The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 07, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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... , ' ' ' - ; " ' . Tom Richardsoa sad Senator Fultoa for
vvorKen Tor ureater vregon re the visitors.
Royally Welcomed at Every
Leaving The Dalles at 11 p. ra. tHe
tired tourlata Immediately retired, aria
Ing in time for a vlH of an hour and
naif at Elgin thla morning. Hera, too,
the Portland in en wtre heartily greeted
and declared their stay w all too
abort.. .t'.. '
- After brief stons at Xmbler and Alicel
TIME THROUGHOUT TRIP f Pr'r f,"-ived at La arande, which
. I place It wiU leave, at ;I0 o'clock thla
erternoon. The pilgrims loan rorwara
with great pleasure to tha vlalta at Hot
Lake, Union, North powder, Hatnaa and
Baker City, at which latter point they
will spend tha night being greeted there
by delegations from Sumpterand where
elaborate 'preparations have been made
for-their entertainment
One of " tha moat Interesting points
to be via) ted by tha tourlata la Hot
Lake where half an hour will be apent
In viewing tha big sanatorium conducted
by Pr. , Phy. This resort, located 818
miles east ef Portland, la to the west
what Arkansas Hot Springs are to tha
Stop on Journey.
Tom Richardson's - Solicitous Care
' ,' and Personal Interest of Railway
' , Officials Add Greatly to Enjoy
Burnt of the Pilgrims. ;
(Special DkiMtca te Tee lowaeD
I Grande, Or, : May . T Emissaries
of progress, representatives of Portland,
and workers for a . greater Oregon,
reached Le Grande, tha metropolis of
tno Grand Ronde valley, thla morning,
greeted by typical eaatern Oregon
aprtng weather with Its balmy sephyrs
. ana sort and alluring sunshine.
Welcomed by O. M. Richer, chairman;
J. W. Scrlber, Fred Myers. E. W, Darts,
i J. M. -, Berry, F. & BramwelL W. K.
Davis. E. E. Orton and waiter M.
Pierce from La Grande, the Portlaadera
MWMllM .;'
Petitions Will B Circulated for
Grade Between ; Killing- '
. worth and Prescott '-.:
The Nolta Jmproremant association
will elrcuJate petitions aaklcg for tha
Improvement of Michigan avenue-from I
KiUlnrs worth to Prasoott street, and
also for tha graveling of Alblna avenue.
Michigan avenue waa graded .18 years
Juvenile Organization of ,Y. M.
JO. A. Will Hold Convention
1 Two Weeks Hence.
. l a 1 A . . A aha 1 -. I V t . '
aau AVIiivuniMiiT i.vvu.vvv puwni .:u. ' a . i , . .
of water of ltt dtrnti tamoaratura H'M""'. -""i" w.iu, wU. . v.-
- - aw - a- - i Mnieai a r fRiaii aAma rna rAAV n
, (flpteUI Pupate! te Toe -Joaraal.)
.Salem, . Or , May t The Salem T.
ago but no Improvement baa slnea been M. C A, has completed arrangements
mads. Tha Nolta blub will also at I for S great boys' conferenoe here May
tempt to Secure cement walks for Alblna 18 and M. Dela.tes will coma from
avenue, which waa graded two yearg Eugene. Albany. Corvallla. McMlnnvllla.
It was aaserted last night that many I . , . . " " V
business men who were contemplating wl" "'T:,T"! ""
a start in business in the neighborhood DOr orgamsaHons. inviiauons wero
were not able to secure room. Men nrsi sent out oy .no saiem associauon
wishing to put in stocks of furniture, I three weeks ago and already a number
Jewelry, shoes and hardware oould not I of boys oluba have accepted and ap
eeoure tha necessary buildings. I pointed delegates. ; Beventy-flva to 108
A meetlnr will ba bald Thursday. May delegates fare expected, v This will be
8. at 118 Kllllngsworth avenue, to oom the first boys' oonferenot over bald in
plete the organisation of an association Oregon.
to erect a f lrehouse for tha new com
p&ny recenUy orwanlsed In the eom
flow from the SDrinss each day and
tha lake, which has an area of sight
acres. Is from 78 to 88 degrees la tem
perature , -t.
Sao tha OrehaxOa. '
Tha stop at Hood River yesterday af
ternoon proved to ba one of tha. most
already been taken, or the promise of
it, as soon as the company should be
regularly organised. :
Tha Nolta club will meet hereafter on
tha first ard third Mondays of each
month Instead of on each Monday oven
tng, as . they have long done. Larger
were escorted by the La Grande oom-1 interesting and instructive of the Jour-quarters ara also needed for tha club.
e mltte to Elgin, where they were wel
comed by a committee of Elgin business
' Brief Program.
Ther ware escorted to tha K. f P.
hall, where a brief program of addressee
, followed. Mayor D. B. Hendricks waa
Introduced by U B. Tuttle. editor of the
Kecorder. , T. W. B. Llndon, chairman
or tna day for the Portland party, re-
ponaea to Mayor Handrlckr addreas of
welcome and called on J. K. GUI, who
delivered a warm-hearted and brief ad
dress, Mr. Gill having visited the Grand
Honda valley IS yeara ago and noted
What has happened in these years.
Tha train and party Is under the dt
rection of General Passenger Agent Mc-
Murray, .Asslatant John , M. Scott and
Traveling Passenger Agent Jack O'Neill.
. It la on, time- at all points, the service
being above criticism and greatly adding
to the aucecea of the trip. The solici
tous care of the party by Tom Blchard
on deserves special -mention, j..
Last night's reception at Tha Dalles
was a fitting climax for tha eventful
Brat day of tha Journey.- From the mo
ment the ozourslonlsts arrived they
wero treated royally and pleaaent
memories of their hosts' hospltafcy will
linger in the minds of the pilgrims for
many tnoona. . .' . .... v.,-. .
Upon, arrival the axonrslonlsts were
ney. The travelers arrived on time and
under a blue aky and bright sunshine
lost no tuns In taking their departure
for a rldo through tha orchards. Noth
ing ' occurred to mar the pleasure of
tho trip and on their return they ex-1
pressed ' thamselves as highly . pleased
with their entertainment
(Continued from Pago One.)
No aiu has boon seleoted for tho
crematory on tho east side by tha city
council but tho matter has been re
ferred to tho council and la still under
consideration by tho ways and means
committee. Whan tho oommltteo ohosan
to select a site for tho crematory augS
gested a place bounded by East Eighth
and East Ninth streets on the one, sldo
and East Flanders and Glisan on tho
other, tho report waa not adopted by
tha oounolL but the matter was aant
the veniremen on tha nanal todar in
They aald tha ordr to determine tf thav ara a earn.
I01" 0JCBaM,.w.M WWI orw pete set Tha Wednesday procoedinge ;fc: .Tn,.
ana 'avarrDaaT' waa ninnr i A.....n w -'
' . w.ut varvimu vwmu ma rvwrua ui i . ,.w . .1
wiu urn ui uun nwa mmmj nw i..tiH.. rk. ha
their trip
and in a good humor.
2L r. Davidson, president Of thO HOOd lln hla denialan. Tha-Mirt will thaa
River Commercial club, A. D. Moo, seo- tak a recess until Thursday, when tho
rery, bd9 a targe commutes 01 dusi- sxamlnaUon of tho veniremen will be
ness men accompanied tho Portland 1. 1
delegaUon and pointed out . places ot Tha Alt V ta varw Aitl thla aftaraitAa
Interest Fifteen minutes waa spent In (.. ,, ouhraair i. .ntiMn.t
saying good-bye before tho party left TeaterdaVs session of oourt closed
After thO 'Visitors had given their I when tha araumant imi tha mntlM tit
slogan of "United' Oregon'' . voclfer-jthe defense that tha state bo forced to
OUSly, Supreme JudgO T. G. Halley Waslfll. n htll nt nartlmilara had haan hm.rA
Called Upon for a Speech. Mounting I When tha attornava had rlnlahad thalr
nearby box Mr. Halley said: arguments tha court announced that a
li B5.?w n,?a..r declelon on that point would bo banded
rviuuiu wmi i laini ma (duq em-1 down Wednesday.
nni.oi jiwa lurir lor am piauani
hour we have spent .hero today and
tha opportunity they ' have given us
of not only knowing of but of seeing
Hooa River. Portland is proud of Hood
River, and its enterprising citlaens and
wa want you all to come and see us.
If you want to, all . come at once, and
sr you need any help let us know.
$0 J:
Take them off If they hurt
you cannot wear the ''pinch"
out of a shoe. But you can buy
a shoe without the pinch, the
Hanan Shoe, for instance. Feels
as. comfortable as your stock
ing, built along graceful lines
ana holds , its , shape until the
last minute.
- 'Isn't such a shoe worth pay-
ng a utue more forr Hanan
Shoes for women, too.
An effort la being made to find a
central location in a suitable district
for tho proposed plant Tho flats, near
tho river among tho manufacturing
plants on tho oaat side, have been sug
gested as a suitable place and tho com
mittee wiu ' Investigate. Tha oommlt
teo desires to. secure a central loca
tion in order that tha haul may be
shortened, as much as -possible, as it
costs, as much or more to haul tbe
refuse to the plant as It does to burn
it onoo It Is tbero, . ;
Idaho Unionist WIU Do Published
! Dally lTereaXter.
(Special Dispatch to Tee JoereeLI
Boise, Idaho, May 7. Tho Idaho Cn
Suit for Ten Thousand Settled
for One Hundred While
Venire Is Drawn.
TV r Marnhv. former! fn tha Office
of J. C Stone of tho CorvaUis Eastern, P. A suit for 118,000 was compromised
and mora recently a resident of Los fr eizo m me circuit court this morn-
SrXSrZ' onded"to-by asMonlst of this olty 1. to mak. V1XZZ
tion. Ther were takaa fn equal number tor Portland, tho engineer pearanoo tomorrow as a daily paper, to in tho orflce or u a. uaioouei, aisu-icf
through the olty and had a snlradid blw whlsUa, HAU aboard." shouted issued in tho Interests of tha do- freight agent of tho Southern Pacific.
Tlaw of Columbia gnre-s. th onductor, .and Portland's business f V Staunenberg murder case. Guy L Anderson has been advanced to
- . ".-a J. men were off. : - It was founded aa a weekly four years tho place of chief clerk in the oKce of
. v fianaoev ai TO SaUM. ' . . , nJt t. am fn tha Int..., - ..u. t.i tt m r amlahf inn!
la tns evcnlna a nanouet Im. il..a , v . n.i.. I Tht man. ,m.nt iuiuni.'.. u..n..n ll.- alth nfftaaa In
- . U , . " " - " l M.W. WIV .M01l. HUH ,.U .VltV IT I.I, t vuu .vj.i..i&.c WIIU I VI Wi. lOrl IU.UH ..uw.. "
- . " """Yr" aurpaasea any- intereaUng statistics showing the pros- Permanent narearter this latest addl-1 the FaiUng building. News ot Air.
tnlng ot the kind over hald in tha ni. I .v.. ...
- ki . . vnf lyniir v& iUKk.uiriTins nvramuiuii
wuuwh were maoe oy
Senator Whealdon, Mayor Kelley and
Jadge Lafca on behalf of the city, and
, vvnen you, fall , into- my,
aandt, I'll jccep- my eye on you
J until I put you where you be
longand what's rnore, when I
Jut you. into a polumbia suit, "
11 put you there RIGHT."
And that's the secret of Co-
luffibia tailoring' superiority
everything ig; done right? right
' tort of materials, right sort of
. workno skimping, no iliaht-
Apple crop 1808, 80 carloads. Fancy
Bpltxenbergs sold for per bushel
f. O. b. '. . -
Lumber output last four years, 888
008,000 ,feti value,; ia,tl6,000. - t !
Passenger traffic increaaa for ' last
cn - iliiaira vv fv ,
' Freight traiOo, out business Increase
last year (estimated! too per cent In
business Increase, 88 per cent over last
year. ; .-, .
Postofllco receipts for year onding
April 11807, 110,818.71. This Is dou
ble what it was in 1804.
Bank deposits April 4, 1808, 8180,
011.71. DeposlU May, 1807, 8841,000.00.
Number of acres tillable land in the
valley, 60.000; acres in culUvaUon,
tion to Boise's dallv newsnaners.
On inviUUon of Judge Fremont Wood
of tho district court and Manager Don
aldson of tho Boise Valley Electric
Railway company, an excursion com
posed of sevaral lawyers connected
with tho Moyer. Haywood 4 and Pettl
bono case, nearly all of tho out-of-town
newspaper correspondents and many
othera went out to tho new town of
Ustlck, west of Boise, yesterday to see
Judge Wood's and Other 'orchards in
mat section. Kerreshmonts were serv
ed at tha Wood ranch. Tho trip' was
very much enjoyed by the sojourners
In Boise.. '.
being drawn. It was tha case of Frank
M. Buecbel against Frank Mlchels.
Buschel brought suit for 810,000 dam
ages, alleging that ho had been In
Jured to that extent by arreat and 1m
priaonment maliciously v and without
probable cause. ' Buechel alleges that
February 10 Mlchels prooured his ar
rest, on a charge of larceny and that
bo was imprisoned at the city Jail for
two nours, ana mat no was under ar
rest from February to antll March 1,
when ho was discharged as not guilty.
niniimrspn r-nnts nnor i wompiaini ovwnu aaa no
UldiVlldOLU rnUlVI rUO I I been In Portland for two years,
nas.a ramuy and has been In the real
Anderson's promotion Is received with
genuine pleasure by a large circle of
friends. :, . ..
. fjooroal 8dc1(1 Sarrlee.)'
Berlin, May 7. Governor Horn of To
goland. German Southwest Africa, flltfd
charges against himself in January,
1804, for ordering the punishment In
flicted upon a negro during the previous
year which bad caused the man's death.
His trial baa resulted in bis dismissal
from bis post and tho loss of one tETrd
of his pension. The testimony showed
that tho negro bad stolen 600 marks.
vv ; I rhlmt a Suut a4 e A. i tnat tno negro naa aioion suw qiiru,
Teachers employed In public schools We oecnt Bervlce Bent to tlJeror tnl. h M bean brutally floggd
Trial by the President.
of the city, 14; pupils enrolled, 876.
Population of the city of Hood River.
8.600: DODUlatlon of valley (estimated) I (Journal Bpeclal Serrlee.)
8,000. : . Chicago, May 7. It is reported today
Englneer-a estimate of the water that Chief Wilklo of the arovsrnment
power la tho stream of Hood river, 10,. secret service is en route to Bolsa with
and tied to a mast for 14 hours in the
sun without food or drink; from which
treatment bo died.
000 horsepower per mile for 10 miles;
total 100,080 horsspower. .....
City has electrlo lights, gravity sys
tem water- supply from large spring,
prst siaes sewer system.
Town and Surroundings Visited-
Lavish Hospitality There.
(Special DUpateta te The Jon ma L)
a oorps of sleuths to watch the Har
wood trial, aa personal representatives
of the' president He will report exact
conditions of every move and investi
gate all of tho evidence.
(Continued from Page One.) :
estate bualness. and that the . arrest
caused him great humiliation and dam
ago. Answering tho suit, Mlchels al
leged cthat Buechel bad taken a hot
water boiler from 106 East Washington
street and carried it away, and that
there bad been probable cause for be
lieving Buechel cullty of larceny.
Tno case came up tor trial la the olr-
cult court this morning and waa as
signed to Judgo Fraser to hear. When
six Jurors had been accepted the regu
lar panel - was exhausted and Judge
jrrazer ordered a special venire. While
tho parties to the suit were waiting 'for
the special talesmen to report TSey got
togetner and effected a settlement.
When court convened again, tho at
torneys notlned the Judjge that a settle
ment bad been agreed upon and asked
that the case be dismissed, each party
to pay nis own costs. The Judge, ordered
this and tho Jury wan dlacbargcd. After
the Jury left tho courtroom one of the
attorneys stated that 8126 had been of-
(Joaraal Bpeelal ffarvfce.)
San Joae Cal., May 1. Tho grand
eourt of California, Foresters of Amer
ica, aasembled hero today for its first I fered by the defendant and accepted by
ion law v, uif (awr .omivu i m piainuil.
of last year having oeen aoanaonea on Attorneys Ed and A. R. Mendenhall
account of tho earthquake. More than appeared tor Mlchels. Buechel waa rep-
iuv aeiagBvaa irom u iikm vi ui wwi resentea or Jonn jr. iogan and John CL
thla Mtln I ars n aiwnuauca, a no iua moaiinsr, i HmilOCK.
wbiob will last three days, promises to I
Give Columbia
Tailoring One
' , We'll rest 'our reputation on
one trial.' Let us make you one"
.suit ''"Columbia way." If it
isn't the most satisfactory, most':
.stylish; yon have had' in .a long
."time, , and. the best , value, ' we
won t ask you to take it
t -Could vsj-'ehow our earnest-
' ness in any more positive man-
" neff Could mnyprpposjtjpn be v i
more lavoraDie or oner less nsK
r to you f Doesn't it seem to vou
that we have a good deal of J
lauii in our auiuiy 10 uu wuat
we claim? Let , us orove it
"TODAY. ' ' , ,
Suitaf;,.. ..f20 to $40
Trousers .9 to f 10
highly probable that
wiii xina vanz in a mAwAmM. a.
The tulles. Or, May 7. At halt-paat fer upop,taBo an independent nomtoa- onV nnuBUBl to the mem-
yesterday afternoon the tourtng dele- tion for mayor. In addition to the nn ct oraer
gallon of tho Portland Business Men's inatlon alraad iSL v "-"I i r.
as-ociatlon, numbering 77, arrived In Democrats. Many Republlcansi who. hi!
thla lt hv anarlal train. , Tha vara I . n" wn0
"J J. ;mViZ. .71n-TV i i "Wlr Pry registrauon, bad no
mot by a committee oonsieting of J. I opportunity in tho nrlmariea tn o..
Kelly, E. X McCoy. J... Peters, E. M. thr preferenooXowmavorr!
Williams, J. C. Hosteller. J. S. Bchenck. ua..,.. . tff.! !2.r.?y2'' "
. . - . is awwiuuM uicii triBiiM arnrsvi
FrcnTLa rTS
juran onipea, m. a. mooay, w. ru Hon
son, T. N. Crofton,
Frank Menefee, Jo
. ' i4iiairwou
in ait par.eor tno municipal govern
(Joaraal flpedtl Service.)
..y.Ji-'rMt has seen, fit to bestow for ail
vvfuva UBinij nuugm acpuij ner-1 wn. a ho, .rtw .AVnAwrU ' . "
Outbreak of False Puffs.
' . . From Vogue.
On every side one sees evidence of
tbe violent outbreak of puffs, curls and
douDie twists which constitute the bul
wark of . strength In the fashionable
coiffure Of the cay.
No longer is it in tho least necessary I
to oonnne oneseir to the hair which
Joh- ofvlnw"1
.aTVk Puttin, to -the field a csen.' tick- H S nl extraneous auho
hi. ,.!. ' . J T. . wins are no longer the dernier on,
aim Biua waa nvaou wj bjiu urn wqp I howavor. for nuttm h.v.
ment which 1 b ieocoTd Place and offer poasibliiUeT ta tH. way
policies whldh Mayor Lane represents. -SijEfW of natural effect not to be obtained
This feeling Is esneclaU .trn iJ , one,r-. "?r ?'n' U ' by any other form of adornment. Th.2
brnaM w
year, to tho oarrylni ? out of" Tho 7 QmrtMt They retire very little skill In'.d
forms which Lane has urged. of Butte 6. justment and any one with an Idea of
. ..-r.r- ??"T thm look
flC APPIICCn MADIMCI , OrUIVHIVC lis I end I H I C f,"?" a great -advantaga
wi -iaw vaar inniiiuti
E X .C L U S I V E
J l l l i t t
The Finest in ;
$20.22 to $5 o.oo
If the front of coat of a Chesterfield Suit
breaks back or otherwise' loses it3 shape iri
one year's wear we will give ciistomer a new
suit free. j - '
R. M. G
Great Success of Lennon's Umbrella Sale
Successor, to JOHN ALLESINA, 14 Yean at S09 MorriMa Stnot.'
Closing , Out Allesina's Magnificent ' Stock
of Umbrellas at Discount of 33 per cent r
Fine Glorit Umbrellas, Men'g and Women's, 26 and 23-Inch,
' reduced from $1.00 to ............. r... i,.,,..e7 -
Silk Gloria Umbrellas, itlen'i and Women's, reduced from
to ... ;.........JBOe
Allesins's Silk Umbrellas reduced from $2.50 .."..........fLeT
Allesina's $3.50 Umbrellas reduced to.;,........... ;.,.fa.84
Alletina's $3.00 Umbrellas reduced to. . ..................... $3.34
Allesina's $7.50 Umbrellas reduced tov,., ............95.00
a ........ VV.
Higher Fr(ced Umbrellas Prbportlonately Reduced. '
Prlna, J. B3. Fait, ; F. A. Beufert, T, K.
Seufert, A. Keller, Victor Marden, J, A.
Reuter. T. F. Bonn. T. A.. Hudson. W. E.
Walther. aC A. Vogt. N. 3. BlnnotM"W,
H. .Wilson. Frank Gunning and B. 8.
Spaeial entertainments for the guests
had' been provided at the Commercial
clubrooms. Blrgfeld's orchestra dls
coursed muslo during the evening and
the elegant . elubrooma . were crowded
with guest s Including the most promi
nent people ef The Dalles. Judge A. H).
take presided and Mayor Kelley wel
comed - the visitors ; in - an eioouent
speech, full of wit and wisdom. He was
In the coiffure ; of that period t whioh
(Joernal Bpeelal Barrica.) .
nnn.i mr mn . er m ' ' wm i . . .
.. -nr. .v vr. I : - - " MiuMO
followed bv Senator Whealdon and Torn Boston. Mass.. Uw f-Mnla Kd. Un .f th. luut. r.i n . J "'9 lu"n ere .Deep a.
BlChardSOn. Who SPOke dlrectlr OH the I ward J. Ijn of the marina earna waa I vno.k tlrilllna- enntaata Waahlnirtftn. Ma- .- aiienng COinure than that Of
vvuunivi.! vw.- ..vbu i Diacea on iriai in ma unitan Htataa aiis. i no. Aiomana. urtiun. uuiuraao tna
tne northwest. Aaaison Bennett, the cult court on th nhmrg0 of mur. I BriUsh ColumbU miners ere eligible.
Fulton spoke of
the northwest.
creased attention in the east,
nd4 then Senator derfng johnT Qulnn a fTliow marfna. The purse will be divided as follows: Z?!" e"li.
the great Importance of , " Z , nn' rT Couble-handed contest, first prise, 8600; -,v th? Sri d.Pft,--
wfcich Is attmc4ng In- f th VnllM 8ut naval sUtloti at ,ondT 80 Mrd. 8180-single handed Tha n,w ''ador of the United
am tbe eaat.- v.v 0ntaname. Cuba, last November. f,!!" 7Ji-2' ? Jf ,nnaM' States. Henrv White, has the alft rf
A i A 1 . . a. . I afantal ..luutauu..lklt(t I . I ..11 . . I . ' . . , 1 . I .AnM.... 1. 1 . . . ,.
wci iuui j jnia. a. v Biiaiiaa, 1 -" jv"..!!.,-i w aaiu, -wui I- Uunh anar II IA 114 liuft M minimi
Miss Myrtle, Michel! and H. O. Miller, be offered, aa defense. . : ' ' exhtbita this vear at the fair ami a
A quartet consisting of Mesdames C P. , 'lu.''Vr;yX-ti iu.., n,in-vaiua4 a non ta tn ha a-in
Williams, B. Shuntlngton, H. Taylor, N. lAkan W. Tb. V. .. aa tnr tha haat .rhiMt.
3. Sinnott W. H., Wilson. Frank Qua- i wmi moaaurci .
tilnap and n. H. WunMnrton aJaa aana- I For a BUlt WS do SO with ha ttatihla nK
These were assisted b v Droralnent 1 Jot of giving you a perfect fit amt ra.
clUsens, who took the visitors through fleotlng a little eredlt on ourselves,
the adjacent eonntrv. ahowine- tha fruit (Come and see us about maklna vou a
las. . . . . . ..... . . 1 . I MAn. . V. A. ...11L. . .... f
lianas ana ine dossidmiuss oi aeveiop I "UJ " j'n. uaiiy grays or
meat m future. The Portland men ex-iorowna, ur nninyxon navy serge. We
pressed . themselves ; as gratified and guarantee pncesio ne correct
nlaaet with tha advantae-eetu. ltual-lnn ' Q BCHAEFKR A CO.
of the land for the growth of any epecies I Merchant Tanors. Booms 10 and 11,
ex rruit. . ,:- . ..;v;- ?-;.;i.
In the evening a ladles' committee,
consisting of Mesdames A. SL Crosby. II.
w ir. j.aa.. wrt -n.. . -bt a vn s - .
' New York, May 7.- A statement by
Mrs. "Albert Patrick Indicates that her
husband will seek release on habeas
corpus grounds and that he was tricked
Raleigh Building. 888 Washington iZZ ..... hi.
, . ... " -
am pceciet;
' " ' Manager.
Blakeley, J. 8. Bchenck, T. J. Seufert," JH; j Bradsoaw, Carltoa Williams, El E. Fe'r
lfZ?. ,iBiMi?VI'.JBrtMw'lBaoau N. Whealdon and B. a arating.
H. Wilson. EX O. McCoy, J. C Hosteller, 'on, had charge of the vlaltora.
Morgan Given Two Years.
James W. , "Kid" . Morgan,' aged 18
years, was ararlgned before Judge
Charles EL Wolverton this morning for
tongues, whio". la not generally the case
wnn nis countrymen.
f . Some time ago he was at Venice with
his wife end-daughter., t Each took a oup
of tea at a garden.. Not far from them
at another table were seated two Amer
icans wno aid not know the, diplomat
iu Dei,- Ba4a one the Yankees al
ways befc-'that he is an Amsrtcans lia
iookb qui tor me laaies. ..Vy ,. .,.....
"No,". saiU the other, "he IS teiigllsh.
He lias already drunk three cup of tea.
An Amoricaa would be content ' with
At that moment a waiter annearad.
The ambaaaador addressed him In un-
misuucame -tmijan;-
-nam cnea tne Amerioans In the
same preaui. . .tie's a Jtoman."
. .i i tim. . . . vjnanea tu. wo
m .aauit hi vi' Passing raised bills and was sentenced
all present and the result will be more
harmony, neiween roruana ana the In
to-two years at McNeils island and to
terlor towns.
The Portland visitors left at ti b cio,
! pay a fine of 8S66.
Huntington, at Welser and Payet
Idaho, at Ontario. Oregon, and CaldweiL
Nampa and Boise, Idaho. 'Returning,
they will visit e arande. Pendleton and
Will Entertain Woman'r Club.
''Mrs. W. Wynn Johnsoa win enter
tain, the educational department of the
woman's club at her home, 881 West I Tenf tt.
Madison streets Thursday afternoon t thinks ha has aucceedad. In aniirin
.. Ij80. All membef f are cordially Invited. J probUm by the simple process ef get-
Tame Wolves, v '
, From the Ixndon Globe. " ,
-, Can wolves be permanently domesti
cated T Thtf question Is one on whloh
there Is no conclusive evidence. .Per
haps the most that caa be aald is that
the exletenoe of wolves tame la the
second generation Is hot on record, v
M. Moscn, a Swiss gentleman living at
uaa, iiowerer, sucoeeaed. or
Your request for
At. your grocers Is evidence of your recognition
v N of a highly superior bakery product
5 cents
per loaf ;
.- V j
1 'kill'
At all
Insist upon the loaf with this label. "J
ting hold of a eub scarcely tiree months
old ana bringing u up as a pet untu
It will not only follow .him about the
streets and play with dogs, but will let
itself be most familiarly caressed,- -Re
peat this through one or twe genera
tions, says f. Mosoh, end you have
wolvss aa dogs. - la those "one- or two
generations" lies the rub, and ' M
Mosott seems to forget that . evea
tigers have been kept tame to ma
turity. , .
It may be added that Bunon relates
an experience of bis owa whioh la not
encouraging. He else brought up a
young wolf, which led a blameless and
even happy life In a poultry shed until
It vu Unoatlii eld, and then In a
alngle nlgnt killed every fowl without
eating one. His conclusion Is- that
though amenable " to domesticity till
abu 8 months old, their wild In
stincts then reassert, themselves irre
sistibly, ,
Man to B Feared.
From the Catholic Standard and Times. " U
"Say," aald Xrs. Nurltoh. "v,,. Mh. ).
ers got to quit smokln his nina tha
parlor. Tou ll have to speak to him. He
won't mind ma" i r
piled Nurlteh. . , , .
: somethln's got to be did. J
i If ,1 wasn't afraid o' irarin1 .m
man toe bad I'd a-it th k...i
him." '
5 J