The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 07, 1907, Page 1, Image 1

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little Ad in THE JOURNAL
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Brings Results. Costs Only
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Tha Weather Fair tonight; Wed
nesday fair and warmer. .
VOL. VI. NO. 51
f0T ... , : . ' '. i i
1 OK
masKea men puaru uNorn voasi
Limited Near Logan, Montana
Killing Frank Clow, Wounding
. Fireman Sulli van. Posses Pursue
(Journal Special Service.)
Butte, May 7. Eastbound North Coast Limited on Northern Pacific was . held
up at 5 , o'clock this morning by ' two " masked meniiear Homestead. Engineer Frank
Clow was shot from behind and killed and Fireman: Sullivan badly wounded. The
robbers fled after stopping the train without making an effort, to loot the express car
which contained over $100,000. Posses are in pursuit. A suitcase was found on the
tender containing 80 pounds of dynamite. . The masks, were discarded within a few
feet of the engine. This is'the fourth attempt to hold up the crack overland train
on the Northern Pacific in the past four yeafs.
The bandit secured nothing, fleeing,
apparently fearing detection In , the
Ufht . ot i dawnlnf day. Welch epur
la U - mile , eaat of Butte. . near the
-creet of the mala dlrlde of the Rooky
. mountain., section, " The country la
' ragged and wild , af Xordlng , exceUent
. chance for the escape of the deeper
adoeaw ": -..--
Pomss hare left Butte and Whitehall,
together with bloodhounds from Deer
Loda nenltontlarr. , and though . the
banoltahave three hours' start, the
' officers' believe the dogs will overtake
the robbers, as the Welch aeotlon is
very sparsely settled and there la Both
in t AMtrov the scent . - ,
Shertff Webb of BUUngs was on the
train and he .found the trail, which he
held till the arrival or tne wuwe posse.
Trams Saw Xoldnp.
A colored tramp, who was stealing a
via nn tii tender, was arrested by of-
Hcers. He says the robbers boarded the
tender'' at Buttte, carrying a suitcase.
They invited him to Join them, offering
Kim half the plunder, but he says he
Mi-ai Ha states that the robbers be.
gan shooting almost as soon, as they
had compelled, the engineer to bring tha
treln to a atop. .' - . ....
Th inmn aavs that the bandits
eted so nervous thst It was apparent
they were greatly excited. Lying . on
the tender, they kept fingering their
gum and cursing their luck because the
train was three hours late.
Officers found the eulteaao on the coal
tender, filled with 80 pounds of dyna
mite. The masks were discarded by the
robbers within a few feet of the engine.
..N':;'Xa rourta Bobbery. .
This Is tha fourth . holdup of the
North Coast, the crack overland train
on the Northern Paclno, In the past four
years." the three other robberies Cfccur
ing near Bearmouth west of Butte. This
morning's robbery is close to the scene
. t M Tm fvat itMlsV j
.. . . . . - t. .. .. .
. .-.... ., -
Misunderstanding of Orders Be
lieved to Have Been Cause of
: Disaster on B.' & O. in West
Virginia This; Morning.
- ; , (Joornel ipeetal Berries.)
Wheeling, W. Va- May 7. -Four train
men were killed and a number of pas
sengers injured, several probably fa
tally, this morning in a head on col
llslon between a passenger train and a
freight v train on the Baltimore A Ohio
railroad 18 miles south or this city.;
An investigation Into the causes of
the accident la being made by the rail'
way officials And It is believed that
soma mistake was made in the orders
given to the trainmen. The passenger
was running at a high rate of speed.
endeavoring to make up lost time, when
it suddenly rounded a curve and met
the freight which was an extra.
When the engineers saw the impend
ing doom they did all in their power to
save their trains and stuck to tneir
posts nobly, sacrificing their own lives
In their effort to avert the accident.
When the news of the wreck reached
this city relief and wrecking trains
were Immediately sent out and all of
the passengers rescued from, the de
bris, all of the deaths being among the
members of the train crews,
Annie Walker, Montana Cowboy Girl, Uncon
sciously Leads. Federal Officers to Hiding :
Place ot Man Wanted in Court "
Western Federation Attorney at
Boise to Take Charge of De
fense of Haywood Daily Pa
; ; per to Fight for Miners.
(Josrnal' BpeeUl Service.)
Boise, Idaho, Kay 7. The only factor
of Importance today In the Moyer-Hay
wood-Pettlbone case waa the arrival of
John H. Murphy of Denver, regular at
torney for the western Federation of
Miners, who win take a prominent part
In the defense' of Haywood. Murphy Is
la ill health and retired at once upon his
arrival He will consult' with his as
sociates ' late this afternoon to deter
mine upon the questions to be asked the
veniremen. . ' ' ": " t'.'
Hawley and Borah for the prosecu-
(Continued on Page Two.)
Mil IS
. i
To Seek
Candidate of Demo
cratic Party As At
Polls Demanded
Source of Satisfaction to Execu
tive to Know That the. Party
Approves th? Doctrine That
the Rights of the People Are
Sacred to Public Officials.
To tha Democratic Party of
tha City of Portland: I accept 4
.the nomination for tha offloa of
a mayor of ; this city . from your
hands, not only , with a deep
e t sense of gratitude for tha honor
thua . conferred . upon mn, out
with equal . appreciation of the .
generous manner or ua Bestowal.
O - It U a source of tha highest ,
satisracuon to me aa to au.wno w
' wish th party well, that It has
thus placed upon record its unr
- ouaUfled approval of the doctrine
a that tha rlghta of the people aa
a whole, regardless of party,
class or calling, are prima ob-
Jecta of sacred obligation to any a
publlo ofnclal who is to ba en-
trusted with them.
Dr. Harry Lane has accepted the
nomination for mayor which waa forced
upon him by the democratic voters In
the primaries last Saturday.
The nomination came unsought and
was an empnauo inaorsemeni . or me
position taken by Mayor Lane several
weeks ago, when he declared that If
reelected to office his policy would be
to place the Interests of tha whole peo
ple above any considerations of party,
faction or private Interest
One of the most extraordinary fea
tures of this extraordinary campaign
is the widespread expression among Re
publicans of a determination to vote
for Lane In the June election. It Is
San Franciscan Becomes Suddenly
Insane Over Imaginary Wrongs.
Uses Shotgun at Close Range
Upon His Neighbors in City Flat
j . (Journal Special Service.) " '
San Francisco, May 7.- Walter Davis, ar carpenter, brooding over imaginary
grievances, became temporarily insane and ran amuck with a shotgun shortly before
f5 o'clock this morning in the flat in, which he roomed at 414 Pierce street ; Six of
the seven occupants were brutally shot down, the only one to escape being Anne.
Bush, the 17-year-old daughter of Davis' landlord. After completing his murderous'
task Davis raged up and down the house defying any one to arrest him. " The police
feared to attempt the capture, but two citizens crept behind him arid overpowered the
maniac. All victims were mutilated. ; ' 7 !
(Continued on Page Two.)
Trustees' Accounts Under His
Father's Will Show Nearly a
Half Million Is Due White's
Slayer Uved Within Income,
' ' (Jooraal Bpeeial Serrlee.)
Pittsburg. May Is Harry Thaw la hot
broke. Four trustee accounts under the
will of William Thaw were filed In the
offloa of Register Walla today which
show there is due Harry under the dl
rect will of his father $m.S24.4.
Hla income from- this for three years
waa about 14,000. Harry nas - spent
$60,000 of this. This is exclusive of
his income from various other bequests
under his fathera wilt ,
! (Jbtmnl Bredal 'Bcrrlee.)
San Francisco, May 7. The first at
tempt of the United Railroads to run
cars : proved a dismal failure. Boon
after 11 o'clock this morning 1,000 In
furiated strikers and sympathizers at
tacked the first car. which left the
Turk atreet barns. After-smashing ev
ery window and beating the crew, the
mob forced them to return the car to
the barn.
The union pickets and a big squad
Anhie Walker, the JO-year-old Tacoma
sirl who startled the Paolflo northwest
several years 'ago -when she was ar-
reeted for horee stealing In Montana
while dressed in man's apparel, is in
Portland as. the chief witness against
William Shdman, a bartender arrested
last night by Deputy United States Mar
shal Clyde Nicholson; for sending, ob
scene letters through ha mall
Since . her arrival - in Portland Miss
' Walks' has repeatedly strained the
tth in order to help Shuman to es
cape rom Ihe authorities, and but for
a clever bit of shadowing by Nicholson
last bight tha prisoner might have got-
ten away. - - ja&-a.. j:-'t .
Tha relations of r Shuman and Miss
Walker are said to have been anything
but harmonious, still the girl clings to
him in his hour of troubla They are
said to have met at a boarding-house
In Tacoma owned by Miss ralker's
mother. They fell In love and were to
have been married. It la said.
' Shuman, however, evidently became
: (Continued on Page Three.) 1
' (Joerael Special Setviea.
' Fort Worth, Tx., May 7 Report wa
received t here from, trainmen and a
negro ; passenger at tha .Southern , Pa
clflr sutioa that John Armstrong, a
negro hanged at Columbus, Texas. Fri
day, April 19. for wlfa murder,. revive4
after being placed in e. coffin, and when
delivered to his brother, at Sealy for
burlnl was given medical attention,
. It la declaHd that Armstrong la now
living and that friends and relatives
are keeping the -matter quiet ' fearing
the state will again step in. Efforts to
confirm the story are thus far without
avail but the fact that the negro's Test
touched tha ground when he hung lends
credence to the'report. If Armstrong
is living he will be the only living man
who has paid the death penalty. The
fact that - he was pronounced dead at
the hanging renders tha state powerless
to again enforce tha death penalty. .
of - police Bought in vain to hold the
mob In Check. The oar was a large
provision oar and a second attempt was
made to send It out but as soon as it
emerged from the barn it was greeted
by another shower of brick, rocks and
plecea of Iron.
The mob then closed in on the car
and derailed It, but, almost Immediately
it , waa replaced on the track. It then
started down tha street followed by an
other fusllade In which the motorman
was struck on. the Jaw by a rock and
knocked senseless. Another man took
his place and proceeded a few feet
when a teamster blocked the track. A
policeman forced him to drive-off, the
car proceeding, but when It reached a
point where two 'buildings were In the
course of construction about a block
and a half from the barn. It was bom
barded by scores of men concealed In
the buildings. Tha car was literally
wrecked. The union pickets succeeded
In reaching tha vcar which they boarded
and with their aid tha car was again
returned to tha para. -
" Ooaferenoe rails,
Following the -unsuccessful Issue of
tha final conference held for the pur
pose of arrlvlnai at soma compromise
that would and tha car strike; the United
Railroads this morning started out cars
manned . by , strikebreakers, on several
lines. ,!-., ,;; i -. .,.-," -.,
Early this, mornins? great crowds
gathered about tha various car barns
from which It waa announced that cars
would be started. The police kept the
crowds In check and there were no at
tempts at .violence. j.--..
As hour after hour sassed - and .no
cars appeared much oonjecture as to
what caused the delay waa indulged in.
Btnaa sympathisers at once lumned
at the conclusion that the street car
company had backed down, but word
waa soon sassed around to tha affect,
that an important conference was be
ing held and that aa a result of tha con
ferenoe the strike might be-declared 'off.
Then came word that tha conference,
which was participated in by a com
mittee of citlsens. Mayor Sohmlta, Pres
ident Calhoun of the United Railways,
and President Cornelius and Secretary
Bowling 1 of the carmen's union, had
failed of Its purpose and that tha rail
roads would start cars out Immediately,
Prepare for Fray, v
In accordance with his promise to
start the cars this morning, President
wainoun naa m strong rorce or men ousy
all night preparing for tha resumption
of Service. He caused to be Inserted in
all tha morning papers a statement that
he would aend out cars, and declared
that ha expected no trouble. He also
said he felt sura the police protection
would be adequate, although It la like
ly that he had many misgivings on this
point. ': 1 ..''v.'--- -. - . ; ...-"v ; '
United Railroads has secured about S00
men to run Its cars. ' By far "the larger
part of .these men were gathered in the
Turk street barn, which : was strongly
fortified to stand a siege. Late at night
when tha crowds about this barn,1 which
all day amounted to at 'east 2,000, had
Pope Says Quarrel With France
' Leaves Church in Danger of.
Becoming " Poor. ; i .h
' K'ih (Jborsal BjwebU ; Serviee.) -t :
Roma, May 7 The popa gave a pri
vate audience today to Bishop Fox of
Greenbay, Wisconsin, at, which ha.'ad-J
mltted tha quarrel between Franca and
the Vatican caused a' deficit In the last
annual balance sheet of the Vatican.
The pope said unless wealthy communi
cants contribute freely the church will
become poor, a
dwindled to a scant dosen. Including the
union pickets, these men were distrib
uted to other barns throughout tha city
which had bean prepared for their recep
tion. There was some hissing at the
strikebreakers, but little disorder, and
the cars were soon out of sight , By
this means crews to run cars on all the
main linea were placed at points where
they could be used
OsOhoua Scores , point,
Calhoun, who has the advice and
oounsel of Farley, tha famous strike
breaker, scored, an Important point by
this maneuver as ha waa enabled, to be
gin operations en several linea at the
same time and thua divide the forces
of the strikers and the army of camp
followers. v
Tha Turk street barn on the corner of
Park and Fillmore streets waa the head
quarter of the strikebreakers from the
very start. It Is a big brick building
which la located in the center of a
populous resident district and In the
new retail business district -All night
long aT force nf- men waa at - work
strengthening the place for the coining
battle and when day dawned the high
fence waa surmounted by several rows
of barbed wire. All the windows were
covered . with heavy acreena to prevent
tne oresjung or ue paaea. ( :
Ail the other barns and carhousen are
similarly protected and the arrange
ment for the comfort of ; the men are
mora complete . than , In most of . fort.
resses. Besides beds and kitchen furni
ture. Including, refrigerators, there are
weu equippea Dams. - .
Prepared for Contingency. v
That the United Railroads la arena.
ed for any possible contingency whloh
may arise la ahown bv vocations of the
men whom they have brought from the
east' It has been stated that if tha
r t v.avwsu DOtl . UUVI aLlllS
its cars with platform men, there would
oe a sympathetic strike on the part of
tha alec tr Iclans, linemen, engineers and
firemen. - This has been antlcloated by
the company. . Among the men who
are quartered at the Turk atreet car
barns are number of men who axa
qualified to fill any of the positions
mentioned. If . the engineers should
go out there will ba men . who are
ready and willing to enter the big pow
er house and operate the engines. There
are also electricians and linemen. 1
Birthright and Ridgeway Are De
stroyed and Babe la Blown
Away by Terrifjo Windstorm
Which Sweeps Country. .
(Jooraal Special Bel tlte.)
Mount Pleasant Tex May 7. The
towns of Birthright and Ridgeway are
practically destroyed, many people are
dead, and an Infant which was In Its
path blown a war. as the result of a
tornado which swept the country 40
miles west of here Monday. - ' .
Early Monday' morning the tornado
tore across the country leaving a trail
of ruin In Its wake. The towns named
were reduced to rulna in ah Instant and
it la feared that the death list will ba
appallingly large. Details are lacking
because the wires were prostrated by
the storm.
Nine dead bodies hare been identified
already and no trace of the babe which
was blown away can ba found. -
... 'c :V- ,,it
Washington. Msr 7. William Cv Rica.
a telegraph operator, this morning shot
and killed his wife, wounded hla 1-year-
old son and committed suicide. .
. Tha dead are O. F. Bush and wife and "
son Orson, Mrs. Lillian Carothers. W. .
8. Baird and M. E. Vinton.
- The flat resembled a shambles. Bush's -head
waa blown off while ha waa stand
ing before the washstand making hla
toilet His wife took refuge In a
closet but Davis quickly found her and
shot her to death.' Orson Bush. Miss
Carothers and - Baird were evidently
ahot while asleep. All were frightfully
mangled.' ,
Vinton la believed to have giren tha
maniac a desperate battle, aa the sur
vivor says she heard sounds of tha -souffle
and the firing of a .number of
shots, Vinton, who was unarmed, ft-,
nally succumbing In tha unequal battle.
Davis Is a carpenter-eend cams from
Fcundryvllle, Tulare county. .
Tha escape of Miss Bush la due to a ,
strange freak of the madman's brain.
He had the girl at his mercy, but said
that he had a daughter about her age, '
and told her that be wouldn't harm her.
He permitted her to climb out of the
window. .
Davis tells a rambling story of tha
slaughter which la entirely at variance
with the facts. He claims that he
brained and cut the throats of some of
his victims, but all the wounds on the
dead are gunshot wounds. - Davis claims
his victims were slowly , poisoning him
to death in order to get his life insur
ance, which he carried In the Wood
men of tha World. . He accused Baird of
being the chief oonsplrator..
(Jmntl flverial Servlee.1 :
Middles bo ro, Ky., May 7. -John How
ard and Martin Green were killed, Elea
nor Howard fatally shot and James and
George Green wounded this ; morning
during a battle In tha Green-Howard
feud. :PYc::VUPi:iA.'! f ''k'-i1 '
James Morgan Sentenced to McNeil's Island,
Says Partner in Crime Conppeljed Him ;
. to Exchange Counterfeit Money
If the story told by James W. Morgan
to Judge Charles B.' Wolverton In the
United States court s this morning Is
true John , H. Mclntyre, wha waa ar
rested with Morgan andClater made a
sensational escape by , Jumping off 'a
swiftly moving passenger train, is an
other Fagan that would at least dupli
es to tha famous character In Dickens'
Oliver Twist '-f ' : :.i
. Morgan, who la but 3D year old, waa
sentenced today to serve two years at
McNeil's Island for passing raised bills
and .stated that be waa made to com
mit tha crimes by MoTntyre. who at
one time beat him over the head for re
fusing to carry out the work of the bill
raiser. (
- Morgan said that h met Mclntyre at
Boise last August and that the two were
on their way to Tacoma to enter a
vaudeville theatre. While In Portland,
Morgan says, he passed the first bill,
but did not know until afterwards that
it had been raised,
Then cams the strangest part of his
(Continued . on Page Three.)
-.: drama! Smclll Rtl fc- : -
Chicago,' May 7. Bion I, Arnold, the
$80,000 head of the traction board of
supervising- engineers, is mute as e
result of a peculiar accident While
attemntin to fia his , brotbera auto-
moblle, hia Jaws were forced together
by. the engine "kloklng back." - hla
tongue being cautfnt Between nis win
and cut dear off. He made a wild run
to Mercy hospital, where his tongue
was stitched together. Ha wlU act be
able to speak for some time. He p
peered at the mayor's office and wni4
an account of what happened.-.
; Mr. Arnold, spectators relata, dUi,-tv-ed
rare nerve after the. accident, i
closed his mouth firmly on t!i
tongue, and though tlood r;rj( If 1 i f
clothes, be drove the muchine r p i
and accuratelv, arI(Jns at the I ..- i
to minutes after. tbeVcclu?nt t
The doctor, assures Arnui.t t .
tongue will knit and ti.fct h v ,
able to speak agalo.