The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 05, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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i The United States, civil service com
mission announce an examination to
' take place on May 88, at Astoria, Baker
"r, uugene and Portland, in this state,
to secure eligible from which to nil va
canclea In the position ot engineer ana
, sawyer,' at 1800 per annum for the Mar
alo Indian agency and other vacancies
as they mas i occur. The mill at the
Navajo agency ha a capacity of 8,000
i feet per day, Tha engineer ha general
ejperyilon over the entire plant,, the
' .. cogging, hlngling, planing and th cut
: For the best essay on, .''flociallstn"
, Branch'-( of the Socialist party will
offer two cash pfliea of, 112.60 each to
.., th student of th public schools In tha
in th eighth and ninth grades and on
price for thoa In th grade below. Th
-.,. "rm oi competition will b announced
( later In th papers, and will also b
sent to th principal of each school.
If your eyes troubl you It la probably
because your glasses are not suitable or
If you do not wear glasses perhaps you
need them. You can determine without
. Cost by consulting Dr. Evelyn Dudley,
i graduate experienced optician. Office
- . .f 11-71 Swetland building, or telephone
Main 8768 for appointment. Office
hour to I; Sundays 11 to 2. Formerly
, , with Q. Heltkemper company. ,
' Observation Car Dally Trip Rose
City sightseeing ears leave Beoond and
Morrison streets at 10 a. ta. and 8 p. m,
' taking in th beat acenlo beauties. Tak
ZZSb. ,n CounH Crest, th greatest panoramic
riile-ln America, 6 to do vera on Cret
Id Forestry, bulldlnc Comnetent lec
turer accompanying car and tell atory
or trip. Tim of trip, t hours; far,
0 eenta. ; ,.-
The Woman' Free club Of Oregon
' will hold it annual meeting Monday
evening at 7:10 o'clock at Sherman, Clay
naxi, corner sixth and Morrison street.
An attractive musical and literary pro
gram has been arranged. 4 All pea wom
en and their frlenda cordially invited.
Dr. Ervin 8. Chapman of Los Angeles;
the "Old Man Eloquent" of California,
will preach in the Fir:. United Brethren
church, Cast Morrison and East Fit
teenth streets, at 11 a. m and at Grace
Methodist Epls pal church, Taylor and
Twelfth streets, at I p. sv tonight ".
Ornamental treea ana shrubs, Japan
maples, aaaleaa. rhododendrons - and
kalmlas, bay tree lnQibS for porch and
veranda decorations. Large stock. Juat
arrived from Belgium. J. B. PllkJngton,
nurseryman, foot of Yamhill, north
aid. , . s. v-'.,. Y, H
Eastern parties of hlgtist business
ability and integrity, commanding
8100,000 cash capital, desire connection
with established mercantile or manu
facturing plant. Address L 180, oar
Journal. -.
- For aale, an elegant new residence.
. eight room, lot 80 by 800; 1601 K.
Morrison street, Sunnyalde and Mt. Ta
bor car Una, near Prettyman avenue.
$8,000. half cash. Bee owner.
This will remind yon that now la th
time to have your hair mattresses reno
vated and returned the same day. Phone
Main 474. The Portland Curled Hair
Factory, H. Metsger, proprietor.
- Call Steel Bridge Fuel company, phone
East 484, for cholc No. 1 flr eordwood,
dry-or green alabwood. Prompt deliv
ery, both aides river. " Office end docks
toot of Randolph street - v ' '
Steamer Jesee lHarklns, for Camas,
Waahougal and way landing.- daily ex
cept Bandar. Leaves Washington street
docs, t p. m. - -
Call up Paclflo 484 and our aollcltor
will ahow you our new (list In sight)
real esUte book. Loos Card Book Co.
- II Sixth streets " :-,Z-C-.."'
Mis Ada Alice Tuttle will shortly
;0pen a studio and take a limited num
ber of piano pupils. Phon Main 188. .
Th Loos Card Book Company, II
Sixth street, phone Paclflo 484. Office
and aoctety printing a apeclalty," ... .
Why pay moret Metsger fits your
eyea for L 848 Wash. St, cor. 7th,
formerlr at 111 Sixth atreet
For Sale A few aecond hand incuba
tors: good as new. 831 Eaat Morrison,
Corner Flrat street -
Dr. M. Monte Bettman, dentist has
returned. Office 408-4-1 . Swetland
Dr. Q. T. Koehlet, removed to 408-4-1
BweUand bldg. Diseases of stomach.
Acma OU Co. sella the beat safety eoal
U and fin gasoline. Phone East 78.
Bastmcn kodaks and supplies. I.
Leeaer Cohen. Ill Mh. the Kodak store.
Dr. William- Cavanaugh, dentist ha
moved hi office to 603-4 Buchanan bldg.
,W. Moore, expert photographer,
Elks" building, Seventh and Stark Bta.
The exhibit of arts and crafts and the
paintlnga - by American artists at the
Our beautiful new spring Una Is
most complete with rich and ar
tistic designs of the most exclu-
I ipsVe patterns. And nowhere In
eVmll Portland will b found a more
grand display than right here
at Heitkemper" and. t prices
that ar dIatiirtStly moderate. i'W
; have exceptionally beautiful and
dainty designs in Flatware, Fancy
Spoons, Forks, Table Silver,' etc.;
Hollow Pieces, such as all kinds
of Dishes, Tea Seta, Bon Bona,
, etc.
To those desiring to purchase
.wedding presents we Invite your
. special - and careful Inspection.
It la alwaya Our pleasure to show
you. : See our new Gold Bracelets,
Lockets and Buckles, ete. V 1
The G. HeitKerhper Co.
XbosMt Frieed Jewelry Xons for
. TU Ooods. . -
INTO Cin f.ilIlE
Last Expedient to Drown Out
Fire In the Molly Gibson
' , A. Property. r
concrete Used as v
After tho Water Was Pumped Oat
Blase Still Smoldered' So Concrete
- Walls Were Built About These
Section,, i x 1
Th fate of th Homeetake mine, at
Lead. South Dakota, which la on nra In
th 600-foot level, 1 a subject of lively
oonJoctur among Oregon mining men.
They recall th burning; of th Molly
Gibson, on ot th greatest silver mine
in th world, at Aspen, Colorado, an un
derground ' conflagration that raged
even years and at last reaulted In th
turning of the sntlr Roaring irora
rtvr Into th dIm for a. period of II
months Wore th fire was brought un
dr control . -v. i. , v-
Th Mollv Glbaotr fir was pemape
th moat remarkabe mine fir of ita
kind on rcord- After it was all over
I visited som of th levels and It was
th worst-loclng wreck of a mln I
vr aw." aaid B. B. Edwards, a Port
land mining engineer. "Th Molly alb-
son was on of th greatest suver mine
known. It had produced 116,000,000 lit
high-grade silver prior to v 1888., It
cauaht Are in 1886 and burned until
180J. For a Urn expedient wer tried
to atop IV Fi-na, blowers, axhauats and
other schemes , wer all tried , In vain.
Than tha manager started in with a
Lforce of men and bulkhadd on the
levels leading to me ounung hqiwb,
and pushed forward with th work, of
i -,
U "As fast as tha flr reached another
level and arov tne miners oaca ny
bulkheaded again and continued work.
At last at th end of seven years, they
wer driven out of the mine. But one
recourse was 'eft for the owners. Tiey
cut a canal Into the channel of the
Roaring Fork river and turned th enr
tire stream into th mine. For a .year
and a half this river poured Into ' th
Molly Glbaon. .
"When it was believed th flr was
extinguished th mln was pumped out
Th experiment coet $700,000, besides
th interference with operation.' Th
mine was worked through the Smug
gler, an adjoining mln. UD.ip th last
hour before flooding. - . 4 j
; "After unwaterlng the Molly Gibson
it was found that lira etlU burned. A
portion of the timbers that filled the
mine had been reduced by. the pressure
and heat to a species of coal or peat
and thla kept on burning. The man
ager, Ellas Cohen, one of the most effi
cient mining engineers In the country,
then resolved upon a courae that Anally,
won th victory. . ' "i
. "Boxe were cut in all around the
burnlnr area and into these boxe liquid
concrete was run. NThla was kept up
until tha flr was j virtually walled in
with eolld onerete. Then the mine was
ranalrad and operations resumed, and
the fire was bidden defiance. It finally
burned Itself out The Molly Gibson
is again an actively producing mln."
Art Mueum, Fifth and Taylor atreet,
will be open to the public thla afternoon
from 1 to 8 without charge for admis
sion. ,i . - ,,. v.:.X y : J".,.
A new line of wall paper Juat In from
the eaat Bright catchy deslgna that
please th moat fastidious. Our prices
are right F. E. Beach ft Cck, ,th
Pioneer Faint Co 185 Flrat street
' Harness Bala Don't buy your surrey
or buxay harness before you. nave first
attended the harness sale at the Keller
Harness Coir, pan r at 4 w. sixth atreet
Work harneaa at big bargains. :
) Pilot Coffee House' to th plac - to
tak a quick lunch. Th plac Is neat
and clean. 188 First street '
Dr. Osman Royal has returned .
will be In his office as usual
Dr. Frank Q.
land building.
Freeberger, 808-8 Bwet-
D. Chambers, optician, lit Seventh. .
Berger Signs 214 TamhlU Phon. -Kiaar
scnlo photon Imperial hotel.
? ; Where to Dine.
Wataon'a Restaurant will
fin chicken dinner today,
50 onta ;
' Special Sunday Dinner Tumwater
Oyster parlors, 888 Morrison, flve
course turkey dinner 60c 8 to 8 p. m.
Music , -'
An Opportunity will be given the pub-
lio to hear .,t lecture . on Christian
Science. Its founder, and leader, Mra
Eddr. . at the Hetllg theatre, Bun-
day afternoon, & May 11. The lec
turer. Rev. Arthur - Reeves Vosburgh,
C 8. B.,' IS a member of the offloial
board of v lectureship of the Mother
Church of Christian. Science, the first
I church of Christian Scientists of Bos
ton. . Mr. Vosburgh speaks from many
I yeara of Investigation and application
of th r doctrine, xn auDject or tne
lecture will be "The Idealism of Jesus,"
and' will define the practical application
of the . teachings of th founder of
Christianity to the af afire of daily life
in not only ' mastering wrong, but In
healing the ills Of the fleeh.
Tha lecture is given under the aus
pices of the First and Second churches
of Christ Scientists, of thla city, and
a. cordial invitation ta extended to the
publlo to attend. Reserved seats may
be obtained, without charge, at th box
office of the Helllg theatre, Saturday
morning, May 11. ' The reservations
muat be claimed before 8:45 on the af
ternoon of the lecture, a all seat will
be made publlo after that time and th
doors of the theatre will be closed at
8 o'clock, when the lecture begma VVt
1 Rink Closes Saturday7
The passing of one of the most popu
lar amusement resorts ever conducted In
Portland will be marked next Saturday
niirht when the Exposition rink close
fit door and the management dissolve.
Iir. ftMil n er vwk m.mrtnh! m In
the minds of the rink skaters many
! f eaturea hav been planned' tor ' every
night, with; racing a strong feature. On
the closing nignt tnere win d a ooubie
eesslon, the aecond lasting until mid
night during which many befitting and
novel features will be Introduced,
Industrial Peace Association Of-
fers to Aid In Arljitra-' '
- ' tlon. ,
Board- of Directors Will Be Elected
and-All Interested In Promoting
' Industrial Peace Are Invited to
, Attend the Meeting . ; ' .
- In aii effort to prevent If poaalbl th
impending atrike threatened by the Port
land ironmoldera unleaa they ar granted
an eight-hour day, members ot the com
mittee an arbitration of ' th Oregon
branch Of th National Industrial Peace
association nave sent in iouowiji -ter
to the union and the eraployeras
- "The undersigned 'are the members of
th oommlttee on conouiaupn ana erDi
traUoff appointed by th president of the
recently constituted Oregon branch of
tha Industrial asaoolatlon, - r
-W notice in th dally papars that
Questions have arisen between the iron
moldera of thla city and tbelr employere
which tend serloualy to affect the con
tinuance of existing friendly relations.
' "One great object of this association
la to forestall and prevent strikes, if
possible, through th good offices of an
entirely dlaintereated agency. , '
rwe write thererore, to aay mat w
trust yon will enable us to Justify our
appointment by bringing together for
friendly conference both parties to the
pending difference. W suggt that as
a settlement must be effected sooner or
later it la both easier and far more de
sirable that thla b don before, rather
than after, a strike, or any Uke measure
ha been resorted to by either party.
"Wa hona to hear from you in reply
and assure you of our earnest desire to
b of us at this Juncture.";
Th following name of th committee
ar signed to th communication: Wal
11s Nash, chairman; Rev. Father Black,
wuiiam MftMaatera." The letter waa
drawn up thia morning at a meeting held
in the chalman'a office.
The first annual meeting of the Ore
gon branch of the National Industrial
Peace association will be held on Tues
day evening, May 7, at 8:80 o'clock, in
the courtroom of department No. 1 of
the circuit ' court for the purpos of
electing a board of directors of the as
sociation for tha ensuing year and trans
acting such other buslnesa as may-come!
before the meeting. juago CTaser,
president of the "Oregon branch, .urges
all members to attend,' and to bring with
them all friends who are interested In
he cause of industrial peace. ,
Members of Board of Directors
of Head Camp Will Be
1 Present -'
Portland Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica will celebrate next Wednesday even
Ins with a anion meeting of all the
camps, at the hall of Oregon Flr camp,
In the Ablngton building. Two promi
nent officials. El E. Murphy bt Leaven
worth. Kansas, and A. N. Bort of Belolt
Wisconsin, will be In , attendance. They
are members of the board of directors
of the head camp.
A large clasa of candidates will be
admitted Into the order, after which
banquet will be served, and speeches
listened to. Messra Murphy snd Bort
will address meetings of Woodmen at
Eugene. May 4, and at Albany, May 7,
Mr. Murphy has been connected with
the society in an offlclal capacity 15
years. He Is regarded as one of Ita
ablest public epeakera
Ban Bought th Chloagj Dental Farlors
and WIS Xooats in Fortland. -
) Dr. P. Ii. Austen, the founder and
Organiser of all the Harvard Dental of
fices in th country, ha bought th
Chlcasro Dental Parlors of thia city.
He will commence extensive altera
tions in a few days and when these are
completed be will install considerable
new - eauipment. -nr- , ;,;-
t For (f upwards of v sixteen years Dr.
Austen has bean operating dental of
fices in different parte of the country
under the nam of Harvard Dentist.
At the present time be has office in
Grand Rapid, Battle creek, and Flint
Mich, i - Sioux Falls, i South Dakota;
Elgin and Rockfdrd, III.; Indiana Har
bor and Hammond. Indiana; and in
Chicago at 214 State street 157 Ninety-
second Street ' MUwaukea avenue, . and
Chicago . Heights, besides offices at
Spokane and Seattle on thia coast
Dr. Austen has taxen aucn a. fancy
to Portland that he proposes, to make
Oregon hie hom. - H says already a
number , of men and women have-come
into the offices of the Chicago Dental
Parlors in ' the' Raleigh building at
Sixth ' And : Waahlngton streets and
greeted him as former patients. This
ia nothing unusual, the doctor explain,
aa he has run so many office In dif
ferent parts' of the country.
: Dirt on th face of a workman or a
child Is an right, at tlm, : - , .
rajw.iw.n! m ii i)iiimui.hi i.iui Nina
Dinner from 11 a. xa, so p. as. .
- Obioken Soap a la jnUes .
Zttoe loo,. Siloed Tomatoes 10e)
Badlshea .......v.... ...... Of
Turkey Salad, Kayoaaalse -
Dressing ,'....4.204
Fried Shad o, Far sley utter". ..25
Fried Xalihut ISO, Salmon........ 15e
Fried Shad ..................... .15?
BoUed Salted vaeksL Brawn
Butter .284
Steamed little Sfeek Clams.., t,.20)
Olam Bouillon and Toast......... 15
Boiled Ox Tomgne, Tomato Sanos 20
Fork Tenderlola Breaded, Oream -
Oravy ............ ..25
Chicken Fo Ft with DnmpUngs. ,25)
Fried OhleksB Xirsrs with Baoon,
on Toast 4..254
Cold Boast Spring' Ohloken, Fotato
Salad ...... 4. .....251
Fork Spars Sls with Faraley ,,
Batter .20
Baked Teal Sansag with Maahed
Fotatoe , 20
Ourry of Chicken Olblets with SUoe 20
Tried Sprlnf Chicken a la
acaryland .2Ss
Sane of Beef with Yeretsbl.., .15
Corn Beef Stash, Foaohed SgT. ....15
i pH w cream on Toast
Boston Baked Fork and Beans.. ..151
Xalf Sprlnr Ohloksn en Toast. ....40)
Boast TonnT xnritey win oranserry
ajane , ...... ....,. .354)
Boast Spring Chicken wth
messing ............ .........251
Boast SpriaaT Lamb, Stint Sane and.
Ora Fa 20)
Boast Teal with Dressing ...201
Boast Fork with Breasta ..151
Boast Beef with Fan Oravy 15
Asparagus on Toast .' 101
Strawberries and Oream 101
Strawberry Zoo Oream ...........101
Coffee, Bread sad Butter and Fotaaoes
with, all meais.
., ABtxauoAjr BBSTAmujrr.
' Corner Third and Oouoh Sts.
. Dinner from 11 a. m. to p. aa.
Ws are sailing our ntlr stock
at low cut prices, which we know
will cause It to sell. Now Is
four opportunity to get good
alnt or Varnish at low prices.
Store for rent Fixtures for sale.
We Are Oolng Out of the BetaH
J:.. BnsUsss, -
0 and Faint XakMS,
44-48 ST. Sixth St, Baas Couch St
C. H. Feldkamp of Danville, , II
. Ilnols, Admires the Beau-,
ties of Portland.
Charles H. Feldkamp and wlf of
DanvlU. IUInols, on thalr return trip
from California, ar vialttlng old Dan
ville frisnda who are now residing In
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCus
ker of 861 College street and Mr. and
Mrs. . Edward F. Cannon of Archer
Place, South Mt Tabor. ' '
Mr. Feldkamp Is one : of th moat
prominent wholesale merchants of Dan
ville, a city of 80,000, situated in Cen
tral lllinole. He and hla wife have
many compliments for Fortland and Its
surroundings, regarding the possibili
ties tor attracting tourists during the
summer season, providing Portland's
wide awake and foremost eltisens avail
themselves of the - opportunities, and
tha many advantages that nature has
showered on this eountry, and the many
facilltlea 'tor furnishing transportation
to enable tourists to reach thee point
of intrt - " v
Mr. and Mra Feldkamp are extreme
ly nleaaed with the grand panorama-!
and Scenic effects obtained front Port
land Heights They will remain in the
city from four to six weeks, visiting
points of Interest in and around Port
land. .. ,: V.U .
Members of the A. 8. Club to
Put on Play Wednes-
day. .
The flrat publlo production of th
comedy, -Captain Racket," by th A. 8.
club will be given In the hall of the
Arlon aociety, Second ana wi etreeta,
Wednesday evening. May 8. The play,
which waa- written by Charlea Town-
aend. is brimful ot sparkling dialogues
and amusing situations. The members
of the olub who will take part are very
well known in the younger circles or the
city.) Among them ar Leo Krause,
Louie Oevurts, Nlssim Abrabamaon,
Ben Rybk and Jacob Felberbaum and
Mlaaea Alma Shemanaky, Jennie Rioen
and Edytbe Abrama. After the per
formance there will be dancing. The
receipts will be donated to a fund for
the school of tne rara street ayna
nna A arranred. th oast of char
acters will he as follows:
Cat) tain Robert Racket or the na
tional guard, a lawyer when he has
nothing else to do and a liar all the
time Leo Krause. -
Obadiah Dawson. , nis unoie rrom
Janan. whr they max - tea Lout
Oevurta .
Timothy Tolman. his friend who mar
ried for money and Is sorry for it
Nlssim ' Abrahamson.
Tit Dabroy. Bob's father-in-law, n
jolly cov Ben Rybk.
Hobson, a waiter from th Caf Olor
Ian, who adds to th confusion Jacob
Falberbaum. . '
Clarice, the -Captain's pretty wife.
ant for a lark and up to anything awful
Mlas Alma Shemansky. ;, ,-
Mrs. Tolman,, a lady with , temper
Who flnda her Timothy a burden of
spirit Miss Jennie Ricen.
- KaU. a mischievous maid Mlaa
Edytha Abrama - '
Teouy, th gia j; uunssu, " ; j
They just sparkje with the latest New York ideas; and style. The
goods are perfect, the tailoring the finest and there-is a range of patterns,
and models to suit every taste and requirement. ,
Thef ability, experience and skill used in making this clothes selection
assures you that they are right in every detail.
An unbounded assortment of the finest imported and domestic fabrics
and choice styles that are bound to please men who dress well. r
You will be sure to find a suit to your liking in this great collection
of fine clothes. -, .
$20.00 to $50.00
ti rr ..
You See
and testing
Hl -H. Frladlandar. ' a Wll-known
theatrical manassr, is la th city from
269-271 Morrison Street
Washington Street
Corner of Seventh
Fit You Complete
. ' No change in our prices. We sell Watches, Dia
monds, Jewelry, SUverware, Cut Glass and Novelties at
the lowest possible prices.
A few facts about our Optical Department: "Up
to date in every respect, all the latest methods for fitting
the eyes.
Our New Store. 342
Taeoma, where he has been assisting
in the opening- of the new Bavoy thea
tra Mr. Ftiedlander was manager of
the Marquam in thla city at one time
and ha returned to assist In It re
opening. The Marquam will be re
opened May 18 aa a tnua'oal stock
You See
' '
Washington v
house. Th Saa Francisco fr
pany Will Wr t !'
It will t V
float Mr.rlrt
a i'f
arise. .