. TXIE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,' SUNDAY MORNING; MAY '8, 1CC7. 12 .mmi Giliffl SEilSOU , 1 ' 1 s 111 i, 'i ' v Athletic Year Just Closed is Most , Successful. In History, of . ' University. '. , , f ; ; ; i, ) ' VICTORIES OVER RIVAL ARE ALMOST UNBROKEN on track. tb football field, th baseball diamond and on th water, Stanford Wins at Footbaiy Baseball, Track Athletics, . Boating, , and Even Breaks California's Bon of Tennis Triumph. - i ' (Special Dlspatek to fh JoaraaL) v ! Stanford University, Cal,' : May 4. The college athletic ,yar, which cam to a fitting close Monday with a Car dlnal victory over the Blue and Gold in tha lnteroolleiriat regatta, has in : cry respect been the moat successful In Stanford's history. -Never before bay either university i had . the opportunity to claim ,as Jts I share of the eaa6n'S victories such JUVENILE BALL , " . PUT MANY GAKES V w, . .. ; Jly y . . . . r-'"" : t.. i, Ji i" (' ., Saturday Scores With LlnV-Up of Euthusiastio Young De- '. , . , votees of Bat Stanford ha had the advantage of i experienced ' cdaches and trainer ana ' no little credit for a suooeasful out . com In every branch of athletics Is ' due "Jimmle' rjanagan, "Dad" Moulton : and "Dan" Murphy. The season has eclipsed all others and Stanford has f succeeded Is building, under the aus V ploes of her own student body, two of the finest, athletlo fields In the west, football of Greatest Interest, Undoubtedly the sport which car ' rJea with It the greatest f Interest In college athletics Is football.. In the California colleges the sea- eon generally opens as soon as the students have returned for the fall se mester, and from then until the final tig gam between Stanford and Call ' fornia In November It , Is th all-ab sorbing toplo of Interest. The big football gams . between th Cardinal and the Blue and Oold In No vember marks the culmination of the season just as in th spring the final baseball game or the intercollegiate t track meet finishes up the ' work In . these sport. ; ng1y Piwred UnpopnlaB, ; , When college opened last fall a new . eituation confronted the stuaem ooaiea 6f the two universities. ... Rugby was to he tried for th first time a an intercollegiate sport on th . Pacific i coast t a large percentage as that wnian wis Pennsylvania, covering in cusiano in year (alia 'to Stanford, ,. Thes vlctorle tilt 1-6. r .-. . V-;' v . ' have been wen earned and oa th whole Beside th relay and pole vault, four th moat sportsmanlike spirit has char- new Intercollegiate records were broken, acterlzed all of the intercollegiate con- D Manuel of California covered th testa ' I mile In 4;II 1-8; Cowles of California did s had the advantage oil the high hurdle in 0;15-; Channing Hall cleared the bar in th high Jump at feet and U of an Inch, and la th two- mil Nash of Stanford cowed th dis tance la 10:101-. , . Treahmaa Slsiana-it 1 There has been much dlsoussloa slno th Interooilegiat contest about the dis barment Of freshmea from this meet on the" part of California. This action was brought about by California early in the'seaaon and evidently It was expected that Stanford would f ouow her lead. Stanford, on the" other hand, ; saw - no reason why shs should do it, ' Scholarship requirement her hay kept many good men out of athletics this spring. At th stat university. thes requirements are very lax. This and th fact that Stanford has but half as many men to choose from as Berke ley influenced th authorities her te allow th freshmen to compete. - Par haps ths California cry of four olasses to three will continue until th state university reverses her aotloa and al lows her freshmen to compete. - - attaafort-Oysgo-. Kst - -Th calling off of th meet between Stanford and th University ef Oregon was unfortunats but unavoidable. Ow ing to the nearness of th final exami nations, it was out of th auestlon for th men to leav th campus th early part of May. It was a faculty order and due to no reluctance on th part of th team to meet Oregon, . ' Elevation oi Boattar. -" This season has witnessed th, eleva- j tlon of boating to the position of an In tercollegiate sport, and for the first year. It ha gained all that Its promoters hoped for. This year 'varsity eight were Introduced upon th coast for th first Urn. Th regatta In which th Stanford freshmen defeated th Berke ley babe by three-quarters of a length and In which the 'varsity sight was vic torious by six lengths, attests "Dan" Murphy's superiority a a coach. - The fact that the weather Interrupted th first attempt to hold th race, in which Washington was to compete, was unfortunate. But owing to the arree- ment which was entered Sfon, Stanford, by reason of her victory over California. will go north and try conclusions with the northern universities on .May 10, i -Varsity Baseball.- i-; , By winning th deciding gam of th baseball series Stanford has also dem onstrated her superiority over California in this sport. The first gam of th series was won by Stanford by a score of 1-0, the second played on th Berkeley diamond went to California, to 0, and In a ninth Inning rally Stanford turned th third gam from almost certain de feat Into victory and won I to 1. Th hitting of ' th 'varsity team for th whole season was light, but the fielding average; were high. The season's hon ors in batting went to Stott and Kenton, th Portland stars, Stott leading slight ly played In a less number of games than Fenton. - It la more - than likely that Fenton will captain the team next spring. Stanford's Tennis. Stanford's tennis season was also ths most successful In years, and th-Cardinal teams succeeded in breaking the long string of defeats. Stanford was defeated in the women's singles and doubles by reason of : the " foot that among Berkeley's representatives was th champion of th Pacific coast In th men' - events the Cardinal team carried ' away th honors, and succeeded In adding th tennis cham spring than sVer before. Under the'plonshlp to Stanford's string of victories watchful ey of ;"Dad" Moulton, Stan ford succeded In turning out the best track team in her history. The, unusual interest In track this spring was due partially to th com pletion of Stanford new cinder patn. whloh ha been pronounoed on Of th finest in the country, ' It Is a four-lap track well oopstruoted and fast and ha In addition a 310-yard straightaway. -The dual track meet betweea the 'var sity teams of Stanford and California was one of ths . greatest ever witnessed In California. As many people as oould crowd within the enclosure on California field saw th Cardinal team struggle with th Blu and. Oold la an exciting uphill contest and win out finally by a soor of S to ST, Th moat remark able thing about th whole meet was ths number of surprises developed, a In only on or tw vnts 414 results turn out as they had been previously "fixed.' In fact there was a reversal id almost every event The surprise of th day was th defeat' of Stanton, the crack University of California athlete, by Da vis of Stanford, a heretofore obsour runner in th 440. - , ' Several Beoorda Broken. Several records wr broken daring the meet The most remarkable per formance wa that of T. R. Lanagan, who after he had won the pole vault at 11 feet 11 inches, succeeded In clear ing the bar at 11 feet 4 Inches, lacking but a fraction or an inon in equaling th world s . record and - breaking th ooast record. . , .', In the. relay rao th Stanford team succeeded In breaking th American ool- leglat record held by th University of The Telegram baseball nlns was de feated by the Waverley. nine yesterday afternoon by th soor of 8 to 8. Th Waverly nine will challenge any team In the city under fifteen year of age for games. Call up D, R. Caples, East 6148. The line up: Telegrams. Waverly. Delany ., .0. tiockraan Elliot p.....,,....., lang Ruffman ....... ss. Lyons Chard ..... .....lb. ............ Smith Steele .......-.lb..i. ........ Caples Painter ..tb....V..,. Petemple Euson .......... If. ...... Martin Blnganhlam ., v.rf. ..... Manour Pheander " . . . . .". ,cf . ............ Voss tn a closely contested baseball gam yesterday th Irvlngton team beat th Bt JUawTence team by a acor of I to 8 Th lineup wa as follow! Irvlngton, . -r ' v St Lawrence. Traynor ...,....c... .......... La vine Fltsgorald Twitohll Barnes . , tTj . . . . . ss. . Mascot Olll' ... .lb.... .... & -Meger McCarl , . . . . ... .. lb ........ . Parlander Jensen .......... lb.......... Sullivan Zumwalt ........lf............. Sabel Saben ,,.........cf. .......... Adams Monley. . . . . . . .rf . . . . M ...... . Lacey It was evident from th t first that th . chang was i not a wel- come one. There were . many ser ious objections, to the game. Neither 1 Lanagan ;nor his men knew the game ' except what the coaoh had learned dur : ing a few : weeks' stay In British Co lumbia In the summer. Very few had even seen Rugby played. From a fi nancial standpoint the outlook -was not encouraging. - Such a chang : meant practically no .receipt from- practice games - and : the Stanford field - would have to be widened. - Besides' Ameri can college men were naturally averse to the substitution of an English game for the old - typically American gam of football. , Th Season's Work. Despite these difficulties prepara - tlons were made for the season's work In the new sport The call for men re sulted In a hundred candidates, more than ever before, because Rugby gav an opportunity for ' lighter and more inexperienced men to ' compete for po sitions. But It was noticed that the Interest and enthusiasm of ths student body was not such as had characterised former football seasons. The Interest was one of curiosity and th students patronized th games more to encour age th men than to show their liking ; for Rugby. ; In the Intercollegiate ' freshman gam Stanford was defeated . by California 8 to 0 and the contest 1 showed that neither side had mastered : many of the fine points of the game. In the big 'varsity Intercollegiate contest Stanford demonstrated her su periority over th Blu and Gold by a cor of to 8. 1 - ' . Another Trial for fcughy. . Th gam was a disappointment It had not come up to the expectation of Its promoters. Tet despite this, Rugby is - to .be given a second trial , next fan. Dr. Jordan of Stanford has declared himself In favor of the game as against footballs under th revised rules. It Is probable that both Presley and Lanagan, next year's coaches, will poon leave for Australia, where they will study Rugby, during the coming bummer. ' - Greater interest has been manifested In the men upon the cinder path this ' Th Riverside baseball team defeated the Holman team In an Interesting gam yesterday. . . Th lineup was y. follows: 1 Rlevrslda " Holman. Bennet ". . . , .'. '. . . .. ......... Zumwalt Sullivan p.... ....t. Kennedy E. Byer . ....... .ss ...... . .M. McCarl Briston . ........ 1 b ......... A. McCarl Ransom ........lb. ............ Fargo Wynkoop' ....... Sb... ....... Plebuch O. Byer. ........If.,..,. ....... Brady Skis w ......... .cf ........... . Wrenn Kasper . ....... .rf ............ . How Th Oregon Hopper beat th An chora Scor,'ll to 11. Th Un-up: Hoppera ... Anchors. P. Deslata...... .A. Barthelamew H. Orayson. ...... .p., Munson Crosby .. ........ lb. ..B. Bartholamew A. Mohler. . , . ..lb. ............ .- Earl W. Thompson.... .8b. .........E. Tuttl F. 8Urk...........s. ......... Rodger H. Zahl... ......... If.. ,......W. Clarke W. Vinton. . ...... .rf ........ .. Rich wood J. Kavanaugh. . , . ,cf . ....... . . ... , Ellis A. DeFranger, sub.r - f In a very on-s1dd gam th Brownies beat th Portland Tigers at baseball yes terday morning on the. Multnomah field by a soor of 81 to s. Th line-up was: 's4 Brownies. ' ' Tigers. Lewis, Shaw, .'. , .f p. .Derllng, Slater, , - wary Metxger. , ....... .A. . . . ..... .v. , Bishop Burns ............ ss. ... . .Darling, Gary Cole.. ........... .lb..,. ........ liaye Wallis . . . i : lb Michael Shaw, Lewis. .. . . .tb. ......... . Hllberg Chatterton........cf Rosenthal Paget. ...... ..If ' Clark Catterlln..'. rf ............. i Ward . Th Victors won an easy gam from th Irvlngton nln. " Th seor was IT tO 1. - - - n r Irvlngton.' , Vlctora Puriaca . . .. . . . .0. ..... . ; . . Crawford Oross.. . , ;, ..p... .. Raker Jacobson. ....... .lb. ........ . XJravelle Peters .......... lb Pug: Bateman ......... 8b ........... . Martin Stevens. ....ss. .......... Jolllffe' Beaver ... ...... .If .......... .A. Puaii Oross . rt..i. ... ..... Hunter I west pal. . .... . . . .cf ............ . Olsen The St Johns nln was defeated by, th Sunnysld school team on their own i field by th acor of IS to S Th fea ture of th gam was the unassisted double play mad by Case. Th Bunker Hill Maroon will play th Montavuia nin on th Utters grounds-today.- Th Rosebuds defeated th Anchors yesterday afternoon by the seers of 21 to I. second A Perfect -Roof, tU' V ZS& Rubber landed Roofing Is made bx out own factories under the personal supervision of roofing 'experts, backed by a quarter of ' &' century of. ' roofing experience. We stand back-of -every foot sold,'" because we know we can "make good" every claim of its -. superiority.', . , , 4 ' .';',V. " That hard flint sand surface is wear proof and eliminates all paint expenses.' , A compleo roofing kit with every, roll, ' -s ' - ' -' . ' r 4 1 " Any man with a hammer, a knife and : an old paint brush can lay it right. " &ooFir:o I. Wils Is the Rosebuds' twenty's straight victory. ' The Beaver Juniors defeated th St Francis. nine yesterday by the score V ' ' ' ' FRAKES BEAT BRAINARDS IN SATURDAY'S GAME Victory Due to Pitcher. Olney, Who Holds Cubs Down to One Hit Kin Innings of 11t-eded hall dished up1 to the several hundred fans mat gathered at Recreation Park yes terday afternoon to witness the loader in the Trl-Clty pennant rao imothur lb tallendera The final score was to 1. It! Was a big surprise to manv rh v thos tailenders got Into th gam and held the Milliners down to th scratch. Great credit 1 due Mr. Olnev. h nt th. south paw and fast shoots. Only one hit was made off his delivery. . Ash. Houston nlavad inui third for the Frakes. The entire Cub Infield played like old lamra Th. game wa by far the beat tht h. v. played by the Trl-Clty league teams this "' niue oaa lucic in,h. Inning gave the Milliners a start' or th contest might have run ' . Inning. " ;iffl(i)iimillMp Mm- : J 1 : We Give Very Good Va lues for the Money All the Year Around, but Here is an Extraordinary Good Chance tl , - 1 ' 1 - . 'St 11 iBIBJSIBl 1 BSS ' ' ' a B ' SI n J " i. -1. HI . ; 'II -m. . m rt I ' I i ' - Si j w 1 II II ' v II If iiwrv " I K : MUIJKai 10 IOU v A SfrMifl Special That Should Forcibly Appeal to Yoii 50 Cents A Week .This magnificent suit you see here pictured is an exact, reproduction of the one we offer you. at this special nn-. oil 4k!. --r.U rTlTT?T T o v d"C rv .L. ...I..-. t .L!. C.-J.. . At.- . . e vv an uu wwa ov w 1.1.JDU. p.j.w 13 uic icguui vdiucui uus suiu- oiuuy , mc piciurc carciuuy,' Note the graceful outlines of each piece. The frame is of superior Birch Mahogany in the very latest design decorated with a flower design, covered with a good quality of velour in any color that you may select." oil- tempered springs. These suits are modern in every respect and warranted to give lasting , and satisfactory service. .,To,prove the superiority of our values." v ; " , , ' ' " v ' . i . A' ft ' " eB4l , vejsak mm ! i- sw f V -W . - . DtlivercdtoYocrHomacathaPaynientofeJl QalsVJLL VUoCavVU-. PORTLAND AGENTS FOR LAUREL "RANGES. FURNITURE CO. 18-4-186FIrstrSt, All the Credit You Want J, - COMPLETE HOUSE-FURNISHERS Women, Do You Madame Gillingham, Dermatologist Late of San Francisco and the East, is located here permanently, with parlors in the Hotel Carlton. ' , ' Madame Gillingham is the only able person on the coast who can remove all blemishes oi; the face and ' 'skin. -''; '? 'Jt',- ' " .:'-;; , 1 r ,. l f,:. v Look Into; Your Mirror. And see if there is any yellowness of the skin or" wrinkles, or freckles, or moth patches, or smallpox pit- J tings, or moles, or scars, or crow's feet, or dee,p linesror flabby 'dropping cheeks or neckwhatever it is, ; ; ' l ;r f" " They Can Be Removed - . SV'i"'v Madame Gillingham canccessfully and painlessly remove these banes to beauty and1 guarantee the V success of the treatment. , ". : ' ; - .. . - . , " . Ten years of experience in San Francisco and the East. Come in and see mv trrat wnrir under no obligations to take treatment. . , (, " . It is always my pleasure to show you. You are --iiv, ;W6man ' wanted to have ori "treated and act as demonstrator. with ' deep furrows rteside of JFace Madame Gillingham ; Parlors at Hotel Carlton 455 Alder St., Cor, 1 3th St Office Hour 10 to 4 Complete Roofing Guide sent free with' samples And prices. Ask for it. . ' ' ' i .V- i RASMUSS2NO.CO. Second an4 Taylor Sts. -. r.CLL klfcli i-.a) iiu Ww.a'sl Canufachirtrs PORTLAND CAMP WINS ' - TUG OF WAR SERIES Tb last of the series of tn-.nf.-r.. contests between tie five Woodmen f the World camps of Portianii w. . finished Friday evening- at thi w. n w temple. Portland camp 107 winning; th McGllverr and Planck cup as a tronhv The percentage of tb Ave teams was! as rouows: Portland No. 107 , ,, .1,000 Prosperity .t too George Washington boo Webfoot j. .., 400 Prospect-. ,,,, 000 - 5taceton Is Winner. -. ' (Journal Special Sarrlee.) : Philadelphia. Hay .- In a sham nA well played game today Princeton de feated the University of Pennsylvania by a scor of 8 to L y jrVS,-.:)-!:'- , 'Ssw-alspslaasaBasBSSS .;- " - Baseball at Vancouver. ' (SpUl Dl-notrh to Tb Jennul.) - - Vancouver. Wash., May 4. On th sarrlsos grunds tbls afternoon tas Pit-; tock A Leadbetter baseball team will cross bats with th teams of the Second battalion, . Fourteenth infantry. This game Is expected to be a good one. Th mill boys put up an astonishingly good gam last Sunday against th Brothers' academy boys, whom they defeated by a scor ef 11 to S. Th army team has some excellent material and should put up gilt-edged bali.1 --- ' f EAST SIDE HIGH . r B EATS ii ILL NINE ! Th East Sid High -school baseball team defeated the Hill Military acad etny yesterday on the Multnomah field by a scor of S to 4. Th soor was tied at th end of. th eighth Inning. If the East Side team wins on more gam It wilt be entitled to a plac In th finals ; for " tb fnteracholastlo league champlonahlp. Th lineup was as fol lows; v 'J' ' East Sid. -' H. M. A. Coson .............p......... Marchant Graham .,.... ,...o.. ......... Taylor Hill 1... ...i Baker Landfare , 2b. ............. .Cort Morrow .: ... . . ... . , . . .3b. .... . . . . Phillips Cornell '.........'.as........... Hayes Hedges ...........If.......... Holmes Stanard .cf. Eastham Hewitt .....rf McEwan enjoyed the hospitality of Judge Carey at bis home. Coffee was served on th lawn and a vary enjoyable time was bad. HUNT CLUB MEMBERS GO FOR AFTERNOON RIDE ' Twenty-nine members of th Portland Hunt club went for a rua along the Whit House road and over the hills bfjyond th Whit Hons yesterday aft ernoon. The start was mad from Twenty-seoond and Johnson streets at 2 o'clock and after ti run th members VIENNA'S MALE SINGERS SERENADE PRESIDENTJ !-! Special Same.) ; New York, May 4. Former subjects of Emperor Francis Joseph resident In this 01 ty ar on the tiptoe of expecta tion : la antlclpatlbn of th arrival here tomorrow of Velnna'a. world-famed Mai Singing society. Th organisation, which is th most famous of Its kind in ths world. Is coming to serenade President Roosevelt and on arrival In New ' York the singers will depart at ono for Washington. After mooting th president the choir will make a tour of the large cities of the ast.' v . - Th party numbers 160 singers, their wives and daughters1 and IS newspaper correspondents. . Their visit to America will cost them -In th neighborhood of $200,000. But this IS not surprising when th fact 1 born In mind that no less than If millionaires -are members of . the - society. - Mendelssohn. ? JUsst, Richard Wagner,. Johann Strauss and Brahms were honorary member of the society, and each; of them, has dedicated works to It. Dissolve Copartnership. Tr. W. A. Wis ha purchased th In. tercst of his brother In th dental busi ness of Wise Brothers, in th Failing uuuunig, ., i waaningxon ana . Third street." Dr. VT. A. Wis is the senior member and founder of the firm, which has for many years enjoyed a lucrative practice. The contemplated visit of Dr. W. A. Wis to Alaska to lnspct bis mining properties has been postponed owing to sickness of one of tb party. 1 TOBAY 1 . I. .if. 3 P. M. 1 i i 1 , 1 1 i ' AMATEUR Ul''A! C'1? A TT. IT Powers' . y . ' . , V - ' ; ,- tr "1"'" Blues : The Norffiwest T V A nTTP'.'.n'A in tr J - , 24th and Vaughn Admission 25c r I