The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 07, 1907, Page 18, Image 18

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John C. Logan Declares Organ
of the Dusky Population
Is Libelous.
JuAgt Gantenbetn and jury In his
department of th circuit court mr Jv
in their attention today to tna trou
bles of a part of th colored population,
and tha court room la rilled wltn
dusky, crowd. , ' .:.'i."t-: : ".rsl:
John C .Logan, colored,' sued E. V.
Cannady and Howard Sproull, colored.
for $5,000 damages for libel In aa artl
cla that wa published In tha Adro
cate, a weekly paper that circulate
araonc colored people.'. Cannady and
Sproull are alleged to be tha editors of
the Advocate. , ,.-
- Iogan charrea ; that Cannady and
Sproull,' through v. tha Advocate, Bald
they took "pleasure In denouncing Lo
gin aa an unscrupulous . lUr,. and - a
,' would-be grafter. , Also , that . Logan,
' by hit lying, had laid himself liable to
perjury charges, and' that if he were
forced to. take th witness stand he
would crawfish. A long quotation from
the Advocate, giving pronounced views
aa to - Logan's ability aa a liar and
grafter la quoted in the complaint, and
in his suit Logan alleges that tha Ad
' Yocate's statements have damaged him
to the extent of $5,000. i
Cannady and Sproull contest the pay
ment of damages, and state In Justifica
tion of their statements that they are
substantially true. Canady and sproull
are represented by Attorneys J. H.
Hitchlngs and X E. Magers. McCants
Stewart and Robert O. Morrow appear
for Logan. ' '
Eight Foreigners Pass Tests Very Judge Frazer and Commissioners
Satisfactorily Before Judge ' Will Decide Soon on County
Wolverton In Court. v - Detention Building.
Medium and light weight
: Loyd Burtiawho was to navs been
tried yesterday before judge Fraier
or-a- cha.rga.of contrlbutlngl9L:jth de
linquency of . mma Mavis, , aged 16,
failed .to appear in court. He Is under
a $200 bond and when leaving for 8 cap-
poo se, where his ' attorney, John F.
Watts, says the youth may be- found,
he wrote, leaving the mater in th
hands of Attorney 'Watts to deal with
: as h saw fit. . . :.
The attorney will enter a plea of
guilty and senteno pronounced
Friday by Judge Fraier. If Burtts Is
not present to receive sentence his bond
will be forfeited. ,
Eight new.cltliens were admitted tol Preliminary plans for thepew deten
th United States In $0 minutes by tlon home for the Juvenile court have
Judge Charles E. Wolverton In the I been drawn and are being Inspected to-
United Butea circuit : and district I day by Judg Fraser and the county
court " yesterday. ' Four were admit-1 commissioners. . The detention borne ."is
ted in each court and. considering th t be built on a four-acr tract in Cen-
requirements of th new naturalisation ter addition, near the Montavllla car
law, the speed with which th men line, that was donated for the purpose
swore allegiance to the United States by Dre. 8. A. and E. C. Brown.
constitution Is said to b a -word-1 Th plan , under v construction ar
breaker In tha federal courts. for a buildingtwo Stories high. With
Those In th circuit court cam first, a commodious basement. Accommoda
and dottlnh f. Uaaa- was th first man tlons for children are provided. Dor
to be sworn In. Although JBaag does mltorle for 40 boys, with a room for a
not know who th governor of Oregon I mat attendant, and baths, are on th
Is, b knew enough to erv it months eond floor. r The girls' dormitory,
as a soldier forms unuea states in i wnicu. nu room r w , uw
th war with Spain, and was aUowd first floor near the superintendent's
to renounc th emperor of Germany to quarters.
become a cltlsen of th United Stat, The toy and girl ar acit pronaea
Oottlelb Scherslnger renounced on re-1 a separate readingroom piacea on in
nubile to tak us another. Bcheralnger I second floor. In th basement Is to be
oam to America from Switserland and I a workshop with sulUble tools, where
was admitted after successfully answer- It Is planned to glv th boys useful
lng the usual queations put to candidates I Instruction.
for admission. Carl uustav, Btrom ex-i until tn piana nave neen nnaiiy ap
prised preference for th United State I proved by th Judg and eonnty court,
over Sweden and was admitted. George th exact cost of th new building can
Vondran renounced Germany to become I not b determined, but It Is believed It
a cltlsen of the United States. , I will coat between $5,000 and $10,000.
In th district court, Frank Wolf, a Judge rraser said this morning that b
Silk . . :
Silk and Lisle
Pure Linen
v Balbriggan
$1;50 to $17.50
-Per Suit.
Incomparable '
Neckwear styles of very latest patterns. -
-j and designs : "
Metiger fits your eyes for $1, $41
Washington street, corner Seventh,
formerly at 111 Sixth street .
farmer, proved to th satisfaction of th
court that h would mak a desirable
cltlien and was admitted.' Charles An
derson, , stated that th government of
Oregon was sometime jDeraocratlo and
sometime Republican; giving, the for
mer nrecedenc at the present time be
cause Governor ChffmDeriata. IS a Demo
crat He cam from Sweden and was
admitted.' . . ,
On of th witnesses for Fenton A.
McCarthy furnished a relief to the
grinding monotony by stating that his
nam was Patrick parragb.
"Do you spell your nam D-a-r
f-a-g-hr asked United States District
Attorney Bristol.
"Yes I do, and you ar th first men
who . ever, spelled It correctly. ans
wered th witness. '.'..'.. ;
'That's because I am Irish." replied
th federal attorney, who traces his
ancestry back to England.
McCarthy was admitted, as was Mayer
I. Barell, who cam from Roumania In
l0.v - . . y ". . i. '
hoped to have th detention horn ready
for occupation this falL
Th 4 -acre tract on. which th bom
will be located provides plenty of room
for -playgrounds for th children, and
part of it will be cultivated. Under the
direction of W. O. NIsley, superintendent
of the detention home,. the -' Juvenile
court boys ar now at work planting
potato on a part of the ground.
Th present detention horn at 1001
East Salmon street is merely a prt
vat dwelling that was leased for the
purpose and is now entirely Inadequate
to the need of th Juvenile court ' It
Is " th boy from this detention borne
who ar planting potatoes on th sit
of their new home. , '
Corporation Counsel Ellison of New
Tork City, in reference to tha Manhat
tan subways soon , to b cfmmenoed,
says that h favors a contract calling
for sight hours' work a day and a pro
vision.' that th work b performed by
citizens of th United States. '';.,:...,.
Spedri Dispatch to The Joaresl.) '
Pendleton, Or, May 7. AJ0.000 club
with a prospective membership of 500
young men has . been talked of In Pen
dleton," anrlMs now materialising. -A
charter membership of nearly JiOO names
has been secured. The club Is" for the
purpose of aiding th city In lis growth
and making a population twice as large
as It has If possible. '';; v-r..-
II ' Qnn
Gentility Shop
SlfKOtUSON ST., 0pp. Postomce
5J' 7
a i :
The relation'
the scenic surround
inn of home to
the life of the family
is important The
life that is reared
in close communion
with nature is the
life of deepest sig
nificance. Its power
it corelanve witn
the : power of the
forces i . of - nature.
The most natural
men and women are
the mostr powerful;
exert a greater and
better influence
than those who pass
nroucn me as
though their exist
ence u was an ex
cursion of- which
they had long since
grown tired. s
- fu
. The accompany
ing sketches were
made from Rose
City pyk and show
the remarkable
scenic outlook from
this , delightful resi
dence;7 location.
Mount Hood is -especially
Always an impres
sive view, it seems to rise directly
from the edge o Rose City Park, so
clear and unobstructed is the fore
ground. Mount St Helens stands
forth in refreshing splendor. At
morning, noon or evening its beauti
ful white peak seems synonymous "
with purity. Thev view of Mount '
Tabor is one of charming interest; so
domestic and comfortably settled, it t
looks a very cozy corner of retire
ment. To the west ties the throbbing '
city of Portland. Far enough away -to
be rid of the noise the smoke and
the dust, Portland, nevertheless, in-"
dicates activity by its forest of masb,
speeding cars and sky line of tall and
interesting buildings. Green of a '
thousand shades, from valley to moun- .
Sun top, the sparkling waters of the .
Columbia and Willamette and the
ever-glistening white of the peaks
' ' and long range of Cas- ,
"', cades afford a relief to '
?; the usual monotony of
' mountain scenery. Here
it is ever new. Home life
We now have thousand of Vegetable and Flowering Plants '
for Outdoor Planting, Good, strong, healthy, well-rooted
plants at reasonable prices. Call and make your selection for
present or later delivery. Last call for two-year-old Rose
Bushes, Fruit Trees; etc. - . .
i Don't Jou-AgIc'
For What You Yant
As long as you buy cigara in the old indifferent
guei-work way oJL taking whatever is handed ' '
out to you just so long will you pay for fro-
-'quent disappointments.
- Why don't you ask for what you want ? ;
i Don't guess which is the best cigar and don't
letonwwfssforyou. T
, , You cdfi be sure. The better kinds of cigars
are all distinguishable by the " Triangle. 4"
mark of merit pn the box. t
'f Triangle A" brands' . are ' unmistakably
superior in all smoking qualities in aromatic
? fragrance smoofh, uniform blend and 'absolute
' cleanness to' ciigars made the old 'way and '
"Triangle 'A" brands are the' only cigars made
thenewway.' ' - .
There. are many "Triangle A" bnmc
of many different, names, " different blends,;dif-(
f erent shapes and different prices to suit different
tastes. - The "Triangle AM;is: a guarantee that
. covers them .: all it- distinguishes i the ; superior
product , of ; our,, new scientific ' manufacturing
.methods. - ' - -
rHsHaBvrMBsHBMraWBvaata?saBvaBBrflBi ' "t .
No better proof of our claims'could beoffered '
than is found hv the -.wonderfully improved
. qualityf ; , ,! .......;-'
The New CRE3IO
whiA Tepresents the fest quty,that can be '
produced and sold for five cents it proves every
claim we make for. 'cigars sold under the
immmmmm' ,. t
Every box is extra-wrapped in glasshie paper, sealed
to maintain perfect smoking condition and cleanliness :
until the box is opened. ; ; . v; .
Y-lZfiJrZ- y-rr: :? 111 ujvV8, "y jrarK win
rJSSSM always have a perpetual
' . - ; charm, owing to the
grandeur of ;its natural
rtt e7 from JZOSECfTTPAlKl
fiartmari & Thompson, Bral$
This is our price -for the
pick and qhoice of one thou-
sahd Men's Suits which sell
regular and are worth $11.50,
$12:50, $13.50, $14.00, $15.00
If It was profit we were looking for in these special trade-building sales1 we would certainly have to go out of business.1 1 We
have conceiveiShe'idea that' there is a great future "ahead of a store that manufactures the clothing it sells taking the wool
from the sheep's back, weaving it into the finest cloth right here in our Oregon mills, then making the suits' up into stylish -eU
Triad, rlnfrttner an4 11ty tham qrait n t-Yim m. ...V, 1 "' i ..... . .' ' S ... . ' ' Nv.
& -""6 ,v" iuv..irMii uicuw sun. v aji uus now Dng aone Dy tms wooien miu store,
i and by manufacturing on a large scale we are able to not onjy make a saving tour Customers of aU middle men and .jobbers
.profits, but we sell the reliable pure wool article.' If you are not a customer here our trade-building prices are the magnetwe
hold out to draw you here. ' " , . , . j '
rrLJ . '
pm iniraana
I VLr StarR Sts.