The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 05, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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l- l". H'if
J : Magnate MSo f Occupied WSt
k : preparations tor weaaing ne
f; r V Will See No One. '
Meetings are in auto
J i Jfo Expense Has Been Spared In I-
t gigniiig Gowns for Miss Oilman
'v:Mid Paris Is Astonished by Won-
' . "':".. nr.. ir. ha TiiuHt f-JIBd Win.)
. 1 - . io. Tortc Mar 4. -In ; these ante.
V riv President 'William El
it ' n. rv,, 1. in little or no attention
'VWf.t, tHtee trust's business "fairs, lis
4 ft ' la devoting practically aii oi "
t .Tirif About Miss , Mabello Oilman
f ; and 'taking an-active part In Prepare
i Ittonfor-tbe wedding, which Is to bs
' b 'followed by a mid-ocean yachting yojr-
if , Since Wednesday forenoon, when ths
; ifcetress arrived on ins Kaiser
t 'and put up at ths Hotel Gotham, Presl
" ent Corey bas spent only two or three
& jhours at tha offices of ths steal trust,
(In ths Empire bunding,
i i - Men who have called to sea Mr. Corey
V ibersonaHy. bave been gravely. Informed
?fcv confidential secretaries,' that "Mr,
fcorey Is attending an ImporUnt com
;. imlttee tpeetlnr. , s cannot oe seen ior
y i taererai nours." ' ",: t.. ,
V i Oorsr. Cannot Ba: fssn.'
i ' .Tbs same answers are given If a call
f !s made later In the day. No one cart
!ee Mr. Corey at ths Empire Tmlldlngi
I - neither can they get him on ths teie
I- Yhone,but if they ahould happen to be
I at the Hotel uomam iney wouw co mr.
Corey turt oot la an autotooblls with
h -'lllsa Oilman and could follow them on
J. drives through tha park or on shopping
'"i. Mr, Corey has put two automobiles
K .Jat the 'disposal of Miss Oilman and her
? MAtha. Hi Manila nnr frh ' flowers
'every roorning. v A. large oouquet oi
'American -beauty ' roses arrived at ths
tOotham early today, bearing Mr. Corey's
.card. It was taken to Miss QUman's
' apartments and arranged In her boudoir.
1 The Diana for ths wedding hava not
trnen made public as yet It Is reported
that the - ceremony, will take place at
...Garden City. i . -. ;
In reply to questions which were put
-to Mra. , Gllman, 'tha mother. It was
wlren out -that tha couple immediately
after the ceremony will leave for an
(extended yachting tour across the ocean,
after which they Will open the mansion
iat 801 Fifth avenue.' '-:; .. .
1 ; f '" .r ' I
; T ' I
Mil V " . i
x via yl
rarlslaa Oowna. ' J
t Miss GUmiln -has made, a careful
'study In the, selection-of ber gowns In
'Paris before leaving for America,1 and
'jfias long been noted for het taste; In
dress. -No .expenao has been spared In
' carrying cut tbe trlde-elect'a ideas ' of
4 J charm la f isffflct and1 French modistes
were auttibriaed W. engage embroiderers.
win iacBmami iu mug ran paneia
Mansion at 801 Fifth Avonue, New
Tork.' Recently Purchased by H.
H. Corey for His Bride-to-Be, Ma-
belle Oilman. ' :..:.' ; ,'.-
5 and especially wovon.i: berthas, iot to
,! 1)8 found lu ths most 'expensive shops.-.
1.-1 A costume which .the bride-to-be pari
; Jltrulnrlv favor ia n rrTli(lt fimt nat 1 Aimtaa . th.
i ' . - ' - i . . . v .u upga ma
iwruvo. cujixou pvr u, mo i nair si .one siae witn bewitching ef-
material draped ever the shoulders and
edged with lace, while ruffles of the
Same rare laoe form the sleeve under
heath. ' The gown Is caught in graceful
llnee to the figure below the bust and
then falls loosely m graceful lines to
the feet; but the sheer material is of
such translueency as to show toe per
fect lines of the wearer's figure, the
silk underdress being close fitting. The
overdress Is elaborately trimmed and
the panels of this skirt are also heavily
embroidered with rarest silk and lace
applique. " .
,v Actress 7osss
Because of Its exquisite beauty Mis
Oilman desired to pose in this gown and
wore it with aa Immense broad-brimmed
hat of white chiffon folds. The hat was
caught up In front with a large cluster
of oostly paradise plumes, following the
line of the brim and reaching to the
shoulder.'.; ." v- v-? - - , ." . -
An afternoon costume and one which
is particularly fetching t Miss Oilman's
plqunnt style Of beauty, 1 one of pale
tiue oroaaciotn. The round skirt is
plaited and stitched with a broad band
of .the cloth about . the teetii Oraoes
cover the entire blouie And the dusters
are sxquiifltely wrought In- the most
intricate design, v The bat worn with
this -gown Is of straw in the darker
shads and trimmed heavily with cher
ries, ootn over ana under the brim. 1 A
inna 'cni'Mbn in
uiiiu luunwu m
I British
Ruler's Policy at The
Hague Will Be Eventual " 4
.Disarmament.' -
Anti-Mllltary Campaign Guns Will
Be Torned Upon Fnahlml Who Is
en His Way to London 'Appears
v to Be la Good Health. .V
i? C yrnbllabera' Pma by'. Special teaaed Wtra.):
1- ' London, May 4. King Edward re-
'i ' turned from his continental tour to
''i day. It is expected that the result of
lils mission wlU be that Britain's policy
5 rat The' Hague will be to advance the
i doctrine of eventual universal disarm-
nment, however Impractical limited dis
V armament may appear to the delegates
' when -they come tn.te close pontact with
the propesiUon. - - , . '
i? King Edward appears In the best of
fcealth. He was greeted by a brlUiant
" assemblage, Including the Frtnce of
! - .Wales and - ths ; legation staffs of a
'I number of j foreign envoy a The king's
; i ntl-mllitary campaign will ; be contln-
tied -in- connection with the .visit of
1 frtnce Fusbimi f Japan, , who arrives
State Railroad Commissioner at
Washington 'With C O.
n i-i-.t-:
Commissioner Ballinger Will Con.
sider , Lists Covering Unndred
' Xbonaand Acres Which HaVo Been
" 1 Pending for Tears. .
Jligh School Teams at Hood Hirer.
fSpedel DlproS to The Jooraal)
1 Hood . Elver. Or, May 4. Before
laree crowd the High school team from
The Dalles defeated the Hood River
High" School team today In a game that
jwss a walkover ror tne Tisitora, - xne
core was IS to 1. - The -latter were
outclassed in every department and nar
rowly escaped a shutout. ...
That comes to tj6n every spring Is a
j cign that; your blood ts f wanting in
V. viUlitfj just M pimples and other ernp.
r tiooA'are sfgns that your blood is im
4f 'pure,;:iA'4'3i-w'
l r One ipf Uie grcaHacts of experience
aid obsaVation i that Hood's Sarsa-
parllla alway removes That Tired Feel- j
t . tog Yfaew.'-iiiw''?; eooragei i
' 'ctrength an.d animation; cleanses the
' blood, clears the complexion; bnilds up
i ,tbe icltyM:;-k
1 t This is one of the reasons why Hood's
I ;&r?&parilla is Che Best Spring Medicine,
Accept iorsaJ)stitTit' for x'CJ
rl Irit on having Hood's. Getittodsy.
,. (Waebkigtoe Bareae t The loaraaL) ' -Washington,
D, c. May . Oewald
West of the Oregon railroad commis
sion, formerly stats land agent, and a.
O. Brown, clerk of the land board,
have taken up Oregon land matters
with the commlsaloner-general of the
land office with the view of having a
large number of lieu selections now
pending-before the department passed
to patent- Lists covering nearly 100,
000 acres of land are pending, some of
which were filed ae long as 10 veara
ago. None have been passed to patent
Commissioner Balllnrer.
log the complaints of .West and Brown.
investigated the; matter and finding no
rvasvu wny mesa usia snouid be long
er held UP, ordered that they be given
immediate consideration. This matter
is or -creat, importance to tbe school
fund f f the state, as under the state
jaw no .indemnity lands can be sold un
til tney, have been patented to the
state' by the government, , As soon as
the state receives the patents, certifi
cates and deeds can be issued and the
money received , from ; purchasers can
be placed at Interest. West- ha been
spending most of his time while hers
in me ornce or tne interstate com
merce commission, where -he has been
gathering data and information for the
use of the railroad commission of Ore-
. t ' " sjMsssssasasMMMMSwsaieBSHasjeBMSwespHMssBisBBaBB
ar Us WnshSiSl nsk frnisaf fc '
Washington May 4. What promises
to become an additional attraction to
the thousands of visitors to the Grand
canyon of the Colorado Is a govern
ment plantation of forest trees.:-, A
thousand yellow pine trees have just
been set out east of the Grand canyon
station, with a view to trying whether
It Is practicable to reforest land .swept
by fires which have destroyed all for
est growth.- ."A cumber of such areas
can be seen Vldina-; from Williams . to
the Grand Canyon, and if those areas
can be artificially restocked by plant
ing, the natural beauty of the route
will be very much Improved. .
But Mr. Bryan has not Y(4 declared
thkt no t man la a true Democrat who
doe net subscribe to the Commoner,- J r :
f ,. ........ ., .. , J - y'J 'r'j, .i v (
. , -v , -.' . ,.. . . ... '.
I . J,.-: .;
What'a the ue"of worrvine alone in furnished roomi? If you were saving by it
: there would be some excuse, but the difference in the rent of furnished apartments
and a cozy flat or cottage will pay for your furniture. "And then the convenience and
the satisfaction of knowing it's all yours makes it teem more like home a real home,
with everything selected to suit your individual taste. Come in, select what you want,
then divide the amount into small weekly or monthly payments and sur-
prised how easy it all is,", v.. ; T?.$&i;iff,it
The. makers of the Monarch Range
have added to -their line Monarch Oaa
attachments, which Is sold when de-
' sired, with Monarch Malleable; Ranges.
These gas attachments are maae
strongly of Malleable Iron and Steel,
riveted together,-and are of the same
construction as the Range and made
to match It perfectly.
" These new Improvements should .be
of Interest to every one building a new
home, and to many who are using old
stylex ranges. .
' The large else ' Monarch Range, with
complete Monarch Gas- Stove at
tached, all connections and plumbing
' Included ..;.. 125
Gas Stove attachment, connected and
t set up .v."...., ; . .". . . r.f 84.00
; Monarch Malleable Range, 15-Inch oven
' with drop door .closet and thermome-
ter ............ f 54.00
. Folding O o C a t i s
- -. with steel -wheels,
price. ..- ..82.85
folding ' Oo. Carts
with rubber tires.
' "price; . . .$3.25
Folding Reclining
' Go-Cart a with rub
ber tires, adjust
. able back and foot
. end ... . 84.05
.In Its construction this Cot is a','' marvel, of skill,
. opened it is a full length', easyi elaatlo and com
, fortablev bed, Folded it is a snug package about
' I feet long aad weighs II pounda It Is equally
r ussful fortamp, - lawn, piaasa . or home. -.Will
support 800 pounds. , Price ...i. $2.75
I 7-. ivfl
?'"'' ' li ?: ' . .. ' " :' ' v''- ' -V I
This style of Camp
Stool we recom
mend -on "account
of Its strength. The
frame is made of.
hard maple and the
. Joints are- malls.
; able steel. We have
cheaper ' ones, but
no others that give
: so much satisfac
tion. Price ...70t
In tbe eastern states gasoline - has
' Paid ins- Retsllnlna long been used as a fuel where gas Is.
(Wu h h r J not oownaoje. is oecoming nec
, ' " , sary on tills coast to find some fuel to
; :t Ires, . 'adjustable . , tMil9 the place of jsood and coal for
v'.-' back and foot end. -' cooking. We recommend the 1 uee of
'.C . . .... a m b. ' mrm aril 4 n .
witn parasoi vtb
.targe. Basket , Fold
ing Reclining Ge
.Carta, rubber tires,
adjustable baelt
and footVend. with
parasol ... . . 8 8.00 ,
This Chair can be
folded and carried
as easily as an um
brella. It is one of
the most comfort
able' chairs made,
adjusting itself
perfectly to ths shape of the body. Beat made of
finely colored duck, fast colors. Price.... 81.45
Heavy black enameled, two
burner gas plates, regular
tl.S. Special 82.55'
Kickel ' plated gas plates, .
two-burner. ' regular ..
gasoline when used with the INSUR-
ANCE Gasoline Stoves, which have been
examined and tooted By the National
Board of Flra Underwriters. - ." 1
..V These stoves are as satisfactory and'
'"cost less to operate than a gas stove,. -'
Gasoline - Range,- complete as shown
- above. Including oven ...... 827,50
Many other styles in stock from this.
price down to the ordinary two-burner
, low stove, which we sell at ,.'..82.75
This chair is made so that it is adjust-,'-
able to any position when in use. The
" seat is a good quality of duck, fast
t colors. The frame Is of hard wood
- and thoroughly tested. It folds more
perfectly than any other reclining
chair . mads. Price .......... .81.25
' cev foe vet.
' III...' j..ii jP ?
:M2mm- :'5
IHlJI V ' V',. SSI
1 U 2r,
I .) id"', -mm
folding Table Is made of hard
wood, top 2xS feet, will seat four per
sona It is strong and rigid and will
support S00 lbs., else folded feet
long, 1x7 inches. Price .... i 3. 83.00
Elaht-day Clock. tiM value.
'!-;'' -::,.!:i'?:'' :'!.. .Rt'K,. K' .
Alwln Collapsible Go-Carts can
be folded flat and packed in a
, trunk if desired. The Joints are
all malleable . steel ' and metal '
parts are nickel plated. Thess
' carts are light and convenient.
; We have them as low as S18.50
- Our entire line of Refrigerators,
this season are made of the best
quality ash, with a finely pol
ished finish. The trimmings are
rust proof and of the best quality.
Galvanised lined Refrigerators,
J5-lb. capacity 80.00
Galvanised -Lined Refrigerators,
; 60-lb. capacity ..'.....815.00
' Galvanised Lined Refrigerators,
75- lb, capacity 8 10.50
Enameled Refrigerators,
50-lb. capacity, ...... .821.00
Enameled Refrigerators,
76- lb. capacity" ...... .824.00
Enameled Refrigerators, "
0-lby capacity i..,.. .828.00
Enameled Refrigerators, - --
14Mb. capacity . .. ., .832.00
,H1,V'"W' -CUT
NOiS A. V- '
A600 Hammocks are open gauze
weave, have concealed, spreader at -
"head, , continuous - stringing.' sod
' wood bar at foot . with patented
' - tips and adjustable ropes or knots.
Biie 18x78. Price .......... 90
B100 Hammocks are close canvas and
' twUl weave. - Otherwise same ss
ASOO. ' Slse ' tSxSO. - Price. .81.58
C100 Hammocks are close canvas and
twill weave. .Taoquard design , in
! body -and' valances, have concealed
' spreader at bead; otherwise simi
lar to previous numbers. Slse
17x80, Price .............81.80
D100 Hammocks are close canvas and
twill weave, Jaequard design in
body and valances, have concealed,'
' spreader at head, ' continuous
. stringing pillow, wood bar at foot, -
with patented, tips and adjustable
hitch end rings. ., Site of woven :,
part 8x82. Price 'V. .. . ."; . .82.00
.::z.iSm . carpet ; rerinants -f
This week we will close out a large
- quantity of Carpet and Drapery rem
nants "at .manufacturer's cost. Excep
tional -chance to get a carpet 'suitable
. for a small hall or pieces to cut up for
use In making. rugs. Prices are as fol
lows: . . ;'- ; :i y , ' ;
7to Ingrain) per yard .... ,49
fie Ingrain, per yard ..66
11.00 Brussels, per yard .......... 60
' . . , Stegular Stock.
Brussels Carpets, psr yard ....LOO
Smith's, Hlggins' or Sanforas Texture
Brussels Carpet,: per yard.. ; , 81.35
Smith's or Sanford's Palisade Brussels,
', sewed and laid, per yard 90s)
Axmlnster Carpet, i beautiful . new de-
slgns, in any color, sewed and laid,
per yard .....,.,'....,.,... 8 1.60
Inlaid Linoleum, , best quality English
or American, per yard 82.00
S 1 ftl . Chair
- We are showing a large va
- riety of all the new styles In
these gooda The finish is light
color on mapls or dark green
on hickory. . . , , . -"v .
Rockers ' " 82.05
R"1 '.' ::'.v. J1. '.v i1,; , i . M" iBssBwssav ' --.-.
l ii I 'i it I:. II I VsS J
TO. - nRPSDItg:-1
Senator Claims He HaV Prevent
ed Investigation of McClellen's
- Election to Mayoralty. '
prepared by William H. Ivlfts, the
Republican candidate for mayor in 1908,
and other eminent Republican lawyers.
Tet ' McCarren says be has : "attended"
to killing the bill. McCarren bases his
statement on a "deal" that he says he
has made with the Republican machine.
(Drrt 5wi br Loogeat Leased Wire.) !'
Albany, N- T., May i. 'The recount
LblU is killed; I've attended to that.
Senator P. H. McCarren, who has been
charged with receiving regular pay
from, the Standard Oil company and has
never denied the charge, delivered him
self of this sentiment after the Keisey
debate in: the senate. .
Whether his "arrangement" will stand
until ; the:,teglslature .adjourns - depends
Upon Me powers- oi resistance, o- "
AhAtA . Evidences multiply here that
the state is aroused over the scandalous
situation in the senate as It has not been
.mtuM in years. - The governor is re
ceiving copisa of resolutions sdopted by
cltlsens' : meetings ana iciegrams irorn
representatives -without regard to party
connection, asking .mm ' ., to use , his
influence to procure me passing of ths
fenount biU rrhleh provides fors, re
count of the votes oast in the New Tork
mayoralty election of 1805. : ,
Senators are -being urged by their
constituents to force the bill out of ths
uUiclary committee grid jrien pass it. .
Tbs tai baa paasea uie assemwy, jx
' (Waihlagtoa Boreas of The Joarsai.)
Washington. May 4. Nine states, in
the endeavor to make the best of their
forest : resources, have availed :. them
selves of the cooperation of the forest
service, and in this way nave the ad
vantageT of the experience gained by ths
national government during its past
years of experiment and Investigation.
These states are New Hampshire, New
Tork, Maryland, Wisconsin, Missouri,
California, Kentucky, Rhode Island and
Delaware, v In all these cases the ex.
pense of the work j is borne equally
by the state and the forest service.
MBpeelal' Dluatch te The JoeintL) " . " ,
4 Olympla, .WaslL, May. 4. -Assistant
Atterney-Oeneral A. J. Falknor today
advised the authorities of Ooldendale
that in his. opinion the (dty council has
the right to appoint a city marshal
where aa appointment 'made by the
mayor Is, apt confirmed and ths mayor
refuses to submit a 'new appointment. '
is sim
Sold Rights for Eight Hundred to
Publisher Who Made Fifty
1 . -Thousand. (
llovrnal SeeeUl BamM.1
London, -.May 4. if waa only a few
montns ago that Lieutenant Buae was
making , more commotion in the book
world than anyone else, except perbsps
the novelist of g, the moment whoever
ne or sne may Happen to , have been.
He emerged from obscurity with a sud
den blaze because of his revelations of
the degeneracy of the German army
In r his ' book "Aus Einer Klelnen Gar-
11800." ' 2
That little book made the whole Oer
man army, which- had prided Itself on
being tho 1 most soldier-like army in
the world. sit up. Biles' publisher
demanded ' and got a prodigious sum
for the English rights: of the books,
and aspiring authors envied the young
German i (lieutenant his luck. Today
w muw; wiwi iu juot was. , lot
book is selling in the your-cholce-for-
a-penny i, compartments in the second
hand booksellers' shoos In Germsnr.
and it appears that BUse sold the total
rights in . tils hook.; to a Vienna nub-
lisher .for 1828..: . -,:. . ..s- ... . -
The, aothorr was, sent. to orison, for
six months for writing the book and
Home TelepK
- . . AND OTHER -l- ,
" . ' t FOR SALE AT " ;V f
k y yyym- ,,: y . .., ymyKy z'
We buy;and sell. v See us if you wish to do either,
The L. Y. Keady. Investment Co
30? Failing Bldg. Phone Main 1258.
has - lost all hope of' advancement' In
the German army. The publisher is
declared .on good authority : to have
cleared over 150.000' from the venture.
Por the benefit of the Proscenium
club,: through the courtesy of hs.ntan'
agament of tha Pantages. thsra la to
be a benefit performance at that the
atre Friday afternoon,.:. The bill 'will
be one of the best ever offered in this '
city Including high-class acts' and
many of the favorites from the various
theatres in Portlsnd. ( t - '"-.;
The amusement committee which has
ohargs of the performance Is composed
of C. A. De fries, chairman! Jean Wick
en, Leo White, Gus Gatka and C.
DanieL ' - - s s iTyi "f ....
:-v "V'i ,-. . . : p r ' . ,-:V. -r
Paving has actual! j; leguri la fjalsm.