The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 05, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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Attendance at Games Is Grow.
Beaver Batters . Can't Land on
Henley and Barely Miss Shut-,
Ing Each Week and Men Are
: Playing Better Ball.
f ": s Out as Result
-ZTi. ,i . r, ,. i in i, j .im tlM i, ,' I I, I),-, i- I, , .Hi' .i .i " 111 ' . ." 1 " "" '
! . ".!
, 7 " v , III
Locals Get Their Tally on Account of
I Mohlcr'g j'. Clumsluess:i-Scal YCtei
; Four of Theirs in First Tiro 'In-
I "i Rings. 'U.v j;H'
y : v.;v;t .,,,. .. Iv:1-:
' Jttraai Spaelat Service.) ' r-
.c San , Francisco. May 4. -"Silvers"
Henley got buck into his best form to-
day and the result was that the Beaver
" simply couldn't find Ulm or. anything
j effective. Ho held , the visitors Iron?
the north- down to two hits and ooe
run. This one lne tally would never
have sneaked Into the score book had
not . the usually reliable .Motile booted
a batted ball In the fourth Inning and
.... i onahled an Pager Beaver to go all the
way" around.;, from : first to the! place
where tbey "ting the bell. It was al-
riicmt Unpardonable, a the -attenuated
young twirling Seal wu really entitled
to a shut-out victory. - .-, '' . ,-
'There was no hesitancy -on the part of
Jfonler's men when the same opened.
They came with a rush and after the
second frame had slipped Into history
they had a, commanding lead of .four
tallies. " . 1 V
- Gum assisted In- the digging of his
own grave again in tne - sccona. w
slipped Spencer the fatal walk that be
gan th wake. Street placed a dinlcy
. single over short, - Spencer forthwith
stole ttlrd and he and Street took a
rid the -rest of the wsy on Henley's
j hard-hit ' bungle to right Mohlor then
; stepped In with his second two-bagger
and Henley .earn ver.r'?' -'; :'r- v
One more wag gathered In' the fourth
. and another in the fifth; Spencer was
s;ife on - William out between, second
- 'and third. He stole recond and regis,
tf red on Street's drive to the elub
"lieuse ' steps. .Mphler brought In the
Inst run in , the eighth inning, scoring
r Hlldrbrand. who had walked, with his
! third two-bagger for the day. , ,'.-,..
The score by innings: '
Portland ....... .0 001000001
Base hits. 4. ,..1 091000 09 J
Ean Francisco...,! 10 110 0 1 7
;.f Base hits.....,.! S H i 1 0 1 11
'. Summary Two-base, hits, Mohler I."
Sacrifice hit. , Murphy. First base on
. called balls, off flam 4; off Henley t.
Struck out, by Gum 1; by Henley 7. Hit
by pitcher. Shlnn, Mohler. Doubl plays.
Street to MoTUer. Wild pitches. Gum I,
Time, 2 hours. Umpire, . Ferrlne,-, ;'; .
- ; ! I III
7 I Iff
lrLZS20m '. y'tm n Bcrr .... 0-':,. a .. Iff
. .i",, f till . . , - u - ' - f If
i it; n,tm"c 'v. tryw i T-ff nv7wwrvx
v.'.i " m m m m . m 1 g iniiii ri t j . sat y . a . i . j
Iljundon, Pitcher of i'rnnkmaJtcra,
' Ileada th Batting Column f 01
April With 'Percentage of On
Thousand. .' ' .
c 1
"V-'""" v.''',. 'f :."''i ." ;-i"ur 'l;',,':'; v .5
Annual Exhibition of " Portland
Kennel Club Will Run From
May Fifteenth to Eighteenth'
, Itandolph ' Jlands Out Free Passes
With Lavish Hand. . ,
'. 1lv eWl 'peeW','Sarles.L::
Los Angeles, May 4. Los I Anceles
was affaln victorious over Van Haltren's
Greek band ' today. Randolph was on
the mound for the visitors and he was
as wild as the Proverbial March hara.
He was even worse than t ha flsmresjENTRY LIST TO CLOSE
nouja maicaie ana eigm out or every
ten men that faced him hadT'three balls
called on them before they went their
different ways;
, i The score: , ' l" r -
Los Angeles 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 (
; Hits .,.0 4 0 0 0 1 1 1 10
Oakland .........1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
. Hits M..,,..l 0 11 11 1 1 I 11
Was Pioneer in His Special De
partment In Oregon Goes
to Spectator. ' 1
Powers Blues and Northwests
Will Make Their Initial Bow
This Season."
Handicap Doubles at Multnomah
Club Are .Completed to the '
The Trl-Clty leaaua has been a faetoi
In baseball for two, months now ane
those who have been predicting; Its earli
death are sitting up and taking notlca
; The Hammer club got after the or
gan laution early, but thus far th
Knocks have ; only served to advsrtlM
the games. I .
Financially the league has be!
success. The attendance at each
has been better than at each preceding
Front a playing standpoint the a-amei
have not brtn as good or as closely con
tested as they will be later In the sea
son, - whan the . teams become . - condi
tioned. , wf; .'I . ,.
The leairus officials and the manacen
have all been working smoothly and li
perfect harmony and are strengthening
thrlr teams where necessary, all toward
one goal the general success Of or.
ganlsed baseball. ; ,
The officials of the lea rue are anenrt.
Ing their time and ' money personal!
for the success of . the orranlsatlon.
without any remuneration whatever,
which Is an excellent Indication of. thi
spirit of the promoters. .
Secretary -Smith has : compiled thi
batting averages of th players wh
have played In all championship games
It Is here presented: ' .
tting Averages fot April. ,
Compiled from offlclal score sheeta
i, ... ..... ,...,.., ... An . 0 n
rtarnaen, p.. Trunks.-;., j lot
C. Parrott, ef., Frakes. .. 12 4
Kelt, c. Brewers. 4 11
8hea,.e., Cubs. 7 14
R. Parrott, If., Frakes... a 4 I 1
Chas. Moors, p., St. Johps t 1 4
Kennedycf.. Cubs..,.,, 7 11
Ball, p.. Trunks l1 t
Turk, ss., Cubs til
0. Moore, c, St. Johns.... 0 0 I
Lavler, lb., Wood burn. ..111.4
Brown, rf., Trunks..... . 6 0 . 1 t .131
u. rseweu; e., Frakes... I
Mangold,, 2b., Frakes ,,,.15
Fay. u, Frakes
T. Myers, o.. Frakes. . ,. .in
Morrow, lb., Cubs 4. 7
Smltn, lb;, St. Johns 7
Porterfleld. lb., 8t Johns. 7
Emerlck. ss., Trunks
ledlnt -
Clark Moore, lb., 8t. Johns 4
Aoaro. rr., Bt. Johns
Semi-Flnal Round.'
Masnesa. If.. Cuba..
King, c, Brewers. . . . .
Robinson, p.. Brewers.
Jas. Hunt, rf Woodburn
John JL Horan, who has been sporting I
Disastrous, Six .Days for Talent ceSSoV: wES S
'-..-..--j . Johns.
at uaMuia tnas vvixn ueieax
The handicap ' doubles handball tour-l
of Five Favorites. s
This Year's . Exhibition Should Be
Best Yet k Given Fin Arrajr of
4 Prizes Are Offered Local Dogs to j f,atre of the paper,
;. - Be Feature. - -
New TCork
;At Mnt Tvns?$p';? ?
....0 00000000 0 1 , t
At the league grounds this afternoon
editor of The Journal for mors than four promptly at I o'clock the Powers Blues namest which benn at tha Multnomah
years pant, nas reaignea me pooiuon id ana me fiormweiu wui oegin m tussie eJuD several days SgO war completed
. -uii.i-. .turn. k.u .v to tha niml.flnd i mkii4 , I ai vaM
ol the strongest Independent ball teams ZT . .T Z.ZZ ":rr " J: T wni I UOt MAlMUIVAr' 19
In the northwest. , Buck Keith win offl- " . .
elate as nmnira. ' , . I are MoAlpin and Cleland. Banian and
The Northwests, who not long ago wesson, jones and Jionaaay and u.
took the i Invincible Kelso team Into Jones .and Moreland. , v
camD.- wiU enter the lists fortified at . MeAlpin and Cleland will play Baulan
editor of Oregon. The Journal's sport- every possible point and their game will snd Oleason, while Jones and Holladay
ing page has always had a large .num-1 be well worth watching. . The Bluesi wui go against v.- onep ana Moreiana.
ber of readers and has been a Valuable I have played but one game this year, on I Whichever two teams win the final
which occasion they completely out-1 rouna promises to oe a rea not contest,
classed the Camas, Washington, team. The detailed score of the tournament so
Their lineup Is familiar to every Port- r is as rouows: v
land fan who- haa followed tha record of Preliminary Round Moore and Hoi
the old Maroons. The last named team, brook (owe I), beat Bellinger and 8mith
strengthened with ' the best - of i the tscrawn j, ais, zi-ii. Baulan and Qlea
the Portland Spectator,
iiryr YlircrtAV MIUT n" Juurna, wa uie cm paper in
IMtAl lUtOUAY IMIUlil I Oregon to devote a special department
' ' ' 'f i t . I a atnii4 as . CT . TJ..a M ms Iras - !
,v siyvi id, uu Aaii iivt ss-xa itm vgf aj aft,
editor. He therefor' enjoys ths dis
tinction of being the pioneer sporting
Orlfnthy lb., Brewers. .-. 0
Huddlestoa. e., W'burn,.ll
vveicn. cr., woodburn.
McKay, cf., Woodburn.,, (
H. Newell, Jb., Frakes.... 6
A. Parrott, lb., Frakes... 14
Jno. Hunt, lb.,Wburn...ll
Coleman, 2b., Woodburn. ,11
3 r''.221
I l'.22J
Kelly on Escalante Hunts for' Pock
Van Riper, If , Brewers.
Ruoert. cf..' Fraka . . .
neiser, lo. Brewers.
U and Fhalang at Eight to One ffiftVm"tei:"-il
Until The Journal Inaugurated i this
department sporting news - was prac
tically ignored by the press of the city.
Its value and Interest have been demon
strated signally by the success of the
Take First Money Results
Other Races'. ": :Pv:c X:i '
natterta PMtorlus, Mclntjr and Untries will does May 7.
The annual bench show of the Fort-
land Kennel club.. Inc.. will open May I department under Mr. Horan's conduotN Tronkmakers of last year. Is the Powers n treo.' 8), beat Lombard and Kerrl
Blues of today. Th club's amateur an looraicn;, .,; MOAipm ana
16 and run to May 18 inclusive. The I
ftltter; Wilts, Matthewson and Bresna
V . : At CMaolnaatt. -
v. .. ... . . n ' J
fit. Louis , .,..".00 0 0 00 010 l" 4 1
Cincinnati . ....00010400 6 0 1
Batterles-i-Beebe and Marshall; Ew-
Sng and McLean. ;
4 . At Cliieftr I
1, Jj, TtL
.. Chicago . .,...,0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0
1'ittsburg . ....00400000 00 6 2
Batteries Lundgren and Kllng; Willis
and Gibson. - . '
t , At Boston. i
' Philadelphia-Boston, postponed on ac
count of rain.
. "f. At Detroit, p-f-:
Detroit ; .......000100001 10 0
Chicago . ......OOOOOOOAO 2 4 1
- Batteries Mullln and chmidt;
Walsh, Whit and Sullivan. -
At Rtllaaalphls...
New Tork . ... ..4 0119 0 0 0 00 10 0
Ihlladelphla V ..0 0000 0 0 00 0 I 1
- Batteries Orth, Keef e and Kleinow;
. rygert uWaddeU.. Vlckera, - Berry - and
Bchreck. - ' - . ,
' ' i At devaland.
. ' St , Louis-Cleveland game postponed;
cold weather. t , - '
This year's exhibition should be the
best one yet given, judging from th
One . ' array of silver cups . and other
prises that have been donated for the
various breeds by friends of the club
and from, the amount of Interest dis
played by' the local dog-owners. .- Th
local dogs will be a feature this year,
as many good ones are now owned In th
city, and these will be shown. Portland
has as many ' thoroughbred Specimens
of dogs as any city extant; In propor
tion to Its size. .
Th ehow, this year, will be judged
by George W. Clayton of Chicago, who
officiates at many of th middle west
ern and eastern fixtures annually; and
who Is considered a very good all-round
., ..- - Jtmy rOTClgB CogS,
' Spratts -Co., Ltd.,- will again bench
and feed th show and this Insures
cleanliness and also good car of the
dogs exhibited. There will be good
strings of dogs from British Columbia
and Washington and also from Califor
nia to compete for ' honors with th
local champions.
Last year th British Columbia faao-
lers were well represented snd Secre
tary : Fechhelmer haa been informed
that a number of them . will visit the
show and bring all their best dogs with
them. Seattle also has some 'fine dogs
and these will b on exhibition. ' San
Francisco held Its annual show last
week and ' benched nearly four hundred
dogs and while this is not quite as many
as two years ego, before th earthquake,
Corbett, Hudson Anns company, Jae
ger Bros., The Louvre, The Journal
Publishing Co., Gevurts & Sons. Ira F.
Powers, The Evening Telegram, K. 8.
Ervan A Co., Ltd., Geo, W. McMillan,
Frank B, Watklna, W. B. Feohhelmer,
H. M. Papst, The Portland Gas Co.. C
F. Adams, Frank Nau, Butterfleld Bros.,
Honeyman Hardware Co., M. L. Kline,
Wm.- . Friedlander, Mrs. J. N. Teal,
Knight 8bo Co., Woodward, Clarke A
Co., Max Flelschner, Hotel Portland.
Henry Kahn, ,M. A. Gunst ft Co., Rowe
ft Martin, M. J. Jones, M. C. Mace, Wal
tr B.. Honeyman, T. B.' Foster, L. M.
Starr, Ben. Gadsby, Ovarbeck, Starr A
cook. Geo. I Parker, Llebes A Co., Ras-
mussen ft Co., Will F. Llpman, C- A.
McCargar, Dan J. Moore, J. C. Alns-
worth, A. and C. Feldenhelmer, The
Spectator Pub. Co., W. CV Alvord. Meier
ft Frank Co., L. Thlbau. G. Heltkemper,
and several others. -
', The Different Classes.
These cups will be otstributed as fol
lows on the regular breeds
Best St Bernard, best Oreat Dan.
Best Borsoia. best greyhound, best fox
hound, best Chesapeake Bay, best
pointer dog. - best oolntar bitch.
beat nov4ccpointer, best pointer
puppy, nest pointer 1 owned in
Oregon, best English setter dog, beat
juingiiBU setter bitch, best English set
ter in ttoyloe class, best -English "set
ter in puppy class, best English set'
(soratch). beat McKensl ' and
. . . . . . i, . t . m ... I I
aianaing ana in xact inai man oi us i nviuuiii nw
'members ar also members of the Multr Holmes (receive g), -!!, 21-11. Wat-
nomah club give It access to th latter'siwns na aiorgan tscratcn), neat Ed
grounds for practice, a privilege of wards and Bawls, by default SUfe
which it has availed itself. The lineup: I n Goodwin (ro. 8), beat McMillan and
Powers Blues. , . . Northwests. an voornies tree. j, zi-a, 33-10,
Campbell ......... p-..,,..... Hlggins Jnes ana rioiiaday (pw . beat Pat-
Broock Schultx n(l Gearln (scratch), 11-4, 11-13.
Trowbrtdg :, Corner Jones and Moreland (scratch)," beat
McClellan 2b... i... Elchenlaub Qmmie and Livingston by default
Brown i, .8b........... Duvall - Second Round Baulan, and Gleason
Gray . ss. ....... . . . . . Sater D0l Moor and Hoibrook. 11-9, 19-31,
Hinkl ........ ...If.., Nordin - MCAipin and Cleland beat Wat
Stockton;,;i....... Prlc Wns , and Morgan. 21-11, 7-21, U-12.
Munaen ...........rf. French ?pm and Holladay f beat Stife and
uooawin, 31-12. zi-io. D. Jones and
Moreland beat Dunne and Healy, 21-1,
' (JoUrasl Special Berries.) -, . . .
San Francisco, May 4. Five " favorites
were beaten at Oakland today, wind
ing up a disastrous week for th fol
lowers of form. . Th Chltos handl
es p was the; feature, for which Llsaro
was mad a 11 to 6 choice. F. Kelly,
who rode the Baldwin horse did not
miss a pocket during the entlr jour
ney and Llsaro finished third. J. C.
Clem stole a-lead on the far turn and
won. cleverly ..from th 1 fast closing
Edwin Gum. ' '
. Th results:
First race, 5 1-J furlongs Phalanx
(Sandy)- to 1, won; Escalante (Gross)
7 to 10, second; Dollle Dollars (W. Kal-
1 ,
Van Northwlck.'lf.iTr'ks.ll -1
Twenty-flv others have not reached
160 yet and ther are some good men
among them. too. ,,
Marnden ZVeads pitchers.
Harnden of the Trunks leads v the
pitchers with 1.000. Kelt of th Brw
ers leads She catchers with .760 La
vler of Woodburn leads th first base
men with .lis. Mangold of the Frakes
leads the second basemen- with .131.
Turk of th Cubs leads th shortstops
with .176.. porterfleld of St Johns leads
the third basemen with .288. Rich Par
rott of the Frakes leads the. left field
ers with .B7L Charles Parrott of th
Frakes leads the center fielders with
.800. Brown of the Trunkmaker leads
th right fielders with a batting aver
age of ..IIS,-"--;-.;:; ',':;-.:;-i...,it: '
Trinity To"t7T. ": '
The Bralnard Cubs Is th only team
ly) IS to 1. third. Time, 1:07 2-6.
Second race, 4 1-3 furlongs (the Prim In th TrMMtv leavua which has not
handicap) Turna way (Roes) .4 to I, been obliged to Chang its ortglnal or-
Demand for Cars In jCalifornia
Far Greater .Than Supply
at Present.'
University Lads Excel In Base!
Running Eight Errors Scored
During Contest. -
won; Raleigh (Brown) 7 to 1, second;
College Widow (Gross) 6 to 3, third,
lme, :I4 3-6.
. Third race, I furlongs, selling Bu
colic " (Alarle) 7 to 1,. won; Royal
Rogu (Hunter) 7 to 6, seaond; Ban
Poaal (Sandy) I to I, third Time,
1:11 1-6. -
Fourth race, 1 mile (ths Chltose han
dicap) J. C. Clem (Ross) 6 to 1 won:
Edwin Gum (Hunter) II to 6, second;
Llsaro (F. Kelly) 11 to lr third. Tim.
ganltatlon. Manager Smith believes In
getting a good bunch together in the
first piece and then keeping them con- .
tlnually at work until the team becorp'
a perfectly adjusted : playing mtfchln.
Every gam tha Cubs o Into shows
them better And points to the fsct that
the pennant rare Is not run until the
last ball is pitched. 0 ' '
Manager Ranktn announces his" plsy
ers for the league team at Kelso: -Huff,
CarwelL McDonald, Barber, Heberden,
Members of th Portland Automobile!
club will go this morning for a run to
Salem. Th excursionists will meet at
1 crcioca ai'ina oaDii&i ua win a.i.i nia m.. 1.
mrwr nmm. .... jiiu.iwu I . - .. ( I" Lri . . . v.u..m . w amv .uueii.1.1
ter owned in Oregon, best Irlah setter dinner at one of the leading boieis. i Bue0a. Or.. May 4. Oregon" beat th
dog, beat Irish setter bitch; best or-1' Bennett . ttaa "Just rtund from Multnomah : baseball nine in a , rather
aon setter, best - Irish water spaniel, I business mp w can b ranciu. am slow game which was, however, exciting j
mbi diici uoricAr nini.i . k..t nn iiui ius :.uvui.uu iwj au,uniuw.. 1 a. nmAi. run Bf-nm vi.i tn 7
ki.i pmi... , ! 1 hi im rr rrMt InvCalif ornla I mv v.- . .
finP RRfiKPM WHII P mi r ;W-W. ;wol-- "Z
vvm . maiiT or tna vinneri tncra wi u m on ! . . j . . . -". " i.:. a., m r-'. i. . . -
ni flVIRir BCIrTDl I kiwti, ', Job , Bnitahi who r 1Mlt PM' ". Bren" " '"'""V " ' "I ,7 a case running ; being especially J
PLAYING BASKETBALL aXt'SS.t hJr"nM ln bt Th. W!?!!.; fi!Urr. Clark, shortstop for th -varsity.
vocwr apuniei 'puppy, oest Cocker span I runaowuis uiw bbmum, ! nuii-u ' i pgt up
irfi:t; r.-.i-. i it "--; I mggy.i huil Hawiv. Hvatt.
Bragg - (Keogh) 1. to 6, won; Doimda Thurston, Conrsd, Nelsort. Ora
(Lycirgus) I to 1, second; W.': B. Gates I r-- . '
(A. Williams) 16 to 1, third. Time,
1:46 4-6. ' .
. 8ixth race. . mile pan Fara (Ross)
It to 6, won; Bedford diunter) 11 to
10, second; Tavora (Sandy) .9 to 2,
third. . Time. 1:40.
Judged her last year, will bring up the
CSHfornia winners. ' '" , '
In a spirited basketball gam Friday j ' Among the new local dogs to be shown
evening between the hose-and hook and j will be J. Wesley Ladd's two pso-in-ladder
companies of Newberg on of the.j ning Red Cocker Spaniels, Red King and
Itaclns; Results at Jamaica.
Jamaica.. N. T., May 4. Results: '
- First race, 6 1-2 furlongs Aletheuo
Notter) f to 10, won; Royal Onyx
Releases of nlavers renortad 'thrntiah
Secretary Smith's office to date: Wood
burn Fred Welch, J. B. Fox. Frakes -Frank
Slavin nnd L. Brook. - Brewers1"
F. Griffith, H, Feltman, J. Falrburn- St
Johns Pellen. , f
8he league teams play away from :
home today as follows: Frakes at Wood
burn, Cubs at Kelso, Brewr-rs at Asto
ria, Trunkmakers at St Jphns '
Iiiayers, Clarence v Co, hvhad his nose
broken. : v.; ;-. ..i'l.i;;";'.;":--1, -: 1 V' .' ' ;;;
.. The gam was witnessed by an enthu
siastic audlenca. Th score was 11 to
In favor of the hose team. - The lineup
km as follows;. " . .
Jlos,..'.,.-;;;. rt-VC Hook. and Ladder.
Prnlth . ,, I .forward ... . . , . King
J-crguaon . . forward. .. .. .. Pa tterson
CI Ibert ' . : . . . , , .center. . ... ... . Bennet
P suldlng ,.i ..guard... . Nelson
McDonald i... .sguard.v., .
lTmplra, Prof easor Fi K. Jones.-
Referee, Pault Marls. i.--.-1: .. i-.y-v-':
l M'mtr.S VITAtlTt t cored nioasaoO
of raw ef kemiaa Debilltr and taaamnte.
'i ? -l.r tin brala, atrengtbea tfc circulation,
e dlifMUin, rrct ant) Irapirt a magmttr
I'n.rr to U wh) twins. Ml Sralof tad kwaes
i. rii BMmBntj. n.oo per' bo, boim.
ir8BH to ear or tvfoBd roonr. 41 Mailed
a.!rl. a,. trm, rerstaa Med. Co... ajs
tit., I'tllrtill. amd ia Poftlaad aajy
Ian. m va.
Red Queen, ; whos . pictures; appear
Above ; H. Jr, Lltt's Boston . Terrier,
Presto Boy: E, T; Chase's two new
Boston- Terriers, Ch. Sportsman, on- of
th greatest living Bostons, and Easton's
Belle 4. Ja. L. Kline and J. A. Beck also
have some new Bostons and this breed
will be very strongly represented.
All the Terrier breeds will be well rep
resented, while the sporting dogs, such
as Setters. Pointer and Spaniels, will
Coef have their usual full quota of entries.
Th Seattle show . will open Wednes
day and among the Portland dogs , that
will bobenched there will bJ, Wesley
Ladd's two Cocker Spaniels, Mr, Chttse's
two Boaton Terriers Snd "Blllle". Fech
heimer will also Show a pair of crack
ing good young Fox Terriers of his own
breeding. Messrs. ) Chas and Fech-
heimer will probably secure a number I lady and other mixed specials.
or entries for the Fortutmi show wnu
up north. : ::'-;.-i .y:? ,v
. Among th Portland 'friends . of the
Kennel club who have generously do-
naiea silver cups ss praxes Tor the com.
Ing loca show are Henry Berger. Jr.,
J. Wesley Ladd, Hamlltoa and Uarry
a arnr nmn hnth In li. rii
iel 'owned in Oreaon. baatmniiia Ana- I areatest number of any make ever de-an,t ...ha ht nthp -.r n...i
best eolU bitch, best collie (other than 111 vered by one firm ln California. tK i good. Multnomah's Infield was weak,
sable and white), best colJfe puppy, E. E. LyUo ; has Just ught 46- Rlnger, th catcher,; made a number of
vest cviuv oniin m ureaon. neat bull norsepoww norCT ww "-1 baa tnrowa. Beclc and Nnmin
dog, best; butt terrier dog, best bull chine from H. M. Covey for M00. It wt freely. .Clifford, who went Into
IC1 I 1D1 . UtavUa UCB L I1U11 TiimA nnnnw 1 ! T1WTT IU1 11UBUII1SA AJICaAjta S1W a II VI viv VhJk Kaw fAW flPSD'Ait lk la a. fc. a
J3DIU3B itrnw aog, Dest ijoston terrier I sold a is-norsepowev uio,io air "J's i The score: . r tt
v.v..u wwu wiiiw- in - no Vina ui aiuuit, ' ' ?. . v I I irptrnn : . . i s . a
Class, pea i tnjoiun terrier DUDDV. bast 1 TCStcraay lour maooinea wtr uv i Mnltnnma-
Boston terrier owned In Oregon, beat llvered by the Mitchell. Lewis A Staver j ,,. .. - .- .. ,. -
is v- iox terrier aog, Dest . c. fox ter-JCo. Mitchell tounng cars were ouugmi . .nv nl-hn
rler bitch, beat S. C. fox terrier novlco bv W. H. See of lrvingtonrJ.7. Hart I ADT CLUB MEMBERS
Class, nest iox terrier . iwire-nalred or I and William o. euess, ana a wivcueii
smooth-coated)' Owned in Oregon, best! runabout by Dr. J. B. Weatherbe. Two
wire-haired fox terrier, best Darh. j runabouts were sold, to b delivered
snunae, dmi wrnw, oest Aire. I later, to ur. nnorx or urun, mo i -m. iv... . ., . , . r-. -M
t.i. .Jr..W itNut.u I v.J n V l-fto ' I m www.v.wi uaum Annex Ol
bTtcVbesr Alre" Pro.ser !!J. S?"1"
Afra-lala tMt.. I v-..k. . lA.hnp,.nn I S1TV .v.Uu.i iinu uo may ii.
inrog;n ; best Toy" terrier, besTcy Forr.uto foTHwO from F. A. Bennett, 1?,? iLlL JTJl
spaniel, best miscellaneous cjass. J to b used in his rent servlc. v F. A.
Ther will also be a cup for the best I Bennett also sold Ford runabouts to Dr.
dog In- th show, beat dog owned by at Tama sle and to Mr. Miller of Dayton.
dy and other mixea specials. : , Dr. Hill . of Albany purchased a Meo
Intending exhibitors should bear In 1 runabout , -
mind that , th entries will positively I H. L. Keats has Just returned from
clou .Tuesday evening ' and should get Tacoma and Seattle. He sold Ave cars
their entries In not later than that n his trip. . ; - '
time, either : with the secretary of W. M. Phelps, representative of the
with Frank E. Watklns, 360 , Alder Pop Manufacturing company. Is In
(Low) 10 to 1. seoond; r Sir Toddlng- MAY SUTTON WM-L SAIL
ton (Preston) 1 to-1. third., Tim . T Ar-r-V.,rT. . e-L1:.. .
iu ucruiuntri H ILt
1:01 1-6,
Second, rac, 8 ' furlongs Sussex
(Preston) 9 to 3, won; Thomas Calhoun
(Musgrave) 1 to :. 1, second; Astoria
Bell (Beckman) 11 to 1, .third. Time,
1:04 1-6.
. Third race, 6 furlongs Frlsette (Gar.
ner) 6 to 2, won; Tartar Maid (Horner)
I to 1. second; Ella O'Neill (Martin)
1 to l, third. Time. 1:01 1-6.
' Fourth race, mile and sixteenth Dr.
Gardner (J. Martin) T to 10, won; Phil-
ander (Garner) 4 to 1, second; Okonlte
third. Tint,
Oonrnal Snaelil : . ' .
Philadelphia. May 4. May Sutton " '
sail noxt Friday to defend her tltl tp
tho Welsh tennlg' champlonshlp.Sjjron
last year, and to' seek the ioverTSlaw. -
th International trophy. Today h
won th flnalaiii th national inn
championship, :
fi ' ' '--r5 i&i'l i v. I ? 'Fifth rac. ;- 6 l-l' . fu
will b one of the events of the season.
Muslcwlll ; be furnished by Parsons'
orchestra. The patronesses ar Mes-
dames r George McMillan, A. J. Glesv.
F. G.' Buffum, Theodor Nieolai B. H.
McCraken. W. H. Chapln, Herbert Hol-
man and E. A. Brown. ' ' i.
furlongs Tokalon
(Booker) A to 1, won; Belle of Pvquest
(Mountain) 6 to 1. secona; Lady Anne
(J. Martin) ll to - 6, third. Time,
1:09 2-6. ' i "
r Sixth race, 6 ' furlongs-fOraculura
(Garner)-a. to 2 woni Don-Domo (Pres.
ton) 1 to 6, second; Gallant Dan (Not-
ter) 4 to I, third. Tiro, 1:16 l-S.
Cornell Beats Tale.':
1 fjooraai Soectal Sme.t ' '
New Haven, Majr 4. Cornell 1, Tal L 1 continued strong winds.
, Roat Race Postponed.
Annapolis, Md..' Ma 4. Th TaleAn-
napolis boat rac scheduled to be rowed
on Severn river this afternoon was post
poned until Monday on account of th
Entries Received
Do ow entries close evening
: of May 7.; Make entries,, with
- Trank H. Watklns, ISO Aider V
Open today 4 to 4 p. m.; Monday
and Tueaday avsnlngs, T to t,