23 THE OREGON. -SUNDAY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, , MAY 5, 1C07. BUSINESS (HIAXCES. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE FARMS. .; ::X-Confectionery u do Waahlngton et. fin location nd dotng a business ef $60 to 1.4 per day; nut sell 1 on acoovnt of lckneB; fixture. etc., will latok awre.thaB price ,.ked.:; $l,iOV-:' Bakery " ' Al locattoa,' long leaee, cheap reef: owner guarantees business or i70 per weV' cash counter trade; grroo-rlii, te.. eB b oanaiea at a pront; tuis piece osj- and w IbII a eloae laweetlgatlon; ' Mil oa ' account of other i Interests; in, must price 61,700, r will trad rot city property. Confectionery Ice Cream . - Oa Waahlngton at, fin location, f-yeer xaao, fixtures :ba best and S larg living worn, 8 furniabed. , Tbla piece will clear 03,000 tbla eummer; must be aold Monday w It I Ukea off tha airktt TH parti e- THB TETBHJtJr LAND 00 18&H, Third St THESH ABB BOMB BARGAINS AMD GOOD ; 1IOVFT.M k'KHSt :". . :, M-room hotel. SlO.ftOO. , " Ui' , W roota boa, . fl,000. . . a , ; .. r 46 room boam, t-t.tO. ' , ' t .'' 88-room feotw. 2.R00. ' . ' M-room bou, -$400. " ' ' SS-rooa boa, t'J,2Vt. ' c,. ;' 24-roon ho, 2.O0. .' ' , Sl-room hoa,' $2,000. : - !, cbp rent and term, ta aalt, hT ptber. .Call at r. , ,.?.-,. ,. t. L AUSTIN 00, :V- Vifr-.'v. 126 Ablmtton bld, 1 w. Min eanadty 60.000 faet Pr ay. 1 : arrea of fir and ptna which rmla at abont - o.OOO.QKO feet I Bill a year era. im coaai-Una:- , tram konaea near Bill: oa Katb- ria creak, half Kile from railroad, fin nr rooadlnr tlmbar; aBMiuteiy ir line: mut peallae anma BUMVf. Olllrk. It Will pay yon ta Inveatlfat tbla; - $10,000, 7,500 , eaaa wui aanoia mm. ,, , 01 gffgTLAWP BLDO, . .:, .'.;'..-.?". B0OMINO. ' '..'m."..- I AND ' ' '',., j. BOARDINO HOrSEB. $7004) mom aad baardlnc, en Baaajatk t., - eloae ta. rlearlna (00 ner month. - . . 43,00030 rooma, on Waablnttoa at, eleoa la. Al ronKblnc, s-yaar I, cmwiox fiw par month. f 1,000 SO rooma, wH furnlahad; food l nation, alwaya foil; leaae. A5.000 60 room. nleeJy fnrnlihad. fool 2.750 M raoma, oa Aider at., dsartaif $180 per month. : , . . . GIt o a rail. , THH TKTKRAfT LAND CO, ' l54t Third fit. . I HATB en hand a few free bargabxe tn -rbe way mt arraral mexpenaira konaea ea tb west eine, aiao a lew ea the eaat bum, wniea were taken on mortnrea te tb hard time: haeo Infraction to eloae them ont. Toncaamakai Instruction to close them ont You caa make . money ' oa - them. Dero meter, - Balelrh blda. Sixth and Waablagtoa eta. " LOrtomO-HOrSB fiOOD MONEY-MAKER. $2.wto 80-room well-farnhbed house on Waahlngton at., 4 year' leas, low rent; yon r Will be pleasen When yo loog at- If. - P. r ICHS, 221 H Morrison at. PABTNER wanted to take third or half Inter est hi bualnea paying $12,000 monthly; want - Interested - help to expaad basin; $1,000 Investment required; gir telephone number. Addres A 1S4, care Journal. '. A GOOD buslnra chance A earnet cleaning ea- . tuMlshment, Inrolclng 18.000, for sale for g.i.rxKt cash, or part payment in real esiare; good reason for aelllng; large bnslneea. . Phone Main 228 tor particulars, evening, be- tween 6 and 7. . ', 41 FOR BALE Our grocery department, stock and flituree; can turn a good .trade to pur. chaser, booming mill town, lOO miles from , Portland; beat of reasons for el!tng. Ad dress T 188, ear Journal. BARBERSflOP II chdtrs. orw, modern, good lease. d(i5 lumber Exchange. ' . . ' r WILL cell Monday 1.000 or 7.000 Bntte Boy took at 9V4 cents. Postof flee Box 1, city. AT a anap for cash 1.000 Almeda ConaolMated, 4.800 Hutte Boys stock, 10 -share ITnltad 1 Wireless, 1.000 Csseadls, 2.000 Alaska Pct.-a-.. leura A .Coal, 10,000 British Columbia AmaL tt Coal. V P. J. Catterlia ft Co., 123- Ablag- ton bldg, . .. ' JfOB SALE Grocery store with $1000 stock , and fixtures, centrally located, doing $1,500 bnalneas; must bare cash; agents need not apply. ' Addres G 182, care Journal. A MONEY-MAKER 79 room.' 46 furnished. ; others mostly rented as offices, tailor shoi. etc.; very central: pets orer $100 per month; . investigate;. rnone Monaay, wooa. , jawu, 814. Only those who mean . nosini neea anawer. , t . i i.i , GBOCTTD floor lease oa Fifth at., close to i Washington, dcalrable for tailor shop or , . . . . i , ... . ...ti j, Afldrcsa w 183, care Journal. ' - i i LAUNDRY route for sale.- 8-year contract. ., paying now over $100 tcr month; look this up imroea lately. - 242 Mafllsoa. 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. . . .. ..J1,-,..-, ., . . ." WEST SIDE 'HOME. .. a 12.800 Modern horn of 6 large' rooms. easily accessible to 2 . carllne and ta tha ( Portland Heights district, commanding view I city ana river. et jpartieuiare. , . HAGEMANN BCANCBARD. . , 81 Fifth at. For Sale JjAtolilstrator x 6-room house and about 11,000 atraara feet i 9T ground; ilea rery high ana signtiy; wtthls walking distance of baslnesS center; mast be sola, nurture at - ' BOOM SOS MOHAWK BLDO., 'Onraer Third and Morrlaon. - - ';-t'.., SB ACXWS.'' ''' '' 1.809 Bartlett pear tree 12 years old, 400 ' - athar tree, apple, cherries, plums, etc.; tin- ' eat of soli; right In heart of a thriving town, dose to rortland; ire a snap ror WW; : half cash. Address T 180, care JournaL 4V ACRES, t miles eaat of Rose' City Park, v..i"r; T1 , mV 100x100, EAST front. large frnlt tree, other , choice Iota, -Kiuingaworth ava. ' Jtetia woeaett. fuversioe of nee, nt jobbs car, , V BLOCK oa Maaoa at., f 1,280. Height Goodnougb bldg. '; . Hawlar ft FINE. B-room modera honse, 6 lot, it Kirn Park; $1,600 eaah, balance mortgage; awell soma ror someoooy. xtz aiaaiaoa at. . 6 BOOM house, 80x100 lot $000; $300 eaah, $18 per montn; Bear zuiungaworia car oarn. vau . 1242 MlCblgaa. :.",', .:.'...,:: .' J-:...'",,. '. . LOT aa Eaat 40th t,, I block from Hawthorn ' are, $350. Haw ley t Haigbt, Goodnongb blilg. B-ROOM cottage, strictly Bnodera. .' right "OB - ear line, corner lot; 100x120; tome terma; ' Ouly $2,000. if) it ia a aura' winner, 3. A,' BAURETTE. 248 Grand Ave. win '1 , frn ' i.'iii. ' ' Im, I'l ''' 1 , 11 FOR BALE By owner, quarter' block at East suth and Taylor: aiao corner lot at giaat i 1 .lath and Yamhill. Call at 742 East Mala st, i . or pbone East iail. . ' OXB black on Maryland are., $8,000. '.' k Rulght ' ,,: j Xiawitty I 8-ROOM honse, lot 100x100, Hawthorne ava., - $2.500. , Hawley ft Ha Ight CORNER lot on KVrby at., $600. Hawley 4k nalght , AT BUNNYSIDB. 6-room bona and lot; aewer connection; beat bargsla ever offered . In bunuvslde; . $1,100; $376 down, baiaoce-18 im- montn, jtu Maaisoa. . 1 BUTS 6-room bouse and 2 lota, at Laar- clwaod; $23 down, bnlanc Ilk rent, $10 aiaiD, s aaaiuaon. . . - 6-llOOM cortage, bsth and pantry, lot 60x100. - pr1e $2,uou; terma reasonable,- Pbone Main .. v.BU 414, f ALU SI. 1 " ' , : 'j.. 'i ' A XtlWA fca . - a . P. ' ' un-fnrm 'wiiaaB ror ' rantt' nw'..ni i'lV i i?nmrJ S ." Apply gift Et IF " wa, AUUWr BO. .. , ' ' ' :' tat ACRES la Canby, 600 nopulattoa, that will net Do per l oa the Investment annually; acre Prima bona ateaarham . .' tin lnnweenta. 23 mllea to Portland; - rt rr.'J'; ?" "" hlg S till frn.; aecd far it. j. w., i)iro Canby. Dr. t"VH SALE A choice tot at Arbor ldee au- in n. very easy lerma. Call 247 Alder at 1 , , i n- '" r'"" huslnea, focstion; T "," J,UM'' -. Scba.Car. 811 tt.sii.lew 4jt luamtiie. A PEW BARGAINS. -v ' " 7-room honse. eloae In. on Ankany . line; some faroitor goes with It, at $3,650. I -room noose, amall lot, -1 mock from ' Grand ava,w fr 3,0u0. V Tbli 1U tnt for 7627.60. - 'v. ' -; , S-ronm house, mail lot, on Seventh ah, wet .aide, 8.loo. . , ,- , 8 -room bona, nice v porch, hay window; hall, parlor, pantry, V bath, large grounds, (iwd lawn, ornamental trr,- torn,- flowers, frulta, berries, rblrkea park,'' near- Brooklyn school; wll cheap. ,.-" t A-room modern house, ball, closets, porcelain bath, marble waab baala. porchea. Basement, ale corne lot, on Improved otreet nor Anabel atatton, on Mount Scott mi Una; - a nice borne, and wall worth tha prlc . now aeaeu. bx.jiio, . . , , HENKI.K tt HARnmON, ' - 211 Abtagton Bld. I ba contract, perfaH tltlt , IOOiIOO. aaat front, T80. ' u ". , ; lot, aaat front, all ITW. ' A 9 6-rootn boaaaa, piodam, and athar prop ri. cbp? irrmi, gn w. 0. Unat, Arbor "a "aiwn. oi. vonna ear. rnooa Waod- For Sale by Owner 0lt lot SRlTO. on $0x10 and u Kftilnn .. Bt 11th and Darla ata.t alan oa lot J..: K i ana can jinacDT at. I . . or o acre on neat roao la tne foaniy, lay ap fin and la exceptionally fin fnr berrle or frnlt; for a bom apecnla- tloa thia cannot b beat: It raa b cut ta anit ma purcbawr allowluc Urge frooUra All of tb a bora can b aold on y term. aw pnra ana term pnoae inkia 4, or ad- nrrna m. (r. u, no, 1, inta, ir. A, UOVTT pleaaant Cottnaa on two- 60xl00-fnot iota tn at are art out with berry bnaliea: bna pearmr Trult tree: brick cellar, and ehenn at 1.B0 pric $l.ooo. Call at the office of .tameron Grant, J Eaat OUtM Vt-6i; te, addltlonj Uontarllla carllne. biuueb 7 -room bonne for nla by owner; rliolc location; $3,100; half eaah, balance to I on. in, un anna after o p. tt. MODERN brand ew S-mHi cottage. SPth and eaat ainrnaon ana ii . Kaet waaulngtna at., gz.znt; fnu nnwn. im lance tame aa rent. a. r. am it a. owner, oih commercial blk.. wiLliAMKTTB HCiHMTS reamenc. T room. run baaement. electrie end - flxtneea. ahadea, large rlnaetai roaea; anto-hoaaej one oinra to ear; use view; ea.ouu. vwner. Ad- are 178, car journal. , TWO a-roata modem bnnraknra, new, steely tinted, window hitea. flxtnrea. modern plumbing.' good location. 12.4(10: $400 caib. gzo montniy. raon owner, wooauwa 191. C0BNEB lot with two new cottage (n center or riaence niarrict, vaneoarer.-waab. t l cam tv per cent nei; price fj.twio. , q, k. rarcirai, owner, us commercial bis. NEW ADDITION Fine mU BOxlOO. street W feet, aear car atatlon at Lenta, be fare, onlr $115; terma. Take Mt, Scott car. 6. . S. Addltoa.. uenta, ur. -63 ACRES In blgh atat of cnltlratlon, 10 I ."' 1 "11 from itreetcar line; new building, well, stream of water. - fruit and berries; oa good county road, Ohio neaity uo., eua uommerciai tMg.- MODERN -room boua on Eaat 28th St.. 800: caa arrange roe balance oa payments of $38 I per month. . ji.- o. uicxinfon, eos comnrar- ciai bktg. ., - ,: : - , EXCELLENT realdenc lot oa Ainewerth are. cheap for cash. Inquire sag Alnawortb art, J $1.C50EA?Y term; a-roota, new mMen bouse In South Portland on corner lot, SSirT. porcelain blumblng and electricity. See H. W. Lemcke Co., 6tb and Washington eta., aiato 000..., i ..- .. 10-ACRR orchsrd,- winter i apples, cherries, . grapea. trwberrles, 2 . seres timber; -live " stream runs throueb place; fl miles from city; rood building: $2.500, terma. Columblaa 'Realty Co.. S2H Third stn room B. C : Donnell & Co. REAL ESTATE. v' ' Boom 12. 268 Stark St. A BARO AIN Two'' sightly lota. 88 1-8 by 100 feet. Bait Yamhill at., between 23d and 24th ;.' ats.; at $!2 each. Richard ft Cornell, Pbone r:at i., twz Eaat ismtim. FOB SALE CHEAP One acre, all m fruit: amall boose, 116 Maxwell are., Mt Scott carllne. 28 mlnutea ride, Stuart 'a station. outn. uwner mnat leave. .- 1 HAVE , a rood 7-room modera bom, corner lot. Fast 84th at.. C hlocka of Hawthorne i are., a niorxe W-B car; $300 eaah, balance v aay.-' zs rtara ex, 6-ROOM cottage, fall lot. $1,400; $300 cash, $20 montniy,. rnoB isaat on, , IF yoa want to bay, 11 or exchange yourj property, can on or aanres ueo. w, jurner, Mitjv, iwaaniagtoa St., rortlana. or.' VITA. DISS W. HIA.WA 1 - level and alghtly: pricea $S00 to $378. 0. K. I . wvm . v. , , u I nil) TDI.in, I Aoaiton, ints. or.; Mt. Bcett car, sc. FOR BALE BT OWNER New 7-room house; gaa. electricity.' furnace; central location. van at sou ueroy at. , ... ., .. . : ., - 100x100, CARUTHERS at, near Front: 'some income; only n.oou, poetoftica Box 887, St I aonn. . '.:;:'.,.,i.;.:.'...f'-. .,,-'!:,.';, -'-iv-.''.'- -'"! j.-- I BRAND new. 8-room cottage, ea lot 80x100; price z.w. r a.. Bwaa, iiou vnsoa ava., cor ner niiiingaworin are, ....... 7-BOOM honae. almost new. fin corner lot between Hawthorns and W. R. cars; only ouu caaa. ava aiars ax. $2,500 BUYS a new 7-room bouse and lot 60x too near two carllnee. inonlre Holmes A Menetee neai Estate fjo., et) Third et COMFORTABLE suburban hom for little money; zouxiw, au in cultivation and fenced. fruit : and berrtee: new 7-room house, bsth, patent toilet; east front to all of tbe lota: 1 block of Mt. Scott car at Flrland. 2 mile thla ltd Of Lenta; $3,680; half cash. This is mat aa we say. Owner, 412 Commercial bldg. - ' :- . .:;:..:,i. y.. -,,. SMALL choice tracts, 10 to 40 acres, at Eaat Hoou tuver. 8H mile from M osier. $80 to iw an acre; etty property takes for small part. Today la the first time this property has been on the market; bo better land In Hood Biver district Owner, 412 Common wealth Diag. OWNER leaving: this week 81.400 takes aew 1 , -a,. wioHant-eottaeai nlc. uae- .,. ion x,;. .T.. o-iri plgeona and furniture; lot 67x100; graded streets, water: owner Uvea In tbe honae; . 2 blocks south of Hswthorne ava. on 44tb St. 100x1 00-FOOT corner, 23d and Clackamas sta.. $500; half eaah, balance $10 per month. Apply . uoi xaa steiiwooo. I S-ROOM honae and 2 lots terms. Miller, Slat and Wygant ats. - HOUSES and lots oa mstallmenta,See Miller, gist and wygant. sts. . BLOCK,. Woodatock Helgbte. view whole ciry; ' rmear rrnit; o-rooro . uouae, near car. Owner. Telephone Seiiwood 204. FOB SALE -T-room honae, 400 Broadway St., on car line. '. inquire aas waaningtoa at.. I, ' 1 11 11 11 1 1 1 in "Hi' ONTt modera 7-room house, beantlfar location, Mount Tabor; half cash, balance terms. Phoo j sea. ii...,-,..,'i.!.!, -r-.: '.v i-..i'-'. , FOR - - 6ALE Lot 90x100, 6-room cottage, walk- . 1.. .1.,., . am V.mm fllrlh at neal lng dlatanee. Owner, 837 East 81xUi t., near I HaJTiaon. LOOK HERB A snap without money: I have aot some choice lots, oo-roor street, zu-roo,. alleva. tbat I will sell for $110 each; $8 down I . snd $8 per moBth., Aleo one 6-room cottage for 6150: JW aown ana a 10 per niuuiu. tx owner. Joe Hasn,. at aiiuara are.,: on ui asi. Bcott carllne. . 20 mlnutea' glde. ANOTHER BARGAIN 11 acres, moatly elsarad. d boaae and Pern, nne asni, aaoai a ehean. Tha. Title Anatraet uo.. room Mulkey bldg. Second aod Mprrteosy ta. u 6-ROOM colonial bouse, $2. MK); $500 eaah, $23 monthly. Pbone Eaat !- ev SMALL chicken ranch, near car; snap. $1,100. 1. B. Holllater, commercial 01s. - , yoa want a good home cheap oa eaay terms aee a, Thornton, itoo aerH ac, . n oouiawn. Have two houaee, .on 6- and one 7 noma, eome small fruit. - , $3,780 4VROOM bouse and 60x100 lot 00 eaat I rrkR aide, cloae to 2 car line, thoroughly modern. tn good neighborhood ; terma. Western Ore gon Truat Co.. 291 Stark at , ;AMf'B2irgaii: i avin Northwest quarter" or lot, Eaat 12th and Hancock at., to be aold to get the money. Home pbone Eaat 728, store phone East 92, at wX Lust alorrlaoa at, C, L, Boss, A car $1,400 Beautiful hlfth lot In Irrlnftoo, cent :, faclnc. all , Improrementa an Ideal plac for bom In till exeliwlv (lllltlon, .s . , - $I.00 Pretty cottatre and lot BOxlJB Improred afreet, , three block frm :.v'' , i ":.' I"t . a Ion worth tbe .Money; 'c'T'' . fruit tree and lawn. v', ; $2.B00 Npw niiMlfrn tl-roora hon In aplendld " ItK'atloii. . '!' ' ' .. A $3,600--telleat bnnKw ta Portland Jff n j rv. of i-elMufcent mtliitrbay Inalde flnlh , - eqnala lt.OOo manaion; .wo flre- t placea ami erery cooTenlencat two carllne. SM oilnutea to ttialna cen-.- tar:- near rlrr. .'..-.-' 8.00ft Mwlern It-room bouee and lot ftOiSO, ' rmlt tree, etc., rlaht no carllne: , i faateat prowliin taction of eltyj beat " apernbulr btjy oar tlia market. .; $8.000 lOOxl'.O wUh. Iiitl'nl 10-room hoO! m Pat ton, are., near.. 0vsrloik ,; ., $6,1100 Waat able how In awell rlaenc , dlatrfctj modern . and attractlre; walklnr dfatance; a aplendld buy. ' . 1N0OMX PROl'KBTY. - $18.000-i-Went -ll lncome-bcarlnt property V In aplendld location; will net I per , pent aiHler two year leae will itear fullrat lnTtlKatton; (reat apec- ' olatlve ralna. - - 1 ' W, haae a nnmbar of handnonm borne on both (Idea of the rirer. lota and acreage, ninny of which tb owner do not care to adrertlae. all price, on all term.' Don't bar until yon Inspect oar llat. . ;,,, . UMklBIUiAM ft rAtfOHAN. ; Boom S10 lluchaiian bid;., 2-"i Waahlnitton. , - I'bone Main 1673. , - ' FOR At.E-RRAti EfTiTg.'. - - llI.C00 lio.ra a biwlnee corner: 8 etnre-1 room on rrounrt floor and: 16 room a bore: I will pay food Internet on Inyeatment: lxmt Alblna. ira; frnlt: lot Wixioo, on Urand ate.j half cjiah, balnnce woothly. ' $1.1.000 buya a fin qnarter Work on 30th and 'nnrnn rt.; thla ia a , IIOMN BUYERrl, LOOK 1 AT THKSE: ' $1,000 bora tM elegant new 8-ronm modern . "-PfT JT. "-"2 ITr.TO',.h. - ai.wjo ior tnt o-rogm piuimw ""'Ji I berrten, lot FOxlCO; $200 cah., balance $201 month at per cent. t - f 1.1.0 6-roonj moilTI none, crraer ioi oux : 100; 2I)0 eab. balance ain per . v I'lASlt'AW USAI.I X . UN , S03 Aider at., roow 10. t , , vnrs Hovrv a WORTH, t, ' $1.100 Por 4 lota, corner, 107x100, oa WU Ha bonlevard. . .' '' ' ')-; 1 $1.810 Kor a fine bunioea corner, oa Mis- "Ti'-riiisv. rwhole block la Oatmaa's tittle Jl.ooo ror 10 well located lots la Praia-1 aulsr niairioB. ' . . sa uu sw Mil nlaatered honee. hath, I ewer, brick basement, la Hoqth Portland. . anu.rnr a wait - iocs Tea iiui I B-ciom good hase, In Blverslde addition. ii awZ.s-. ii mr half mil from Clack- amsa station: 10 acre In roong . Daring frnlt tree; I acre la trwberrlee, oia eoae. good welL ; V ;,V JIT AliW Mt ' -.' - ' Pbone Mata $63. Beiddene Phone. Msln 862S. Special babgain and attractionl. irrn 6-room' bouse, ck- to ear Woe, finest EHalmnnl VnsW Ml. flail: saawui IIII HOW view la Portland; a ouj np. M.000 Splendid lot Bear West Park, close IB..: 1 4',. ' ' v. ii n-iu-hth anno nnwn: verr nice new large cottage, ner Belmont St., eunnyiiae; bsrgsta. ,j .." tl nno t.oTelT new 5 -room cottage. Bear Belmont St., 8nnnTs.de: well aelghborhood. ', RTATTB A 8 AWTELI. ... A mA Tlmrmt Ht.. West Side). Phooa Pacific 652, Meat Bide, Phone Eaat 263 $2.410 A BEAUTIFUL 7-room house, lot lOOg uri; come ana mo it n onraain, w. nu.. 81. BOO 6-roora modern boose la Firlaad, annrf Int. hear ear: (300 eaah. balance eaay. ' $1.200 S rooms, bath, patent toilet, ale i lot good location) $200 cash. . t . AnviNice cosy cottage, near car, S lots; small payment down. ... . gl.noo A-mnm modera bnngalow. near car. good lot: $400 cash oa thla, balance easy; . come and eee It. I have a few lots left at $2 pet month. ' Acre tract on easy term. v B.A.CHURCHILL, Pfcnna Thor"?!t2. ' . ' Ijinrelwood ststioo, on Mt. Scott carllne. $050 2 BOOM bouee, lot 80x100, eloae to ear; '; aa O0A B-room modera bouse, frnlt. fins krmmM. tnt AOtIAO: COOd term. 12.400 New 8 room -modern houaa on Eaat Waahingtoa t.; $250 down, balance $10 per " "Vl'.OO -raim house, close ta.'eist, aide; 3,000--Fln Bom" to MontBTflla; will trad 'for eat alfle property. ' . '-' $2, 680 6-room new modera home, wood fiber plaster, fin baaement, tot 41x125; good ... in oia. . a l. 1 M.800roomB. LVJ," beautiful lawn. 130 roaehuehea. lot 70x126.. D.uiiss a, n'lKlNNRf.f.. Phone Main 8743. Fifth and Morrtooa stit $480 FINE lot BOxlOO, cloae to car; irooa a . . . asnn Pine lot 50x100. within 160 feet, of; -- M-trtmA district: rood ternvs, f ' ' tt Rno Lot 80x100. cloae la oa Eaat Bor- T.sSL-Corner tot 60x90 on East Davis St. 81,000 75x85 between Orand are. ,and f$Ab0Ool4rt 60x100 on Clay St., ctoae; In come $12.50 per month; good terms; not a lot for sale arouno; see tuis. .: , , , HARPER O' DONNELL, Phone Main 8748. . Fifth and Morrison tta. TWO new Bjodern-bul t bousea. ai.aw . n $2,000, one an rwo oiocas """ $250 cash, each, balance $16 and $20 per i "weH-eataWlshed bakery, good Imetaees, location; owner retiring on . -- terma to suit. ,.,' Ji ' n. vnii,iina fine location, oa canine. $650: $50 cash, $10 pet monthr Bow .renting' for $10 month; dlacount for eaah. t , rj... rv,oi acreac on eaay terma; Mt. Scott .65. J..:m'r'' ",'?.' ...He. i " jameb a aiAraiMi bibi. j r - . y v na'vrp Ons of the '- most I run muu i- .i.-. a I k.ntirnl nanar annfiaarn numra iu euiiibhui w a larg. rooma, fireplace, Plsta-gljiB J" donhle floora. Btalned, waxed and flnlahed for rugs; Urge furnace, fuUeement tjasement; . . I- .Mahnarit. wood lift. UU- I nanasoioB wui-w , , , . , dry-In fact, everything ,.ojf L1 1? .i'j if.in.. house: full lot or more 11 desired. . Anyone wanting such j borne call .-a . lll .hmr von through bOUM. - V8 nil " -- - , - . . - j Kaat 18th at., corner """''" " .... na-vrRK t-storr T rooms. V .'. ""i'T. r.w. ra chicken oiooern, a . '"' ,,-sv: vsrds: leaving city. Pbone Tabor juui, -oai- offlce Box 875, Arleta. : 6-ROOM cottage, 4, tot;, city water ; near ear- line. $1,600. M. m. ivmu, tib , ! Point View, on St Johns carnne. a, ooK.ifinr liAnaa. croundS lUVXil wn, ,cn.v 1 y ' : T L,, a. Smlt- tlinr ASH 84 trees years tnu. jiw ioi terms. C. H. Gsssett. owner, on P'ei 1. 1.11- mn wood station, Bt. John . carllne. ,- - - - ' ' - . - ' WE BATE all kind of farma and city property for aale, at an prices ami a, 1;-' Call and ee oa, delera la ,rl aUta. Smith ft Horaoack. Canby, Or. 200 FARMS, amall tracts sad lots; bargains oa O. W. r, electrie line. i. s, sunn, Oregon Tate Mt. Scott car. 6c. , FOB 8A1.E New 6-room bone, good tocaUonV .Owner, loos rarreu at., wooniawu. tjabgAIN $1,800, new 6-roora modern cottage, .oi - ioci, soutn tstcwarx atauon: whmb. Owner.. . Mrs. . ciarg. choicb tot 80x100, 2 block north Piedmont ear barn, on Mississippi are.; muat sell. J. H. Bt Bayner, 750 Eaat Ankeny at. lawn., inquire vo cast join, rsuna cans ovov. 1 HOME AT A BABGAIN. 60x60 comer, west tide, walking distance I center of city! 9-room bouse with baaement rent for $30 per month; must be aold at once, f CJ.iriwli. at nii.nixa, " ' 635 Chamber of Commerce. l iLnTH best' Income ' nroperty oa" west mAA navlng SOT Par lie mi vu , icruia. nnwia Oregon Truat . Co., 291 Stark t 6100 fton 8-ROOM boose and lot 80x100, near car line, In n of the beat localities oa west 'aide: terms.'.; . hhs vrcgon ; ruai Co., 1 Btara t. ( 82 700R00M raodera tKme, lu Sonnyslde; good location, and between- 3 car lines; terms. Western Oregon inw -, aa otara u - . , J : SALE BY OWNER Cosy 4-room cottage. in 60x100. at 853 Man St.. one block west of Mllwaokle St.; price $1,200; f200 ttowa and terms to- suit piirenaaer; take BeU wood ear. Brooklya Pharmacy. . k - : ; 'SATJC 6-room modern house, lot 82x100. By owner, dot r-i wnm -xaggart. , UANDX eroora house oa aaat side, close hi; Will pay U per cent on prin sun fjt.OUU, fill Pwu&axclAi Uav Alals JUV . . $0ft0 6 BOOM hotiae, full lot. hear car; $2S6 ; downv i '.- ,., ,. . '. . ? - $75 8 acre, eauillr cleared ar Mt. Bond electric line; paj menu. WJ' ' , ;! $8.10 6-room bona, food barn, tot 100x100. 2,E00S-room houaa, 100x128. on carllne; frnlt; leautif ill place; eaay payment at I per cent. " 14.000. $1,000 ' Cl li --20 acr, half 10 proTed. houte, bam. wall; ar Mt. Hood roe I ' ': The" are herBalo,' and we hare other. ' ? ATLHWORTfi KPTON. : Knd Montarllla carllne. Phou Tabor SiO. . ) .:; ; ".'v Flrland'''i - JSOMB .JRARB-fiABUAISS ...IMJBOMBS. .' ' t2.2i'0 -room modern .hotue. U lot lOOx i 100. near Btatlnn: ternt. . . y $ 1.700 B room modem boa, S lot, lOOi lOflT a.'UIA eh halnncjt !ffle. ' .' j $1,WJ0 T rooma, 2 ht BOxlOO each, well . Improved, near etatjon; . $300 cath, balance $10 per mnntb, ' . B 1J100 . 5-r.iom modern hona. Bear car; $400 raah, balance $10 per month. - ' - $1.200 a-rooro modem hoae.' nar atatlon, ' 1 lot 80x100; $300 , eaah, baUnce $18 per month, ; "v. - . , $SS0 Larre bona, I lota; $300 eaah, ,nce $18 per month; a bariraln. '; . ' $72.1 Neat eottace irood M. eaat front, hear car; $.100 eaah, balance $10 per month, r lxro and acrrare ob eaay tot me, - Be B 'before m bur; we can , ear yon money. ,,. PKRIWiW. DURMAN R0CHB. tf rtrland atatlon. Mount BcoU carllne. I 10.7W BUYS one of lb moat. perfect ly oon. I . . atrticted P-room honaea In fhe'clty of Portland. In the Nob Hill re dene , ' section of tli eaat 1; thla f'epant home faces aodtli on one oi io oc. i. cirllnee In the cltt groumla lOOxIiw. ".k graded Juat rich and In -tha beet of ' cre: f owner mot leare oa amount ..'''"' '-of health. ''"''''. ' J.. $8,R00-l-l-room , bon. finished la the heat ..r ... ... ..,!,). manner.- iront ' rirrrt: lot 60x100: location tb best on the eaat aide: sy $8,000 7-swm new bona reny for oeeop; cy. hsolutely ap to date, face eaat on 14th at., In HollaiUy's addlfton; A about $2,000 casli required down. Notli- . . . . . . . . I. ..n. . In tit Clt. $2,600 7-room bonse, very eomfortable, in good condltloB. 86 feet -trontimt on i Jefferaon t.. only 11 blocks rrom portuuta ooiei. , . , :-: " 1. f, COMPTON, ' ' Pacific 1S48. : Ablngtoa bldg. . mnn m nAiies (IS EASY PAYMENTS. $l,o0 8-room aaw .boaae, , full lot; $100 cash. $29 per month. . . riOO 4-room honae. Mhwourl ava.;t $380 cash. $1 per month. .. tvXLuM . $l,4)-room house, Oxford st; $3004400 cash, $16" per month. .'anno gl.Oto-Xroom house. East J4th "st.j $600 eash, balance to eult. M,.n. ... $1.600 6-room hone, lot 68x188, Montavllla carllne: hair earn. V . uu, , m noina at. i terms. "'Zf'so i iti rhv modern bungalow, lot .nL,'n .,. u.., ...Una. gMA cash. ho i lota.; ale trait Hia 1 - OTTO. CROCKETT HARKSON." 131 H First St. BL'T Boaemead loU, 80x100. all cleared, good aoll, level. 8 tuinutea waia irom oc "nw". '' very attractive aad ebeapoat oa tb market Bt fli! IO fllO, IBS row waia Palmer, 803 Buchanan bldg. riWB) , BUNGALOW Full concrete basement 26x42, modem every way, light on ear line. 4-mlnute car service. Telephone or aaaresa u. a,, oiemicr, imier, Eaat owner, 632 Union aveaoe North. 2406. Holladav Park A modern 7-room house and one tot near lfltb and Broadway: nice lawn and plenty of rosea: electric lights, gas; y term; eu 64.000. J. W. RUTHERFORD, ' Main 6120. 617 Commercial blk. BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE BT HATFIELD SMITH, 168V Fourth St. S-room modern honee, Eaat Sixth et.. $3,600 7- room bouse, weathered oak flnieh. .$3,200 8- room house, 2 lots, near car ,.$2,700 4-room cottage, modern, East Mala. ..$1,600 4-room cottage, rents $10..,., $1,100 .-. I" ' QUARTER block. be.utIfol new home, S rooma. extra well built, doable floor, full basement laundry, hot and cold water on 8 floore, gaa, electricity, furnace, n replace, um rose. . 10 besStng fruit trees, berries, sewer, 1 block from car line; no agents. Inquire 400 Prescott'st " -. , t . -- FOR BALE Good lots, 2 blocks from Alberta ' street car line, only 20 mlnutea' ride from center of elty; . graded streets, city water, - $275 each, 10 per cent cash, $10 per month. Portland Trust Company, of Oregon, B. E. cor. Third and 'Oak stsw ' FOB SALE Choice lots, near good car line, 28 mlnutea' ride from center of city; : city . water; $110, $8 down $9 month. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. B. ear. Third . aad Oak sta. , ' u - .. :i. FIRLAND 6-roora modern boose, Iota; bar- gala, $1,000; terms, eoo uimber Bxchtnge. 6-ROOM cottage, famished, $1,800. 208 Fourth tt. Tel. Pacific 2123 0 Main 8990. A BARGAIN 4-room modern cottage and 1 tot. neap station, btoo; gioo eaah and $16 per ' month; on Mt. Scott car Una. Address Bog MSB. .Lents,. Or. : :.:, .. Business Property ' Fine corner 100x120 feet, on William av. Al 2-story boaae, modera u every way; tore . oniiuing bringing goou rental; 01 ac now bringing 7 Mi per cent, can be Increased; Wll llama are. property la advancing rapidly a,uuu will pantile tnia, oaianc to salt. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 185H Third at $1350 - 100x100,' facing-two streets, with 6 hnu res, 8 new nnd other In Al condition; 1 block Union are.: rental $105, can be Increased thla property ia In walking distance; terms. 1MK : VET'EUAn LAND IX)., .,. 168H Third St v . $76 DOWN and $5 a month handles fall lot on Eaat 84th and 85th ats.; price $480 each; .win miiiavou a nome to suit u , wanten. n... v. ureena, jcw oaimon wu -'., r, .;" ! MODERN 8-room house st Oodard station. Bt. Johns carllne; a fine corner on Dawson at., near Columbia Park, very ebeap for eaah. ; uu tt iiu woow; tt. ' - , . SNAP Good 8-room modeni boas, tot 60x100, near car and stores; half eaah. 609 McKay ' Diag., XDira ana atara. - . ' $2,!150 BEAUTIFUL 7-roofB modern honse, nearly new; mi ovxiuv. ou Hcb.tr Dior.. 'XBira ana otara. 6 ACRES, Oak Grove,. $1,600; $300 down; ad . joining property double this price. : Owner, Phone today. Main 8384. CRESTOy Two beautiful lota 100x100 feet Improved street, aldewalk. water; ready for building; itt Diocxa car; f7o ror quica sale; ,. need the money. Owner.-Phone today, Mala njivcj o-room doobw. on comer, one oioca east aide etgn acnooi. owner, pnone jgaet xm $2,00010 ACRES near Lents Junction 1,980 6-room honee, - East Grant st 11,900 6-roonr bouse, Williams ava. iflBO 4-room house, 2 tots. 135 for tots la Peninsular addition. ' 828 Lota near Hawthorne ava. . COAST REALTY CO, S. , 268 Stark st ;.-. BUYS nlc tot; $9 down, balance monthly. . Thla ia leas than market value.. Address B 181, care Journal. -:t :-'" ;: 6-ROOM hens on William are.; nlc lawn. fruit ana garaeo. uontinenrai uo., xw stark. 4-ROOM' plattered ' cottage, $1,600 cash; - also D-room atrictiy moaern nouae, ga.uou cash; cooalderlng location tblr is .too cheap, but we are going, to sell them; on Alblna ave., aear KlulnKaworth ave. - Pbone Monday, Woodlawa 814. Bo triflers. YOU HAVE BEEN PAYING RENT For 10 years; yon have just about paid for the boaae yoa live In'.- What have yoa to show for It Nothing. Pay ,ti $200 and rent for 8 years 7Vi months, and we'll deed you the place. Five-room '(celled) cottage, $1,250; $200 down. $1 per month; 6c fare, rhscw Maada- Waodlawa tlaV Ma trtflaMa-c FOR NEW 20 COMMERCIAL BLDO. XV. PB0.NB PACIFIC 231. . '' : '.'. '. .Vv ';" Aa acre In Hollywood.'' elo to 0. W! P. ear and Mt. Bcott line; dandy bay; term. NIc lot en Bait Waahlngtna: Bice home an rouno; wny ooa't you . Du j 7 Thla 1 nap. , Nice new cottage Juat flnh-ked oa Eaat Washington; 8 room thoroughly modern; win gir terma on tbla. , tiaoo ' If you are-looking for a home and Intend to bny go and ee (hi modern T-rooia hnu : petWKen Sflth and ' 27tb on Weaco atreett tnere la not a better buy In Portland today; wuer oa in the eity ; . term. j-ffwo Broom honaea on corner: eaat atdo; good for $80 eycry month, modern la erery I 'jrepeeij wi ; na twi you' about thorn. ... Homes A beaittllnl Irvlngtnn horn on Tillamook I t. corner toxiw), a roouiu, strictly uivdcn: ; rrnit treet and ale lawn; $.1,200; ay ; terms.-- - i ' ;. . .... , . . ... - norta I'ortiana, on gulmby at., B rooma, ' modern in every reaMH:t: cement, walk; 't . ouinai; hi'w esy terms. - ilnwlhorne - Park, - ou Bast eIadlson rt., beautiful P-ronm honse. elerantlr flnlsbed: ' e'.iolcn nelghboriiood; lot 80x100; cement walk; e.i,uw; terma. . . : : - Vacant Lots ' . Woodstock, riellmaa atatlon, beantlfnl hli-h and sightly lots 60x100; a bargain at OW. ," - . ;.....-',. -..;.. - - , Vmm U.l RK.1M I.m JI . gas, a feet abov atreat: a good buy , at 860; v terms. .-,.... ,. , ,..' . Rose City Park A corner and Inald lot. I block oft tli Aleiceda. 8938: street Im provements all Included; surrounding Ms r I 4 aeUIng tor $1,300, This la a bargala and moat be taken op at once; easy terms. .,, ,001 SWETLAND BLDO.' V Malni 8068. A-1066. : GOOD BCIB. . Good 6-room boos on Baa Rafael el, aear I vnioa are.; $300 down. i $2,780.'? ' v New 2-story 7-room twos, all modera 1m- , provementa, la Highland. - - $2,880, ' "' " ' 100x110 feet at ground nd S Montana t nar Premoat; a fin lnveat- . ment; term. . - S3.000. ' Al 6-room boaae, everything modem, lot 60x100, an corner, 2 block Williams av. I . term. .' Giro a a call. " : THE VETERAN LAND CO., 168 S Third at. BUT Boaemead lots, BOxlOO. all cleared, good oil. level, 6 mlnutea' walk from 5e. carllne: very attractive and cheapest oa the market at $129 to $176. and yon name tha term. - Palmar, aos xweaanaa oiug. p NOB HILL H BLOCK. , 27.600 Full anarter block with sooth front age, located m the best district of Nob Hill and In a choice neighborhood. Tha price la much below . tha market aad la well worth investigating. - JAMES J. FLTint, ' " 612 Chamber of Commerce. Read This! ' A fine 6-room boos ha Uolladay's addttkin and eloae to car; nice roses and will rent for , $20 Tier month; floo t rail to 1001 inia ap; $2,000. - - ' , f 1. XT. KtTTHERFORD. Mala 6120. 617 Commercial blk. FOR SALE Fine aew f-roota bouse, everything first claaa. full baaem.nt. lawn, graded and seeded. CaU today at 090 Eaat 16th at.,1 N. ; boy from owner snd save eommlasioBt terms. Adoreee u xmj, cre aournai. 12 ACRES.' room boose, good orchard; a bar- gala, ; at $7,ooo; , -. win aivio. .onu scon, owner, Mllwaokle, Or. v Vr:''; Snap If yoa want a "nice 6-room boaae oa aaat side, cloae to ey, can ap atata aiav. $2,000 TAKES a modera 6-room house, -100x100 mt, at nriana; race mount noon; Terms. 1 - Pane Co., Tremont Mount Bcott line, or 315 Chamber of commerce. 9-ROOM houte. ' electrie lights, cement walk, i on carllne, $3,200; : by owner; easy terms. Pbone Union 2769. : " 'v ' '; WOODLAWN COTTAGE. 6 neat large plastered rooma, concrete base ment and large corner tot, well located; guar antee $150 year rent: price $LB0Q; gTOO oowa. DEKUM AVE- ' Modem honae of 6 nicely finished tinted ' room and full cement baaement, on 134x189 1 ' lot In shrubbery am fruits, $2,400. HOME LAND CO., 14SU First st RUNNYSIDB HOME. $3,000 7-room new and modern boat and a full-ttted and well Improved tot. This property cannot be duplicated for the money ana IS B most rrnnmriiuis uhuii, '. - JAMES J. FLTNN, ' 612 Chamber of Oommerce, ' - i . - 2 NICE lightly teres, fine location for a home l. ,!- r nliU a treet: worth 63.000: will sell for $2,ooo; eaay terma. ; , Wa Ja Day &C0. . 968 Stark St. Boom 22. ' WEST 8IDB BARGAINS. : Splendid lota, Sooth Portland, near car and I school, 15 minutes to - city; -price $329 to $550. 20 Fourth st. . Tel. raeine mzo or Main, 8990, . , 4 -. SOUTH PORTLAND SNAP. Fine corner, unobstructed rlew, lite 86x110. . only . $1,800. .. 208 Fourth St. TeL Padfle 2128 or Mala 3090. , . FOR SALE A 4-room bnngntow. With porcelain I bath and toilet, wood fiber plaster, bookcase, ,: window seat and kttcben cabinet - built In : bouae; ahlngle tides snd basement; ; prlc ' $1,100. - Phone Mam ooio. $8,000 BUYS a neat 6-room ottg. finest of iumblng, gaa; a rrutt trees,. oo very acairaoie it oa Sell wood at; terms if wanted. . Haga- mahu aV Blanchara, hi i ittD St. ST. JOHNS BARGAINS, '100x126 basinets corner in Court Place fori onlr 12.000. on reatonable terms. ... 6 tots, 60x1 28 tt, close ta near poetofflee and new school, . at $450, on monthly Inttau- mint. '".;:"' HAGEMANN ft BLANCBABD, 91 Fifth at WEST SIDE BARGAIN. - i $7,000 9-room houie, modern la all detail!, aad a fractional mt, toeatea on ne renin st.. lese than 6 blocks from tbe Hotel 1'ortland. . Thla 1 a snap sad , good for a . qnlck turn ' at ax big lncrete...;.-'-.i- . ,t w JAMES J. FLTNN, 612 Chamber of Commerce,- 8700 WILL buy a corner on earlme-on the nan insula mat win uouuia ma iw roonuis. Get parttcnlar of Uagemantf ft Blancbard, 91 Firtb at, ' BLOCK oa 12th at, close te Broadway ear. at a oargaia tor a lew aaya oniy. . owaer. Address 8 180, ear Journal. 6-ROOM cottage, fan lot. $1,400; $300, eaeh. $20 monthly, raon jsaax trio. . 81,800 6-BOOM cottage, cement baeement, two run iota, in gooa location; win taxa small payment down, balance monthly. : palmer, 80S Buchanan nmg. GOOD HOMES VERT CHEAP. : 1 $1.500 Nlo lot near Union vH with aew cottage, gooa piumoing; sa very eaay terms. I $2.350 Over 11ock with new 7-roon honae,- modem convenience; good term. - ' $2,650 Good 7-room botje, modara - con venience; good location, walking dlttaac. waat awe r gooa teTma, - . . , - F. FUCUS, 221 y, Morrlaon -at. -v. SALE OR EXCHANGE Modern home of o rooma t truit, lawn ana barn; will exchange for acreage. ... 869 Missouri au.t'-'v-i..',, ... 6-room up-to-date bon-4v fall tot $3,260 tow eaaa, t moawij. : raeae aaxag bio. Ttc Star Real. Btatc.Co. '- Parana rooming. bona and bualn ahancea Of all klnda for aal. ' ' ' ,. ; Mit your property with tb ma that Hull Holt, V ...'.., M We hay eaah boyera for both went and et glde realdehc and bnalnaaa propertle that wlab1 to purcba at -one; a 10 barer for amall traeta loa In. : ' 1 - , We want at once a houaa and lot, ! room, between Third, end I4tn Grant and Waahlngton , ata, hotweeB $5,000 . ana n.ni. .... Call or addreee HuU ft Holt, U1 Maduoa. Pbone Mala 4882 or Automatic A-1872.. i Vat Bale )n ttouie, 6 rooma, modera, piped, etc.t porcelain bathtub,' hot-water heat er, patent water cloaet; Juat built; with 80a 100 lot: 1U hlocka from RnaiMll at., H bhx'k from Union era.; price $3,000, Hull e Holt BCT Boaemead lota, 80x100. all oleared. good oil. level, 8 minute' walk from Oe canine; eery attraetrra aod rheapeat on the market . at 123 to giTS, ana you nam tne worn. f Palmer, SOS Boehanaa- bw. "' III' I III! I, I ' GOOD nearly new 6-room honae. nicely painted. fruit tree, flowers, chicken yard, etc.; con venient to er; $'J00; term; ; a bargain. , 2 finely located residence lot. 40x100 dt, 14lh st. near Morrison. $3,800 for both fin view; a aplendld bay,' W. J. Day & Co. 208 Btarh 8t.. Room 22. " EAST BIDE HOMB. ; fn.OOO a-roont modern bona and fall lot. . cloae In ea tbe eaat side- the houie la well aupplled with up-to-ilste cunvenlencea and the Itft la well lu proved with ahrubbery aud frnlt .trees. JAMES J. LYNN, ; 612 Chamber of Coiuroerce. 3xiZ hi i i ' I ij Si in r aj aaBtaBB FOR' 8LE l'ARMS. . . Farm Barealns 68 acres, beat of land, 20 acres under cul tivation and la . crop, - S acres In bearing orchard of aasorted frnlt, 28 acre In tim ber; new a story B room Bouse, good pern r andSother good outbullillng: 80 acre fenced did croaa-feuced; well and living strai tli year round; la goor nslahtjorbooU. 1 V t-tnlle ,. i ram country siore. caurcn, araaea acuu-n, : grange hall and I. O, O. P. ball and 10 mile from Vancoaver oa a good road. Price 68,130, ;'JvvA Sacrifice - , $4,000 bs)- on of tha : beat - Improred reaches la Clarke county; owner must sell : on account of huaband'a death! 70 acre, 60 acre cleared aad ander Tina atat of culti vation, 10 acres pasture; living atraam and fin welli 7 room aouae, burn, granary and other unthalldlnga; fine family orchard of -asairted fruit; good road. mile from van confer and IW mile from country town. If 'too are looking for a nice bom or a good iuveetmeal. do aot fall ta e this place f4,UUU. ' ' ' . -. -'.'--, , " If yon fan to see whst yoa wsnt la tb dots writ or rait oa oa. . wa caa (un you anatav you money. Thompson & Swan Citizens' Bank bldg Vancoaver, Waab. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN FARMS. 1.180 acre, adjoining a very thrifty towa f 1.000 people, county aaat; land will soou oe in oemana ror putting ; au reaeea 111 to fields and In enltlvatloa except 40 scree; rery handsome 11-rooaa colonial reside ne. coat Ovar $8,000; barne, wareboueea and all kind of (hop buildings, good 6-rooat tenement honae: . olaee nroduced laat rear over 7.000 bushela of grain, la 1004 produced "War 12.000 buahei. I undoubtedly one of the beat farms la tha atata. $50 per acre; lies nice to sub divide into smaller rartna, or to put into , town iota. . wt acres, . a mi tea rrom uregoai iiiy, wn- hl.K -A ..U. ,A Im m,1H. ratios, choice variety of frnlt; placa eultl vsted very largely ia gsrdea orndacts and dairy; will sell for $3,000: wlU aeU aU Blocked ana equipped for $6,600. ia wcrrw on vnuias mri, in vwift, mm, all of the very choicest bottom land, fenced and la cultivation, vary nice residence, good barns, choice fruit, living water; 64.600. . $3,000 For aa 80-aer Place, Blodgett val ley. Beaton county; beat anything la the state for tbe nrlce: Place wall fenced, good Dunaing. no orcnira, ncn ami. uving wsier, 60 acres la erops. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY, . ' 14tt First Bt FINE farm. 90 acres, 80 la euIUratJoB. all level aad good, sou, goo ysras rrom car una. Bear Kslrvlewf fine atream of water crossing place; a real bargain, $128 par acre, $2,600 catn. .'. . i Fine ' T0-acre ' tract, mile from Port land, 5 In cultivation, tome orchard, run ning water, on Salem ear line; wood enough to pay for half tb place; only $70 per acre, $1,600 eaah. 'Thla place la level and worth $100 per acre.- .-- '-. Fine 10-acre tract, wall timbered, oa Mount Hood car II a, only tolLe from Portland. $1,850, $250 eh. .Fine qnartar block, 14t St., weat si do, rente $78 per month; a real bargain. $19,000. Fine lot. good' bona. Eaat 27th, Bear Mor rison, $2,250: $M0 eaah, $16 per month. . Fine lot, 80x100, Kaat Aah and 21at, only $700; $50 cash. $10 per month. , Fine lot, vary sightly. Esst Portland Helffbts. 8450: 128 eaah. 610 per month. 25-foot lot 27th. near .Clinton, $200; $10 eaah, $0 per month. Fin 10-acre tract, T miles east ef Port land, $150 per acre; $280 cash. CARLSON ft CO.. Commercial Bldg. Phone Padfle 1196. ACREAGE. ' S scree, all cleared, aear Grays Crossing, O. W. P.; the beat buy In that tocaUty; price $2,600. . ' IS acres well Improved and all ' cleared, near Salem . electric line, good bulldlnga; prlc $2,600. . . . . , . .... j.: :, .. a . 20 acres near 8 boles postofflc, . Balm- proved; price, $1,000,. . . . , , 80 acres, good new buildings, T acres ta cultivation, balance caallv cleared, runnlna: ' water, miles from Linntoa; prlc $3,000, t 20 acres, 14 la cultivation, som oeaver dsm, half mile from Halcm. electric line, well Improved; price, $2,660. , ' We have a choice lot of farms and aereaira for you to elect from and it will pay yoa lab . T M. U. Win UI , . . GERMAN LAND' CO., 214 Chamber of Commerce. ' ' ' GOOD BARGAINS. : 25 acres, 16 la fine, state of cultivation. good soil, good 8-room honse, nice family orcoara or eseorrea xruiui ana Derriee; lair barn, close to school and very cheap at ..,aUU. ' - ; 80 acres, nesr Scspnoose. Or.. 28 In blah state of cultivation! good soil; no rocks or gravel; ; running water through place; good spring near nouae oi o rooma; a gooa Mrs, woodshed snd roothouse, chicken house, etc., mall family orchard .of both large and small frulta; R. F. D. .and phona In the honse; close to ochool, u mllee from -Portland; tbe . place is stacked with 7 mUclt rowa sad other yonng atoct; pig nargain'tt .i.im, Thea are only a few of our farm list Come In and aee what we have got '' We have evral farms to exchange for ty property. . , , s-.:i.," "v. ..'..' liinu ax . Boom 829 Lumber Exchange. ' 6 ACRES. ;" 4 acre cleared, all fine aoll. level, well fenced, small bout, nw ..barn, plenty of mixed frnlt, good well, only 4 mllee from Vancouver and right at railroad station. ' good road; price is only $800: can give eome terma, out preier casoi , tnia ia a anso. And mnat, be taken soon; it will not laat BUMnwroimn ntALii vu,, :. 1 a, cnm.uui ..an, rn..i. . j ,1. ',.: 404 Waahingtoa St., Vancouver, Wash. HOMESTEAD raltnqnlihaMnt In Deachate val ley Irrigation OJstnct eaetera Oregon: 11 eras cultlvt4, water oa puce; price $2sa Also 160 acre deeded land. 80 a eras euin. rated: nrlce. 61.100. Addres Q 181. car journal. . -. ... , 67 ACRES. 29 acres la crop, young orchard. well, watered, fine - roomy ' barn 20x80, 4 mllee to town ea county . road, oak and fir wood: fruit land: .crop goee with place. 61,100, half eaah, balance on at 4 year at 1,1W, tau caaa, oaiaocn on a oi per cent G. M. Humphreys. $1,80016 ACRES near Beaverton, 6 acrea ta cuinvauon; lino uiua; ww caaa. -' , $3,90080 acres near Vancouver! : fine (rait land;, terms,. Phone Msln 8748. FRUIT -farm for aal; 10 acre, 7 In frnlt. mall htm, gooa pern, gooa wen, email orch ard, borae, wagoa, harness, farming tool. 100 . chicken. , household good If dealred! price $2,600; 4 mile east, . Booth of Montavllla, Base tine road. Address owner, B. , Wi Turner, Gresham, Or; -,, 28 ACRES, crop, cowa, team, poultry, I honae. barn, creek. $2,000i half caab. ba tOOM, km aheag (' Mht OoidtmlU at, Atblaa. .?. .?. Espey - ..BOOM 816 COMMERCIAL BLDO., - . Corner Second aod Washington Sta, : 40 acres, 30 In cultivation, first-class land. IM mile from railroad lienor, on nvwi a.- It roadi a fin orchard, garden made and la T Baa; floe water; good bulldlnga; B. F. D. . mall; one good team, wagon and harness. . buggy and one light wagon; 6-room house; 7 bead cattle,, 4 milch cows, flue hogs. 60 fine chicken ; t mower, S plows, I barrow snd kta of other tools; 1 good steel range, ail kinds furniture, newt plenty feed end" ,f. a!,, nun Biaxial mx noma, ou miiee rrom ' i ' Portland; price $3,000; terms' ta salt. , Jl "gi'clcA In, 12 g-to'mtaloBj' good 6-room bouee, large aaw hara aad ether . ' bulldlnga; fine water; 1 good borae, 6 aow. ;- clilckensi U ncsary farming tools for tha -place; oa good road; phona la tha hoasai B. D. mall;, prlc $2,280. . , , ' (67 seres, of which 200 are .bottom lead, 15a acre good timber and pssttire bad, re- ' . v 'malnder open paatnrs,' mostly seeded to tama 'grass; ranch fenced aad croaa-feneedt llv ' aprlnv la .every paetare, smsll creek through. -: the, place; 6 mllee from the placa art thou. 1 sands ef seres of government land, good I range, where rattle run from the middle f April to the middle of November; 7 miles . ' from SbcrMan, 11 miles to McMlaavtllet good ,. i level rock roaila to each town: B. F. D. snail dally; telephone In bouse: on a good era m rout and a wagon eome twice a week fur cream; U mile to acbool; comfortable 6-room boaae. 8 new bam, 2 good creamartoa, I food ehlcken-boasea, good mllkbonee, (hada, besldea email pent; '2 orrharda, one old ami one young of select frnlt; 2 good tegetabia gardens; 80 acres seeded to clover, about 80 , sere In crop, but owner expects extra pay -for this: 70 head ef cattle, of which 12 are dairy cowa; 26 baa and plga, over 100 An. gora goat, mostly nannies; 4 sows wtih pig,. 6 head .of horaea; there are cblckena . . aud turkeys, new cream separator of 130 pounda rapacity; wagoo. buggies, hladera, - moweat, seedera, harrows, rakes aod all aorta ' or farmln tools toa aumaroue to mantkin. Price $11,000 for all, or wlU aril placa with out iu biocs, fio par acre. -; '"' ' ":: DEER ISLAND. "' ' , 80 acre, good ruatlc bous painted white, . good orchard, large barn; good county road ' through tb place; about 16 to 20 acre hi cnltlratlon: aU flrst-claaa land; t mile ' from railroad aod depot; - good (tores; R, . F. D. mall by tbe door. Price $2,000 and termai good spring oa plan; . would Uk good City property for. part. , .''.'''' 19 H teres. 78 sere ta eoltlvatlon, abent 88 or 40 acres slashed, all Beeaed, 29 or 30 arret Beaded to grain, land lay fin. acre la' orchard, beat varieties, aom English wal Dots, lit miles from railroad and rlvor, good 6-room houaa, fair barn. 88 tons of bay, water ploed to the honee end bam. good wnodboaae-f . and other buildings, fin view of valley, rivet and railroad; 130 Acrco of tbl la bottom laad -S head of young horse. 20 bead ef cattla, moatly young; wagon, harness and all farm ing Imnlpioentav Including stnmp pullera, else sew Bouee and bsru oa bottom lead,, all fenced and cross fenced, fine trout atream of water throat place, 23 miles front altyt price $7,000; 1.600.000 timber aa placa; po tato plaster aad digger. ; , " FINE ORCHARD LAND. ' lftt-acre farm. 4 mile of North Tamhtlll . 47 acres clear, a good 6-room cottage, fair 4Wa snd sll other accessary buildings; a good orchard, select fruit, fine water at. the house, living water oa the place; phone In the house, R. F, D. melt, oa good roads; balance of place la oak grub: land lis fine, and Is a cheap buy at price of $36 per acre. ' 86 acr.' n Improved except 4 seres ia timber; land Ilea slightly, rolling, first-class soil, fine stream of water an tbe place, good family orchard, all varletl; 6-room bouee, . In good condition; goof barn. 40x60, with bed sttached; rootbonse, 14x16, brick wall Inside, chlckea honae, apple houaa, well with pomp la It team - of horaea about. 1,200 randa, good wagoa." spring wsgoa, 1 aow. yearling steer, 2 plga. 1 aew mower, rake, dlae harrow, plow, cultivator, land rollera, spray pump, T atlas from Portland. 1 mllee from Beaver ton; . prlc, $6,800; terma caa be arranged. . . . , , --i ;.- ..'. ' 80 acresTlO acr clear, land Me well, 1H story, bouee, nearly aw; good bars, mllk hnoe. chicken boaae, on a good county road, t mllee from Gleneoe, Waahlngton county, f nUlea-from Hlllaoeror price, il,609V e -t. v Boom819 Oommardal Bldg., ' . Corner Second and Waahlngton. . ,. .Waslilngton & Orcpn 160 acre - ia Clarke county. Waab.. 2H mile from railroad atatlon ; 10 acre cleared, 100 acre bottom land, small family orchard; new 6-room rustic boaae. coat $000; old barn; head of cattle, . 2 fosea chlckea;, mower and rske, sll farm lniplemeBts; beat of aoll. price f l.soo; good terms, i -- , 160 scree. 6 miles from Vsncoavert 80 a area In cultivation, 20 acres timber, all fenced, all lev.l; good 7-room honae, fair barn, aew ' windmill; teres bearing orchard; B. T. D.i 1 mile to railroad, mile to echaol; 4 bead of horses, several bead ef cattle; all farm Implements; level gravel road to Portland; , beautiful location. Price $7,600; will ex change for elty property. . . . .: . 84 seres, 18 miles from Portland, la Wash ington county, 'i miles from railroad: 18 acre la cultivation, 1 acr grape, tome fruit: 4-room honae, email stabl; all level, on main county road, near school, B. F. D.t best ef soil. Price $1,800; half cath, balance 6 ytart. , 16H acrea, 2 mllee from Newberg; 12 aerca in cultivation, 8 acre timber, aom frnlt: . 7-room boo, fair barn; 1 mlla- ta railroad atatlon, mile to acbool, R. F. D. and tele phone; fine location, fine Boil. - Price $1,600; balf caab, balance 6 years, per eaat 100 aereaJ 12tt mile front ' Portland, In Washington county 40 acres la cultivation, eevrral acre green timber, balance easily cleared: 2 acree bearing orchard, 1 aera grape; aw 2-story S-room boose, smalt bsru; ft,. LvmHm, u. mlla rn achoftl and cbnri R. r. D. and telephone: beat of soil; ab ala county road., Price $6,000. , , 40 acres, 18 miles from Portland. I mllea ' from railroad atatlon, 2 mllee from tbe Salem electrie car; 80 acres In cultivation, 6 acre In bop,- cond crop; - 0 cre timber; all fenced, all level; 6-room bona, small barn: some fruit; B. F, D., nesr school aad church: . team, wagon, liarneai. . cow and calf, some chickens,- farm Implement. . All for $2,700; belt of aolL , ( - - 84 sere,' 1H miles from Wssbougali 1 acres in cultivation, eeailed-to -clover, all ' fenced . with poet . and wire; good 8-room houaa, good barn: soma frnlt; fins location. Price $1,700; half cath, . balance 5 years, 8 per cent , ' ' T ' "Z, ' vAv.; Realty' G).: 108 Second st.c Portltad, Or, . And 800 Mtln it, Vancouver, Wash. ' i FOR SALE Fine farm, consisting of 820 aeres. oniy s mi lea rrom gooa - rsuey town ana railroad, fronts oa county road sad B. F. D. route; 270 acres In -blgh state of anltlva tlon,. balance timber and paetare; soil dark loam up-to-date lnrprovement, la 'heart of Willamette valley; price only $14,400;. aleo , 114 acrea. 2 mllee from town. 108 acres un der cultivation, balance oak grub tlipbr14 acre hon. fronts on eountr road ari : D. route, good tchool at corner of farm location, gooa improvements; price go.ooop part cash, balance on eaay terms. Call r address J. D. Wins. Bueaa Vista, Or. 800 ACRES BOO seres In cultivation, 880 Sere in crop; win summerraiiow 150 acres; plenty of water, fair buildings aad only 12 mile fro nl railroad station, 1 mile from good .school; aorlca. Including crop and farm Im. plament, $16 par acre, on vary eaay term.' Will conalder part trade i guaranteed aa jwp resented. Address Mote Aahbaugh, ajlghtmlla, At or row Oo,, OrgoB.-v'f'':t"W- v.'. $8,000 A SN AP b aeres, , Arlington Belghta, piaiian, a uutaa oni iwm Sloe;, ion f n oa road. Bear Council Crest Apply, at 287 orrleoa at. . , .-.,.,.,..,:' BEFORB yoa locate call oa ar write Warrea a oiainr, ma maing real estate dealers la Yamhill county, Oregon, located at McMlBBe eille; toe beet county in tha state. DELAWARE FARMN roK aarn , Delaware fruit, truck, poultry farms, $T00 to $28,000; splendid bargains, free catalogue. a?' J!1-. -, real sstato broker, Lo ford, DeUware,, . , 'y. ..I . . -