The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 07, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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Thousands of Satisfied Bargain Seeker
Crowding the Store Doily ond Saving on Whatever They Buy
1,1 iniiytu
U If ,M '
.i .. ""hi
Tomorrow again another terrific, upheaval of. bar gains, flashing prices right and left,
bringing" the crowds by sheer force of unequaled and matchless values. Tomorrow
Linn County. Council. Will. Carry
It Up Before the State
i S , - Grange,
in the Suit Room to be the greatest day yet. What s left of Symes
auu w xoven turns lor
Equitable Taxation ' Also Subject of
Just 42 in all, for they are odd lots and 3, 4 and 5 of each kind ;.
: Besclntion and Plan Proposed for
, Thorough Canvas for the Framing
and style, made of extra fine English covert, in tight, semi-fit
ting 'and box effects, strap and fancy pleat trimmings, all silk lined. None worth less
than $10 and most all $12 and $15 values at $4.98 for choice. W Tt'; 1 , S 1
of Square Peal Measure.' ,
.i m 'ssbk. - r. i
17 I I
I i
i (Special Dispatch, to lis Journal.)
Albany, Or., May J Linn County
..T. Business Council, P. of H at JU last
.U r?ruUr meeting" adopted , resolutions en
- matters of Importance to the grange
membership at large. This organisation
, Is composed of 11 granges In Linn
i county and three In Benton county.
. Ths council by resolution thanked the
press and people of eastern Oregon, and
specially Hudson Bay grange No. SL
for prompt and earnest support of the
movement lor invoking the referendum
of the University of Oregon opproprla
tlon of 126,000 annually. A similar
XPXMBlDn Was voted ss rtita the Areas
iwany ana surrounding town
, Initiative Sill Wanted. "
It was further resolved that "ws urge
ur delegates to the state grange, whloh
convenes at Hood River on May 10, to
use every endeavor to assist In formu
lating an Initiative bill to regulate the
appropriations lor- ths Stats - normal
schools, the O. X. C and ths State
university, with , thV purpose of finally
settling these vexed questions snd to
stop ths present method of log rolling
ju our state legislature."
Ths enthusiasm regarding the matter
of scouring the necessary number of
electors to insure the final submission
of tne university of Oregon appropria
tion to ths people ran high, In view of
me indications that more than enough
signatures will be on file within the
time fixed by law. The workers Were
edmonished to put forth their best ef
forts so as to have as large a list of
petitioners as possible.
Tax Commission Proposed.
A resolution was passed in regard to
securing a more equitable tax law. The
council complains of the burden of taxa
tion and askSv that ths law be so
amended as to effect Its more equal dis
tribution. Ths council propones to have
Us delegation to the stats grange exert
, every effort to obtalr a definite expres
sion of that body. It asks that a special
commission of five members on assess
ment and. taxation shall take up the
problem of equalising the taxes, Its
. findings to bs submitted for discussion
4 snd review at the various Pomona
granges snr county councils during the
, year and Its final report to be mads at
the annual meeting of ths state grange
In 1808. , ,,...t. ,.
Ths Oranges' Baa) Position.
Feeling that their position In regard
to the university appropriation has been
misconstrued and that, an erroneous Im
pression prevaUs ,ln regard to their mo
tives and objects in promoting the. ao
ttve work of the referendum t resolution
explanatory was adopted as follows:;
"Resolved. That, a false Impression
having obtained in some quarters as to
--the grange's attitude toward, higher
educational institutions, ths counoil
moat emphatically protests against ths
idea given to the public by the friends
of . the university appropriation that we
are against higher education; we favor
such education, but hold that our public
schools ars of paramount Importance,
snd until appropriations ars given them
proportionate to those granted to the
higher educational Institutions we will
oppose giving such extravagant sums to
the latter." , ' , ':
Portlon of Horse BhowParade at Pendleton, Passing Along Front Street
tSiMdal Plsoateh tm The JoarnaLl '"
Pendleton, . Or., May T-Ths horse
show held in Pendleton Saturday was
ths most elaborate affair of the kind
ever seen In this part of the country.
Over 100 flne-bre4 horses were tn Una
There were thousands of , spsctators.
from all parts of eastern Oregon. ,.
There are many fine, horses In Uma
tilla county and an occasion of this kind
makes possible a full appreciation of the
fact. ' i"--. " " :''rj
The procession wss led by SI eques
triennes. ; Captain M. 8. Kern, was st
the head of the entire parade. - Immedi
ately behind the woman riders cams
nine fine-bred trotting stallions, lad by
trainers. Behind them were 11 standard
bred trotting marea and colts. Coaoh
stallions followed and then ' single
a rivers.
Driving teams sucoeeded the big draft
staiuons, of which there are scores In
this oounty. ' The rear was brought up
by the Shetland ponies. --'V'
There are many more good horses In
ths county that were not entered. It Is
declared to have been one of the best
shows ever held here.
R. 8. Henley, a veteran of the civil
war, appeared at the court house yes
terday afternoon and complained that
W. Graves, anotner veteran or tne
civil war, who lives at Union and Kll
llngsworth avenues, was Insape and
that , Graves . ssrvice for bis country
many years ago entitled him to be
oared for by the state at the Insane
asylum at Salem. . . f
Deputy Sheriff H.Bulger was given
a warrant with authority to bring Vet
eran Graves to the county Jail to "be
held for examination by the alienists.
When Bulger arrived at Graves' house
he found a feeble, childish old man, In
comfortable, little home, cared for
by ma wire and two daughters. . Ths
women protested vigorously when ths
aeputy sheriff announced the purpose
of his visit and declared that the old
man was neither Insane aor did hs
neea tne cars of ths state.
Bulge- left Graves at his horns and
returned io report that the old veteran
could harm no one and was bslng cared
jor oy nis wire and aaughters far bet-
ter , than the state oould do It . It Is
believed r that Henley's complaint
against uraves was inspired by a de
sire merely to see Ms old comrade get
ail the privileges that his years of
service in tne army entitled him to.
mnn nui io macs irouQie lor him. .
Backers of United States Express
Company Demand Larger
Dividend Rate..
(Special Dhpatch to The Journal.) .
Newberg, Or., May 7.r T. B. Cum
mlngs, a. prominent business man of
Newberg, died Sunday after an Illness
of four months. He was born at Cam
bridge City, Indiana, October 15, 184T.
He came to Oregon In 1S91 and settled
In Newberg, where he engaged In busi
ness with bis son. He was a Mason
and for 25 years a Knight Templar. Be
sides his widow he leaves a daughter
and two Sons. The funeral will be
held from the home today,
Governor George K. Chamberlain,
Stats Treasurer George A. Steel and
p- Richardson will leave Portland en
next on the Alliance lor Marsh-
fleld and the Rogue river on a tour of
Inspection of the salmon hatcheries
along the coast. Especial attention will
be paid to the hatcheries and spawning
grounds maintained by R. D. Hume, the
salmon king of Rogue river.
Assert That Larger Interest on In
vestment Cannot Incite Hostile
; .Legislation and That Earning
Capacity Has Been Increased.
(Journal Special Service.)
New York, May 7. The-United States
Express company etocxnoiaers commit'
tee has Issued a circular In which It
takes issue with Senator Piatt, presl
dent of ths company, on his assertion
that the company cannot Increase Its
dividend rate, on account of restrictive
legislation in various states. The tock
holders In other companies, the com
mittee points out, receive 10 per cent
and upward. It is contended thst ths
company can well afford to pay 7 per
cent and that there., la no possibility
of such a rate inciting hostile legis
In regard to the increase In the cost
of business the committee insists that
this Is due to Investments made . In
building up . new - lines ; of business,
whloh will largely increase 'the com
pany's earnings.
"The report '--of - the management
shows," the circular, continues, "that its
net earnings have been from 11 per
cent to 11 per, cent annually for the
laat five, years. We believe they have
been much larger. Dividends in that
time have not exceeded 4 per cent"
Ths committee complains that there
has been no election ef dlreotors by. the
shareholders for more than 20 years.
It also demands ' ths submission of
financial reports periodically, and an
nual meetings of the shareholders.
The Doctor Lays Down the Law
"Madame, he will recover this time, but you
must be morej careful about his food. You allow
him to eat any and all kinds of cooking soggy
bread, greasy
doughnuts, etc., and
of course it upsets
his whole system.
In , the future see
that he eats only
"Table Queen" Bread
and;. Royal Bakery; cakes
in ; moderate quantities.
See next Monday the result ef
the Sector's Orders,
.- . Xlgnsst Quality Breed,
book for the word "BoyeJ" Impressed la
, - bottom' of each loaf. .
W. -I J W II
Indian Commissioner on His Way
to Oregon to Investigate
Reserve Scandal.
Inspector Davis Has Made Report of
Findings and Head of Department
Conies West to See the Conditions
for Himself.
rWaihlnrton Boreas of The Journal.)
Washington, D. C. May 7. Commls
sioner Leupp of the .Indian office has
gone westward, to remainor several
months, and to visit the many reserv
tlons of ths Indians and the schools
maintained by the government Mr.
Leupp undoubtedly wilt go to the Uma
tilla Indian reservation at Pendleton
and look personally Into the questions
which were raised there concerning ths
administration of Superintendent O. C,
Edwards. Inspector Davis has made his
report to ths commissioner, and the lat
ter has had It In his possession for sev
era! weeks. He haa never given out any
Information beyond this, and It Is the
opinion at the office here that during
his western tour he will take occasion to
see for himself what are the conditions
in Pendleton which were set forth In
Mr. Davis' report
Serious charges were mads against
Superintendent Edwards, and the Indian
department apparently purposes to go
into them thoroughly before making any
statement as to its findings.
(Journal Special Scrvtee.t
London; May 7. The farce or an
nouncing that Prince . Edward, the eld
est son of the Prince of Wales, has
passed his examination for the Osborne
Naval College and had acquitted him
self very well was solemnly gone
through recently.
As a matter of fact if he had not
been Prince Edward be would have
failed to en Oar, as he Is not so forward
In his books as his brother Henry. At
the me time he has already mastered
the 'art of being royal," and for a boy
of his age is extraordinarily tactful.
V The Piedmont ball nine " beat the
Woodlawna Sunday, 10 to 4. It was
their fourth suocessive victory over
their opponents. Ths iineup:
.-Piedmont Woodlawns.
Richmond -. . . p . ........ Sample
Graham ...,..,.......,.... Douglass
Hill . . ........... lb Foster
Fraser.. ...2b Wheeless
CVosper, , . ,!. 3b... Morgan
Scott.. ., .. . .. C Ambrose
Shaw....... ....... if..... Farrell
Woodcock. , , , ,U . .cf ...... .F. Ambrose
1 5 Vosper . i -. rf . tt -, rv ' Hanson
500 Woman's Reg.
White Lawn
Aprons d Of
worlh 25c V
PATTERNS are Ihe best ind
latest style 10c and 15c
Women's $3 Shirts for $1.69
ctra heavy white
New spring style, 7-gorey mads of extra heavy white
duck or Indian Head, trimmed witn pus.
bande of same material. - Toe best
Symes' $3 Skirt. Choice.
Women's $3.50 Suits $1169
es. Waist and
One great lot of hundreds, all fancy styles. Waist and
skirt trimmed witn lace; skirt made extra
wide and with deep flounce. All sizes.
Enough for one day only. All $3 Suits.
- ; 1
Great Bargains in the Domestics
A Stirring Wednesday Sale to Crowd the Counters Five Great Money Savers
5,000 yards Mill Ends Fig
ured Calico, all colors, good
lengths, worth 6c Al
and 7c All in Jls)
1.000 yards Wide Un
bleached Muslin, close
wove, good and
heavy, never sold
under lyic Spe
Best 10c Bleached Hucka
back Toweling, full 18
inches wide and a
regular 10c grade 1 fs)
$IT'- Ahlr
Great Table Linen offer 10
pieces only, full 58-inch,
fast-oclor Turkey
red and
worth 40c
ii ao-inco,
Finest of $ US Napkins at
vs? dozen. laree, full
loxls-inch sue
and full bleached,
guaranteed $1.25
ones. Doxen ...
arge, xuu
Quit Paying Fancy Prices for S
500 pairs and more to go, all odd lots
of the finest from the Symes stock, made of fin
est vici, guaranteed patent leather and light
weight box calf, newest' styles, plain and patent
tips, and all sizes. It's your chance to buy finest
$3, $3.50 and $4 fine Dress Shoes at almost half.
Choice f 1.08 pair.
Do your trading here and save from one-fourth to one-third on every pair you buy ancj remember our guarantte
of satisfaction or money back goes with every pair.
Shoes made for dress, the best and
finest made, every pair this season's style and In
cluding many of the most famous makes; patent
leather, vici kid and box calfi high, and low 'eutT
every size and width, and remember all $4 and $5
values. Pick 'em out tomorrow at, choice, f 2.48
infants' Shoes
Hand-Made Soft-Sole Shoes, in
all colors and combination of
colors, sizes 0 to 4. These
shoes are never sold
under 50 cents the
Misses' Shoes
Finest $2 School Shoes at
f 1.29 pair. Genuine vici kid
and box calf, Blucher cut, heavy
all-leather soles.
all sizes and all
$2 values .......
ener cut, ncavy
Misses! Oxfords
The best of Misses' and Chil
dren's Sea Island White Canvas
Oxfords at 8e. Extension
soles, low heels, best
$1 JO value youVe
ever seen. Pair . . .
98 c
Silks and
Dress Goods
Fancy Figured Wool Challies, 27 inches
wide, regular 60c value, cut to, tn39c
Jen pieces 36-lnch All-Wool Albatross, in
cream, light green, red, blue, etc, M
our best 60c grade. Yard TIv
27-incb Rajah Silk, in natural, cream, blue,
etc- sold by all agency stores at $1.15 QQ.
Ten pieces 19-inch Black Taffeta Silk, bril
liant finish and well worth 65c the 4 A
yard .....IV
Great Auction Purchase of
A 100-dozen lot and the best
35c Vest onr the market for
I one day only at 25c each
High neck, long or short sleeves,
crocheted and ribbon taped neck
and all Bizes. None sold to deal
ers, for this snap is for f CF A
our customers only. All "i fat Is
day tomorrow,
r r ii
Bi Cuts in
Special prices on all odd pairs of Lace
Curtains. Come early before the best are
picked out
500 large 12xl2-inch Applique and Lace ft.
Doilies, cheap at 15c Choice......... 7C
Odd lots of Fancy Pillow Tops and Dresser
Scarfs, fluted all around and fancy col-1 Q
ored centers.' Cut from 25c to...., I7C
Two great lots of hundreds of White and
Colored Bedspreads, some fringed 'all
around. While they last, choice - 1 .
The latest thing in Pho
tographs, two positions,
worth $2.00. Wednesday
from 9 a. m. to 4 p. QO.
m dozen .... . ; . . . fOl
A Wednesday Excitement50 Pieces Finest and Widest
27-Inch Jap SfllisSfeYard
lea underprice.
It's the best chance voull have this season td buy these wanted Silks undenmce.
These are the real Imported jap suits, tuu u incnes wtae, au colors. , ne,
soft, elegant quality, and when we tell you they are all the best 65c grades
we mean it One day only and no longer. Choice .
Grand Free'
Of patriotic music all day
tomorrow in our new
Phonograph Department
You are invited. CD Ft?
Come. It,s......flUJj
10 lbs Granulated Sugar....
3 cans Tomatoes
3 cans Cream
Shredded Wheat pkg .,;
Best Broken Rice, lb f
Fairy Soap, bar 3f
Rsr 25c can PineaDole.........i(?
California Black Figs, 4 lbs C
Honey, lb. . "f
50-lb sack Flour f
10c Arm and Hammer Soda of
10c bottle Bluing . . . ; .. . ... . .' .... 5
Bartlett Pears, 2 cans 25
Large box of 1,500 Parlor . 7
Matches for IV.
1-lb tin Ghirardellfs Ground OC0
Chocolate , . . siu t
Reg, 20c can Apricots .....
40c bottle Olives ........... . i. . .25
Great Soap Sale
Buy Soaps tomorrow for ,the next six
months to come 5,000 cakes to go
Worth 5c, 8c and 10c Cake
The final clean up of all Symes Toilet Soaps, all
kinds, all makes that he sold up to 10c, all go now
at 5c to dear thV lot. .Twenty different kinds
and more. Armour's Oatmeal, Buttermilk, Turk-
ish Bath, Clover Blossom English Violet, AtarLii 1 J-J
tumn Rose. Transoareftt Glvceririe anrl otriVrs rf iz J
the most famous makes, all in one great lot.
Pick out the best Choose 5c, 8c, 10c Toilet Soaps
at, choice
1 i s s a 4 i
i. a i
Toilet Articles
1,000 large reg. 25c Graves' ' A
Tooth Powder , . . : . . .. .C
25c Packer's Tar Soap
Gillette's Talcum Powder, al- ('
ways sold at 15c can....,......,.UC
25c Witch Hasel Cold Cream,
25c bottle Listerias i ...... ...;.1T
Large 15c double bar Gillette's 7
Glycerine Soap . I Z
25c bOtUe Witch Hasel 12t
5c cake Gillette'a Shaving Soap O.
cut to ...................... . . . : . J C
$1 bottle Pinaud's Eau de Qui- gg
Ths Rosebud Juvsnlls baseball nlna
disputes ths fclm ot the Parks that
they beat tha Rosebuds last Sunday.
Ths Rosebuds say they won by a scors
of 17 to 14 and If, the Parks don't be
)ievs It - they can nave another grama,
so there! Ths Rosebuds challenge their
old enemies to play at Highland next
Sunday. ; . - , .
Th Peninsular Juniors vrlU challenge.
any baseball team In the city under IT
years of are. Call op Manager W. Hart
man, Mala 715, .,-.... . )
Any team In ths city wlshliia a asm
from a team under IS years call up East
uoi aaa asc zor .wuus ,. ;
Lillian Bussclkat the Heilig.
The boatiful Amrlesn actress tllllsn Bos.
sell,., supported br a wllent tomptnr. will
pretent the dellgbtfb'l comedy, "The Batter
fly," st the Helllf thestre, rourteentb sad
Washington streets, tonight, WedoMdty end
Tiiarsdir slfbts. Bests are selling st bos of
fice for tbe entire engagement.
Scat Sale Tomorrow for "Salome."
Tomorrow (Wednesday), morning,' 10 o'clock,
at box office, tbe Helllg theatre. Fourteenth
and Washington streets, the adrance seat sale
will open ft Oscar- . Wild's - frost -tragedy
"Salome," which will be tbe attraction at tbe
Short theetre next Friday, Saturday snd Sun
day sights, afay 16, tl and 12.
Good Play at Baker.
"The Cowboy and tbe Lady," la a play that
cannot bat appeal to ereryeBS fond ef feed,
cleaa enter tain mast. ' The members ot the
Bakes eompeay axe this week BreseaMsf this
great Nat Goodwin play In a wwy that is Inim
itable. The scenic artists of the Baker hare
more than outdone themselves la tbe prepara
tion of the effects. AU this week at ths
Baker, with matinee Saturday.
Empire Melodrama Successful.
At the Empire this week that splendid melo
drama "She Pared Do Right" Is recelrtng the
highest commendation from all classes In tbe
andlence. The Seaman Stock company la
steadily winning, the fsTor of tbe theatre-goers
of Portland. TOey merit it. "She Dared Do
Right" all week with matinees tomorrow and
thing to salt all tastes. Ths seekers after
light amusement will find at the Grand some
thing they like, for the bill is eren better
than ordinary. Barry La Boss and company
present "Xhe Bailor aad tbe Horse,' which la
a comedy with real character acting. It de
serres Its place in big type. The rest of tbe
program la composed of talented comedians,
singers aaa cancer a. y .
"Brown's In Town."
- The Allen company la now in foil swing at
the Lyric, presenting as tbe opening week's at
traction the delightful t tree-comedy . success
"Brown's la Town," with MUf Verne Helton
snd all the other favorites in tbe east. -The
new scale of prices Is in effect st tbe Lyric.
Matinees Tsesdsys, Thandaja. Saturdays and
Sundays. Seats may be reserved by telephone.
Get the Lyric habit. - '
Headline FVaturee.
- This week the Grand has an excellent eande
vUls program and ens which contains some-
The Silver King."
There la a Onanlmon. Mi.lna m the Mrt
of those who attended tbe Star theatre last
aignt to witness "The Silver King." thst it
is one ef the best entertstlnmeats seen here
in years at popnlnr prices snd thst the new
eivcs company meets 'every requirement, a u
company wtU rsnk with sny similar errsntae
tioa on the coast and BnlUvsajSnd Tnldlne
have selected some capable peot'le.Tberai ere
-pot be eompeny. . ;
8peelal Dtepttck t The Jonraal.)
Ths Dalles, Of May.. Tv--Ths debate
bstwssa ths senior classes ef the klU
schools of Ths s Dalles . and 'l Heed)
River, held here, was decided la favor
of the latter. Ths contestants tor Ths "
Dalles wars Roy Plodgett. Nell Hostel
ler and Ben Morgan, and for Hood River
wars Mauds Merrill, Ferdinand Struck
and Burley Cash. Ths Judges wars Rev.
D. V, Poling? nd C, W. Modrs of Tbs
Dalles and T. H. Hartwla of Hood
River. Ths subject debated was, "Uov-
emment Ownership of Railroads in the
United Statea" Hood River had ti e
tSpeeisl tXepstch ' to The Jt"rl y
Newbers, . O., My 7. M lss I-
Buchanan . has had tha mlsfortur e n
break her arm ths second time i
skating- rink. Three months in i v ,
broken la the inn Tnor.npr,.
The city. Is !!-
r.yor. ( .
t ' !