THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. ; MAY '4, .1507. ;,TOTynplcsij f, . -, V i.TOTK FOl Vfl TODAY. ' W have dun cver-thliia tor till eltr IkihI- Die to M aone to mint it immaculately ciuan I' clean. J i . awilivHrintiftil-loTal-. 1 . W hare reformed' --? tiling In ight and' out of It. We are the people,, and on Monday we'll launder our linen at thee reformed price, therefor maka this to official laundnr of ,Uu. earth,,,,..,,.... ;). w, f--,.v "'.-"' ttAvmi . . flheete ' . ......... Preaaaa . . , ., . 10a niiD . . ........ ausDKiri .... Rpraada ,.6 taWaieta ............. 8 Tablecloths......... .fl loCoraat Of era...... St Hullara ,,4TV....i Cbfnla ........ M Towela ', it Drawer U Nankin ..... .eNlgutdr ...... Handkerentof ..... 1 Wrapper ,...101 Haodkarcblefa. eilk. SeApron ...H .w. . ' . . ' ..... . .1 Mil irriiiww oiit ne omce or tut Butte uoys Mining i 8tlB(1 a,.,,.....,., aoCbiid-s Pieces...... " BOX U.0MXD, - . v - ' IXTKM. Arahlrt Ul Blanket. . WOOL : Nightshirts 0 pair ...... .......We tTul.rahlFa . - ... AnRlankata. cotton.. Drawer .. Be pair ........... .JM Dock SoQullt M A. i.uAtoaA th Town" gaet .....'Th Dictator" Empire i.,,.................',Bwar of Men' Vaide-lll "Sealed Llpa" .....................'Tor Mother's Bake'. 1 DESERTING TOll BECAUSE- OF FfRE Inhabitants of Lead, S. D., Leav- ; Ing Because " Great . Mine Cannot Be Worked, A PROBABLY IDLE FOR THREE LONG YEARS Dakota Bank Cashier Moves to Ore Con and Settle at Woodburn, Be lievlng ";. That Willamette i Yaliejr Town Is Just About Right. . Threatened with desertion by all theif customers, the business men of Lead, South Dakota, . ..are confronting- .- the financial problem of their Uvea, Ow- lnr to a disaster that menaces the great Homestalce mine with destruction, Its 1,600 workmen are leavlnr tbs place, a,nd Lead ... is ,. rapidly v becoming , do or .ne men ; are vuuijinny, bq nasi Mornso.i street, wui Ta ' 1 . ...ui. I . Those , unable to jtt away - from their emplorment durlrir today or this even int.. to take advantage Of the company's hV'".T . s ' lO-cent-per-ahare rati- ss on Monday X - " luereaiier L lOO' pni;t wui u u- i union ............ . . ....... 4..r4 K I Ladle eata.,...i So "u, ...uu, " i rhiM. : a f t . ;, . inv ihar.. i.e.. T7..iiint uni'nrifi. I . .... , . M . " " ,,. . . . No ablrta, collar. urr. rem, vrmin v and Manager Bever will . depart Xo I tamper don la toil departsrant . Ke buadl uuiaiieia on Jdonaay - to , esiaousn a w u wc. . -raaollne, hnlat tn take the olace of the I . TTHTOar IaAVWDMT CO, hand hoist heretofore In use. This will I Swwd nd CoinmM t. Telephone Mala 80S. xpedlt - development, and enable the management to hurrv the Butte Boys I .. . .. t.te. ni.n. " mi nnintt at I . - w " i t- vuv aai i , y rw , . ar " " ' - i iw ' profitable column. ;. Sales of Uhe White Temple "wUl bo ably supplied! ouui tioys anarea nave oeen tneiwhii. k. a ancii annonnctv. i ;l3"tt ever, known In Oregon, more Iment concerning arrangements for mu- ; !i . . w'uuw naving oeen aisposea ot inigia this summer wlU be made. Bunaay : tnree days. Ana now, at we morning. : h' ::SJ - I ''a '" viu.u pt mm aotive campaign i siocai .. y-. v ' v eiiing at 10 cents per shars, the com-1 . yree' admission to ' the ' Museum of pany aesires to assure all owners or, its I Art at - Fifth, and Taylor streets , will Bapet that time will show svery buyer be granted tonight from t ,'to 10 o'clock at absolute hnnaatv and carefulness I an (nnitniw .ft.rnnnn fVnm 1 until ..III i. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . I .nn.ll.t.4 ,t in T ii n mimin... iiiuir. ui i : n'j nnv v . nni mtuiti or Tin ini mir. vwv.iivw wm,t we enterprise, and that ths very best will be bung In the. lower gallery, coming to urcgon, otners ars neaaea efforts of ths management will bs putlamona them works of Rollo Peters, '' Alaska and other ? parts of the forth to make ths greatest oroflt pos- I William' KJeth. Oeoraa Da Forest Brush I Faclflo coast . v , slbls for those who have purchased Its and John Ennekinar. . -'.'v; ,, I March a Bweda who was earing fot gtocav- it-: ... ..... v . ... . - - --'- n f . I mules ' on the. (00-foot leveL aooident .1- i,'' ' . ,i- Gentlemen We. carry - lrr stock the ay aicaea over a lamp ana set ur to rfie Portland chamber of commerce best and most popular Unas of Sua- some hay. The flamaai - wraa wun has been advised, throue-h a latter to pensorr bandages In the market Every !uch. fPid!ty that when the excited . " i . . . . . . . ihvm. iimmAfi! hain the nr. na. in warren fackinc. comoanv. tbat a man, xor pereonai ramron uiu iiruioc ------ ---- - - - it fn. . -i -"!:.. V. v. tio -h..M ... nr.. .nri w. ara nrattv yond control with the meagre equip- by clients of Dormaa. Huxford k Co, sure that we canlult you both In style fha,nd to!ihJn, ?n irln. Boston brokers and I commission meV: and price. , CaU and se-us about It LB! TnfoWmin. chant It is said the Dackers wani-td Bernl's drug store, lit ' Washington, lon L" la!e.I.,n .T?. m,-?f . . . . ' I . ....').' i wnrf, fax wnrr ann n v nrnmni sacrLiiin vmrnoiifliv m rannfrv with ponoiitv i near eecona - :, : . - ., i : . ------- hflpriftil sin4 nthaata . M,lf sBaaha. tary B. C.' Glltner. of tha chamber. aur.I the chamber of commerce on May I forlv V" onT IWffni wltn Tire. geata tbat Oregon cltlea havina nead for I the purpose of organising a state, tsso f - Then began a battle against the such Industries should write to Dor. I elation to affiliate with the American I flamea that has continued to the pres. man, Huxford A Co., Boston, Mass. . j NaUonal Retail Jewelers' association. lent day witnout any prospects or vio- 7. i, m,. . , itaiiroaaa Jiavs grantsa special rate to wry. a oium ui sruunu noaur miw At tha meetlnar of th i-v hnrd . Portland and It Is expected there will be mUes square has been catacombed to a terday the contract for the erection of JW attendance. .y niihiio i .vi ... 1 . . . . " , ported by pitch pine timbers, and the was awarded to J G Baver A Co Thai Rev. ' O.' Ifc 'Perlne ' will speak on I fire la eaUng away Into this hive of bid was for l,07. Ruedy Broa bid "Prophecies and Socialism" at' All sky J mnammawe material. xne utmost -nm .M ii.h.rf n.ii ..!hJi toniB-ht at 8 o'clock. To be foUlcrecy Is maintained by the mine man for conveniences ,n Columbia! Holladay lowed by questions and-general discus- agement as to the progress of the Xlre, and" Albina parks were ordered adver- on. Sunday falght. May It, Mra MUlle with a view to protecting as far as pos tlsed for! Bids Tforthe same con vwll R. Trumbell wlU speak on -Work for Me the stock quotations of the Home- ences In the north psrk Blocks, ths socialist Mowers.", mere wui do gooa i DU" l. 'v:.-.. ' i.s vuw vr uvif suww ' mm - 4iwvmm rr playground of the. children, will beDl-. . ; f asked for also . -U' - r ; ,, ' ?";;i;;;A-:..v:-i1-, I E. B. Hobeck pleaded guilty to the Through the" efforts of Rev. Father charge of larceny and wa sentenced Gregory, chairman of the committee " 2a?" th cou.nty by appointed for the purpose by the Brook- "',0 u.v..uj ' lvn .nrf Tmnrnv .m.nt ol h I Sf ternOOfi. 1 IlObSCk WSS ' SCCUSSd ' Of the O. R. St N. has promised to clear tne brush orr the 11 acres or land, on Milwaukle street In Brooklyn, owned by that corporation. General Manager J. P. O'Brien promised Father Gregory the work would begin at one. ; with water as fast as It can be poured into the maw of the immense excava tion. Thus far It has had no material effect, and It is believed the whole mine Is doomed. Should the entire works Inside the mine be destroyed. .t..iir. . M w.toh. AiAmnnA rin- and the necessity arise for retlmberlng and Surveyors' implements on the night U, s mining Operatlong could not be re of February j. : - J aumed until the expiration of two or ' . a .1 ... I lurefi year. . i ),m.i R.' BrodU at (7nrva.ui write I r The burning out of all the timbered that he Is In possession of two very chambers would require many months, rare English coins. Both are of the nd u tak lon tlma for this time of George IL One Is a two-1 mine to cool ao inai removal 01 Dr. X. D. Driver will preach at the 11 "lnm I-C6 da"twl ln 17J$ ari(, the other debris could proceed. Then the work LBrooklyn much annoyance. Sparke fly a. m. service tomorrow at Grace Methj- f. . ,.na. nn, .r. 4 of retlmberlnr would require a yeav, odlst Episcopal church. All the old-time ,tt or preservsUon and Mr All the fine hoisting machinery would residents of Portland sre expected to be Brodle la certain they are rare. . have to be replaced. It Is -said the present Dr. Ervin 8. Chapman of Los BV'. wr .'M''f' !1'' v Homestake'a engines and machinery Angeles, president of the California officers of the' Portland Women's comprise the finest and most scientific Anti-Saloon league, , wUl preach the union to serve during the ensuing year mining equipment In the world. The evening- sermon at Grace church. Dr. wiu ba elected at a meeting to be held Homestead operated about 1.000 itampi Chapman Is one of the most eloquent Monday afternoon at 2:80 at 610 Flan- It was started about 1870, and is the An effort will be made to place all the churches (n the Portland presbytery on a self-supporting basis. A commit tee, com posed of all the Presbyterian ministers and an elder from each churoh in the presbytery, will meet May 9 and endeavor to perfect the plans discussed at the spring meeting of the presbytery looking to this end, . Only One Nan Out of 20 05 per cent of .-all ' men -over : years of age are dependent upon theifdally earnings or their children, for support Which class are you going' to belong to7 Wsy not be independent? ' ' Why not start by opening an account with us . today, then you will be sure tO Save. '-oC:;V VV' if. INTEREST . ON SAV1NCS ACCOUNTS PAY 3 ON CHECK ACCOUNTS . f'- , omczui ' . JT. THORBURN ROSS...'...VsPresldent GEORGE H. HILL. Vice-President T. T. BURKHART. ......... .Treasurer JNa B. AITCHISON.'. . . . . . .Secretary Banking hours,,! a. m. to 4 p. m. ' Saturdays, a. m. to 1 p. m. Saturday evenings, S to 8 o'clock. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. r . ....... ' .. 840-444 Washington St. (Co, teooad), . - roxTXAjro, oxzaov. I KEEP PEOPLE At'AKE Brooklynits Afraid Houses Will Catch Fire From Glow ing Cniders. . . t A couple of little donkey engines operated by Gleblsch eV Joolln. street contractors, have given the residents of Rev. Frank E. A. Smith of Hood River was invited to becdme ; the assistant pastor of the First Baptist church by r the-prudentlal committee at a meeting held last night' Mr. emitn was present at the meeting and announced that he would take the call under advisement ; Miss Nellie Furnish was elected secre tary to the pastor and assistant pastor, G. E. Egan has been appointed f reight - agsnt in charge of all southern racuio and O. R. & N. freight handling In East ' Portland, from Sellwood to St. Johns, snd will assume his new duties as soon as arrangements can be made. William Merrlam. local freight agent for the Harrlman lines, will have jurisdiction over west side freight nouses. . The dedication of the University Park ronrreeatlonal church Will be held to morrow : afternoon at t o'clock. The pastors who will take part In the cere monies are Revr-Danlel. Staver, Rev. J. J. Staub, Rev. D. A. Watters, Rev. Ver non Cooke, Rev. Paul Rader and Rev. E. S. Bollinger. Special muslo has been secured. - Obsorvstion Car Dally TripsRose City sightseeing cars leave Second and Morrison streets at 10 a. m. and 1 p. m, i. th. hot are n la beauties. Take PHajj. Council Cresfths greatest panoramic I rloT America. Stopovera on Crest and Forestry building, competent lec turer accompanying car and tells story of trip. Time of trip, SVa hours fare, 80 cents. , ' Dr. Brougher will ' preach his last sermons Sunday morning and evening, before starting east-to attend the Na tional Baptist anniversaries. The doc tor will preach and lecture In NewTork City, Patcrson, New Jersey. Washington, D. c., Baltimore, Maryland, and Chicago, He will also visit Richmond and James town. Virginia, attending the exposition and th North American Baptist conven- ders street Reports of th work don oldest quarts mine in the Black hills, by the snlon during the past year I A majority of ttg; stock ; Is owned by - ' . . . ., r ......I u.. Pkuki Hunt . ', Coming year, discussed. G. -w. Huffman, who was "slstant ;,,-,. i . J cashier of . the Meade County bank at "Portland academy kindergarten ohll- Sturgis, 18 miles from the mine, has the scnooi gymnasium yester- oa mmmau. y-. day afternoon gave their Annual gym the controlling Interest In the Farmers' nasium exhibition. A large number of A Merchants bank of Woodburn, Ore- drills and exercises that the children gon, and taken active management or had h..n linrht dnHnv tti VMr wars I the latter concern. i in rvruauii ' m - m . . . . gone through. Ornamental tree an 'shrubs,' Japan maples, asaleas. rhododendrons and commercial club yesterday he said: ."This Oregon country looks, good to me. I came her looking ror a .peiier eiimata . some place wnere iney ao balmlo at Va Imac i s-i f it Ha. 4is nasili saeJ I not have tha cold Dakota winters. I minx l nav iuuuo . ; . Woodburn. a splendid town, growing north rapidly, with a beautirui location ana a progressiva pempiw .-v .....,, -'(- veranda decorations. Large stock lust arrived, from Belgium. J. B. Pllklngton. nurseryman, foot of xamhllL 8ld)a,.r'-r; ''v. ' ": .i.-;'.'!'vTJ" j" ; ' Unfurnished apartment, . four rooms k and Salmon streets, will close to- and bath; New very convenient de-1 mnrmw Th p.homs. under the dlrec- slrable Jocatloa' Steam heat. hot and tum of H. A. Easton of Chicago, will coia water, etc. Appiy to janitor,. iniIv. tha cantata, The Nasarine," at the Sheffield, Seventh and Jefferson streeta I .v.nin rvio - Telephone Main 1600. ' , . rti. n. ViuIMk. niiunM tn 4AI-4-B Call Steel Bridge Fuel Company, phone o.ti.nV hid. rAa of atomach. East 484, for choice No, 1 fir eordwood. I , t , , , , dry or green slabwood. Prompt dellv- Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety eoal ery. both aides river. OfBce and docks 0U and fine gasoline. Phone East 788. foot of Randolph street I - ; Woman's Sxchanae. 188 Tenth street Rev, Edgar Rothrock of Cleveland. I lunrh ii:a to 8: business men'a lunch. uiiiu, win pmacn at in uni vongra- gatlonal churoh Sunday, mornlna and evening. Steamer Jesse Harkins. for Camaa I wasnougai and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday, Leaves Waahlngton atreet J aoca j p. m. Have you Joined the E. Side Ath- letio clubT 85.00 entrance fee saved If you Join this week. , Prof essor Ringler, AtwMj . !...,..... : . I .... .WW. ' I' . :, .. Why pay more? Metsger fits your eyes for 81. 8tt Wash. St, eor. Ith, formerly at 111 Sixth street Eastm.-.n kodaks and suppliea t l Lesser Cohen, 111 8th, the Kodak stora from the engines all day. so Councilman Rushlight-told the executive board yes terday afternoon. Sometimes they fly at night also and the people He awake ror rear mat their houses may be ournea over tneir heada i :, T Advice from City Attorney McNary was to the effect that If there was an element of danger in the operations of the engines the contractors could be re quired to desist Fire Marshal Roberts said there was a great deal of danger to tne , residences and ) spark arresters would not be much, of a preventive. The matter was referred to . Fire ,. Chief Campbell, 4 s, , TREAT LIQUOR PROBLEM FROM LAWYER'S VIEW Dr. Ervin S. Chapman of Los Angeles will deliver his leoture, "A Stainless Flag.' at Taylor , Street . Metbodist cnurcn Aionaay evening. May s. at 8 o'clock. Dr. Chapman was a lawyer be fore he went into, the ministry and In bis address deals with the liquor prob lem from a lawyer's standpoint No ad mission fee will be charged. Preferred ktoek Canned Oooda. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. GILT IX FOR HER NLXlLGTRldrLATJRON --FRLML ON 3D DAYS' TRIAL Fred T. large. Merrill for eouncllman-at- Dr. William Cavanaugh, dentist, has moved his office to 803-4 Buchanan bldg. ; D, Chambers, optician, 188 Seventh. Berger Signs 884 Tamhlll Phona KIser scenlo photos. ', Imperial hotel. JAIL SITE NOT TOO" L EXPENSIVE F0LCITY r- For Sale A few second hand Ineuba-1 Dealers in real estate' declare that tors; good as new. , izi Bast Morrison.- nronortv in the vicinity of the pro- corner First Street loosed location of the new city Jail has not advanced ln . value ' since the an- Dr. M. Monte Bettman, dentist has nouncement that the councU had practic- returned. Office 403-4-5 SweUand Jally decided on a quarter block on which building. 1 .'. . the Jail will be built Quarter blocks on L - r -' " - - - . Park between Everett and Gllsan have 1 The special series of meetings at the he.n hold at about 1S5.000 for several Central Christian chureh. East Twen- months past The site which the coun cil has under consideration was offered I at 884.600. and could not have been se- I cured for less at any time since the first of ths year. , ' DR. TUFTS TO SPEAK ON REFORM BUREAU WORK .Many of the most substantial fortunes are made by the advance in Dr' a- Tuft" of the international re- OH. BROUGHER SUNDAY AT , THE WHITE TEMPLE Twelfth and Taylor tta. .Vv'Tv'y 10i30A. sc - 1w"' ; ' -An Affair of the Heart" ' s Lord's Supper Observed. ! - ' Ti4S T. XC .' '. -Up AgalnsMr . . OR The People Who Win la Spit of XMftloalttes.' It yon are discouraged, comet The sermon will give you "grit, grip and gumption." ' , , pnra xvsxa i xm mm. the movement to keep saloons out. of the east side residence districts. At U a. m. he will speak at the Memorial ' Evangelical s-i iiaaiay. .m ttail'n? 1011 rlr-. 1 -fe- v t-.. .. . rorm bureau wm aaoress two meetings v...v. , jruu vwii jrwui tomorrow In behalf of! own nome you not only save in the land lord's profits, but take advantage of anv increase in tne value of the property,; Be- church at East Eighteenth and Tibbetts gin at. once t6 save money to buy a home. ets and at. 7:80 in the evenmgat A ill n.trln, mA.AU ... the Second Baptist church on East An- A small weekly or monthly deposit 111 this keny and East Seventh streeta Tha re bank Will SOOn enable you to make the fom bureau, stands for' a pure ballot first payment on a place of your own and VSS:- you can arrange to pay the balance in -j- monthly installments, which you wiU meet QUICKSANDS ON SEWER "( as casuy as you uouie rem you are now j ? OnilTC f1CDfnMC lUWI .auu w UM Wl ' V..V. ne Jala, and hard compound interest on them. Start a savings account and you will work the contractors building the soon own that home: ' . . . , ; - I " " roweii, wnere quicksand i and tinder I grpun watercourses were encountered. continued at this, one place, and not untlr yesterday was' the difficulty over- I coma From now on the. construction of I th sewer will proceed rapldlj ABANA ACCOUNT TtmSAVIXC HABIT ainnmrnmiiimy If energy and ambition ZS, g - are Iacluns 1 If the mind is dull, Inactive or de- "" aa prewed aud trifling annoyances -"" irritate snd ezaa peratc, then the -" a" 1 . LIVER is in trouble. The system wm j b clogged with undigested sad JJ decaying food, , vmm DsCastro's Sacred BarkTea gna Is tha beat remedy for LITER asj ts trouble. It lucre both enerey "Sf m- and ambition and Induces health- Ma m- tul sleep. It Is -i,' :.v,'! ---ss sa vmks aw an vrmw Dira . Booklet and Sample Free. - i ' NOYT.-CHEMICAU CO. 1 " ' Save Rv Tim - Save ares KaaJtk ' : Save r Weary Steps ; Save Toav 01othS , . Save Mm Temper ' Sar xt OompUxloa 1 - , ' V rill in coupon and mail to us The iron jvill be delivered, with all necftsary equipment, abso lutely free of charge CUT OUT COUPON AND MAIL TO US TODAY PORTLAND RAILWAY, ' LIGHT ; ft POWER CO. First 4uid Alder Streets, Portland, Oregon. , - Gentlemen Yon nay deliver to me one -Electric' Flat ; iron, which I tgre to try, and If nnsatUfactory to me, to return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. , If I do not return it at that time you may charge stmt to my account at $4.00. It is understood that no charge will be . a made for the iron if I return it within 30 day. - . .'. Name . . .v.....,...........;.,,.,.,..,.,,.. . v . . ..... Address i, . .,......'.......,... DEPT. J. , THET 30 DAYS' TRIAL OrFLR AP PLIES ONLY TO CONSUMERS OF OUR CURRENT Portland Municipal Association's Endorsements - fqr Primary Election Today For City Auditor. . ; . ; . 18X. ........ Oscar P. Miller ' -For City Attorney. f . . . , .20X. , .. .John P. Kavanaugh For Municipal Judge. . . . .24X. ...... J. S. Winchester , For Councilman-at-Large.S6X.,...,,;f,,.J. N. Blair For Councilman-at-Large . 30X. . . . . . George M. Hyland For Councilman-at-Large. 32X...... Horace G. Parsons Councilman, 4th Ward. . . .84X. . . . . . .Rufua. C Holman Councilman, 5th Ward. . . .34X. . , . .... .Dr. W. L Cottel Councilman, 6th Ward..'..34X ...... .....J. M. Mann ' Councilman, 8th Ward. .. .85X. . .. .... .George F. Brice Cut . This Out and Take It With You to the Polls . The Association Has Mods No Indorstmcntfor Mayor SundayExcursion toAstorla Sunday, May 5th For Astoria FAST STEAM TELEGRAPH Will leave Alder street dock 8 a. m arrive Astoria 1 p. m. Leave Astoria 3 p. m arrive Portland 9 p.m. ROUND TRIP i.OO Meals served 30c ' Tickets on sale Alder street dock. Phone Main 563.:' s.- . . . -''-':YtM-i- Dr-WIA. Wise DENTIST Sucoessor to "Wise Bros., Tientlsts.' Palaleas Xztraotloa, Boot ates, SS ap. iPhoae Main t02. Third and Washington, Easy to Remember nrr .6- n mm:m (Five Trunk Lines) - , FOR TTTXTl ,i )--. I 'L r. .'-4 I ice "J Conttrvatlw Cuttodian" ilEffllll SAVKGS DATiS pays .Percent. OPEN For the convenience of itsjcustomers on Satur day Wehingsfrorn 6 to 8 114 Second St. , Corner Washington PORTLAND, OR. or roKTijuro oaaooM W Lwt tJ Sit r Orafas INSURES AJU KINDS OB XiVB HTOCK AGAINST ' DEATH FROM ANY " CAUSE ' ' - MmjiutUk Aim tt Wmi Bmnmtm i : aMMMnaj , . ' A Wav K taltk T.rm. S. H. Or Onl MW M. M. Ob lacraurf B.I.StMtarOM'llaajk; ' . , ttxaf h twttk Oaaand Cwai " ; : imTTmm. "H'-V ''''W' .:.'' ''.'mimbm . . Prdaa4 Oasir f Casaarae - - rardaaa- Sar4 f TraSe . V "- '' , ,t. , ' SinaiNces . " Caea Tra a StId lank ortln4 ON. Th BralatMM Casvaay , , ., 4 O. DS ai Ce. Co iirclal Agracr W sms a rraaUa w 4s aac Mill . . W (h ye aqur 4: taakMSS '.',' s ' y'. MOMS OFFICi 4-f-t LAfA YBTTBBLD& On WuktwsM mj Sixth rwtkmiOm CLOSING -OUT jjHj itj "-jj" xxax gkads razvTa, tab. aasxzs, aminnrxs, axanra An oxxa. 5 4:;'- We are selling; our entire stock at low cat prices, which we know wlU cause it to sell. Now Is your opportunity to ret food Paint or Vast) Is h at low prices. Store for rent. natures for sal. W Are Oolnr Oat of the lUtall . ; Bnslaes. . R. N. NASON & CO, ; OU and Faint Kakers, .. 44-4 V. SUth Si, BTs Conch Bt ' AMUSZX&BTTB. . Mt sad HFltIR TPTCATDC BraaUnftoa mumu iuuiiai. jtM t. Taalfkt, :! e'Oeck Last Time Tobmrw MURRAY & MACK ? , : la the If osteal rare Camady, -"aaOUMD TH TOW.-.. PRICKS tower rkxxr, l; Batnrny, TM, (0e( wawv, awv. oval mrw Baiting IDaair. ' utk an nriitc rnriTDc roa HULiU lUUIlHIi llalal' Waihturton Monda, THaadar, Wflnada and Taaraday MSDta, May. e, 7. s aod 9, UU1U SIBMU la tha Delightful Conedr-Drana, " P&1CXS towtr floor. 2, f 1.801 Balcony,' i.9. 8eaU art Mlilng Tbeatrt Bos OtTK. - BAKER THEATRE SMiU last Time Toclsht Th rmoa Baker Tbeatr n,wa umfui J. William Collar' a Ort Com ad Soeeaaa. : "THE HlOTATOa T? - By Richard Harding Davta. " -On of tha funnlaat omdia Tr written. Paraeaal dlraetloa Mr. Arthur Mack!. Matla Saturday. ; ETtnlng rlcr iSt, tie." BOe. atatloeej. 16a, 2Sc. ' Vast Wak. Starting TmumM vi.u. hk. Oavboy aad th Idy. . Ullton W Saamaa. Hanaavr, Tb Bom of ' j ' MaMMrama. . Laat Tlraa Tonlfht Inataat Hit, Iraawaa Po.' alarlty.. taoa Stock Company la tb Thrift. tnf Moral Melodrama, v . ail.M JImaI. .( . . . . . Matla Vrdndar' aad Halanlay. Msht Prlcw 10c. 30e. 80e, 60c: Matliwww- 10c, joe. . mmn , HKiu itaam rrtlma "i Sued to S BicSt" ,. 1 ,'.:' ' 5WJons daay cspdty ; The GRAND rm f apxix st. TanoVriU D ' . AXOXIX B0TD, . PrwMotinf . . " Tk Bural Skatek, "AfUr staay Tar. pist a.i4 : Vaatum . Th Tare " ValaaiMji. i Unload., ktnar - ua iidmoBHa, Ftnil- lliu. V Tk Oaaattaa. 7r4ri kVobana. Grandhoop., THE STAR. v:;:z:t Weak 9t Apta t. .: THB ALUCa 6 rock CO. Preants i: Th Great Rural "fOK MOTHlCa'S SAKE," ' By Carrla Aahlttjr Clark. Hat Tne.. Thora.. Hat. aad Bun.ura at -. price 10 and 30 cant. Ever? eenlnc at h , prk-ea 10, and 80 cent. Beerr.j a. , i phoa Wain IHtxl Picnic ctRc! Sunday"".' - C-A X i I'