7th,
clal prices given customers drew a large I formerly at 111 Sixth street
patronage. every . mo, wn u
-'child that Uft the store yesterday with
a bundle wore the smile that "won't
..: come, off.' f m i .w.-j-.' 1 "
Rev. J. R. Welch of the Fourth Pres.
hvterian church. Rev. H. H. Pratt of the
Forbes Presbyterian ' church, t Earl C I corner First street y
Bronough of Portland and James Brice
of Astoria leave tomorrow for Colum
" aius Ohio," to altend rihe general Aaa
. sembly of the Presbyterian church as
delegates from the Portland prebytery.
Why - pay more? Metsger fits your
Try Washlngt6n lump coal, price $7.80
per ton. it is clean ana gooa ask i
your dealers for It
A number of experienced street car
men of San Francisco are In Portland,
having come north to avoid participa
tion In the strike which has just begun
For SaleA few second hand lncuba-lln the Bar -City.
tors; good as new.- I II East Morrison,! Several of these men have been seen
Monte Bettman, dentist has
-Office'"- 408-4- wetland
E. Kangas was arraigned before
Judge Cleland in the state circuit court
this morning1 chargea witn assaun wiui
on tha cars here by persons Who knew
them In San Francisco, but Fred Cooper,
superintendent of transportation of the
Portland-Railways Light Power- oom-
cany. says only one man from San Fran a 1.1m within thMi
Dr. O. F. Koehler, removed to '40S-4-B weeks. Apparently applicants are not
Swetland bldg. Diseases of stomach. I giving San Francisco as their former
Eastm.-.n kodaks ' and : supplies. . L I , Mr. Cooper says' that tha number of
Dr. M.
a dangerous weapon upon E. Tom 11a. To-1 Leaser. Cohen, 111 6 th, the Kodak store. Inew men on both Mat forms of the cars
tnya!accu8es Kangas with slashing him
.yUh a pocket knife on, April 14. Kan
gas was allowed until tomorrow morn-
- " " . . " ' , ' i Woman's Exchange. 183 Tenth street
Jnh- W Smith eleaded rullty before lunch-11:80 to 8; business men's lunch.
Dr. William Cavanaugh, dentist-has
moved his office to 603-4 Buchanan bids;.
Judge Cleland In the circuit court this
, morning to-the charge or larceny ana
T win be sentenced Thursday - morning.
Smith wis charted with stealing 160
- and a watoh worth $1 8 from Fred
Johnson on April 24.
" Ornamental trees ana shrubs, Japan
; maples, asaleas. rhododendrons ' and
" kolmias, bay trees Intubs for porch and
veranda decorations. Large stock Just
arrived from Belgium. J. B. Pllklhgton, 1
nnrserrman. foot of f, tiamhlll, ; north
fslde.. i) 12
' Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal
oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 78.
holds its
E. W. Moore, .expert photographer.
Elks building, Seventh and Stark Sts.
D. Chambers, optician. 129 Seventh.-
T:r"T;i '1 1 1 n?-,- - .
are mostly from Portland.
It is said that aj large number of
experienced mechanics have come to
Portland in the last . few days from
San Francisco, driven from tha southern
city by tha unfavorable conditions of
life there. . , -
Berger Signs I Si Yamhill Phone.
Docs it pay to advertise?
Dr. B. C. Brown, Eye-Ear. Marouam. I D Cp e n d S Oil , CirCUm
Riser scenlo photos. Imperial hoteh cfonrr Ls
: The Ladles' Relief
,mi""faf 7 -What circumstances?
assist in Securing the Immigration of
girl labor on the plea that there Is a
scarcity Of that class of labor, but the
minister of labor has given very little
encouragement' s
The tea' and the dealing. ,
arerer re,hirns year momrt U yes dost
Uliag's last; we ar aiav
' Phenomenal :; vkluei in . the
Lace Department b a r g a, i n
that Cannot fall, to' impress the
most careful buyers in the com
tnvmity.' Read carefully:
300 beautiful - Batiste Waist
Fronts, very attractive 'designs.
in v large variety, imitation pf
hand-work effects, value rup to
$2.50 each, on sale at IQ
this low tr!p '
30 magnificent Hand-Embroid
I ered Linen Robes, solid white
and white with colors, exclusive
styles; rich, high-grade apparel ;i
$25 values, An advantagedus
purchase enables " us to offer
them at this low G. 1 QQ
price vmmm w
Remember, 30 of them. ; Flan tb
yiy be here early. 2 ,;v
1,500 yards of AHover Embroid
eries, white batiste with colored
effects, . for ; waistings, V regular
values to-$4.00 a C 1 AO
yard, at yard. . .... V
500 of the "Daisy" SemKMade
Corset Covers, very pretty de
signs and marvelous values, now
on ' sale at. this soe- A t.
cial low price . , . . , . . . Hti
Lace. ' Embroidery and Span
eled Robes, beautiful exclusive
noyelties for evening and dress
wear... Many imported and do
mestic models. ' 'V v ; V'
Waist Bargains
$3.25 vals. $1.18
Sweaters on Sale
Women'a White Shirtwaists in
white lawns and mulls, trimmed
with fancy tucked yokes or solid
front of lace and embroidery, A
very large assortment of new
and oretty styles to select
from, all sizes, values to $2.25,
on sale at this ;
low price
I Mail orders - will be carefully
. - filled
200 dozen High-Grade White
Waists at an exceptionally low
price for a few days; linens,
lawns and batistes in the newest
and prettiest style for this sea
embroidered yokes, rows of
round-mesh lace with cluster of
tucks down back and sleeves; all
sizes, large variety, s eeular $4.00
values,, on special C ; O K
sale at ,.i ,.Vvs
$2.50 Sweaters
At $1.98 Each
Special lot of 100 Women's Knit
Blouses, in white, navy and fed;
I high neck, pearl button trimmed,
all sizes, reg. $2.50 1 . QO
values, special at. . v f ,w
Complete stock of Knit Blouses
and sweaters.
Lawn and Porch
Lawn and Porch Furniture in
splendid assortment on the third
floor. L awn Chairs, Lawn
Swings, Hammocks, ; Porch
Swings. etc4 etc Furnitnte for
the bungaldw and summer cot
tage. iV '
Great :,rvgay "Sal(B?":Bil
Friench Undervear at V4 Off
Govns, Chemise, Drawers,
- .. I - ... ......
Underskirts-$1.50 to $90 Values
For one week take your pick from
our entire magnificent stock . of
French Undermusling at off regu
lar selling . prices- Gowns, Skirts,
Drawers and ; Chemises-Beautiful
hand-made and hand-embroidered
pieces at prices ranging! -from
$1.50 to $90 Sale V 4 UH
Hand-Made French Chemise, with hand
embroidered. ; yoke effects,- scalloped
edges and eyelets drawn with ribbons,
plain and fitted backs, $1,501 A, AiY
to $1Z50 values, at V V'
French Hand-Made Drawers of beauti
ful material wide ruffle, scalloped and
embroidered, also lace-trimmed . novel
ties, vals. ranging from $1.50 U AiY
to $15 a pair, at, each.......; .V.
French Hand-Made Gowns, alip-overand
high-neck styles, made with short puff
and bell sleeves, hand-embroidered yoke
effects, eyelets drawn with 1 U (ff
ribbons, $4 to $30 values... VII
French Hand-Made ' Underskirts. ' made
with wide flounces, embroidered and
lace-trimmed, separate silk underflounces
and separate dttst ruffles, $6fs fff
to $90 values ............ VII
"May Sal
Of Women's
500 pair, of Women's Black. Silk
Hosiery, beautifully embroidered
in contrasting shades, new pat
terns, good assortment, alt sizes,
reg. $3 to $3.50 val- C QO
ues, on sale at, pr.. v W
4500 pair of Women's Extra
Fine Quality Black Lace Lisle
Hose, scores of very handsome
patterns in boot and . allover ef
fects, sizes Byi to 10. The style
and quality hose other stores ask
65c and 75c a pair for. --'Buy all
you want of them ; at . ; fl fl
this low price, the pair,..wJw
3,000 pairs of Women's Extra
Fine Quality Black Gauze Hose,
full-fashioned, . fast black, - all
sizes, the best values ever of
fered, at this low price, . O
the pair OL
100 dozen Women's i Fine Lisle
Novelty , : Hose; ' in , polka-dots,
checks, plaids and stripes, in
plain and lace effects, all , good
colors and combinations, sizes
Byi to 10, at this low Kftn
price, the pair
100 dozen Women's Tan Hose,
in the new leather shades, plain
gauze, lace lisle and embroidered
fisles, all sizes, all specially low
priced, pair ..i...35 to f 1.50
Silk(-and7- Dress Goods . Sale
98c Yard
Wonderful values in High-Class
Fancy ; Silks, Fancy 'Rajahs,"
Fancy Tuscans, Chiffon Foulards,
Fancy Silks for Suitings, etc., etc.
All this season's newest and pret
tiest styles, for;; costumes, suits,
waists and skirts. An ' immense
assortment to select from. Our
best $1.50 values, placed on, sale
at this special low, QQp
price, the yard ... . Tj
Greatest Silk Sale of the season.
manufacturers' sample pieces ; of
Messalines, Taffetas and Louis-
ines, in polka dots, stripes and fig
ured ef f ects, clack and white and
bine and white! checks. An im
mense variety "of styles, , all new
up-to-date silks of fine quality, 21,
24 and 27-inch, for waists, Suit
ings, skirts, etc, ttg. f'yi ffQn
$1.25 value, at ..C....'...,
5,000 yards of New High-Grade
All-Wool Dress Materials, in an
immense variety of pretty styles,
la stripes checks and fancy .mix
tares, in endless assortment De
sirable materials' for suits, cos
tumes, dress suits, etc. . Best val
ues ever offered. 1 On sale at this
specially reduced price, the yard-
All $1.25 materials, yard... f LOT
All U0 materials, yard... 1.29
Spring Suitings $1 Crepe de Paris Dress Goods
At 87cYard At 69c Yard At 38c Yard
. r f f . . i i r i i. i . t .1 n! ii i" in usi r - ir- I, 1 1 - i r i. iiiw iiiin iiniiaiau ui,
2,500 yards of Fancy Mixed'suit- 5,000 yards ' of Silk and Wool Sale extraordinary of 5,000 yards
ing, all new spring and summer Crepe de Paris, in a full assort- Checked' and Mixed Mohairs, in
fabrics, in attractive, designs and ment . 0f colors white, t black, all the best colorings, Just the
SKS: sale thSSolf 2 pmk, light blue, gry,4an, brown, material you want for anitings
low price, the yard...... O C reseda, navy, cardinal, buff, etc and skirts'.; Stylish and service-
$2.50 Materials, the yard, .f 1.97 Beautiful materials for evening able and great value .t
, ' , and ; dress apparel, graduation- this speiaLpnce, yard..,
Finest All-Wool Materials, in dre8gea,:etc;-ft. Always -sold at Mail orders v lot sale V Dress
r&ilitSeS Your choice during Goods and Silk, wHl receive our
regular $2.50 val- C 1 this sale i at this low. lQp prompt attention. Send for sam-
ues, the yard...ii.. V' price, the yard JS pie9.
500 SillcoUne Comforters $1.16 Ea.
In h 'Blanket Deoartment tomorrow we tlacen sale a great special
lot of 500 Silkoline-Covered Comforters, very best designs and color
ings, white cotton filling, the grandest valuea ever of- C 1 C'l fi
fered, at this wonderfully low price, each . i . . i . , . . . , . . . V w
300 pairs of White Wool Blankets, cotton-mixed, pink and blue bor-
defs, JUSt tne DianketS lor tne coast greaf vaiucs, at m z-j e
this exceptionally low special price, eayi,.............'vww"'
B C O K All of the latest fiction is on sale at f 1.18 ; (! 1 1 ft
son; Helena, by Eldridge; The Giant's Strength, by Basil
Kino-r Fridavr the Thirteenth, by Lawson: Samson Rock
ot Wall Street, Lefevre; Port of Missing Men, Nickelson;
The Squaw Man, by Faversham, and many others. Take
advantage of this opportunity and the low prices. . -
Hammock Sale
36x80-in. : Hammocks, with val
ances and pillow, handsome col
orings, pretty weave, each f 1.00
36x80-in. Hammock, wide valance
and reversible pillow, handsome
colorings; great value, at 81.50
40x84-in. Hammock, wide valance
and reversible pillow, test, weave
and colon, $3.00 value, at 82.55
Complete line of Bungalow and
Porch Furniture. ' Third , Floor,
Invasion by Chinese Merchants
Will Change Effort to Make
-r1 New Retail District.
First street property holders, south
of Morrison, are somewhat exercised
over the. threatened invasion oi tnai
dlstrlot ty Chinese merchants. . Some
months aro an improvement asocla-
tlon was formed by. the owners of First
street uroperty. between Burnslde and
Columbia streets, having for Us objeot
Ihe aeneral unbuilding of that street.
Extensive Improvementa - were planned.
In the way of building. - r t
The associauon peuuonea tne council
to lay a hard pavement from Burnslde
to Columbia streets. In fact, the mem
bers of the association were con
fident that by united effort First street
could be made one of the principal re
tall streets in the city, and thereby re
galn Its old-time prestige. ' ? $ :'
The tnreatenea wnoiesaia removal or
Chinese merchants to First and Second
streets, south of Taylor, has put a dif
ferent aspect on the affairs of the First
street Improvement association. The
members hesitate to proceed with pro
jected improvements unm it is known
where the, Chinese merchants. ar going
to locate. '
X street cannot be, converted into a
high class retail district that la dotted
here and there with Chinese butcher
shops, junk shops and gin mills. ., Sec
ond street,; from, Pine to Taylor, has
been of no value as retail street since
the -Chinese took 'poesessloh, and . the
story will repeat itself, say First street
property-owners, if they are allowed to
get a foothold on that thoroughfare. .
Judge Wolverton Sustains Assist
ant United States Attorney
. In Three Cases. ,
Mm end rrrifir rnriroc
. - TmiIsM S:M e'Olook.
" ' We4nmly. Tbandtr Nights.
IrHiTf EU88EU.
' la tb Jtellfcbtfal Comwly ''
' "THI BBlTZailX."
. jrh-. . an . . . . .... m
11.00. 1. TSe, aUBry, wtc ' Beats Sfe etUint
i ineaire dox eaie. ,
mirrn mrnTDtp ? m.ib a.
Pome ef tte Timoos Btker Stock Compear, is
..." nti uocMiwm iDininH aocmra. .
Br cTd rttca.
BMOtlfoI pTodoettOne of the Bet ef the
Xntlre ssra. Stir DlrtcUco Mr. Artbw
Msekier. r Matnwe Batnrdar.
rTnlnr 250, SSe, boo. UttDM 1S. ZSe,
Heat "A Xaniis ef Ccavaoe.'(
Judge Charles S3. Wolverton decided
three Indian allotment cases In the
United 8tatea circuit . court yesterday
in which tha tiunatlnn .. of ' dower and
courtesy rights was Involved. The eases
were t presented i before the court by
Assistant United States Attorney James
Cole and he was sustained in each case
The first case was that of Ellen Farr
and her husband against the United
States and others. Allotments of land
were Involve! pertaining to Inheritance
rights. . In this case, as In that of Les
ter Beam, the parties to the suit live
on the Umatilla Indian reservation.
In the case of Sarah wheeler against
the United States and .others, the point
at issua waa tha dower rights of the
plaintiff, which were allowed by the
court and the demurrer- ths evm
plalnt overruled. ' .
UotrlMa. tLujUC IbCuirC Uai UT.
untoa W. mau. If taster.
The Borne ef Melodrama,.
Tonlflit All Weak The Seamaa Ootppsnr.
Bart- MatodramaOe OrfintiaUoo That Kvar
rugrea rortisna, is tha Bis cirrara eoaeaaa.
Mathma Wadnaadar and Satajdar. "
" Staea Diraetloa of Mr. Harbert Aahtoe.
Klsht Prlcaa 10c 90c. oc. BOe, Mtiiwa
e, we.
Naxt weak "THB WHITl CAl'S."
- ; la. t'iT Acta.
Mattneea Tneadav. rtinrdr, Barawara and
Rtind.ya at S:S.. -Frt 10 and W c"".
TnlD at 8:15. Frlcas-l Bta
Kaaarr aoata tr vOP!;",.r .. i , f
, . Week f Star I "I' la..
A M! "lurl man found a boy baby
float v In a rlv'feP nsruea EiM Aioaas,
of com -
Get' 'tha Oaks habit learn to
skate, General Instruction free.
. Special lessons 60a. or six lessons
IIBO, Including- skates. ". " .
The Ca AND
Weak of Kay .
TaadavUe da Xsaa.
Tha Hmr i mo
Braaentitif -Till
. .... TH UO&6V .-
;" br ' , '
Spaaial A4b4
. Attrattlost
WAV zirotiToy
SS Brawa, Ttnnar
Gilhart, Sotu f
arts, Craa.l..--'-.
Portland'a TomtWr fck Pre". F
Aftamooa ul 1 . V". . 1 1 1 i
Camyaoy la ta l'.h'il ( ...,. .,
Itiaai i A aata ta B km a.--- ft
rsnco from 10 a. m. to i.) p. m. i .
domi at nnl tlma. JCwiS i f,
8:1&, Saturu ir i4 Suutk.
furmaaca at J.13-
tTliere M
fnr tw
date-i i T f
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