7 Tins - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 4, 1D07. 'P l l P l GOFFEV'S SUDDEfJ IlEl'J IIII1CT: AGAIN III GRIEF MID IS FID III IIElJIlf DACE 10 ..' T---'-:--- , HELPS 1'IMII 10 ciisciDES . V. '- . jV Vr . .' 0 ins North " Coast Survey "Through Wite Complains He Beat Her Packwood Pass to Connect i. With Tacomai & Eastern. ; - j While Drunk,' So He Lies li&H Jn Jail, w (Special Dlatcbto The Journal) Dr.' Samuel K. Johnson, ".who wai er- h Tacoma, Wash., Mar 4. surveying rested last winter for disorderty . con party, believed to be acting for the pro duct at his mother-in-law's home on rooters of the North Coast railroad, has the east aide, Is again In the tolls as run line from North Yakima west- the result of , his domestlo Infelicities, ward to the Cascade mountains. , The Johnson was arrested last ittg-ht by De mountains are crossed at, Packwood teotive HtlkJ In his rooms in the Motel pass, eljrht mllei sotfth of Cowlita pea. Sargent, on warrants charring him with The, line then swerves northward, pass- assault and battery and using profane In along the western base of the Ta-1 language. teosh group-of mountains to Bear Pral-1 wmnle E. Johnson, wife, of the prls- rle, two miles from Longmtre Springs. I oner. Is the complainant In both esses. From this spot tho road will And an She alleges her husband. assaulted her easy grade to the Niaqually river, down J yesterday afternoon " and indulged ' In , the south banlft of which stream ", the j vile and obscene language. , The young survey goes, to V'ark Junction, on the I medico was unable to furnish $160 cash Tacoma Eastern road. The route will I bally and was locked up In the city have a trade of less than IV, per cent prison, where be still remains. In crossing the mountains, and -the only Johnson and his wife were separated ' place demanding much engineering will for some time, but became reconciled be the cour. ry crossed after leaving end took up their abode In the Hotel Packwood pass on the western slope. Bar gent. Yesterday afternoon, while The Cowlits basin Is there . traversed under the Influence of liquor, Johnson and also the Muddy fork in reaching id to have thrown his wife on the the base of the Tatoosh group. The I ceo. cnokea ana oeai ner ana in nis party making this survey is now on- drunken f renty tore her clothes. The camped at Park Junction. lease was continued In the police court The first step . toward the construe- until next Wednesday, tion of . the railroad will be the build ing pf a wagon road from Park Juno- tion to Bear Prairie, . which - will be used aa a has, of operation In con etructing the road through the moun Accommodating Man Hid Pistol In Pocket Because Her Rec ticule Was Too Small. Joseph Packer has found that It does not say to be accommodating, Just --Xa to report " received it " the 'head quarters of the Republican city cen tral commute lead to the belief mat the vote will be even lighter than ex pected. In the outlying precincts of the east side the early vote - has peen very light, not a great number of the voters who work in the " down-town district having taken the time to go Candidate Was Active Member - of' the Citizens' Alliance Not Long Ago, That John B. Coffey, the labor candl- home to vote. It is believed, however. I data for . nomination for nuvor. u an becaTTse he contented to carry a re- that th Ute tote In , these precinct J active member of the Cltltens'. alliance tains. A. SEEK SUM miDjELDiiiir, TAILOR TOOK SUIT, BUT' - RETURNED IT NOT David Miller, V tailor, wanted in this city on a charge of larceny by bailee. preferred by Dr. Louis Buck, has been arrested oy tne Spokane authorities, and P. Maher of the district attorney's of ice will leave tonight to brina- back the prisoner. Maher started for Spo- aane last nignt witnout requisition pa pers as Miller had announced that he rrn a km. m aftamnnn tr.n. I would not fight extradition but evident ry Meldrum and George ; Sorenson.l'y changed his mind and Maher was wanted byJ the United States, had not ( c"nplled to return. to. thia.outo. m- been arrested, although tooth men, are I v"f" "wry uocumenis. . -renortBd to have been seen in Portland I It la alleged that Miller, who " con and Oregon City. jducted a. tailor shop on 'Sixth Street, United States Attorney Bristol stat- l0, r clothes, which, had ed H court yesterday, afternoon that I been given to him by Dr. Buck to clean. Sorenson had been seen in Portland Mill is . also accused of having pur- and it is understood that several other I cnaseo 1900 worth of cloth from D. B. persons have seen him. Mrs. " Soren-1 McBrlde ft Co., on credit and shipped the eon stated today that she does notl rood to' Spokane. ' No Information has know where her husband is and lson rued against him for this alleged greatly worried ' because : of his ab-1 oxiense. sence. -. She received a i Ulegram from Sorenson at Washington April 18, and another dated In Wyoming April 2. She was advised that . her husband would return to Portland by way. of San Francisco. ' ....',,. .Meldrum Is reported to" have been seen . yesterday at Oregon ' City, by a man who has known . him for years. volver belonging . to Mrs. - John John son of (26 Jefferson street owing to the woman's inability to get the weapon into her reticule. Packer was fined IS by Judge Cameron .or carrying con cealed weapons." i .5 . In tho police court this mornlnc Mrs Johnson testified that she : drove . to Portland ' from Mleaverton.' yesterday witn packer, and as is her custom placed the revolver on the seat along side hen c Upon" reaching this city she endeavored-to place the pistol In her purse but the handbag was too small ana sne asked Packer to put the re volver in his pocket ' Patrolman Mackey witnessed the transaction and promptly placed the man tinder arrest. Mrs.: Johnson is the wife of John Johnson, the barber "Who mysteriously disappeared several nights ago and is thought to. have committed suicide. CAROEH'S STRIKE WILL .JEAN FINANCIAL 10171 Loss of Money From Telephone Tie-up Mere Bagatelle Beside That Threatened. will be heavy. Up to a abort time ago is reiterated to- The . leading runner ln-he Balem Portland relay race passed New Era at 1:05 o'clock this afternoon. He waa a small brown Indian., It waa just seven mlnntee after he panted past that the young representative of the Portland 7, M. C. Av hove inlght v.-u'.'' -':''.' '":" . At the end of the first relay, Stt miles this aide , of Salem. Walter Halght Indian, was lust I minutes ahead of his white antagonist; at the second re lay post. Ban John,- Indian waa i minutes to trie good: Peter Seymour was S minute ahead at the third post: at the end of the fourth relay, Machall Wilson, Indian, sad gained 4 -minutes In the running. ..;-- '-- '- 'It is Interesting to note the change - Robert Brothers,. Indian, was ( mln In - Mr. Coffey' attitude in ; the past utea to the good at the fifth post, while year,"v eald one prominent member of Nick Macka, another Indian, was 7 Jnln- the alliance this motntng. fThe matter le, neM l tne sixxn reiay posu. waa called to my attention some time ago and at that time I took occasion to make sure that he had been a member of the alliance. I found that he had been one of the active members and that he had resigned not very long ago. "I am, not sure, but believe it waa - i " i unui xnti lima na mmii ma mm , rnr Full Set of Upper and Lower SSf5 " American Sailors Seize. Hon- rr ' I T. . T . It waa niuslng to I . j , ' Aala,J T..tk r...j u tl. ' ' im to ae mm we . cnammon or the I .uumn vniovif mhv miayi l nui kAuavieu in not . rW w. ... .. i. divided on that account and it is com mon belief that the vote given him will be materially decreased over what it otherwise would have been, . When the polla opened at noon there "Zr X IT was a scarcity of judges and clerks at - ; " ',; " many f, the precincts. These vacan- owunl ror vne aeniais o tne cies were filled from the bystanders fact which are being' spread over the according to law and the voting begun. 1 city. TEETH PULLED III fl'JO riUTES ARREST POLICE, , FOR BRUTALITY Time. L- Negro From States. The morning session today of the Oregon Stat Dental association was a highly Instructive one .for the mem bers. as four interesting clinics, dempn stratlng dental work, war held, beside the reading of the paper by Dr. James A.- Harper of Corvallls on "Amalgam rilling." . The ollnlo demonstrating the us or omnororm wa in charge or Dr. jack ' ROSSI SINGS SlYAH S0N6 JHEN XUTS OFF TONGUE Puerto Cortes, Ilonduraa, May 4. Be cause theyassaulted and probably fa i tally Injured an American negro named General Davis, tfa chief of police and suuad of his men from .this place have been placed under arrest and tak en aboard the American . gunboat Pa ducah. If Davis die the police will probably be courtmartlaled and hung C0UNCILMEN TO ., HIT H0RSEHIDE AftftT a OAnHlllrairlAn Kai-a-M v TW man stated today that he boarded Uanagera, the City councU and the office i. miZ n or tne county assessor announced the Aw. of the coacha. Later Meldrum got lineup of the team for their baseball , , ,,ltp," C T'i "a. v' .u "; i rt Saturday. Mayor Lane will Meldrum is wanted by ih-?vern- be-4he -umplr.- City Auditor-Devlln ment to jerve his sentence of three w, b9 th. offlcla, conr years at McNeil's island tor forging ap- Auditor Sam Lotan a- ntl ZJZ pllcatlona to government c.rf trrmnMmi.ix m t la tha oi-iaia I J. Clin extracted a full upper and low- of the carmen's trouble approaches the " " iwumwi fear is becoming swneral that the mnln J. from a yard-arm. While standing. -on the street talking ...... a a .... . ...... I . I - Kates, wno aamimsterea ui prepara- 1,1.1 rnmm ta Cnt.M. in U..l I to some companions. Davis, who la an tlon to a paralytio patient, while Dr. i v. i-p-ctor for Thacker Brother' steam Clohessy ( Syndicate Purchases v Stoller Property in South 4 - Portland. ' K . J . ' M. J, Clohessy and associate pua.'fY chased yesterday ti 1 80-acre ' tract 1 wuiuq aajoins ; ineir A.apnai Hill addi tion In South Portland. The oronrt belonged to : Stoller brother and waa sold for , 135,000. t- This last purchase gives to - the ' Clohessy syndicate 164 acres of desirable and sightly subur ban residence property on the wait aide. Th entire tract represent an Investment of $78,000. i . I S. Clark ha sold to O. O. Uiv the quarter-block at the northwest enr. , ner of Holladay : avenue and East Sixth , street for.tMOO. ; t ' Th Portland Railway eompanr has purchased from Ben Selling th quarter-block on the southwest corner of Savler and Twenty-fourth streets for 15.800. , This property, which is across Twenty-fourth street from th Savler -street car barns, 1 to be used br the company as th sit for the nrotMiaoi street railway - employer club-houa that will be built this summer. Archl- ' tect David C. Lewis 1 Drenarina- nlana - for the building, which it is estimated : will cost between $8,000 and' $10,000. ' . Jackson Hidden ha purchased from C C Shay a new bungalow in Bungalow Glade in th Hawthorn avenue dis trict Th consideration was ll.SOW. T Manner In Presence of Breakfast Guests." will vote to strike at the meeting celled for Sunday morning. Neither aide made any peace advance this morning and there 1 no intimation f a confer- once before the time set for th vote. With the telephone service paralysed, ship line, was threatened by a soldier, armed with a machette. , The negro took th weapon away from th sol dier and eateredj a nearby house. Soon the polio arrived and dragged Davl to the Cuartel, at th same Mm beating I "Finished Porcelain " Denture ' and Porcelain Inlays" were .demonstrated Wv war " w-a Tl . , oyvr. u- nKvy. . ' f lo.ra.1 SalM i. a. dark continued nis aemonstra- r I him to a nolo. tlona of "Moldable Porcelain." Th ,mmi,.a ima. , n-h,,.. Seeing that their orlsoner wa In a nare-iip operauon. cueauiira tor 1 learned todaw to hava ent hla n,a dying condition th polio too him In SHRINERS HAVE ROYAL TIME AT LOS ANGELES Hundred Thousand Dollars to Be Spent for Their En-" . tertainment i (Jooraal Special Swvice.1 .h.Ur.n ;"r"V-;Mr-' o'clock thl. morning, did not take place 'tSTZXu. 7 to' the street and feft hlm-noon th L.i" nK"'a" .75. will creat. anpr.deted 000" nfKS Z & 2 Z7To h. " tT.rT.c. e ttnoVbrttt waTt?.1b& from th. P.- W g ."1 i! 1." ..z.a a-rr r.". 't: .iinh tM w.ri.ii. i.n. .,.. '""" tf w m,. losses in all lines of business, but these losses will be a mere bagatelle compared with the tremendous - damage th car strike will entail. 6000 PRICES TAKEN ' UP BY. HORSE . Sorenson was to have been In court yoa- : terday to have sentence pronounced on him for conspiring to defraud the gov ernment out of public lands. H failed to appear and his bond was declared forfeited and a warrant Issued for his ' arrest. . J , PLAYS STAGE .HERO AHO IMBED 6UN GOES OFF Charles Edwards, ,polored Portet of Tacoma, Fatally wounds . . His Assistant ' , v Auditor Sam ' Lotan and Phiaf nnut mHV-ll: C,tT Jrr"urer Oscar P. Miller will be fSpedal Dispatch te Tb JoeraaL) . ' in Tacoma, Washv May. 4. rAfter wit .neaelng A. Conan Doyle's tragical play, , "The Sign of the Four," at a theatre, -Charles Edwards, a colored porter, In attempting to emulate the hero of the vpiay, last night shot Walter Broomfleld, his assistant Broomfleld will die. Edward did not know the gun was - loaded. Five colored men had met at a barber shop and were , discussing the . play. Ed wards and . Broomfleld became ; so enthusiastic that they began rehears- . ing ., aome of the ; mere - tragic scenes. The cartridges were taken out, of a re volver ana a certain, scene in wnicn me hero shoots the. heavy villain was acted by the twof with the other colored men for in audience, :-;;, K'i!j:kx:'r;.:. ' This revolver was then laid " on a shell J Later some one put the - car . trldges back into the revolver.' Th' ama teur make-believe stage,: hero and sun man did not see this done and a moment later,'.- seised - with the desire to a gal n ; demonstrate his v histrionic abllltyt grabbed the revolver, and thundering, "Now I have thee In my clutches," ad vanced oh Broomfleld. Broomfleld rushed forward to riv buttle.' iJdwarda , thought only to snap the revolver, but the weapon wa dis charged, the bullet going through Broomfleld' body in the region of the abdomen. Edwards waa arrested. Broomfleld asks that he b released. . - ' z his assistants, on the clt hall side. Tha aasessor.haa not named any scorers. On th assessor's team City Assessor Sigler will play left field. Hiram Weloh, vayuun ot Daiierv A. O. IO. O. will on. cupy th box. r Rowland will : ia ti.tt Funk will play first, North,' capUlii and manager, second; Maxwell chief denutv county assessor, third; Holbrook, short stop; Jones, center, and Pratt, right - On th Council team CniinMI,... nriti. will play first base and acta and manager. - Vaughn and Manafaa win do the pitching and Bennett will be th backstop. ' Sharker will nia base. Belding third and City Treasurer Werleln shortston. in tha Booths will play in left. Baker in cen ter and Preston In ria-ht. KaHaka. Rushlight will be substitutes. Council man Wallace has been appointed chief of police. Gray fir marshal and Dunning a treasurer. The money Mr. Dunning receive at th box office will he tnmm over to aom charitable society; EXAMINATION FOR -; WHEELMEN AT ASTORIA (WathlBstoa Boioaa er Tba Washington. May 4 The civil service rommunon announces tnat examlna. tlona will be held in Astoria Mav if for applicant for th position of wheel man in the' customs service there at 100 a montiv Examination will be in spelling, arithmetic, letter writing, pn manshlp, conversion of currency, geog rapny, practical question oonoernlna- Innnl H . m A . . ' , wiiuiiriuns. ana experi ence as wneeimen. . xne aee limit is 21 to 65 years at data of examination.' and applications may be made here or at tne custom souse there. . ; v Brook - Nook Conslemment Reaches,, Irvington From , Montana Farm. -3 RIS0N SENTENCE FOR ; EMBEZZLER SEWEL (Rovrial rMapatek" to Th ionrnal.t . -.' Pendleton, Ore., May 4. J. W. SewelL charged with embeszllng funds amount ing to 110,000 from the Potlatch Lumber company, was today sententenced to an Indeterminate -term In the penitentiary by Judge Bean. He pleaded guilty, plac ing Hie hope in a parole. He will be taken to the penitentiary at once. X DISCOVERY THAT. CITY OWNS : . FOUNTAIN SITE ON SEVENTH ' There was unabated interest in the horse ; sale at Irvington . track . which continued - today. There , was a large crowd in attendance this morning and everyone waa enthusiastic. Bidding was lively and good prices ; were re corded. Great Interest was manifested in th arrival of th Brook-Nook con signment from Montana. The follow Ing sales were reported yesterday: - - Nocturno, bik ., . s, by Alfonso-Dark Night, c. H. Brown, Oakland, Oregon, Luster. . g.,-4, by Alcone-Lella. 8. R. O'Neal,. Vernon, B. C, 1125. Sash, b. g.; by Montvtew-Belt, J. M. MuTchle. North Taklma, Washing ton. $74. ? . ; - . KllcklUt, b. na, 4, by Xeeler-Fre. D. A. Lovatt. city, 1175. Kinglet, b. g., 4, by Keeler-Chewlnk, W. Perdue, Spokane, 1300. ' . Sleep, b. m., 4. by - Mentview-Segno and Chippy, b. m., 4, by Mont view-Chat, B. O'Neal, Vernon, B. C $470. c Atabal, b., g., 4. by Keler-Attal, W. Perdue, city, 200. . ; i Charla, ch. m , 4, by Alfonso-Chit Chat, W. M. Ryan, city. 1140. . Bunting, br. nu. 8, by Vic Regent Bulbul. and Macaca, br. m., 4, by Alfonso-Macao, R. W. Neal, Vernon, B. C, itoo. . , - Ernesto, b. g., 4. by Alfonso-Embla, J. C. Paulsen, Seattle, Washington, S2S0. ' ,. Chip Chap, br. g 4. by Alfonso-Chlff Chaff, O.: Dammler, city, $250. Herb,- ch. g., by Star Ruby-Olnger, i J. A. Murchie, North Yakima, Washing ton, 80. - f - Merle, bik. m.,: 4. by Star- Ruby-Pee- wee, o. Smith, LaFayette, Oregon, 1260. . Javelin, b. gn' 4, by Montvlew-lnee, W. Perdue, Spokan, Washington, $280. Mlaja, b. m., 4, by Alfonso-Mlsy, 8. R. O'Neal, Vernon, H. C.. $240, Dr. Harper's paper on Fillings" and discussion . by Dr, 'Amalgam tVrlYtlZ .... Te T."""T" TL"; ducah and Marietta , landed and .rreat- " -.TTA .TIU I: " Dr. Mark LT:t;,.". : "T ed th Chief and hi men. 'Commander I"T" e..t .memnrr. Haylerof Dallas wound up th PilmwlwT Upn? ' American fore... refu.e " ETZStm enrii lonal work of th association. - ' SZ. Vh.TW..?S;"B.!i to recognis th civil authorities and H!U?'"" 'Jh . SncJ.L Th annual dinner by th association tha lat nota. ha ai.artanTv JT-rl M dealing exclusively with th 'dl- ""L a, glvn last night af th. Commercial lrMlUp '"roe. nnde, Wai Estrada I??1! t f" .iV" wa club, Th association mat ' again at ,2:20 this . afternoon - and la engaged In re ceiving the report of standing commit tee and in th election of officer to serve for the ensuing year. , Officers were elected tola afternoon as follows: President, Dr. A. L. Beatle, Oregon . City; vice-president. Dr. W. R. Allen. , Independence; secretary and treasurer. Dr. M. C Holbrook, Portland: executive committee, Dr. W. C- Sharer I of shears from his coat amputated his I tongue ana bled to death. SHERIDAN-WETTE ' RAILWAY INCORPORATES SWEARS SHE WASTHE FIANCEE OF NEGRO Etta Montgomery, a whit '.woman. testified before Judge Webster In th county court thi morning that ah waa Z ,h. 7 h . Vt.i Tor. mmmmA t rr.- b. iwt j. . for th Peaur of th visitors and tlona"." : i , ; Al Malaikah" tempi of Los Angeles. th host of the occasion, ha arranged a program for the entertainment of the visitor that will eclipse anything of the kind ever before prepared , for meeting of the imperial council. A sura of nearly $100,000 will be expended exeoutlv commute Dr. W. C-. 8herr p'.iij , , ' " - cu.lJ.-; Si have married him February 1 had h not SL:" "f VS- Rhrtners and Jack Tates of Portland and Dr. Har- TO BUlW .Line From Sheridan tO died. She sued Pratt tata to w- nt,..Lh 2!!"" ' Jr.?,'. engaged to marry Ben Pratt Jr., a negro porter at the Hotel Portland, and would nothing will be left nndon to - con tribute to their comfort and entertain- rls of Eugene. WILL KEEP HER DBE IMIU Point Near Willamina, Yam hill County. r -(8petal Dispatch te Tb Jooraal.) v Salem, Or.. May 4. Th Sheridan m Willamette Railroad company filed ar ticle or incorporation today with th secretary of sUte, It purpose is to maintain - and equip a railroad . from Sheridan to a point a mil and a" half north of Willamina. Yamhill conntv. Th Incorporator are C E. Fuller. O. aiio wuiuan . HHiuoa wm . wasn - ana became engaged to the negro, they An electrical parade, consisting of a score of illuminated float. - win be Mrs. - Crosby Wins Again Over Ik. Edward and Richard w. Monugu& . . Th capital stock is $20,000. Th main uar company, as. uanxenoein ImkIJ thric presented, and on th first odea. hi..? .?!.' i".;1. r? on ther will be in lln 10.000 Shriners to live after their marriage. She. said tl. " ira,".1' rately decorated will -close th .week of plans had Included a wedding Mrtp J '..Hvit ' . through the south to th bom of Pratt's . y' ' r "1 - parents at Newberry, South Carolina. -.,,,,,.,.-.,,,,,- ' IKYIlNli IU oHAKt DIFFERENTIAL E. W. Wright Will Report What Ho Accomplished by Trip v - to London. : , Defeats Question, Tha hypothetical Question ha arrived in the circuit court : lor Multnomah county, and in an encounter with Judge Oantenbeln it - was defeated. A new trial tarti damage cult in which th jury had awarded th plaintiff $2,000 . was sought by the Portland Railway com pany because th hypothetical question asked an expert witness at the trial had not included aome fact which th rail way' attorneys thought ought to be included, Judge Gantenbein passed on th re quest for a new trial this morning and refused to allow a- rehearing, holding that the hypothetical question was not sufficiently erratic to warrant it , The cas waa that of Bertha Croaby against the streetcar company. She asyed dam ages for injuries alleged to have been sustained by coming in contact with a live trolley wire that was sagging down nearly to th street level on Grand avenue. The Jury awarded her $2,006. It wa contended also . that this amount wa so excessive as to warrant Brule Sioux, b. g i, by Alcone-Belle, I tne JU"K n letting it aside and order- M. E. Lee. city. $100. , mg a new trial, but Judge Gantenbein Lieutenant, b. ' 4 bv AlconerLadv I said th verdict had been returned by a Blackwood, C. Bamford, Gresham, J Jury composed ; largely or expeuenced Oregon, 185." v .f& i. i k- .y n puwneea men oi intelligence and dls- Night Warbler, b.m., 4, by Alcone-1 cretion and he would not feel Justified Dark Night. B. W. Neal. Vernon. B. C 1 n eetting aside their decision: Attor tlt8A4-..t '..,. wt 1 ney . Henry E. . McGinn, : appearing-'for Cltlsen King, ch. g., 4, by Keeler-Cane-1 Mra Crosby, asked for a Judgment on mah, R. W. Neal, Vernon, B. C, $520. J the verdict, and it Was allowed. . Lotto, b. in., 4 by Vice Kegent-Lady parks, ' N. M. McjJaniel, city, $235. Glnglll, b. m., 4. by Aloone-Kreutser, UtLAr ON WIRE I office will be at Portland. GOVERNOR HUGHES SAYS " HE WILL FIGHT GRAFT ' (Joaraat Bpecial' Brrl(.l Elmyra, N. T.v May 4.- That thT re volt of th people of the United, Bute ia against dishonest f inane and favor ltiam and not against th extension of railways waa the expression of Gover nor Hughes when be spoke her last night in defense of his publlcutlUtiea diii now pending before the state legis lature. The governor made a strong ad- areas, in wnicn h declared , hi' plat form as that of honest , government and regulation by the state $f public service corporations. : During his speech th governor slap ped at Stat Superintendent of Inaur ance Kelsey, . upon whose removal the senate. nas just voted, saying that in nis investigation or tne insurance com pan! it wa shown that all the graft was unaer state control. Tho suit 1 being contested, the executor of Pratt's -estate denying that th whit woman ever gave th negro any of her money. '.V TESTIMONY IN CARDWELL SUIT IS BEFORE COURT w. TaaV.,w.a vv aap gent-Lady - , y - NO FINE FtiR ; Plover, ch., m., 4, by Montvlew-Ptpit, J. M. Murchie, : North Yakima, Wash' lngton, $200. ;.-' - Nigromance. b. Hi.. 4, by Vice Rgent Necromancy. J. M. Murchie, North- Yak ima, Washington. $76, Binira, b. m.. 4. bv Vice Regent-Myna, i; m. Muretiie. North, Yakima, wash ington. $115. When a tolexraDh comnanv ma not be sued for damage for , delay in de livering a message waa th basis of a decision by Presiding Judge Cleland In the : circuit court thi . morning. - Th .."P'A,': h. ZftV Jd passed upon the case of Edwin A porAon of the street at the inter section of Seventh-and Ankepy street Lis owned "by the city and the fact was not discovered until yesterday. The " discovery v was mad bya city officer, and wa reported to the executive board when the Humane society submitted Its proposals for the ,erectlon of fountains, The-part of V the streets named haoH never been dedicated for public use, end tne city retains It ownership. Inferring from the remark of Mayor Lane at the meeting the city should either hold the property or let the Hu mane society place a fountain on the site. If built the fountain will be oven a finer one than the. Thompson and Bkfdmore fountains. . It wilcoat. if the board has.lt orders fulfilled, at least TELLS OF STRANGER AND IS STRUCK WITH A BRICK If a well dressed, muscular looking fellow stops you on the street and in quire jreur name don't tell him. ? .: s. : , This Is the advice given by P. R, Fee, a uet at th Burnslde house, end he 1 qualified to apeak from experience. Ye.ttorday afternoon while walking along Third street a man approached rte and pleasantly lnfinlred "Is your nai Fee?" Without any thought of Impend ing trouble Fee replied In the affirmative-, whereupon the stranger hit him with a brick and knocked .him senseless to tfc pavement. '. . j -.--'. - Fee .1 Inclined to believe that his as J satlant . was on of his wife's friend hired to commit lb assault, - Myna, 8. R. O'Neal, Vernon, B. C.i $226, Fidelia, gr. m., by Nocturne-Filigree, wiuiam Frailer, city, $225 Lilt br. . 2, by Jim Hamilton-La- laiat, m. h. Williams,,-North Yakima, wasnington, $?25. Lost Bird, bik. s.. 2. by Alcone-Jenny uay, j, isaiaon, snverton. Oregon, 1596.: . G. Amme against the. Western Untonl Telegraph. Amme sued for damage zor tnenon-aeiivery of a message to a nrm in caiiiornia, alleging that bad the message been delivered promptly ne could nave oougnt an engine from them and resold it at a profit He asked Judgment from the company for uie amount : oi tne - prorit he did not BREAKERS OF POSTAL- . LAWS IN THE NET . Member of the federal grand Jury are believed to nave indicted several of fender for violation of th postal laws yesterday, but because Of the fact that they adjourned until Monday when they finished their work yesterday, no in dictment were returned into court thi morning. It la believed that Assistant United States Attorney James Cole will take up the Indictment against Kelley ana itaniuns, we two remaining mem bers of the postofflce gang to be in dicted. Monday. It is believed that the Indictment returned, found yesterday, were against persons who have not been arrested. VOTE ON LOCAL OPTION - QUESTION REQUESTED , Rip Van Winkle, ch. ., 2, by JubUe ,ake. rise ' .in niKLin..ifT w n a , w -w . timwm i . . . . - w w . v v. n , ui u n aa i ii n or a , a 'iaion neai rnt a ' anaaaa - 11.11. On.nn 7ft i .... ; I . w mo...!. ' t-iv. .: I rprarfllna a MlmnlAKl.1 ran...flr.n enwi, ir, ... t. dv i ne Kino- Kea-'i -.t... - . w. M,w.nv,. QlLmiUllllllO. I .h. Ann.M.nw , n . I n m 1 Stannel, b. h., 2, by Heeler-Chaffinch, i ..r- . ' ! ... am,K T . e-d..-.- , iiooa, iwv. m. . vvni4iij v uauiiui ,. "'"'" aij1-i word that would reveal it Import ance and that he could not, charge th lie, Oregon, 1305, Yaffle, b. a, 2, by Keeler-Eccle, - J. W. Brown, Aailid, Oregon, $215. ; ' TO ADDRESS SESSION 1 . , . , OF VISITING NURSES company , with damage for delay in delivering it, A . demurrer- to. Amme'a complaint was sustained and the suit dismissed, Judge Cleland denied motion for a new trial in the ault of W. O. Barrel against the Oregon Auto Despatch com' ir-v. oi...... k. a. ... "' . V " wiiiiiii s.11,1 uau iraou awaru 11u1cr . c1111u1.11, wuu ia visums in i i, in a. .ak.t i. !-. r .k. .... . - .. 1 CM ,.. , n.m.,v. . , VU4DVIUU III' w. .. -- " Will UB UI. I ni-tft.tna1 .na. Irae a th. annn.1 l ' or. mi viBiuna : nurici anani.tiAn t ," ( 4 . . . which meets tomorrow afternoon at so V i,Hlng tsawara at London. V . o'clock' at i- Trinity -parish. Nineteenth I - London, May 4. King Edward arrived and Evereit streets. . Mra -Blanche! her late thi afternoon. Th taking of testimony in the suit of Mr. Helen R. Card well against Mrs. Martha Dal ton over the possession of the Cardwell nronertv fn Aiders atraat. between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, I , Member of th river, harbor, and was; concluded in Judge Sears' .depart- navigation committee of th Portland ment of the state circuit court thi chamber of oommerc will meet Tuesday morning. Mrs. Cardwell brought th artarnoon at 4 o'clock, td receive a re sult as trustee of the Cardwell estate. Port from E. W. Wright,, who mad a Sh testified that th estate can leas 'rip to London to confer with th for th property, with a building for $500 Cln hlp owner' assoolation regarding a month, it was sold in 1270 for $1.000. 1 removal or tne airrerennai cnargea oy Mrs. Dalton. sister of the former owner1 them against th port Of Portland. Mr, of th property, ha lived ther for-S 7 Wright will submit a report of his years, and- contest the suit. aleglng work, and state the results that have tnat her brother gave her a life Interest accompnsnea. , . ; in the nroDertv. -Josenh BuchteL. anil The chamber's agent are seeking I. W. Balrd : were called as witnesses ultable quarter for their proposed pure this morning1. '' Argument will ba heard food laboratory to be established at by Judge Sears Monday. ' some north Pacific coast port by th 1 - government, .a numoer or proposition have been secured. The laboratory 1 to oe located oy Professor Wiley, chief of nDCAIf IID n A MP C ln our" tooa vlmion of the department uui.ni wi wnuwi. oi-agriculture, and will b maintained lor the purpose of inspection of food TTAiviiiima in varimia narta of tha .it prooucia ana raw v. material passing kept the police exceedingly buy last through - th custom houses. Senator. night A crowd of rough attempted f1 na appnea on Dcnair or port to stop a dance in Webber's hall atlnd tor the location of th laboratory ROWDIES TRY TO Fulton and became o boistrou that it wa neceary Tor Captain Slover to dispatch a. squad of patrolmen' under command of Sergeant Cole to the scene. The crowd of rowdies were dispersed and a patrolman was detailed to . pre vant further trouble, r-. : c ,v r . A small riot 'was started by member of the "Brooklyn gang1' at the merry' go-round "at East Sixth and Taylor street early last evening and the police were called upon to suppress tho dis turbance. - No arrest were , mad in either affair. , MARBLE-WORKERS. MAY BE ENJOINED Petitions requesting ' a 1 vote on th local liquor question were ' filed this morning with County Clerk Fields from the subdivision embracing precinct 41 and 4$, and from precinct 86 and SO. On th petition from precincts 41 and 43 there are $9 names: on that from I preoinct 25 there are 30 names, and on (Junction should not be granted against the petition from precinct 86 has 82 name. , , : ; . , . . Judge Charles XV Wolverton issued n order today in , tne cas ot j. li. Scott against the - Marble , Workers' union, local No. 26, of the International Association of Marble: Worker ordering the defendants to appear in court Jd on day -morning to show cause why an In here, and data asked for by th govern ment oniciai flaDeen gathered hre chamber of commerce. POS QUESTION- 7 ; VERY SUDDENLY Stranger Enters .Kitchen and Aska r Mtes Strip If She Will Be HORACE MARVIN'S BODY V DISCOVERED BY GIRL " Joarnal Special Servlee.) v , ,. Dover, DeL, May 4. The body Of Horace Marvin, in a fair state of preservation, . waa found on , hi father's farm this afternoon 'by Olive Pleasanton.' . . . , ; them for trying to keep, Scott from ply ing hi trade In Portland, a Scott al leged in his complaint Scott, alleged that h : bad been the object of the union' wrath since his arrivat'ln Port land and that tba local union had re- Beck. Th thug,, fearing capture, tdheuj fused to recognise him in bis proper ra-4-to--nis heels. A-delivery o4erk arrived about this time and notified Mounted Patrolman iveiier. jmo ciu to th identitv of tin lation with th union. ; Scott filed his complaint several week ago, HUGHES' COUNSEL KILLS HIMSELF ON STEAMER Btumauer and Dr. B. A. Plerca Kin .t.n address the meeting. The public te la- gua to alien a. , - -- - . (Joamti SbmUT Ranlra New York, May 4. Ernest Huff cuff- said to have been Governor lughes' i private, counsel, committed aultfde on I the steamer Morse en route to thla citv i The Medford carpenters' union ha 21 1 today. Huffcuff shot himself. He wa mambera - -.- , Cea of Cornell L4 school. MUST FILL GULCH OR LOSE HIS FRANCHISE ' Unless ex-Congressman Lafe Pence of Colorado makes a flu he agreed to do under a contract entered into Jt'th the park board, '. that contract wllsl be. re voked by the board May 15. Mr, Pence, who own practically all of the, Lewia and Clark fair site, wa granted permis sion to make Improvement and build dam near Balch' creek,, bqt he. has not done the work required, according to reports received by the board. Re-: Sofia Stripe, a domestlo employed bv 8. Beck of 84North, Seventeenth street, had a strenuous experience yesterday afternoon with an amorous stranger. The young woman -while at work in the kitchen was startled by the sudden ' entrance of a, fairly well-dressed man. who, without any preliminaries, a eked her Jo become his wife. The fellow en- . deavored to persuade the alrl to accom pany him toanother part of the house, but was unsuccessful. As she was alone in the dwelling at th time. Mis Strip determined to us strateg-y and loudly , called foXMr. fellow haa been discovered by the police. COMPLAINT ON TRAIN LIGHTS IS REFERRED pelal trtrpateh : te' The Joornal.) . i Salem, Or.; - May 4. Comm..innr " W. T. , Campbell of the state railway commission received . word today from th Southern Pacific Officials that the matter of providing' a -better .v.tam ' ot lighting cars on the Cot tare. Grove iocbj wouia oe turned over to the oper ating department for fta' attaritn Th. vocation Of the franchise is threatened lighting on Ihla train h,. inn-K... unless be performs hi part of the oon-j th subject of complaint on tba cart Uact. , , - . ' . , Jof.lt patron , .