IS THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 7, 1007. TODAY'S MARKETS ; Butter Market Is So Firm That the General Trade Is Not tooking for Any frrmWdiate Drop In Values -Storage Operations Heavy. SAY BOR IS jifieroie Persistent Rumor. Charges East 1 em Firm With Trying to ' v Get Control Her9. ' ''V Today's market features: ' a j Rumor of AroMwr controlling eif.' . Local cf market firmer. . -t ; Pol tow better tn spots. . , - ' - Onion are beyond recall. . ; - :- Roars advaac la previa looe. ' Strawberries show further Aeclla. . Cer cabbage and eeTeral ran baaan.l m ' V . Half doaea ear orange on track. .- t. t Cora nieel and bom Is adTanced. A :s 7 Cherry e.nelr-iaereeelas. - - - ; '-Great atrenfth in batter. . -i ; .t Hop Market llfb.tly flweVV,,; . ' , Xunor ef Armani Cratrelllng Err. "f ; Tber la penlatent rumor araonr tba whole- . mm trad tbat Anwar la quietly taking control ' of not only the poultry bualnea of tb Pacific ' Bortbweat, bat la twrlng np a large a moon t of , local err, and In tend bereafter to being la . brge lupplte of eaatera egge, which will be ,' etored her for winter ante. Both Armour and Swift Co. bar practically cornered tba local , poultry market; moet of tne supplte purchaaed ' by the local trad coming from tbe t Tb . latter concern la aald to bare apeclaHy prepared f quarter la thia'clty for the handling of tbe poultry eualae , chill roam talent pattern being roaatrocteil. It i aald. at tba plant of tli Union Meat company, now being operatea WHAT DEALERS SAY 7 OF LOCAL MARKETS 4 I, . By .Templeton Bros., ; , ' Th egg market baa been very '.::.) 4 sluggish tha last week and prices ', have declined slightly. Arrivals 4 . have been very fair and this caused the easier tone. : Receipts of poultry- have been , 4 . somewhat ' more liberal bnt not up to the ' demand. Consumers 4 4 have become tired of cold , itor- 4 air birds and are calling for e ' fresh stock. i ' 4 Dressed meats are unusually 4 ' strong considering th arrivals .' 4 and time of year. Small block , 4 . hogs are In unusually good de ; mand at top prices, : j. v .,-'...,..,. .4, .4,,,; ,t ,:, . L,i' OAfilAGE REPORT AT BUDAPEST Hungarian Crop Said to Be In " jured -Causes ; a Shap'' Advance Over Europe. ' aackt barraln. 1.0O1.28i eahhace. tmtM: toroatoce, nenraaexuo) norlda, 4.oO'J8.WJ iiamuiiia. vucii atnna oeana. ide ier to; caollflower,, l.Sft10 doa: peaa, Uti'. pamnlpa. K)ci($1.0O; atrlng bean, lie vtr IbJ honeradlau, Co per lb; artleboken. TUcelllA) per doc; - aatnmer naab, J3.00 , per bni; cranberrlea, - 110.00 11. 00 ' , per barml: anrouta, J ) per 7 lb; aaparairne, lSHc rhubarb, SUe per lb; green anion. I6e do; Florida bell peobera. Site ner lhi anlnaeJi. II 2.1 per boa; head lettoce. 40c do; notbmme, 11.75 tr box: cooamner. Slfltl.BO do: ndlabe. lfle do bnncbea; eggplant, 20 per lb. VK.IM.U ruviin Apple, era porated. uf Te per lb; apricot. 18H20o per lb; pecchM. ner lhi ut U. MB IK (Mat imM. 0 to 40, 5tc; He drop oa eeb 110 mller le; fig, California blck. eOnWe per ; Ibt HfOrnia White. R6tHU.r, Mr lhi Amtma mMm $8.60 pw box; tarda, fl.40Ql.fiO per II lb boa. . Sraoariea, aTata, Zte, HTTO A R I'.lirnml. J . . Hawaltatt Viha. Wlo7; powdered, $3.T2H: berry, 371i: dry 1 Deo aranaiatea. Htar. zs.2bi eonr. A. f5.0VMil extra B, 14.42 Hi golden C, I4B2V; Advices " from Chicago state that tha market Is getting help from another source besides the crop damage news,. Trade that formerly : went to the bucket shops located In the .vicinity of Chicago Is now entering the', regular .'market,, ihua affecting. the market'a.tone In a legttlrhata way and urisetttng the calcula tions wf the trade. From Buda pest the report comes - of much damage to the Hungarian 1 crop, v resulting In a sharp advanc there and In Liverpool values. LOU DILLON .. AI TEN CENTS Price Makes a New Low Record ' 'iT-Cailing of Loans Sends' i All Values Down. y, J. ( ColnmWa Ut....f .09 Jumbo ......... .85 Jonibo Zlt.k... .lit Vernal .01 ' Nevada Boy , 01 O. Columbia,,.. ,M OOtDFIRLD LOSSES. Way Julr Bept by Swift - Company.. Inqnlrt among caantry I O yellow. t4.82tt: beet cranulated. tS.12. weaiern uuoe, io.S7ft; powdered, a.JH alilppera abowa that tbe eaatern mea bar been . rattier ggrele in their eoUdtatloa of con- ' alcnnMU tA thia eltv. : Tbe local egg market 1 firmer c1 aceoaat of tba amaller arrival and th very a eery cold torag opera dona. Moet ot tb sale today are reported at llttv alt bough aom ara atlU being made at 18H- ' "'- ' Cblckeni abow bat fractional Inereaaea la anppty, with, the price maintained becaaa the trade 1 getting 'tired or eaatera atocu - : YeUtaea Better In Spot. . Potato market, while abowlng no ehang la value bere, undecidedly better la ipot.. Be- celpt from tb eoat have stopped entirely, and no mora blpmenta are expected irom were. ' TbI will Ira re the local market with acant ann : pile, and frost present tndlcatloni allow bolder of Oregooa to aeu oac at uguree aTacea trmt tloaally orer tlioee now ruling. In any ereot Oregon holder axe Bt4 a bit alarmed orer tb preaent altuatiea. f . k . - LAcal ouon dt eroppea aeyona repur eu ' CHIOAOO WHEAT TAt-CKS. May T. May f. Loo. 10OA. ,..'..,. .K $ .R2 . $ .00 I .WIT,, .M4 : .Wl' .0Oi .TTH Demand for local wheat I en etrong that miller abort of anopllea are mtd to be offer lng a high a R.V for pot blueatem. flour yery nrm, bnt oncbanged. Chicago wheat waa ot long bolder. Pamag report continue to come from the anatbireet. H.Mlii beet granulated. (S.42Vil barrela, 10c; I AH Enropeaa price are aharply higher, owing blf barrel, g&c; box, 60 adrance o tack to da mare report from Hungary, baala. 1 A iperlal St. tout wire y: A meeaare tABOve ncieaa are BO an met raah aaota. I received .rrom lairlmore. North Dkota. sara: tlona.l I 'No more tbaa 8 per cent. of last year' acreage tuiMtl I3.BO per crate.' ' 1 la eeded yet. Seeding.! three week late uurrKB fackag brand. glB.R80IS.m. I witd tn ground atlll freexlng. It la anowtng alt unraii iiair rmnn iuub. a i ou nee i nixa Bit orer ine Norm riknra nmit ' too: 6X:J. Ill: table, dairy. BOc. 115.00: lOO. I ; . z.H; imparted urerpooi, ooe, I ' urnciai cnicago price by OTrbcx, , Btlrr uu: fiouu; extra line, i at uooa company; dry . granulated. I5.IUH4; P. a, I5.42H; St. Francla, g5.424. cooecttooera' A, 5J2H; rxir a.v3Hj golden V, V yellow. .'M, VW, 111 114.75; bales, 12.' 18.00; 100. I7.I bbla. ' t. ba and . 10. g4.fi0aS.fi0: Lleeroeoi lump rock. 130.00 per ton i 0-Tb. Vock. IU.OU) loo. 110.00. I May tAbor price annlv 4 aalee of lee tbaa I Jnir ear lota. Car lota at Pcli price subteet to fuDt i4utriuauon. ' ' v, I UiLti-. imoenal jaaae. Nat. l. Bel ha. V V1KV, nBW III II IE. A IBS. BfJJ bmiM. I ' 6e . . ' T,- ay BRANS flmatl white. tS BO: larr : whit. I i"'Z regard tb price and demand. Bnt llttl local P"k. a J bayoa, 17oi Umax. 6 tic; i uv..ku M im mh I Mexican red. 4c . AmrfitiMt ai I ' rr i vmnuia. nnn, mi par io iri"r VVH-knw I tllll, TUH M IK. mtmtJt 1 ll IK, l,Hb JB V Local nroTlalon price abow a sharp. adranca, I BBta. aniMfioc n- rina. inni f-.nrnmie. lAe with th continued high valu quoted for bog j per lb; rrench, Ifie per lb; pin not. 14aifie par lb) hickory aats, 10c per lb: cbeetnat, eaatern. 10016c per lb; BraxU auta, lc ear lb; fllbarta, toe per lk; fancy pecan. IbOOci almonda, UtgSlHe. - . t I - . Xaats, Tlah and xVorlalom. ' VRKSB HEATS front Street Hon. fancy. mOtK per lb; veal, extra, SQSHc per lb; In th yard. JJm of all average are ap He, Dlcnlc an th some amount, dry salt meat. a rooked and onamoked are likewise sp c, wall break (tat bacoa snow a ra of H to l a pound. . " '- Freeh meat market centum to dlaplay s toady ton, although tber 1 a fraction! la- Sept Hay July kfay July Sept May uly Sept creaae la veal arrivals. Tb general opinion of I ordinary, 7Wo per lb; poor, ec per lb; mat- tbe larger handler of veal at this urn M uat ton. fancy, Hitdc per lb; aprlng lamb. 1214c, th market will soon ahow lower tang of val- with pelts, per lb. nea, . - - f .. '.. , - HAM 8, BACON, WTO, Portland pack (local) Gnat Strength la Batter. bam. 10 to IS lb. 16H per lbt 14 to 1 lb, Wbll m. outold r.mrle report a weak- per lbj 18. to aO lb 16c; lb; Unloa butt, 10 to IB lb, unaiw ked. ee Hay per lb; mnoked. se per Ibt clear belllee. an- July moked.-imo per lb; emoked. ISHe per lb; I Bent 1. 1 .1 low. Ik. I 1 - J n . . I IVWIiiiril, J ju, i iv & uaifaBi, DUO eCU. UK'AL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. llUi ner lb; Ba, lSe per lb; 60-lb .tin. I2c per lb; ateam rendered. 10, 12 per lb; fie, 13c WHBAT. Open, i FIrh. 8H . . S6 862 7i 8854 - 8SZ - CORN. 4 r no 60 BOH OATS. 44 44 H 48 4B4 86 W M MESS PORK. ....1IMO 1890 1S0O ,125 162S 1B1J 1630 1620 1620 - :. LARD. . ftT a - ......... 906 80S 80S 816 SIS 80T SHORT RIBS. 86T . , 876 86T 803 800 862 800 . 890 883 tow. . 82H 84U y 87 K ... 4H 404 4H Pin, 82H 88vfA 86H -88 :4 49B .'4S A 86HA 1500... 1613 1620 " 886 ' 8D6 807 m 83 893 Conquer 1'otlatch Kendall Ext. ... ureat Bend.,., B. Tod Ext... Lignn . . n. Bend Krt.. O. Bend Annex Red IIIll Vellow Tlrer.. Ooldfleld Con. . Mohawk .1. UV1UIICHI UD1L,.. k D. B. Raat '.r .03 .03 .02 Ml .16 .10 .0T .03 .02 .08 X2 Kendall ,,..,...$ .08 Booth .03 Blue Bull. ,.03 Nllver Pick...... '.08 blue Bell .01 St Ire .28 .01 'Lon gtar 1 .tin I tiro i, .06 Mayn 'Kniplr .05 o. lly ".i2 Comb. me. .08 1 Kewaaoa .03 Cracker Jack... .06 Lou Dillon ,01 S. Pick Ext..... .60 Triangle GdJ) FIELD OAINS. .80 IPenaylranla ...4 M mo : lAdxnte .'. ..... jirt .01 I Commonwealth . .OS B. B. Bonanaa.,, .03 jPortlaad ........ .03 . Liquidation Is further forced la Nevada stock in Baa Franclaco. Banka ar again calling their lo.De. and thl 1 baatenln tbe downward da cent or yaine.,- lxu ttiiloa went aowa to a new ow point today. lh eloelng being at 10c Jam bo loet 86c and lta eitenalon 1R& Keen each eld timer a. Bt. Ire la .offering, the Ion la max iaua xooay amouaung to zoo. Official bid hrlcea he ftMrhayfe flt.n a rWvlr wuixmxi , OOLDriELD DISTRICT. Sandltorm. 60eA; Bed Too. X4 MA: Mohawk 816.60: tXilumbl ML. 68c!. Jumbo. 8.TS: Jam. bo Ext, 61.80; Vernal, 17c; Pennaylranla. 8c A; ooiuiiem ax. .o., ai.Do tienaau, use; jsootn, 68c; , Blue Bull, 82c I Adam, ITcA; Bllrer ncx, K6C; m May Queen, 18CAI Wee. Boy, 14c; Blue BelL ltfc: . Dixie. 8c: O. nolnmhlau auiei Blk. Rock, lie; Ixiae Star, etc; O. Wonder, eeA; Pot la ten. 40c; Oro, 25c; Kendall Eit., 3c; Sandat. Ext.. 7e: llama. 9e: Atlanta- rUa: ureax oena. sac: r.mnire. ijc: nea Ton Bit. 82c; Florence. 18.60; Dlam't B. B. 0on SOc; IMIT. 81.60! Lacuna. I1.B7UA1 Common. wealth. Iwc: Comb. Fract.. 88.7s: ' Or. Band Ext.. 14c; or. Bend Aax. 18c A; B. B. Bonanza, juca: aewanoa. soc: Eameralda. 2beA: Port' land. 25eA; Cracker Jack. 17c; Red Hill, 41o; jnooawx six., joe; ixm union, joe; x. Tiger, w i vuiui, una) f t , xw x Arxajaxfie, 20c; . Wild Boae, 12cA. , Obhtr: 13.06: lleilcan. 48c: Ooold At flnm. 17c; Con. Virglna, 70a; 8arag, 69e; Bale Si Norcroaa. 48c t Yellow Jacket 40c: Belcher. 2Ac; . Sierra Ner., SOc; Exchequer, Se; Dnioo, 43c. - i BULLFROO DISTRICT. ' OrlainaL 12cA: Bullf. is. C. 16c: Ifont. Built. 6c: Nat. Bank, 21c: U Barria, 3c; Ama tbyat 84c; Gold Bar, 88c A; 8telnway, 8cr Denver Bnf. Anx..- 8e: Marfl. Con B8c Monty. Ohio Ext, ec; Sunaet 10e;' Monty. Mt, ioc; b. xaiy, xuc; nomenax uons,, vuca Yankee Girl, 6cj , Nugget. Te; Tramp Oona., m mm for CRACKER Oily '''''''..'"', .'''v', ' l':'" . i .' ', , w ' ' Mayor Lane Has. Petiticn and Issues Call for Independ - ! ence Celebration. , Aim In response to the" auggestlon of Tha . Journal that the first steps be taken j toward the proper observance of the Fourth of July, a petlUon signed by a1 number of business men was presented I to Mayor Lane yesterday afternoon. and ha at once Issued a call, for a meet ing In the oouncll chamber tomorrow vening, when the preliminary plana can be laid and committees appointed. What is intended is a Joint celebra- f tlon of Independence day and the fif tieth anniversary of the first cttv elec tion held in Portland. . Thia adds I a new feature to the day's celebration, v Though Dan McAUen is telling every, body that this year he cannot partici pate in the Fourth management he got nusy at last wnen it came to getting the petition to the mayor started, and the name of his store heads the Hat. It is expected that the celebration In Portland this year will ba more gorgeous ana attractive man ever before. . Last year tha people of the city had just finished their magnlfloent donations to tha suffering cltlsena of Ban Francisofj, J and a Fourth of July celebration waa out of tha question. .- This year. how. ver. there la no reason why tha fire crackers should , not snap and the rockets soar to the heart's content of the most greedy small boy. and budding statesmen will also .have a chance to drink at the fount of oratory as sup plied by prominent speakers. - - . Among those who signed tha petition to tha mayor are: ' McAUen dc McDon nell, A. B. Stelnbech A Co. R. M, Gray, Batnuei Rosenblatt Co.. Leo Belling. Henry Jennings & eons, Columbia Hard war company, H. 8. Ball A Sons. Won der Millinery company, Famous Clothing company, unariea coopey dt Bon, I Shanahan, M. A. Ounat StCo. and al number of others. a DAUGHTER GETS CUP AND SAUCER J Am Never in Doubt I am never In doubt as to what tha results from my treatment win u.t Tulv after.. An tnr alrteen years I hav been curing case after ran of the several disease peculiar xo men. No case comes to me now, the 41k of which I have not treated cores of times in the past, and I can al ways say definitely whether I will be able to effect a permanent cure. I never hold out false hopes or make promises that I cannot fulfill, and you can rely absolutely upon any enoouragement I may be able to offer, you. If I promts you cure, a cur will follow. , . - "WcaRncss" ; ' I cur functional weakness tn men. I know of no other physician cur ing tois ailment Most aoctors treat wrongly. They give stimulants and ionics. . 'inese tnings can t cure. "Weakness" is a. symptom of pros tatlo disorder. -fid .. the treatment must be local. This Is a truth that I myself revealed. I have perfected the only system of local treatment that cures "weakness.' A few doc tors over the country claim to our oy tn same metnoo, out tneir treat ment is only an imitation of th genuine "Joslen ' method. The gen uine is here and is administered by its Originator. ' Don't hope to find it eisewner. -. - Specific BloodiPoison No dangerous minerals to drive the vim to ue Interior, but harmless. oiooq - cleansing remedies that re move the last poisonous taint. .; mm Th Zadlng VJpeoiaUst, ' flVever Guess; Bxperlmer.t or take chances of any j sort. 1 attempt to cure only those diseases that I have been curing for the past sixteen years, and I believe I am justinea tn saying mat i have learned all rout them. Were I lacking In knowledge pertaining to my specialty I would never have at attained my present success, hor -would I today be recognised as th leading specialist treating mOrMl eases. If afflicted, you can dens upon it that the service I offer you Is the service you need, and is service such as can be rendered by no other pnysician. ..: bct m ont My practice is the largest because I invariably fulfill my promise. Varicocele WW of Mrs. midebiwad Provides for Only Small Remembrance to ' One of Her Heirs, ' trrsapooi, okaiw stAxxrr. their capacity, and coold sell mora u tney , were able to aeenre mar cream ana lorn oui . a larger amount of batter. Wblle aom ooUlrt ! creamerlea aay that batter I weaker, It la o ' ticed that none are cutting below tha (Igoros charged for city creamery, moat unaraal oc- One 4ocal creamery reiwria xoie wwmrm. xiimi jncax creunerr moraine that It iu order, for brge opplle per lb; compound. 10, 6 He per lb. of ontalde batter, whenever th price drop be- C4JOJED SALMOI-O,lambl irer. I-t low tb preeeat lereL There haa been aom .ere tall. 11.80; S-lb tall. 12.76; f.ncy 1-lb flat. among creamery batter mannfactarere oa account I - xaxwy ijaea. -: "acy ovale, oZll rt .lamp tn th. e.t, bat .Inc. that ! 5: AU.k. t.U.. pink. C0c; red. !.; Liverpool, Hay T. Official price: WHEAT. Open. Cloe. .... ikt i4 4d ' 9a .... 7d . T4d OOEN. ..,.. T d 7t44 ld .... 7 d a 7d 0 04 d July Sept My 9. O.ln, 9e d d 6 Rtid Hid 6. fld lfcd : time a (ever inowstorm ba vlalted tht, ec tlon and price are firmer, at the present time It would cost about 2ft and 27e a poond to bring In eaatera batter, no th Importation 1 oat of the aoetlon Jut bow. , : - .'';'' Brief Vote f tte Trad. flop (bow a fractional In creaae to demand. One local buyer' aay a tbat it la a mlstak that aomln.l. 2. tall. 12 . irrutiRvb mui.. t Mr rh rwniM. a. lh; halibut, 7e lb; etriped baaa, 12c lb; catfl.h, I 7, -geked. loc id; aaimoa, rren uiamnia coinoox, 10c lb; cteelhead. Se par lb; herring, 60 per lb; aoles, . Bt leal Wht Karkat, St. IVeni, May , Wleat eloae: May, SOUe. Klnxteapoll. Wheat Market. Mlnneapolla, May 7. Wheat ckae: 76c; Victor, 16c; North Star, 6c. TONOPAH8. Ton. Ner- 117.00: Mont. Ton.. tSMi Tom. v . ,a. , r . . . tit. , 4.28; Too. No. Sur, SOC; Ohio Ton., 6c A; Went End Cone 11.10; Besco. ITc; Ton. A Calif., 11c: Golden Anchor. 24c: Jim Butler. 84c; Ton. Ceah Box, 10c A; Boat. Too., 13c A; Mont., Mid. Ext- 8c; Golden Crown, 11c: Too. Borne, lOcA. 1' , - ' MANHATTAN DISTBICT. Maah, Cona, 6cA: Manfa. M. Oo Se: O. Wedge., Oc; Seyler Bamp Ac: Dexter, 12c; L. Joe, 1c; Creecent, 6c; Combination, 8c; Granny, 19c; Muatang. 18c; Llttl Grey, le; Cowboy, te; Orlg. Manh., 17c; 'Broncho, c; Plnenat, 18c; Buffalo, ocA; . 8. Dog, 20o; T. xtoraa, oc; indlen (Jamp, 11c VAEIOUS DISTBICTS. Th will of Mrs. Dorothy Rildebrand waa .admitted to probaU by . Judge Webster in the county court this morn ing, disposing of an estate estimated to be worth 16,000. Most of th property Is left to a daughter, Mrs. Emma Green, in making her bequests, Mrs. HUde brand said In her will: . , - "My -other daughter, iMra Augusta Hegel, did not want m. 8h had no us for me, and she Is well provided for In this world's goods, so I leave her a cup and saucer and $5. r Mrs. Hiidebrand divided six goblets of her own among her grandchildren. To each of the following, a goblet and are Bequeathed. Mrs. Augusta Huber, mrs. Hilda tny oreea To Nell! Hiidebrand la given 1100. All the remainder of th or Ajrr ttvo Oamxc a tsd caeb Ypii Pay ; Weil : Cured Under my treatment the most ag gravated cases of varicocele - ar cured In a few days time. There Is no pain, and it Is seldom necessary that the patient be detained from his --occupation. Normal circulation la at J once restored tnrougnoui an tne or gans, and the natural processes or wast ana repair are again eatab llahed. If you are afflicted with va ricocele, consult me. at. once. De lays can but bring on aggravated conaitions ana nervous compnoations ana Involve th general health, v f . - r ' t -., . ...... - Contracted Disorders I In the treatment of disorders I of fer a service such as no other phy- sioian can renaer. Tne remedies I employ have a most thorough and positive action in cleansing the mem brane of all infection and suBduing all inflammation. My manner of ap plication; insures absolute thorough ness, ana removes every- possiDiiity of relapse or a chronic stage. My cures ar not only thorough, but ar aocompnsnea in tn orieiest time possible. - . ; CONSULTATION FREE Offlo kwursw s. m. to p. ixx,i Zvfairxga to tt Txiiday to to I only. rsho DOCTOR TAYLOR co. ''ZkSErSSSZ 1 234)4 Morrison St, Cor. SecondV Portland, Ore. 'Hegel, Thomaa Green and Doro- ; ': ' : " : ' .X . ... Kay, 8c per lb; lb; biaci ; ahrlmpa, . 10c per lb; oereh. Be : cod. 7c per lb; tomcod. 7o ner lh; lobater. 16o per lb: freeh meckereL Se nee jb; rrawmu, aw per oo; nxreon, IU (.Jol Dultrtt . Wheat Market. poiotB, ,May 7. Wheat close: May. SBe lb; ' black baaa, 20c per lb; olambla river I EngUnd wlU only pay 6We for hope, a be haa gmV,t ,nldf li ,b . "jj timer, uiiir . ay w, pr i d ; iDia roe, 40c per to. boy at that figure. v E ' . I , OYSTERS Shoalw.ter bay, per gallon, $280; per 100-lb aack. 4Jio: oiympla. per 2S; per 116-lb aaot, Kwaeis; eases,., SB aer gal; lroal About a halt done car ef orange ar n th . track. - ' ' ' " ' Several car ef banana arrived la green eoa , ditloa thia morning, f Car of Lss Angeles cab bare alao in. ' ' ' Btrawberrle are tower agala with tbe ae ' cnmnlatlon of California snppllea. Some falr " quality gooda aold as low aa $1 today. Oregon berrlea In larger npply ft 20 and 26e a box. Corn meal Is advanced lie in bale, and lOe per hondred pound In 60. .: Hominy advanced 10c for balea. : " ' -' Cherrte. In larger TOpply, with price tower. Trade pays tb following price to Front street. Hrlcea paid to shipper are 1 rego lat eommladoa: v.,- -i.-r- Srain, Tlom and Teed. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, Se, targ tola; small 7 lot. He. - ' WHEAT Club, TSe: red , BoaaUa, TBe bhte t Stem, SOci valley, 7778e. : tOKW wuoia. j;j encxea, .w per '"bABLKT New feed, 21.00t 22.00 per ton; I rolled, f 2S 0A24X)0; brewing, 121.00(330. . BTB St.88 per cwt. OATS-i-New Prodaeera prlc No. 1 white, 27.6t'f2S0 per too; gray, 828410027.60. i . PTXUB Eaatara Oregon patent, 84. 80: tralgbte, 8S.76: export, 83.85; valley, 'i.m ' 8 80; graham. Ua. 630; whole wheat. $3.75) rye, 60e, gH.OO: bale. $2 75. . MtlWTtirrs Bran, 817.08" fewe ten; mld " dllng,, $25.00; abort, couatry, . $20.60; city, : $19.60: Chop. 118.0002140. 9"TSfaoTO,TO f-.S to th. '.TiL. w' lXXiiZ. , aeked prlc today. AU other ban .bare were 10.60; rtorer. 88.60.00s grain,, $s.O0O10.00 gallon. ner . 116-lb aaot. . ga.fioa8.IS! Ba,u Mnned. 10c can, 87.00 doa CLAMR Hardahell, ner box, 82.40; clam. $2.00' per box, lOe per do. , 'Yalnt, Ceel 00. Xte. -ROPaV-Fore Manila, 164ci standard. Ut; alaal. lie. COAL on-Pearl or Aatrai Oases, IH per gal; water white, troa bbla, I4e per gal; wooden, 17e per gal; headlight. 170 dag., iraia. 21 He per gal. QA80L1MK S8 de., eases, UMt par gal; iron Dm.. 100 per ax. BSriZlria OS Oeg bbla. IK He per cal. TOBPENT INH In rasas, see aer gait vreoden bbla. Sc per gL WHITS LEAD Tom tot. 7 per n 100-lb mt, se per in; xee xora, se per in. WtRK NAILS Preewnt baala at 82.88. LINSBKD OIL Par raw. In 6-bbl lot, 80e , L.I . . . 1 . ... . . i'wii nw, m.v , vim, . . , , hcduid .ex- tle-bolled, en, eoe per gal; 6-bbl lot. 84; i-bbl lota, 86c per gal; ground cake, ear tot. $2040 per tost less thaa ear lota, $30.08 per Budapest Karkat TJ. Bodapeat, Mty 7.-Wheat closed 4 higher. kiw TOBX COTTOS XABKET. rahr. Silver King, SOc; Palrr. Earl. 87c; property la given. t Mra Emma Green. Nevada BUI. $4.20; Pltt.bofc Silver Peek. Who Mrs. Hiidebrand av eauf taw hl a, 7i. i ,. . xxtaa 1 fj . . r-. .1.'. aju. I . . " 1 . , ..v.. , -, -. - , 1 .nci xra,T ner a noma . ! II I . V NEW YORK STOCK MARKET PEACE MEETING Values 8Ide on Liquidation' Smelt- j , I HIS T Vr NlNl? 1 er irrops a wo ana Axireej tuigmna. ValtSeMI In aVaMiax,kal1 1 Til SSJ dvwIalW tB Wawasai I York. Tbe Iom wlU aTerace on point Tb j JjOCeftI Brancb Of ZVAtiOMJ AMOClatlOQ larfffnii tu$w was in movuw wwunuut ui cjmv i Bten's Diseases 1 r J aor J Janaary renruary Marea . !. .... July .... Auguat September October Open. nigh. tow. .1083 1084 1078 1083 1O02 1080 ...,itoi jmi luoi ...1068 106S 1063 ...1068 1067. 1046' ...1043 . 1043 08S ...1042 " 1042 1089 ...10fl2 IWW 1nR4- November ....1068 ': 1069 jo9 December ....1068 -1008 1058 -May-; T. S JOTB 1078 1077 1079 1088 1018 1081 1048 1060 , 1048 1060 1(M8 10S 10S8 1038 1087 1064 1068 1068 1068 .1068 1088 being 2 points lower. Official quotation Cooke company; by Overbeck, Starr A I to Bo Held This Evening t the CkMiithtynso. pgocairnoii. . I Uvevpeol Cotton Higher. .MvTn?ei' My T-Ottoa fntarw strong, 4 points np. CATTLE RECEIPTS ARE NOT AFFECTING PRICE PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Alaska Petroleum Is Eagerly for a Advance.; Bid Portland ITnloa Stock vard. Mv v t i - - . . " ". a VCT.Vl Today '. W week ago v 150 Year aco ............... 1M oak Prevloua year f go Am. . CoDDer Co. .. Am. uax at roun com. ao preferred ...... Am. .Cotton Oil, com. Loco., com. . . . eloeed I Am- Sngar, com. m. ameit,, com...., do preferred Anaconda Mlnlna- Co.. American Woolen, com. au iiiBun, com. ... . do preferred .... B. As O., com.' . . u.. M Brooklyn Eapld Lnaaian I'ac, com. vjentrai ije.tner, com. do nrererred . Cbl. A Ot. Wert., com. Chi. North, com. "TB Onto. Fiiel Iron., com 1 yoio. exmtbero, com. ... I Ha OA ' nirii... , 188 I do l.t nrpfprr.rt tt : A rally of tk4 Oregon branch of th National industrial eac association wlU It held tonight In th courtroom of department Mo. 1 of th circuit court at th. county courthouse. Judge Fraaer, president of the Oregon branch, will ad dress the members on the benefits to be derived from the establishment of the branch here. Before th open meeting, in Doara 01 oireotors will meet to elect of fleers for th ensuing year. 4 The meeting of the board will be held at 8 o'clock, and th open meeting will begin at 8:0. . Among th speakers who will address the meeting ar Father Black, who will speak on "Principles of Arbitration asAppIid tif labor-Trou bles": WalUS Nash, out "Arbitration "J Prom th Business Man's Standpoint"; lii P. II. Seullln. orf-Jiietloe"- R A xr.. I ris and C A. Foster. - , rheat. 88.00. Batter. Zgt sad Yeoltiy. " . 1 BUTTKB FAT f. e, a.. Portland. -Sweet cream. 21e; our, 18c. ' BUTTER City creamery, 22Hc; seconds, 20c; oat Hide, fancy, " 22&e; seconJa, 20e; .tore, EOOS Hxtra fancy, candled, 189 10c. CHEESE New Full cream. Data, . 16017c; " Toung America. 1718c. POULTEX Mixed chickens, 16t4' per lh; fancy hen, 16 (3. 16 We per lb; roosur. old, 12e per lb; old atag. 124J12HC fper lb; fryer. $48 dn.; broilers, $4tf dos old duck,. 13 14c per lb. prhtg d.k. 18c per lb.; geeae $ c. lh' turkeva. I7e Der lh for old: annaha. $2.00 per dnx; pigeon. $lXO per do, tlreaaed poultry lOme per lb higher. ', Hop,'. Wool and Bides. :. t fjopS 1008 crop Prime to choice, 8c; m. ' dlora to prime, SM97e; medium, C6He; 00a " tract a. 180T crop, 10c. A'OOL 1807 clip Valley, :17018ej eaatera Oregon,-leaiSC.-, . unrtAIR New 1907 29a29Hc . SUBIfiPSKINS Sheering. 16Q20c; abort wool, u04oc; meoiam woox, lung wool, T6CO81.00 eeea. TaLLOW Prime, pw lb, SH0o No. 8 ad, 24t2V. " ' ' CUlTTlM BABK 6J6c . tor ear lota; email rilL)c,B vry. xvo. x. o n. iou nil, 1 f J8c per lb; dry kip. No. 1. -8 to 5 Iba, IS(18c; ,ilVn dry Slf. No. 1. under S Iba. 2: eelted hklea. t?!.? " WJf, Ala.ka Petroleota Is a very trotur feature. dvandng le In tb bid. Brltlah Columbia Amalgamated advanced Ma. htammotb west np 4c. wblle Morning loet tbe aam Mm. Standard Conaolldated lost He. Taeoma Steel dropped IHe. - . In tbe Coeor d'Alene lift Bullion lot i, wblle tb reet were tinchanged. Sale: Twelve Asaodated OU at 838J3. Official price: v -')?'" '.'""' .';; BASIC STOCKS. v. ,. Bid. Bank of California $360.00 Banker' A Lumbermen' 104.00 Merchant' National . ......... ..... Oregon Trait dt Saving Portland Truat Go,' United States National ....... 900.00 LISTED SECURITIES (BONDS). American Blecult Co. 6........ 88,60 City k Suburban 4a Home Telenbon 6. O. R. ft N. Kv. 4. ........... 07.00 o. w. p. ft By. a .......... ST. oa Portland Ey.v-5 ............ ..... MISCELLArlfeOTJS1 STOCKS. 6075e ch; Anodited. OH ................ 88.00 Home 'leiepnone 83.60 Pacific Htate XeL Paget Sound Tel. ' MINING STOCKS. Lakeriew Manhattan Orowa Point .20 Cattle receinta are nttM.a.. k., ,1 , ""a. Hudaon 1 firm and 1 eaally.malntalned at former . urea. though unchanged, rival.' Teer ago today an lines (bowed we. knee. i-Muci.j fireaxoca prices; .Hog Beet .eaatern . Oreenn. 87.00nir ea. "T"11.'.? d 'wl'r' T00; China fu, $7.00. mmi saaieni viregon (teen, xo.0U'j 6JK; beet cow and heifer., $4.004.28; tock- w 1DT;,ir' t-wri; uuil, x.OUL Sbeep UUed, 8. (86 He; lamb, 78c, U. A B. O., com, . preferred, , r aua .weu mr- 1 flo VA BrAfAIFi.r1 Alked. 180.00 I 150.00 1 120.00 J 100.001 03.00 87.60 100.00 cemu year a.o were 11 nrtft u.. mtt or.., aa an tin. m.. ,;r-X iWiJ 1 , u.ttie UtroDK. 40.00 I Sheep Strong, EASTERN, MARKETS H01.D lilcago Steady for Hogs and Strong Lfciif a w for All Otbers. Chicago, May T. Livestock receipt: Hog. Cattle. Pbeep. . ..,.10.000 8,600 ! 16.000 nauaa. VI ly l.tKJ.. M.tMIO . 6.0)10 nana ...............10,000 6.200 7,000 muy, waa a.aiKi left over. Kc- ateera, sound, 80 lb and over, SVitJOic; cow. 1 lec; t.g and WUa. - aonad. , 637c; kip. 16 to 88 Iba, Bc calf, aooad. nnder 10 tba, lie; green, onaalted, le lea; coll., 1c per lb le; borne bide.. lted. taeh, l.00i2.00; dry, each, ai.onm.60: colt hide, 2650cj goat akira. ciioiniun. each. 106M6er Angora, each. SScfl jCaec.dl. 1jWj beep ekln. . . I Mammoth .t VnHi ul VeeetaMaa. .x ; ." . IMornlnl' POTATOSS Baymg price, eaatera' ' Moltno-1 Manaara jjon. .18 Waabongal Ext .26 UNLISTED STOCKS. Tacinlna Bay Tel. ........... 4.60 Oregon City Mill ft Lumber ... Alaska Petroleum ...... .14 British Columbia AmaL .08 .20' 1H4 : .0.)i? .07 mah and c'l"ack.niaa-4ect. lJW1.85j ell- Tacoroa Steel i....,......,... ,.0H J..B. . fancy, $2.00; .ordinary,- Jobbing, $1,869 J tt C0EUE P'ALENB DISTBICT. ftoo; eaatera (Jregoa. fl.o j.h; ,. jusae. i Bulliea .Mti . .-. eota. $l.J5lo; weet,c per io; new po-J Copper King ...V toe. (c per io. '--i :. "- ' , ' I Happy 1'ay ONIONS Jobbing prtce No. i Oregon. $1.75 j o. K. Coo, 2 iI5; No. l-w(A.a; - uexaa, oc per wyi gnowabo giiile. Stfw per ID. - - . .., f . . iPi'I k gBcv IJo? Riv.e Spitxeeberg end Yellow Newtowna, $2 78s fancy Willamette tiller and soothers Oregon, 11.W4J2.O0. ' KH E8H FK CITS Orange, new , savei;. $3.80 7S 16! Uedlterr. Dean eweeta, $2.Ki2.60; s lanrerlpee. $1.25; bnanaa, 6c per lb; lemooa, $4O06.26 per box; lime. Mexican, $1 25 per lov: ti'ieapplea t4.00oi)0 per. tn(( Jrai fmlt. $8.26; trawberrtea, California. l.w!tt.78 per crate of 1 boxeirr Oregon, 84.S0 tS 0i per crate of 24 boae; cherrlea, $2.60 per 10 lh box. ' VEiltTABT.M Tnrotr. new. SOcgll nek; sarrota, 1Ik6$1.09 per aaekj beeta, $L7$ set 17H .zz. .21 .26 .07 .16 .04 .04 .46 2.M 8.00 .17 . .08 .28 .15 .07 .11 .08 .17 .05H 00 .60 8.10 yOBKqjrpBAJIK BTATZHE3TT,: ' Clearings today ...,..T?..i.i...$l,119.49.72 ,00 year ago ................... Oala today '....,.....,......1 S71.89S.24 Clearaacea today 125,040.86 W year - - ,mif- 87,100.8$ '. Kw Tork London 8Uvr,- ' ' Kew Tork. Mag 7. Ziar aUvr. ltci -m. doa. SO Mod. , - -,.. VXTTSD STATES OOTEairVXST 3BOKD8. New Tork, May 7. Government bond: lte. Bid. Aeked 1P05 104 104H JO it44 1018 102 103W 1018 , 1024.1042 JHJS KKCK ...... 1823 129 "A 130V4 1H23 1 29V . 130iJ imii nil jm 1W)7 10IU 102 114 100 "2 .... . . . 104 10(1 .... 104 106 I Two, regtetered ' do eounon Three, regfttered s....".-.. do eoupftn Threee, email bond Tour, regt.tered, new do coupon your., reentered, old , do coupon .............. Four,. Philippine Two, Panama, registered. ao coupon .............. DROWNING OF LOCKETT PROBABLY ACCIDENTAL v - v (Special Pwpatch. toj5jfmirntj.) .Aberdeen, Avaab.,- "jVayT. The par ents fliCorinleLockett, the young man whose body waa found in thebay yes terday, are in town, and on their tes- tfmonyhartfie Tjoy , Was " partially blind an I Inquest . haa been considered unnecessary. -JUm death It Is considered was probably du to aeddant, - i 98, M j 8814 69 176 8514 3T54 80 rat 184 1084 03 294 ve 80 178 ?2 8014 63 124 181 10814 0 2014 84 68 "6 1117 11854 117 80 wkTiei, 100 78V4 78 U 264 2614 123 123 ao 1st preferred 1111 noli Central Lout.vfll ft Naahvllle Manhattan Hallway .. Mexican Central Rv. , M. K. ft T.. com....... do preferred . matuier vwti nrinnrn ...... r eaerai smelters . . . Missouri Pacific National Lead , . . , . . . Kew xorg central We tern.. com. do preferred North . American ....... Northern Pac.i com.... Pae. Mall Steam. Co.. . Pennaylvanla Kallway :, P. O., L. 1'C. Co.. ... Preeaed Steel Car, oom, . oo preterrea ........ Beading, com. ........ . do 2d preferred ..... do lit preferred ... Benab. Iron ft 3., com.. ao prererred Bock Island, com,' .... do preferred .,',-'. ... St. LIB, F., 24 pfd.. do lit preferred,,.,.. St Lou la ft 8.. ff, com, do preferred ......... Southern Paolflarcont... do ittreferred ......... Southerif By., com...... Tenneaae Coal ft Iron... Texaa ft Pacific .... Union Pacific, com...... ' do preferred ......... U- 8. Robber, com...... do preferred U. 8, Steel Co ,com..... do preferred Wabaah, com. . do preferred ......... W. U. Telegraph Wlaconain Central, com. do oref erred : T Iretula Cfiemical ...... Total wie lor oay. i.3U0 bara. Call .money cloaed 2H3 per cent 178 ) 84 llf 21 140 V4 M3 111 &7 "27 84 88 84 8614 17 21 8814 ISO 76 03 'A 114 87 KOI 7314 13314 !J22 82 25l 21 IWILL DECIDE ON DIFFERENTIAL! Shipowners of Euron will decide at their meeting in Paris next month whether to eliminate th unjust differ. entiai or 80 cents a ton against Port land charters for. wheat cargoes. ; A statement to this effect was mad by E. W. Wrtg;ht this afternoon at tba tneetlna; of the transportation commit' tee of , the Portland chamber of com- Mr. Wrliht recent " krlslted arla. uverpooi ana.xxinaonxor the purpose or explaining- to th shipowners th un Justne. i of levying a 80-cent er ton differential acralnst Portland. Th re. suit of Mr. Wrlg-ht'a trips across the ocean will b known after the meeting in fans. me. shipowners said they wouia eliminate me aiirerential if th heavy towage bills and ballast charges can be removed. It Is believed , that this can be remedied with the tnaugu ration of th Fort of Columbia com mission. , 147 J 84 118 116 21 146 , 20 144 88 U 101100A 871 87 101 '28 S$l LILLIAN LAWRENCE IN' MONTANA'TRAIN HOLDUP St. Paul, May 7. Among the Dassen. ger on the Northern Pacific train held up this morning were Miss Lillian Law renoe and, ner daughter, Miss Ethel Gray Terry. ; Mis Lawrence, who was until recently star of tha Baker stock company at Portland. , Oregon, and her daughter1 who was also a member of th gs I Baker company, are. on : their way to 27 I Boston, where they begin an engage ment May 18. 14!5 02 iom 87U 102 13 28 82 IT Shuman Hearing' Tomorrow. William Shuman, the-; bartender ar reated last night for sending an obscene letter through the mall to Miss Annie WalkertOf ' Taxom 4, "appeared before united States uoramlaaloner J. A. ASK POLlCt TO - , - FIND MISSING WAN ESTABLISHED 26 YEARS IN PORTLAND CONSULTATION FREE NO PAY UN " LESS CURED N W." -.-. :C" .'.,.:..,;:...;iS.i.;;fvv.: Our Fee $10.00 . In Speolal.Caae y HYDROCELE, VARICOCELE, NERVOUS TROUBLE, BLOOD POISON, BLADDER, KIDNEY and - URINARY DISEASES "and ALL SPECIAL DISEASES and THEIR : COMPLICATIONS. We Don't Patch Up-We Cure There Is never a dav but neobl who have fried In vain to nhtatn a 1 cur elsewhere consult us. Borne of them have spent all thefr earnings. Others have spent all their savings, yet thev ara in no better tienlth than oeiore. to sucn unfortunate we extend a helping hand. It remains with you to grasp it. Call and we will tell you frankly what can be done for you. W will make no false rtromlnaa nr mlnleadlnar tatementac. If we find your case curable we will tell you so. If you ar satisfied with our tiuniDiuon, aavioe ana aiagnosis. you mav tiaoe yoursir under our care and pay for our services by the week or month, as benefit are shown. We I wui cure you just as sur as you come here and plaoe your can with us. . Our first thought is to ascertain the real rauiae of ynur ailment, nur second thought to ascertain if a cur la possible, our-third thought to pro duce speedy and lasting: results.. Our xl thought Im the, nnirkent matHnA uj Tiura i.i ia van uo tiling na men xigure tne lowest price ror you. -t uy. following the above system we have been able to advance our metljxW to a degree of perfection and from the fact that wa nn. enlnv Mi. tmrWnmi practice Of any specialist in the W0 rid In diseases anrt vMlmniHi nf men. no person can deny that. W are th court of last-resort and stand with- ouvan equal in our specialty. In short, we are, therefore, th most re liable specialist tn whom you can put xour trust 4 .: ,;, TrH:''otMii,:t;nr' ' Dosing the system with rjowerful atlm ulanta milA t..l,. I mm 4a restore functional viator can have but nn. final , ,! mt.. . nn i. 'rendered worse than before. "Weakness" la merely an Indication of a I tow iormoi inriammaiion in tne prostat gland, and this inflammation Is but aggravated by stimulating remedies that excite temporary activity. W employ the only scientific! and fullv ,ffnttv traatmu, eu.,.. 7 a, uiuiKiit lium uj restoring in -prostate ariana ( to a sound and healthy state. We obtain eomniat. mi. in ... OUR SYSTEM OF TRB1ATINO Is superior to any . In' this eounTry and our cures ar the result of these methods, w, n,v eDi ,"e. . in any case we take. If you suffer from, necrieot. fmm r'"v-... , . .1 wpiiununiiT to gei -sine services of a skilled speda si,; a graduat physician, with years of rip experience In treating comsllcated and soectal dlanrrlnra nf uiw.Kt nwiv f, i . ! (lng to talk to us, and may be th means of restoring you to health and han- ihe doctor. ' ' oniy Our fft bftlnfl1 fl n 'low. It Ann hi am minv hA a.. 44iiA4. a. , ,th highest scientific medical assistance. Terms made to suit If necessary. so mat anyone need not go without treatment. , Writ If you cannot call rw..H-: A TT r . "ic Hours 9 a, m. to 8:80 I vAixauxxavivxi auu x.Aaiuuiauuii rice, P- m. sunaays, v to Iz only. x' . - if you,cannot call,-WRITS. ST. LOUIS "SSST DISPENSAI OOXHSm SHCOBTO AJTB TAKBX1.X. ITBZBTB,' POKXXAVS, OBBOOV. ' " Mrs, rW.-C" Danlela,r08 Eaat Ash street, reported to th fcollc this mum. Sladen and was held over In default orJ lng that John Lujawskl, a roomer In $500 ball. - Shuman. will have his pre- her house, has been mlaslna since ! JUminaxy bearing tomorrow morning. I Sunday, Lujawskl left early on th day In Question and stated that h would ft- turn t later.; V Sine that : time - nothing has been seen or heard of him and Mrs. Daniels la consequently greatly worried, The missing man - waa employed by the Multnomah Trunk and Bag com pany. He Is described a follows: l year of age, weight 170 pounds, height 6 feet 10 Inches, dark brown hair, brows eye. fcmpoth shaven and round . face. He waa attired in a dark checked coat, light grayrousera and- a black, derby "Salome" Repr8entatlve Her. ' . Oerge M. Fitch, advance representa tlve of th "Salome"' company which ap- city in th Interest of his show. Th4 play mad a great hit In San Franclsc and In other southern cities.. It la no touring th northwest, ; , LONGSHOREMEN WILL ; ' STRIKE AT NEW YORK New'-Tork. .MaV ?. Th Mm..). t th I longshoremen; fMr : shorter hour ana mop pay wer refused by all llnea except th Morgan line. Tha. will strike now and. a general congestion ol . freight and a 'general tie-up is threat- nd. ... ... -f if r; 4