J T . Hfc: THE JOURNAL " AM IKOKt'ENOBNT MCWfr... i" " '' ' lj I'," 1 '.' V 'i' " ! .' ,' I' '," j ' ' 1 , ,. 1 "i 1 v' ';" 111 "f : II , i 1 . . . , i r I next legislature .i on, this ' Question. I "XT" rrvT- a . TTVn .-aw"r ww.. r--V :- t A ', ;i i . - f- a a. jackson ................ .pqbllrtwr next legislature on' this question. And probably, it would be ; well to reelect no member : who ' cannot prove that be worked and -did his tutiii.bd T-f nnint eiPt tmMp f best f or this -lawfTbe -people 1 !n J VZSwFlU rSSSi VtTr; o?- Oregon hare the weapon; ' let them Ent.r.Mh. Mtnrfw .t Portund. or.. tor lose them, lit is- time the little fel- Stu" t.r?u", i,!"1 V "eo4" low elected to the legislature of thls and, other states learned that PORTLAND'S CRYING NEED OFBETTER STREETS Letters From the People ,OOK ABOUND the tdwa calmly i streets we'll come back and invest," and dispassionately and see If I they sajd to Tom Richardson of the ; the demand for .better streets Commercial club; on departing; - y .1 ; ,Is not justified ty; the facts. ; That Is a remark ; that ' ought to Tou won't have far ( to go. i- If I sink right Into the innermost think roBBioM advertising REPRESBNTATivs I fmvrrt eTMn twt? cwam crtMi I re" oowntown Just look around tank of e very; citizen of Portland. Wmm A'lTff1"' " I 1MY. V,'UNU the corner perhaps the fond re- "When you get better streets we'll V? . . -,' Trr rpunvi uitm TITS. An frpwtmeati neb4 by thu Dombf . ' Till I they, but the people are masters. lie operator th dPfxrtiuMX yoa winu not Information fpr an Inquiring Reader. Portland.' April 28. To the Editor 6f j The Journal Please answer the follow- . Ins: -v"'i'A- ' ' - 1. How many senators and how many representatives are there In the United States congress? . ..''...; 'vs. How many , ln.the Oregon legis lature r . t ; , , , Why War Voes V Not .Cease. Braiuwirk BuUdlni. 28 Klftb ifM, i , : Tort; Trflmne Building. Cttctga-' Snhwrlptloa Ttrmt by nail to dt aMrM la tlx United Sure, Can.da.or Mexico. , , AILI. One rt.Ui 30o I One ktoata.......! 40 One jw.. URO One month.,.....! J8 i DAILY AND HUjaUAI, I - .8 Wheu does Fulton's term expire? r. .' Whe bears the exoense of Internal improvements; , was this always so? t. What ( was the ' Hay-Pauncefote ; Every great and command ing'' movement In the 'annals i of the world is the triumph of enthusiasm. Emerson. .: '."': T IS no surprise to find those In once a brick pave- come bach and Invest." Nice thing Oregon who repudiate the idea m?t wUI nump Itsqf before your i to be said about our city, isn't, itf of small farms. Rtsmm nt ti. W Or perhaps some of the blocks If this article Included the usual treaty? still live in the old Oregon at. wooa mock , pavement will arguments for first-class hard-sur- ?' !r!"f Uj- mosphere when it took 040 acres for j w,W,a T0 1 lon enough. At If ace pavement ft would sonttd like an I tiona, please answer this onet What aoout , me Japanese school ; v a n r; a riirn .nM. lf hlA .Ink. .1 a . W fl M.M.nfKM T..A A . . x.t I - '. .(,. v . - , enougn to move around. But thosal w nvM 'suii uocy tuuwi uo-1 tumnuicn, out me omuarvi , . vin. . - . . I-ia- v- - k j .... i. i ... . . I .. " rP 1 umea as tn or our . brethren who-Cling to this vo,: rac" n 7 ?w oi cleaning a crusnea roc ures, nve territorial deieirates and one Harold" was, he was a true lineal do- perishlng notion are passing.' They th curt that th Btreet Cleaners street and a hard-surface pavement. SJSTJEK?; Si..?!?11!!: ' the -ape and tiger- man or wlll sool beUhrustbye can nevertte world the street It, cost. $6 m year to clean one mile & SSlX marching army of new people rising wwan 'C ' j,;r v Xf: v. v I01 ara-iurrace pavement- ana i5 - """" "a7u half ferocity. . - By Rev.'ThomaS B. Gregory Lord Byron astonished and astounded all Europe one day by declaring that he would "mightily Ilka to know how It felt to be a murderer." - The noble lord was perfectly honest. He really desired to experience the feel Invs ofthe man whose hands were red with his brother's blood. - This does not monster, but only a thoroushbred human D1101 ,on' belnr of the masculine render, with the normal , predilections of that strange product of nature, i ' . ' Byron was, according to bis own humble confession, "as mild a mannered man as ever- out a throat or scuttled Ship," , and yet, because he was a thor oughbred, he wanted to know "bow it felt to be a murderer." ' " Gifted as the author of "Chitde Small Ckane : . Zet thr be peace tomorrow, "'' .,.. "e, , ' Those defeated may.be lunkv. alL , , v Fourth Street is Portland's, not w 8. P.'s. ' It is difficult for girls to do anything peculiar. . ,.. -. , . ... . ', - i . .? Democrats won't have to study their S. Ninety; . . A . . I . . . i.l muwtiivn - ' - . . "T . . i. . . . 'I (A .1. 1.UI Any. amma mnn ... . a. - t .i i na now Tor fha ra manM nttr I a year 10 Clean nn stiiia nr mni-an-1 , . . . . . .; j . - - " '""', shores to take 'up the! affairs of life RHy the Society ; for Prevention amiaed pavement Ai to how clean - The federal (government; or, ; in that ln that humanity 1 the . tiger u In nn.n. r,i " y tv of Cruelty to Animals should take the crushed rock street ever Is.' th X??z!-?r:I.?. I everywhere apparent. , ; ! " """" "uu I . . : "i 7 . T . ... . -v ' I ww w W Th tlnr loves blood There is no sort of doubt of it The king of the Junvle mightily enjoys destruction for destruction's own sake. - He Is a great hunter,; and the birser the game the sreater the enjoyment ; tM. ' ., It ts hard to say how long It has been since man was a tirer, but to know fils- tory la to know that there Is still much of the tlgsr In. man's composition. Man, like the tirer. Is a treat hunter. and, like the tiger, ha enjoys hunting big rams. The blood ' of the srlsily. the blood of the elephant, the blood of the moose, pleaaea him Immensely; but not so much royal . game. In nthftr arnrrf. man .hIav. Ullln. man. Enjoys it, I say.' There is no ex- v VtT!'VOT'il i yer ?ay" hilaratlon like that of the -battlefield! I whether Judge Hebbard has sobered up Mountain air is fair sort, of tonln. J too drunk for, utterance. I champagne is a decided ouickener off the heart love's youna dream la calcu-1 An average Of one Juror in two weeks lated to haaten the pulse somewhat I has been selected for the Ruef trial, and but none of these are to be compared yet some people complain of the leaden witn tne rama or war. in wtiinh iivtnartreet at lusuca. board -Ives it as his opinion that If I aocidentai hindrance, that the niant anal human beings are sltted aaalnat livinrl . la hard-snrface costs 20 per cent of j everything belonging :, to the .; canal j human beings, the biggest game that!7 San Francisco is certainly very kind io any sucn proposition, nor in any J naDB twothlrds th ct f 'ti. 1 1 hot An nn vn it fmn hns the value of .the property It is nev-1 that, these orovislons should sdo1 to I The glory with which the area have I extent of a million or so. the oltr tavs wise recognize tno validity of that o. a.v .u. ..- u. , .,. ertheless true that the market value 1 waters within three leagues of the ter-i wreatned the soldier's brow Is the trib-IITe a dar for bis keep. old DermiL On this issue th.' Wtv T'- w ,w "? "?ratm of that ..m. nronrtv 1,aa MB. iWs : tmt, .was ? to this Indisputable fact in human ' : . . " , . , ' yiues ,wm ao u. . LiOganDerries. ai as-soon as it is laia. l n " , : -r i signed eoruary mi, b? u jsngiana i nature ismeniaoie raot a -shameful, 1 5 A man may be a very good cltlseri iu a tow vases iuo iui ijviu i is aiuiuua 01 Tor uau i ui.araurojiu iucs, out suit m laoi. . . i personally, and yet be no more fit for THE COUNCIL-DID RIGHT. .- - --i-: I tlll hold to this primltlvs Idea may It-Jiand. : Ajremendous: amount of I dwellers ton ' thosei thoroughfares locks. Tee.-, . h ; rHD CouwiLas done the w well get ieady to sing the swan Ult9 t4rmIe hed ck ! , ngni ining ai last wiin re.i-1 gong of their going. j dumped ;upon the cityli thorough- TWs isn't takjng into consldera- the ciayton-Bulwer treaty of 1880. 10 me JOUrtn Street - a .. a- .v. r farea. onlv tn ha a-rnnnd h tntn mnA tlon ; the . curtains that must he c proviaea inmj, iungiana anouia f rr r - - ---- 77 ... .v.v . . i i.-.M1' joint proprietorship and manage- lamette valley Is confessedly small, nd ut The rock doesn't -do any washed because of the dust that ment of an isthmian oanaVsothat the and yet it is not out of th. question. I to :.pesk of. " f"' .? fOTnSnH Obviously. only the best land would 'The city la paying $3 a cubic yard leaned because of the mnd ln wlnr und. Artiole i suspends this part of be ntUised la such a farm, and that tor this rock delivered on the streets. itr- The Poor crushed rock finds .Vy0hn-B"'. means a growable capacity as great By the xity ; Is meant the property luW Into the houses before the ' structed under the auspices , of : ' the I as anywhere in the world, and ore- owners who are ravin for the im- ena oi.ap year. , inai is one soiu- united states, which is given the. ex- erence s.-.r.-; railroad franchise.' j It has . ordered the Southern Pacif id to free the street of Its nuisance) within 11 months, which is a reasonable time. and what Is more Important, has de clared that no electric line can be substituted except under an entirely duotlon ,n Jtg m0at intensified form provement. That means you. either tlon of tn esWon "Where did that new irancmse, me lerms oi wmcn of mny product known, to the tem- upon one street or the other." vue cuy . wm mewte. me yournai perate Mne; The present popula- This rock costs the contractors U , recently pointed -out the danger of tln doe not reallae lt m there Is U yardt the Quarry. ' They make a ", ,IU luo r"iro t cuange me npwhere a soil and climate of great- fair profit by hauling it gr.iiu, uu iu, uiPUqo mai er Dr0dncina- nnwar thkn In th. Wit. i.; nt .n iA M.h tmfh aHtt, .n vWU1u,u .u j.uu.r.i.K OH. .; pr0TaD,e tnat ,treet contractor, and ;he will tell granted to a pioneer " railroad corn- one acre of Willamette land -will you that ; the rock Is practically pavement go anyhow?" . , Macadamizing a street . does , Im prove its value, but lt has cost a good deal, a great deal when the permanency of the pavement is con sidered. ;vV i One . member of the 1 executive I , . - ,. .. I aaaHwaaarW. ,.. awMW W A IX WAfla as in Tntija Un I " rieia rougn reea for a cow wortniess. "it's, the best we can musneTer consent, even .mpiieaiy, throughout, the. year producing per- get'.' ha may say.; That Is true, but tn an anMi nrnnncltfnn nnr In an I . ....... w ' . . , , '. elusive right to provide for Its regula tion and management Artiole In tiro-1 viaes mat tne canal shall be open to I the vessels of commerce pf all nations. tnat tnere shaU be no discriminations, that charges shall be reasonable and equiUble. that the canal shaJI never be j blockaded and no act of war committed In It that vessels of war must not revlctual or take on stores except as necessary nor any belligerent vessel em. nark or disembark troops except for an I . , Go and vote Jf you are entitled to. somehow. 'Tie a duty, ; j . . . ... Any Democrat can safely Quote Jef. ferson; he's dead. Doing anything yet about next win ter's fuel supply? ; . Tet a lot of people don't clean tin , their, vacant' premises. ,. "n , f ; But aren't Mr. Thomas' followers a-'- sistant Republicans la effect? i . . s . No avowed candidate for mayor salts ' the Municipal . association nor 'some other voters. ' Mr, Stead oannot complain that Amer : lean newspapers have not advertised him liberally. ' . ' , - i A Kansas man htfs seen afat with horna. Prohibition state - wHUkey la poworful stuff. v - , (. w m Tet the . man who differs with yon may be as honest and even as intelli gent as you are. at The only individuals in Ban Francises as the blood of that most h arl "ot ftrJk,n for n' lgpt-hour , man. , ' v , day era the clocks. , '. ,l Hrorda.' man anlnv kllllnarl -i ,-:. . ,,..-....,.' . ...". irrnat ha nronnrail in tnatnfafn a Ann. I - .,.vw . coming product wita an inexhaust- . "Macadamised pavement- sounds that me ctvnd nc Z . 3 m"ket for canning purposes good, but really It's a slander On that ImirS t2f will yield a marketable product as dead and gone old Scotchman. Ma- JhSS hih 00 per acre. -fApple.Jn cadamo ring hi, name Into jt He that street; that even If the old per- nMA . .um..: : ' i 1-'Z ... . . m -vi. .it . . j '"'"'"a loiouuaj i never imenaea mai rocg oi me ciass a valid franchise -the ti aaa .... ..u. ' ..T . .v.. 0 )v w w a.AA vivu iuvi V yot acre. 1 Belgium 1 sustains; a popula tion' of 418 to the square mlleand the standard of living there is good. That would mean la the Willamette valley, under intensified methods, a tween those who demanded a real population of three million souls, an PaTement : and the , other ' ; property average oflhree people to every five owner. who m QOt want to pay for acres. . The ultimate in the ,W11- any improvement Bo good many 40 per cent mlt ; is now railroad can and trust be removed as a nulsancerpthat so removed the railroad company has under Its old . permit no right whatever to use the street io construct and maintain a new and different kind of line; that to . carry the doctrine of "vested rights" so far would be an absurdity and . most . manifestly;, inequitable; that, in brief, once It has removed the present", ndibancej the railroad must obtain a franchise de novo for Us proposed electric line, 1 and be subject to just such terms and con ditions as any other applicant would i ! This seems to ; be the dea and position of the council, and , If so. The Journal, which Jhas not failed to creaBed market value means only increased taxes, but Increased mar et value means more money in the j pocket when the ground is to be sold. Economy shows itself in peculiar ways. Somebody away back In the dim past started the system of put ting only one catch basin on a block. to be found or usedin this vi cinity should t.o into his pavement ' Because a macadamised pavement Is tha chnanAat nnaalhla hlnor tn tin . ... . . . Tfle eaten oasm is an numnie impie- ft n aa VAaAaA e M at, aAH.,MAiMlaA Tk j I t comes to crossing a street dryshod. In most othe- cities there, is a basin at every one of the four corners.of a block. ; Here there is but one, and has to run around one comer least before Jt can ' reach ' the a century. ' I It is the Jer in US that all the CUl- mavor than a. vaatAurant waltar 1. tn ,v.l ..j,, ..- J ' w'Jf. V . l.v . raimanitni ajw . religion or commander ef batUeahip. ...V . uiBwivi; - uimj uo vrouuca w I uwumnui ui years nava nov teen ame I Vitus Bering, a Danish navigator, who I to eliminate and will . not be able I was sent to explore Arctic waters by to eliminate, perhaps, for thousands of I i T f . . ... n't'tuainousiy Peter ; the Great of Russia, In 17t. years to comef-.. v ' " " v J eomplalntng about the exacUons of the stick cannot take a swing in that di-. rection. . ...,- ;.:v. "Now that Hermann is acquitted, his lamette country will be small farms mllea of have been laid in Port- 1 of B, 10 and 20 acres on the bet- land. U v v ;v Z Z ter lands, farms of greater arreaea ' . ' v' . l : ee f1. ; w nsbiiv t ti vara . n nnT w . na i . . . ... xtviii n irv ann :'.' m wnnT'i mail - innnvaipai rrtiri ads, and an export- h, . A ,1 1 TZ. ."W 01 Jap.n.'and T coessmpired- with the of 1200 000 000 i 7 6d the Btreet cleaning department has request. VrS ; i C , EDITOR. ! ' ' treet hM Jever been improved at told, the council, what a difference t f: i t J ' ZTT, , -i'v. criticise that body for various sins of tn4 pagBlng of the blg f .mer commission And omission, desires to 1 v express Its approval and commenda-i greater acreage on the poorer lands. able production - 1 t ' ; ; , I all i ta-ar mnntha afta th. Br1r I .. ' i . '. . . . . .- Cllnr as we will n thi i nlmaart l . T. vv tne numoer or eaten pasms make in !! A 5 -f. 'ha teen done, al ;a, general .thing, the cleanliness of a street, but' the all the property owners have to show 0ne-to-a-block system . remains. In for the improvement is some assess- cidentally the street cleaning de- mpnt rvalnta , li .. I . . : i .. ...... ... . r""" .. . ;. . v , u f ipairment.is now cleaning me nara- . Two men who control the Invest-1 surface streets with the same num ment kof . millions of dollars were In the city last week.' They looked over Portland, as they had looked over a dozen other; western cities. '"When yon people" get some Afterr preparing for three years, he made a trip, returning ln 17J0. in-1740 he started on a like mission, and In 170 reached the North American coast where he waa wrecked and died the same year on the lslana that bears his name. -. The -water known as Bering sea, or the Arctic ocean, was named for him. i :: ."..' -.-.;..". , ' . r 7. Tha Ban Francisco school authori ties and Mayor Schmlts agreed to provide schools -for Japanese children, , and to treat them the same as other for. gn children, and the president agreed . to and did recommend to congress tha ap proval of a treaty by which Japanese laborers would be excluded from - this Country and - American - laborers from 'The Hague has Just begun its benefi cent work. - -i..;' .-.-?., i. -; If you don't believe that this Is so, look around. Behold the patent facte mat on au sides challenge our attention. Bee all the "civilised" oeonles armed to the teeth, ready at a moment's no tice to spring at one another's throats! nay, hoping that the chance to spring may coma, and eome quickly. : Mine tenths of the thing called "Pa- accusers are in aire flistress," says a southern Oregon paper. We nad not heard of Roosevelt, , , Hitchcock and Hency being in any especial distress. Mrs. Terkes-Mlaner wants to get rid of each good enough for the other and ought to be held legally tied together.' idea, of farming, the world moves and -natural laws will take their coars.. i The curtain will fall over blgfarms and the monolith record Roosevelt's Cabinet Borlngr Or., April 29. To the Editor ok xno journal win you please an swer, through The, Dally Journal, the following Inquiries, and oblige: -...-. , First Who are the members of the president's cabinet' their respective po sition ana their, home state? ''Shall the president, be command- Rar.onil Who ana tha n.tlnn.1 ranva- er ' vi men as were empioyea lor I sentatives of pregon? . ; the same work back in 1891. There a subscriber. i- -k.. v .F"t Answer Ellhu Root secreUry 4UOI..a.Uvuk m.vv ...a iuuyu y. of ' state. New Tork; QeorgoB. Cortel- ment, but -better wages and civil I you, secretary of the treasury. New I aa-wtoa li&W '4naita"t1ia nAaathU I aora; wmiam 4. xan, secretary oil Up competitive water lines, by differen tial tariffs aimed . at water-borne freight by monopoliea of terminal fa- ciutlea, by . using . tneir - vast pouucai influence for the killing of the canals, they have wantonly sestroyed cneapi A -..' , fit . I field, secretary of the interior, Ohio; notherXahapter of SttSr the Alton Deal. v.v, y uu VollCf oa iae ed to keep his placet" asks the Salem iiwl., , Journal. .It means, not to keep a ?S a.", PalaTerlngjr the sphere of hi, duties and d oublealing in this mattevThe d lis presidential business, but council duty Is plain. It murt free h9 be "commanded: to run for Fourth street as soon as It can be president again. There Is no such reasonably done from - the present tnlng M command,ng a matt t to inCUbUS. ; But In dOlng SO, It mUSt rn fAP a.nt-an nffln. Th Clearly and unequivocally protect the nVfiafAnt hsi his Individual Hh water traneportatlon. ,rToday-the rail lut ai urn - BiiULurr i rHH sarin iinrnna . . y .. . .1 luaug sviw m uia uuaiiiuu ui uio swui - rflMBl frnPhia -n. f " 10 reiuse, ana mere IS no power in majl who .u off more than he eould -ITe more the Alton oesi is studied the Fulton, Astoria, and Jonathan Bourne uiuouai irancnise, or any action on I the people to compel him against his Chew. Tet there Is scarcely an lm- more extraordinary doe Its history ap- Jr., Portland representatives, first dls the railroad's part assuming thatln.ni n,ia ia a . .,t portant railroad In the country which pear. 'Here is a chapter which did not trlct W. I Hawley, Salem; second die the 6M alWorf r.ni,tM . . iaat I "f would not be better oVf if It had effi- come out at the recent Union pacific trlct, W. K, EIUs, Pendleton. I - ,p -.--w...,. - aopet t0 me extent tnat a man can-1 i Ior " e,ecino un?' ' Tnw tn not be railroaded Into a hard job not toierate, ana mey against his will. win waicn me council cioseiy, Tnere iu u no joos or -joKers" m misi 'Democrats In the New Tork legls- g vuoiurao. - . j ,:' '' -i trlotlsm" is simply the couohant tiger Ber Wgh-rolllng husband so as to marry tn us, anxiously waiting for the chance J somebody else. ... But she and Misner are to tap it cnopa in blood. . t. . Look at this most 'XrhrlsUan" nation. "Ood'e Country,'! with. Its high ideals and larger "sympatnUs" how it is honeycombed with militarism! , See the little boya all over. the land, all dressed out in khaki, t with lmiUtion guns on their shoulders, and imitation sword bayonets at their sides, marching to the aound of the drum learning to be pro- te.sionu muraerersi . Peace congresses are all right but It will be a long time before their beauti ful dream le realised. With the nations so many armed camps, with the presi dent of the, 'leading" nation -killing uungs jusi ror tne . saae of killing them, or, what amounts to the same, Just for the exhilaration of the hunt It looks rather discouraging ' for ; the "dove." ,;, t- , Still, the. word ls-Courage! Truth and right can afford ' to wait and. If neea oe, to wait a long time. - The tiger Qregon Si Jeliktp t Vale will be a big wool shipping',' point , .i The Dalles boasted a full-blown rose on May-day. . .... . .... ..v,-; . Catholics have bought a block of ground in Hermlaton. r yy. a .';.; v. v-f! '' The long-felt want of an opera 'house in Joseph will soon be filled. . . h An Albany man has' offered to build a 140,000 hotel if given a bonus of ft.000. A brooder and 100 little chicks were From the Wall Street Journal The more the Alton deal Is studied the ter-general,' Massachusetts; Charles J. Bonaparte, attorney-general, Maryland; uscar a. Straus, secretary or, commerce and labor, New York, . United States senators,-Charles W. ui Buova ino rums - tnat . mnr wrought' j. 'V'.:'"--'V,.V -'' I-. ta railroad s part assuming that ,m nhikr t tr -.,,. I portant railroad In the country which pear. 'Here is a chapter which did not v. aia -ti i .. . I WUi' 'J TOnnirj, we not better Aff if it had effl- come out at tha recent tlnion Pacific clent water parallels Ito relieve It of Investigation, slow, low-grade freights and leave Htl It will be recalled that Ue Alttfn re. the higher grades for quicker trahspor-1 adjustment took place tatlon. . ' I man's absence la Alaska. This is .well, understood in Germany i theless been held by publio opinion and France, where canals are being con-1 chiefly responsible for it and his asso structed or Improved at great cost to 1 elates In the schema, - Messrs- Gould, work with and not against tha railways. I Stillman , and Bchlff, have ln a large Farmers whose rops now rot for lack measure ; escaped the . condemnation of transportation,; business men i whose which has, been Ills portion. The Idea goods are delayed or damaged by rail-1 has prevailed that Mr. Harrlman planned of the navy. California! James R. Gar- Is dying slowiv. hut ",- T- .,n- v,."," T.w :Lm ':." field. secreUry of the interior, Ohio; peace will yet alt crowned and .trtumnh, needlesslv common. - - : r v ' Sagebrush is a thing of the past In Baker county, says the Democrat where sagebrush was ln alfalfa. ' ' )C -ifj .-i'-.'i.. e . - Newport is to have a skating rink with a floor space (0x111 and a circular wall around the skating area. .. ' 1 : A saloon at Beulah, Malheur county, burned up, all but . the whiskey, which was true wet goods and .wouldn't burn, -A l-year-old- Athena girl started -U walk to Pendleton; it miles, but had te stop, over night, in a house along the . lature voted f - against Hughes' removal of the dSriSmiil Ptila Jelpltia's Need ka. He has never- J " Jr fc,wv of'Newspapers, ' The Queerest of Cabins.!: " From the New Orleans Times-Democrat . "The queerest house in the world." said a aoologlst ; "Is undoubtedly the famous bone eabln In Wyoming, near amiivma jbbw river. ?. This cabin's foundations are built of fossil bones, -n "Bones Of dinosaurs Jaws of . the oiptoaocus, leetn or ue brontosaurus, knuokles of . the ichthyosaurus, verte brae of the camaraaaurus, chunks of ne oarosaurus, the ' cetiasaurus, . tha I uracnionunia, tns Governor insurance PEOPLE ARE WEARING TROUS- commissioner,' indicating . that they ERS.' a LARGE majority of -the Michi- - A an assembly favors -ar pri : l mary nomination law, similar -, to that of, Oregon, but there is . opposition, which ? the Detroit were willing to do a wrong thine I road - freight congestion, , look, to the I thai deal before haleft for Alaska, and - , n " w I A J at. ..tl.A A. .a. ,kaAla ifnnft I that SarhlMK tnftlf txlflnA Lla. - V to thwart an honest Republican gov ernor. It is such base partisanship as this that Is breaking the old par ities ' into smithereens. StecloSAUItiia. : tha ornitholestes or bird-catching dinosaur !.S all entered, into this wondarfui mk. 1 rr"a' ln's foundations. .. . - "This hut was built by a Mexican I Relying on the assurance of the. sheep herder who had happened on the o1 Statesman, Tha Journal an grandeit extinct animal bed in the nounc that paving on flute street has world, i This was a nlot about ha rii. begun, - 1 ' square wherein lav ln rich nPnf,,nvl . ' . ."'.. Released on- bail.-ha wnt. ta I !e bones of aU the animals of tha ren-1 The JUnn county farmer ha . . . I ,11 . . . ... y 7,- - 1 .4 An ... il . . . . . ni v : - -1, v -i I a" ww I,,, .rr - win in - taa ; last mn Tne piace was evidently once a river I years. : ho is now getting next to him' From the New Torkr World. A wealthy merchant of Philadelphia was arrested in New rork, charged with a serious offense. . He added . to , the gravity of the original accusation by trying to escape prosecution ? through pripery. Hoboken had attempted suicide. The newspapers of Philadelphia have In waterways 1 for- relief as a check upon (that which took "place during his ab- railroad greed and . mismanagement isence was simply the carrying out of his No other nation except possibly Brasuiiaeas. has such a vaat system of natural in-1 , Mr. Harrlman, to-his credit be it said. 1 . 1 I... . .n,.o.k. , ...... Vt . . .a m.m H,Ma maila Nt whlfih AttAnha tn tha tnaaann V,. n0 Printed One lin Of the facts. : XT 1- ,. M - a. W. Tl T ii i , Vm..! maIbaa4 l-Bn I ftin S that. KiI1aM ..... ' AU - A. I WUUIUVII ; lUl t sjutu isj , UJ ilQH :U1A; liVBiOVvOU. i ui mu iuv uuiuuu wpuil htiv siiuuiucrs n- . A-1 1 .! i V' V.. .L-Ia.. aM a I - t4m SMAntataa! . . J" TTI A a , . . l a. i iv i iUiaDiBaiuyt :y, mvuv awes v sp w ewi i w. aoouvia .va. , a ai v A-ascstvaa ms jr. a. il w RKi.fi r ii DRoniH Rrn nnvin v oninr i - - . . . . 1 1.-, ai a , I v muvucwmm uiv newi. - t wo uia bo j?ti i . -.. - . . - "- - ewui ,u-p i rz . - - - sei, . New. says, affords a "pitiful specL. ' ann' Vn h, - ittcio, ttuu continues; I tnmiMncn pnrannnfpn for r a! I "lean, ew lorK, is only Zb miles irom I n aaa vevn oone wnne ne was away, C" ' The people have arown ' out of Intel- I . . . ' .t . tne Geneseo, flowing into Lake Ontario; I reeiine; that a mlstaice had been made-. S'lectual ewaddlin iMnds and have at-1 lar returnea in ueatn losses, no it receives through- the Chicago drain-1 , xma,;. nowever, did not prevent him ta bar, and the dead bodies that fin.t.ii I self, an up-to-date, buainesa man. aava down the stream were here arrested to the Democrat,'. :,';'.!'; .to the newspapers, of New 'for I r01! '"thousands of years Two did so Frl- tlll the sheep herder set about the A Medford laundry advertises that It Ined the age and dignity of trousers, j wonder those companies can acauire i canal the waters of Lake Michigan from going ahead, with his accustomed Flftr vears ao when Ullteracr-was too I :, .. v- . ana lt arains the furthest i limits - or energy to maxe a success of tne trans- common, when one .periodical, sufficed I --'a..v , ""'"-t0 ; for a whole, village, wbesjtiw daily and land have plenty of money, for cam tne session-labors, of th state wgisia pB,jgn contrlbutiops. tilt at mrawA tinlrnnnt m rka WTimttm ftf fhA ' people ami the prominent legislators , were demigods to their own party and Dont imagine that the number . monster? of iniquity to the other party, , nm,.. f-. jit was fit and proper that senators Democrats in town Is measured by should be chosen by the legislature. 4 the number of votes cast for Pfinnla ara inmlnir tn fllfifrHSt ICff-lThnman lslatures more and more, and ito un derstand that ; they . can and must "The presidential campaign has Montana. The little Thames and Seine J action. Complete ': success depended are canallxed and made to beaf great J upon making - a market -for the bonds burdens from points where they . ate which had been issued to the Harrlman- smaller than scores of American rivers Gould-Stillman-Schlff syndicate sit OS. . that do no work at all. ., t Enliatlng .the aid of .- Benjamin B. Odell, then chairman of the Republican Fordnff a Crisis J we ,rommittea. , it , is said ,;Mr. From the. Financial Age. . ., ' tl 1 Tltr: .3,1 During the last few days newsbaDers I nrmtmilhl uvinr. hanv im,m.i.t. contain telegrams from Omaha that J to these Alton bond s. the Urtloh Pacific is stopping building I - A fact of extraordinary lntr in and improvement work for lack : Of I vlaw' of recent devnlonmAnta la that thi. . . . .. . . .. I r " juiiub. ( flaw was Blamed bv. Oovernnr Th,nHnt. publishing the news on, its first naa-e and the other by printing half a column on- an. inside 'page.A-,N;y;''S:n;'.j7fc. NOt Content With the sunnraaalnn nf tne news by the local papers, the newlv appointed . director of publio safety of t-uuaaeipnia, . apparentiyi peueving A the -puDiio saiety; to be menaced, sought to prevent the -sale of the New York newspapers In Philadelphia by issuing vruars inai newsDoys wera not ta-nra aloud the contents of .the papers they were selling and by bavins- noiiman order them to "mova onf - at! Today in History. 147t v Lancastrians " .defeated TewKosDury. , (war of the Rosea. 1043 Louis XIII of France died. - 179s Irish rebellion commenced.. 1801 Samuel V. Merrick, builder of the first' armor-clad vessel, born ' in Maine. Died August 18, 1870, ' . 1826 Thomas H. Huxley, Physiolo gist, born.- Died JTune 29, 1895. - 5 187S David Livingstone, African ex plorer, aiea. .iiorn ii7. . lSSftr-Dr. P. H.. Cronln, Irish National- which a button is found to be missing irom a garment mat-lt launders. Oh, for laundries like that in PorUand. , , With, his double-bitted ax across his . shoulder a Jackson county man was , looking skyward siting tip the appear- anoe of a big tree when his feet sud ' denly slipped from Under him, and fall- . tna; backward , the ax cut a three and ai half-Inch gash In, the; back of his necli severing 'an .artery. v. :v , .vr ,:i ' :ir S & i'viXgi) il'X v - blatsop county has at the present time " ' onjy a limited number of orchards, says - -rely more npon themselves and trust opened," says the Louisville Post.! ,How "' Th. Union Pacific has Roosevelt Thus the signature of Roose- mih c0.UI!.t Pub"c moraj New Tork V newsoaners ..- hava thAl. 1 1st aetAtor. murdnr. in cm. . faults, but ; uniting to : suppress legltl- 1897 Paris Charity baiaa fires 180 the (Astoria Budget, but the conditions mate news in regard to the arrest 'of J Uvea lost - I here re favorable for raising- certain an, mua merely Decause ne is rich is I J Andrew Carnegie sold his in. not One Of ' them."...' Refuslnar ta nrln I terest In tha nara.rla b..i . ..di. .. . . " ' ; ; MtUe to legislatures.. Und.er the plu- rality system the people may not get ;' much If any better men 'for United , ' ' States' senators, members of the fegis , lature and other officers, for awhile, 4 but they will at least keep the unfit - legislators from Having much power ' and. from electing senators. .To this I end the initiative and , referendum ; are necessary means. , , y ''' ; Oregon - needs now to order, its next legislature- to pass ; a revenue . law, such as was recommended by the tat code commission; r The ' last legislature neglected to pass such a law, 1 though it was 'well understood that the- people' demanded lt. No chances should be taken with the For goodness Eighteen month too much," ..irai txTa w. always claimed to have millions out Jvelt completed the Alton deal by giving can. lwy Justified, but no such sake! "W9 hope not, ,n the cail-money market. What has the lto bonds the prestige which I notlvj actuated the Philadelphia news iths of lt would be "too,-! oecome of themT The Union' Pacific j taehes, to ;.a savings bank investment They were not concerned about Get ready- to take, your medicine and look pleasant tomorrow,' gentle men. Worse things h&ve happened The people admire " a cheerful loser. - ' J an ,'. Our Neglected Waterways. ' From the New Torkjjorld. . President' Rooeevelt has named admirable waterworks commission whose memoer are an wen equipped for a work of very great Importance, k :- .' For years the railroads have been ob structing water 1 commerce tn ivlsplrlt of short-sighted selfishness. By burin 1 has its treasury full of stocks of otherjTet at this very time the essential ,fts Pbi1moral" buJ; Pole,r about, the. fact railroads Why not turn them into cash of the Alton readjustment stock-water-iV,1 ,th,f n,n ,undr rrt wa wealthy This Is not. a new policy for the so called newspapers of Phfladlnhia , tn pursue. The same thing was done, also "im m KBBisuince oi a pupnc Official, when Frank K. Hippie, president of the " c " company or .miladel phla, committed suicide last year, is it oBionisning inat tne (newspapers Which the public cannot trust to print the now wiinoui zavor anouid hava 11.. tie power for public good In a city "cor rupt and contented r , ; ' , and continue work In NebraekaT Or is It only intending to stop buying material ana. oeprivo rwpfKingmen 1 of waxes In order to force a crisis m the belief that tne suriermg masses wtu then hold the president responsioie lor their condl' tlons? ..... :. . '.: The President's Advantage. Fr6m the Atlanta Journal. The president has the advantage of Harrlman . 4nJ that the people are. rather Inclined to remember that Mr. Roose velt never stole anything. - , ' ;.Prohibited. 'Do j you," asked the preacher, "love your neighbor as avourselfr" 1, , . "No." She Is a pretty widow.' and m wife won't 1st m." - . in and all had been made nubile. This, of course, does not Imply any complicity on tne part xf- . Governor Roosevelt in the operations of the Har rlman syndicatoJ iOn the contrary the governor anquestlonably r accepted the blU as it came to him, la good faith, be lieving tnat it represented the desires f the Investment market He did not then understand the matter as he does now. i ' ' . ' . r . . Seven years later, as president of the United States. Mr. . Roosevelt believed lt to bt his duty to proceed against Mr. Harrlman and eondemn this -very- deal which he himself, in his ignorance, as governor of New York had helped to consummate. From Washington. D. CL: to MeNeirs IaUui4 ta aualia A ohjuia-a. r . w From the Albany Democrat' " v ' An exchanae kicks bamnu tv, o . land Journal ;; Is getting a lot nf . f, advertising on Its prey "women 'con test r The newspaper that can get Some free advertising U a hustler. ! A , Pertinent Question. C ; f'v Senator Rayner of Maryland is in Tsi; vor of adequate salariei" for . school teachers, and at a Teoeptton he told a story about a teachers' meeting In a district where the salaries were ex- iremeiy low, 1 - ! "A rich, portly banker " opened the meeting with an v'addreas.r he said. The banker concluded his remarks with an enthusiastic gesture and the words: xiong iivo our school teachers I - "What on V shouted a thin, ; pale, seedy mast in a black coat slightly smwarea. witn cnaiK mark's." v s New Problem In Kansas. v ' : From" the Quenemo IKan.) News. : Why is it that a; 7-vear-oId kid ean drop a half-burned match ln an alley and Durn au me earns m a oiocn, while an able-bodied man has to use un a whole box of . matches to get a fira sUrted In a heater that haa draft enough to draw all the .furniture ud the toe- kinds of truits and there Is certainly no valid reason why the numbers of orcnaras snouid not materially be In creased, provided the pests which de-T stroy the trees are kept out i;;, rs a: v . 'Tillamook Herald: .The editor f h paper met with a veryalnful as well a unfortunate accident laat Thursday morning, in badly cutting- the back of ma .on nana wun n ax wane chopping wood. A fractious spruce limh and a " cause, 01 tne accident but there is one thing that we are thankful i for, and that Is that the ax was what we would call damn dull, and therein lays our thankfulness. - - Mr Nancy "WeslfaU 1 has , written from China to an Albany friend as foi- that is first Urn I been to China I can not live' here as I has poor helthln Chtnajso r come back to, oregotu I America aU my Ufa. ,v 1 was brought up by America- race. Rv.rviw.it. . so much. about Nancv WMtr.it .ti friend ln feh6 0t "r 4 - if