The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 07, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Warehouse Districts of Cast Portland and Afblna Given Increased
Assessment by Sigler This Year-Ground ; Near TerV "
1,1 '-i.-y.
mlnal Yards Also Marked Up Much Higher, f;
", For "i tls" year' the ground "valuations
or th warehoun districts or East jrort
' land and Alblna wiU be Increased 60
r per cent Vend In ' some Instances 100
., , per cent, according to th estimates nttw
! being prepared in Assessor Slgler's of-
' .i . .
, . Th-ae higher valuations , are , baaed
' largely upon the amounts for which
. land c( ttila character haa been selling
r during the past year. Residence prop
' V city wilt not be much raised this year,
' but those new tusiness districts where
sales have been made which show the
market. value of the ground to be far
f. above last Veer's valuations will be
! marked tip accordingly. '
Alblna IVaads ats.
, In East Portland, the region bounded
by union avenue, East Morrison, Haw-
thorns avenue and the river, the valua
i (Ions will be doubled on a number of
. lots. In the lowlands of Alblna where
there Is now a demand for warehouse
. ? sites a- like -difference In the Assessor's
iflgures will be made, -
On the west side the vicinity of the
: terminal yards will be the portion In
creased the most. . Last year upper
'Washington street property was given
"a tremendous boost, so 'this year com-.
t paratlvely; little will be added to the
valuations ,? along that - street and
throughout the new uptown . business
district generally. :.. .'
. ... On the east side the waterfront Is of
. course Included In the region where the
assessor's markings are to be changed
very materially. This property is oft
1 '''V.J. ' '- ' -' f : '' ' ' '--'
the "market and is held at nigh figure.
What few sales have en made re
cently show ., the market value . very
plainly. -. V; ' " ;- " ., , ;
i-i.i . H 2lUs ' Put ' TJp Yaluea,
Since' the All has been completed on
Union avenue property along that)
thoroughfare has become much more
urgently demanded and the fact that
Alls to basement level maae on
all the blocks of this low ground as
far south as Hawthorne avenue has al
ready Influenced the demand.
Alone1 Union Avenue south from Et
Alder the valuations on the lots on the
west aide of the street are estimated as
follows: 10---I,000, 14.000. M.frOO.
$9,000. 190718.000, 18.000, I S.000, 120,
Member of Real Estate firm Is
Bankrupt With Only Two
.... Hundred In Assets.
'.Eugene D. White, of the real estate
rirra or White and MoLennan, has filed
suit in bankruptcy in the United
states district court in which his 11
abUities .are placed at 148,606.18, and
his assets at $220, which White claims
exempt. '.--'.- .;-
White Includes several banks '.. and
bankers, as well as ' other men ; well
Known in Portland. In hla list of ered
itors, Including J. C Alnsworth and the
Aiusworth National bank, who vhold
juagments on notes for $15,685. John
Wesley Ladd is another large creditor
and has Judgment on a note against
vvnue lor X10.113.1S Others who have
Judgments on notes against White are
u. w. uenny who holds one for I5.601.7S
and. another for $400; Qeorge Bamford,
$1,485.71; Alex 8: Pattullo, aslgnee to
East Morrison: 108 19.000, 14.000,1 w. W. Catlln. 1449.17: W. J. Hawklna.
$2,00, - IS.S0O. 190T $24,000, $5,000, assignee toLL Hawkins. 84.U4.75.
$7,500. : ' . .. ... W. J. Hartman of Chicago has a Judg-
Belmont: 190 ii.eoo,, ment on a contract for 1514. A. Feid-
$8,600. .,1907 $7,000, $4,500. $4,500, 1 helmer haa an open account for roods
$1,600. 'j for $800. Henry Berger has a promts-
East Yamhill: 1908 $8,000,
$2,000, $2,000. 1907 $8,000,
$2,600, $5,000.
Increase oa Zast Koxrlsoa.
11.009,1 sory note against White for $200, while
$4,0w0,l F. W, Oelderblom holds two promissory
notes loianng it.izi.69.
vr. j. f. Dickson claims fees for
Take the block bounded by Union avo- ?i(l,cal nrtc,w fom 1890 to
line, East Third. East Madison and E: st ln" "ura ' lJlaa tii-
Main for examole. Tbla block was on n,T note ror money loaned
n. h. T.ii. n.r.n.M I amounting to 2960.28. Anderson
elation la March for $10,000. This year Ir"11"'"" p01"" note for goods
It will be assessed at -$21,000. an in- .w " ayer ror sou
DR. J. W. KSRR .
''... : ' ' .. ' .' ..:'..' ' ' ' - ' , 1 ' .....''".'
Forwards Letter to 'Salem Re Millionaire , Hobo, on Trial for Roeeburg Proposes to Build for
signing as Attorney in the Larceny, Allowed to Use His - Both Development and
Philadelphia Name. I - Defense. .
Eleventh District
The claim Of R, B. Harrison, tha mil- HUNDRED MILE I rKl"
llonalre tramp, to membership In three nu,UKty wlLf UUIMU
Ine resignation of J.. A. Collier, dis
trict attorney for thn Kivnih I
clal district, consisting' of Sherman, fold and wealthy Philadelphia famlliesj ; TONNAGE ALL THE WAV
io nave neen sent to Governor Cham-1 court to the extent or suostuuiing nisi
berlaln, thus putting an end to the name on the records, and today the man
errortibeinr made to Invoke the rf-1 on trial Is known ornolaliy by'tne im-
erendum on the law enacted by the last I posing title, John Schuyler Raudell Har
legislature creating the district. . It la rison.. . -, ? v t
practically certain that J. E. Burdette ? Harrison's wealthy relative in Pblla-1
of Arlington wiU be appointed to fill delphla have made no move to assist I
the vacancy tbua caused. , .. - blm. and his attorney says they have!
The action of Mr. Collier nuta an abandoned him to his fate. Harrison
end to a factional dispute In tha new was placed on trial -before a Jury this
Maw hntMit nt thm nnm A rrt. I district which for a time threatened to morning, charged with stealing 1414
- -B- I 1. . . I . . I k.. v. Ium ..mtA t 4..
e, vw i i peaiing . the law creatine the diatrint. I oKiamore irug company to gepoau in
oi, reseou, xrora toe presiaencj ot appointment , ot ur, coiner was i - tv- - : . ,
h. n.. ..n,...i -n . very distasteful to a large number of RaJPh Crysler.-owner of the drug
crease of $9,200.
Along Uast Morrison practical! the
same ratio of Increased valuation pre-
Subjected to continual abase, he says,
at the hands of his son, Joseph Eagle,
, aged 74, 874 ' Mallory avenue, ; endeav
ored to secure sufficient poison to end
bis life this morning and was taken
, Into, custody , by the police. The old
.'; man entered a drug store at Union
; avenue and Falling street and asked
'the pharmacist for tip cents' . worth of
. ? laudanum. ' ."'. " .'
. : "I am tired of it ' all." said .tha de
spondent man, ."and might Just as well
'be dead..; :.'.''. .-... j ,
The druggist telephoned to the' po-
lloe and be was taken to hoadquarters
A. XX. Ballard baa a bote for advertis
ing la the sura of $62.60 and the Pa-
ciflo BUtes Telephone A Telegraph
company, baa a claim for services
amounting to $67.10,
Other claims are: IT. C Breeden. not
for money loaned, $679.82; Irwln-Hod-
son company, note 'for srooda 282.19:
Central Door ft Gash company, note for
goods,, and J. K. Bogera note for
One claim listed arainst Wblta la for
II ror a subscription to eadtal stork
of the Exposition Accommodation bu
Whit ft McLennan Have their offices
tartho patrol wagon by Patrolmen Bob-
son and Burke. According to Eagle's at 204 and 206 Oregon! an building.
story, nia son, a. js. isagia, nas as
saulted and otherwise mistreated him
and as a result be sought to And an end
to sorrow by suicide. Toung Eagle. is
employed by the Northwestern Transfer
company. Upon being apprised tbat his
father was at the station Eagle Junior
nasiened to ueaaquartera,. . . ;i
''It's Just about time you tot noma."
said the son gruffly, "so rou'd better
nurry aiong." - ; . , '... !
The grief-stricken old man with an
air of resignation meekly hobbled from
me siauon.
' Mayor Xne will In all probability re-"
celve the Indorsement of tha Municipal
association at a meeting of the organi
sation scheduled for late this afternoon,
: while It Is also probable that Cltlsena'
candidates for councllmen at large will
be chosen and perhaps announced.
A meeting of the association has been
called and at that time the future
course of the body will be mapped out
and plans laid for the campaign.
(Speeisl DtiMteh to The JoorntL)
... Roseburg, Orv May 7. Tha first city
election under the Initiative and ref
erendum, law In Roseburg was held in
this city yesterday. The election was
held to amend the city charter. The
proposition carried by a vote of about
10 to 1. : Only 226 votes were cast,
about one third of the vote. 'The pres
: ent charter was granted when Roseburg
was a mere village and contained no
'provision for the corporation to Issue
bonds for municipal Improvements. -
Father and gon Want to Admin-
ister Estate of Late Wife
and Mother.
But Loss Will Be Near Four
Million Dollars.
Town In Region to B 'Traversed ;
Enthuse for , the Project, Which
la of Special Significance to Itose
bnrgPlentjr of Capital,
(SpMlal Ptepateh to Ifca JasrnaLl
Roseburg. or.. Mar 7. Aettv.
J-e being taken fortha oragnUatlon of
nuDijwor ior ne construction of an
nannl. In tha , , At.t,t, T iZ'Zl Is firm, testified that Harrlanfl was nald J t- V" ' . 10 OOB
hlV Vri.g.dTnmn;..f7;Vh. Tiel" A. t a day for Jilt work about thi T.tor f,, JZrZ"9! ?1
result of It steps were taken lmma-1 was primarily that of a.mei
dlaisly after the appointment was made I en"er. Other testimony that was in
to nvoke the referendum on tha law I troduoed was to the effect that Har-
and thus do away with the office. The rl 0011 been given the money and
old district presided over by Judge I flll to return or, deposit it at the
Bradshaw of Tha Dalles was far tool .-;-.. v
large for the 'best results, but a larger- Tha work ot drawing a Jury occupied
number of the residents would rather I ,M" than half an hour, and all the evi-
hava aapririrtad h 4iarii in atir I denoe of tha atata waa introduead thla
Portion Of CaT0 Can Be SaYed Mr. Collier to continue in offlca morning. 'Attorney McCann said he did
sute and the work of Invoking the ref- ? xne jury, a motion ror a airect ver-1 faot .,. train, that . 7" 7
erendum commenced. A fund of some alcl not guilty because the Indictment Unental llnea , - i
raisoa o prosecuie m : m , , (uu, . Mnnnail.. . ...i. , t, '
sent to the Coos bay cities by the Mer-
ciiama jrroiocti f , association to in
vestigate the. feeling In that seotion.
and ha- met with an enthusiastic fectfo
tlon. North Bend, Marshfleld and the
other bay towns are enthualastlo and
wiU contribute their full share towards
the onterprlsc. r , , v ..,. v. , - , , .
Tha Una will be for frela-ht and'na'
sengers an- the roadbed wUt be graded
iv -wry mmvj ireignt , trSlna
(Jearaal Bpeeial Berrlte.)
LIvaraooL Afa 7. -There ia no dob
sibllity of saving the great Hill ocean
liner Dakota, which went oa the rocks
worir."and up tolhi. T Ume mo thTn "d testimony lor the defense Is brileVe 'thi' aoMyVTthailrwH2
2.700 names hava been securwl to the " offered thla afternooa , can TaU be obuined at hom. a- ni!!
MtitiAn,.. ... 1 . Harrison looked nala and amaniatad I u " T ? T . . noma, as Rose.
petitions more than half enough to I HarrlBOn looked pale and emaciated
bring .the matter before the people. , ' I ha huddled In a chair beside his
As a result of this strenuous opposl- "torney facing the JuTy. The IS men
tlon a conference waa held between the wno wlU determine tha fate of the mll-
was oeciaea mai uu aisinci atior- "y?,"vi" wiin, u;u, iriggs, ii i my.- v,i r; iT. T" .
ney should resign In order to save the W, Boost, R l Pollock, C I Dlven, Lu 4Wfw?f Ri?"!bnr,f hV
off tho coast of Japan, according to the I f ri.n(j, 0f collier and his opponents, and M'onalre tramp are Emery Wilson, Otto
t "" wuvaaw upr nui w i, was decided that the diatrlet at tor-1 nmoi, vv. . vonn. u. u. unites, ti
vasiigaie ine wreca. , i ne expert re
ports, however, that some of the cargo
may possibly bo saved.
From thla report it is estimated by
the underwriters that the total loss
will be approximately 13,780,000. ,
burg la tha richest . city in the state
tu proportion io us else, i f The great
wealth of the 'natural resources of
Douglas county, hag made it so." 1 '
nulld or Be HdetraokeoV
FOR ; PERSONAL INJURIES 'lwaco-shoalwater
district from the referendum. This ao-1 l. Rogers, J. A. Clemen son, W. J,
tlon. It la understood, has. been taken! T"nj, H. A. Thompson and ,D.'. C
and his letter is now on the wav to Mrness.
Salem, f ' :....
J-B. Burdette of Arlington is a vounr
lawyer of that town, about IS years of
age. Ha stands high in his community,
mu UM 17UjiUfcXUaaae W 111 U1WI W1LU UU I m
aiiuv qt no oppouuon. v i ' i i.
X ,'v.v;;,;,v'';r''l.'.-...!. TrJ' J :
C M. Levey, president of the Port
land & Seattle railway, came to Port
H?,?.. 447 on buslneae concerning the
Hill line's entrance into thla city. , He
had no definite statement to make re
garding the progress of negotiations
over the consolidatlon'of Hill and Har
rimaq terminal grounds. Preparations
are ' going steadily . forward. hnw,.
and tha negotiations are -atin m
way wun a fair prospect that a aat-
isiaoiory; conclusion will be reached.
- At the office of Edward Lyons, man
ager oi me ivorinern raclflo Terminal
company, it was said that tha clana tnr
enlargement and extension and the con
struction or viaducts are beina- held in
aDeyanoo pending the conclusion of ne
gotlallona between tha . rival com.
panlea. :, ' ';, , :
i.' (Teerwl gneelal ervle.'.
' New .Tork. May 7. Indictments
fcharglcg rebating in . favor of. the
- American Sugar Refining company were
returned today . by the federal ' grand
Jury against the Rock Island, Ontario
sna weaiem, mcago, uuwauioa ana
6t Paul . railroads and . the Western
'Transportation company. ?
'' Wr have a trunk full
bf ' new-fangled, novel
. neckwear. , -t ' '
The kejrnbte of styled
. this spring is cheerful
' ness. ..
, a V
, Here are scarfs that
: simply riot in color.
; ; Scotch plaids, large
. polka dots and contrast
ing colors, sage, myrtle,
...1a1' --: i T . '.'
pagne, plumand'gold.
.CailuihnPiqp r
'Ilea's and Boys' Outfitters.
" " e w a a AAA u V ka)
(Spaelal Dhpatch te The JoarnaL)
Bllverton. Or.. May 7. Tha lirhteat
vote In several years was polled here
yesterday at the city aleetlon. There
was but one ticket In the field, and Its
votes were cast Julius C. Wolf was
elected mayor, p, W. Poter, H. D. Mount
and' Julius AWn councllmen for two
years, L. E. Rauch recorder, and M. J.
Adams treasurer, by a unanimous vote.
On the question of authorising the
council to purchase a steam road-roller
a a cost or 12,800, there were but five
opposing votes. It, will bs purchased at
rut uiaa,
John Clark and John A. Clark, father
and son, are Involved In a squabble over
the administration of the estato of Mra
Elisabeth Clark, valued at 1165,000.
Mra Clark waa the wife of John Clark
and the mother of John A. Clark, both
of whom are connected with the John
Clark Saddlery company, 404 Front
street. , ' .
In an amended petition, filed in the
county court thla morning, ' the father
says that he agreed. with his children
that as there were no debts against
their mothers estate no administrator
should be appointed. ,. On March 1, says
John Clark, he had a misunderstand
Ing with his son about the saddlery
business and the son became very angry
and used harsh language to the father,
The petition says that John A. Clark
then had 'himself appointed -administra
tor of his mother's estate In order to an
noy i his father. The administrator la
charged with being unfaithful to and
neglecting hla trust, and It Is alleged
that if the administration is continued
it will result In a Urge accumulation of
COBtS. --... t; ".)."!,; ". if'y.
John Clark charges that his son, in
1(04, took away surreptitiously and
sold to R. Sutton property worth 1 020.
Two damage suits aralnat tha Port
land Railway company were Cled today,
one ror i& and the other for 18,000.
The first suit was filed by a E. Adams,
guardian of Lydla Adams, np to a short
time ago assistant manager for H. B.
Lltt, - It Is alleged In the complaint
mat on January 8. as Miss Adams was
alighting from a car at Third and Mor-
LINE INCORPORATED I UnreIentlng, but Clr,
Finally Decides That She
, Cannot Wait Longer. - "
(SdmUI Dimtek te Tfea Tnara.l t
Salem, Or- May 7. Articles of incor
poration of the Ilwaco Railroad com
pany wera filed today by William
Crooks, R. Blaladel and H. P. Conner of
Portland. It proposes to maintain a line
extending from a point on the Columbia
river near Ilwaco. and thence to a point
on nnoai water Jay in . Paclflo county.
(Joaraal 'pacta! SerHrt.
Los Angeles, May T. Chief of De-
teouves t. j. Bhea of Peoria, Illinois, and
Mlsa Alloa Mursh nf tha .lu.
rlson treet, a trolley wire fell, striking j Washington, also a Una from Ilwaco I ho had been sweethearts and engaged
!f n,sTsndering hsr unconscious by easterly to the town of Kriappton.
Tha company Intends to acquire nart
of the railroad controlled by the Ilwaco
Railway As Navigation company and the !
uoiuraoia V alley Railroad eompany.
The main office of the company will be
In Portland. The company has a capi
ta shock.
She waa very in for a long tlma and
as a result of the shock her mind waa
unbalanced to such an extent It waa
necessary to send her to the asylum.
It Is set out that she will .be an invalid'
permanently and that It will ba a great tal stock of 1360,000,
oiibvu vi wiii irexura ana im aoie 10
leave the asylum. . v . -
The second suit Is filed ttv Rmma
oneman, wno asas B,ooo damages from
the company Tha plaintiff alleges'
that she waa Injured by a street car
ia aiianung rrom a oar at Thirteenth
and Montgomery. The eompany had
provided no. gate for the rear slatform
and tha plaintiff stepped from tha car
in rront of an approaching car and
waa paaiy injured.
for tO years wera finally married hare.
The romance and courtship began in .
school, but Miss Murphy's parents
made strenuous objeotlona at that time j
and constantly forbade marriage. Tho
attaonment was . too strong for even
time to break, and last October Miss
Murphy cams hero to escape the par
ental ban on her lover, It being under
stood that ho would, coma and claim
ner in the spring, i
The wedding took place In St Vibl-
onos cathedral, former Chief Hurley
or we- reona police "department and
Mrs. Hurley being tho only .witnesses.
(Jonrhal Special servlee.)
Kfawa VnrV Man TJTh. Km.
Ing SUent Smith's body to tha church I HI AIM RATFR A I RPAHY
fully realised that, thla rh k.
built, aa the further and future; growth
of the city depends on It. - The South
em Pacific is building a road from
Drain to Coos' bay and 1 will probably
extend the line on south Into California
and In all probability make that the
main Una, leaving Roaeburg high and
dry. on a sidetrack, Thla meana" that '
Roseburg must at once get connection
with tha seaside,-v ; .,:';;'"' ' . .
Tho country through which the pro.
posed line will run Is one of the rich
est -sections In tha whols country. The
best timber lands on tho continent will
be traversed and the small . valleys
along tho road are considered tha -very
best . farming lands In Oregon. "The
country is also rich In minerals. There
is abundant water power along the line
for thai generating of electric power
and for milling' and, manufacturing pur
poses, ; -.; "7 , .
The Una will be about-100 miles long
abd none of this dlstanoo Is desert or
undesirable country j
; .i;,v",' ".; """''-;;!.'.. -v.-'W ,.''"''.',.'.'"'','-- '; ."-
Excavation Stopped on Portland
Seattle Line Until the Huge .
. Shovel Is Repaired. . ; '
(Toaraal Special Servfce.)
barely escaped a wreck In collision with
a runaway team on Fifth avenue and
Fifty-third, street The runaway rhaved
the hearse and missed the carriage bear
ing tha widow by but three inches.
2 (Bpeeial Dispatch te The. Jooraal.)
Salem, Or., May T. W. C Chandler
Tha Widow attended tha eh,.rh a. "f -w
loea at St. Barthoiom.wa iZi r. ?-"""g maowrn auway
H SU SHfllll n RP.HIRMPR Ioi. o, . bl. ut .n th, p
" " ' w " - i nlnsula ror tha Portland St Seattle rail.
road was stopped aa the result of an
accident Sunday night ' At that time a
sheave on tha end of the arm on the
steam shovel4 waa broken and the big'
shovel haa not been operated since.
. Repair work on the ahovel . is In
progress and the grading will be jre-
r. . . 'T"iiT;.'l. the will will be read followina- th. ,I ""rf..""-uAr""."- P0?" na .lM rong win do
:Z, " . r..J turn of tha relatlva. rm. wi.- I ""'' nierenceioaay wun ne sumed tins arternoon. :ai a rasuit or
ihi nl pAlned the the aooident Zi men on the night shift
He lays in the petition that as there! visiting patrols, escorting Imperial of-1
Fred Nathan, tha young Ironworker,
who was mistaken for a burglar and
shot by E. E. OUmer, manager of the
Waterhouse-Prlce - company, : Sunday
night at Eugene street and Union ave
nue, is reported to .be improving at the
Good Samaritan hospital. OUmer has
been given his liberty on $1,000 bonds
and the charge of assault with a dan
gerous weapon will not be heard until
Nathan Is convalescent ,-'
At noon today 21 o the big garbage
cana which, are to be distributed about
the business district had been placed.
Another load is being sent out by the
street-cleaning department thla after
noon. Thera are 60. in the lot. bought by
the city some time ago. .
Mystic Shrina today entered upon their
Second dav Of , faativltfaa ' Tha Amu'm
program began with a parade of the FATHER I OAKS VHQ
are no debts against the estate there floers and representatives to the Scot
is no reason for having an admlnis- tlsh Rite cathedral, where publlo ex
trator. ercises were held. After the Invocation
Tha father also aska tha court to ra. I and address nf wnlmma hn.h...
move his son from his position as ad- llvered the ceremonies included the de I any. .IB oxtremely anxious to know
minis trator, (and asks the court to ex livery to ImperialPotentatoClavton. hr
erciae us aiscreuon as to me necessity I me mayor, or a goioen Key to the city,
of having another' appointed. If the The first busineea session of the Im-
court eonsiaers an administrator neces- penai council followed.
sary, then John Clark wants to ba ap- Minneapolis and Bt Paul are after
ine next convention. It Is conceded that
Frank Curtis Roundy; ' Imperial debntv
poieniate, or unicago wu; be the next
imperial potentate.
schedule of rates in force on their line, and 60 men on the day shift were out
Parties at Marshfleld have complained I of a'Job for a short time,
of rates from that place to interior The men are la charge of D. D. Dav
Lllf IIIOriilM n r "T n . aoova una, ex i enport, xoreman ? ior urut emiia a
nld MlobllvU SON CMdlntr tna rte from PorUand and Company, contractors for the excara-
bb r rincuco, auuiougn me latter trar-i uon. The rumor nas oeen given cir
, fU-.0?.fh.n." M4 - "no of railroad. ;j! . - suit of food served to them. However,
Mr. Chandler contends that the rates I tile report is denied by workmen and
son.Pkir..nVrrrf ttom mora distant points In by the foreman. It ! absolutely ground
lioa this mamin, tha,i- 41. n.B"u W,UI nea are not less, tney declare.
. - m ' .v.... jumwi
ia missing-.
pointed to succeed his son.
(Journal Spedal Service.)
Seattle, May 7. Viscount Aokl, Jap
anese ambassador to the United States. I
will visit a number of Pacific coast
ciues ijus summer with the intention
of making addresses to his countrymen !
AQTnniA.rnDT otcicmc
riw i wi iin-i win iliLIIi) i
(Special tHspatch to The Journal)
Astoria. Or- May 7. -At a meetina
of the city council laat'evenlnr an nr.
ior me purpose or soothing the feelings I ainance was passed granting Messrs.
vi uioae wno nave taken deen offenaa Adair and McFarland a I
at the San Francisco school Incident l years to run an electrio
naries t. Takahashl of this city is I Astorta and Fort Stevens,
now in Washington and It was at his In- are to forfeit 11,000
vltatlon that Aokl deolded to visit the I is not In operation within one year.
According to the parent's deaorintlnn
i i coy is xi years oia, tail and slim
no tame in me iert leg. ; He waa
shabbily dressed at the time of his
disappearance and after drawing : his
wages .from the Eastern A Western
I Lumber' company announced that he
waa going away. .
W. E. Bradsord was arrested todav bv
Detectives Jones and Tichenor on
a fair remuneration for the services . Work on the out is progressing fav
performed and that these rates should orably. Considerable headway Is also
be advanced, also t at the volume of being made on the bridge across the
traffic and local conditions do noi war
rant a reduction In local rail rates from
Marshfleld to. interior points. If mat
ters are not amicably adjusted between
the "parties Involved a dato for a hear
ing will be set by tho commission.
:,.'.' i i i ai i , , i . '
WUUametto and the fill across
slough to the Columbia bridge.
1 Rural "Delivery by Motorcycle.
- (Special Dtspiteh to The Journal
SUverton, Or., May T. R. O. Allen has
Just received a new motor cycle, which
he will use in the delivery of mail on hla
rural route. 1 - ,
(Jon roil Special Strvlee.)
Salem, Or., May 7. The report
coaat cities. Much of his tlma will be
spent in uanrornia.
Morrison, last night, and took four boxes
Tha council also awarded cimtmMu I of cigars and cigarettes. H. B. Ingram.
for the 1ulldlng of an engine house at wh0 h elgar stor at 01 East Mor
Seventeenth and Commercial streets to Irtaon, witnessed th Crime ahd gavathe
cost )11,47S. h .. r . 4 ; I Information which led to Bradsord' er
painting the Lily. -Fashion
in flowers has taken a freak
turn In Germany of late and there I
certain circiea TQiy
found In natajtaf
cut with extra long
tinnra hafora thev reach
During the month the number cloned. 1 full maturltv. Than tha stalks are nut
discharged or died wa II. In water In which anllin dye have
The excavation for the new wing Is been dissolved. .White carnations, lllle
two-third completed and the brickyard and pansles are the easiest to dyo and
rminh ,n.i unnum jon - ana i icnenor an ii.v. .v ..... . . i
. . i - - - ; -i viiv past uiuiifcu puiuiium dj ouoenn I vrM t daman1 In
line between ?haxg. of vagrancy. It Is alleged that tendent Calbreat of h asrlum .how. ?EZLm aV?V. !"
. t Th parties n company witn otner young menBrad- 1,444 patient at that institution, of Th. .
in case tht una ""ra """"" ''r 'f whom , 911 m malea and IK f.rv,.l.. I - "
tisks lahaft' fill 4ea akana 'am 4V. t
:w.':.wl""".'w ? T.,- " ;;r D"c preparatory to uw construction
OF FOREST GROVE Pfr$450 troet Pr,nWr at the cost J gJX ? char r hur0f the superstructure.
.Mohawk BuHding. r.
(Jearaal Special gerviea.1 - :yh
i Birmingham, Ala., May 7. -A. R. Chis
holm, former paying, teller Of the First
National bank, was found guilty today
of embezzling 1100,000 and sentenced to
six years Imprisonment
. ?-V.Yi- - ,-miiw-j.w i
' (Jonrnsl Special Service.)
Boston, Mass., May - n, Th Moyer
Haywood-Pettibon protest 1 committee
today sent 11.000 to national headauar
ters for. tha trial fund. The committee
will try to rats 126,000 in this state.
; -i (Journal BptclU EetvlM.) -v
Washington. May 7. The Guatemalan
minister Informed the government thla
afternoon that he bad reoommended that
the differences .between Guatemala and
Mexico b arbitrated. -
nerel of Mrs. J. W. Fuaua iwhn tt
here Saturday, was held from the family
residence in this cltv veattrrfnT lth
miermenv in uuxton cemetery. Mrs. came here in 171 from Iowa,
her native , atata, In 1881 she was
unjiea in marriaga wllh J. W. Fuqua.
,'-.: -1
(Joonul gpecui Srrlp.)
'r nM Til v a. .
Seattle, Wash., May 7--Thre hun
dred Assyrians, experienced ' truckers,
have been delivered here during the
past two days and will b put to work
in the next day or two to. break the
longsnoremen s strut. Th water front
men declare It will break the union.
Th longshoremen have been gener-
Mlnnle Kngllsh was arrested this af
ternoon and placed In the county Jail
Klv the most natural results.
As the stalk sucks up tha water the
aniline pigment ia carried through all
the fine vessels of the blossom and de
posited In its cells, so that after a few
hours Its color ' is completely estate -llshed.
Sometimea strange and . even
beautiful effects ar aecured by stop
ping the coloring process before it ie
eomplet. Th whit petals will then
tie delicately veined with green or red
augurated, but- a slight 1 slump took
Springfield. 111.. Mav T.-Thi n.M. tkk .
.w. -vvwuipanyuia: diiis aesigned who "was going to work.
to give an entire new COda Of ! f Th. .unnl.tlnn - mimMi t nrnnlM
th government of Chleajwv a h.. I in rTifrtTifM s.njl ntitf Thsk tsl tai In nrrvA
power to carry out th Burnham plans here. " This may bring on a general
T . V ""'""u-. were passed by etruce on puget sound.
""" (Special Dlspstrh te The Jnerail
Forest Grove. Or.. May 7.A houaa
belOnalna tO J.. B. NaWtnn mnA ltumm,A 1 filial. Va1 n If th. Aa1a. Mn.. inuiMib
vu mo uiwi vi uonia; a .swrnpuci tiw norm eno. or Main street was I fully used.
of Amelia Pyatt, th "whit slave,", who completely destroyed by flr lata lastf-Bino th discovery that th flowers
was arrested some time aro on the I niirht. Tha loaa ia in. tha noie-hKnrhAn I .imni awa hra a -.. ,,f.
Charge of paralng orgd hclta.s.--?':--- of t7wlth no lnauranca. ;iii,u ii J cry among' floriculturists, who ore
Th Women Will DC arraigned In the I Tt la thoneht that tha o.n.Ml nmmM tha niwui mk mitnnnn, nni
Criminal court tomorrow morning, Mln-4 from an Incubator In' tha nnrth an' n I on nature, hoth Innrtlatln mr,A vnlaar.
ally orderly sine th strike was in-jni English on the charge of forging th woodshed. ; The Newtons had been Thia does not prevent, the demand for
the checks and Amelia pyatt on the I cleaning house, and had. put all their I the dyed , flowers from spreading.
cnarao 91 pa.oing mem. , , 1 clothing ana. rurnitur upstairs, hence
nothing waa saved. . J. B. Kewton haa
VlimWfJ WIIRRP Hfll n 1 been an mvaiia ror several years.
Forest Grove, Or., May,
unmim . uicu a,l COrnellUS
Saturday with what was thought v..
spinai moi'isii'B. . -
; Third. Workshop Inspector. '
Salem; May 7. Edward D. Trumhnii
of Salisbury, . Baker county, has been
ppolnted Inspector of workshooa bv
Commissioner O. P. Hoft He la at
present with th Wisconsin Lumber
company pianing mm. ue was well
rnciom mended. H WiU bealn nrk
June I, , '
: (Journal Special SeTvloe.) '
Shanlko. Or.. May 7. -Meager
detail of a Are which destroysd !
tfie entire : town or Itent, ore-
goa. 15 miles north of here, this
morning, hav been received but
It is Impossible - to learn any
particular because the wires
-. have, gon down. . v .:. .: .-', a
. Kent I a town of several hun- 4
- dred inhabitants and had about 1
Duiminga. xne report says
. that every - building . was da '.
V- stroyed ' . . .
The Visiting Nurses' association held
It annual meeting yesterday afternoon
at Trinity pariah house. It was decided I A meeting of th Democratic city cen-
that ? campaign of education aralnat I tral commute ; ha' been: , called by
luuorvuiuvi. ira mauRui.ica, -ma tnflt
renewed efforts be made to aecur a new
county hospital. - Father Sherman of
Chicago, Mra S. M.: Blumauer and Dr.
E. A. Pierce delivered short addreesea
The subject of Dr. Pierce's address waa
"The Care of Tuberculosis." .
Early Spring on the Plains.
From the Denver Republican.
The tent is makin' musio
When tho vagrant. raindrop .spat!
xn prairie aogs have set in
For a good, old-fashioned chatf -:
The meadow lark Is sin gin'
In a voloe of llould gold, ' v ,
And the breeses oft the mountains
New mysteries unfold. v
. I for. tas nomination next year.
(Joutoal Sneeial Brlpa.l .
WaShlnaton. MaV ,. 7f:anaarvatlva I ia mill k. th. t,mrA nku. ,A
Democrat are certain that a cllauetis be met bv the convention, and on then
trying to start a boom for Cleveland t thr consarvaU ves and radicals will dt.
vide. ...v 1
n.nru Vt. Thnmaa. ennntv etiilmt.
Tnursoay evening, xne purpose or the The she wolf on the mesa
meeting is 10 consiuer campaign busl- start for hom upon, th runj
nesa , . . , -, . . . (She's roin' where her vnlf
A ra nlavln' In tha aim ... f . .
One Washington correspondent says I There's a stream in tha a m.. -
mo pruiMii. wiviho laaua, ratner Ana it s gurgnn ilk a brook: '
than th -candidate, la th burning que- It's th last of winter's snowbanks
tlon with th Democrats, and the radl- That hav fled 'for King Chinook,
cals of th wect and th conservatives ftsf;r....:-r ? , " ,
of the south and east will fight It out The hilltops ' ar a-turnin '"
in convention.1 Th particular kind of . From brown to tender rraan ' : :
tariff to be advocated and th soope and (And th "newborn lamb ar playin
extent of federal control of publlo utlli.
Where th herders' tents ara a..n.
Thera ain't no robin redbreasts.
And there ain't no apple trees.
But fer downright Joy In springtime
Civ m th plain land, plea