The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 05, 1907, Page 18, Image 18

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Engine Catches Leaping Fire-4
rnan and Crushes His Life
' , Out Beneath It .
Complete Story of -Wholesale
Many in Derailed Cars Injured, Some
, ilbabiy ;i Men
" Surprised,' Dad Jumped, Leaving
. Ilandcar on Balls. '
: (fhwl! DUnntel to The loaraal.1 -
r Butte, Mont., May 4. The scond see
tlon of train No. 8. the Burlington Flyer,
wont bound, was wrecked tms evening
at t o'clock by crashing Into a handcar
half a mile east of Manhattan station
n th-Northern Pacific On person
was killed and mora than 15 were mora
r less seriously .Injured, several of
whom tnar' die. " Tha dead:'" c.
f Fireman Barry GUmore of Livingston,
J, ' Seriously Injured: V .
. ' ' John Macbie of Walkerfleld, Minnesota,
I ribs broken. Internal Injuries, badly out;
r- win prooaoiy at v , " ,: ..
I1 Paul Schei of Crow!!, Minnesota,' back
i badly tiurt, condition, serlou
r Alex Berg of Minneapolis, badly cut
J , and hand lacerated; will loae the fingers
$ of one hand. ; .i ' ;, - ' ' ' "
. Alfred Anderson of Cambridge, Minna-
i sots; head Dadly cut and body severely
; bruised may be injured internally.
J ' Herbert Beach of Freeland, Michigan,
i, badly bruised. . ' ,. ; 7,. ,,
I Charles Reynolds of Minneapolis, In
! , Urn ally Injured. -
' Henry Simpson of Minneapolis, back
badly wrenched'. ', .-:' -. r .
, v Roper,t . Jenkins ;of '. St. Paul, v badly
; Sruised. ' , . - v r-.-s''.,.,
. Many other passengers sustained pain
ful bruises. V.-; :-,&,'V!;; v..''-' y
The injured were In ths smoking car,
which followed the engine and baggage
car Into the ditch. .. , .
. The second section was bowling along 1
II rely rat In an effort to wake up
several 'hours of lost time, when It
overtook1: four section hands pumpingl Bribery While City Was 8mok '
along on a handcar..they,having,ap-j - - .. -;. . 7 - ' ; , ,
parently takeil It for granted that the
frst section of the - Burlington! Flyer
was the train complete and no thought
was given their rear; the first section
having passed but a short Jim bef or
the second section hove In sight,;
Th section men mad no effort to re
move th handcar in the path of the
Flyer, abandoning the car and flying
precipiiareiy wnen (.ney aiscoverea tne
passenger train bearing dawn upon
The pilot of the engine caukht the ear
and carried it 100 yards-and it was
tbought the train would eecape,.when
suddenly the engine seemed to leap Into
th air and with a terrifio crash hurled
itself into the gulch alongside the track.
Th demolition of th engine couldnot
nave oeen more cotnniete. it bemo- trans
lormea into . a mass of tangled , and
nroxen iron. v,,...
Znglnser's Xarvelona Zsoape.
me baggage and smoklna cara alt
went-into the dltoh. reduocd to niin.
mrwi wooo, x aeema almost miraculous
mat any or the injured, who war in
these-cars, escaped with their, Uvea. V
. Ttl. hv 4a -- w -1 . . - . ..
, iroHr 10 mi rails,
the occupants v were bad) v ahairon
and thrown promiscuously about by the
sudden setting of th air brakes. The
balance of the train escaped Injury. .
On of the odd feature of the disas
ter wsa the eacana r th
John Furlong, who stayed at his post
and was hurled Into tha uh ih v,i.
engine. A search revealed Furlong lm
priaoneiin the wreck but the rods were
twiated in such a manner aa to protect
him. - Ho emerged from the mass of
twisted Iron practically unscathed. wir-
man Ollmore attempted to Jump and
wumi ana crusned to death.- -
Mllcal aid was summoned from
Bcseman and a aneclal train it.
t02lWM n(sKl h scene. V
WM iorn w tor nsld
JJable dlataoee and. trafflo waa delayed
fpr; Several f tours; t the lin
hS?r.e5 thr??h th ltrack at Man-
:t ing Ruins Laid Bare.
First Payment Went to Abe Ruef
Attorncf Draws Flftf Thousand
Later and Third Payment Was for
Same AmountStock Purchases.'
The injured, passengers wer ?rincii. money to Ruef. Ruef accepted
pally homeseekers,
Youth Must Weaf Stripes at Pen-
rtentiary for Slaying Judge
Georgs Meade Emory. ,
(SpeeUl Ditpatak te The JoamaL) "!
SeatUe, Wash,. May 4. Prone upon
his back In a room at the family real
dene lies. WJU a Thompson, father
of Cheater Thompson, who less than a
year ago ; slew Judge George Meade
Emory, .'ana; who by the ruling made
yesterday, bt Judge Snell of Tseoma,
must, wear a .convict's stripee in the
sute penitentiary at Walla Walla. The
aged, white-haired father of the boy
(Beant Nti br LengMt teaatd Wire.) '
Ban Franclaco, May . The complete
story of the wholesale bribery opera
tions of tne united Railroads In secur
ing the overhead trolley permits while
the city waa yet smoking hot has been
laid bar before the grand Jury,
Patrick Calhoun, president of the
United RaHroada, Thornwell Mullalley,
his , personal representative . in Ban
Francisco, and Tlrey I Ford, chief of
the legal staff of halrollytrist. are
mo inre corporation' oinoiaia. aiiegea
to be involved In th evidence, . It is
said Indictments will be found within
week. The grand Jury, la watting
merely to hear corroborative testimony
and to weld tightly together its chain
of ovideno. .
Bribe of Third of a XUlloa.
Through- Detective Burns and his
men th grand Jury han learned that
directly after the fire tStS.OOOMn gold
was placed to tne credit of Patrick Cal
houn in the United 8tates mint In this
city. The money came from New York.
The first payment out of this Im
mense bribe fund, according to th evl
dence, went to Abraham Ruef. . On
April 18, 1901, Mullalley and Ruef went
together to tha mint. There Mullalley
drew 15,000 in gold. It waa paid by
Saperlntendent Frank A.-Lhach. Mul
lalley asked for and received In ex
change for gold $5,000 tn currency, He
turned directly about -and gave this
Body ef, William Bryan. Colored,
yi Removed From Maqsoleum '
to Grave. ;
r'-v,".. ii "T-rxr 1 f. u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 11 I 1 11 1 1 I 1 x x s 11 1 1 ij,;
At Central!, ' Washington,' : Tber
Made ' Themselve t Honored by
Thrift Through Hardship and
Amassed Wealth.
n"rj8rrL the man who wrote "High
phyalcal wreck. .-r, , .
men Thompson arose this morning
fctVW"'flr?,U't0 hU office, telling
his friends he waa strong enough to
continue th fight. Within half an
ji arrived there th old
menda that veaterdav w th
life. He had'
novor wear a convict's suit, but ! It
f!mJ!L?" ? w " nlfht lose
the batUe he had waged so long to
protect the family honor mlnit h.t
tverlasUng stain.- . t. - ,
When an- effort waa . mA M .....
munlcate with Mr. Thompaon oyer the
telephone a servant said he was too 111
to respond and that a nhvM.n
been summoned. - 1 ' ;f.; T'T "m"
with a smile and
together. So aay
'"' nay no nad ever nnt in ki.
noped 'his ' boy would
KRM STVI.ES PulM Orf Last of
flrat payment
pair went out
XanAred Thonssnd at Two Xaols.
The aecond payment Was made the
following week. It was for $50,000. It
was, according to the testimony, drawn
by Tlrey I Ford and William M. Ab
bott, one of the attorneys tn Ford's of
fice. This $60,000 was paid In gold.
Ford and Abbott went acrosa Into the
offloa of the Relief association and ex
cnangea tn goia lor $eo,ooo in cur
rency. ! The exchange was made by Nat
sang, on or tn cierxa employed tnere.
The third payment was also for $50,
000. It was made soon after the seo
ond. Ford waa again the drawer of
the money. He took this sum to Cash
ier Thomas P, Burns ' of tba United
States treasury and exchanged it fer
currency. It waa taken in an automo
bile from the mint to the United State
treasury and exchanged for currency.
. ' . Bosses ' Paid .largely In. ' Bonds. '
-The major part of this $220,000. it la
claimed, waa used to purchase atocks
and bonds In the. United Railroads.
Thess ecurttles were turned over to
Ruef and Scbmlts at Calhoun's own!
rcaldenca. It -waa thought that by givj Iot washing, which his wlf did
' fflperld Dlteeteh- te The JaermLt '
Centralla. Waeh May 4. There was
held from the residence of Allen Miller
tn this city last Monday on of the most
remarkable funerals over, known in
western Washington, "' when his aunt,
Mra. Jane Bryan, aged $. who died of
heart failure Sunday, and his uncle, Wil
liam Bryan, who haa been dead for 10
years and who bo3y has twice been
disinterred and waa reburied Monday
for the third , time, were burled In th
same grave at Mountain View cemetery.
Two hearsea conveyed the bodlea to
tha cemetery. Rev. Black, the local
Baptist pastor, conducted a funeral ser
vice for path. All the colored people of
the city and many of tha beat white'
families attended the funeral. s.
The Bryana war remarkable colored i
people, notn- were born of freed par
ents In Virginia and were direct de
acendanta of the Alia Mosamblauea.' the
first colored people ever brought tn
slavery to .Virginia. 1 la early life they
were employed aa steward and ateward-
ess on ocean liners playing between
Nw York and all the larger porta of
tne world. Tne old couple were fond of
th pardonable boast that thev had via-
Ifed every, port in th world where
American . Vessels touched. . '
Bryan waa a man of remarkably fine
physique and stood ' I feet I . Inches In
his stockings. He was one approached
while In. London by an English recruit
ing officer for the famoua Queen's Life
Guards, who desired to enlist1 him In
that body, the military organisation
that for years waa the body guard on
sute occasions of the Ute Queen Victoria.
To-Centralla Via th STora.
Tha Bryana came to Lewis county In
1$64. sailing from New Tork around
Cape Horn and landing at Olymnla.
From Olympla, In thoss days connected
with the present city of Portland by the
famous Columbia river stare coach
line, they walked to the present city of
Central!, where they bMt-wUh their
own hands the home in which tha early
years of their life here were spent, and
from the acrea of the wilderness thsy
won a meager living by the most ar
duous toll. Bryan used' to-transport
his provisions from Olympla across the
frontier, trail In a wheelbarrow. The
rornd trip required three days and at
night he camped by the roadside, alone,
There' is a corps of mechanics awaltinto begin work on this building. Every day that we
can hurry out this great fine stock is one day nearer rebuilding operations. It will take months
to complete the new and greater store." This stock must be; sold and the new store with -6,000
' more feet of selling space be ready to receive an all new fall tock when it arrives.; And the"
: big new store must be opened in time for the fall trade. If ot the loss on fall business would
be enormous. Now you can plainly see why Dellar must sell the fine new .' . - ' ' l:-
Stock of Spring Goods on hand. Suits. Top Coats, Cravenettes; Overcoats,
Pants, Hats, Shews and Furnishings, Boys'-and Children's Clothing, Shoes,
ii.i 4....
and Ladies' and Misses' Shoes. ,
Tlme Has Set the Seal and Time Is Preclons
We must make way for rebuilding operations with the greatest possible haste that the price'
knife can do. Read the price slashing and come to the stpre that lives up to every letter of its
promises.:;:- y -- vV . v J1 ' 2 iVv&irV&Sc&ii&h-
Men9-s -Suit
Cellar's is a Clothing Store. This establishment was never used to show empty boxes or. bare
" walls. Every nook and corner is filled to overflowing with merchandise. Our variety of suits, '
always one of the largest and most select to oe souna tn me city, on account ot going to com
mence building, we must dispose of these goods, and we are closing them out with the price knife.
This lot con
tains scores of
styles, sizes' to
44 bust There '
are not all sixes
in every style..
They are mostly suits from one to, six of a reserve anything In the shape of merchandise
kind, left from our best selling $8.00 to $10.00 C In the house. Dirt and dust is a mortal enemy
lines, and it matters not which one you select to fine fabrics. We are going to sacrifice them,v
for we know that every suit we send out at
these slaughtered prices will bring back a har-
Getting Into our
choicest and
most complete
lines of $15.00
to $18.00 suits,
but we do not
you are sure to get a bargain such as you never
bought before. .
. v" " - '
1807-Si)1lsh Straw
Tfce TfiieQirk Thai
Icscres Satlsfacilon
way if jack O'Brien Is
,. Defeated Wednesday. "
Los Angeles. -Cal- - vv .4 nhrv..i
Tommy Burns win from Jack O'Brien
on May t in Loa Ansia. k. m
BUI Bqulres. the.. Australian champion
on May to in Colma. Thla much was
decided i late tonight and ) Burn has
posted $1,000 as a 'guarantee f good
i faith hi th matter. '.".- - -r
This U substantiallv the aame aM.
ment ... which vBurna. mnm
I Thursday evening, later repudiated by
I the Canadian.- Tommy was holding out
for better Irtducementa and ha
them.-" .." . . '1 ...
.Tonight he asked Coffroth fa . n.t
I sum -of $$.006, win, 4ose or draw with
I Squires, insisting that Squires bet him
$8,000 on the result of ths contest.
Coffroth asreed to thM
and aftir aiamlna- un tha
k I... . . ' . . ' V-
!'. curui reaiaence t hlghl;
As Squires haa alreadv im..
mow aia id.vuo oeposlted v with the
San Francisco Examiner to go as a side
oei vim eiuier u anen or Burns, th.r.
was no trouble over the question of the
in the agreement it la antfi.oTi
IBtated that should Burne lose to
O'Brien on Ms v I. it to h iinn.i
with Coffroth to carrv out bM i.r
Ing Ruef and Sohmits eeourtUes In the
corporation better resulta would be se
cured than oy cash bribery. ' Tha nair
would have permanent interest la
the welfare - of the United Railroad
Both Schmlts and Ruef accepted the
bonds and stocks gladly and watched
with Joy tha rise in the market value
that Xollowed tha granting of the over
head trolley privileges.
The men who testified before the
grand Jury yesterday and gave the
facta concerning the drawing and ex
changing for currency of this bribe
rund were Julius Jacobs, assistant
treasurer of the-. United States, In
charge of the San Francisco treasury
Frank A. Leach, auperlntendent of the
mint; Thoma P. Burns, cashier of the
unitea states treasury, and Nat Bella-.
cierar ac'tne mini.
In a eounWyfull of hosum Indians and
thf turbulent frontier charactera of thS
time, who held the life and rights ot a!
cojorea ,man in slight regard. It la
told of him that When the Northern Pa-'
clflo was building through from Port-"1 1
land to Taooma he used to walk to Nap
avine, a distance of 10 miles, and col-l
at 1
to I
1 $4.85 j
ajajBBWBBl Sawa jfW
Pure wool of
worsted fast
color tailor-,
Most of these
lines are com-
, , ,, , ,n-i, ,,: ;-;;:..jr-v:1
- ( .....
The New Knox Telescope
ScW Osly By ,v
tn r:
I Miss Lennox Grey. One mJ m.
toUred Woman on London Stage.
Just a a benefit IS belnr -rn..
for Emily Solders another old-time bur
lesqu actress and . a memh- f ,h.
famous Bojdene company of other days
haa been fauna in sovartv in an
workhouse. , Theae two Women ara aniit
to be the only survivors of the company
which originally aanr "Oenevieva d
Brabant," which was a New Tork aen-
aatlon of th early '70s. ' :
Miss Lennox Grey waa the '
nam of the old woman who has been
taken out of a London workhouse, an
anonymous nonor naving provided - a
weekly stipend sufficient to susDort her
for the rest of her days." She did not
! take part In the original production of
I Offenbach's operetta In 1 London. but
succeeded Sellna Dolaro, who was com
i peiied to retire lrora the cast after a
1 few perform anees. v.- - . "4
Miss Lennox Grey waa at that time
Ith wife of an officer in the English
army. 8h had married hint after a
short stage experience and went to
i India to live. He deserted her and ah
returned to the stage In England. - ,
She was for years on' of the most
popular burlesque artlats ; of England
I and cam to this country, with th Sol-
dene companies, appearing In "Little
Fauat," "Chllperie' and other works of
this - company's decollete repertoire.
I Emily Soldene, who- Is now a very old
i woman, came to tnis country for tne
last time about 50 years ago and hang in
we Bowery variety theatres. ;
Miss ' Lennox Grey married . for her
aea taad -elaaaleaJ-cholar '
high attainments, which did not, how
ever, avail to prevent him from going
1 1 the poorhouse along wltb her. : When
the actress began to lose her youth
there war no longer engagements for
her, and she finally disappeared o com
pletely that she was commonly supposed
- XA leas than 40 years'' ago she. was
staV"0" amlre4.'"0i9n on. Jha Lxindon
Carefully Hidden Dowry of a Ho-
' hammedan Bride.
A true fairy tale concerning an Ori
ental casket sold by an antiquary to 1
Parisian amateur la related by the corre
spondent of the London Telegraph.
The' casket is of beautiful artistio
workmanship Of ollv wood, with In
crustatlona. -It was evidently a wedding
preaiaeni, sucn as it is in custom to
give to a bride in Mohammedan coun-
(.1.. . .. . -
There Is a perfume of rose leaves, a
delicate far away fragrance of the dis
tant east, when the cover is .lifted. The
antiquary bought it at a general sale
long ago and offered it to purchasers
amid Louis XVI clocks, old ribbons and
out of date decorations. A lover of
quaint antiques, M. . Maurice saw the
casket ana bought It
As it had been knocked about a rood
deal in Its long Journey It stood In need
Of repairs and M. Maurice gave it to an
expert workman to restore. The-work
man tapped it and was surprised to no
tice a metallic sound Inside. He found
that the Jewel box had a double bottanv
ana wnen openea there were rows of
old and odd coins, whicn glittered farm.
iy. nut enough to show at once (hat they
were 01 pure goto. s '' '
a numismatist declared they were
gold sequins and worth about 100. It
was a sum wnicp, to a young bride a
nunarea or two hundred years ago repre-
eniea pernaps a tortune. The 1 work
man Informed M. Maurice and the lat
ter told the antiquary. As they were
all three hottest men each wished that
the other should claim the bride's treas
ure.: , ; Art i
f They referred the matter to the police
commissary, who gave a decision worthy
of .Solomon... He divided the gold coins
Into two equal piles and told M. Maurice
and the antiquary to take ach a pile
ana then -left it to their combined aen.
eroaity to reward the honest workman.
This tney aia. acn giving him a few Of
the gold sequins, so that all had about
an even share, in the treasure of the
bride. . ,4r ; .. . -u:?'s:;
. . 'v, V -'
nome, . to get enough ready money
ceiray tne expenses of ths family.
, , Xstat Worth glxty Thousand.
The Bryan estate In this city Is now
valued at $(0,000 and Is one of the finest
homes in Centralla. Its architecture is
after the fashion of the wealthy Vir
ginia planters pf the antebellum daya
There are spacicua grounds, with broad
driveways snd the stately mansion is
ample and handsome in its interior an-
vtnlttt mania - .- - v.
Up to the time of her death It was
Auntie Jane Bryan's boaat that she had
never been sick a day tn bed in her
life.- She was a quiet, unassuming old
woman, whose genteel bearing indicated
the training of the aouthern "quality."
She was a devout member of the Bap
tist church in this city. , ,a .
Twenty Tears tn a Mausoleum.
At the rear of the family home here
for to yeara the body of her husband
had been kept in the family Vault, the
oniy tning or tne kind in centralla. and
said to be one of the most elaborate In
all the west' - ,
Previous to th building of th vault
the body had been Interred ' in Wash
ington Lawn cemetery here. Tester-
day the remains were placed in a new
casket, which was shroud ml wtth r
death robe, and taken to the parlor of
the Bryan home, where it rested beslde4
that of the wife. Both wer buried in
the same grave.
plete in sizes from 84 tojL4 bust Double and '
single-breasted suits in black, blue, '.plaids,
gray effects and mixtures. The materials and
workmanship are of the Dellar standard $10.00
and $12.00 qualities. The best to be had at that
price, and on account of rebuilding that is soon '
to begin, we are giving you some bargains that '
will make you remember Dellar's store.
Put your mind
ron tms 'lot ot
select $18.50
and $15 suits.
.The kind 'that
are worth that '
price in material and workmanship. Then you
know what to expect at this rebuilding sale.
The elegance of this assortment is a strong
.appeal to careful buyers. v The colors and fab-'
. . . - .. . - n . . t, I . . . . .. .
ncs are pracucauy cnaicss m variety, a ney
are bargains more than worthy of the name.
-".'-VI j,v V..'
. vest of new patrons that will stand by the big;
new and greater John Dellar store that is about
to rise from the ruins of this establishment
Here Is where;
you strike a
partdise of
beautiful suits.
The kinds that
hustle the best'
custom tailors to equal Select imported ' and
domestic materials; made mostly specially to
our order for fine trade. There is not one in
the lot worth less than $20.00 to $22.50. Dressy
suits, business suits,'' All hand-tailored, select
custom tailor patterns and materials.
The. kind that
stand at the top
of fine clothes.
The very choic
est - of foreign
fabrics. Full
journeyman tailored In exclusive limited styles
And patterns; $25.00 values in blue, black and
fancy, pure long yarn worsteds, tweeds and
Thibets. - uJ,- ",f ".-.-- ,
For choice of an extraordinary fine lot, of French and English'
ii wiaiwuiiB. omu w can oniy De comparea witn tne choicest
custom products; $27.50 and $30.00 values.
Author of "Cyrano 4e Bertterac"
: Seclusion In His Chateau.
: -i Fo and a Rabbit . , V V
A fo.wa seen coming down a nans In
the hills- followed by a rabbit which
cam along at a smart pace and seemed
impelled ny an overpowering curiosity.
Fox . and - rabbit presenUr dleartDeared
into a patch of' covert, and almost tm
mediately- h Tox waa seen to emerge
with the unfortunate rabbit dead in its
JaWS. :-'""; V -
The whol tableau was witnessed by
persona of unimpeachable veracity, one
of them a very careful observer of wild
life. It .was perfectly evident to them
that the fox had in some way fascinated
the rabbit and was consciously following
out a plan -aevieea ror us destruction.
Aa for tbo rabbit. It Waa clearly in calla
Four years have elapsed since Ed.
mond Rostand promised to finish for
Constant Coquelln bis play, "Ths Chan
ticleer," but the drama la evidently no
nearer completion than It was two sea
sons ago, when th French actor hoped
to b able to produce it in Pari a
Rostand's indlff erenoe to all work has
started rumors in Paris about hs
health,: and curious atorlea are told to
confirm the reports that he will in all
probability never finish thf drama prom
ised to Coquelln, or any other play. s
The poet recently telegraphed his
publisher to com to his chateau. Cam-bos-les-Bains.
This looked like some
deHntte news from, the play, ana the
publisher hastened to telegraph Madame
Rostand the train on which he would
travel in order that she ; should meet
him at the station.-."-'.';: 'A:-.-, i
On hla arrival Madame "i- Rostand
begged the publisher to excuse her hua
band that night, aa be could not receive
him until 10 o'clock the next morning.
At that time Madame Rostand reported
that, her husband had decided not to
leave his room cor , the day. and re
quested his visitor to ba patient for an
other day .- - i. . -
The earn comedy was reheated - the
next day, snd out the third day th pub
lisher, wno had: business la Paris, re
turned without seeing him. the author
of "Cyrano de Bergerac." His return
to Paris was foUowed by the arrival of
inr-cia oi. xn vnanucieer," witn
the request tn put it at' once into type.
Before that process ' began. ' however.
there earns a telegram ordering ths im
mediate return of the-minuserlpt;
7 Other eentrlclties,are desbribeiZ.
r par -th-por.eenduof nowadays.
In order to avoid visitors, he one day
crawled under a 'table and remained
there for several hours, as there was
no train Immediately to take his frlSnds
.away. Bs refused to crawl ofcj until
they were out of th housa v '
his ravonte diversion now-i-aldrt
toe reading hts verses In the chapel of
his house while dressed In his Legion
of Honor coat - He allows nobody to
enter- tha chapel while he la thus on.
v . S
John Cellar's Rebuilding SaleT j
Guarantees Entire, Satisfaction on Everything It Sells, or You
May Exchange or Get Your Money Back. . .
'., Rattlesnake In .Gopher , Hole.
V From tha EL Augustln6tecord.
Whlls in the woods some eight miles
north of the, cky - on - Sunday: last.
Messrs. Bartolo Facettl and Frank An-
dreu discovered a gopher hole and pro
ceeded to oust ths occupant of the un
der around - dwelling. ? They procured
long stick,' and Jabbed down the hole,
when a big rattler bounoed - out - and
asked them what they wanted.
Frank ran to- the buggy for his gun,
of oouree and -Tola stepped hack an
inch or two to see ; what the reptile
looked like from a distance. Before the
gun came on the scene the snake waa
hack' in th hole and flatly, refused to
come out again. ; . '-:
Th hunters 1uUt a fira 'over tha
opening,, "but -liven this did not move
th snake, so ey returned to . town
minus, the hide of th biggest snake In
the ountry. - rl, ''.'..,',
A Slx-Pobt 'lUttler killed.
J- ' From the 'Kansas' City Star.
' i When 'a man hunts ; or flahes in In
dian Territory Jte has to bear constant
ly in mind that ne is in danger or rat
Uesnakee, centipede and tarantula
He IS likely, to find them 'moat any
where, except in cold, weather, and they
are- Usually big ones.. The' rattlers are
especially tumorous,, en rocky-points
where the. sun "beats fuu upon them.
and the -'centipedes and tarantulas are
found most 'knywher. ? s-vr " k
Tne of the largest rattlers-ever seen
In this section waa killed hy Roes'
Evans. . disbursing agent for, tha ' gov4
ernment Office at Muscoge. who shot
tbe- monster-rattler with a slx-shobter.
Ths snake measured six feet two inches
and had 11 rattles and a button. ' The
snajc two conea
when he was
'RID E'.lON 1T.H E'i'ii
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r-New and 4ANDS0Mi; EQUIPMENT Consisting of M-
u Eay Coaches, Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars. Dining Car, day and
night; 6tandard Pullman Sleeping Cars, Observation Car with Barber
nnop, saiaroom, r vtaorary,, omoaiog xvoom ana every modern eonrentenc -
Ca on or write f , . , , ,
Al D. CHARLTON, A. O. fc. A.
discovered and looked big if ' . - '.,- ---:. .-.y-',.. .,v , . . . . .... fi
,. bushai baaketj", ' Lzgsssss2srsr rszsr2?sr'rsyrr zn?'?zz'm:J
ble ox avoiding it dooow, - -i . ,
enough ta flil
..A- -" i