The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 05, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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& SE ASrO'N:A BLE: ;.
- . - . ; . " ' " . 1 ii 11 1 1 111' . , - .... .; -'..'iV j4S'.
':. fwo brills Pounding Away . In
Living J Rock Underlying p
c 1 -H.'.: Arizona. PWni;'.' ?.;Vl-
The bright Spring days naturally remind us of housedeaning j time and , the desire for a. change the
ne,ed of something new to brighten the home to make it more attractive. Perhaps a new carpet or rug
new linoleum lace curtains and draperies or new furniture. . Or of some furniture piece that is in
need of repair, refinishing or a new covering. Our immense and complete spring stocks offer everything
for your choosing in. every department are suggestions that will satisfy your every want of the season.
Then we extend you the many conveniences of w our simple and pleasant credit-giving system it will
...:. perhaps help you select something' a little better than otherwise intended.
, 'it
i as.-.;--, 'h. ; '. y' ''
Region Prosperous ;. Now,. ' but . the
Water for domestic TJse and Lire
stock Is a rroblein Drlllf pn I
; Deschutes Segregation.
it hl
J Madras, Or. May 4. Two Dig iuua ,
"well-drllllng outfits are hammering
away flatly- In thla region In an effort to
pierce tbn thicJt, hard ahcll of volcanlo
r rock, granite and sandstone and to
p reach permanent sheet water and thus
v solve the water problem for the ranoh
'Jars of thla plateau region.' Should these
' efforts 'prove successful and the drill
Map an Inexhaustible supply of deep
. well water It would soon be goodbye to
; the water tank, which has thus far in
-'this country's history been a very prom
V-inent and Indispensable factor ' In everyt
h aaynrew . . .; v
e depth' at which water can be
m .1. . . .
f m-mra on iae plateaus remains xo ae
ti .remonstrated, as no such undertaking
nse yet oeen. successfully completed m
' fthls locality. - 30th of the drills now at
' worfc are at depths ranging between ISO
. . and 100 feet One of these is operating
, on opal prairie, about 10 miles south
t.west of Madras, and the other is sink
ing a well at the north end of this
'place.-- t- v'f r
v- , Flala Far Abo re the Blvera.
The beds of the living rivers, the'
. Crooked and the Deschutes, lie at least
, BU9 xeet dciow the surface or the piat-
eaus wnere tne anus are working ana
-'the streams flow between rugged rock-
! walled canyons. Whether water can be I
secured at a higher level than the beds
, vci invse rivers is a question mu u
(.drillers will answer aa the work pro-i
:' f seeds. ' .. .
, ' The' aubjeot of securing ' well water
"on Agency Plains presents an interest
Ing study..; The plain may be considered
.a a-large, flat solid rock comprising an
'area of over 100 souare miles. The soil
on the surface of this plateau rangea
from two to twenty feet In depth and
produces excellent crops of wheat and
other grains. ,
- ' ' '' Hnasle-ioadlng Walla.
Pi--HpaI1v ivan nunrtar BitntlAn com
f prises a homestead claim and supports
a rancher and his family. But the only
vwells on the Agency Plain are "muaile
loadlng" and all the water for house
hold uss and for watering livestock Is I
hauled a distance of two to ten,. miles; I
.with the exception of that caught in the
-cisterns during- the rain ' and snow
storms. -" The 'demonstration of the
.depth of permanent water in this solid I
rock means a great deal for the future!
nf 1a -Mo-tnit . r . ...
V Thewater condition described practio-1
any prevails an over this section, tne
ranchers all hattllhg water from the
faprlnga and wells where -water la found
?here and there, m lavoraDi ocatyme.
iDrilljf Going After Porw Pear" Water I
V , , on Pescnutes segregation. :
f ttDrtlal DliDitch to n JeitntU 1 V
Madras, Or.t May 4.-Moora Brothers
iOf thla place cava Just dosed ontract
With tha Deschutes Irrigation A Power !
company ana otner paruea m tne eo
mond datrlct for tha drilling of four
deep wells" on the segregation of the irri
gation company on the biff Crook -ooUnty
-desert TM contracts call yror wens
I00 feet deep and the price for-tfia four
, wells is 110,000. Moore Brothers have
purchased the big drill formerly owned !
',bv the D. I. ft P. Co. and will iee this
machlna on th work. They will go to;
.Redmond Monday to, commence opera
tions. " ." : '.jv.ri; -.)?' 4 n
One of the wens win oe oriuea at ins
Jledmond townsite. The others wll Te
' put down on he Haswell-Ouerlni ranch
and on the ,uavenpori-Banaey: ranan,
south of Redmond. Moore Brothers es
timate that four ' months wilt be ' ra-
. quired for the completion of their con-
'tract,.'.'--i i "J ' .:.K!''.:irrf
" While -f there , ; la plenty of ....watar.
throutrhoiit tha Redmond district ' sun-
ilied by the Irrigating canals, the watei1, !
after rowing across me not oescrr.xori
tt miles or more, te not palatable for I
drinking, and It is for a supply 'of oold.
cure water for drinking and household
use that the wells will be drilled. Thla
undertaking will be bt the nature of an
'experiment, as no deep well has aver
been completed ,on tna aeaert. t
1 apt liMTrD urrUT
luo 1 M 1 tn niun 1
rflnMlal rjlanatell to The Jnnrnal.)
Albany. Or.. May' 4.- A new" suit' In
" the circuit court is that of W. J. Turn-
tdara of Crabtree against Matilda Gar-
land and X A Craft for $500 damagea.
This Is a continuation of a fight that
hrs betfn dragging along for monthst
.among the residents of the Crabtree
..nMnn nf tha HanMa.m .JVlUntrv .
At 'flrst' the plaintiff. Turnldge, filed
"Jh tha affloe of th county clerk a petl-
1 tton asking for certain water rights on
Crabtree creek aad seeking to appropri
ate the exclusive right of the stream:
Residents In the vicinity of the stream
sifted for a restrainingorder and in
junction, asserting .that the appropria
tion would work great Injury to them
selves and tha land lying adjacent The
county Judge granted tha order. s
J. -; A.! Craft, the other defendant In
.the suif recently Instituted, appeared aa
jsuretr on tha. application for the order
ana consequently iB. niaaB a. pariy uo-
fendant in the latter suit for damages.
- Turnidge alleges : that tha stream at
"the time he flleaVhls application was
nbla and an open stream . for the
logs and other material and
-eourt'a - order-forced him to
transport great , Quantities of railroad
ties and other material that he had con
tracted to deliver to the railroad com
pany, by means tf teams and other
means entailing great expense. On this
Ills claim for damage is based. '
sizl ;
Ntrer befora haa tha demand for raga been to
great as this season. Our extsnsivs showing
offers Increased attractiveness of patterns and
colortaga---rarteffecta that are perfect repro
ductions of the genuine Orientals rich floral
designs conventional and scroll designs; plain
and small patient .'centers. .pVTf
Tha most popular alaes and In' tha most serv
iceable quality of tha, French and Bundhar
Wiltons, Axmlnsters, AngW Indian, Anglo
Persian. Body Brussels, Velvets and Tapestry
Brussels are now being displayed In pleasing
variety of patterns in our Carpet Department.
sixth floor.
1 1'
An attractlvo little pattern that we1 are of
ferlngtomorrow at thla unusual special price
haa reclining back, dependable' folding con
atruction and funning gear, wheels fitted with
rubber tires, seat, back and footboard, of ma-
Summer . daya wfll no
doubt suggest the useful
ness of one of these In the
bedroom. We have them
In many sixes, appropriate
ly covered In cretonnes,
dibits and ' Pmama . mat
tings; Spedal siies made
a,t reasonable prlces, .Dra-
pery Dept-Sixth floor
jipvC6mplete . Spring Showing of
i 1 "'
Lace Curtains, Portieres,
4 Wall and Window Hangings,
Window Nets and Swiss r
Thrtwgh the completenasa of our stock of Drapery and Uphol-
aterr Fabrlci. Handncra. etc- and our Increased and modern facili-
nTrW rf' h V ejtecut0 work In a prompt and iadafactory manner. Tha
-MFiiiijfSr - r; followinsr will nrobablv auirnat an ooDortunitv to renew the home
rl' lZL&- -era ' ;T-. ,.-,Vvs., , r-v
In Oriental stripes, fringed top and bottom, If A
per pair S3.T5 to., ,,7! 24i)U
in piajn colors of green, red, gold and brown, A A
per pair f 3.00 to. ,7. .ADeUU
In ilk effects, all colors, corded or fringed lO A A
per pair T.60 to.. ...................eplO.UU
Portieres specially made from tapestriesRepps. Veloura
and iilk figured, material, per pair from , AA
15.00 to..;.:.;.., ipiDeUU
White Swiss Curtains for sleeping rooms, per pair f 2.00
White or Arabian tint laces in Tock stitch edara finish-
choice novel patterns, per pair from 1.50 gQ
Imitation of real Arabians, heavily corded, per $7 C A
pair from f 3.00 to. .DU
Special make Clnny and Arabian laces per (M Q AA
pair from f2.25 to.....'..v....'..;,iT7T.. .JblOeUU
Imported Arabian tape laces-Her pair, f 5-00 ofi AA MiiBiorr .c,een,a-panet-each.........f4.l
io, vcf.vv i (joigjj ogi 3-ptnel, tapestry filled each... ...fl-S.
imponea vnrcaa Araoian1 lacaa per pair . iri nr nn
f 2 .oo to . . , ..... . . .i IZD.UU
Imported Irish point and Brnsselg laces per yf A A A
pair 3,75 to. v . . . ; .$4U.UU
LEATHER PORTIERES -Something novel and effec
tive for doorways In halls and dining rooma In aolld red
and 4green.
Full size 18-strand leather Portieres j gQ
Full sire 12-strand strap leather Portieres. ClO Afi
each fll.00 and... ........................ .PlaS.UU
Full site 16-etrand leatherJTortJeres m hesvy d cf A A
festoons per pair .................... iV.T, . . ,! 1 tftVW
COUCH COVERS Large variety of heavy Oriental
effects, ranging in price, from f 150 00
COUCH COVER SPECIAL Heavy full else Couch
Covers, regular f 5.00 values, on sale tomorrow tfJO 7C
only at the special each O
SILKOLINE- SCREENS rm tUUA. S : nanel leach ....... ....... . . .$1.50
Light oak, 3-panel, denim filled each........... $5.25
L Dark oak. 4-panel, burlap filled each. ,...fll.OO
neavy A-ion screen, --panei r
Dark oak, hand-decorated, 3-panel 115.00 ti.....f 35.00
. 4 V:- :.. !,
The . beat and mort serviceable qualities m
domestic and Imported Linoleums Inlaid and
printed designs plain ' coloring--carpet 'i ef
fects tile deaigne granite mottled effects
small conventional ; deaigne parquetry wood
effects the latter being perfect reproductions
of tha genuine Inlaid wood floors. Those who
contemplate renewing "their titchen, bath
room or dining room floor covering will be
well pleased In making selections from, our
stocksv Wa guarantee . all i workmanship In
tha laying of all floor coverings. Carpet De
partmentSixth floor. ' ;
y Furni
ture Polish
.Is a perfect furniture polish and preserver.
Any nigh-grade piece can be kept looking
practically aa good as new, indefinitely, by pol
ishing it with "Lustra.? w Also recommended
for cleaning oil paintings. Absolutely non
combustible. Manufactured', by a reliable
chemical concern.. T - f ,
Per bottle ready for application... ',..'..504
The following bargain Items for tomorrow only. An opportunity to add to your stock of kitchen utensils.
Egg Whips, special, each ... ......... .. . 3
Potato Mashers, special, each 5f)
Cake Turners, special, each , . .i . , . ... . .V. . Set
Meat Forks, special, each . . . ;V; . . i i7. . . . 5
Tea Handle Strainers, special, each .......... Sat
Bowl Strainers, special, each , . .... . . , . . . ... 5
"Dover" Egg Beaters, special, each ..........10
Coffee Handle Strainers, special, each ........ 10t
Extension Bowl Strainers, special, each ...7. .15?
Soap Savers, special, each . . . . . .. . .... ...... .20
Lemon Squeezers, special, each 50
Adjustable Pin
Curtain Stretchers
The cleaning of dainty lace curttlna necessi
tates great care. "Adjustable Pin", curtain
stretchers are made to fit any curtain, plain
or fancy. The only, satisfactory atretcher
made. With easel back, f3.25
$1,00 Down, $1.00 Wcelc
Liberal Exchanges Can
Be iviade Through Our :
-Exchange Department
Phone Exchange 34
Forest Grove Committee Goes to
Banks Missionarying,
With Great Results.
tne Time n
navfjabla 6
Jertlna of
nhat; thed
i. u.... .
It Is Now for the farmers Along the
Route to Make the Right-of-Way
Propoaitlon Easy4-What the New
'Road Bleans. , , ' rf
7 Baker City. Or., May 4.- TheV'7
churches comprising the, Grand Ronde
Baptist association, !11 meet May II
. with the Second Baptist church of this
elty. Rav, 8. Pulln, pastor, and will
" hold three days' sessions. The members
. vt 'the church are preparing toenter
: tain the dlea-ates. " Many ministers and
.ether prominent workers will be pres
'(Special Dispatch., to The carnal)
Forest Grove, Or., May .. -That Tor.
est 'Orova .nd Banks will soon be con
nected by an electric railway la now
nraetloally assured, for both these eltles
are now back of the movement, booatlna
for all they are worth. jThe only thin
left now la to aecure the right of way
from the farmers along the line, and
there la no-doubt at all that they will
aU. be glad to help, for the success of
the project would not only advanoe the
value f their property but would also
be of Inestimable value for the trans
portation of -milk to the Forest Qrovs I
condenser, and other farm product aa
Banks Veople XnUated,
The Cltlsens' ; Promotion committee,
eomnosed of Walter Hoge. chairman;
J. F. r Woods, ""secretary, And Committee
men A. O. Hoffman, Mayor Loughlln
and W. H "HoHli. together with 3. W.
Haines, president of the local transpor
tation company, went out to Banka yes
terday afternoon and held a very en
thusiastic meeting with the cltlsens of
that place, who appointed the following
committee to work with the rorest
Grove " organisation to secure right of
ways Dr. Boyer, chairman; George ' B.
McQraw. Mr. Wood, M. Turner and
Ralph Kenton. -t -
Banks has sprang up from nothing to
a thriving little borough within only a
year or so. , There are now three gen
eral merchandise establishments, grocery
stores, a blacksmith ohop and a cream
ery, and with the advent of the electric
llneTRanke promises to be quite a little
city. It ertarnlr1iaa 'the snaking ef a
town. 'with the rich dairying, hop and
timber country which surrounds it,
, IWatblnrtoo BnreiB of Tha Joomtl.)
i Washington. D. C, May 4. Horace
gtevena," assistant of Beeret Service
Agent Neubausen, Is here with Special
Agent Myndroff, eonfernngiwlth - the
government on land fraud matters. It
la not known exactly what phase of the
prosecution he came on, but It Is be
lieved It has to da with : the eomtng
trials Jn Oregon.
The long struggle between- the Litho
graphers' International Protective union
and the' Employing Lithographers' asso
ciation aeema to be on the verge 0f set
tlement ,.-'. ' , , :-,
Captain of President's Yacht Be-
- lieved to Have Laid Blame
on Engineer.
Rumored That Signal Was Bliaunder
stood,. Cauaing Collision With Tag
Which Nearly Resulted In Death
of Hrs, Roosevelt.
Washington. May . Mrs. Roosevelt
and a party , of lady friends, Including
Mrs.. Bacon,: wife jot Assistant Secre
tary of State Baoon were In m serious
accident yesterday artemoon. ana the
facts did not leak out: until , today,
when tna appearance at t tha white
House of Qaptain Roscoe C Bulmer, com
manding the ; Sylph, gave a tip that
produced the material facta Captain
Bulmer, la .understood to have gone to
the White House to make an explana
tion of the aoctdentwhlch may Involve
a courtmartial aa somebody waa J to
blame.' 7 ' , '. '.-
Tha facta are that Mrs. Roosevelt
gave a luncheon party on board the
Sylph to some of her frienda In honor
of Mra. Clifford . Richardson of New
York, her guest, .the party belnr a mer
ry one that boarded the teasel at IS
o'clock in the day. The vessel went
down the river and returned ? to the
navy yard about 1 o'olock in the after
noon. . ..,'&?A- ', - -
Orders KlSTUiderstood.
Through . some misunderstanding of
orders the. Vessel went down the river
past its dock and crashed Into a tug
boat. The crash .waa a severe one.
greatly damaging both vessels and mak
ing kindling wood out of the somewhat
noted racing launch, of the Sylph which
waa being' towed alongside the vessel
The crash waa so severe aa to cause the
flagpole of the Slyph. to come to the
decK with a crash. It narrowly musea
striking Mrs. Roosevelt and some of
the ladles of the party. ';' For a while
thwt ' was consternation aboard the
Sylph, the "Officers hsstening to ascer
tain tne racts and -takeearaer'xne
ladies, who at the time did not know
how eerloua the accident might? bave
been, ; The Sylph, however, was - not
crushed in any vital part and was
backed to its dock where the party die
embarked without further trouble.
From good authority It is stated that
the engineer . of the vessel misunder
stood an order to reverse his wheel as
one to go forward and It waa through
this misunderstanding that he sent the
vessel 'ahead and crashed Into the tug
boat.-... - . . :'-::
Bride for Corean Prince.
' 1 From Korea DailyVNews.
. Some forty-eight girls wera reviewed
at the palace with a view to tne se
lection of a bride for the young nine
Ynng Chin. -vf - V.;;
It is said, that the daughter of Min
Tung-gyu was chosen and that the em
peror made a present f 00 yea to each
of tha candidates.
(Baarat Nawa by Lonrett Leaaad Wire.)
Geneva, May 4. The accident to. the
railway tram on which iung Sdward
"was a passenger on his way to Franca,
it is asserted here by some of the
papers, waa caused by an attempt to
wreck the train. It was at first re
ported that the overheating of., an axle
had compelled the removal of a coach
from the royal train, , but 'it is now
stated that the pins and bolts holding
the grease box naa oeen deliberately
removed,' . - ' -. - .'
The publication of tha tact that an
attempt to wreck tha train bad been
made created a sensation. .
The mlshan occurred iuat aa tha train
waa about to enter tha Slmplon tunnaL
The train waa atopped and a coach waa
sidetracked because the axle was red-
hot. The axle would have fused had
the car remained In the train and the
cars would have been derailed. A thor
ough investigation nas bean ordered.
Every precaution, had been taken bv
the authorities to safeguard Kin s:a.
ward on hia Journey. A watch was kDt
on ui Buspeciea persona ana the railway
lines were guarded.: How any one wM
have found an opportunity to tamper
wuu tu uuaun im a mystery 1 the au
thorities would like to solve. 1
Albany Defeat Lebanon Athletic .
BpecUl Dlspiiicli . The Jonma!.) - '
Albany. Or., May 4. Albanv enilcce
and the Lebanon Athletio club met here
today, The game was the most inter
esting of, the Season and waa won by
the Albany players. 20 to 8. The Al
bany college team Is practicing faith
fully and the result of yesterday's game
demonstrated that they re. Improving
and -..are building up a strong Hm.
Games are scheduled with tha colleges
of the valley and -the supporters of the
orange and black hope to see the local
team win a majority of, the games.
: "V 'f - :; '''S-" ! 1 1 " J
(Bpeetal Dispatch ts The JooraI.)
Myrtle Creek, OrH May t. Though !
William Lady, father of tha 11-year-old
Mra. Delia -Lady Stevenson, who eloped
with and married Harry Stevenson and
afterward attempted to commit suicide
when her husband left town, .to escape
her irate father, has said he does not
desire to prosecute his son-in-law on a
perjury charge for falsely swearing to
the girl's age, H. H. Nichols, another
of Lady's sons-in-law, is pressing iho
prosecution and haa caused the arreot ;
of J. W. Russell the witness on wbone
affidavit the marriage license was fe-cured.-A
warrant for, the arreat of
Btevenson on a perjury charge has been
issued, but be hss not yet befn ar
rested. Russell appeared before Justi.-e
Long at Roseburg today and gave
for 1500 to guarantee his appearance
before the circuit court to answer to tli
charge. . J is:Vjy :: :; ,
I Pendleton, Or., May .The rne f t
Mrs. Mabel Young Warner, chars -1
In circuit court with forging a w 1 t
.nrtint to be that of 3. Tunnr
deceased, under which sh w
principal legatee, is bflmr nr
fore the Jury tonight it i -will
ne submitted at a !'
testimony In te c 1 1
tleally the aame ;
the former trial, : i