t ' 1 t " aa-v a a aaaa a -A ? , i;A -U. 1 r. - , w r j l. a - 1 fenr OONNCT A ,6JP i PAY'KAH! (STOP IT.) i TURNIP AfO OCOO 13 tWMfJU rir I 'A ME go too:, get save WE GO GET SOME NfOS J J llAUH-TVlH-nH L ' IEATIN& R6oh J I XI AS O A1JVIB- ' r er" r - v I - Y 1 i r "wet i " 1 -X TIIN a aVV i i ."fe..fT'W fJl 'r ;: :' i I -.- I 'at yj. - r a, I tlVVW - AVv 1 COR 1 , Uttle Crowiinf Bird nd Fnnjr.YeUow Htir danced tht Flower Dtnet " 'j around the pretty May-pole they had et up ontfl the flowers began to droop ' M ..j ib. iit. . . . .. . . . . . . . uu u. , t k wa now w n-pego.ne iveezii. me Moon ot riowerawnat t t c 1 . fJ It AJ 4 i - mi' i rw f vi ff7 1 ' 1 yyti - in i in r , . ' k(i i fit i I 1 m I :i I Nil .. ,i I &GKQOT: - Uttle Bear (who had tumbled off the top of the May-polejnd bumped his '.?,,; head) was wearing another kind of headdress,' Nokontis bad tied a wet bandage-f around HIS head to cura the headadw'he ai! " Aa tl chiLWn am rrrin .' the Paleface people call the Meny MontK of .May"-the wopda were fun of y ',., , off Nokomis said: rYou get rarWuhtub-ineir (Eatable Roott) mebbe ' mei - A wild flowers. As the children were starting out one day to gather basketful.;' : , ) A . - make heap good soupf u Yellow Hair looked wry atylish in her' new feather V t . ,Nokomurpsented YeUow Hair with a fine Indian Bonnet f Eagles feathers- .. llbameuto-jao$ little Indian Prineessl .Besides. Nokomis had changed Uw'if totaketheoUceof thwreithhehd woma"Oueiof theMav.! . i wmtertrimmins' of her ola dress from f to deerskin fnnpMheJ.rV : INDIAN TUnNIr DOtfT DO IT HUkOOHS! HCD4QHE ROOT , VTeUKN TQNGUP. NBAO! VHIV" - "aw V " "r-i - . t f i S ; V V i in - . : v u AA- '.i ' i (The worst mnd Ne GOT HEAD I fiWPw! WS,i' 'fee: - - nmmasz- ' ' ' ( I I .7 . ' . ir Ye5.' f iAMZKlHD f 17iD ONION: HEAP GOOD IH NAH'BOOB.'(30(PX - ..) : S . CW. LOOK. LITTLE BEAU G EATING VrHEClTTETL I INDIAN TVP- MIF ROOT - H - v -, After they had gathered some nowera and 'were aearctunr tor Men , i ; ; ; j i v kind of wild ordon), and "Crinkle Root,1' and Ifo-puvyalk, tb Flag Root, Yefc,-,-, low Hair found purple-etripcd flower with small, round root J9m Uttl , - ' ' ' V. ' whitt turnip. . When ahesked Growling Bird If h waa good to eat. h aaidi V ? . - "Kawl (NoO It is Wah-se-gung 0-chebik. the Bitter Rootl Heap hotl- K -l..,f,lJttIeBear had found one also! -He was going toeathatcea.butbchlldrDw , . , . . cried: . "Do not eat it!. It will BURN YOUR MOUTH AWFULLY r. 1 HEBURHX MOUTH HEAP PLENTr WuuCj Hflrm "". Oa hi I ME DON'T BEUEVL IMNTVRNIP50 , MSEATJ(6TLITTLt BIT, ANYWAY. sA11 f It? o V. 16 1 1 r.i uliw.ir I i' r 9 I f..v.r;ij 'V, i 1 111.. ' ' ' , .. y t But Little Bear seldom took good' advice especially when it waa about ' 'i something he wanted to eat-o he said "This one Medicine 'Root: mebbe it i " good for headacher 'While the children were busy filling the basket, with flow-' f - : era and the roots they had gathered, Little Bear slyly began to eat the bitter "In- . ' dian Turnip" root m epite of the warning which had been given huk " AundaV ' - ,i'knw all kbout the good and bad roots, and he told Little Bear what would hap I " C pen 1 but Mukoons went on eatinr it iust the same.' ". ".,. HURRY 2 in,m inn "Tfci :, .' -7 Tk - i ' jAtflA 'II Mil .'III I MrHW3l(l 9r ' ioON'TUT DROWN AH at once tht Bitter Root began to bite hia tongue! ' It grew HOTTER, ' ' and HOTTER every minute! Little Bear dropped it and grabbed his chops", , with both paws! . Then he began to puff and gasp. WAUGHI HOW IT PIO 1 ; . BURN! 'vj . . . - $A ' ' Little Orowling Bird and YeUow Hair were startled when they heard him - r . grunting 'and groaning. v But when they saw the half- ten Indian Tiirnlproot . the knew that hia areedinesa had rotten bim into trouble AGAIN i" KAWKNO!) HS NO D&OWNf "-'.J' . ' nl6 1 Oft QUE : ' ' 1 fl-A 4 ,7V-.-'- ' r " ' "'I !l)fJl14Uill,i how long- Xah you - &TAY UNDER. WATER? .. .4... ..i.. li-'i th-iH I 1 '-54;-!T-ii 1 .". m .. - . 1 When Little Bear couldn't stand it any longer he Jumped tip and danced - i , around as if Bees were atlnging him! ' Then, catching eight of a pool of water - 1 - close at banfl. he rushed off toward it, faster than any one would believe a little ! bear COULD run! He made an awful fuse, crying out that he wu "on fir and ' ' Naming pT, ,Tht children and Aundak, the Citw,'came ninning after him ta r help him. if they couldalthough 1 Aundak didnt act as if HE cared muchj : Whan Little Bear came to the water he didn't hesitate a moment - V UTTLE BE At' N6K0M16 WiLlGtlE YOU SOMETHING ., NICE TO TAKE. J AWAY THE HOT, ; 011 xrc. ifi&te ''It. Mr TONGUE 13 a m sr 1 rot) GET FOR, yOU WANT TO -BAXAUTMNtl YOU SEE, ALL 1 r5- v , 4 V I J I : A C He. '' ws?. , i: I A.. JT. $ X ' I j-4T .-VA?cs A- ' 'A l-SSi - .t:.4-v, .4 y .w y .atVfJ-yr-171 ' II I llj , piunKeangiu m ana oucaeo nu neaa away flown in the clear, cow water, ana iuu'i. i intKB just as long as na , , ' AfMukoona had cooled off a liithnrmnVi,.K..v- ..ifc.iJfuun u . . - '' could stand fit, When he was eempelled to raise hio take, fresh breath hia riwth and ton : . ' ' . fa.WESTiS so. down hislwad would go for another dip! Aundak (that sarcastic old bird) begged him not to drink the spring dry- n . ' - " nw fCtaiot "2 .? ",Tmiln' anJ Wer uste in his. - butyouknow.Anndakwas.greathandMS. . . . ttliSlSSS -how deferent was kind-hearted Fanny Yellow Hair! SHE was quite unhappy wrmiriortune overtook any one even Little . w had blbVaS about toSS-Ie Ekck Bear (who certainly DESERVED most of the punishment he got, because he was m awfully greedy ! And GrowWWAA.- " niwSl J SnSSof T 5? u frthK be could lay hi. . Bird. too. although he was.vexed at the way Linte B. ! .- V V. ' t: