The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 05, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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mm i ivsoi 1 1 nim ni nil i ' iu liiniiL iiiliii
Visiting Nurses Association Will Act Upon Petition 'to 'County Grants Pass Citizens Go In for
Court to Erect Separate Building, According to Mod- : Everything From Paving
em Sanitary Plans.
Th Visiting Nurses association has
: undertaken task of unusual lmpor-
tance that.of securing for-Multn1
count a"W county bospltaL :
The ' neld, tor ft new hospital has
' been felt for many years and haa been
narticularlv emnhaslsed In the work
, of the visiting nurses. Only those who
- hare visited tha county farm' can re-
' alise fully the lnadeQuacy. or tne duh
1 Infra and equipment ' r'"
Slnee Dr. Geary haa been county phy.
ainian m. anlendld euraerv haa been In-
i stalled, but even with thla the hospital
cannot be made a place to which one
i would willingly eend poor sick pa
tent .The building are old and in-
I ceaaant watchfulnesa on tha part of the
attendants Is necessary to keep them
rIA f vermin. The balls and Btair-
wavs are narrow and should a fire
aver a-aln headway thera would be
rearful and inevitable losa of life, Aa
kerosene lamps are in use, the danger
of fire la always present. ' Tne sinas
In the building are of the old-fashioned
wooden variety which cannot, be kept
. In a sanitary condition. ,
. ' slew location Bfeedad.
All these defects will be remedied
if the present plans of the county
court are carried out. ; But even with
all the improvements, the buildings
will never meet the demand; nor can
they be made Into ft hospital of which
Multnomah can be proud. v;
What is needed is another location,
preferably on the east side within easy ;
, reacn of the city. The emergency
ward could then be maintained by the
city ana uie mistake of a combination
jail and hospital thus be avoided.
The following is the petition which
is oemg signed by the heaviest tax
payers in the county, and has been In
dorsed ; by the chamber of commerce,
the county medical association, the
federated trades council, as well as in
dividual unions, the Woman's dub, the
council or Jewish Women aa well as
many other charitable organisations;
"Whereas, , reoognlslng that the pres
ent facilities at our county hospital are
outgrown.' and believing that the time
has come when the humanitarian in
terests of our people can be served best
tnrouga an entirely new buUdlng with
to Parks; . , a
i i
'fats, Mils
PRICE UP-SET in Women'.
Macadam In Business District First,
Then to Meet County Roads, Then
in . Residence - District - Hdme
Beautifying Spirit Is High, i '
(special Dlapatca te The Jcmraal)
Grants Pass,. Or.,. May 4. A Special
election will be held Monday In this
city for the purpose of voUng on (he
modern equipment? and believing gi,wfropoelUon to ftuthorlse-the council to
that the county hospital should ' be
maintained separately from . the Hill
aide farm: be it therefore.
"Resolved, that we. cltlsens and tax
payers of Multnomah county, respect
fully petition the county court to take
such steps as may be necessary to eo-
oompllah the abov purpose." ;
The petition will be presented for
signatures at the annual meeting of
the association, which will be held Mon
day afternoon at -1:30 o'clock at Trinity
parish house. Father , Sherman, . who
Is making a tour of the coast, will
address the meeting. Mrs. Blanche
xiiumauer win speak or the coo Den
non worn or we association, while Dr.
nerc win outline a ccarse of taber
cular work.The meeting will be open
w am puouo.
Sale at Irvington, Track Lasts
Four Days Because of De
layed Consignments.
Good Quality of Animals Win Be
Scattered All Over the Northwest
as Result of Transfers Made in
Portland. ." , - .
Bardel, b. m., I by Aloone-Sard, J. J.
Laraen, Belllngham. Waah., IJ7B. s
Zona Belle, b. m., I, by Nocturno-Zef-
ne, J. J. lATsen, Belllngham, Washing
ton. tltO. - .,, , .it w.,,-,.,
- Kickshaws, ch. m., 4, : by" Keeler-
Chevron, H. E. Stemler, city, 1128. - f
Candellta. b. m.. . 4. by Kaalar-Kcha.
jaenry vnneia, Auce, Oregon, 1175.
Brown gelding, -untraced,, t, J. C
jainsnaw, ucMinnvuie, Or., JS0O. - -Bay
geldlna-. untraced. T. J. c Kin
shaw, McMlnnvUle, Oregon. 1S8. .
Brown mare, untraced. J. J. Laraen.
pciiiiiauum, wasmngton, 1 180.
i Bay gelding, by Lambert Bo, n.
Stranahao, Hood Kiver, Oregon, J00.
Sovran, b. a.. 2. by The Klna- Rut.
uousin, wimes Anderson, Victoria, B. (X,
. .... . , , r .
Hiaqua. b. tnM 4. by Keeler-NackUea.
M. IX Whtte, city, Hll.--
Aged : Man ' From Ontario Left
Penniless by Stranger He r
- Befriended. , 1
The horse sales at Irvlngton were
concluded yesterday afternoon and Man
agers G. A. Westgate ftnd M. D. Wis
dom complimented themselves Upon the
grand success of the affair. .The ani
mals were sold at prices that were satis
factory all round and stock of the fin
est blood will be scattered over the en
tire northwest,' One hundred and forty
head were disposed of to the highest
bidders during the sale. . i i ' V .'
he was very much pleased with the sale, trom Ontario, Oregon, to visit bis foster
which lasted four days instead of three, son. Morns White, in Los Angeles. He
because some of the stock was detained lost all the money be had by the opera
by the delayed arrival of a train. More tlons of the ' nimble-flngered - stranger
than SO per cent of the stock, he says, who sat by his side and ate from his
was eianaara-Drea, ana tne collection oil luncn nasicet, ana he was destitute hn
animals was therefore fully equal to, I the police of Portland found htm h.
Incur Indebtedness for . the' purpose of
purchasing 'a f ocjt crusher, steam road
roller and other equipment Tor street
work. ' A certainty is felt that the vote
will be strongly In favor of the measure
and that the counoll will at once pur
chaae the machinery. . It Js proposed
to macadamise this summer Sixth, F
and O streets,- the principal business
Streets, and next ' year to begin,- the
work of macadamising the streets that
lead to the seven county roads-' that
center here, then continuing the work
from year to' year as the funds of the
city will permit until all the residence
streets are also paved.
; This street improvement is In line
wlh. the general progress that Grants
Pass Is making for 1907. " A tract was
donated last fall to. the city by, the
First National bank of Grants Pass for
ft park ftnd this spring the city has ex
pended $1,000 in improving it This
work is under the direction of ft pro
fessional -landscape gardener, formerly
from Boston, and while none of the
natural beauties of the native forest
are being destroyed, the grounds are
being so improved as to make It one
of the handsomest parks in the state.
The Grass and flowers will be kept
fresh during the summer months by
a system of Irrigation that is being
installed. Water will be taken from
Rogue river by an electric power pump,
tne power being donated by pr. C. R.
Bay of the Condor Power , Water
company. . The park has a most at
tractive location on the south bank of
Rogue river Just above the Sixth street
bridge. A -dam some distance below
makes the river broad and still afford
ing ft delightful place for boating and
bathing. '';: .'.-;--.----";,-.. ,, .
This civic Improvement spirit Is also
being shown in the beautifying of the
homes of the city. - under the direc
tion of a landscape gardener many of
the yards have been changed from
mere -enclosure Into . grounds that
would do credit to a city home. More
shade . trees were planted last winter
along the streets than in any former
year and It la expected that more trees
than ever will be set along tha streets
in the coming winter. V -
III IT v J :, t -
III - 4 J ' '
III I ' -ntv
: I
i mm - 4 i r
i ... ? ' -
a t n i t i i e.
There are a good many hundreds of women who haven't made
the decision about the new Suit, Coat or Hat that is wanted.
Perhaps a good many have put' off the purchase hoping for
' L ' ' something to turn up."' . ' ' ' . .
It Has Turned Up at J. H. Acheson's
Monday Extra
Select your CoaV Suit,- Skirt or Waist from the largest stock
" on the coast
ues up
lmed Hats; val- w A (fF
ov sxkpxat nr ovb wnreoira
Robbed of his ticket and IS4.B0
the reward received by W.H. Landing,
84kyears old, for sharing his lunch with
a stranger on the train. f t
landing, who has an extremely pat
riarchal appearance, was on hia wav
A. L Beattie Is I Chosen Presi
dent of the State Asso
ciation, ,
Long, fitted and
loose Box Coats,
: vals. to $20,IM6nday
- On display in onr windows
SecOur Windows, every win
dow filled with Suit, Coat
and Hat Bargains
TTTTTaT' -To out-of-town . merchants.
lUll HI We are now prepsred to
1 1 v V1J furnish you with Costs.
Suits, Skirts, etc, at New , York prices. .
7 IV
Values up to $35.00
On display-in - our
windows Monday..,
. ,
if not better, than anything In the line
ever presented west of the Mississippi
river. :. . . - .
The. following sales were made yes-
terday: v. v...
. Bush Lark and Currency, h. m., 4, by
Keeler-Bush Chat, Lucre, J. A. Van
Ness, Wlnlock, Washington, 1425.
Brule Sioux, b. g. 4, by Aloone-Belle,
' M. SL Lee, city, 1500. ' .-.
. Alanianda and Nymph, b. to., 4, by Al
' cone-Othenna, Novice, K, Neal, Vernon,
K C. 1410.
Sweet Fernch, n 4, by Keeler-Fern.
H. E. Stemler, city. 1200.
- Rain Cloud, ch. m., 4, by Monterey
. Balndrop. Willi- -n . Schulmericb, Hills
i boro, Oregon, $200.
I Blanche, ch. tau, 4, by Bromal-Molly,
N. M. McDanleL city, $118.
, filLtln Rlrrt. h w . A h Slav RnKw.
; Bags, S. R. O'Neal, Vernon, B. C., 1280.
Bon Nox. b. g.. Alfonso-Ellen Belle.
; X ' A. Murchle, North Taklma, Wash
ington, $126. t
-aHo and Lore, brr'g.. by Alfonso, R. L.
At the afternoon , session yesterday
of the Oregon State Dental association
the following officers were chosen to
serve for. the ensuing year President.
Dr. A. L, Beattie. Oregon City; vice
president. Dr. W.' R. Allen, Independ
ence; secretary-treasurer, Dr. W. C
Widow of W. O. Puff Has Not Yet tM Vr9- w- C. Sherer, and Jack Tates
vi ruruua na ut. tumi oi juugena
Learned -of
Funeral , services ef tha i w
Puffer win be held Monday afternoon!
but the body will be held in th. r..i..
Ing -vault at Lone Fir cemetery until
Mrs. Puffer returns from Europe, -when
interment will occur. ; The funeral will
be held at J o'clock Monday afternoon
at the Scottish Rite cathedral. Morrison
and Lownsdale streets. -
vr. Clarence True WUson win deliver
Reports from the standlna- commit
tees were read. A number of sugges
tions were made looking to changes In
the constitution and by-laws of the
association, all of which will go over
to tne next annual meeting of the aa-
i soclatlon.
A vote of thanks was adopted, thank
ing the commercial club for the use of
Us .rooms. . , ,
Chickcring Superiority Has Been Admitted by the- Greatest Musical Authorities During LveryTbecadc
-, . Sixth Sketch
Art Contest
Only two more to follow! Then for the awarding of the splendid
prizes to the girls or boys who have shown the most skill in coloring
the comolete set of eight 'pictures. Just think what ffloriou Dleas-
nr a wait the ' fortunate recioient 'of the macnificnt Chickerinsr
Quarter, Grand Piano, which goes' to the winner of first Wise, at v
Just half regular price; and what; help the prize of s $100 Cer
tificate will be to the winner of second place toward the purchase of
a fine new high grade piano; and what a lot. of fun, enjoyment
and entertainment there will be for the winner of third, prize, . in',
the splendid $50 - Talking Machine, and to the winner of fourth
prize, who will also ' receive a Talking Machine, Valued at $25.,
Now, girls and boys, do yoor best- WeVe received some very finely '
colored sketches during the past week. Send yours in at onceJf
you like all ; that you . hare so far- done or . bring' them to pur -1
tore, when you've finished them all, not later than May 25. ' Be
sure to sign your name, address and age. ' ' ; r "
The Purchase of a Chickering Piano Means
Enduring Satisfaction BUY THE, BLST
Cherrr Finch, h. ni.. 4. hr ' .. vT" - rcises Will
Dan Burkhaltir. HUlr OrVinn Hi irX,"'." f In
Dinero, br. g by Alfonso-Lavlna, B.I
; B. O'Neal, Vernon. B. . C, 1530,
' Donax. t:2V4. ch. g., 5, by Alondra
3da Dolan, J. a Crane, city, 830.
Delia, br. m i, by Nocturno-Lady
Donnell. J. A. linger, city, $195.
Baryta, b. s., 2, by Burlon-Krone, N.
m. Aicuaniel. city, 1320. -
a noay: Columbia lods-. a v . a u
Soottish Rits iodg Mka and Knights of
b j . ..,, :i d .. . . .
" Mrs. Puffe1, Is tourinv
, whe"S!??i- ' nnown.
C 7 . r " sne, win be in
Paris lis a day or two. whim m
find a cablegram, announcing her hus
band's death. It will be at least three
week before she can reach Portland.
w rr5?Jrer1,rM member' of. the
flrni of Puffer, Burgard & Co. He died
SUddenlV lit lh CtnnA D.. I.
- uuuxtuto BOS-
VlfJ taorTl. f ot ro MMLPOJ
sonmg. after an illness at oni- . t.L
days. Ills condition had not been re
garded as serious, and his death cam as
a great shock to his friends.. -
pniiiHcinc TWQ
P. Schmltz, Whoso Relatives
Uve In Woodlawn, Killed .
atCathlamet, "
The House
of Highest Qsality
. j.
353 Washington St. Cor. of Park
Stores in Every Important Qty In the Pacific Northwest
Years ol Experience
At your command U you call on
When looking for relief from that
Troublesome Dead
cche or Eye Strain
Lenses duplicated while you wait
2 Bucceseor to the '
Crcnon & Porlknd
OjUccl Co.'s -
Lni grinding put on the prem-
I see. . ... .
173 rOtrKTX, T. M. C. A. BtDO.
Mr. and Mrs.. Oscar Brua left ' last
evening for Norway, to be gone about
six montns. nr. Brun has been chief
draftsman for the O. R. A N. company
for many years and this will be his first
vacation for some time. On their way
easi air. ana Mrs. jsrun wu yisit Mrs.
Brun's brother, Dr. Bodum, at Eau
uaire. ' wis. f-,..- ' ---'.-
' A. B. Wlnfree was admitted to practice
in the .United States circuit and dis
trict , courts v yesterday ,;, by -v. . Judge
wnaries is. woiverton, on a motion made
by Attorneys Charles jr. Schnabel and
Thomas O. Greene. " '
T. O'Malley. of. the firm ' ci , Dryer,
o aiauey Co., is rapidly improving in
health in the California desert near
Rosamond, according to Information re
ceived yesterday by - Deputy Sheriff
N. H. Bird In a letter from Mr. O'Mal
ley. ' The Portland commission merchant
went to California for his health about
tnrea months auo. when he found him.
self sufferlnr from stomach trauhl.
At Low Angeles he underwent an opera
tion and haa since been living at ROua- i
mond. He aald to Denutv Sheriff Bird
that he hoped soon to have entirely re-1
guinea aim oeaiin.
A telephone message telling of the
aeam or J. r. ncnmits in Armstrong's
logging camp at Cathlamet, Washing
ton. was received by the. coroner last
evening. - -t.-.- t. :::
- '8chmits, who was about Zf years old.
was killed by a log rolling over him.
death following quickly. The body was
put on ooara tne sieamer , Telegraph
and brought , to Portland. The men
with whom Schmlts worked understood
bis relatives live in- Woodlawn, but the
coroner nas n-een unable to communi
cate with them.. . :.-,-',"'.".-
IV - :Vj -Sy - V'-"
U The' Ume ?of "Chickertns; piano hr' ' CfJM i I
r universal. . In mn r.nt nr t,.cl' drs yt XSfjv JCi'rf
world this incompsrsble make is JVl Vfx it Tiv V
admired, prsised and honored., For sl All J - J
. more than eighty-four years the ' ill rt V I
Chickering has enjoyed a prestige,' f ? r ' I 1
enned, but never approached by I II . '. ' J Vr S
, vnii.1 jyg VUUVIIUU - II sr n ' m '
Chlckerinf o PUnos arg told . I L jC' f
throughout the Pacific Northwest it YJ&1 k
, onlyby-, - Stl'l
Lilcrs Piano House I
r mii
- (Special Otapatch W The TooraaLt : i
Seattle, May . 4. The nostoff lea r and
general store of T. C. Van Eaton at I
Eaton vllle, Pierce county, was burglar-1
irea : iat nnsjn, casn, securities and
jewelry amounting to $26,000 being
utxen itviu ut mm. it was mostly!
private prvyvrij. iai looters escaped.
Dr;W..AvWe; ;.
. Socosson to WISE EBOi, DENTISTS . I
PalnUss Extraction, 50c Platei, $5.00 and Up
Third and Washington Sts. Portland; Ore. -'
1 Main 2029 ' V i
day fm a ' JS!!" ...5 " ".7?U
to Tillamook county.
.."t?,l.r,,art.,who 'wrot. "Man wants but
little here below," has been a long time
dead. '
" Murray and Mack returned to Port.
land last night on their annual visit;
presenting a memy amusing rarce, en
titled "Around the Town." There was
a rery large andience at the Helllg to
Witness int penonnancB.
The piece Is described as navlng been
"constructed for laughing purposes
owy, ana an argument on mat point
ia very Improbable. . It Is a mixture of
music and fun ana run ana music. It
Rose City Creamery
the intention of the author to cause un
necesaary, mental enort to follow It,
..: Murray and Mack have surrounded
themselves - with a capable company
wuicii tnciuaes several jnaiviauai per-
. , . 591 THURMAN STREET. . V.
Phones Pacific States Main'9H3; Home A2113.
m srwsigwKgigTgxxgrrxr;rarrrrrrrrrrrrr;rrrrrrr;rrr:!J
pleasing is the chorus. It might not drilled choruses of , the -season and
take all the beauty, prises, but there I possesses the merit of diligence, '
are a number of pretty girls and goodl Murray and Mack themselves are as
former, of axceptlonal merit fispeclal ivolce lt li cirtalnlV on of tM bYst-lfunny! they. iV. UenToV VearV m
- '- v
uoa Drettcl canoes more indiges
tlon than any other food
f Baked under sanitarv!conditions. L i
. made of only select ingredients.
c 5'cents ' V- j;itM;i S Atall
. . .. oer loaf . , j iMir
grocers ..
that ts sufficient to have entertained
thousands. Thsy have a selection -xf
jokes, many new, which provide no end
of merriment . v . ... ,.: . i-
igatn..tonlght. -1 -was-played to a
S- 7h.el.h0lJ,.e r1" n W likely
do the same tonight. '