The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 04, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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: vv-;; -i ,; -" 1 , . ; , '"' J.
Portland Business Men Leave City Next Monday Mornlng.on a
: Visit to Eastern Oregon arid Idaho Towns Representa- '
tive Men of City Members of the Party. -
- ' The Portland business men's, excur
sion through eastern Oregon and' west
ern Idaho, like alt similar excursions!
s thoroughly representative or , W
commercial, - financial and professional
strength, of the city. It la composed
. ' of owners, managers and represents-
- tlvssfwho hold commanding positions.
" They leave their buslnese Interests
here to spend a full week In visiting
tt different points and their Itinerary
., covers one of the most progressive ana
prosperous sections of the entire Faclf-
le northwest : . .,: ,;; , u
The growth of the territory through
- which, these ' representative business
men travel means the growth of Port
land. Just as the growth of this city
. will be to the advantage of each and
every point visited..
' . Itinerary of Trip.,' '
The Itlnorary which Is given In full
will be, followed to. the letter and la
-order that obligations may be met In
each and every one of the communities
visited, the train must leave every
point exactly on the minute.
, . Monday, May I. Leave Portland 1:10
- J frlTa Falrvlew t:ls. a.,m., leavs
:V a. m.; arrive Troutdale tits' a, mi.
7 , leave 10:117a.. m.s arrive Bridal Veil
io:40 a. m., leave 11 a. m.j arrlvs cas-
. . caae Locks U:4S a. m.. leave JZ:l p.
- m.r arrive Hood River 1:10 p. m., leave
4 p. m. arrive The JDalles 4:45 -p. m..
. leave ll p. m. .';;
Tuesday, May 7. Arrive Elgin 7 a.
m leave 1:10 a. m.s arrive Imbler 1:05
a. m., leave 0:10 a.'m.; arrive Alice!
:45 a. nu, leave 10:01 a. m-r arrive La
Grande 11:30 a. m leave 1:14 p. m :
arrive Hot Lake 1:80 p. m., leave 1:30
p. m.; arrive Union I : JO p. m., leave
1:41 p. m.; arrive North Powder 1:80 p.
m leave t:4t p. m.; arrive Haines 4:08
:. p. m.. leave 4:11 j p. .s arrive Baker
City 4:0 p. m. - , -. ' ". ' v
Wednesday, May i s.-Leave ' Baker
City 4:80 a, m.j arrive Huntington (Pa
, clfle time) j39 a. m., leave (Mountain
' ; time) 7:45 a. m.; arrive Welser' 8:80
. a. m., leave f :80 a. m.;- arrive Payette
10 a. m.. leave 18:80 p. m.: arrive On
. tarlo 18:40 p. m.. leave 1:40 p. m.j ar
rive Cald well' 8:80 p.' m., leave 4 p.. m.j
arrive Nam pa 4:81 p. m., leave I p. m.;
' arrive Boise City 1:48 p. nv -
Thursday, May .' Leave. Boise City
- J, p. ra.; arrive. Huntington (mountain
time) T p. m-. leave (Pacific time) 7:16 j
Friday; May ' lo. Arrive V" Pendleton
1:48 a. ml, leave 10 a. m.; arrive Echo
-11:08 a. m..' leave 11:80 a. m.; arrive
Hermlston 11:88 a.' m, 'leave 13:80 p.
m.;. arrive Umatilla 18:40 p.- m., leave
1(08 , p. m.; arrive Irrigon 1:30 p. m.,
, leave 1:38 p. m.;' arrive Heppner Junc
tion 1:35 p. ra., leave 8:88 p. m.; arrive
lone 4:10 p.' tn., leave 4:68 p. m.; arrive
Lexington 6:30 p. m. leave 6:36 p. m.
arrive. Heppner 6 p. m, s "y--- ;--' -Saturday,
May ; 11. teave- Heppner.
13:30 a. tn.', arrive Conon t:80 a. m,
, leave a. tn.; arrive Arlington 11:46 a.
m leave 13:80 pi m.rrWe Biggs 1:40
b. mj leave 1:80 p. m-T arrive Wasco
- 3:36 p. bl, leave 3:80 p. m.j arrive Moro
- 4:80 p. m., leave p. m.j arrive -urase
- Vallev 6:40 o. nu leave 6:10 P. tn.; ar
rive Bhaalko 7:30 p. m-. leave 11:80 p.
. Sunday, May -13 Arrive Portland,
140 a. m- ! .', r,'"..'
Letters have been received from every
point and a cordial welcome and good
.time Is expected by the Portland busi
ness ' men. They have requested that
no expense be Incurred on their account,
and It has been deciaed that every re
ception and entertainment will be of an
Informal character and the , travelers
will leave their -lress suits and Tuxedos
at home. . ': - - -' ' "'
Following Is a Hst of those who will
lk accompany-the rtj-K-'r:&.,
- Arise, F. W., Ariss, Campbell tc. Oault,
machinery brokers; Aver 111, A. presl-
dent A. H. Averlll Machinery oompany,
Beach,' F. E., F. B. Beacn o.
Brannick, E. M., vice-president Btude
baker Bros.' company, northwest; Brey
man, A. vreyman uvur
Rmn . fx ' M. . nrealdent HazelwooV
Creamery company; Brown, L. A., Allen
& Lewis; Brunn, C 13., secreUry and
tnuunr Blake-McFall company: eui
tnm. v a. wuffnm A Pendleton; Burk
hart, T. T treasurer Title Guarantee A
Trust company; Butler, Leslie, president
Butler Banklnc company, wooo iwvr.
Pake. H. M . Cako aV Cake, attorneys
Callan, A, C, manager Paclflo Hardware
tt Steel company; Carey, B. B.t onies
& Menefeei Carter, H. 6.. National ; Cash
nar1atif mmmnr! CoddlnCtOn, L A.
i.tinmnhar Portland Commercial club
rnnnoii. RamueL nresldent Northwest
TVnr mmninr: Cornelius. Dr. ' C. W.,
capitalist; Crane, Jasper, W, P, Fuller
& Co..- v, y- '' ' -r ' ' '
Dedman Jr., W.5 H., wholesale cigars
nit tobaccos: - Dekum. Aaoipn
butchers' sunoUes and hardware; Dooly
Jr.. h. M.. Doolv A Co.: Durkheimer,
Julius, vioe-cresldent Wadhams A Co,
EUers, A. IU secretary ana ireuror
nin Piano House: JunKiisn. - n.
marrhlnt. Dr Island. ' OrCSOd.
m v
TTini.v. J. p undertajcer: Tem, 4. a
manager Fairbanks. Morse 4k Co,; Ful
ton. C. W., United States senator.
am 2. ft. J. K. GUI ft CO. ' '
Halley. , Thomas O., , Chamberlain,
Thomas A Halle v: Hodson. C. W presi
dent Portland Commercial club; Holt,
W. A.. asslsUnt cashier.-United SUtes
National bank; Hoyt, George W., assistr
ant cashier. Merchants' National Dana.
Jmbrle, T. R., farms and umner lanas
Isherwood, F. manager linage
Beach Manufacturing company, y-.-
Jackson. C. S.. The journal;, jonnson,
B nresldent Portland Seed company.
Lawrence. TV. tne , ueorge tw-
rence eomnanT!' London. T.' W. B.
letant manarer. Balfour. Guthrie Ca
McClung. J. H.. capitalist; McDowell,
nmrn H, brick machinery and strnc-
tural steel;' McMurray, WlUiam, general
passenger agent, Harri man lines In Ore-
aon: McPherson. C J., secretary, w, w,
McPhereon, heating and ventilating ap
paratus; Manchester, F. E Sherwood
Sherwood; Mangold, Otta, secreUry and
treasurer. Mason Ehrmao Co.; Mas-
tick. Charles L... Charles L. Maatlck
Co. ; Moore, W. H., president Oregon
Trust A savings bank; Morrow, ur. .
W ' physician; Morse, A. A . special
aaent frelaht department. O. B. at N.
. Nitchy, F.
nan v.- '.'J
Pattnllo. A. S..' manager. Oregon Iron
A Steel company; Paget, L. L credit
manager. Flelschner, Mayer Co.;
Perklna F. H.. Telearam: Perry. N.
merchant, Houlton. Oregon :. Piety 8 C,
sa.le -manaaer. Marahau-weus wara
ware 1 comoany; Potter,' A. H.," Paclflo
coast manaaer. B. C. Atkins ft Co.
RasmusseiL J. P- Rasmussen A Co.;
Richardson, Tom, manager, JJortland
Commercial club; Roberta, J. C Peters;
ft Roberts Furniture company
. Scott John M., assistant general pas-
mm aaent. Harrlman lines in Oregon
Soott. Leslie, Oregonlan; Smith, D. H.,
circulation manager. Journal: Smith,
Jay, manager. Marshall-Wells Hardware
company; Stoppenbach, T. N., vice-president,
and treasurer, Paclflo Paper com
pany; Swetland, L. Q.. waiter m. juow-
ney company. . . '-'
Therkelsen. L.. advertising manager,
Lowenberg ft. Going company; Tu thill,
H. H. manager. Oregon casket company.
; Unna. a S department manager, M.
'Seller A Co. '. . ..'-,?..: - -
Vogan, J. Wi president Modern Con
fectionery company.
- Watts. Thomas C merchant. Reuben,
Oregon; Williams, W. A., general agent,
Continental Fire insurance ; oompany
Wittenberg, " Herman, vice-president,
Paclflo, Coast Biscuit oompany.
State Veterinarian to Appear at
Salem -Tuesday Before
Sheep Commission.
raHt Dtmateb to The ottraal.l
nivmnla. Wash- May 4. At the in
stance of the Wenaha Wool Growers'
association of Walla Walla and others
Interested in the sheep business Gov
ernor Mead has Instructed: ur, a, tt. isei
atata' veternarlaH. to go to Salem.
rsw Oregon, to resist the proposal or tne
I chain sheep commission to establish a
. .... ainttr ' wri.nin.inn
sneep quinnui" ..p.. v..t
Nevada and California. Governor Cham
berlain of Oregon has set May 7. at 8
o'clock p. m. as the time for hearing the
application of his sheep commission for
the quarantine.
The Washington sheepmen are up In
sxms at the proposal. They assert that
the general health conditions of sheep
are good In this state, whatever they are
tn Nevada - and Callfon1. and that a
general quarantine would be unnecessary
ana 01 grem injury mo uiji
in this state. Dr. Nelson Is thoroughly
familiar with' conditions here and can
1L. .i.lln t , i- mf.f
. ".' .''".'. ':: r f'
. ' ' (Joaraal Bpeeisl ertet.) '
'Wilmington, DeL, May 4. Miss Mary
tea, daughter of Governor and Mrs.
Lea, was married today , to William
Corbit 1 Spruance, . Jr., son of. Judge
Spruanca of the state court The wed
ding took place at : the Lea summer
home, near Delaware Y"ty, and - was
largaiy attended 1 .;-"
Heavily-Laden - Boxcar Chases
. Sleeping passengers Down t
Grade to Switch. -
Reno, Nev May 4. ;WhU( over 600
passengers were peacefully sleeping
aboard train No. 2J, going over the
mountains last night, the engineer and
crew experienced one of the most nerve
racking races - that ever occurred be
tween here and San Francisco, The
fearful race was' made . from Emigrant
Gap to Blue Canyon to reach a Switch
before ttte train was struck by a freight
car, heavily loaded with handcars, which
had broken away from an engine going
tip 11 steep grade, and v. was- tearing
through the snowsheds at a terrible rate
of aneed. ' r ' '
The big flatcar and engine were on a
switch at Emigrant Gap wbenjtratn IS
passed and started up the grade. When
near, the top the bar broke away and
started down the long grade. ... The' op
erator at Emigrant Gap wired a warning
along the line and the operator at Fulda
hurlod a weighted message at the cab
pf the passenger train-as It passed; The
engineer rend the warning, opened his
throttle and started to race for Blue
Canyon: with the conductor on the pilot
and the switchman on the rear platform
to open and close the switch. The flat
car passd immediately after the train
had rattled over the frog. It was run
onto a derailing switch farther down the
line, and tore up 100 feet of track before
crushing into the snowsheds. ' '--''.
New Postmaster at Austin, Oregon.
Washington,, May 4.-Peter .A. Mo
Phee has been appointed postmaster at
Austin, Oregon, vice Linda Austin, re
signed. - ; .'".J-."
A n a n i a s and Sapphira
, v Thrown Clear In the ":
- ': : Shade.
To the Democrats of Portland:
It has been published from the pen
of Mr. John Van Zante that the "Demo-
cratlo 'Campaign Committee'' had 'no
right to send circular advices to regis
tered voters, as the said committee was
self-appointed, . and that at least one
member of the committee aforesaid did
not sign the cltcular. This is deliberate
falsehood and as proof of this each and
every signer of the circular in Question
has hereunto - attached his respective
name. , -. , ; - -.. '. - -. ; i
; The Democratic Campaign Committee
is composed of members of the county
central committee, the Bryan Demo-
eratio club and the Multnomah Demo
cratic club, the chairmen or presidents
of which appointed the said members of
the said committee. - ' .,'
- Mr. George H. Thomas' candidacy for
the mayoralty Is being supported by
large majority of the Democratic voters
of this city as the result will soon at
test. The county Democratlo central
committee with few exceptions favors
Mr. Thomas for the mayoralty and the
weak attempt of those who- wilfully
misrepresent the facts In the case are
doing a great deal to disrupt the Demo
cratlo party and dice In office a can
didate who - poses as an Independent
and will soon pass over into the Repub
lican camp 'where ha properly belongs.
Xoars for fair play,-. -
. ... "A. E. REAM,
,M. J. MALLET,".' '
Democrat! Campaign Committee.
In Utah Has Proved Himself
School-Buildef-A Farmer
Who Himself Farms.
. (Bpselal Dlspatrh te The Jovnal)
Corvallis. Ot.. May' 4. Dr. Kerr, wlio
was elected Thursday to the presidency
t Oregon Agricultural College, -Is un
derstood to. be one of the nest couege
executives " in the west. His recom
mendations are of the highest order.
manager Crane eom-tand Include unreserved Indorsements
from Benjamin iae wneeier, presiaent
of . the University of California. Presi
dent ,-Smith of Michigan. President
Bryan of Wisconsin, Judge Goodwin of
the Salt -Laka Tribune, vr. Tainot or
the Methodist mission at Salt Lake and
many others. He has, been for seven
years president of the Utah agricultural
college, during which rime that college
baa passed from a ; small Institution
Into one of the best known land grant
colleges In the west Its agricultural
department during this period has more
than trebled In . enrollment and has
greatly . widened ' and - strengthened its
technical and practical phases. '
". Ss. JCerr Xlmself a Farmer. '
Dr. Kerr Is Ttlmself engaged In farm
ing, having for several years conduct
ed a farm of several hundred acres
while In the presidency of the Institu
tion at Logan, Utah, He la a member
of the National Aeaoctation of Agricul
tural College Presidents and the author
of a treatise on applied science. He Is
the author of much literature on the
subject of the province of agricultural
colleges and mechanical colleges.
Dr. Kerr Is 41 years of 'age, la a
fluent speaker, a man of wide informa
tion and has, as a result of a visit to
the Lewis and Clark fair, an abounding
faith In the future of Oregon. He at
tended the fair In company with ' the
governor of Utah and was one of the
figures .at a reception addressed at the
time by Governor Chamberlain. . j
Those who attended Thursday's meet
ing of the board of regents at which Dr.
Heney and Burns Plan to Indict
, Calhoun and Mullally Be
fore Day fs Ended. ,
- '.;.. . . , "' , , '-r-
Officials of United Hallways Called
(5 Testify Yesterday but State
men of Holbrook ! Belled Upon
' for Conviction.
t ' ;;" (Jrarnal flnaetal arlM.
h San Francisco, May 4.--Patrlck Cal
houn and - Thornwell Mullally are to
be Indicted In connection with the over
head trolley , franchises of the United
Railroads, If plans of Heney and Burns
are realised, on . the outcome of the
testimony which will be completed be
fore the grand Jury today.
Heney and Burns have amassed evi
dence which leads them to believe that
Both Calhoun and Mullally are cognl
aant of the bribes paid Reef and the
supervisors to secure the franchise for
the United Railroads. - .. -
Confident of the conclusive nature of
the-evidence of graft, the prosecutors
sprung a surprise yesterday when they
called Calhoun and Mullally before the
grand . Jury. Both received subpoenas
while at luncheon at I o'clock in the
afternoon and repaired shortly after
wards to Native Sons' hall in an auto
mobile. - 1
Although both refused -to1 answer
questions this does not ohange the sit
uation.. In the least as their own evi
dence woold have . no weight for or
against their indictment The evidence
of Charles Holbrook. who is ene of
the dummy directors of the company,
is considered very strong against Cal
houn and Mullally but Heney and Lang
don declare they will produoe testimony
still more conclusive of the bribery of
the supervisors in connection with the
trolley deal.
Holbrook admitted the expenditure or
immense sums Just after the fire and
testified - that .money passed into the
hands of Calhoun and Mullally. Beyond
this he knew nothing about its use.
If final action is not taken on this
case today by the grand Jury the end
will surely come Monday.
Male Students Declare Co-Eds Vote
for Best-Looking ' Candidates) or
. Those Who "Fuss" Most.
Kerr was elected to the presidency
were Governor Chamberlain, State Su
perintendent Ackerman, Austin Buxton,
Master and Mrs. Waldo, lecturer of the
state grange. President Weatherford
and Regents ' Cotton. Keady. Wilson
Apperson, Irvine and Pierce and Sena
tor Pierce, ,.
I SAMUEL,- ' '.--'.-.
General Manager
. Assistant Uanager.
(Journal ; Special Servles.l ' T
London, May 4.-Empress ' Eugenie,
who Is spending J ibe winter ..on the
Riviera, will be SI years of age tomor
row. According to reliable report the
ex-empress Is in very poor health and
news of her demise at any time would
cause no surprise.
v Born In Granada in 124 the daughter
of a Spanish noble and a Scotch lady--the
life story of Eugenie is one of the
most romatlo and pathetio -of modern
times. In her twenty-seventh year she
became the wife of Napoleon III, who
created a sensation ,by marrying her In
spite of the active and avowed opposi
tion of ; his ministers. -' For eighteen
years she presided over one of the most
brilliant of European courts,-and when
Sedan made revolution a certainty she
found asylum with the emperor and
the prince imperial in England. 1 Three
years later Napoleon III died, and the
widow, to whom Queen Victoria became
greatly attached, devoted herself to-the
education of the son whom she fondly
hoped one day to see wearing the French
crown." The tragedy of her life was,
however,, not et complete. , The young
prince, serving as -an '.officer In the
British army, was killed In the Zulu
war of 187$ and one of the saddest pll
grlmagea ever undertaken to South
Africa was the Empress Eugenie's visit
to the spot where her son fell. ' '
t (Journal Special Service.)
Ithaca. N. Y. May 4. Male students
of - the colege of arts and sciences of
Cornell university have started a formal
campaign -In favor of segregation of the
taxes tn the university and against co-ed
participation in undergraduate activities;
At the first annual feed of the men's
association of the college, the faculty
and students. Joined in the warfare. ? A
large proportion of the girls in Cornell
are iriembcrs of classes In this particular
college and their presence has caused
considerable , hostility. Professor Olm
stead of thV French department strenu
ously urged . complete separation and
segregation, going so far as to demand
separate, classes, buildings and teach
ers. This, however, was recognised as
Impracticable. Arthur W. Dubois, presi
dent of the association, proposed to oust
the girls from all participation in class
politics and from membership, commit
tees, organisations, publications and
every other form of activity. It de
clared college politics has become demor
alised because of co-ed participation and
that their votes went to those who were
the best looking or did the most "fuss
ing." . ' - . .
linere are
"From valves and joints when we complete a hot water or steam -plant
You don't have to hang a bucket under the air valves to v
catch the drip. It's because we use air. valves that cost a little
more than the other fellow's, but when our work is finished it's
; "McPherson" work and a "McPherson" system the very best I :
Tho W. G. McPherson Company
' 328 GLISAN STREET , ' -
Ceremonial Is an Epoch-Marker
In History of Order
at Baker CityC
. (Speelal Dtspateb te The JoarnaLt -.
: Baker City, or May . An epoch in
the history of Gauntlet lodge No. -1.
Knights of Pythias, of Baker City was
yesterday's ceremonial, when promi
nent members from lodges within a
radius of 200 miles gathered in this
city to take part In the aervlcea inci
dent' to the laying of the cornerstone
of the new temple to be erected at the
corner of First and Washington streets.
At t o'clock the parade formed and
nnder the direction of Colonel James
A. Panting as marshal of the . day
marched to the scene of tho ceremonies.
Acting Grand Master at Arms Vorus
poured- upon the cornerstone oil and
wine and . placed upon it a, sprig of
myrtle. . '. --.' -""
Under the supervision of Grand Chan
cellor M. F. Davis of Union the actual
work of laying ' the cornerstone and
placing . the receptacle , containing the
names of grand .lodge officers, speak
ers, the names of charter ' members
of the local lodge and other appropriate
papers, was done by Contractor Con
nor, who is a member of the Knights
in this City. -W -: ,-'.-:,; .S.-.,,:.
" Judge W. S. Levens then introduced
the speaker .of the day. Congressman
W. R. Ellis of Pendleton, who spoke
of the- work and principles of the order
and lauded the cnaracter and attain
ments of the individual man, saying
that only the Knights who are true
to themselves are true to their order,
ana make possiDie me erection or sucn
an edifice as is being erected in Baker
City. '
Last night the lodge , met and Ini
tiated several ' candidates in the first
degree work, after which at the Saga
more hotel a banquet was served.
Judge Levens was toastmaster. Many
brilliant speeches were made. .
. VViiC;i - ;
v iuai r II I
s ' '
r - ... ..
" (Jonraal Special Service.)
San Francisco. May 4. The unknown
man who was killed In a running fight
with' a sheriffs posse near Willows
Sunday - night, has . not been Identified.
A story to the effect that the dead man
Is Count Otto Von Waldsteln falls flat
rWashlngtae Boreas ef Ttx Journal.) " uponT Investigation.-The victim of the
Seattle. May" 4.--Washington is in I blunder at Willows does not resemble
line for land fraud scandals that may the count In feature nor does the cloth
rival those of Oregon. Investigations lng found upon the body resemble that
are now under way on a large scale and worn by the count when last seen.
sensational developments are expected. A FollUer of Alameda, when shown a
SDeoial agents of the secret service are photo of the dead man, declared1 that it
at work In Seattle and other parts of tnelftore no resemsiance to tne count, wnora
state. Word from Washington Is to the he knew welt M. Glrard, neighbor,
effect that sensational reports are ex- who wasriso well acquainted with the
iUV V.l'l:-rJ:H;-J:l.'.:.
Second and Taylor Street. Portland
sssssxacEa33aasassssszssssssrr2 1
pected at the department of justice, al
though none have been received to date.
Instructions have been sent from the
general land office to Special Agent
Dickson at Portland, under whose -.direction
the operatives In Washington.
Idaho and. Wyoming are working, and it 1
Is hinted that prosecutions have already 1
been recommended. The names Of those
to be prosecuted are withheld.
count, was emphatlo In his denial that
the man who went to hla death at Wil
lows Is the missing nobleman. ,
" Journal Bvaelat Btrvles.l '
Williamsburg. Va., May 4.- This was
the date fixed for the unveiling of the
handsome monument to the Confederate
aeaa at 'Wuuamsourg, out owing to an
accident to. the shaft it has been found
necessary to postpone the event. It Is
hoped to repair the damage and have the
unveiling take place at an early date,
when the event will be made a memor
able ene by the participation " of Con
federate organisations throughout this
section of Virginia and the attendance
of a number of prominent speakers. :;
Packers Raise Wages. -. ..
V' -. (Journal Special Serrlea.) . ' T ,
Omaha. Neb.. Mar 4. The entire
working force of the packing plants of
South Omaha, about 8.000 men have
been notified that an advance of S to
IB per cent has been granted them to
take affeet Immediately, - :, v, , , ., ,
-(Joamsl Speelal gules.
New York, May 4. James R. Roose
velt Jr., a cousin of the president, who
created a sensation' in society by his I
marriage to "Dutch Sadie" Meislnger.
and who more recently was accused of 1
alienating the affections of the bride
Olympla. Wash- May 4 -Pamphlet of a bookmakerrtiaa now been sued by
No. 4, containing the last of the session 1 Relman 4; Co jewelers, for 17,000 for a
laws 01 tne i07 legislature, win oet diamond collar., said to have been' our-
ready for distribution the first of the chased for his wife prior to her action
coming week and will be mailed out I for divorce. - Tounr Roosevelt has been
witn pampmet xmo. 0, compieiea a lew before the public constantly since, he
days ago. The laws of the Ust session became of age and Inherited an Income
comprise 758 pages, as comparea with pf f 50,000.
872 pages ror tne session or isuo. xne
official publication, In book form, i will
be ready for distribution the latter part
of this month and will be the largest
volume of the kind over Issued by the
state. The so-called Tor rens land law
fills 40 printed pages,
m m 1 11 1
3 8 '..Tst:"irT
7i ..agJsTetaV
S--..'vlv!-;-. . - V'-.": '-;? t
Is not a difficult matter when you
rti;ljj.-,-.;:;s-'.,nsa. .-i1, '
A combination of most durable Var-'
nlsh and Stains for Interior Wood
Work,. Floors, Furniture, etc,
Fisher,Thorsen S Co.
. '(Joornat Bnailai" Service.)
Washington. May: 4. Men prominent
In medical circles in all sections of the Nece8Bary ,n tha Trftatment of the Drug
. . .... .. " . . : ...
The Value of Physical Training In the
Treatment of Neurotio Patients,'' B. E.
McKensle, Toronto; ."Legal Control
country filled the assemuly room of the
Hotel Raleigh this morning at the open-
Habit," Frederick H. Gerrish.: Portland,
Me.f "Criticisms: of the United States
l?S It 11 tl.??1 m?t.,n Pharmacopoeia," Reynold Webb Wilcox.
Millions of people all over
American Therapeutic ' society. Pres
ident Robert Reyburn iff this city pre
sided over the initial session, wbion was
given over to reports and routine busi
ness. This afternoon Harvey W. Wiley,
chief chemist of the department of ag
riculture, addressed the society on me
subject of pure drugs. ' Other addresses
and papers presented during the after-
i-noon were aa follows: : "Principles Un-
New York.
; (Journal Bpadat Servte. . . .,v
Newport R. I May 4. The subma.
rlne Octopus broke two speed records
yesterday in, trial' trips before the gov
ernment board which Is ' conducting a
series of tests of this class of boat.
nolnar three tim nvar the regulation
f iU. - t.Ait .' j . ' uavia nrntr of Fayetie, w. i, course , the Octopus made an average
preserver. OI tne . teeUl and lost a foot at oettysburg. writes: "Elec- -urfaca speed of a fraction more'than
anvvesmfiV tr,n (rr Um m,re IVS. i ?v.don -1?. ?S ill knots., using her eftnes alone and
. 4 . 0 - . ..... t w.j .m.,.h trnuMa. ant I reserving ner battei ifa for sunmergmg.
and mOUth. i Lhir namnhlet -,tlTM mi-iM to Later. In a seml-submeraed test, she
TU r- Um. THl. I "to Purpose, until I- began taking brokethe world's record by making 10
ine Wore OX Uie 1 ee in Will I Electric Blttera I would not take IS00 knots. In making these speeds the boat
infrcf friftCA wrtrv lynr rrnnA I 'or what they nave done for me." Grand exceeded the contract requirements by
w t,,w wv wu 1 lonio iOf 1 lie aged ana lor xernaie wean-
the WOrld are isiner SOZO- 55riy,ng th Treatment of Tuberculosis,"
ii ZL'jm . - . 9 'rY.yr 1 Frances MV , Pottenger. Los Angeles;
uuixi. Decause oi tzs genu
ine value as a cleanser and - K- Gettysburg.
tower sealed and operating under it
batteries. At the end of that time sh
1 till retained nearly half her electricity.
An examination of her air was made by
the board after the runs were over. It
wss found healthful, tha ,-yentUatlo'v
proving satisfactory.
-L f 1 1 1 1 11 11 mmmMmmmm ''
A. T, pv Fair Commissioners.
(8plal Dla patch te The Journal.)
Olympla,-?. Wash., May 4. Govt-ronf
Mead today appointed Edward :v t,i
North Taklma a member of tli-) r.- t
fair-commission for, the term er.i!s-
March JT, 1S11, succeeding Z. Y. -
man, term expired. He also reappoint.- 1
Samuel J. Cameron of North "Xa ni n.
member of the commission for tha -
term. ...''.
:'V:.' IT YOU DOS"
succeed the first time ite j
you will t Instant if. t.
est liver remlator. A t
for con t itiutlon, i!
chlPs and l liver
pf tmorv, Tfvao, ,
more than half a knot. -
teeth and want to keep them tefir ifft, - f
Weak kidneys. Guaranteed by Red Cross hours and r
iraannacy. ,oo. . - .u...,
e conrs. fr seven
half the-tlme wis
!, v llh conr -
been Uh.
chlu'.ren 1
cur 'or