The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 05, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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; John F. Wallace Says President
: 1 "'- Could Not Take Charge
J " of Big Canal. v
s i
Former Chief of Construction Im
piles Thai He. Resigned Position
on Isthmus Because Chief Execu
tive Meddled.
meant Krw hr Lsnmt Laeaes Wire.)
. m. i Tr.ii.nt Tnaoaoro
5 Roosevelt could not be glvea charts of
l eonetructlcn of the Panama canai erter
Us tsrtas ef office as president expires.
; That Is what John F. Wallace, for
i mar chief engineer,; In charge ef the
. . . ai,.
c rename eoaai. now iwnii v
I Electrical Securities company, chairman
l ef tbs executive eommlttas of tha West
flnghouae Church Kerr company, and a
; Siember of the board of directors of the
Korthern Colorado Power company, says.
t Mr. Wallace does not make that state
vent in so many words, bul
, what be means.
: ' Mr. Wallace arrived In Dearer today
to Inspect the plant of the Northern
v Colorado Power company, under, coo
. amotion" at Lafayette, Colorado. iy
"Would President Roosevelt be a de
sirable person to be placed ta charg-e sf
work on the Panama canal r- was asked
. Mr. Wallace, . , '.''
' President Mot Competent. '
1 do not cars to make a direct reply
to the question,'' answered Mr, Wallace,
: 'but I will say this. The man who has
active char of the work should be
able - to -conceive.- deal in, execute and
administer. Xou cannot take a man oat
of politics, a man who has spent his
Ufa in politics, who has always bsld
salaried government' positions,, and ex
pect him to take charge of such a, proj
ect as the Panama eanal. :r- ' -'Such
an undertaking as thS canal re
qutrea a man of ripe experience. A ian
who hsS SU.ths dualities of. 4 profea
sional engineer.. He must not only pos
sess the Imagination to conceive suah
a plan, but he must have all. tha other
qualities which I have mentioned, me
power te design, execute and administer.
"V wish It understood that ( make
ns criticism ef anr one," said Mr. Wal
lace. "I am simply replying to your
auestlon In a general way. There Is no
clsss of men mors proud of their work
and who will not continue to be con
nected with affairs that will tn any way
work to Injure tha reputation aa effl
dent men than engineers.
7"Aa engineer Is a professional man,
Some engineers can perhaps, draw
plan of a power house, or can tell what
unite go to make up sucn a plant uut
largs projects require men who know
all branches of ths work, and sucn men
are professional men in tno nignesi
sense of tha word." '
Mr. Wallace would not discuss the
affairs which led to his retirement from
the servloo of Uncle 8am. but he made
this general statement!
"When an expert engineer is called la
to take charge of a largs undertaking
be means to take charge of it Ths
ssms idea holds good in regard to a phy
sician who will not tolerate interfer
ence with his prescriptions or orders but
uses his professional education to ao-
complleh desired results.
"It Is the sams with a prefesslsnal en
gineer. He will not be disturbed with
orders from Influential political friends
or from any one else. Tou cannot ex
pect a man who bas not had the educa
tion and training of an engineer to Inter
fere or te do- tha work of an engineer.
Crops Doing Well In Linn.
' fSpeetit Dtopatcs te The joeraal.)'
Brownsville, Or., May 4. Crop reports
around Brownsville are very favorable.
Ths last two weeka ef warm weather
has caused a great Improvement la ths
Appearance of grain and also of fruit
Linn county's fruit crop will probably
be larger than that of laat year. This
Is ons of tbs greatest fruit producing
centers of tbs state in both volume and
Marrying Season Is Open Again.
Dan Cspld Is bringing scores of young
oouples to tbs altar every dsy. Fashion
is bringing them attired In frock suits.
Good Judgment and ths highest order at
discrimination will bring bridegrooms to
ths altar In Schaefer'e frock suits. 3. C
Bchaefer A Co.. Rooms 10 and 11. Raj.
Oigb building. 1 2SH Washington street i
Conservatives Expect No Trouble
but the Possibility Is Pro-
'Hv'rrv:vlded For. v l
Sentiment tt Being Ganged by the
v" Defense ..and", the ''Scrutiny!' of
-futon WUi Be SfJcroscoplo Hay ;
wood Will First Be Tried, Alone.
1- (Special Dlapatea Is The looraaL)
Boise. Idaho, May 4.The trial of
William p. Haywood, one of the three
man la Jail bars Charged with being
enormous and it is certain that many
deellng admlaaion will not be able to
get Inside the court room. -
, - That it wiU be very difficult to se
cure a. Jury and that much time, prob
ably months, will be consumed In se
lecting one is generally conceded. -
Preparations for the trials are going
on ranidlv at ths court house and Jail
and by 'Thursday next everything will
ns-ready, sheriff . uodgina wiu os
prepared to handle matters very ex
pedltibuely. ' In his plana he la not
overlooking 'the comfort of ths many
nswspaper yepressntatlveg who will be
Hera." v,-. ' .v;
The local telegraph office, as a test
has been connected directly with the
New York world office ana about 4,000
words sent by John Fay, the World' a
Special representative here, concerning
tha . Moyer-Haywood-Pettlbonc esse.
This was the first time the Boise of
fice wae ever connected direct with
New York and ho doubt this wae ths
longest message ever sent from Boise.
Joe BIy, a 1 local operator, was .. the
sender. -f -.. - . '. .
Tha Western Union, with a capacity
of 180,000 words daily, will handle' all
the spsolal reports. , -." 't-,, ,
' .11 II I 1 II ;lU
With the warm days comes the demand for Porch and Lawn Furniture. We have;,
just received a shipment of Rustic Furniture made from Adirondack Silver Birch.
These pieces are well made and cannot be equaled for rustic beauty. We are also ;
showing a complete line of Ratan,' White Maple and painted Furniture. , '' '
fSMclal DiiMtch te The Jeonatl
Hnokane. Mav 4.-A.n candidate for
impuoniM in ins murasr or ez-uover-1 offlce In the coming city eleouon have
nor. Steuenberg at Caldwell. Idaho, on I filed affidavits as te their expenss - In
the avenlng of December 11. 1 tat. wlU I tha ..recent primary campaign, C. H. I
open In this city next Thursday and Moore, Republican, for mayor, paid
will prove to be the most celebrated I MM.I8, while Doust paid only 1100.70.
trial of the country In recent years. I Both ths candidates are now working
The widespresd Interest In the case la I hard. Each la cultivating tna - labor
evidenced by the arrival of -many I vota : Tha Democrats are demanding of I
strangers, who nave presumably corns tns Kepuonoan canoiaate xna reaaon
te follow ths eaas. ; Beveral Pinkerton I why he did not unearth ths graft In
detectives have been here for soms I the city administration when he was on
time watching the situation and SI 1 the grand jury. If he knew such existed.
deputy sheriffs have been sworn in. 1 They claim that If hs would not clear I
And It Is not denied that ths defenss the city of grafters when be had a
bas a number ef workers here sound-1 chance as grand Juryman he will not do
lng public and private sentiment and I It as mayor. Ths Republicans demand
they and the attorneys are very busr. I the closing ef ths saloons between the
Pinkerton man says there are be-1 hours of 1 and f a. m. Dagsstt It is I
tween 60 and 78 men from Colorado at admitted by alV will be a hard nan to
work in this county, many of them In beat -
Boise. He added that be did not think
there was any. danger of. trouble.
Ooaservativee Sxpect ye TronUa.
Ths eonssrvatlvs - people here feel
about the same way, notwithstanding
tna fact that extensive preparation I , rWachtagtee Bareaa r Tbs-Jraraell
bas been made to prevent trouble Olrmnla. Wash.. Mar e-Tha aUte
should any arise and that aa officer I treasurer today received from the estate
here has said that "at a given signal! of Harriet D. Richardson, deceased, of
100 armed men would be en the atraet I New York tha sum ef in hart.
In a momsnfs time If reautred." i tance tax due en nrooerty owned In this
t hi uhhouci uie 1 rial win pa ' state.
Adirondack Silver Birch, rattan seat and -
Rocker to match i . . ,?50
-sv4 I
' Adirondack Silver. Birch, rattan seat and-
aauc M.9f.OU,
Without RDcker . ,....,....88.00
' 1 I ' . 1 '
il ,v - ' -1 '
ikWhite Maple or'l'ain'ted R6cker, cane
.2.75 '
Rattan seat and back, " heavy white maple
, frame, comfort seat .55.25
I I V'"
that will fit and look as if it was made,
to your order, arid if you don't get better
values here than anywhere else in town
don't buy. We want to make a steady
customer of every person who enters
our store, and if "GOOD GOODS" at
right prices will do it we are going to
' ' ' succeed.
Porch Swincr,9 complete with chains, made of
' hard 'maolc finished natural ?or rjainWd Mania framo f!nirnH.tiat rtral rtr ri9lnti4 rrfn
.-green, rattan seat and .back.i.... 10.50 1 , rattan seat ..v.83.50 f
t ' - r- - ' :v '-T; - : y . ... -. . , ..... , ... T. .........
"- i "in ii iS in w i If nan aai -n si an i s ii i -J iu i . - - . .. u .i. mii ii.. ,, , , L . L . r- - n - ,
' " Regular $7.00, $8.00 and $10.00 Values -' " "l
Workert loflThat DjstHcti VVllI
Continue Sessions Until
A feature ef tomorrow afternoon'
program will be an address by Circuit
wuai juinur u, UTaxer or foruana.
Tomorrow - night . Miss Mary & Wll
Hams of Baroda, India, will deliver an
address. 3.: ." . - '
- Ths dosing work of the convention
wlU be the ins Ullatlon of officers and
us zareweu service... - -
See Window Display;
Mail Orders Given Prcnipt Attention
i. :
- RnMlil Dlmateh te The 7oeraM
Bua-ane. Or- May 4. The third an
! nual convention of the Epworth league
i of the Eusene district mat ; in Hum
phrsy Memorial -Methodist Epiaoopal
1 church in this city last night and will
remain In ssssion until sunaay nignc
The attendance from outsids points Is
1 very large and the interest in thai con
vention t Intense.
The district officers are aa follows:
President Professor Albert R. Sweet-
eer of Eugene; .vioe-prealdents. Miss
Irma Sllsby, Mrs. E. E. TJpmeyer. Miss
Lulu Smith and Miss Bvelyo cornutti
secretary. Miss ; Emma A. Newell;
treasurer. Clarence Meeker: junior sup
erintendent,.. Mrs.. Ida Carter.'M. Mri
Entertainment has . been provided for
all delegates and the railroad company
has riven a reduced rate.
At this morning's session, following
a praise service and the exchange of
fraternal greetings, lB-ralnute papers en
Blels study, the power of prayer and
the effect of testimony were read. Ths
work 01 tbs variour departments of the
league waa reported In responssa by
vice-presidents in roil cao. . 1.-.
This afternoon's session was nartlv
devoted to papers on., ths relations of
the church and tha league and on the
publications of the league. The "Chris
tian Kpigntr ami" was given by Ku-
Jene onaptsr of the Junior league un
er tha direction of Mrs, U. H. Trimbls
Of Eugene. There was a roll call of
i chapters with brief responses. . A bual-
Inees meeting end the sleotloa of offi
cers oiosed Ui session, - - . .
"" (Speeial'DbiMtdk' ie Ths loenal.l f'.
v Brownsvllls, Or., May 4.-There is con
slderabls excitement around Brownsville
over the prospects of a railroad up ths
campoois valley. The builders' inten
tion Is to reach one of ths finest bodies
of standing timber ; In the northwest
There are already several sawmills In
operation and fair prospects of others.
Ths only difficulty is experienced In re
moving tha aa wed timber to Brownsvllls
for shipment. Although large Quantities
are hauled to Brownsville tO' ship ths
expense Is very greav aa the m4lla re
mostly located up the valley. 10 to l
mues from town.
Sacrifice on BabyCrahd.'
Here's a chance for some one who
wants ens of the finest 'Baby Grand
pianos ' beautiful Chlckering at a
big reduction from regular eost.This
instrument waa specially selected by
Mr. , Arthur Alexander. who. recently
left Portland for Europe, where he has
gone to study. Mr. Alexander selected
this Baby Grand for use in his studio.
and being both a pianist and singer,
exceptional care was taken te secure an
inatrument perfectly meeting ' every
requlelta from both standpoints. ' It Is
magnificent ' instrument auperb In
every way and la as good as new, "In
struotlons have ben received from Mr.
Alexander ' te dispose of the plane at
once, and it may be ssoursd at a great
reduction from regular cost A great
bargain for soms one.: It Is on sale at
fillers' Piano Heuss. 161 - Washington.
cornsr Park
CaH Starck' Remains Found In
Centralia Ditch- Throat Cut
f-Two Weeks lisslnj;.'
(Rpaclal OIpatch to Ths Jocraall
Centralia. Wash. May . 4. A bedr
identified as that of Carl SUrck. who
disappeared mysteriously two . wssks
ago, was found today In Hoss' power
anon at a point 69 yards north or where
It passes under Main street Some boys
were playing ball. Ths ball fell Into ths
water and while they were looking for it
the ' body ; was dlsoovarsd. - It had been
noticed in the ditch for some days, but
waa thought to be a log. , .
When Starck - dlsatDeared ' mvstsrl-
ouaiy two weeks ago It waa hat known
whether hs had committed aiTrmdA or
been murdered. Ths appearance of
body points to murder. The throat was
out from say to ear, making It Impos
sible that a man thus wounded aauld '
walk any dlstaaca.? The coat was filled
with rooks and tied to the fcnrtv with
wires. ' -: :
The dav before Rtarrtr a
strange woman arrived Jn town and In
quired for him.- Subsequently the wsnt
to ths tenderloin district iana uvi nr
employment as a musician. She was
rsfused and no one saw her afterward. .
Ths coroner haa been ummoli and ;
on his arrival an Inquest will be held.
tleelal MsMteh'te The iooraal. 1
Kewberg. Or- Mar iwriu ..i,i..rf
is being placed la the Dorranee sawmill,
located near town. it will soon be
ready for operation. Its capacity will
be about 40,000 feet a da. tt -v tut
prtnoipally. railroad tlaa, ,