The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 04, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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.: '.' , . . j ' -.-:', t- ;.y ,-. .
Fashion, Paragraphs FrOm New York
In this season's fashions, the nrev
alence of the Japanese .Sleeve is the
moat notable .feature. In one type or
, another it will be found in gowns and
coats of widely varying character, This
fashion naturally 'follows the long
ahoulder effect that is found successful
in -the dainty costumes , Intended for
eariy summer wear, as weu as in tailor
d gowns, ;:'vy.v'- .'..Wv:1.
Thls new' oversleeve, which is usually
made in one piece with the overblouae,
is allowed different treatment in the
aim for original effect In band form,
or draped. Us prominent position af
fords ample opportunity for trimming.
Voiles, chiffons, foulards and organdies
with wide borders, give the 'best effect
to the Japanese sleeve and are used to
a liberal extent. The undersleeves and
gulmpe,' which; complete this gown, are
of lace or some sheer material. Inserted
with medallions of lace of fine em
broidery. . The transparent sleeve and
semi-transparent sleeve ;wUl be ' used
throughout the spring and summer.
. Many of the dressy coat suits are ac
companied by a waist which serves to
complete the costume when the days
grow too warm for a coat. The over-
blouse with the Japanese sleeves is al
most Invariably the style chosen; Orig
inal lines by slashings made to show
the gulmpe gives It a pretty effect. The
waist is made either wf the same mate.
rial as the suit or of silk or crepe de
e matching its color. ' The under
sleeves and gulmpe are of lace or net
or corresponding color, and ' latticed
with narrow bands of. elvet" ribbon.
The gulmpe may be shirred front and
: back and finished at the neck by a
standing collar, . and the short puff
sleeves terminate in fancy cuffs with
; tab ends meeting at the top sad trim
med' with buttons. -- ,: v !, -:
. Lace is used extensively in decorat
. ing. nearly all the newest costumes, and
on some models the bodice is made ml:
most entirely of white, cream or ecru
lace, with straps or embroidered bands
ef the material to give the color.
There is a great deal of embroidery
used this spring, and many of the finest
voiles are worked' with silk. Many
skirts have embroidery as their only
trimming,' - The soft materials are
tucked er laid in folds, while the cloth
skirts are plain and fit closely. .
Voile is unquestionably the most pop.
Vlsr material for reception gowns and
r r-.
afternoon dresses this season,. There
are coarse Voiles very nearly, as heavy
as canvas, and there are also qualities
which are almost as fine as chirron.
The plain and fancy, striped and fig
ured, dark shades and light are all .to
be found in the voile of this season. 11
is made in the most severe tsilqred cos
tume, and also in the daintiest robe
suitable 'for weddings and luncheons.
It certainly is better to have a suit of
voile , than anything else, as it is the
most fashionable material,) and gives
a satisfactory amount of wear. . Striped
voiles are perhaps ' the most in favor,
but checks and figures are . also much
worn. There are often two shades of
one color In the striped voiles, but the
most popular Is a narrow stripe of a
decided tone in combination with white.
The majority of veilings are made up
over white, so that the character of the
gown must be brought out in the trim
mings .which are decided and striking
in colorings. . A white and pink striped
voile might be trlmrtled with a deep rose
velvet or silk. If the veiling is a deep
carnation, a touch of pale blue In the
trimming is extremely smart - Brown
is frequently used to bring out the color
of a pale blue pink or mauve. . r'.
The very latest in a tailored suit is
the cutaway coat. The style Is suit
able to be made of light-weight cloth,
plain, checked or hair-striped, forVajah
in plain or novelty weave, in JPanama
or voile. ' The closely fitted coat is
fastened " with three large buttons a
little to the left side. The neck is
completed by a mannish notched col
lar. Coat sleeves with '.cuffs or stitch
ing at cuff depth are provided, and the
top may - be gathered -or plaited.. , Tne
skirt to this costume, is or nine gores.
each being' laid in two overlapping
plaits, while the . seam is bidden by
tuck-stitching: ;-;,', ,' :.-
Separate Jackets have the same grace
ful curves as the' cutaway coat, and
being worn short are decidedly "chic.'
Tney emphasise the slender waist and
this effect " Is Increased by the side
front and aide back seams. These
seams are (covered with shaped bands
which take the curve of thj side sec
tions in the front, rounding to the bot
tom of the coat A smart addition
may be had by having a vest section
which' buttons high, above the lower
edge of tb notched collar.. The cuffs
may be -. close-fitting, , s turn-back or
suggested by-stitching at cuff "depth.
or mlrsipan with peach flavoring, Can'
died cherries Imitate the stone, A pine
apple cream, very delicious. Is made of
meringue flavored with pineapple, made
to imitate a slice of the fruit' This is
served, on a slice of 'rich oake. In
pears a la Lakme a rich cream' mixture
Is poured over thin quarters of the
fruit.. ' ,, I-...:'. ,; , ;v , ' . , :,
Salad for GameA novel ; salad to
serve with game Is made of two small
turnips and two potatoes cooked, one
slice of pineapple and two bananas, and
shredded celery. Mix with mayonnaise.
to which' Is added whipped 'cream,
tablespoonful of cider vinegar, a little
sugar and salt" Cut the vegetables and
fruit' into fancy shapes, mix with the
mayonnaise and . garnish ' with the
shredded celery. j-' '
V , Saturday's Menu, ,
- Grapefruit Cereal.
JE scalloped Fish. . Fried Potatoes.
,;.'-'. '. Hot Bolls. Coffee.
V -' ' -V.-, , ' LUNCHEON. .
Creamed Chicken on Toast
Salad of Spinach and Egg, with French
Dressing, .. ,
Warmed Rolls. Preservsv..r.
-' Tea. , ' ,
,, DINNER. '
"" Cortr Soup.
Broiled Chops with Tomato Sauce.
Baked Potatoes. Buttered Beets.
: . ..v J,t-.r -.- Lettuce ' Salad.
Bread and Raisin Pudding, Foam Sauce.
. Sunday's Menu.
Twilvht Chat. I frill at collar top and as a sleeve finish.
Tb. influence of is two- ? 'JS"??"
fold. Every one of us leave -an . Im
pression upon life asva whole, though
It may be thai we consider our part la
the whole scheme of things sv very In-
significant one. When a man of a wo
man dies we look at the deeds that they
have knowingly accomplished. We say,
he built so many buildings, wrote so
tnany books, built up such ind such a
railroad: she managed the affairs 'of
Is made both in sheer white batiste and
in- silk mull . is- upon the Marie Antoi
nette line with plaited frills down the
center front , and finely tucked shoul
dera. "v. ;;s-i'----:?i-ir'- ':
.' The front frills have their edge cut
in deep pointed scallops and then em
broidered in tiny scallops with silk of
soft blue or green or brown or rose,
tattle embroidered dots are set in
the mionaoruughooi mtoTmUrto
to many years or gave so mucn to nos-17- r ., 1,i, -,,. . t.w a
pltals: these are the conscious acts of LLft-i? U" Zj8&
the life and their sum total is a mighty I n,bro1dered to match and
factor in the world's progress.
Every life," however, has its unconw
clous influence as well. The things
which' have been done by Intent are not
all ere not even the largest part of the
life's influence..-While he was building
the railroad he was .also living, , ana
a little lingerie bow embroidered in the
same fashion is set st the head of the
frill. The sleeves are rather full and
reach well below the elbow,-being fin
ished with an embroidered turn back
cuff. - A cluster of very tiny, horisontal
tucks along the Inside seam, adds to the
; wSTO ZttZZt-SZ o' this sleeve modeL .- -"
those with whom he. cam in contact, J -p ,. , .. . . . -
an influence for good or for evil, for
purity and righteousness; or for sordid
' aess ' and 1 narrow selfishness. While
he was' contributing to hospital
' fund she was also a good neighbor,
friendly and helpful, -; a good motner,
A Fruit-Salad.
Peel the outside spikes from the blos
som end of a pineapple, cut off the top
for a lid and' scoop out the fruit meat,
leaving the shell for the dessert re
ceptacle. Mix the pineapple with two
- ' . ' - - i - ... . j 1 vvywv-m ASAja s,u ayuaiuio
wfM &nd nnMiiisin. ; or ma -aciunnuw i AMnMa Ann.hsi .s. , rHWn.k
much and gave little, shut herself away 1 waJnuta cow wUh dressing made
at... wk itriiA haI rr nisi I . . . .
mm thnsn who were not of her set'
and . repeated -.unkind r things - about
others; shedding an influence of blight
and unwholesomeness which will . re
main after her other deeds, her con
scious deeds. ar forgotten. The creed
of unselfishness and mutual helpful
with the Juice of two ' oranges' two
lemons, one-nair cup snernr wine and
a half-teaapoonful : salt one cup of
sugar. ' ;-4 sv t-'-i .'."n...f
The mixture-was replaced la the shell
while graceful pieces of parsley were
Inserted under the lid and further decor-
ness is as old as ths eternal hlUs, but ated with large red eherrles held in the
as new as eacn mornmrs iun.mnc. ju rreen foliage with toothpicks. ...
Is a creed to live by and to die by, Let I The pineapple was placed in an old-
s not be afraid to be kind.. I fashioned soup plate, which was filled
with parsley and red cherries, while
New Blouses, . . ' ," the pineapple spikes, which were cut
f . v , . -. ' '' . from the top, were placed around the
. Never was there greater variety in ig9 of piste, making thU dessert
the convenient separate blouse and BOt only an attractive dish, but a very
surely there was never greater charm, delicious one. If one does not care to
irhJ.i,hnMta 1 in eerie blouses are more , m,tv ,. ninumi. oam
dainty and beautiful than those of last or r(lW strawberries,-bananas or white
nr use i even upon the sheerest batiste
and handkerchief linen, j
Rome of the most charming models
rasmong the simpler blouses make use of
I 7BJaoe at an. v "
Marvelous Invention
Cures Weak Men
mm It nnsalble.
The hand embroidery used lavishly
upon them Is. chiefly of the very fine
and delicate Jtlnd associated with dainty
; baby garments and the whole tendency
among the- fine waists of the lingerie
class seems to be toward deUcate ef
fects rather than v. toward , bold and
striking design. -
favorite for combination with the hand
. ...... ' 1 , tf-l1..M Mm '
mhrnmitrv. DUl jwi .u
grapes are splendid with the pineapple.
If grapes are used they must be seeded.
For the Housekeeper. ;'
Where hard water is used, If a com
mon marble, not glass, is put in the
kettle, it will prevent the flakes of
lime from forming on the sides.
; Oranges.,. Cereal. ':r f'V.
: Broiled Bacon with, Poached Eggs. iL
.x-Popovers. .::.:i-:.s-:.- Caffee. -i'--
. ,;".. DINNER. .
; 'Cream of Spinach Soup. ;
Roast Veal with Spiced Currants.
New Potatoes Creamed. Lima Beans.
, ; Cucumbers with Mayonnaise.
"::""" Wafers. ' - Cheeserj
Rhubarb Pie. -'' .; t. Coffee,
, ' 81TPPER. !- "V
- f Creamed Flnnan-baddie.
Hot Biscuits.'. ; "'Tea.' j',
; Stewed Tigs and Cream. T
.'';,luv;,:'-'.t.'- Sponge Cake. ;,?:. ;
- , -
.. ',: The Icebox. '
All refrigerators must be used with
Judgment-. ' . ? - ,
Beware of drain pipes discharged on
the ground. .',. m f ? . '-.
v Clean, scald and sun. the refrigerator
at least once a week.' .-v.
Park, Ill-ventilated halls ar "not fit
places for the refrigerators,
Every day. put ice in the Ice cham
ber; a little every day will keep an
even temperature, : while If this is neg
lected, much more ice will be required
to chill the air current
Food should be carefully looked over
and so far as possible placed in covered
dishes before going into the icebox.'.
Germs are good friends of an ill-kept
Icebox and must be continually fought
Hot sal-soda water is ideal for the
weekly scaldlngv i i. :';
Ice should be carefully rinsed before
placing in the Ice chamber, even though
the distilled variety be used.;:
Roosevelt Called Upon Depart
ment of Justice to Investigate
Undesirable Citizens.
When linoleum beains to show wear
Very I n.nt thU anrfi with I rmul nnalKv
narrow Inseryon is exceedlnly popular I of floor varnish and allow it. a longer
time to dry than would do necessary
for wooden boards. -
Al pair of extra sleeves drawn up on
e lower portion of your sleeves and
a big bib apron as long as your gown
makes It possible to get Into the kitchen
with a pretty gown on and . emerge
therefrom spotless and dainty as be
fore. . ,
'A. useful piece of kitchen furniture is
a table covered with heavy tin or sine.
It costs but little and lasts so long.
You can always have a nice clean table
with little, care. No unsightly, greasy
oilcloth after preparing meat,, tc .
To prevent rust heat the articles welt
mnA mh In t hArniia-Vil v common heeawax. i
".'"a, nw anA Rrlentific appliance in-1 Then rub well with a cloth" until the
vented'by;.U-BHawley M.;Pwilll wax .y" rta."lI5wiLlnLrfi
Vm""!&r "have been kept 7ory'ea in this
and startling to a high degree, - De
velops, strengthens and cures lost
vigor. Positively no failures. 1 Physi-
:M .n . .ni maa if in thfir nrac-
!T u " ' .1. laVst- skeptical withstand the laundress, it Is -Riser to
. , tice. If (you, are the . least ,hrlnk materials before cutting
,as to the ;VaiueOt a"'"" them-,. out Ginghams, linens and ba
treatmeht, send for illustrated circu- Uatei come under this hnad, and are
- - lars, lake them to your.:family physi-j v.ry easily' shrunken. . The ginghams
cianand get nis cpinion. ni wc i are usuauy put in -coia wer wra
time anvone has reauestea ,you soaxea ior everai nounv -ui gooo
Patcht Granted By thci
- U. S. Government
(Joomal 8 Dedal 8errlee.t
Washington. May 4.- In his coming
letter to the New Tork Federation of
Labor on the Moyer-Heywood case.
promised next Sunday, it is understood
the president wiu maxe it ciear tnati
his position as to the undeslrabtllty of
these men was not taken without an
investixatloa : ' '."
It was stated at the department of
Justice today that the president over al
year ago, in answer to a warning from
Governor - Gooding that federal troops
might be wanted in that state, called
upon the department for an exhaustive
Investigation of ths whole case including
the acts against Mover and Haywood of i
which laborites now complain.
Boise, Ids- May 4. The coming trial
of Haywood continues to bring crowds
of strangers to this city. Every avail
able room Is taken and the authorities
say that fully 100 men will be here from
Colorado to attend the trial.
The attorney for Haywood this morn
ing filed a motion in the district court J
asking ' that an order be made requir
ing the prosecution to furnish a bill of
particulars. It will be argued Monday I
morning. Moyer, Haywood and Petti-1
bone continue to take dally exercise on I
the courthouse lawn, but the number of j
guards has been Increased from five
to 10. ,
' ';, Shrinks. the Summer Goods.
In making' the . gowns that must
-;?? tak
pnysician-rwnvr np.? J1"""c green a generous piece of alum In the
Irnnws vour -nhvsician Will not recom-1 .v..
-------- ....
t: mend his treatment nox so wiw mis i - Thg Unea may tn hot water,
. appliance. Yout- doctor Will imme-1 rinsed in cold and hung on the line
diately grasp the idet, and when he dripping.' Simply rinsing the batiste
' does he will recommend it I Nothing and drying will shrlhk l Sprinkle and
. like it has ever been sold before. ,It Jron J1"., JjSP
works the sameon every individual vS2SSJ--v
;Send,today (for tree Illustrated (Sr. ncd woVaThese pcLt
mii, cuiiiaiiiiiiu tiu jinvjuei.v.. i aam unnecessary, nut arter one season
reproductions ot .' this wonaenut in-iahs 11 see the advantage of them.
- strumentThe moment you - see it
you will realize its , possibilities. No j '' : por the Hostess.
C O. D. or free-trial schemes to
M; ......... a -i. at-lL.Sa.' 1"" ' ' a.
.-Ttfa ia n nfsin -;- nerving urapiruii--J new xiavur is
catch -the unwary, t This is f a' plain Jted to grapefruit- by sweetening
business flroposition that will appeal th pulp and chopping lime drops- fine
' to you as -the greatest Opportunity anj eprinkllng them -through the grape-
'ever offered to those who are weak, i fruit at the last minute. . "
Address I B, Hawley, M. D., 1020 Fruit In New Ways Peaches a la
'Granite Bldg, Rochester, , Mlkadaare molded from almond. paste.
y ' (Special DiRpatch to The Jocrnil)
Freewkter, Orv May- 4. Of f lclals ot
the Walla Walla Traction company State
that work Will commence next week nnl
the new freight and passenger depot)
ror Milton and rreewater, which will
be located at the junction Of th O. R.
& N. and the Walla Walla Traction com
pany's tracks at, Milton, on the Free-
water side. The building will be of
brick. 25 feet by 45 feet and will con
tain an agent's office, waiting-rooms for I
men sua women ana rreigni sneas. ; it
is expected that it will be rerfdy for oc
cupancy In SO days. '; The construction
of the mam line through Milton is being
rusnea wiin au possioie speea.
Charged With Murdering Parents.
:- ' '"''' " : v Uoeraal Bnedal Scrrtca.t ,
Chlcagov May 4. Mrs. Mary Sladek
tnM aiternoon was Held by the coroner
to -the grand Jury for the murder by
poison of her parents, Frank and Mary
TTT " Tl
- . . ... ( i,' ,, ' ' , a -l . t: . . ,
T7T. i
co;.ikg '
In ; a-"' '
. HOME .
;x ctr ' .ill I , -I
i : ill
Furnishes .
: , . -m -j r.- .', '-:vii.''. ')'':"
'.Whole House
Hot Water .
Low Cost
V ' '( !
Turn the Faucet Boiling Hot Water
AH Over the House
(ID1 ficLDD0 (D)K C
No Attention: Required Is Always Ready,
At Your Service
, rrn TUT TI?
Obstinate racking coughs that settle on the lungs and may develop Into Pneumonia orer night afVqulckly cured by
Ts'tt ra TT4T
It soothes and heals the Inflamed air passages, stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. FCUTT'O
IIOTeSY AKD Tin contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and is safest for children and delicate people.
- - Remember the name-FOLEY'O I.Cr.ZY AT.3 TAlV-and insist upon baring the genuine, as no other remedy
Is so safe or as certain in results. j . . ' .
CIven Up to C!e With Crovp
r ' ' Mr. P. I. Cordieir, of Maonlaetoq. Ky. writes: "My thK-jear
old cirl had serera case ef croup; the doctor said aha could not h-a
ind I raT her ap to 41s. I went' to the store and rot a bottle of
Foley a Honey mud Tr. 1 nxst doa gvri quck relief and
tse4 her life,". ' ,
Editor Cured off Lc3 Trcct!a. '
W. L. Straub, Editor of St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times, writetj -r
"When coming across the bay from Port Tampa I pot wet and caught a
cold that affected my throat and lungs. I neelectexf it, thinking! would
toon recover, bat I kept retting worse, until I bought m bottle otFoleyM
Honey una Tax, and it cured me completely," '
Three glsea 25c, 50c, $1.00. - The 50 cent alxe contains two and one-half times as much as the small also and the
$1.00 bottle almost tlx times aa much. RetilM tllbstltuteSs
r (BDMlal Dispatch te Th Xosraatl
1 Grande, Or., May 4. A. i J. Ste-
nhenson. who recently, arrived here
from the east, is .preparing to begin the
...viuIam a tAfi(no fl v In T .
B, a .'- . I m . ' 'Skv I UUUUVdUUU vs. e uva . m
IS tea generally SO Dad f Granae. Typetang machinery and the
usual mecnanicai equipmant are now on
the way to La Grande. It is the lnten
ttort ' to have tne nrst . issue out
June 1. ,
It is rather uncertain
generally, there' 'is. no dif
ficulty in getting, it good.
i jfvu grocer rctara v reir sieeey 11 res dost
Vie Schilling's Beat: e par Slav '
Monument Enterprise Sold. '.
(Special Dlapatc ts 4be toontiy
Monument, Or, May. 4. W. B. Weir
and Jess Allen, owners and publishers
of the Long Creek Banger, hare pur
chased the Monument Enterprise of K.
A. Amhlon. - They will continue to run
It on much the same lines as before.
"',-' :
RpeoUl Dlapatcb to Tn Journal.)
: La Grande, Or., May 4. At a meeting
of ,the school board Tuesday , ertning
H. J. Uockenberry was reelected prin
cipal, v Grade teachers reelected are:
Mrs. Nellie O. Neill. Miss Qussle
Fischer, Miss Bessie Goodnough.. Miss
Syra, Kuhn. Miss Jeannette Clark, Miss
Mabel Williams, Miss, Florence Harris,
Sour oahyT Ton 'wonder wny ne cries,
uy a botue of. White's .Cream Verml
fuge and he wllf never cry. Most babies
have worms, and the mothers don't
know It WhKa a Cream Vermifuge rids
the child of worms and cleans out us
system In a pleasant way. Every moth
er should keep a bottle of this medi
cine in the house." With it. fear need
never enter her mln(L Fries 15a. gold
by aU druggists,
Miss Mary Harris, Miss Gertrude Bel
ver, Miss Sara Riddle. Miss Fanny
Louis Barber and Manuel Snider. New
teachers are: Miss Helen Vehrs and
Miss Ruth - A. Bush. Seven additional
teachers will be elected later.. ;; :-
(Speelal Dlapatch t Im Joernat)
Elgin, Or., May 4. The work of In
stalling Elgin's new water system is
now, under way. A. IX Sheldon, a rep
resentative of a wood pipe company ef
Olympla,; Washington, ' has contracted
with the city for 25.000 feet ef t-inch
stove pipe made from yellow fir. It
will cost approximately 19,000. The pre
liminary work is now well under way.
Metsger fits your eyes for tl. H3
WashlnRton str-t, corner Sevent;;,
formerly tt HI tijth street.
PJtwtyi . r .t -r V r-
fti"' rr-'
wl esi .
At, .
a,;. n. -