The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 05, 1907, Page 30, Image 30

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Blrdseye View, Showing Irrigated Bactlon.
By Lnlu R. Lore in. f
inn, nuoion J3j isuca coidjmuij,
which bti been In existence for
four rear, covers 1,000 acres of
land, which grows mostly alfalfa,
In the vicinity of Freewater, In
Umatilla county, Oregon, and only I
', few miles from Walla Walla. Wash
, in r ton. , a. s '" :
There are eight miles of main ditch
and 17 miles of laterals. ' The water ts
.surplus from the Tum-a-Lum ' river, a
branch of the Walla Walla river.- Thr
stockholders of the company are mostly
ranchers who own land under the ditch,
Soma of the finest alfalfa In the
northwest Is grown here, much of which
Is shipped out, and many cattle from
different parts of Oregon and washing
ton are fed hers during; the . winter
Great Fruit Country. . '
Only a short distance from the alfalfa
lands vast tracts of fruit are seen In
the Hudson Bay, Freewater and Milton
country, where land Is Irrigated by dif
ferent private concerns. The cltisena
and fruitgrowers have Just constructed
.a, cannery at Freewater, capitalised In
the sum of 118.000, which will be in
operation for this season's crops.',
The country between Freewater and
Walla Walla Is rapidly being built up,
and now that a trolley line Is running
through fromWalla Walla to Milton,
many of the residents of Walla Walla
sirs buying five and ten-acre tracts
' along the line of the road In preference
to living In the city, which will in time
tend to male the entire country between
Milton and Freewater and on to Walla
WaTIa one vast tract of orchards and
beautiful homes.
A grange is already established In
the Hudson Bay country, and a grange
tail has Just been completed at , cost
of 12,000, the stockholders all being
grangers. ' .' t
Diversified .Farming.
Diversified farming brings many new
settlers into this section of the country,
' who can live on small .tracts of from
five to 10 and 20. acre;
All kinds of vegetables' and fruits are
raised here, This year the principal
pack at the cannery will consist of to
matoes, peaches and cherries. More
than 100 acres of tomatoes have been
contracted for.- . "
: The present outlook for a ' bumper
crop of small fruits, apples, prunes and
nil varieties Is exceptionally good.
223 1
" . ...-.
Claimed to Be Bert Fat-Produc-
Jng Grain That Can Be Crown
: . In Baker Valley.
Frotootad bjr A. V. Swift, Rancher,
torn tint a flctd From aUtah
" y f
Immigrant Yields Very Heavily
Without Irrigation. ' ,
View of Hudson Bay Company's Headgate.
- . Sultan's Ragged Soldiers.
'- From the Chicago News.
' The sultan's army suggests a regular
country circus. Every Friday one may
see a sample of these monkey-like sol
diers : at the , parade of the Selamllk,
which takes place on the Kasba square
. at 11 a. m. A battalion marches past In
double column and salutes the governor,
who goes from bis palace to the mosque.
All these warriors ars poorly equipped.
Their uniforms have, lost their color and
their trousers are too shoTt, showing
their legs, 'which shine as If they had
been covered with shoe polish. How
ever, it would, be a mistake to think
that this gang of ragged ruffians could
not stand a fls'it Fanaticism will make
.heroes of them, for. their contempt of
death Is absolute.'-4 ;y j.. . ;;v.yf:
Made Fortune .Buying Genu From
Natives to Sell In Europe. '
' B. Levy, the pearl king of Tahiti, Is
about to retire from business la the Is
lands. During his sojourn there he has
smassed a large fortune by picking up
pearls among many Islands that com
oriss ths Tuamotu group.1; ,.h
When Levy went n out ' to Papeete,
some 20 years ago, says the San Fran
Cisco Call, he . bought a little sloop
which be named the Diamond. In this
small craft he sailed among ths Islands
and brought from the natives the pearls
found by them In ths great pearl oys
ters which ars so common in that re
gion. After hs , had gathered a large
assortment of the beautiful gems, he
went to Paris, where hs found a ready
market for them, t He soon afterward
returned-to Tahiti and bought the trim
schooner Tiara. Levy then began bust
ness on a large scale' and acted as-1
trader, between Island points. . , "
Pcdin Restaurant
0. MONDAY, MAY 6th
Beautiful Souvenirs and Tea1 with ' Chinese'
Delicacies will ( bjt 'given free
; ' ; -' 1 with each ; order. V" i " 4
Everything Levy towshod ia the lsM
lands seemed to favor nun. His pearl
Industry grew rapidly, necessitating a
trip each year to the gam markets of
Europe. " Among ths pearls - taken
abroad by him ars said to. have been
some that now adorn ths erowned heads
of -Europe.
Levy is a rare Judge of Jewels and
has made a special study of ths pear
shaped pearL . .v
On his last visit to Paris Levy took
with him ons of these rare gems valued
at 18,000. It is said to be the most
beautiful pearl of its alas over seen in
Europe. Its great beauty is In its pe
culiar pearlike shape and in its mar-
yeuow ooior, oeing ungea . wiui un
faintest shading of a golden hue. One
of the greatest gem experts in France
told Levy, at the time that il he sould
find a mate to this wonderful pearl he
would pay Aim 160,000 for it
Levy ' at . ones - hastened ' back 1 to
Papeete and It is reported that he found
the gem ho was looking for. Hs has
sold his schooner Tiara and In a few
weeks will leave for Europe, where he
will reside permanently. -- His eldest
son will remain in Tahiti to. look after
his business Interests there. .
Observance of Ancient Custom by an
English FiabinspTown.
From the London Evening Standard.
;v Testerday was "kissing day" at Hun
gerford, a quiet-community on tha
western ' borders of Berkshire, . re
nowned fir its trout fishery, and its
faithful adherence to ths ancient cus
toms of Hocktlde, which have been ob
served since ths days of John of Gaunt,
Duke of Lancaster, who granted the
rights and privileges to ths ' common
ers. - ,.
At daybreak the town crier, array d
in new livery.: took .his stand on the
town hall balcony and blew his lusty
blast on the hlstorlohorn, which is the I
symbol-Qt Hungerf ordlan liberty. Then
the tuttlmen" went forth bearing staves !
garianaea with flowers and mads
. imiimi iHmatek ts The loorasl.)
w.v.. r-tt. ov. Mar 4. The Intro-
flturttnn f black barley into Baker ri
ley IS the greatest boon to the farmers
of this section oi . ,
Ing has been carried on quite
k. v. wheat being used to
fatten the stock. Although the indus
try hss proved proflUbie witn wis
. it -m nrovs very valu-
-u,- i..t . ith the new sroduct. black
barley, which rival corn in fat-produe
"!L?.0TfirL ti Introduction Of this
wonderful gTsin into Baker nT and
Its usefulness Is about as follows: . .
A, little mors than tnres yes
V. Swift, an sntsrprising young .
was riding in ths hills near Lower Pow
der valley when he cams up with an
Immigrant from Utah who m.Mddu
I a home in eastern vnfuu. ...
tha mm trut , leeainc - nw
a pecuUar purple-black grain, and on
Inquiry found that it was.bck barlsy
which was grown quits extensively in
Utah. Mr. Bwlft bscams rawrwwa a
ths peouliar'1 grain and purchased the
immigrant's stock for about 1 cents
per pound. He found that he had ev
eral pounds of a most peculiar grain
which was larger than wheat, very
plump, weighed more than any grain he
had ever seen, and added to thess pe
culiarities was its uncommon v purpls
blsck color - ' !"- ir ' "
TlsldS OOOd 'CropV , r.C:;
tt. Ma "find" that season en
fresh plowed strong alkali ground and
was rewarded iwith . a bountiful crop.
The next season It was again sown on
heavy soil and although sown very
thin it yielded very heavily, v Foev last
season ho had enough of the grain to
seed does to 17 acres. It was planted
too thick, however, ana muon wi : uw
grain was lost in harvesting, but the
ne yield was a trine less rasa
bushels per aore. ....
. r than found himself la possession
of enough of ths grain to maks experi
ments in feeding, which he conducted
under the experienced eye of H. M. Cott
rill, an Illinois corn feeder. After tests
nn fcna. horses and cattle, Mr. Cottrtll
does toot heslUte to pronounce the grain
the equal of corn, if not its superior, in
fattening qualities for any stock. The
comparative heavy weight of the grain,
its neeullar oily nature, and the fact
tnat it is huskleas, makes it imperative
that a less amount than of other grain
be fed to. produce a given result. The
average weight or a puanej or wis gram
is 70 pounds. i, '
This grain brings witn x ws neces
sary embodiments to maks it ths most
productive crop which can be raised in
Baker valley. . It seems to tnnvs on
alkali ground and will thus add to the
acreage of tillable land of the valley. ,
All of Mr. Swift's experiments hava
been conducted on ths dry farming plan,
and his . suocesj wou:d seem to mean
much to the ranchers of Oregon. This
grain will prove of much value to stock
raisers, eomblning as it does a propor
tionately heavy yield with excellent nu
tritive qualities,
Number That a Skeptical Student In
y Parla Could Stand.
- A drop of water, even three or roar
dropsy falling on ths head seems aching
unworthy of attention; nevertheless in
China a slow and ' continuous dropping
of water on the head has been found
to be a method of torture under whioh
the most hardened criminal abjectly
howls for mercy, ! .
When, a professor la ...thsv Sorbonne
stated this to his class the other day,
says the London Chronicle, one of the
students laughed incredulously, and said
it would take a good deal of that sort
of thing to affect him.
The professor assured htm that even
one quart of water dropped siowly onto
his hand would be beyond his endur
ance. He agreed to experiment. "'
A quart measure filled with water
was brought in, a microscopic hole was
bored in the bottom and ths perform
ance began, the professor counting.
During ths first hundred drops the-
student made airy, remarks. With ths
second hundred he began to look less
cheerful, then gradually all his talk died
away, and his - face took on a haggard,
tortured expression. With the third
hundred the hand began to swell and
look red. The pain Increased to tor
ture. 'Finally the skin broks. "
At ths four hundred and twentieth
drop the sceptlo acknowledged his
doubts vanished and-begged for mercy.
Hs could bear no, more.
a peramouiauon of the town, . kissing
every laay wnom they met and demand
ing a' penny from every male house
bolder. 1 ',... - . a x-:
The sum thus obtained served to pur
chass oranges for. : scrambling among
the crowd of children who followed in
their footsteps. Ths .ladies took the
kissing in good part, and the maids paid
np smilingly. . v :
Meanwhile tne HocKtide Jury was
transacting- more serious business in
the town hall, electing a constable, who
is both a coroner and a mayor, alai ap
pointing keepers of the keys of 'xthe
common coffer, bailiff, portreeve and i inv nartv
i . . . ; -
Otner : sduvui, wuuh auues sra
rather poscuro. ... e
How to Prevent Nightmare. 1
. Referring to the frequency with which
unpleasant dreams, and more particular
ly the classical nightmare, occur. Dr.
Kehrer, the Munich specialist says:
. "Persons ?wno-are suojc is aisturo
ances of this sort should allow three or
four hours to elapse between the last
meal and going to bed; should not let
this meal be too ! hearty a -one. and
should make it a point to avoid all Indi
gestible dishes and alcoholio drinks
with ths evening, meal'
Dog Guards Little Master. "
Waterloo ; Correspondence to St Paul
, .v.... Dlapatoli. ." -
A shepherd dog, faithful to death to
its master, almost as Intelligent as a i
human in ordinary matters, and more (
Intelligent to scent danger, is petted and
almost loved to death byMr. an Mrs.
John Laubsr of Oelwein, "whoSs ; iH-year-old
son wandered away from the
home farm - near Oelwetn on Tuesday,
and was not found until late - in, the
of , evening.
The little lad had toddled four mlles,1
and the dog tagged along behind, watch
ing' him and guarding him. When the
sheriff, who had been summoned to take
part in the search, found the little boy .
he was unconscious from cold. Over
him stood the faithful shepherd, lifting,
up his voles in mournful howls. .. . I
The dog, to awaken the child- and
coax him to walk on, had pulled at his
little) garments until they, were attered
and torn. Ths. parents were rejoiced
to recover , the child and the . dog vied
with them, In showing its gratitude at
the providential approach of the rescu-
HBADQUABTEBS for Daw sad rebuilt type
writers of all fntke! M oar window; If joe
- are going to bur a saw typewriter aaa st be
fore balng; we eas uti yog money; we
, have parts tot rapairlns all machlaea: state
asaDts (or tba Tlslbls Fox; w soy all klola
ef typewriters. Ths Typewriter . Bxeliaaice,
Id.. b. J. xuiabn, siaaacer. 84 Thtrt at.
Dllea: reoatra. Raletah blda..
Acaner: sno-
Baletah blda.. 6th and Wab.
WS sell Remlnirtons, Bmltb-Premlsrs, Dene.
pom, viv mwvr uian any ftuw WDimn7'i
Ut tailgate. Cs4arwee4 Typewrtter Oes, M Ita. I
Be:Si Perfect IVHsiini
With No Occk Pains No Nervous
ness No Waste of Power No
Loss of Ambition But With Plen
ty of Life and Energy and the
Vigor of Youth. , '
To be strong and manly is ths aim of every
strong man. and yet how many we find who
are wasting the vitality and v strength which
nature give them.; Instead . of developing
Into the 'Strong, vigorous, manly-young fel
lows that naturs Intended them to be, they
find themselves weak, stunted and despondent
no ambition to da anything. They struggle
aimlessly along, sooner or later to become vic
tims of that dread disease, nervous dsbtllty;
their finer senslbllltlss . blunted and their
nerves shattered. ,. . - ':. ; , ,
I Cure Men's i Diseases
I have treated hundreds of-men who hava long
suffered a gradual , decline of physloal and
mental energy as a result of private ailments.
general Improvement that follows a thorough euro of ths eblsf disorder. My
nMMa In onrln Ifdnli is Inn m mtmnAtnm has mtdl DM thS fOrSmOSt
specialist treaUng men's dlasases. This suoosss is due to several things. It is
dus to the study I have given my spectaltys to my having ascsrtalned ths
exact nature of men's ailments, and to the original. dlstlncUve aaa tnorovgmy
cientlflo methods of treatment I employ. . , ''-v.- ''''' -r' '
t To those in doubt as to their true condition who wish to avoid ths serious
results that, may follow neglect I offer free consultation and advice, either
at my office or through correspondence. If your oass is ons of ths few that
has reached an incurable stage, I win not accept it for treatment, nor wui
urge my services upon any one. I treat curable cases only, ana ourwa4i
pa. t Antra,
rt X-saeUar steiana.
X treat
Uncomplicated Cases
Fee Is Only
VouPoy When Cured
TTo dangerous minerals to drive ths
virus to ths interior, but harmless,
blood-cleansing remedies that re
move the last poisonous taint
Absolutely painless treatment ; that
cures completely in one week, In
vestlgats my method. It is ths only
thoroughly sclsntlflo treatment for
this disease being employed, ,
ICy colored chart, showing tha male
anatomy and affording an Interest
ing study ia men's diseases will be
given free apoa application. -
Touve probably been 'treated for
so-called weakness and helped . tem
porarily or toot at alt arid ths reason
! very apparent when cause of loss
of power In men Is ' onderotood.
Weakness Is merely sTsymptom of
chronio Inflammatloa of ths prostate
aland. which my treatment re
moves, thereby permanently restor
ing atrsngth and rigor,,; ; T 4 ,"
oosTraAOTzs nnoaszaa.
ton eaav dspsnd upon a quick and
"thorough cure by my treatment A
quick' euro is desirable because a
slow ours Is apt to bo no euro at all.
and a chronio development will come
later. I mire you beyond th possi
bility of a relapse and In half, ths
usual. time required. .-
Often the condition appearing to be
the chief disorder is only a reflex
aliment resulting from soma , other.
disease), weakness sometimes comes
from vartoooele or strictures skin
and bono dlasases result from blood
poison taint and physical and men
tal ' decline follow long-standing
functional disorder My long ex
perience in treating men enables 'mo
to determine the , exact conditions
that exist aad to treat accordingly,
thus removing every damaga oauss
and Ita offeota, . i; . yy - ..
Consultation and Advice FREE. Cell or Write today
a. as. as t p as.. Mtadayw X t S.
ts xoaazsov TBJTjn, ooavxa noowm, eroaxzjurs, oaa,
rausata llvUg ont of ths aity and coming to Portland fot treatmeni will be
- raralaasA wtta nae sooaa rree oi cnarge. uncos yon man . ,
sarssy'sysaiir ssiwi fcsWi ,
or ro sitlajct osusooir '
. . , :. .
JL--ugaaaaf gAhssaaaaV aJ
I':1 . eSSwejB7BBBBnsna Vtjag aSRSswlJVV BBBBBBe' ,.(,
sW laws a lU StmH tf Ontm ',
,4 14..'..- j.,. ; . ... '. .1
'."-,.'...'.:. ;'
V- - SZ.Vw.
Wm. IL Mik V. rm. B. H. OraaaOeal
a. M, OW SMntarr K. I. Staolar Oast
. ILaag s) in Oaearel Ceaaaat
Nitlaaf Chanket el CeBjsetes
' pertlaal geart ef Tmae ..
' testes Treat sad tsrtasa Bank Peraaas On
asdsaeet fesiiasr '
; . O. Dee Ca. Caaaaarcial Assaejr ' .
; Ve sjake ae siaaiUa wa ss aat'lalU
' We lre rae e etaare Seat
momm omcx w-i tut a rem b,
Cm Wtkinttm 4 Silk , Fwilemd
. . LESS CURED r . ,
In Special Cake
Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Scroful, Dis
eases of the Bowels, Liver, Stomach, Sciatica
and . Rupture, 'Bronchitis, Catarrh, Neuralgia,
Dyspepsia, Kneumatuun, Man Diseases and all
private diseases ox men. ,
Unless ths disease Is cured, it soon
veeults In some form ' of wasting
weaxness. - My treatment onngs cor
Cured to stay cured. My treatment
is scientiflo and rational' and will
eliminate every vestige of poison
from your system. If yon ; have
sores, pimples, deop nlceratlons, fall
ing hair, sores In ths mouth and
tain and speedy relief to the sufferer.
If there is a soreness or swelling
of the veins, dole to lack of proper
circulation, you have varicose veins,
and should attend to its treatment at
once. My treatment drives away the
stagnant blood, relieves at once the
soreness ana restores tne portions to
normal health ana strength.
discloss your -true physical condition, ' without an
which no physician or specialist should treat you.
Don't allow diaesss to take away all the pleasure
throat caU at once.
V. Do You Lack: Strength and Energy? ;
' Soma men ars classed as laay,' shiftless, unreliable, careless: they lack
ambition and courage and are disheartened, who really toan't help being i
tired and nriserable. Many of these men ars la failing health, unable to ;
determine the nature of their ailments, and thslr condition baffles their
physician, too. They never know the happiness of being infiltrated with!
Ihe strength possessed by healthy men, and which is so essential to
achieve a marked success In Ufa Ths sufferer may eat well, sleep well :
and possibly nsver complain, but an unaccountable languor clings to him
which he cannot shake off, robbing him of all ambition,
v . Nervous trouble will account for this condition in a largo majority of
eases. Men who find that the condition we have described corresponds
with the condition of their own health, should consult ths eminent spe
cialists of the Bt Louis Medical Dispensary without unnecessary delay.
Come to our office and ws win maxe a worougn. searching and sdsntlfio
examination of your ailments free of charge, an examination that will
itnout an unaarstanaing of
of living. Yoa should
not become discouraged and loss your grip on life because Inferior and
unreliable treatment has failed to benefit yon. Our special treatment for
this class of troubles, which is varied and modified to meet the require-
menu of each individual casv ls a safe cure, to which . hundreds of
cured men owe their sturdy health and happy condition In life.
We do not quote misleading prices in our announcements. Wo . make
no misleading statements or deceptive, unbusinesslike propositions. We '
cure men at the lowest charges possible for skillful, successful services.
We believe In fair dealings and honest methods. . , ,
- , , - umco Mourn a a. tn. toi:it
Consultation ana -iixamination rree. . m. uunaays, t ton omy.
jI. LUUI3 surgical
cosHza racoaro ajto TAuarLii btbsbts, tovtlawd, ossoov.
f. m. Sundays, t to 11 onlt
t you cannot call, WRITE
The Wan.
' Seet sad 'Verb ' ,
Has made a life sradv' mt mta aad sartia.
aad In tbat stqdy dlaeovered and is SlTiag
to tba world bla woBderfnl remedies.
maraataaa to mara rwt.rvh ika.
Leaf, Threat, ,&aeamatlesi .Merveoaaaaa,
NarTnos Debility, Stomach. .: ttver.' Jtldaef
Treablaai eleo Last MeaBood. ft male Wses.
lees and All Private DWaaea.
fast asslMd Tnm Paktef. Cstss gife, ten
.. .aad aeliable,
. dbustb aaa PAwoiaoua, i
II yvs easaat eel), write tar armatasi afaafe
sad etreslar. laeloae 4 seats la etaaipa,
tb o. tn wo OHUtzsg miam oo
Wit rw at., Oer. MuTlsea. .
v . Vortlaad, Orates,
rieaee MasUaa This xases.
Fook Sang & Co.
raa jawauut.
231 Aider SUPortJind
Pure. Beautiful Jad
Jewelry, Gold Bracelets
and Blgnst Rings of all
descriptions mads to or
der. American 'names
en graved In Chinese
characters on pure gold
1 1 r - u jd-luck rings engraved with
'tne- three cardinal Chinese characters,
'via I Glory, Prospsrlty and Longevity.
'Charges reasonable and orders of any.
design promptly executed end sent pre
paid to any part of the United flutes.
Restores Color to Gray Hair or Baars
aHaeaSM Ha llr arewa
klaA viiMa lMn. a al
eUMMrturlmpniMrutn, aatatO
MAaaeaaUU. IMtaHr ewtrmM,
It UMtt m wail wlti k.( lr.
inaMOMe1r. In4 hrHrtw '
BiaufrasaaBiSas fr ((
tt. Mnn4nilkrliftliin
MakwllfiNlUhlea a4n,t
tvuSSttSm'm Mayor walnut Oil Co.
seat. I.M WeesTssdAvert Ksseni City, Ms. B. 1.4
aA rmAxoiaco rraoriAH TIAsTbaiT.
Blagle rooms is ea state. Wafor, steem
beat, eleetrie lights and aH modern eoneenl
encea. Strictly flrt-elaa. OoDTealent to abop.
ptn( eentere. On direct Una from ferry aod
Third and TownaaDd depot. Rates fl es.
. 28 Xllls St., sear Tn STaaae.
W'vi.. .vv B. QAMTEB,. Mgr. '
We now have thousands of Vegetable and Flowering Plants,
for Outdoor '. Plantings Good, strong, health, well-rooted
plants at reasonable prices. r Call and make your selection for
present or Jater delivery. last call for two-year-old 'Rose
Bushes, Fruit Trees, etc. " . . . ' : . -
TarnaVs Xzweek ef Onsebs ea '
Row A Martln'a.1 823 Waanlnstoa
It. Vortlasd. Oreroa; or by mail from. Toe
and otber drng habtu ars positively enred tf
HAB1TINA. For hypodermic or internal use.
Sampleeent to any drag habitue by CSpra
mail. Regular price t&OO per bottle '
at yoordrugrlstor by mall in plain wrapper.
Delta Chcsalcat CeM &L Louis. Mo
Tor sale by Skidroore Drag Ooh IM Thifd
gfcj1 Peril and, Oietes. : - . 3 f -'.s-,.. ,,-
e 1
I I Price S3
T Addreaa
PortUad. Oretoa.
, Dr, llandaraon's Com pound taels
and Cottos Boot Pills. The seat.
ana oniy renaoie teniedy tar US'
LAVED PERIODS.. Care the moat
obetlnate caeee la to 10 ears."
par bos, mailed la elaln wrspper.
x. j. riGtius. 1st rirat atraet. -