Tins OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. 'SATURDAY EVENING, MAY , i:07. LAND FRAUD DEFENDANTS SENTENCED. TO PRISON Pierce Mays Given Four Months ? int the County . ' . Jail. ' JUDGE HUNT. GIVES SENTENCE IN KINDLY WAY Rnrnnnnn FaHs to Appear la Court and HI Bond of Poor Thousand Dollars. Is Declared Forfeited to the Government , r Broken in health, with high ambitions wrecked upon the coal of Tmr1c"; Franklin Pierce Mays, one time idol or a larre constituency,- formerly - state senator from Multnomah county and TT-ii at mt mm attorn f or the district tl Ull ,w . of Oregon, bowed beneath ths weight contrlteness and sorroir, ; r an went when was sen' ' - tented . yesterday sfternoon by Judge TLMiiiom H Hunt In the United States " circuit court to servs foor months la - ths Multnomah county jsu ana w pay flns of 110,000 for conspiring to defraud the United States out -, or us puouc landa - ! .'''-.: . Oeorgs Sorenson f ailed. te appear In v court and his bond was declared for feited by Judge Hunt on motion by TTniteJ States Attorney Bristol.- The sum of ths bond was f 1,000. , h Jones TUrorans' Bui OooL "Miiri entered- ths courtroom with - Mr. Mays snd his brother, Edwin Maya when Judge Hunt announced .that the - time had arrived when sentence snouia be passed. His coconspirator, Wlllard N. Jones, presented a striking contrast to ths broken Mays. Healthful, full of r vigor and strong In appearance, Jones arose and answered in a ciear, even wotaa that he had nothing to say why 1 sentence should not bs passed, when ' Judca Hunt asked the question, but added that his attorney. 8, B. Houston, wnnld sneak for him. Attendants In ths court listened In silence as Attorney Houston mads a plea for his client "There will be no attempt on my part, your honor, said Mr. Houston, "to change your opinion In this case, because of your knowledge of the evidence, i I wish to say, however, that I believe' sincerely that these men did not know they were defrauding the government when ther sought to get these landsthey simply saw an op portunity to make money and did not see the crime they-wers committing.. v, .- .';.' -, stoat's Xi&dlr Words. After' Attorney Houston finished! his plea. Judge Hunt proceeded to sentence the- prisoner. - No kindlier' or, gentle words could have been selected by a judge with so unpleasant a duty before him than the remarks of Judge Hunt preceding ths pronouncing of sentence, ' y "Avarice is the cause of . the misfor tune' which has r overooms you. The chance to secure for little what would eventually give you riches caused you to adopt the methods for obtaining wealth that has brought you before ths bar, of this court. You have followed In Uia footsteps of others who adopted ths same policy before you.;f V '': -fMen who' did these thlna-s- became soon careless in their method. One man made money easy and then others enierea into the ssme business. Tneir moral sens finally became so blunted that they could not distinguish between tight from wrong, these men of splendid reputation and .. good 1 character-' were ruined and disgraced for Ufa Kars Walks Forward. "What happened 20 years ago cannot bs taken as a palliation of your offense, and ths court will now sentenos you. 'The sentence of the court is that you bo ' confined in the Multnomah coun ty Jail for a period of eight months and that yon pay a fins of IJ.OOO." Then Mays was called forward. Judge Hunt requested that a chair bs placed before ths bar for . ths v aiok man. Trembling and tottering. Mays walked forward In nervous haste, dragging a chair with him.- As hs nearsd ths side of his attorney, W. IX Kenton, Mays rested his weight upon ths chair and looked at -the court ; Judge Hunt began to ask him ques tions regarding bis health,' to which Mays answsrad In a voice filled with Ths questions WILL. ADDRESS HHOLICS Son of ' General ' Sherman Here From Chicago to Deliver ' , Lectures. ' - .Rev. Father T. B. Sherman of Chi cago is a guest at ths residence of Archbishop Christie, Sixteenth and Davis streets. -Hs will remain In Port land during May. i " Father Sherman is a son of ths late General W, T. Sherman. He Is engaged - ' A 't. ' ' ;-;-'.'":.''.''r. k - - - r ii 1 SB. ST. AT. rilllOI, Kataropstfc, D. Yon Are . and want to get well the f best thing for you to do is to throw your medicine away and go to Dr. N. J.N Fulton, Naturopath,7 who treats I all " diseases without medicine, v She cures many patients who have been treated ' for months with medicine and who : have about given ' up hope of being cured. . Such diseases as rheuma tism, la grippe,' stomach and bowel, complaints, goiter, paralysis, female complaints, nervous diseases,' she treats without medicine, and cures.' Examinations and trial treatment free. . . . Dr. IX J. Fulton araTvxovAn. :15 TITELFTII STREET 1 ... . ;-,'' ';-'.,.. : f Conn CHay, one sloe from )& J'. , sns from 13ta street oar, from 4aff ersoa a.' Telephone ;.. ' Mala S123. - : . were any that a father might ask a wayward son. . Mo disposition was shown by ths court to bs harsh with Mays and as ths answers were drawn forth It became evident to the specta tors that no sentenos ths court could in flict would be greater punishment than ths disgrace which surged In the breast that had ones bsen filled with pride of personal ambition and family nana , , Teaxed Xanf Btmtn.''-:"'' After Judge Hunt announced ths sen tence -would bs four months In ths county Jail and a fins of f 10,000, Mays sat down and leaned his head upon his arm on ths back of Mr. Fsnton's chair and wept; Those In ths oourtroorn aft j srward stated '; that It was to May's credit mat n aid not attempt to gain a light , sentenos through sympathy bs- oauss of his former high station In life, out tnrough ths fear that a lone term in jaii would km him. Previous to ths sentencing ' of . the men. Dr. W. T. Williamson testified as to Mays physical and mental condition. Hs stated that Mays would never bs a well man' under any. circumstances. Maya hs said, is suffering from prs- seniuty. v ,-ri... . .. . . orenson's Bond "forfeited. Oeorgs Sorenson. ths third consolra- urr cunviciea wun Mays ana Jones, was not In court when hs was called to be sentenced, and United Btates , Attorney William c. Bristol ssked that his bond bs forfeited. Alex Sweek. attorney for Sorenaon, demurred to ths motion and stated that Sorenson had been In Wash ington to testify in ths Blnger ; Her mann trial and probably had not re ceived notice that he wss to have bsen sentenced ysstarday.,,'-. r-- Mr. Sweek stated that hs : did not know where Sorenson is located, but was firm In 'ths belief that hs was not trying to evade punishment - Mr. Bris tol insisted, however, and his bond of M.000 was declared forfeited. H. A. Eaton and R. Schuyler were Borenson's bondsmen. Judge Hunt announced that In the event Sorenson returned In raa sonabls time, ths forfeiture could be sat aside. , . t i . , .1 Sunt Oosa tontTa, -' ' Preceding ths sentencing of Mays and Jones, Judge Hunt listened to ths argu ments to the bills of exceptions in the Zacham Barnard and Hendricks casea Judgs Bennett of The Dalles, represent ing the defendants, took Issus with United States Attorney William C Bris tol on amendments which ths govern ment wished to bs added to the original oiiia ana aeDatea for mors than two hours on ths points of contenUon, Judge Hunt sustained Mr. Bristol on nearly every point brought up by Judge Ben nett, Who took exception to ths record of the cass. -Judgs Hunt replied by stating that be nsver knew of a more thorough or exact stenographer than Miss Fleming, the court reporter. ' Judge Hunt left last night for San Francisco where he will ait on ' the United States circuit court of appeals. 4! :- r A ZA2y liver -' : May be only tired Urar.or a gtarW liver. It would bs stupid a well a savage thins; to beat weary or starve nan because bs lagged la hit work, & la treating the lagging, torpid liver It, It ft (rest nlatke to lash It with stror.H drastic drugs. A torpid liver b bnt ar Indication of an Ul-nonrlihed, enfeebK body whose organs are weary with ovr work. Start with the stomach and alllct organs of digestion snd nutrition. Put them in working order and see. hov qnickly your liver will become active Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovers Mm made many marvelous cures of llvci trouble" br Its wonderful control of tV organs of digestion and nntrltlon. It re- stores the normal activity of the stomach. increases the secretions of the blood-mak ing glands, cleanses the system from poi sonous accumulations, and so relieves the liver of the burdens imposed upon It by the defection of other organs. . ,- . i Ii von have bltteror bad taste la the morn ing, poor or VVlabls appetite, eoated tongue, foul breath, cokiupaud or lrrsguar bows, feel weak, easlM tlrsd. Bsspondent, frsqasat hesdsckes, pain r dtrssMa 'small of bacH.' gnawing or dlsffreated (etrhjr u stomach, perhaps nauMS.eNeresr rlslnn' la throat after eating, and kinocM symptoms of weak stomach and torpid llfaft no pti- rlne will relieve roe more promptly or ci,s I "nv'.iH frCfWanehtlv bn D-tor llerce-ll en Med'fsl Ilcovary. Ferhape only Father Serman of Chicago. ; In presenting the Catholic view of the church to non-cathoiica , in carrying on the work, he is to deliver a series of lectures on "The Philosophy of Re ligion," Ths lectures will be delivered at St. Mary's church, Fifteenth and Davis streeta - The subject and dates of the lectures follow: May B, Ths Soul's Bridegroom"; May t. "Man's Placs In Nature"; May 1J. "Who Is Chrlstr; May 15, "Ths Rock of Faith"; May 1, "What About the Blbler; May 21, "Woman's Worth"; May , "Why I Am a Cathollo"; May Z9. "The Road to Rome"; June J,- "The Dlvlna Banquet"; June 8, "Ths Royal Remedy for Evil." . , COST MUCH MORE ; FOR MAINTENANCE i . ..".." : ' . ' . . . ; . Parks of City B Expensive to Keep Up If Bonding Bill la Favored v by the Feople. "If the people should pass the bill providing for the purchase of - parks costing 11,000,000 we shall have to make a larger appropriation for their malnten anoe," said Park Commissioner Lang, In a warning tone, to the park board. "We snail navs to do it and there is no way of getting out of It," concluded Mr. Lang. "The bigger appropriation must be made If ths bill should carry," said Mayor Lena After a short discussion the board decided to await the action of the peo ple, ana it tec ue matter rest. . Upon motion of Mr. Lang all Infested fruit treea on publio streets were or dered cut down, and a portion of Colum bla park was ordered placed In shape for the school children of the Peninsula. The board decided to begin the band concerts in June. . Fifty-will be given during the season.. The city fund amounts to $4,000, but it Is believed the railways and private subscribers - will give $3,000 more. Commissioners Wtl son and Lang will have charge of the concerts. - . , OAK GROVE PLANS TO CELEBRATE THE FOURTH Lower Rates on Streetcars Have Been Promised by Com- . V pany. r' ' Preparations are nnder way at Oak Orovs for a celebration and , picnio tb be held July 4. A committee, wss ap pointed for that purpose Thursday even ing by the Oak Orovs Improvement as sociation. It includes a. H.' Hanson, chairman; Mra. Bentley. Mr. Cook. Mr. Harris and Charles Rlsley. Ths Homs Telephone company has es tablished a station at Oak Grove and Is setting poles for a complete system In that district. - Telephone service has been a. subject of 'considerable discus sion at Oak Grove and so far the resi dents bavs been unable to obtain satis factory ssrvlce.1- , - ' x Another ; needed accommodation - Is - a readjustment of passenger rates to Oak Grove by the Oregon water Fower & Railway company. . General Manager F. L Fuller has promised 'relief as soon sa ths board . of directors ' can come to gether. Cash fare to Oak Grove from the city is 15 cents nd a reduction to 10 cents Is asked, while the compute' tloo rates will probably be reduced from cents- to S centa John F. Carroll was present and de livered a sohort but Interesting talk be fore the association. ft part of lb abovs niytouls will be preseat . et one time and yst point to torpid liver or biliousness and wsak stomach. Avoid all hot bread and biscuit griddle cakes snd .other Indigestible food and take the "Golden i Medical Discovery " regularly sad stick to Its nss until you are vigorous sad strong. .- Ths Discovery" Is non-sscrst noa-slco- hollo. Is a glycsrle extract of native medici nal roots with a full list of Its Ingredients printed on each bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. Its Ingredlsnts are endorsed and extolled by the most eminent medics' writers of the see and are recommended V curs ths diseases for which It Is advised, . Don't accept substitute of unknown . tomposltlon for this non-secret mcdius 4" nwow ."- -"nog- MENINGITIS CAUSE . , OF THREE DEATHS Advertising Solicitor, Young Boy , and , Mrs. J. E. Wilkerson the Victims. There were three nor deaths from i spinal meningitis yesterday. No new cases are reported today. Fierce Mo Murphy of 160 Fourteenth street, aged ' 10 vears, dlsd at St Vincent's hospital yesterday morning. He was brought In May I and died Mar I. He was a streetcar advertising solicitor. . ' . j Roger Ruhl of SOS owell street, aged 14 yeara died of meningitis at the fam ily residence at 1 o'clock yesterday sXt-1 srnnon. Hs wss taken sick Monday and despite the efforts , of the physicians died in agony. , j .; ,' Mra John B, Wilkerson, aged S? years, died at St Vincent's hospital at 10 1 o'clock last night Her, home was at SS4 Twenty-sixth street and she was taken to the hospital yesterday morning. BISHOP TH0BURN TO SPEAK OF INDIA MISSIONS ' Bishop J. M. Thoburn will address ths City Ministerial, association, next Mon day, May s. at 10:30 a. m- at the T. M. C. A. SubJeot,.The Latest News From the Field." The bishop tst a . veteran missionary, and will speak. with author ity In rerard to the missionary Drocress ! in India. Inasmuch as the mission text 1 1 book for all denominations this year is "The Christian Conquest of India," by Bishop Thoburn, It has been decided to Invite all Bible schools of floors, young people's presidents, missionary commit tees, mission study teachers and all members of study classes to attend the meeting Monday morning. ' : j Fred large. T. Merrill for oonncllman-t Y. W.C. A. PLANS TO MEET OUTDOORS Sunday Afternoon Gatherings to Be Given in Open Air Dor -'ing Summer. . - The "Sunday at home" at the T. 'W, r-i; rooms is to be addressed by ur. Clarence True Wilson on the ' euoject The Palm Tree and Its Lessons.". The T. -W. C. A. Mandolin olub will play a number of selections. Miss Mabel Mil lie and Mrs., W. B. Haseltlne wiU sing. Mrs. J. a Haseltlne is to bs hostess for ths day. All young women are welcome. The hours for the program and social features are from 4 to S o'clock. The committee In charge of the T. W. C. A. "at home" met last night at the boms of Mrs. H. N. Scott to make plans for the summer. ... It was decided to hold Out ef door affairs during ths summer season. Miss Jacob -Kamm has offered ths fir grove at ths head of Main street on Fourteenth for this use. Some de lightful programs are being planned and these are expected to be even more at tractive to younr women than the sus ceesful ons of last summer given at the same place. The first program Will bs M'MIIMNVILLE GIRLS - . GIVE POPULAR CONCERT i - .-iii - i47.;- The McMInnvtlie Ladles' Glee club, ssslsted by Mrs.- M. D., Warren, soloist, and Mra IL Wyse Jones, reader, gave a popular concert at the White Temple last night to a larxe audience. JThe pro gram rendered, was' an excellent one and won merited applause for each number. The McMlnnvllle Glee club Is recognised as one of the best, trained organizations In the state and a chance to listen to their programs is counted as a treat by all those who know the class, of their work.- The organization Is composed of ths following -young ladies:: Director, Mrs, Carrie Caaler Potter;: first . so pranos, Lenore Beltters, Maude Graves snd May Webster; second sopranos, Genevieve Graves, Frances Estes and Clare- Nielson: first altos., Ethel Ford, Estella Tilbury and Grace -Henderson; second altos, Miriam Hull, Mabel Bowler and Lottie Pengra . - , 1 Henry B. Howell, one of the founders of the Republican TrtylaNew' Jersey, and at whose house the meeting for the organization of the party was held. Is stui living, naie and hearty in Trenton. If he lives until next September he will be so years old. , . ' COCKROACHES;. Easy to Get Slid of Taos rests with , , Steams' Xlsotrlo rests. '" Put Stearns' Electric Rat and Roach Paste in sinks and on the-heive. a.ni In the morning you can sweep up a pan ful of dead roaches. This remarkable exterminator la the only one on the market where- your money . is returned if it fails to si ve aa 1 1 af action. Much better than mi. ders, as It does not blow away; also aruaranteed to kill off rats, mice and other vermin, v " Insist noon getting Stearns' Elertrto n.t mil Roach Paste, r it Is the nnlv guaranteed exterminator sold, driving rats and mice out of doors to die, and completely noami u nouie or cocK roaches, water bugs, bed buga- arid other, vermin. Be sur to get fiteains' I Paste, the only "Moneyback". vermin de- j stroyer.- -i i-i.;1--) Stearns' Electiic Taste Is sold bv druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price. 2 oz. dox zua, ih oi nox ii.oo, htearns' Electric Pasts Cou B'ufTiilo.. N. M;mM. Low Pressure Arc A Gasoline Lamp t AJALON Strength Durability , Neatness - "akv 500 CANDLE : POWER Indoors and Outdoors 1 Incandescent Gasoline Lamps. Gasoline and - Gas Mantles and . . Suppllea -.. El ectrio Globe Fixtures and: -;; .-. - - ( Suppllea - IL IV. MANNING LIGHTING . & SUPPLY CO.4 v 43 Third SV Sst, Fins and Asi. ' : FOSTXAV9, OB. ''". Vhone Mala 8311 Antomatlo AS311 1 .ji,.E In rcdnse to m CoosolM t , - TIilBfflle One more dayat As we announced yesterday, we shall keep our office open Sunday for the accornmo-. , dation of many persons who work all day, receiving their pay late this evening, and who desire to own at least a few shares of the Butte Boy s stock. -- - But never Boys SharesTje sold at 10c each We shall be greatly mistaken if they are not sell- -ing at $5 each before 18 months and double this sum before six months later. In all our adver tisements we have referred to other stocks and their increased valueTeofuse it is impossible to accurately determine the value of a new mine, but .: Money in Mining Stocks ' SB tnvaatad la sjoldfleld Vahairk thares' st fint hands would bow be worth 3.400. - (10 invMtad la OoMfteM Mohawk bares-St flrnt hands would SOW be worth I6.S0O. 2 la rested In OoIdTMd Mohawk shares st flrat bands would sow bs worth f lt.SOO. 40 tnTMtad is OoldflsM Mohswk ihaiss St flrat hands would sow bs worth $2T,90O. S80 iDTSStad to OoldflsM Mohawk shares at flrat hands would sow bs worth SS4.400. 100 lnrosud tn Goldlaid Mohswk (haras st first hands would sow bs worth S68,00O. -' HBO Invsatod la GoldfMd Mohawk shsrss st first hasdj wouM sow bs worth $102,000. . $200 larasttd far OoldflsM Mohswk shares St first hands would sow bs worth f 1SS.00O. - , 400 toTSstcd In OoMOsM Mohswk share at first hands would now bs worth $371,000. SCO Invsstsd In Ooldtleld Mohawk shsrss at first hands would now bs worth 1340,000. 1,000 famstsd la OoMfleld Mohswk shares St first hand would now be worth 680,000. (2.000 torsstsd la OoMtlsM Mohswk shsrss st first hands would now bs worth (1,860,000. -- Tn a bars Is tbs record ef the Mohswk, aad ens of the operators ef that srsat sain Se elarss that our ores are counterparts of bis st the same depth frosa the surfse of ths (round, and he eaa sse -reason why our mine snouM aot pro tb susl of hla is arsry rsspset. Ws shall rsjoks, Indeed, whan tbs time shall om that ws ars PSflnf such dsodIs that their stock bs worth (IT per share, tbs pries tbs Uo- dlrMsnd to ear wlU hawk's Is sslllsr for at this tun. Ws bar manr food friends anons those who bar tn traatsd la out paper, and ther- will not bs a whit happier tbsa on ran Iras wbas tbr rscairs tbslr pletnorie, cbscks. ;;-! -:,-.J. -V How Mininar Shares Advance InnaoMrabls taeUnras of snornou profits are rsoordsd hi- Dhilns hlatorr. The Bines of the 000 la gold and aurar, and era Ooautock tods hare produced nearly (680.000.- i sou asaras- fortunss for tb stockhoMers. Ths stock mt ths TWloos com pan tes operatlne thai adrssesd from a few dollars to isduious prices. Crows Point roes to (1.87S per share; Best sod Bslehsr from 60 cents to (1.&SO; Cattfornls adranced from (1.29 to (70S: ConsoUdatsd Tlriinla from 11 cents to (60. (100 tnesstsd is UBol stock a few rears aro has sines ssd a rains of 200.000. snd has paid nsarlr (40.000 In divi dends. Stock of the . Bern Mtnlas Companr sdvancsd from 80 cants a share to (30 Per share la seven months. Granite Mountain stock sdTsncad from 10 cents to (78 per shar m two rears aad hs paid orer 14.O00.00O divi dends. ' Tb Indspsndent ailn ef Crlppht Creek wss located a a prospect in 1891. A few rears later, after barbf paid several millions la dividends. It was sold to sn English sjrndleste tor Sl0.000.000. Ths-orlslnsl Tonooah mine wss locstsd ss a prospect la 1801. It has sine produced 10,000,000 and its atock I now selling oa a basis of (15,000,000 for the mln. Ther Is Krw,rer 100,000,000 worth of or We positively believe liiat Ge Balle Boy wlU develop la(o a proposition of " lie firsl nijiiiiaSe - - - ' . '? ' -v'' -- , , .'''.'; V f Because so far as developed all indications point ; that way. Our , assays have run from $24 for - surface rock along up to a little over $2,600 and down again to $390.28, $81.03, etc .If we shall average $20 ore bur mine will be a paying prop- . osition o profitable that, magnificent dividends will accrue still we believe that we shall see the Butte Boys in the splendid company of the Mohawk, Nancy Donaldson, Jumbo, the Flor '. ence Combination and others of that class.' , The Goldfield News of April 27 tells of a strike ' on : k the Cbrnishman that assays $120,000 to' the ton : and speaks of strikes being made all around us. . The Nancy Donaldson, less than 500 feet from ' where our shaft Is sinking, the paper says, "has k started to put down a new and larger shaft," so ; that it can produce still larger results than was -possible before. The Happy Hunch, also right .. - up against us, the same paper says, has just -made some exceedingly rich .strikes and as for ourselves we feel that we require only greater depth tb.be immediately ranked with these noted properties.' - Our shaft,- down only about 75 feet, ' will sink more rapidly after we have established our gasoline hoist, which will be done within the next two weeks. ' ' x ' Osr President ssd Klaasser uUl deparl'Ircn , : Pertlsad oa Uosday to tsstsll ' . : ) ' V to tntftet , ; . . and to otherwise Improve the plant that devel opment may be the more speedily accomplished, t Tomorrow, however, will be the last day to procure stock at 10c ' If we shall sell any at all thereafter it will be at '15 cents. We may not have a lingle-" share leftjL It looks now like we would not. v - '' , ! actually blocked out and la sight la ths I. bi issdvius aiatrjct nss pr comparatively few Teaas over (300.000,000. produced prop, td m The mines of Ortppls Creek 'have produced 100,. 000,000 In gold since ISfll. Ths LsBol mln wss sold entire is 1800 for (li.60. It has since old on a basis ef (10,000,000, and the stock advanced from cents -to (AO per shirs, snd said as high as 6,000 per ent oa ths first coat. fctaij (CD)iipaiy Inrornnrntpil OF PORTLAND, OREGON- Wealherly Building 360 L Morrison St., Wear Union Ave. Capital, $1,000,00 J Incorporated Under the Laws of . ' Oregon c; "': -..'... "SSBBBSsSBSSsSsBaBBB -ri.'. Telephone East 773 . OfTICERS AND OIRLCTORS: DR. M. O. McCORKLE, President. ... Portland, Oregon GEORGE W. BEVER, Vke-Pres. and Mgr. Portland, Or. F. W. McKECHNIE, Secretary Portland, Oregon A. W. LAMBERT, Treasurer. ,....... Portland, Oregon O. W. WEATHERLX. ... . ......Portland. Oregon CHARLES MAUTZ Portland, Oregon D. W. FAIRCLOUGH. Portland, Oregon v w ths last Sunday. In June. - . - ...c X. .(fonnerlv Chicago, II.). , . .