The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 05, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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'Boys9 ;&md': '(IMfIs
Uoro Tempting Values' in
Ilotiono and Art
1 Specially . underpriced specials for Monday' and
Tuesday that it will pay you . well to read care
fully. Such values at these are not to be had every
day." ; -
I Talcum Powder Best quality , berated Talcum
' Powder, highly perfumed; 25c i values. .Special,
Monday and Tuesday ,2f
Hair.. Brushes Good quality ebony back, pure
i bristle;tour best ,45e. values. Special, Monday
and Tuesday ;.. .v.i . . . ..33e
" 'Cloth Brushes Extra rood Values; solid back,
.' good quality bristle j 75c values. Special,- Mon
day arid. Tuesday v . : , .... . , ... ........... ;.S9e?
, .Wash Belts Extra special sale Wash Beits at
about half regular value; prettily' embroidered.
Price, Monday and Tuesday .....IS
: Elastic Belts Elastic shirt waist Beits for sum
mer wear; "holds the waist in place without use
of pins. Special, Monday and Tuesday..... ,lTe
Sack Combs Fancy sold mountings and fancy
settings in sack Combs: newest designs. Kei
lar 75c values... Special, Monday and.Tues.,4
Laundry 1 Bags Best Ik quality sateen f Laundry
Bags; good assortment . of colors. . Regular 75c
values. Special,, Monday and , Tuesday . i, ,48e
- Silk Cloves Good quality 2-clasp , short silk
,v Gloves, double tipped fingers; blaok and white
only. Two qualities. Prices T5 and.... f 1.00
vaines xoat x&re iiosoiuioiy unmaiquaoie -
'; SSo tot Boys' Bbota That Arc, Worta SUM &oya
i All Solid 8boe, mad to stand bard wear, in both
Valfskla and viol kid,-oak tan solas, aolld. heels,
leather ' counters . and Insoles; regulation Boya.
Bhoea with books; all alies up to 11 tt;
other stores aak
SSo Tt Otato' Sjhoea ThS Are Worth $ X.6C Olrie
, Bhoea, with' double tips, made In a number of
tylea. with full-lenatti vamps lanted down under
, the tips. Insuring- double the wear of "cut-off" yam
. These Shoes are made of
heavy soles; are fully worth
fine viol kid.
' soles; are fully worth IL69; , all a a
up to a. Specially priced .'for: . this yyQ
special price for for this rrade. Our UQv
this sale, only ........... ...77V
r .r.-ss s i i m ..
TOS'V : " ; not T76naaii Will f ' S 1 1 1 1 P
lml8,.Want to IUgo This Aotonish-
Hot a T7oman Witt 1
Want to Ilipo This Aotoniob-
ing Embroidery Sale
This Im the Time
to Bay r :
v The:" time lot. two ; reasont.-J
Spring ' and . Bummer . atylei
and weighu are readv.For
this sale ws have.made such
special preparations as will
enable us to quote unprece
dented low prices, inese
items,:, wt think, will provs
both 'assertions: ''''!,-;;
.Women's Tan Stockings, 39c Women's imported
isle Stockings, in three shades of tan, lace boot
or lace , all-over, full regular made; splendid
wearing stocking. &oia ail over roruana at ose
v1nd 75c pair. ' Our special price, Monday v 9(1.
,, and Tuesday ...... .lOJyC
Women's Black Stockings, 15c 500 dot en. worn
' en's black -split foot and fine ribbed plain black
' seamless Hose; guaranteed stainless; garter tops..
Good Z5c grade, bpecul, Monday and 1C.
Tuesday I..,.. i.,.. ...."..... '...1IC
; Women's Lisle Stockings,. 10c 400 dozen worn'
, en's black : lisle .Stockings; extra heavy double
- heel and toe;' seamless and " Stainless. Our
regular 15c. iuality.:i Special, Monday r; ; A-
. and Tuesday "2i,.i...4.'?..f, ...... ". Ut
ChildreQ's Kibbed Stockings, 8c 300 dozen'Chil-
'dren t black fine ribbed Stockings; fast black' and
a. good wearer. Never before sold for less v O
. than 12jit Special, Monday and Tuesday. .'OC
Misses Lisle Stockings, 17o Misses' fine fibbed
. lisle mercerized Stockings, in black and tan, su
perior finish; fast colors: all sizes. Reg
ular 25c qualities.. Special, pr- fori aJUC
;. , Fonr Special ITiihiek
Jf! Knit ITndcrwbar ( '
' Women's SlIk.'Ve8t''7eWomen'i-'jcam'tiIk
Vests, hand-crocheted trimming, silk ' tape extra
: fine quality. Regular $1.00 and $15 f 7Q
values. Special for Monday and Tues...;.l 7C
Women's "Ribbed Vests, WJc Women's Swiss
ribbed Vests, well made, nicely finished, all
sizes. Our best 20c quality. Specia. .101
Monday and Tuesday :. ImC
Misses' Ribbed Vests, 14o Misses' i fine' derby
ribbed Vests, neatly trimmed, fine wearing quaf
' ity, all sizes. Regular20c valuea. v
Special, Monday and Tuesday ,..,... ... lit
; Boys Underwear, 25c Boys' balbriggan Shirts
. and Drawers, fulf,range v of sizes, splendid
quality. Specially priced for Monday j
and Tuesday JC
Time to Buy f ; Time to ' Save! On the Host
Beautiful If eir Embroideries .
Thousands and - thousands of . beautiful new - Embroideries, all crisp,
fresh and bright. . An endless assortment to choose from in the newest
and most attractive patterns ot the season, from the modest edging to the
most elaborate wide widths. Ready at o'clock Monday morning the
Greatest Sale of Embroideries ever held In this City. The styles, quali
ties and quantities will surpass anything we have ever shown.- The variety
of styles and patterns la too large to describe minutely too must see
these beautiful embroideries to appreciate them. In each lot will be found
the new, dainty patterns nest little figures, large and small floral effects.
witn -combinations of English eyelet; small and large scroll patterns, with
or without eyelet stripes; also a few large bold leal Japanese and French
designs: large, open-wheel patterns, etc. Embroideries for everv Durnose.
shirt-waists, floundngs, allovers, trimmings, bands, insertions, panel fronts
and beautiful raiting erobroldferktv.:: -j.'. in.-d: -'
Keep Tomorrow Free From Engng-ement and
Attend This Bemarlcable Embroidery Bale: '
'- -LOT1 , . .""k -
.' 20o Hinds dt llo
Flouncing; Embroideries from 8 to 6 inches
wide, -with, insertions to match, attractive
new patterns, made of Hamburg and Nain
sook, finished with. fine firm'edges; excellent'
value At 20c a yard. . specially ':.
priced tor tnis saie at....
: - LOT 8
i - 25o Kinds at 12Ho
Flouncing Embroideries from 8 to 12 inches
wide, with insertions to, match, all new, pat
terns, in both blind and boenworksolendid
quality Nainsook and cambric best ox work-;
manship; best 25c kinds. Special-;
ly priced for this sale at.. ';...'. .'
45o Hinds at23o
Flouncing and Shirtwaist Embroideries from
12 to 16 inches wide, the most beautiful new
patterns embroidered on best grade Ham
burg, Swiss and Nainsook; best 85c and 45c
kinds. 'Specially priced for this - OO
sale at... . . &OC
LOT 4 , ,
05o Hinds at 33o
Flouncing and Shirtwaist Embroideries from
10 to 20 inches wide, with insertions and
bands to match, all new attractive patterns,
good dependable qualities; worth, from. 50c
to 65c Specially priced for this sale OO '
Still Another Case of "AS: WE BUT
':.'' SO WE SELL" ..
' . Overproduction seems the hereditary 111 of the manafacttning trades.
It la particularly so in the embroidery business. , Season after season, if
not one, then another manufacturer of embroideries will make up more
roods than he can sell profitably, and when finally the load becomes too
heavy, he simply must selL This very thing transpired at one of the
most prominent European embroidery houses, and as at this time of
the season caah buyers for large lots are few and far between, these em
broideries drifted to us, through our New York buyer, AT LESS THAN
HALF PRICE. True to our principle to sell to yon as advantageously as
"we buy ourselves, we will place this great purchase, divided Into twelve
gigantic bargain lota, on sale tomorrow; and great as the value w offered
In the past undoubtedly were, we can safely promise you bargains that,
considering the very high standard of excellence possessed by the goods In
question, were not even approached anywhere this season, - - j
Bead Every Line Carefully It's ''the Greatest
Embroidery Bargain Announcement This Year
:K-;'::.;'. LOT W
01.00 Hinds at 486
Flouncing and Shirtwaist Embroideries from
10 to 18 inches wide, the very finest St Gall
Embroidery, beautiful hand work in pretty
floral, scroll and open patterns; sold every
where at from 85c to $1.00 a yard. - JO
Specially priced for this sale at....,.. OC
LOT ; 4 ' ';'
.vV'-s" "
01.25 lKinds!at 63o ft?
Shirtwaist Embroideries from 18 to 22 inches
wide embroidered on fine Nainsook, Swisses
and chiffon cloths; in all the novelty designs,
beautiful small and large floral effects, open
work and cut patterns; values from 0
$1.25 to $1.50. i; Specially priced at.. DOC
; 35o Hinds at 23o I
Corset Cover Embroideries, full 18 inches
wide, large assortment of deep embroidered
patterns, finished with fine firm edgesthis
season's best designs ; real 85cN grade. OQ
Specially priced for this sale at. .... . tuC
' ; ; . LOT 8 -.p..
; 50o Hinds at 33o .
Corset Cover Embroideries, full v18.inches
wide, handsome new patterns, enibroidered
on fine Swiss, Nainsook and cambric; best
50c quality. Specially priced for ; OO
this sale at . . .. . . . . i . ; w UuC
02.50 Flouncing
Entbroidories 01.23
45-incli Flouncin: Embroideries, in anuin-
Llimited assortment ofc new up-to-date oat-
terns, deep embroidered designs on best
quality Swiss, just ' the wanted kind - for
pretty summer skirts; regular $2.50 grade.
Specially priced for this sale . d q
at. . f , , , .t f tdVr
. LOT 10
03.00 AIIovot-
Ilmbitjideiies 0160
22 to 32-inch Allover Embroideries in a great
assortment of beautiful St Gall patterns,
large and small floral designs, small patterns
in pin dots hundreds of handsome designs
in openwork ; ; made to sell frorn $3.00 to
$4.00 a yard. , Specially priced for JA
this sale at. ....;... 10"
. , LOT 11 f: .
' ' " 4 j'1-'' ,:,........- -1.,,'..;-:--,-Hr ,,;'(.-f .-(.- v-
Wido Embroidered Bonds
Dozens and dozens of patterns to choose
from in all the most wanted designs, special
ly priced at half regular. .
8 to 8-inch Bands, 45c kinds, at. . . .... ,29e
8 to 5-inch Bands, 60c kinds, at. . . . . , . .33
4 to 10-inch Bands, 85c kinds, at. . . ... .481
o to lo-incii Bands, $1.25 kinds, at. ....63e
Lao e Curtaino
Every housekeeper interested. ; It will psy you to
anticipate your needs. In all our years of curtain
selling our stocks have never been, larger nor
have we had so wide a range to make selections
from. It la not in quality alone that we excel.
Prices are extremely low. Sixes and kinds are
ample, and the patterns and designs art the most
beautiful imaginable. r , ."
White Cable Net Curtalns--50 inches wide by 3
yards long; imitation cluny lace bor- 0 CA
ders; good values; per pair ........... y&?U
White CTuny Lace Curtains 50 inches wide by 3
yards long; heavy French nt; 3-inch &n (f
hem? cluny lace border; per pair .....$ftv
White Swiss Brussels Net Curtains 50 inches
wide by 3i yards long; assortment of 4 Cf
dainty patterns; price, per pair........ qrswU
White Swiaa Brussels Net Curtains Regulation
size; an assortment of neat Tanjbour, Crt
designs; price, per pair C...,y.vU
Arabian Scotch Lace Curtains 60 inches wide by
3 yards long; mission design; excellent f A
----rf i r f r .............. -- -
White scotch Lace Curtains 60 inches wide by
3 yards long; assortment of designs; 61 OC
specially priced, per pair ylW
wmte ocotcn iace curtains ou incnes wide tv
3 yards long; plain tenters;-extra val- d fA
ues; price, per pair . ............... ...vlcOVl-
White Scotch Lace Curtains 60 inches wide by
ZH yards long; extra heavy double 41 JJ
thread lace; special price, per pair ,. ...! J
White Scotch Lace Curtains 50 inches wide by
1lZ -Am ..l.ln S) m
vr wni umivii : ajw
borders; special price, per . pair... v !
White Madras Lace Curtains 54 inches wide by
Syi yarda long; exceptionally good 0 PA
values; special price, per pair ......... yiai3U
A Varied Assortment of
: Good Values in Our
. lien's Section
The display of lien's Spring and Summer Fur-
nlshings. Hats and Underwear at Roberts Bros',
la the most comprehensive la assortment and the
most strikingly attractive ever shown in the dry.
This section is especially interesting to those who
seek reliable merchandise without " the fancy ,
R rices charged by the exclusive store. . These :
ems illustrate the valuea that await you: ' J
at.. 7..
An early call Is recommended-Extra salespeople, wrappers and cashiers In : attendance. All the tables in the center "aisle devoted to this great display.
, v ;";.Wone sola on approval. Mone sent u u. x;. mo mall or phone orders filled, sale starts promptly at.8 o'clock. Be early. r,
Men s Underwear Faraskmt, the popular Under
wear for summer wear, made fall size, finely
4iii'.fitf1 mil af ' aYiir. mnA tffrawra mm. in
plain white and tan:-: Price, - f K0
per garment . . . .......................... .v tC
Men's Negligee Shirts Our assortment' of Men's
XT t wa m Q l a r4r m tm itnstirna m4 aAtsi A at e-wt ai
njsfittiv nf n ere a nlArsi r atrr-sr 4m wtiffjt :
cream, t Prices, f I.OO, f 1.50; ga.50, r
and ...........................
Men's Handkerchiefs. 18c Men's silk lislv leer-
chiefs, look like silk and wear better; large as
sortment of fancy patterns in blue, gray and '
white. Sold all over, the city at 23c
Special, Monday and Tuesday IOC
Men's Half Hose, 25c An entirely new showing
of men s new summer Halt Hose, in every new
shade and pattern; made of good quality mercer-'
ized cotton: excellent values. SoeciaL Or?
Monday and Tuesday ....i.. ... ...........SaiwC
Men's and Boys CapsA large assortment of a ana ooi - wu v-aps, in piain viuq aergre
and popular snaaes ot ugnt and dark gray: also
good line .of, mixed grays. -Best showing in the
citr. Every one excellent value. Prices TF.
for Mondai and Tuesday, 25c, 50c and..... I vC
Surprigingly Low :
; Prices oh Suits
WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS AT fl.50 Eton, Pony and hip length
Coat styles, English Worsteds in Plaids and mixtures and Panamas in
plain, colors and fancies, neatly trimmed,' full pleated skirts, djto CA
$16.50 values; on sale this week...,..;......,..,......,.,.....Vl'"
ETON AND PONY SUITS AT f 19.50 Great selection of Suits at this
price in all the new colors in Panama and fancy mixed materials, Eton
snd Pony effect, with most beautiful trimmings, gotten out by designers
of the highest taste. They, are grand values at $25.00. 0n C1Q Kf
tsllC T thlS ' WCClC :4ttaeaeee - 4 esV Vtsf V
VERY HANDSOME SUITS AT f 25.00 Newest models in fancy jacket
effects, plain tailored and dressy Eton Suits. and. Pony Jacket effects, Chif-
f 1 ton, ranama, Serges, mixtures, cnecks ana stripes, line suk lining, nana-
f some pleated fckirts. ; ah are wortn iu io raor. our- iryt iiii
zJJL' choice ' at.-.. ........ . . . . . . ;v . ................. ,.. Y-'""
Our Immonco Stock bi Women's
and Hisses' Suits, Coats and Skirts Are
Harked at Prices That Defy
... . ; All Competition
WOMEN'S COATS Between two and three hundred Covert. ! broadcloth, plaids
and mixtures, made in the Pony looset or fitted effects, strictly all wool. Some are
full satin-lined, others unlined and strict ly, man-tailored. v Worth $7.50 f(
c to Sl$iXX-r On sale this week at $5.00, $6.50, $7.50 and.M.;'...w..,;..;7lUUU
PWonten's 50-inch Coats of Worsted Plaids, at;..:;...fe.50, fT.50 and 10.00
PANAMA SKIRTSAT f4.o -5ix,diflerent styles to. choose trom. , ,
ent styles- to choose from. In this lot. of Skirts yo will find'ftothing but the
most wanted materials ' and made in the box-pleats and kilted -models. d A A A
Values up to $7.50. ' On sale this week P't.iJV
' Kfe'--"'
Ghildren'8 Dreooeo
The little dresses for children made of fine lawn and French Gingham, also two
piece linen Suits, many dainty white lawn trimmed with laces and embroideries
I Size 4 to 14 year. Priced at 50 75c, $1.00 and all the way - &C C A
"s up ; to; 0. . . Ur. ..' r. " i . iLu.w .. " 4 . 'T
-CHILDREN'S SPRING JACKETS of fancy worsteds, tan'coverU and' 6 A OH
all wool twill serge. On sale this week, $3.50 $4.50 and...... ...... ....tpt.911
PRETTY BABY COATS made from Bedford. Cords, Henrietta and Piques, hand-:
, somely trimmed with silk braids and fine sateen linings. Sizes 2 to 6 years dC CA
in short or full length. All prices from $1.25 to.;..i',. .....PJJ V
Remorkahly Low
Waist PriciDS
Right at the beginning" of the
waist season when you'd least ex
pect such bargains. The waists
: are beautifully made of fine sheer
: lawn r and lingerie and daintily;
.trimmed . with lace and embroid
:ery. 1 , . H . '
See the Waist 1
Special Waists .;.......08
Extra Good Waists .Ji . . nr. 51.25
Very Pretty Waists; . . . .81.50
; Waists, you could not buy the
materials tor less than the price
we ask . . . .81.05
Net, Lace and Silk Waists, extra
special values at 84.50, $5.50,
86.50 ...88.50
Jap J Silk Waists, t very ; dainty,
white medallion trimmed 82.05
and .. .. ......... . .$3.50
Taffeta Silk Petti
coats $5.50
'Black and. all colors, made with
flare flounces of sectionM ruffles and
cluster tuckings, dust ruffles and un
derpieces of nearsilk. , - , 1
Hcathcrbloom ;
-Petticoats -
A genuine Heatherbloom 'Petticoat
in BlackrGray, Champagne and Red
looks like silk and wears longer.
Ask to see the label ""Heatherbloom"
.woven oh each, skirt,.?. hv. r:-x'
Crisply New Dress Goodo audi Gillio
Dependable Qualities in Strikingly Handsome Designs
AH recent arrivals -carrvinE the tone and character that emohaslxes the season's leading weave. Th
best efforts of the men who man the looms of the greatest textile mills of the world are to bo seen here. '
We have never given more time and thought to these departments and the result ia most convincingly
shown in the vast range of patterns and satisfactory array of new spring and summer fabrics In all the new
shadings; these are specially underpriced, Just to gain your better acquaintance. .
Special Showing- of vn afk sfk I Seal Hand Hado
Punjab Dress Silk $lsUU I Shan Tung: Pongees ip JL 1 3
Special exhibit of the celebrated Punjab' Dress and
'Waisting Silks. Our assortment is without ques
tion the best ever-shown this season. Each piece
a beautiful and wonderful creation. Every new color
and popular design in checks, stripes, pompadours,
etc, etc. This silk is warranted not to break or split
Sold all over the. city at"$L25 and $1.50.; tfjl A A
: Our special price, Monday and Tuesday. HUU
assortment' of elaborate new Cream Serge Suitings
with h airline checks and stripes of black, blue and
tan. One of the finest imported weaves; very popu
lar. Keguiar 51.J5 values. 4 special
Monday and 1 uesday
ery popu-
Pongee Silks. , 34 inches wide. trnhA Vn
hesvy weight, every thread silk; warranted to wash
beautifully. The , season's favorite silk. 1 1 A
Well worth $U5. Special Mon. and Tueg.
Heatherbloom Lining Taffetas are always in stock.
Hare an assortment of Am 40r ha4 lnriiin
black and cream. -
foreign dress fabrics; .comes in all the new wanted '
pastelle tints and, chameleon effects; made of finest
of wool, soft and clinging; 54 inches wide,1 OC
Excellent $2 values. Special Mon. and Tues.$Ild
SILK WARP MISTRALESE Another of our exclusive new imported dress fabrics. Beautiful designs in
neat snaaow cnecics with nairiine eneexs ana sinpes; suk warp, wasnaoie. Keguiar SU5
vaiues.. especially reauceo tor xaonaay, to
a tatitti
Specials in Muslin Undei-woar
- . The low prices of our muslin underwear must appeal to all 'economical women.
tsm it nas mucn more tnan low price to recommcna is n an every point ot merit that
a careful woman demands good materials, good sewing, generous sizes and every
garment la finished in a manner to meet the requirements of good taste. The town ia
full of muslin underwear offerings maxe your own comparisons and yoall find you
can get here the fullest money's worth of the best goods. Great sale of Muslin Skirts
uus weex.
IIDO Values tnr 854 Fine Muslin Skirts.
' deep lawn flounce, three rows of Torchon
lace insertion ana jprcnon eage. -i.
; $1.75 Valuea -for f 15 Fine Cambric
Skirts. 15-indt lawn flounces, three clus-
ters ofjine tucks and hemstitching, Sinch
owiss emDipiaery-rww
$2J0 Values for . $1.05 Cambric Skirts'
wim u-incn iawn tiounces, three cluster
tucks and hemstitching; 12-inch English
embroidery ruffle.
$125 Values for $l.T3-:MaJe from good
graae campric, deep lawn flounce, tucked.
two wiae insemons or tlunv lace
tluny lace edge,
CORSETS We have everyTneWTnodet-m these reliable -corsets that
m ' Mm
a U.' 1 a we nare every new mooenn tftese reiuue coreta tnat
- fit any formthe qualities are of the most satisfactory materials the fconiir? is ab-j
soiutely rust-proof, ureat many oi tne new moaeis nave nose supporters ( r
attached Every pair guaranteed; per pair IZf to.... , ,
A I'
a id"