The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 05, 1907, Page 17, Image 17

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    Gold and Steel Beaded Bags, one of the most catchy novelties in
a numberofdesigns, come in blue and white"; a-grade M , rjfi
that sells, regularly for $2.50 each; special faAMte&lfi O
artistic-designs yrbrth $3.65 each, YryV special at.,.;.0Ue7i
vwut urautudgs, in gold or
steel, regularly, worth r Jn
65c, for ;.;: 4Hr
Sterling Silver. Mirrors that are
regularly h worth'. $7,00 - each ;
Clpthes ; Brushes, with -.sterling
silver back ; worth; d1 1 T
$3)8 ; special,.; .
Whisjc v Brooms, iwitn r sterling
ialfyy,; special .7
fTlssus . STerlasaV
,".''' s .new silk and
cotton novelty weave, suitable v for
L street; Wear, cornea in pretty printed
patterns," worth . SOo - the z . 1Q'
yard, at . , i . . . . X v
Scotch Ginghams
A second shipment of ' these foods
has Just arrived and contains some
extremely attractive designs In the
new clan plaids. We'd beinore than
pleased 4o have ' you . come In and
see them..., :;.r . .
Pretty White Goods
For ; graduating and confirmation
dreises. faris Mouwellnes, plaid
linen lawns, whit : costume linens,
Sootch ' dimities, nalnsooksi . ' Jon(
clot&a In superb assortments.' ..'
.'jf i ' a 1 1 1 1 i nt. ii ii 1 1 1 1 is i ii a , , u nt ii i u i v i i, , i
Ch frffafff ai Sketrheil Frnm OrtnlnaU - ,v
I .
This price means that's all you pay for the best Brussels you can
find and that for, that you get it MADE, LAID AND PADDED.
What woman is there in,- all the land that doesn't want a fine
Brussels Carpet for at least one room?. None, we think. ( Weli
it.-i. 'i xt. : j--a ii ....
supply ma. t wtiai, uuw. ixcw ewus iu supuiy iu yvuu, new
terns in many designs, direct from the mills. .And,. d 7
made; laid and padded, all it costs, the yard; is... . . . .D.l I 1
Brussels Rugs, in patterns to match the carpets, beauties, every
one of them, in sizes suitable for rooms or dens.
Remember We Have a Splendid Assortment of the More Moder
late triced Carpets TooAnd Alt Grades We'll Guarantee S
Elaborately Beau tiful Sample
I BuiislMait Price
1 - .
Suit Store
Quite the best bargain we've ever secured 'in tHe . gar
ment Iine, An lmjjiense assortment of manufacturer s
overs that our buyer picked up at a price so low" that 'tis
' almost unbelievable. On the recent buying trip of our
suit salon buyer she was offered by one of the most
famous garment makers in the world the entire season's
' accumulation of overs, and closed out the largest num
ber ever, bought by an one store on' the Pacific Coast,
in one gigantic purchase. ' .
' The exclusiveness of these garments is apparent at a
glance. That desired difference, so dear to every worn-
an's heart, is present in every one of these peerless cos
tumes. Made of carefully selected, high-grade materials,
and modeled by the most artistic suit creators in the
country. Fashioned, after Parisian modes, each one
wonderfully beautiful, and hardly two alike lathe entire
assortment. , They're exclusive, aristocratic, enchanting
ly. attractive costumes. Here in generous assortment.
An exposition of high-grade suits that will perhaps
r neve again be equaled in a special sale. Suits that sell
regularly. for $28.50 to $75.0Qy . ,, -,v ::.:,
The materials ere: Plain or fancy chiffon Panamas, serg-ea, twin Toiles, Rajah and Uffeta silks and fancy Wool mixtures. Several models,
in Eton, blouse Eton, Pony," Prince chap and Jumper styles. Also some very tasteful models In the combination suits. The most enormous
selling- event that we have ever attempted, another tremendous demonstration of the supremacy of our suit section In the garment field.,
No other house In the northwest could or would attempt to dispose of the many high-grade garments In one vast sale. tCome and invest!-
And M Go for Half Regular-
$25.00 & suns; $30.00 - -g ?uns7; $37.50
We mention these few prices as mere samples. There are dozens bf prices all the way between $28.50 and $75.00. . . Choose from any one in this
prodigious assortment and save half the regular price in any case. None laid aside. None sent out on mail orders, phone orders or approval. Sale
Suits Illustrated are Sketched From Originals
lasts, two' days,' Monday, and Tuesday. Those who come at 8 Monday morning, have choice of over three hundred suits, and all in all, these are
The Qratidest Suit Bargains We've Ever Offered!
- - i . - n . in . si . i
vTDiupenuvus paryain fancy. Linens
This time it's on White Linens, beautiful hand embroidered scarfs, squares, etc
The materials are pure linen'of extraordinarily" good -quality and they are em-
"broidered in conventional and flofal designs. The
sizes are 24, 80 and 36 inches in the squares and the
: scarfs come 18x45, 20x54, 18x54 and. 18x72. inches.
Every piece in this lot is'worth from $3.25 to $5.00
and the salti price is to be less', than' it . has been
though possible i to sell . this grade for. W m . q r
Choose at will for only.'.....'... ... I.,...))leOe7
Style X13ji,' Women1! pilve
Tan Oxfords,' the pew shade
in shoes, irr the swagger - 3
hole: Gibson Itift 2jnade:vith
plain toe and fitted with cov
ered?; Cuban heel; having a
solid brass il'ate for top pro
tection. .This shoe-is selling
fast. . Come . . .. . '
Women's White Canvas Ox
fords, made of Sea Island
duck, welt sole, blucher cu,
with silk' lacesall' d i , AA
"hand lasted, pair fj)f UU
Women's White Canvas Ox
fords, in the blucher cut,
with ' a medium extension
sole, medium heel a splen
did wearing shoe. Very com
fortable; price, ,. dl 7C
J. pajr ..... . 1 aa
Women's White Sea Island
Canvas Oxfords, made with
al tongue and wide silk rib
bon bow over a high ' arch
last, with covered dJO -CA.
Cuban heel; pair Pee Oil
to Just
3 Lines ' Halt h Other Specials
A weeping sale that 'takes in hundreds of high-class
pieces of pretty headgear.' Pattern Hats, from the aris
tocratic millinery workers across the water, or the best
artists m this country. Exceedingly clever, and smart
models in Tailored-Hats," too, are included in this great
sale. rA sale begins Monday that will set a mark for swift
selling our millinery, department has never before known
Pattern Hats,
worth $75.00 .
Pattern .Hats
worth $30.00 ,
Pattern Hats
worth $50.00
Tailored Hats .
worth '$20 each
Pattern Hats
worth $40.00 ...
Tailored Hats,
worth $10 each
, S5
Women's Diemel Linen
Lrfillesh Underwear
We are. the exclusive Portland agents
for this famous vUnderwear in "women's
goods. We recommend, it- highly for
sanitary ' and economical reasons Tis
well made; always perfect fitting, and
one of the most healthful garments pos
sible to, put on.' ' ,
Women's Veatt, with high ffO AA
neck and long sleeves, each . yyvU
Women's Vests,, with low tfjO A A
neck and 'no sleeves, each . eytUU
Women's Pants,; anklle ; C 9 AA
length, the pair, only ; . . . . 'ieOj.Uv
Women's Pants, , knee length. . "A A
lace trimmed, the, pair ... yJy v
A Whirl in Dress Goods
$1.50 DRESS GOODS, Yard, $1.17.
This lot. comes in the same weaves
and patterns as the $1.25 goods, but
of course it is of a better grade.., We
have 42 full pieces of themr fine val
ues at $1.50 the yard; special price
for this sale, .1 't djy;7
the-vard ... ?v;'v J. L J. s .
$2.00 DRESS GOODS,-Yard, $1.43;
There are 54 pieces of these, includ
ing fine fancy;; voiles. ; in imported
French weaves, beautiful moonlight
effects' and soft color combinations,
in the pastel shades ; regular, $2.00
grade;. sale price, . J dSylQ
the .yard ,V .tj) I iO
$1.75 DRESS GOODS, Yarct $U7.
Come in imported nqveltie3,FpuIes.
and French Serges,! in checked- and
plaid effects;! rich 'color -combinations;
including' the hairline striped
and plaid , styles and-. the much
wanted tan shades. ,Rmemberr'll
$1.75 qualities ; special - 0T
sale price ., .,...'. .MeZil i
$2.50 DRESS GOODS Yard, $1.87.
37 pietes, of ; fancy voiles,' English1
tailor suiting, French serge1, m light
or medium weights, and Jancy; Pan-'
amas. In fact, there's every, wanted
weave here; the regular. d Q'T
$2.50, quality ; special 'price ft X O I
A Stirring Notion Sale
Shoe Laces, for men, women or 'chil
dren's; shoes; best tubular make, l,Q
worth 12c-the dozen; special . OC
Turnover Shell Back Combs, a '''CJ
speeki- lot, each y.'.;'3C
Black Darning Cotton, on spools, - M
special, 3 spools for ........i....OC
Safety Pins, blackr-nigkel fin
Garter Elastic, all silk fancy
ruffled, all colors, 19c value., yard . LLC
L Premier Spanish Castile Toilet
Order or Counter Books, long ,
shape, .worth 10c each, for . . .
Rubber Stamping: Set, complete ' fJ en
fetters and figures, 60c set ....jOOC
SUr or Gem Safety Rasora, regular $3.50,
$3.50, $4.50 and up to $12.50 .
sets, for HALF PRICE J
"Marvel" whirling aprsy. Women'
Syringes, worth $3.50 each,; $2.75
French Tooth Brashes worth, ,i A
25c each; special at, only .,.t..,..lntl
Sanitol Tpoth- Powderi-Tcgu-: Q
larTy '25c, box for J L
Toilet Paper, fine quality, ; J
worth 7c the roll; special ; . .. t
Writing Paper, cloth finish, ' 1A.
white; special, the box, only'..... .1VC
Crepe PaperlKapkins,' 'fancy decorated,
100 in package,- worth 25c, , 17
for ' , .... ; j V. . . . . . . . ........... 1 1 C
Men's $1.25 Under-'-i
Wear $1.05
Fine Two-Thread Worsted Shirts an l
Drawers, in a fine silver grty, sprint?
weight, comes in all sixes, r1
worth $15; special ...i.... JleUD
Men's Derby Ribbed Bslbrijsn Shirts
and Drawers, in all sizes and
olors,-shirts arr ln the French neck
style, wortn 5Uc the garment; "l
special ;. ..,... Z
Men's Hose, fancy striped cotto.i.
25c the pairi . .
special ..........,.........,.'.., .1 Z
Men'a "Shirts, cf jUln t!u r'
with soft collars, a good woik'.. .
ing shirt; worth 73c rich;
?' fi:.l