THE OREGON DAILY "JOURNAL, FORTtAND, MONDAY EVENING,- MAY 0, 1C07. It naaw'S's ." i l - .-r?ak r v rOJl SALEREAL ESTATE. :rjMz Fcr Sale foy'Qwiier. .'Xb-l'0n 8Bl70, one 80x70 and oaa SOxiOO , , .wa f in ins tnii navia tt.; also on lot Bo 2lth and Rut Ankany t. I, i, 4, 6," 0 or 10 acrea on best road in , - the eonnty; by' ap fins and la exceptionally V. . ...1v. " for berrlee or frulti tor home speculs. -, tk this cannot ta beat! it can ba cat to . auir, purcbaacr, allowing larga frontage rata ir aeeirea.. " ., of the a bora can ba aold on easy terma. . .i. i "r prrca ana ifrmi pnooe union , or aa ' : dr- F. D. Wo. 1. Lent. Or. ' : ? t A MOST pleasant cottage on two BOxlOO-fnot ' lota that aro at out with berry baahaal haa ' bearing fruit trace) brick cellar, and cheap , mi ti.ouui price call at im nice . ,; of Cameron Grant, 1468 Eaat Gllasa at, Oen- r aqqjtipni jdootavuia canine. . MODERN T-room noma for sals br owner I choice location! $3,100; half caab, balanca to aoiw -'iaj. ast4o5 -after o p. nr. If ODEEN brand sew $-mora eottacea. $9th and tvir.T.AMKTTB nrtnnTa imMshm t mniJ i foil baaement, alectria and gaa flxtaraa, ! ehadee, large eloaeta; roaea; aato-honae; h one t block to car; flna views M.600. Owner. Ad t dreaa B 178, care Journal.- .,. . .fi. j-.. , TWO g-room modern , bangalowa, aew, eloely plnmblnit, good location, 1 location. $3,400; g400 raid. $20 monthly fhona owner, woodiawa, un. - 0ORNHB lot with two new cottagee In center .of reeldenca dletrlct, Vanchuver, Waah.j In- , come 10 per cent net; price $3,000. O. B. , Perclval, owner, 408 Commercial blk. . 'STSFhmS Z lJ?t. t.Z ' inR. 1V!? i.k? J? . o a i XddiVj Pit- ? ,M , . ' ,?: Addltoa, Lenta, Or. ,.,. i $M ACRES In blah atata of cultivation, 10 . mllee eaat ' of city, 1 mile from atreetcar llnei new. kalldluaa. wall, atream- af water. fruit and berrtee; on good county road, Ohio . Malty CO 408 Ooomerclal bldg. MODERN g room houaa an IBant Mth at. $600: eaa arrange for balance on payventa of $86 per mootn.-. u. D. viciinaoa, ava vommer. g.' , ,... ; . - ' C ':R Doauell & Co. 'j t 1?.,w: " RRAL BflTATB. ' ""eK '",''; ' Boom 12. 88 SUrk at " t . I HAYB a tend T-room modern home, corner lot, Eaat iatk at., 5 blocka of Bawtbome ava., S blocka W-R car; $300 caab, balanoe eaay.1. S4S Stark at'-:- : . "' - - ' "' S-B00M ootUae, full tot. $1,400: $300 caab, $20 v monthly. Phone Eaat 475. . , - IT you want to bay, aell ar exchange year! property, can oa ar addreee oeo. w, xnmer, 03H waahlngton at. fortiano, w., FAXON PARK lota 100x200. la cultivation, I . level aad alcbtly : pricra $300 ta $376. O. Addltoa. Unta. Or.t Mt Scatt ear, 6a. 100x100, CARTJTHFRS at.,' near Front) ' aoma Income) only $4,600. Foatofflca Boa bbt, at i , donna. i. sf. i i T-ROOM konee, almoat new, flna earner lot, . between Hawthorn and W. R. care) only $3,0001 $aoo caak. 14$ tUrk at I2.HO0 BUYS new T-room bonaa and tot 60t .100 near two carllnee. Inonlre Holmea tt Meaefea Beal Batata Co., 8 Third at A FINB bew cottage, oofbuUdlnra; eblckena. plxeona and furniture! . lot' 67x100; graded etreeta. water: owner Uvea In tha hooae; S ". blocka aootb of Hawthorne ava. oa 44th at Wl nMCT. Mm wuv wm mmn $504) half caab. balance $10 par month. Apply UU X3d at., euwooo. l-BOOM hooae and J lotai tarma. .aad Wygant ata. . ... Millar, Slat B0TT8ES and lota on initallmanta. tlat tod Wygaat ata. Sea Miller, BLOCK, Woodatock Heighta, view whole city; tinea t fruit; a-room bouee; near car. Owner. , Telephone Sell wood 244. r 1 - FOR BALE T-room bona, 404 Broadway at, oa ear Ilea. - Inquire 23$ Waahlngtoa at . 0NB modem T-room bouee, beautiful Vocation, Moont Tabor; half caab, balanoe terma. Phone ' Eaat 6304. .. , . --: FOB BAtB Lot 80x100, B-roora cottage, walk ing dlaunee. Owner, 887 Beat Sixth at Bear LOOK HEBE A anap without money; I have got aoma choice lota, 40-foot etreeta, 20-foot alleya. that I will Mil for $114 each) $5 down ' and $5 per month. Alao one 4-room cottage for $850: $100 down and $15 per month. See ' owner, Joe Naeh, at Millard ava., on tha Mt Scott earllne, 20 mtnutee' ride. , ANOTIHCR BARGAIN 11 acrea, moatly cleared, good bouse and bemj fine aoll, moat ge cheap. Theffltla 4k Jlbatraet , Co, room 4 , Mulkey bldg. Second and Morrlaon ata. 4-ROOM colonial bonaa, $2,500; $600 monlhly. Phone Eaat 476. . --, $35 - Northwest ' Qnartsr" tr' 1otraat-12tb 'ami &r.V..,2rStoS iihwe East 42, 1 'T... u.. it Boas. TJeT 4aM AVtim jaws a asvai ' - 100x100. EAST front 4 large frnlt trees, other v... arilllMnworth are. Sella Gossatt I lota. KlUlnasworth are. EalU Goaaatt ITUUICil sneaaam ..-.aass- -- Riverside office, St. Johns ear. '""' -: . - . - . I . ,, roe rsnf new no Menlto"".. AwiF Beat OWO St.,'. DUD. tMM, : 100x100 CORNER; fine future boelnees location; tnalde property, bow covered with dwelllnjraj cheap at $16,000. ' See Geo. J. Schaeter, 817 Chamber of Oommeroe- . - - TWO new - moaem-ouni oouaea, ut i $2,000, one and two blocka to Flrlana Mktlon! $260 cash, each, balanca $ift and w per n Weli-eetabllshcd bakery, good boaineea. good location; owner retiring on sccouoi eg., '"worebuuding. fina ioeatioa, eflcarllna, $flft0) $50 caah, $10 per month; Bjrtr renting for $10 month; discount tor caah Choice acreage on easy terra; Mt. Boott ear Be fare. 10-minnfe servif. . JAMES eV W008TER. AKH- SUtlOB. i i i i i i , I ' ' il .1 ll FOB SALB BY OWNE ,ew 2-atory I room a. Icket fence, chicken i Tabor my Poet- 5 modern. lota, 50; 1 rwrarda; leaving city. ?fa Box 875. Arj oval' FOR SALB New "."SIKS!1 .,0Ctt0 Owner, lono iwnw e., ; FOR SALE -oonj modern house, lot 82x100, vJl rrrlw 9,ith at., corner Tascart I Mf cy owuar, 7 - f BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATB BX i . - HATFIELD 4t SMITH, .'...r v.: "y I ', . iflJSU. Vnarth St. V , v ; ' ' S'fbom modern lonse. Eaat Sixth st... $S,BO0 " ff-roora bouse, weathered oar nJab,.$3,200 , iroom house, 8 lota, near A ' 4-room cottage, modern. East Maln...$l,800 eottace. rente $10...... .$1,100 , .... ., I ... A oUABTEB 'bloekf -beautiful- f.biBecS ' rooms, tra well built, double floors, full . 'I basement. Uundry, hot and cold water on J floor, gaa, alMWcity, rnv"u'110j rft 10 bearing frnlt tree, berries, eewer. 1 1. . l.J.w eMM, -a.e-iihe'f' fia, aaenta. Inaulre I - I Dim. I 400 Freseott st - - .-R4ROOM cottage, furnished, $1,500. ' 208 Fourth it Tel. Pacific 2125 or Main 899Q. . SNAP Good 8-room modern honte, lot 80x100, iaraTand areres; half cash. 604 McKay -. bldg.; Third and Stark.- ' : ; 22 860 BEAUTIFUL T-room modem . houehv nearly Bew; lot 80x100. 609 McKiMldg, Third and SUrk. - NICE 8-room bonaa on corner, one block east eide nign kdwi, . M boose, electric lights, cement walk, 1 earllne. $2,200; by owner; easy terms. Phot Phone Union 2788. ' WOOOLAWN COTTAGB. V g neat large plastered roome. concrete baae toent and large corner lot, well located; guar- . aatea $150 year rent: price ai.ouv; ou aown. Modern houae of S leely-finlabed-tlBtd I room and full cement baaement, on 184x188 - lot. In shrubbery end frnlt. $2,400. -: HOMB LAND CO.. 1464 First at nnTTTW PORTLAND SNAP.. . ? Ftnc corner, unobstructed view, stae 88x110,1 only $1,600. 208 Fourth st. Tel. Pacific 2128 er Main 8090, j t , '.. , ' WEST RIDE - BARGAIN. - $7,000 room bouse, , modern in all details, ana a rractionai lot, tocsiaa on aevewa at., leaa toaa t blocka from the Hotel Portland, Thla is a enap and good, for a quick. turn '. ul a Dig increase. . - JAMES J. FLYNN, r . ; 1? tn Cbsmber of Commerce. ' ;-, fi BEW 4-rooot up-to-date honae, full lot $3,250; - 500 eaah, $25 moouiijr. Phone East 075. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ' " YOUR MniiiT'a vnnrn $1,100 for 4 lota, corner, 107il00. a WBJ1 1.800 for fina business corner on Mlsela- ilppl are. . . $1,250 for a whole block la Oatman'a tittle Homes on Delaware at. ; $ 1,600 for 10 waU loaatad loU la Pentaaular .'addition. k-., . - , . i- 12,000 for a good plaatared bonaa, batb, ewer, erica paeement. id Houtn roruana. . $5,000 for 4 well-kcated hill lota, Wltb a-room good house,-to Riverside addition. $4,000 for 11 scree, to aalla from Clacks . maa statical 10 aeraa tn young bearing fro It trees, I acre in etrawberrlei) old bouse; good ;:waU. i .v.- . , , ,:.. ' vO. X. KAISER, 961 Aider at. Phono Mala 668. : , Re. Phond Mate 4624. 60x100, WITH two cottages an lot, rental $2T.M par month; price 13,000. , - t , -100x100, with six honaes an lot. bringing fin $215 per month: aearly 8 per cent net ea i- tha tareatmaot. - Are either of tbeaa tatoree. 1 log' - " ' r , ' - ' ' .i SPHINX AOENCT, $06 Start at. A Stark at ; ,; . :., WB bava a few acre tracta left at $SM -each for a abort time; theee are tnatda tha city v llmlta, under cultivation, with Bull Run . water and a few blocka from atreetcara; the beat bny on tha market. ' I Bl'HINX AQBNCY, $08 H Stark at. QOOD l-roora booaa, lot SOzlOO, blocks from earllne, $860; terma. t, J. Oedar, oraar Grand ava. and Eaat Aakeny at, : .: . FOR SALEFARMS. WR SAIJ-nna farm. aon.Utlng of 820 acrea D,r '" od valley towa and railroad, fronte on county road and SL T. 1. route; 870 acrea Id blah atate of cultlva- tlon. balance tlmhee. and naatural . Boll dark loam, ap-to-data tmprovomente, la heart of . Willamette valley; price only $14,400; alee lie acrea, a mure rrom town, acrea an der cultivation, balance oak grub timber, 14 acrea hope, fronta on county, road aad H. T. . D. route, good arhool at corner of farm, flna location, good improvamente; ' price , part caab. balanca. oa eaay -tarma. Call or ' addreae t. D. Winn. Buena VlaU, Or, 15 ACBBS of good Mack loam land near Naw- tierf,. about one half la cultivation; a good houaa and barn, all fenced; price gl,2U0; terma remarkably eaay; thla ia a bargain. About 80 acrea in tha old Mlntborn tract. about 6 or T mllee from the city; good land, BO travel, end ehean for $4,500. A a ood Aairv. (rule av eeretable farm. Bear r Clackamaa eta t ion, for about $85 per acre. .. bona Pacific. $02. 227 H Waahlngton at. FRCIT FARMS. --'-84 acrea ta Clarke county. Waah.i 12 , to Druoee and 4 acrea in berrleai 6-room bonaa and a barn, alao a 4-ton drvert thla place U au under cultivation; 13, ow. B0 acrea near tha above place, 11 - acrea under cultivation, 4 acres pranes and 4 acrea mixed orchard) 4-rooo) oouag aad amau oarnj f i,ouu. ' - SPHINX AGENCY. gOSH Stark at. $$,000 A SNAP acrea Arlington Heights, .platted, 8 ml lea out tweet aide), ton of Can- ron road, near Council Great - Apply at $87 MorneoB at. you locate call ea or write Warren at Stater, tha leading real aetata dealera la Yamhill county, Oregon, located at McMlna vlllei the beat county la the atata. 23 ACBE3, crop, eowe, team, 'poultry, ton la. I bouee, barna, oreek, $2,000) half caab, balaace a cheap lota. 604 Goldamltb at Alblna. TDIBER. TO OWNERS of timber elalma and timber. Wa will bny for caab any good timber tin atary to the Nehalem river. Will deal with ' owoera onlrt write, eirlna fall nartlcalara. , Nehalem loveatment Co., 821 Chamber - of Commerce building, Portland. Or. : CEHTTFIED ecrlo, any atxe, lowest prleaa,; u ttoweil. oaa cuamner or UMBBMree. BMALt, .Columbia river aawmlU; flna lot tim ber; a money maker. Addreaa O 180, care .-Journal.'-'--? -;. -.r , ; TIMBER aatlaated between 10,400,000 and 12,. ouo.ouo reet, rirat-cuaa. Addreaa. M. at a general delivery, Portland, Oregon.- CAN locate partlea on fir and tan eat claim, frorh 8,000.000 to 4.000,000 feet For Infor. uatkra write 246 Grant at.. Port land. Or. JF you are looking for a good timber toreatment or aawmiu propoauion wa eaa give yoa what you want. Can furnlah. 140 acrea ar 10,000 acrea. fir or pine. SPHINX AGENCY, 808U Stark at. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. I go HOR8ES flO At auctioB at the Union Stock, I Tarda, Portland, Oregon, on Thunder, May K 6, 1807, 1 o'clock aharp; two earloada an broken range horeee. will make fin 11 veer. expreaa and - milk - wagon horarei alao , aoma young maree and colta, the very . tfaihg to u i c ia ruirrs. tmie vo in eanie auu era yooraelf. .Twaddle 4k Rlcharda. HORSES end buggies for rent by dayyweek ana montn ; special rates to od.iness-ssusss. utBso ua en Borne, vr.-.sast -9., , BEST work and light b.rncs,cs. lowest: wa your 01a narneas.ia excaange roi ' new. Keller Harness Co .49 North Sixth st,i MT,M . , BBTIMATES given 1 j j." " ' !a? 1 . ""w 'r" war tx. rnam idbihe gz. mxu n bwlddtd4V mwm, hornj roR SALB One-hcfee delivery warosf eoverad, f FOR BALE-Yomig Morgan' rtallloa, S years ; oia, siren -ny Lamoert Hoy,.iam uamutoniaa. it. Bytiarvay, Miiwauya, ur. COVEflED WAGON, sufUble for grocer, $55. tu jerreraon sc. 7? wagon. ; Call 638 Fradnr. W FOR SAIiE .LIVESTOCK. TWO Jersey cows for aale, ana fresh with calf; three Quarter or a mile north of benta. .". A. Wilson. . ' - ' t,:- GOOD freak cow, Holatela and Dnrhaa. 444 . East Madison st MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, y; VICTOR T Iking Machlnea and records; Steln- way tor otneri pisnoa. onerman, tiay ex vow ' Sixth and Morrison ata., opp. P. O. . PROFESSOR T. B." LAW30N. 188 12th at.. . near Morrison. Phone Paclflo . 810. , Piano . lessons, 60e. , - ' : BARTER AND EXCHANGE. ; - FOR SALB or exchange for cord wood, city , property.: one 4-horeepower stationary, ens jd boraepowsr portable engine. Call phone Bast or si Aioina ava. ,. PROPERTY to and near Engene for Portland or auDuroan. owner, aw WilUama ava. AUTOMOBILE to trade tor. good, bores' and hamrr. i- Adrfms Ro SiA aUfa " ' ... 1 ' i ii i i , i i i i - i i .2 juts m Loe Angeles, to exchange for Ore- . son- property. P. C Lassen Co., 874 rirn at; 80 ACRES Bear Champneg, Oregon (will, make line cnicaen rancn, to exenanga for a noma . in Portland and pay difference or assume mortgage, ata rirat at,, Portland. - - led ACRES alfalfa land near Los. Angeles to v excoangs tor property in-roruana or vicinity, 874 Flrat at, Portland. - FOR 1 SALE RUSCELLANEOUS. t - ALL SIZES P1PB. Black and galvanised, from to 12-inch. Two l.OnO-llghit dynamoa. One 60x18 boiler, practically new. 1 . Carload trace-cbaina. t . -, .." - . Carload machinist and blackamlth viaea, . Carload picks and mattock. .' -.-.- Carload wedges and sledges, all new. 1 -QT.T. p'leclee hammer. -..)f. .. , - " 100 tons rails, different alee. ..100 tons eye-besms, all sisre. ;: Carload of new bolts and nuts. - Second-hand elevator, 8,000-lb. capacity.. ' Wa alao have the largest stock of second . band sawmill machinery, belting, cables,' bard, ware and other things too numerous to men - tion. In the Borthweat - st-'t 'v, t. SIMON 4k BM,tiiV: -:f: 244-46-60 Eroot at -.V,- '-. 60 LATEST atybr vlaltlng ckrda, 25c; 104 btnnV ) neaa cards, 60c; bills, letterheads, antelopes, i wedding snnonneements and Invitations, wntst score carda, dance programe;- printing dona r. neatly, quickly, cheaply, . Call up Tabor 400. FOB SALE loO cord : wood 1 mile west of Portland Height. $2 on groosd. - f hone Bast 463. . - - - FOR SALE 0H1SCELLANEOVS. SINOER and Wheeler and W 11 eon aewlnc mi china office. We alU leeee or rent' new nia- . chlnee; old machlnee taken la part payment) keeond-hand marhtriea iiS and an; other make. ' of aww machlnea g2S and no! needlea for all , nakea of taachlnee; all kinda of machlnea -. repaired and guaranteed, a. H. tuegai, agent, - UHd MorrlaoB at Fhjne Mala S18B. $ $ $ PHONB MAIN BT4. $ I I Extra anectal furniture and atorea: larxeai i large , aaanrtment, eheapeet wleea la aw aad aee ond-band gooda of every deacrlption rlptlon: gli lin. I . $ . aa a call and te eonTinood. , I $ $ THB D0W-AB, a a S32 rirat- St, Near Ma RECENTLY opened manicuring parlore fomored irom aotn to sish Morrlaos at., room z. PHOTOORAPB outfit, beat bma. aomplatai will. , aau coeap.wM CMixamnui at. ' PI A N0 at be aold at once) partial leaving BILMARD AND POOL tab lee tor rant ar eale on eaev navmenta. TUI SRUNRWICK-BALrTB-COLLBNDIB oo. av niiira at,, roruasa. 8HOWCA8G8. roantere, flxtnrea. boaabt aold or aicbangad. , . Wee tern Salvaga On., 3T waaningioa at. raeirw tvb. FBEB FOR EVERYBODY Ring ap Mate 4290 .or cau xibh rront at. we tmy aaa aau mr- v Bitura, ciotnug or any aid tuing. . SEWING MACHINES bonght aold aad ea ch inred. $3 and ap. Weetera Salvage Co, a waaningroa at. . , h -' , CA80LINB laoncb, enat $2,500. for aala for leaa than naif. P 188, care Journals y,. , BOLDEN'S RBEtTMATIO CTJBB Sura eare for rbeumaaam. Sold by all draggleia. OLD BOOK BTOBB removed to 148 FlfU aad xil Becood ata. - , .v FOB SALE 60 eana fruit, extra choloa. at 894 Eaat Clay at. . Call SHOWCASES and flxturee, Bew and eeeood- band. Carlaoa Balwtrota. S8S Coach at. NEW wire fencing, 160 feat long, 4 feat high, . on orove at, afontaviua. POULTRY ranch, cheap, am 4 aeraa rented archarg Und; big fruit crop: a para at beauty. Wolfetaln, 227 Froat, $40 WITX buy a new typewriter aad relttop fleax ir takes at once; leaving aiy. -" tu Dlvlaloa at, corner 20tb.. ' riARnUND KVOTN1I. . 'i' Lewie 4-horeenowar, eUghtly aaedl will aeU for $100; left for aala at Belaraoa'e, foot ox aiornaou. i' , v,. FOR BALE One lO-horeepower Stillwater tree- tioo angina, ia good eoaditioa. u, auiaamao, at w, i. mo. 8, MUwaakle or. , , FOB SALE Laonch, with or without eagloe. a. t. uorn, care journal. FOR SALE Second-hand two-ton. expreaa wagoa. axo ueimont at. PERSONAL.' - Russian Baths tOT THIRD ST.. BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON: SWIMMING POOL, STEAM AND HOT AIR BATH; FROM 4 A. M. TO IS P. M. PBICB 25 CENTS. - - NOTICE OF REMOVAL. . A. Belner. the farrier, will Lewie bldg. March 1 ; looking for eultable location; for meant may ba fond at reet denca, 2B2 North lBrh - at. PhoM Pacific 24T. Will call and give evttmatea aa aaeal. BEXINB PILLS core aU forma of muscular weakaeee. rot men Price $1 a bos, 4 boxea 88, with fall guar. aatea. Addreaa or call J. A. Clemeaaoa, arag glet Second and Yamhill ata. Portland, Or. PILES Itching, bleeding, protruding, fleaurea. natula, eonatipatioB ana au rectal oiaeaaea cured la 14 to 80 daya. without the knife ar llgatnra. Call or write Pr. X. J. Plaroa, 181 Flrat at, Portland. Or. LADIES Dr. Ketcbata, graduata and regie tared physician, treats any and all your complaints wltb eklll and success. 170H Third at, eoe ner YamhilL Pacific S22. . 0EBMAN hooka, maiaalnea, Bovsls, ete-t Ger man, una nab. rreneo, Bpaniab, Bwedlan and Italian dictlowarleei fnreirn hooka at alt kinda. ' Schmaie Co., 229 First at, . SUITS praeead while yoa wait, 60e. - Ladles' anrta preaeea.. ooc. uiioert, ion(4 aixia ak, next to Quelle. Phone Mala BOSS. " BERT magaalne clubs aver offered aead for pneeai agenta wanted, onea uootatore, xvi Alder at, rortiand. or. ... h -. MANLY rigor restored by Dr. Koberta; Nerve umuum. way uuuin s uvaiirovnv OJII ' a month. 6; cent securely sealeit by mail. avgenis, waaasro. tiaras er w., , urxiaou, jt HOLD ON There la ana thing that will cure rnenmatiem. aaa roar araggiat ror para tonic or address; er call, J. A. Clemaasaa. Aruggut. Portland, or. MOLES, wrinkles.- anperflaona hair removed. No charge ta-talk It over. Mra. M. D. Hill 1 room 830 Fieldner bldg.- Phone Pacific 185. DR. BINd CHOONG. In porter Chlnesa rent -; medlctnca; sella Chinees tea, certain cure for au dleeeeea. ll 2d. bat Xamhiu and Taylor. DDI POTTS-P Uiami aeatn Caelal ana. sags, chiropody. , 224 Vi Washington at. Hours 10 to 8. MI8S RAYMOND Masseu., t8H St., room 14. Pbons Main 4811. , Morrison BALM OF FIGS for aU female diseases. East Belmont ' Phone Bast 1084. 424 TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregontan bldg.J ladtea oays, gentlemen nignta. xaaia lsoa. BOI.DEN'8 RHEUMATIC CURB Sura mra for rbeamatlatn. Bold by an drogguta. - BE ATTRACTIVE! ' Pimple blotches, freckles, . blackhead, red veins., coarse norea. acae . and falling hair cured or no harge; trial Treatment free. Address Dr. T. I. Pierce, 181 First st, Portland. Or. AMELIA R. BROWN, electro-magnetic healer, Room 1 Hotel Ohio, Madison and Front ata. AMELIA B. BROWN Cancers removed with. out pain or knife. Room, 2 Hotel Ohio, Madi son ana rront, ata. , MISS LB ROY, accomplished masseuse. 1H AMer St., aulte 8-4. Open evening. ; YOUNG laJy gives treatments. $5$H Yamhill. room o. ...?... MISS GIBSON gives scalp treatment; daadruft XI18H Morrlaon room oa. - , . MANICURING, face massage and scalp treat. ment.j.Try room 1, bosh wasnington t YOUNG aclentlfle maeseuse aives electric L alcoholic and medicated treatments, also tub bath. 41 Raleigh bldg., Birth and Wash ington sts.' . .1. '1 - 1 - RECENTLY Opened manicuring parlors removed from 851 H to 84SH uorrison at., room a. CHARLIE Why dM yon iwvt rIIT Mamma had "Ardmore LXrree rrom uoya lea uo 90 Flrat at., fear lunch, - Jat aae what yoa misnea. Mm.-At- f 'ji. MRS.- OBROCK, graduata masse use; cabinet batb, aalt glow, alcohol run, cream message; rererenee. lav neventn at. main euoa. VAPOR and Alb baths, ' alcohol rubbing mas- saga, aunt xnirq St., corner Jtnyior. ; j BATH parlora at 207 Third at. I ladles and gentlemen tree tea; npatair. room if. DB. 3. Q. MACKIB, oeteopath and eleetropath; ladle treated in the forenoon, gentlemen in the afternoon. Boom 25. 145 Sixth at. BUSINESS PERSONALS. ALBINA CREAMERY CO. Pure paatuerlaed milk and cream delivered in bottles; mann factdrar of quality Ice cream, Alblna cream ery butter. 800 Russell st. Phone East 6362. INVENTIONS bonght and sold. Covenant Con. tract 00... 427 meaner wag. . ttsin zcwi. - 8KELLY CO., 14th and Ftaederat flonr, feed, nay, gram, r Donee 4 mil, racinc on. WB pay . the hlgheat prices for - second hand ciotning aaa uossv nee aa at 11 norm miro, EXPERIENCED all-arouad carpenter wanta job or aay woTK rrom owners; reterances. rnone East 2303, aab for carpenter. ASSAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDS-EXTRACTION CO., aad Mouuaa Assay ofties. 188 Morrlsoa at. -. BATHSSL1S8AGE. MANICURING, face and scalp treatment: batb ana BMssag. uvkk rooru at, - AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD U. COVEY. Agent Pierce Great Arrow. Locomobtlea, Cad illac and Kaox. Temporary locatlua Clnb Garage, 15th and Alder eta. ARCHITECTS. ERNST KRONER, architect Plane and apedfi. eatiooa; alao building caperlotendence. H. a DITTRICH, architect. 821 Wllltama ave, earner McMillan, at. Phone Eaat $S$1. ATTORNEYS A. H. TANNBB, attoraer. , Room 404, Com . merdal blk Seoaod tad Waahlngtoa ata,. Phone Mala 1440. PIOGOTT. FINCH BIGGER, attorneys at , law, 4 Mulkey bldg., corner Second and Mor- ARTa. , ' FREB LESSONS IN , . Embroidery Every pay. THB NREDLECRAFT SHOP. . . ISt Waahlngtoa at B. H. MOOREHOUSB 4k CO Art lets' materlala. ' picture molding, picture framing, aiareoptt- - cone, leatero -aiides. aig Aider at. j. j.; PLANK.BOOK MAKERS. nnmrm fl.vtai a. mmu .ai a w n w, a. nixi'.n, iwii, um wit .Biana nooaa manaractoredr a rents for Jonee" , Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see tha saw 7 enreta tear, the beet an the market. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES BUTCHEBS' SUPPLIES . Birkenwald On., 804-804 Everett at.) largest botcher supply Boaaa oa tna coast, -write for catalogue. BUTCHER" SUPPLIES Adolph A. Pekem, isi-iss rirat at., earriea a run line ana eo pleta assortment at lowest market prices. ; - CLEANTNQ AND PTEEVO. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed, $1 per BMatfc. unique lauonng uow su atari at H. W. TURNER, dyer carpets dyed a apedaV ty. eua Jeriereoa at Mala sola. COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST 4k SLARWOOD CO. 866 Froat eneeesBore to Fultoa Weed Oo- nr. oaa, aiaoweoa, coat. Tel. maia lwoa. FOR prompt dell vet y ef alabwood call Mala sito. uaa.- sen, . nr ana eoai. roruaaa Wood ek Coal Co, 18th aad Barter ata. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealera la cord wood, coal ana green ana ary eianwooa. a. H. ana auoiss a oiocss east asrry aaac a t .., WESTERN FEED FUEL CO. House end btackemlth eoale. eeke. attar' coal, kindling. Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONB BAST T. F. B. JONES a CO., Wood and Coal. 181 Bart Water at. OREGON FUEL CO. la bow taking orders for wooa ana coal ror ratara oeuvery. osa Aider at. Mala 45. CARPET CLEANING. THE Pacific Coast Carpet Ren orators clean your carpets oa me floor without removing furniture from rooms. We ralae no duet, remove all dirt aad grease epota. Phone Pacific 414., - STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO Largest Slant on eoeett Lortng and Harding ata. i phone iast S80 carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; steam and compressed etr process; re novating mattresses and feathers a specialty. JOYCE BROS., proprietors of tha Electrle Clean ing worxa; carnets Cleaned aaa Mid. ftotn on and romnresssd-alr cleaning; earpet reflrtlnf ear specialty: work guaranteed. Phone Mala SATS aad A 4872. 270 Grant at. - - CHIROPODISTS. WM. DRVENY ESTELLB PEVENY, THE only aelentiric ehtaonodiata, parlora SOS Draw Mdg., 1U Id a. Pbona Mala 1801 CHIIOPODT. end Pedlcortng. Mrs. M. D. HI1L Hoem son rieidoer Bldg. rneae fa cine laa. . Consult tb Beat PKUr. H. KH MO. - Greatest living astral dead-trance clairvoyant or tna age; adviser on tmainess ana au ar fairs of life: tells your full name and what yoa rauea ror, wnom yoa win marry, now to control tha one yon love, even though mllee away; reunites toe separated; gives secret power to control; bo long delays in waiting. uoura 10 to B, daily and nunday. ' Office Noa. S and 4. Grind Theatre bldg., 852 Wash., near Park it. Phone Mala 1287. " Always Consult the Beat PROFESSOR KHIMO. Greatest living astral dead-1 ranee clairvoyant - of the age) adviser on bualneaa aad all af. fa Ira of Ufe: telle your full name and what - yoa called for, whom yoa will marry, bow . to control the one yon love, even though miles away; reunites the separated: give secret power to control r does all others advertise ta do. Hours 10 to B, dally and Bnnday. Office, Nosr B snd 4. Grand Theatre bldg., bdzh wain., near rare at. rnone uain 120T PROFESSOR WALLACE. Portland' favorite clairvoyant, palmtot and meainm; readings 00c 'gain wor., cor. 7 in. MISS MAY ANDREWS Card reading, 25c 238 nixtn at, corner Man. WANDA, tha fa moos palmist, and local director (or tna Begno Bucceaa club. 229 Fifth st PROFESSOR WALLACE. PortlsBd's favorite clairvoyant palmist and medium; readlnga S5o. 841 Mor., cor. Tth. ' 1 a , , 1. 1 ,1.1 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON. 204 Fourth atOffice and atoro fixtures bunt snd remodeled; showcases saa counters, rnone Main 1787. E. MELTON Office, store flxturee; general jonoing. or nrst sr. rnone- Msin siuu. CAFES. THE OFFICE 2 Waahlngton St. phone Main 111. namuei vignenx. . . 1, ' 1 IM' f i , 1 11 1 9, DENTISTS. PR. EARL C. HcFARLAND denttet. Suite T10-711-712 SWetland bldg. Phone Main 2261. PR. W. B. KNAPP hsa returned from east Office 10 Hamilton bldg. DRESSMAKING. MRS. VAUGHAN, experienced dressmaker. 882 East Burnslqe ft Phone Bast 2417. MADAME ANGELES 243 Fifth Psciflc 982. DANCING, DANCING lessons 20c,- classes and private. dally. Prof. Wal WUlaon, ball 804 Alliky bldg.. Third and Morrison ata. Social dancing waits, two-atep, three-atep, etc: atage danc ing, buck and wing clog, real, jig, Hlghlsad fling, Sptnlah, ate. . ..w , - WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Class Moo., j nor, ana net. avs.; social, raacy aaa etep dancing taught: 5 assistant teachers: class and private learone dally. Westers academy ball. Second and Morrison, ata. - Pacific 1830. GASOLINE ENGINES. V,-' i-vv GASOUNB ENGINES. Stationary and marine; electric equip ment; launchee; accessories; wholesale sad retail: engine repairing. Belereoo Machinery Co.. 182-4-6. Morrlaon et -.. ,. , k . SHEFriELD marine engine. Any propellers. Fairbanks, Moras 4k Co, First and Btark ata. EDUCATIONAL. r? OREGON EXPERT -COLLEGE. Commonwealth building, 6th and Ankeny, phone Mala . 8901. Telegraphy, shorthand, trprewvttlng, pennnnsbip, Engllah brancfaea, individual Instructions, epeclal scholarship. ... HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Waahlngton and 10th ate., Flledner bldg. ' Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting sad aB English branches tsngbt, both day and Bight BOSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE. ' : Pitman Shorthand by Court Reporter, Bust, sea Coarse. Special Scbn1arahlr: Poaltlone Ba. cared. . Commonwealth bids 4tB and Aakeas. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. ELECTRICAL SUFrLIES. M. J. WALSH CO, 811 Stark at , Electric and Gaa Flxtnrea and ".applies. . ; Mantela, Tiling, Grates and Doglroaa. .. : PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engtneera. eon tree . . tore, repairers, electric wiring, anppllee. 04 First cor. Btark. Mala 658. B. H. Tata, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 41 Sixth St . Contractors, electrle anppllee, motors and dy aamoei wa InataU light and power plants. , , MORBI"ON ELECTRIC CO., 281 East Morrlsoa St. fix tares, wiring, repairing. Bast 8128. , FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB 4k IRON WORKS Saoood and Everett eta. Phone Mala 9000. HARDWARE, PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. solicits eppportnn Ity to quota prices. T4 Sixth at raeifle 454. INSURANCE. ISA AO L. WHITE, firs taaoraaea. , lock bldg.. v. 844 Sher- W. L. - PAGE, insarsncei employers' liability, aurety bonds, burglar and accident taaaraaca. Phone Mala $28. 204 railing bldg. IAS. Mcl. WOOD, empVrrers' liability and ra dlvidaal accident errurlty bonds ad all kinds. ' Phooa 4T.. 802 McKay bldg. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHARLES L. MABTICK Aj CO.. Freat and Oak , ata., leather end Ski Da ef every description for all purposeai tola aad lap cutters) findings, ' LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for eale All kinda. incrsdktg approved forest rassrva scrip for earveyed. an surveyed, timber sad prairie government lead. H. M. Hamilton, "The Portland," Portland. MUSICAL. THE WEBBER STUDIO Maadolto. baaja. guitar Instructions. 488)4 Waahlngtoa at PIANO, violin, cornet, trombone, clarinet Pro. feasor . Ei. A. Bmlta, soa lata sx. wam stua. MONUMENTS. BED XIN08LEY. B88 rirat at Portland's leading marble aad granite worxa. MONUMENTAL BBONZB CO. Moat durable grave headstones. Room 12, 268 Stars, at. MACHINERY. I. TRBNKMAN CO-Mlnlng. sawmill, log ging machinery! bydraulle pipes, easting I all kinda repaired. 104 North Fourth at THE H. a ALBEB CO. Second-band OMV ehtnery, eewmllla, etc 248 Grand ava. MONEY TO OJW' isistiti$tittUtiittsiititittiu tf$$I$$$ HAL, ART LOANrl $$$ lllllll ON PLAIN NOTES i$MMl lilt ChewTttiRt and beat place) to $$$ $$$ BORROW MONEY. $$ "ABaULiUTlSLiZ U BRiunu x. .... Lowest rates; easiest pnymanta. BEBATE given if paid before duo. . y'. REMEMBER, . z- If you worh sVrti WltL LOAN YOU MONET. Tcvairvhlna etrlctlw cnnf IdontlaL nV,IAT MORE) COULD TOUASKJIJ ( Hnura A. M. to I P. H. tit $$$ Bat. evo. till S o "cloclt $$$1$ tttttf STATE SECURITY CO. f $$$$ tttitita 704 rjaknm Bid ST. $$titt$t$ liiiiiliiiililiiiiiiiilliiiUliiiiiii aiONCY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for btrDdtog purposes, for from 8 to 10 years' urn, wins privilege to repay all or part of loan after twa yeara. Loans approved from plana end : Burner advanced as building progrsesee; mort gages taken ap end replaced. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent. 242 Stark at. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ea sa la rise, lneu ranee pollclea, pianos, furniture, warenonse receip, etc. f anv rieaervlns nersoa mav sscars a lib eral advance, re pa ring by easy weekly it monthly Installments. . NEW ERA LOAN TRUST COMPART, . SOS Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY loaned to salaried people Jnst on yosr own name; don't borrow until yoa see met my system Is the best for railroad men, clerk, bookkeener. atreetcar men and all other eia- tlnaaa. hnatneaa atrtotlv Confidential. F. Newton, 511 Buchanan bidg., Washington st, Between ronrtn sna riru. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLB and other upon their awn namee witnout oecur. ity; cheapest rates, sail eat payments; office la 60 principal eitlee; save yooraelf money ny getting onr terms nrat. . ' . TOLMAN. 228 Ablngton bldg., 106 Third at WANTED Notes, mortgagee or eon tracta oa any kind of real estate In Oregon aad Wash ington; second mortgage purchased If well secured. H. Noble, 818 commercial out. DON'T borrow money on ail.rv tmtll yoa sea Button credit co. , SIS Dekoat bldg. " MONEY ta loan; large loan epedaltyt ana building mans) lowest rare?; lire inaunacs. William .0. ceca, sis aauing omg. CRESCENT LOAN CO.; 428 Mohawk bldg. Money to lend oa easv-peyment pian w wags earners; strictly coniioentiai. . imnTaiflB Insna at enrrent ratee: n mission, coiumnia i.ue itusi uompany. Lumber sxenangs oing. MONEY to loan on all kinda of security. WO- llam Hou, room waeniogtoa oiag. TO LOAN Sams to salt on chattel security. B. A. Frame, 814 the Marquem. QUICK Inane on all eecoTlMes. S. W. King. eo avaaainxaosj oiaa sisui v.w. - . ON martgg. $200 to $3,000; cost papera only. warn, lawyer, anagy oiaa. WILL-loan $5,000 or lees, on real estate, 8 per cent, rarrlngton, am r en ton mag. A LOAN for the asking Salary or cbetteL Tha Loan Co., 410 velum tuig. . MONEY. We have several amount of money to loan on city and country real cerate. ' HENKLB HARRISON, ' j . - 217 Ablngton bldg. " 1 BASY payment loana-to salaried people. . In. ployes' Loan Co., 710 uekum mag., Mara XI. 8800 AND BDWards to loan, on real estate aa- conty, at , per cent, oy private party, in. quire 817 Commercial bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON. t)eoIaJlst ea nervoos, amie aaa cnrouic aiseasee. unlet 817 ronton Bias-, rnone raclfle 1190. DRS. ADIX as NORTHRUP. 415-lo-lT Dekora bldg. Third and Waahlngton stay Peons Main 849. . Examination free. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland. American plan. $3, $5 per day. BELVEDERE! European plan; 4th and Alder sts, , PAINTING AND PAPERING. FOR reliable work, reasonable prices. Sheeny Bros, 282tt xamhiu. near ata. vain au.. P. A. DOANB wUl give yon the best estimate to aau.raetory work. -a8 laniaui at. . . REAL ESTATE. PARRISL. WATKINS 4V CO:. 230 ALDER ST, Heal tfil eMitala. loans sna idsui-bikv. - - We make a specialty of handling rentalaj ana property tor resiaeuts ana nun-.,. Established 1872. Phone Mala 1844. -.. , . 1 1 ' a,l- W. OGILBEB, real estate and loan; eataa liabed 1888, 145M ,Firat .at, room . SPHINX AGENCY, dealers In real eetato aad rentaU. 805 8tark at Mam wm. v FOR FABM" OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, V W. W. BSPBT, $14 Commercial bldg. .RANKS T T BITXD STATira it a Tin war. mawat fir l !, ,.; .. Trenaacfa , Vl.i lh.. the United Mra r. mnA prAU .. President ............. .,.7.J.C. A1NS WORTH Vice-Prealde8t..rt..r:....B. LEA BARNES AaMfaf NTftt ahlfa , ADSTfrxfON. BA1II W. M. LADD. , : c7 9. Transact a General Banking Bnstiies SAVINGS "lli NX DEPABTMENT,!- Savings aookg xeaaea on savings deposits, aaa Vncrnrawa-aa w . .ta. . . Ai..a raU w afwiiva. A4, SAaa-varuaaa, vnisn, . . . . ill il "R4NK WATSON.,, President R. L. DURHAM....',, AT J b Srar W -vwreei , I naiAvirtm war iAVn H. W, H0YT.. ..,.., t.aaowr . s. o. CAn;HiNU,,....necona aasistsm vaaniev TraaeactS a General 'Banking Business. Drafts and Lettere af Credit Issued A vails hie ta -' - . All ParU of the World. " Collections a Speclslty. THE BANK OF CAIXrO&aTA ZitVI,1d Capital paid ap.. ....... $4,000,000 ! ,i ' , General Banking and Exchange Bualneaa ZXi. -RAVINGS DEPARTMENT Acconnta Portland BraaehCharaner WM. R. M ACREA .. . f Manager FIRST BATI0NAL BANX Portland, Orsgon. Oldeet Rational Bank aathe Pactfla Coast CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,500,000.00. v ptrom- la,JsA$A? Y A, f. MIT.rS. Preeldent I W. 0. ALVORDi.'ji. '..l.Aaslstant Cashlet 17 W. NEWKIRKi...... ....Caahlet B. F. STEVENS. . .... Beeped Assistant Caahler . TRUST COMPANIES PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON The Oldest Trert Compear ta Oregaa. RESOURCES OVER $2,000,000. General Banking.' Two per cent tnteresv en check ' counts (area bundreda) on dally balances of $300 or aver. Lettari af credit aad exchange en all parte of tha world. Carinas accounts. Time eert!flcntea, S ko 4 par cent: shnrt-rall epeclal eartiflcatea, $500 or over. 2 to 4 per riouinsss. wnw lava bdu oinrai. . r nnw r ri.ava stacuanav -BENT. I. COHCN .....President I H. L. PITTOCX.... ...VWPreeideat B. LEE PAGET. Secretary S XCrBrTT BAVTMBB TXTST COMPABT MS Morrlaon Street, Portland. Oregon. TransacU a General Banking Bnslneee. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed J ' Time and Savings Aeeouate. Acta aa Traatea for Estates. Drafta aad Lettere of Credit . m ... - Available oa All Parte of the World. , - - " v.. A. L ADAMS ............President MILLS. ...... ....Second Vice-President I K. U. JUBITs. . GEO. B. RUHSKI.L, ....... .Aeetetant Secretary IITLB tJTAB ANTES TRUST COMPANY 840 Waahlngtoa Stxest '. t . : V , MORTGAGE LOANS- aa Portland Real Estate at Lowest Bate, .' t Title Inaured. Aba tracta Furnished. . ,. .. .. - . THORBURN ROSS.,,.... President GEORGE H. HTLL. ... .Vice-President BONDS AND Ai 0BXIS BX0THXXS Chamber af Oommeroe Bulldmar. . .' .., Manlctpat Railroad and Public Service Corporatlosi Bocda.' p. OWVLVG-HOrXIXS C0KPAJTY EaUblUked 18t$ BBOXXXB. . -C'i 'J . ,i ;! LI arroCXB, BONDS) GBAIN Bought and Bold tot Caab aad aa atargto.V." Prtvata Wires. . BOOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. - Phone Mara ST. 0?crteckg Starr & Cooke . Co. OKA IN. FBOTTSIONS, COTTON. BTOUH.B AND SOKSB. . r . .w. j. WE 1H M B 1 4. ft Oontlnaoaa Markets by Privets Wire. Qu)ck Service. REFEBENCES Udd A Til ton, Baaksra, rr..v and Dnltad States Nstloaal Baak of FortUnd. PRTNTTNG. mm unnrta PRINXCRT Artlstl nrintlng. 20 Bossel bldg, Fonrtle and Morrlsoa. Phone raOHlS 1D20. , S - , ! VRRTTStina IN PRINTINO From elrculara to eetslornaa and BewsTwpara, Metropelltoa rrtnung vo., i OGILBEB BEOS., prlatars Cards, billheads, Pbons Mara 1858. 146 First at PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH CO Tb Pioneer Paint Oe.) ,. window glass and g laa log. io sim Pbons 1834. " PLUMBERS. FOX CO. Ban!ter- plumbers. 231 Second, Jjjt Main and Bsimon. uregoa pum am aw., DONNERBERO 4k BADEMACHEB removed No. 808 Bornalda at ' - - PHOTOGRAPH M0UNT8 B. L. WOODWOBTH, photo mount board. Mfgr, complete Una at 149 First t RUBBER STAMPS. . C. STAMP WORKS.- 249 Alder at-t Bhoae Main T10. Robber etampe. eeele, atenclwt bag gage, trade checks; brass si gas and plstsa. , III II II,, I UIM L..M.l 11, .iwii.i STREET PAVING WARREN Conatrnctlon Co., street paving, side walk aad crossings, sis wniw iaum THE Barber Aepbalt Paving Co. of Portland. Office 800 Worcester bib SEWING MACHINES. PHONB Pacific 2789 and I pereonally will call aad repair your sewing machine; wnrk guar anteed. B. Bams, sojuater, 001 ,uu, -w SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS,, J . nvrria A KtRISER SIGNS. Ws have built op ths largest slgo baelnees ta the city by flrst-claes work snd keeping ewe eromlsee. Onr or Ices are right. Fifth and Everett ata. Phone Exchange 65. flEORGE WEBER. MODERN BIQNS "vne Ulr recent Shop. xub roorin. 'SIGNS THAT ATTRACT Portland Sign Co.. , 287 Btark at. - rnone raciiie low. , Hriana miv ciTCtl THB EYE" Best work la tha elty. Bett. aoo uesnm oiag. sim SAFES. n,MT., Aian lira on anla a rents for Her- rvnau.:a. . - ---- rlng-Hau-Marvia seres ana '""-"-Ssfe Oo.'s bank aafee; 20 seeopd-band fire proof safes and bank aafea, very cheap; as tneaa or wme oa. , m em.u - r.tmr r U.u..u. ani4 ftiBliraof eafeaf lock onta oneoed: metal nxrores; ' srorki Iscks. I. B. Pavlav 64 8d. Main loos. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAGGAGE OMWIaus 3 manor bj, w. corner Sixth ana uaa sis. 5 from hotel or reeldenca direct to destination; Beasengers tbersfors avoid rueh and annoy- anca r t oepw.a. - . a.w,,. BATES, piano and toraitore moved. t packed auaranteedl Urge S-atorr brfc- fireproof warehouse for etorege. Office SOB uak sr. Olson Boa. : Phone Mala 647. a O. PICK.1 atfiee 88 First at., between Steek ana taa an.; poone wra, n,o, - nmi anA Backed for ablDOtng: ootnmo- iitoaa bHck warebooae with aeparato iroa Front BBu uiay in, NATIONAL TRANSFER STORAGE CO., 808 Dak sti teienBona e-aia w. '"""." sad storing. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 134 North Sixth et pbons Mala aw. ueavy aaauna auu .. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE TRANSFEB CO. Btorsgs.- 824 Btars si. maw "' ; 8TENOGRAPJ1ERS. " WANTED Stenographic rwOT st Msaonable prices. Mia xounga, oua i.j. . a...- v. PUBIJC eWnorrapher and typewriter. Phone Main 1771. Me iscsnoi iuu(. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. tnnwriSBS of "every description; bank, ; bar and store fixtures made to order. The LoU Manufacturing Co, Portland. H. BIBDSALL, fleelmer; agent M. Win rev Lnmber Co. T Hamilton bldg. Main 6630. TOWEL SUPPLY. CtBANOWELB DAItY-Comb. braan. aoap, 21 per montn. -rorttaua uraonry at lowei apply Co.. Ninth snd Conch- Phone 410. I .'.1 11 urn mm ill 1 11 1 rr r r" n tit TYPEWRITERS - HEADQUARTERS for new 1 aad rebuilt type writers or an mases; sea our winaow. ll yoa are going to buy a new typewriter see a be fore baying! we can aave yoo money.) are have parts tor repairing all machlnea; state sgests for the Visible Fox; we buy all klmia af typewriter. The Typewriter Exchange, Inc. 8. J. Ellison, maaager. 84 Third at. 8L1CKENSDERFER Typewriter Agencyr sup plies; repairs. tuueMm ping., oin ana weso. - I UBLI0 tUlv.NOURAFBKB. WB aell Remtnrtone, Smith-Premlera, Dens- more etc.. lower man snv otner como.nT: lnveeiUate. CoJerwowl Typawrlter Co t.u. oarnoif. .. Northwest Oiriier Third and Oak Streets. Iiniriu'l.uiltll Arallalile In All t'l"e ef U..ll. MkMlnM a,.Aa M gavneeble 1rn... JCaahlar. -B. W. BCHV- ' 1 (AaaUtant Caahler. . U ... A, Ul.t .A. M. WRIOHT LAPD. .:-':"., J. W. tADO, interest paid oa time scp" " . a i le a 4 Vice President utunun w. iiu,,..,,,,.. - . 1884, Head Of floe, Saa TTaaeiaaa, 'n,I,; Surplaa and undivided pmtita $10,164,818 , Transacted. Interest an Time Deposits. ' may ba opened of 4"r aad apward.- A - of Commerce Building, . . i : 'a."' JL. ' J. T. BURTCHAELL ..Aeataran Waaager cent Call for Book of "I LLU "T RATI OK o." GOLTRA . . , . . Assistant Hecrstary I L. A. LEWIS. First Tloa-res1sejt , 'i , ,.Seeia4aiy I NO. E. AITCH1SON..,.,t.,.,....,.feeretary J T. T. BURKHART. ........ Treasurer INVESTMENTS aa,aaaaaaaeia ,o,(.7.. ffisa? bor. Oregaa. vwaawwu. PUMAM,' wmraaTiw una r w a ROOFINO. ITN BOOFINO. guttering, repatrlng and general Jobbing, i. LoalL 818 lefferao et. pea. 144. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. ' , THB OREGON CHEESE CO (INC) CHEEH. -BUTTER. EGGS, etc, dairy prod acta boagkt ,e bandied oa oommlasloa. 124 Fifth aa. (Swetlaad bldg.), Portland. Or. M. A. OUNST CO., -DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CHUBS. PORTLAND, OREGON. eVeRDING At FARdELL, prodnaa) a Ml cans' m laa Inn mercbants. 144 Front st, Portland. Or. Phone Mam 174. .- , I , 0BEOON PURNITCRB MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers et furniture for the trade. - Portland, Oragea. . . WADHAMS V CO., wholesale grocers. . fsctnrers aad coamlsaloa mercoaata. Fourth ..aad Oak ata. , ,. FURNITURE msnnfacturlng and apecial orders, : L. Baveasky'a fornttura factory, 807 Froat st ALLEN At LEWIS, commlaetoa aad predm ebaats. Front and Da via ata., Portland. Or. WHOLESALE Crockery aad gtaaswars, Hegel 4k Oo, Port! tad. Oregon. Praet . W. SIMPSON, 201 Weahlaoton st Whole, sale dealer In grate aad bay. , , . TRANSPORTATION. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 5 TRIPS U. if. Bpokana, fnna 14, 88 1 Jnly 19, BS Aug. B ' faawa, eTfllw XS. - X01 mOTJTX. B. B. Bens tor. , , 8. a. Praaldaat. ................ ,ra T .TU4 4 ,' B. XL AXABXA BOVfli Eknrwnx, Ktkn, Junsaa ut wnw porta Btauing; p. xa. K. B. 8. OA.'E Bmmboldt. . .XCg,a B, It, fl Cottaga City, vl Bltk. . .Mnr . 14, 81 City of SMttl..,.. May S, IB, &J "'abt rnAjrcisco moTrra. SoJilasr av. m. Trom Basvltlax - City of afttatU...... Stay 8, 1 Benar... .,; ....... ...Kay 10, SI UmtUl. Buy 15, 3J City Cffloa, Bit WRSklatrteB sTt. Ho! For Astoria OO OS Dally (except Thuradnra), L,va Aids gtraet dock T . m. wmon UAimr ess. , Columbia River Occntry BxatrtaaVTom tan mtxaxxms. ' Daily - aervlca between Portland ,m evk. Dallee, except Sundae, leaving Portland at J a a, arriving about 4 p. a., carrying freight and passengers. Snlsndld aeanmhMt. ' tlona for outfits snd livestock. Dock foot Of Alder at.. Portlsndi a J Court at, Tha Dallas. Phone Main 914, ForUand Str. Chas.R. Spencer x r i WaaUasHrttawt ook. Datlr. axcect Sundar. for Thm rian.a and way Inndlngn, at 7 a. nt, rsturningi 10 p. m. Fut time, beat Mrvtoo. - Phonani ' BDala. B184 Xomo. A Xt, Bi, xt oa r iAcxrxo BTSAjcsxcrr Steamships ROANOKE , and CEO. W. ELCi: Ball fn F.irekn. San Franclaco and In AnRolec diract avary Tburaaay a,t 8 p. i . llCKCt OIUCS) m -inira, near Ai ! Phcnear U. 1114. H. TOVNU, Ag $1,001 WEEK?!. r SSS AO. UlUAiMUt V cir" raoioieamerieiegran 4 I. t 'A i