The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 07, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Sayr Union Iron Works at San
Francisco May Remain Closed.
Until Machinery Rusts. ' -
t fef ore Money on Vessels Oon
structed There Than He Blade on
. Those Built Elsewhere Blame
Labor Condition.
(InarMl hwfal bnlaa V " .
San Francisco, Msy T. -Charte M.
Schwab, former president of the United
States Steel corporation and owner of
the Union Iron work of this city, made
a uying trip to Ban Francisco yesterday.
He had just returned from , Touopab,
.Goldfish! and Bullfrog, where bis treat
mines are, and, In company with . Mr.
. ' .. . , 4 '' ' -
' f , -
''.I. .' " i. .
;. vx v.
-'v VP ' v .n
' " '.. v
:. : 'Ms
' Ctoes YFomaa'g Tfcakncjscs.
We refer to that boon te weak, nerroufc
Wflerinf women known M Dr, Fierce
Favorite Fressrlptlon. -
, Dr. John Fyfe one of the Editorial Sua,
of Tu ECLtCTIO Mbdioax. RlTHW l) h
of Unicorn root (Htloniat Diofoa) which
It one of the chief Ingredients el the "Fa
vorite Prescription i :viv-vr",;:
' "A remedy which lavsrlsbly Bote as eeter
ins lnvlgorator make for normal ac
tivity of the entire reproductive system."
Be continue 'la Helonlas we baveamedlca
meat which more fully answers the abou
psi-pose than any ethsr drug with which I am
aquainui. Is the treatment of diseases per
collar to women 1 is seldom that a ease l
seen which dooe sot present .Mmelndloetlou
tor this remedial agent. a Dr. Fyfe further
ssysi Tbeto4)owinf sreasaontths lsadlii;
or machine in the bichi with leucorrhora ;
LfwlkiMl wlttfchrsnle dlseaeesof
th ranraltlrtis oisns of womsnt conttsnt
seMsttsa eT hettln the region ef the kl;l-
asye : saenftrrfaat 14 (doodlns). one to a weaK
ened eonjfltlon efths reproductive systern:
anmoOT9rttuireeeea ur absent monthly
Briod.Wi'!Tiru or accompsnylnt sn
abaes&aTcotiUltlo of the dlvMtlTe errsns
ind ajUsmle (thin blood hsblii drstflng
senijTons la the extreme tower part of the
mnrs or Mis Of DO snoTS nnvrann
.riLmxir r mfh rnnL nr lis nn ii.
ml tlia n'1lia.l nrnnrt!M of wHleh It
most faithfully represents. ' '
Of Golden Seal root, another prominent
Inrredlent of "Farorlte Prescription,'
Prof. Flnley Blllnrrood, V. El, ef Ben
naft Madlral rialleso. Chlassa. SSTS! - '
"It lean lmuurttnt remedy In disorders of
the womb. la sll catarrhal condition
ana trenerai smoeoiemeni. 11 1 umkul- -
Cincinnati, save ef Golden Seal root : .
. T. . . tn a 4a amam1 fMJ t am fill
system, thsrs is no msdioins in mm about Wifeft
lAST U SUCfl peiMrot unanimity mi Fmwi,
Is unitxraaiiv retarded as tM toaie luaful Ui
allj iebllUstod utatea' " ...
Prof. R. Brthoiow, M. D..of Jefferson
Medical Col Ires, says of Golden Seal t
"Taluahle In uterine hemorrbate. menor
yhatla (nooUnr and conteatlTe dysmenor-
rnoja IPaiBTOt roeneiTOBHon;.- - - -
l5r. Pierco's Favorl teTrescrlptlon faith
fully repms'-nU all the above named lc-
Sedlenta anil cres the disease for whlc
oy arc rv- Tended. .k. , . -
Oharlee M. Schwab, Who Is Dlaguat
ed With Labor Conditions In San
McOretor, acting tnanag-er of the Union
Iron works, made a trip about the city.
Mr. Sohwab left for New Tork late In
the afternoon. In an Interview he
stated: -
"Our concern will never take a batUe
shlp or any other kind ' of ship to bs
built In Ssn Francisco ss long as labor
conditions are maintained as at present.
Wo lost $2,800,000 on the last three
battleships contracted for, and have lost
mors money in our work In San Fran
cisco thsn we have made at our other
works throughout- ' the- country. W
shsll not take any work of any magnl
tude under the labor condition' existing
In Ssn Francisco, "I have never 'seen
anything like it anywhere.
"A certain concern wanted a large
ship built and ' asked us to bid on It
within the last I three-, months We
would not tslk of bidding against east
ern bidders, although they stated that
they would give us more than an
eastern bidder, besides the cost of bring
ing the ship here, as they would like it
built here under their supervision, out
ws would not bid on it."
When long he would keep
tfcs Union Iron works closed entirely, he
said: "I will let all the machinery rust
' away rather than open it under the
-.'present labor conditions," t
Southern Oregon Mine Owners
Are Running in New Ma
chinery by Carloads. "
Placer That Hat Plenty of Platinum
and Equipment to Save It Other
Placer That Are Yielding More
Than Profitably. .
- s Jil a n tch to ..The JonrsaH
Spokane, 'Wash., May 7. A man was
found dead with a bullet hole in his head
st Hangman creek bridge yesterday, it
Is reported by a man anf a boy who
identified the dead man that he was sit
ting on ths creek bank most of the day
Gundav'wlth a minister, praying. A
Bible and a sack of tobacco were found
in his pockets, and nothing more.
nail Dlimtch to The JourntL)
Prfndleton. Or.. May 7. Pendleton
and other points sre making elaborate
preparations to entertain xne Dusmess
nan 01 rorusna on men
rh eastern Oregon. "
Thstxourslonists will remain in fen
Alaton from 1:46 to 10 a. m. on May 10
n their return trip from Boise. A
drive through the Umatilla wheat bolt
Is being planned. -
Xa Bsasoa to Take Coffee "Out of Her
ramuy, ,
"After drinking coffee some years, badly run down in health,-had
serious indigestion, flatulency and
nervousness, with severe spells of sick
"My physician advised me long ago
to stop drinking coffee, but I said It
would be an impossibility, that I would
rather do without my : breakfast and
have a cup of coffee. "
"About six months , ago 1 tried
Postum Food Coffee and 'made it
strictly according ta-diroctlona I was
eo delighted with It 'that I Immediately
discontinued coffee and began using
postum." X have not had a pound of
coffee in by house sine and never ex
pact to again. All symptoms of indi
gestlQhav disappeared entirely and
tnitiflerves are growing stronger every
ay. My weight has Increased about
to pounds and I now weigh more than
I ever weighed In Uf. v . r
"I have known people to try Postum
and throw it aside, for the reason that
they made it carelessly. It has a de
llclous flavor and 1 dark, and rich a
Mocha or Java, if .property boiled, but
If not boiled long enough It la taste
loss. Put a piece of butter In a pot,
the sis ef a navy bean, to prevent boil
ing" over.''"' . --
"Myusband' weight ha Increased
10 pound since he began drinking It,
and my UtUe boy, who ha been very
delicate and - did not- eat jt ehUdren
vsuAlly do, used to drink eoffes at
breakfast.- After I gave hint Postum
for a few days, his appetite Improved
and he Js gaining Jn Jlesh-daily-Tou
can imagine we are strong friend ef
Postum Food Coffe.". . tThere' a Rea
son." V Ba4 Th Road to WeUvHIe,"
! a
(Spedal Dispatch to Ths Jeansl.)
Oranta Pas a Or.. May I. Nearly a
ouarter of a million dollar will be ex
pended on southern Oregon mines for
machinery and equipment tnis summer.
Much f tbt machinery la already being
hauled out or Installed on the properties.
A feature of this Improvement that
speak well for the future I ths fact
that th greater part of the equipment
Is for quart properties. Five carioaas
of machinery have arrived at Grants
Pas alone during the past few days.
All of this 1 now on th road to th
mines, or Is being placed.
Among the propertiee tnat are in
stalling 'equipment are the Tin Pen of
Oalls Creek district, the Harms group
of Sardine Creek district, the Ada of the
Foots Creek dlstrlot, the Homesteak of
the Evsns Creek district and the Brlggs
and other properties of upper Sucker
Creek district. Several mine are add
ing to their present equipment. It Is
notabl that a great number of these
mines are In districts around tho old
camp of Gold Hill. '
Portland Capital X Busy There. .
Tho Mount Pitt mine, owned and op
erated by - Portland people, na made
such a splendid showing this past year
that it will have Its present mill and
reduction plant of five stamps enlarged
this summer. The Mount Pitt company
was recently offered $260,000 cash- for
this mln. which offer wss refused. The
ore bode uncovered on the Mount Pitt
is one of the largest and richest ever
brought to light on an Oregon property.
This mine is located on Jump-Off -Joe.
The Ada mine, on Evans creek, which
was purchased a Tew montns ago oy
the Oregon Gold Fields company and
which has subsequently been under de
velopment by these people. Is making a
fine showing. The owner are Seattle
people principally. Samuel Bowden Is
manager. They are driving a long tun
nel to ton the ore body at great depth.
Anticipating good results, the company
1 preparing to place a large mm ana
ore reduction plant' ' .
maoen That Yield Platinum.
Besides the machinery being placed
on quarts' properties, much equipment Is
arriving for hydraulic placers, in the
wav of new and heavier piping, giants
and .elevators. On tho Deep Gravel prop
erties of Waldo dlstrlot one of the larg
est and best platinum and fine gold sav
ing plants ever placed, on a Paemo
coast mine is being Installed. Manager
Wimer has given much attention to the
Bavins of tho ; olatlnum values of hi
placer and has demonstrated that plat
inum can be profitably mined as the
gold is mined and without Interfering;
with: the regular surface mining opera
tions. The plant 'being placed, on the
Deep Gravel' properties will save both
the platinum and flour gold values, each
of which is very elusive and
caught with riffles as the heavier vlr-
s-ln gold is caught. The platinum oc
51.50 Dress Goods $1.17
This .lot comet in the tame
weaves ' and patterns s the
$1.25 goods, but of course it it
of better tridt. yrt ,ha,vt'42
full pieces of them, fine vtluet
at $1.50 yd.f Special &i , 1 7
price for thit isle, yd..PAl I.
Hose, 75c
Grade tor Wc Pr.
" Beginning Wednesday and last
ing through the week we offer
these unusual values on the best
sort of hose obtainable:
Th first special is on a lot of
genuine . brilliant lisle thread
hose, la black lace pat terns, some
all lace and some with lace boot.
They are our famous . "O. K."
brand. Imported . directly by us,
and they are our present 78c
qualities. Bought now, we'd
have to sell them for one dollar.
They're beautiful designs, and
some of the . best 7 to hose ever
made, from the largest hosiery
mill In Europe. Special this
week, the pair... ,.49e
Women' Xoe So so, In brilliant
fast black lisle, in light or me
dium weight, supsrb wearing
hose.-'Very special, palr....75e)
Women' Summer Xoee, In Gobe
lin blues and cardinal colors, with
fine Imported maco sole, a splen
did 1 6c quality. Very
special .194
Boy Ion, heavy ribbed black
00 1 ton, for hard wear, tSo
values 12Vt
sw sw bb BBlaaBaL''
$1.00 '-i Dress .' Goods 67c
Many, many boltt of this lot,
It't a fine assortment of Fancy
Panamas, in regular or thiffon
weigh tt. Comet in til design
and color combinations. A su
perb spring suiting, worth (17
$1 yd. i Special tale price. Uf C
iMlWewai J list 12
Cents Each
'a i . a- st..
casn to nnu ana proauce unusual vamcs lur
' our clients. A tremendous purchase from
a large neckwear manufacturer of one vastj
lot of extremely dainty turnover collars.
Come in many styles and an endless assort
ment of pretty patterns. Some are embroidered, some lace
' trimmed. Some of the embroidered pieces are hemstitched,
too, the work alone is worth double the modest priest that we
ask for them. Some of them have front tabs and aw are full
6izes. The materials are Swiss, batiste ot net. These are an exceptional value, there s a mag
nificent assortment and they are every one worth 25c or 35c. Very special Wednes- 7'1
day, 120 dozen ko select' from ,
None sent on mail or phone orders and not more than six to any one customer. See the im
mense window display and come very early Wednesday morning for a good selection.
Wednesday Again 40c Ribbons i 9c Yd.
A superb lot of All Silk Crochet Dotted Ribbons, 8 inches wide, and regularly worth 40c the
yard. A lot that we closed out from the manufacturers at a price less than half what we usually
pay the saving comes direct to you. Come in all colors, with dots in contrasting Q
shades, suitable for neck, hair or belts, and regular 40c qualities. Special, the yard, J 2rC
Third Floor
A sal that will mean remarka
ble savings for women who will
take advantage of this offer.
A mlscellaneou assortment of
article that are in ' dally need
and add o much te the richness
of a home. . v
Come to tho crystal room and
view th beautiful display ef Cut
Glass and share in these specials,
agar and Oreamsr, - welt ,. out
snd with notohsd handle;
4 Value .....$3.15
Comports, with low foot; regular
$8.60 value. Spools!.... ..$ 2.90
Comport, with high foot; worth
f4.00 each. Bpoolai.......$3.15
S-lnea Bowls, nlosly out; regular
16.00 valuea Spolal....B36S
a-lnoh Bowie, extra wen outt
worth M.80 each. 8peolal..$4.SO
Odd ptoeee Oat Olae. pooil
pstes. Demonstratloa Bnotlem
Sorabbtne; Brush.
fen Great Specials in
Modest Priced Millinery
A rousing good sale that will ap
peal irresistibly to those who ad
mire tasteful headgear. Ready-to-wear
hats going at a ridiculous re
duction for this one busy day.
School or Outing Hats that sell
regularly at $1.00 each, on CQ
sale tomorrow for only. . . 0C
Java School or Outing Hats,
splendid Jor beach wear ; regular
$2.50 values. Special d1
for only.............. .tDl oI
And These Ready-to-Wear Hats
Two styles, that sell f1 1Q
regularly at $1.75, for. .t$lo 17
One style, that sells dt OA
regularly at. $3.00, for.tDl.Oi7
Two styles, that sell regularly at $2.50 d 4A
for...' , VAeTa
Three styles, that sell regularly at $3.50
$1.89 1
The towel Sale Repeated
Fringed Towele, toft and absorbent and of good tite, a (tfr
toweT that tellt regularly for 75c dot.; very special at uv
Hemmed Hack Towelt with colored bordert, fine big Qn
wonderful vtl. at 10c ea.: special today... Ol
tunwi w - '
Linen Huck Towels, with red or
white fancy Jacquard border,
18x36 inches, 22c value, lO.
special at 1UV
Extra Large Heavy Huck Tow,
els, all white, worth 19
15c special 121.
AIl-Linen Huck Towelt, tiza
19x40 inches, nicely hemstitched,
regularly worth 35c each, OC
tpecial at 4WC
Fancy Jacquard Huck Towels,
19x39-inch size, splendid Q
25c value, special today., 17C
15c, special
Heavy Huck Towels, large sire and well hemmed, a reg. ,A
12j4c quality. Just 40 dozen tt this special price, each 1 Vl
Large Size Huck Towels, 20x40 In., nicely hemstitched 1 0
tnd a splendid 15c value; while they latt, t6day, each..... Aa-21.
Huck Towels with fancy open- Irish Unen wrasn ioweiing, a
work border, a great spe- 00 good quality that iellsreg-
cial today at,each, only..7W
Fringed Damaek Towele with
fancy colored borders, a tpecial
worth while, special at, 0c
each, only .... . .'.'. . '
ularlv at . 20c yard, tpe- 1
cial for this one day, yd.. 1C
Soiled Napkins and Table
Clotht selling today at great reductions.
Sensational Sale of Strikingly Beautiful Waists
At Half Regular Prices Wednesday
Some Three Hundred Waists In This Lotr The most beautiful ,
lingerie bodices you've seen at special prices this season. Even
the former waist selling events in this, the best and biggest -Suit
Department on the Pacific coast, are eclipsed in this sale. Another
buy made by the manager of the garment section on her recent;
eastern trip. A large waist manufacturer had the waists and a
pressing need for the cash, waists were a surplus and sample lot
that required a first class store to sell them. We were on tl;e
ground and women of good taste now have the waist opportunity
of all our history. They are made of lawn, Swiss or mull and come
in white, pink, green and light blue. Some are of allover embroid
ery (hand made, if you please), some have fronts of exquisitely
pretty embroidery and others have yokes or fronts of rarely deli
cate and dainty lace, in allover lace or insertions. Not one of these
bewitchingly beautiful bodices will be laid aside, sent on approval-
or sold on pnone oraer. see tne wmaowiispiay, l y gjmSm
7e I IltC
then come early; worth from $5 to $33, choice. . , , ,
Women's Walking Skirts, in the same styleWillustrated here, the
very popular pleated style, circular style and some with bands or with
clusters of small pleats. Made of all' wool Panamas, serges and
fancy m jxtures and come in the fancy mixtures, plain black, blue or
Drown. Keguiany soia at Jbo.ou to $io.ou eacn, out bought at a
great saving, so tney too go at a surprising
saving. ...............
First Street Improvement Asso
ciation May
" TTglJnst Orientals.
The First Street Improvement asso
ciation held a meeting last nignt in wo
,MttnHiiTn of the ' Chamber of Com-
curs in these and other outhern Ore- nerco at which a number of important
nw diara-lna-a In tho f ornt of very fin mixtions affecting First ' street were
flakes, so light and thin as to refuse I diacussooV The invasion of that thor;
mercury amalgamation, and thu mak- auahfare by Chinese merchant from the
lng necessary a system of settling tanks
or' vats. ., , ,. .V''
. Other Plaoor Hold Blonly.
The old Sterling hydraulic mine, near
Jacksonville, cleaned up 13,600 this past
months - Thl property ' will harvest
about, SS0.O00 this season.. It still ha
wo or throe months' work ahead, a Its
water supply i very adequate and in
sure an unbroken run of from seven to
nine-month every year. - A
The Royal Group propertiee of Oalic
will clean up fully as much as th
Storting - this year, as ths battery ha
been steadily at work day and night
lnc last November, with a prospect of
at least two months mere work. -
The Deep Gravel mines of Waldo will
enjoy a big placer gold harvest, this
year and wiu not make thetrrinaj clean
up till late in July. xtn , . , -
The voiumBiaot -wava-ereoa, - nas
also enjoyed a fine run thl season, and
wiu be busy for two or three month
et before the final cleanup Is made, ,
old Second street Chinese quarters will
be resisted to the utmost Attention
was called to th fact that the Oregon
constitution prohibit Chinese from own
ing ' property' in certain part of the
state and the threat wa made to in
voke that provision of the constitution
to keep tho naUve of the flowery
kingdom from establishing themselves
on that street
'A committee was appointed to call on
Manager Fuller of the Portland Rail
way company and arrange to have .the
company- pave Its part 'of First street
The same eommittoo was also Instructed
to ask that th third rail on First street
be removed: It was pointed out that it
was no longer necessary since the Ful
ton' oar leaves First street at Madison
and enters the center of the elty ever
Seeond street . - rni ' -' - -
Preferred Stock Oaanod Oooda.
Alien Lewie Beet xuanfa ;
I- 5 1
The Allen Stock company made Its
initial appearance at tho Lyrlo theatre
last night succeeding the Lyric stock
company at that, house. "Brown' in
Town" la the offering of tho company.
Tho departing company left hosts of
friends in Portland, while the Allen
company also has. a big list of admirers.
So It has fallen to tho Allen, company
not only to retain its own clientele but
to win tho friends of the other com
pany. It succeeded in this difficult
feat even more completely than Its
strongest supporters had anticipated.
While many of the old favorite are
till with the Allen company It ha
been considerably strengthened by sev
eral new .members. Miss Verna Felton
i stIU of course .the leading woman
and altogether the company Is a vary
strong organisation. Besides Miss Fel
ton the company ' Includes Charlotte
Mundorf f, Marie Thompson, Mrs. Clara
Allen, Forrest Seabury, Irving Kennedy,
Ralph Belmont, H.. N. Dudgeon, Harry
Blanohard, Charles Ayera, Wallace Rob
ert and D. D. Edwards. . .
"Brown's In Town" Is an excellent of
fering for the first week of the Allen
company at the Lyric. Its laughing pos
sibilities are . unlimited and . the com
pany makes the most of It It wa a
great success yesterday. : It will tf the
bill for; , the , entire week.
. The new Star stock company wa in
troduced to Portland at the Star thea
tre last night in "The SUver King." So
favorably wa tt received that its euo-
cea u assured. - . ,
GresA care was observed by Sullivan
A Consldlne in selecting the members
of the new company. While composed
of persons who, to a great eitent are
unknown In this city, the company In
cludes players of unusual merit
"The Silver King" Is an old English
melodrama, in which there Is an abund
ance of stirring situations and thrtlitng
climaxes. The story deals with the
lower life of london and contain
enough complications to keep tho au
dience i in a state of tense excitement
Russell Lee Barrett is the leading
man or the new company, and Adelaide
Knight 1 th new leading woman. They
have enviabhKrecords on the stage and
have been favorites in some of the big
gest cities of America... Other member
of the company also appeared to good
advantage. The company Is a remark
ably good stock organisation and will
make a strong old for poDuiar favor.
"Tho SUver King" will bo the bill
for the entire week 'With matinees to
day, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday,
In. an excellent bill at the Grand thl
week Harry La Rose and his company
presenting their sketch, "The SaUor and
tue Horse,"; Is the headline feature, and
it would probably be the headline fea
ture : on any hill r. It ts a' screaming
farce that - wins Instant approval . from
the audience and arouses a storm nf
applause.'- --'-':.
Anotuer feature Of especial merit , ts
the - act of Howard Brothers, who are
considered the greatest exponents ot th 1
banjo on the ataf , ' They were heartier I
rooolved yesterday and will be sure to
plea every audience. ; ,
, Kan Singleton and eompany also mad
a deoided hit, while Gil Brown in a dano
ing and mojnolpgue act was weU re
ceived. The oill 1 fuU of clover spe
cialties an is one of the best the Grand
ha offered.
(Special Dispatch te The Joe real.)
Baker City, Or., May 11. Consider
able anxiety 1 manifested on th part
of the parents of sohool chUdron ever
the discovery that one of the pupil
wa broken out with smallpox. The "
affllpted child live In Wlllovale. Dur
ing the '..past few week smallpox haji -been
prevaeat In tho home but of so
light a form that no physician "was
summoned to eare for the paUenta ; ;
The teaches dismissed th pupil and
summoned the city physician. Pr. Carl
G. Patterson. All the scholar who had
been exposed were ordered to be vac
cinated and the room wa thoroughly
fumigated. A careful watch will be
kept on all the students and if any
more cases develop tb building will be
closed for th year. ... --i '--' -. :
. . Bon
. MM
; J " "t ' p , II , . i , " -
A Scouring Soap
A Metal Tolibh